Airport next to the beach in Thailand. The most unusual airport in the world (video)

There are places on the planet, where the planes are sitting very close to people, and where they can be captured in a photo or camcorder. This occupation in the commoner is called Spotting, although Spotting is a whole hobby and photographing of flying cars only part of it. So, for spanking, the beach with airplanes on Phuket, where I somehow went. He himself is not a spotter, but I liked it - he felt how many-skinned Mahina flies over her head, very unusual impressions. Still, I love not classic sights, but something like.

You will be on Phuket, go be sure to. There and go very long on the beach, and it will be interesting if you have never seen this.

On the map you could see that near the shore and the airport there national Park Sirinat. Usually in Natparks there is something more interesting or, at a minimum, beautiful: jungle, trails, types, mountains, waterfalls, and so on. But in sorinate there is nothing, he is no. And that strangely, the garbage is enough on its territory, what is it then NC Park ... visually reminds just a small forest through which the thais will be blown on the bikes and cars in their affairs. Yes, there are a couple of places for picnics, but they look so so so. For me it is better to go to that part of Naya Young (), where there is no national park and there is no car movement.

So in the National Park itself should not go. However, if you want to walk to the beach with airplanes, then you will have to cross it.

Information for visiting

On the beach of Phuket, where airplanes are sitting, you can get from two sides: on the sides of Najang and from May Kao. I went from the side of Najang (and for some reason a lot of people walk), but it seems visually that with May Kao will be much faster.

Karoch, if from the side of Yangang you will go, then you will need NC Park sirinat cross. Faster to do it in the northern part of it, where closest to the airport. The input and parking space will be about this hotel (you can view and location on the link). Then it will stay 1 km in the sand.

Entrance to the park is 100 baht. But they take as far as I understood, only for transport, not with hiking.

There is a lot on our planet unique places, and one of them is located in Phuket - this is the beach located in close proximity to landing strip. In this area of \u200b\u200bthe sea coast on the beach of May Khao (Nai Yang), you can capture the take-off and chase aircraft in a photo or video and admire an unusual view.

Especially since today there is such a direction in the photo as Spotting. This passion has become an exciting hobby of many lovers of shooting unusual situations and objects. Selfie fans who visited this country necessarily choose the beach on the coast in Phuket, where they sit above the head of the aircraft.

In essence, the air transport sits 100 meters from the coastline, due to the perpendicularly located runway. Beach segment, which is located in front of the airport, is an open and unguarded place. Thus, any traveler can be visited here. Everyone agrees that the spectacle of the aircraft whipping over the head and the power of this iron car, weighing a few hundred tons, simply fascinate and make the heart beat rapidly.

Pay attention! Remember that planting an aircraft is a complex technical process. When visiting this beach should be extremely careful, since the warm air flows from the air transport turbines are able to literally knock down.

Beach location May Khao

If you flew to Phuket, then find the beach May Khao will be easy. As already mentioned above, it is located in the immediate vicinity of the airport in the northeast of the island.

The beach itself is a fairly long sand strip, the length of which is 11 kilometers. Previously, it was a favorite location of the nesting of the leathery turtles, which were put on their eggs here. Today is the developed part of the sea coast with the usual, but quite humble infrastructure for tourists.

We also note that the place where the beach is located, resting on which you can enjoy the gorgeous spectacle of taking up airplanes, located within the borders of the National Park, sirinat. Therefore, in addition to the main attraction, tourists will be able to get wonderful impressions of exotic landscapes, unique Flora And the fauna, which is so famous than Thailand.

Beach features

Near the beach travelers will not detect cafes and restaurants familiar to most resorts. Nevertheless, this area does not lose popularity, because its main advantage is that tourists and vacationers can capture how the aircraft will land.

  • The beach does not provide for a special rescue service;
  • Directly, the shore itself is not suitable for recreation and bathing with children due to a problem uneven bottom, unsafe for kids;
  • On this beach, as a rule, few umbrellas and sun beds, such equipment is provided on the territory of hotels;
  • Having gathered to the beach, be sure to take sunscreen with you, because there are no protective canopies on the coast.

It can be said that the beach is not the best place For those who are used to comfortable holiday, shopping, nightlife and entertainment. However, this is the popular part of the island for people who loving the thrill.

In the afternoon in May Khao, almost always crowded, everyone seeks to catch an unusual frame. If you need to spend a professional photo session, then it is better to come to 9 am or after 19 pm. Airplanes will fly over the beach as low, but other tourists will not be present in the pictures.

Favorable weather when the sea costs the sea, lasts in this place from November to April. At this time, take a picture of a low-fat airliner against the background of a cloudless sky will be easier. Although prices for hotels below from May to October.

You can see fluttering planes not every day, it is directly related to weather conditions. After all, it is precisely depending on the wind, the airliners choose the place of landing. But the takeoff of the aircraft occurs only in one direction - above the beach. The liners fly so low that you can feel the heat of turbines and the vibration of the air from their work. The gusts of the wind sometimes take the clothes and sneakers of tourists, and also raise piles of sand and seashells into the air. The guards constantly distinguishes the most curious from fences, which begins the airport. Therefore, it is better not to fit straight to the fence.

How to get to May Khao

Although the beach and an unusual airport are located nearby, it is impossible to move freely from one to another territory. Get to this place the coast in order to capture flying near the airbuses, can be several ways.

The best option to get from the airport to the beach is a taxi (highway 402). Public transport It rarely walks. From the highway, the path lies through the National Park of Sirinat or Hotel Centara. Pay attention to the fact that for owners vehicle There is a fee for entry into the park, which is about 100 baht.

Another option is to go through the aquapark located in the southern part. If you arrived on rental transport, then you will be left to leave. The water park has parking. You can also order a transfer to the beach with cargo and passenger aircraft flying in Phuket.

As the above mentioned, the beach May Khao is not the best place for shopping and entertainment. Although here you can make some purchases in the turtle village (food, beverages, souvenirs). The main attraction is the form of how airplanes land.

Nearest entertainment Center It is an hour's drive from the beach. Note that due to the fact that May Khao is part of the National Park, this beach is closed for all types of plaquinity equipped with engines, including scooters.

That is, May Khao is the perfect place for people who love thrills (photo of aircraft near), as well as those who came to relax and enjoy the exotic nature, walking for a long time sea shore Or enjoying bright and juicy landscapes of the National Park.

Climate and attractions

On the beach, travelers can not only take a picture of the airliners, but also enjoy natural features of this island.

Vacationers can take advantage of small shops located along the coast. As a rule, near each of them there is an outdoor area with a pair of tables, which can be sitting with friends and drink soft drinks.

Another landmark of this island is interesting. unique beachwhere airplanes fly - this is a help fund of homeless cats and dogs (SOI Mai Khao., 10). As a rule, visitors to this place are a pair of children who want to play with animals. Pet content here are very worthy here, and the entrance is free, and excursions can observe exotic animals at any time.

In 2017, Phuket entered the top three among the islands, which prefer to hold their holidays tourists. Here you can see not only how airliners fly or fly away, but also a lot of other attractions.

May Khao is a place where you can get a lot of impressions from flying over the heads of airliners. But for leisurely resting on the sea coast it is better to choose other beaches on the island.


It goes here for indescribable acute sensations, because literally 10-20 meters above the beach and tourists with a rumble of giant airliners come to landing. Dangerous, but fascinating spectacle!

Maho Beach is located very close to Princess Juliana International Airport.

Because of the short length of the runway (2,180 meters), the aircraft are forced to land as close as possible to its beginning, flying right above the heads of vacationers at an altitude of 10-20 meters from the ground.

This beach is of great popularity among the amateurs of sharp sensations and photographers who want to capture the low-fat giant airliner.

In all bars of the beach, Maho Beach are installed here such signs with the schedule of arriving flights:

There are warning signs that air jets from jet engines of aircraft can discard into the sea, wound or even kill. But it stops little:

On average, only every 4th landing the plane can create a strong impact of wind with its reactive engines. Then the rest comes out in disadvantage:

Despite the complex conditions for planting, not a single crash has not yet been fixed.

Extreme lovers seek to be right above the landing airliner. And this landing one of the largest passenger aircraft in the world - Boeing 747:

It is difficult to believe that this is not a photomontage, but real photos:

A source

The plane emerged because of the cloud and began to decline. In a couple of minutes it was already quite close, literally fifty meters above his head. The whole picture around suddenly became some kind of fabulous and unreal. Turquoise ocean, this deserted beach with yellow sand - and the plane is so close that you want to jump and get it with your hand ... Today everything about the beach near the airport on Phuket, many photos, map and our reviews.

Spectacular beaches near airports are very popular with tourists. Remove a couple of photos against the background of marine lazuries and a giant steel car in the sky tries to make every self-respecting traveler adventure. Tourists at different resorts of the world occupy such sand groces near the resort airports, to enjoy the landing of the aircraft with all the world. On Phuket, everything is wrong. The beach near the airport is called May Kao - and he is deserted. And such oblivion is completely undeserved, because there are wonderful clean water, large yellow sand and excellent views.

If you look at the map of Phuket, the airport will be in the left top of the map - in the north-west of the island. It is quite close to the bridge, which connects Phuket with the mainland, but rather far from the most popular resorts - Beach Patong, Karon and Kata. During our wintering, we lived in the center of the island in the village of Katu. We went to the beach to the airport on the bike, the road occupied about 40-50 minutes. At the end of the post there will be a card with marks, you can estimate the distance to the beach from different points of Phuket.

You can get to the beach in two ways. The first: Parked in the southern part in front of the airport and walk closer to the take-off strip of ten minutes. The second way is better: for the airport, turn on a narrow road between the airport and the nearest resort and go straight to the northern part of the beach. From there to the strip go about five minutes, no more.

Beach May Kao is very long, with a length of about nine kilometers. He and the neighboring Naya Yang beach are part of National Park Sirinat. Somewhere in the north of National Park from November to February, eggs are laying sea turtle. There is also a center for learning amphibians.

The beach section near the airport is good for swimming. The entrance to the water is gradual, on the bottom of the sand, the water is clean, transparent. Small waves do not interfere at all. May Kao will be sufficiently comfortable and children.

We were on May Kao in February, and there were no jellyfish in the water, in contrast, for example, Kamala Beach, on which it was problematic to swim at this time.

There is absolutely no infrastructure on the beach in front of the airport. Water is sold in the neighboring resort, and the umbrella and the litter is better to bring their own. There are no trees right near the take-off strip, so the tenaks need to build yourself. However, north of the airport begins a strip of coniferous trees, and there is quite comfortable.

Beach May Kao is a great place for photo shoots because there are very few people around and no one flashes in the frame.

Now about aircraft. Phuket has its own international airport. Charters and regular flights from all over the world arrive here. There are many aircraft, flying often, although you can watch a small calm in the afternoon. We noted for ourselves that there are solid landings in the morning. Airplanes land almost one after another. After a noon, a break of an hour for two or three, and in the evening the ups begin.

Schedule of landing and aircraft takeoffs - information publicly available. If you want to plan a good photo session in advance, go to the site of the Phuket airport and print the schedule.

Beach hotels near Phuket Airport:

Town near the beach May Kao quiet and calm, without a raven nightlife. There are small markets and small grocery stores, with dozen cafes and restaurants. Not far from the airport there is a splash jungle water park. If you want to settle right near the beach May Kao, you can choose one of several nearest hotels.

Chic Centara Grand West Sands Resort & Villas Phuketfrom good reviews from married couples. The hotel has a children's club, a huge pool, several restaurants. Guests praise large spacious rooms and cleanly equipped territory. Next to the hotel Water Park. The price of the room is from $ 100 per day.

If you are afraid of aircraft noise, you can settle a little further north of the airport. There is Luxury 2 Bedroom Private Pool Villa. Luxury accommodation, it is better to book in advance, as the villa is very popular.

Hotel Maikhao.DreamVilla.Resort &SPAPhuket. Failure to families with children. Pool directly on the beach, comfortable sun beds, spa, sophisticated restaurants, large rooms with kitchens. Prices from 120 dollars per night.

Incredible facts

The most incredible airport is located on Sint Martin Island in the Caribbean Sea. The oddity of this airport is that airplanes, entering the landing, fly in meters above the beach with vacationers there tourists, and the tunched strip itself begins very close to the shore.

Looking at the photo of the landing Boeing and Airbasov, it may seem that this is just a joke of lovers to play with Photoshop, but the reality is as follows: the territory of the island is so small, and wishing to come here so much that you have to save place.

The slightest pilot error, and can be in the water.

Airplanes enter the landing, aless of a serene rest of holidaymakers.

The airport was built to serve Sint Martin. In eastern Caribbean region This airport is the second by workload.

Runway Very small and starts only 12 meters from the beach, having a length of only 2180 meters.

Fortunately, there were no reports of any catastrophes in the area of \u200b\u200bthis dangerous airport.

Those who fear acute sensations will prefer the other, less "nervous place" to relax.

1) Airport on Caribbean island Saba. The runway of this airport is in sufficient strange place: on both of her ends - cliffs. However, the pilot pilot is worth noting the plane in the right place if there is at least some runway.

Similar situation is observed on island Madeira where the scope is available on one side of the strip. Some time ago, this airport used bad glory, as he had a too short runway, which was clamped on one side by the mountains, and on the other - the ocean. Later the band was expanded and increased its size halve, setting the bridge with the colon on one side.

Mountain Airport

2) Courchevel Airport (France). Courchevel - title ski resort in french Alpswho is annually visited by hundreds of thousands of tourists. The easiest way to get to these places is to take a plane.

Do you think that in the mountains it is impossible to build an airport? You can, albeit a bit strange. Kursavel Airport has a very short runway - only 525 meters long, and with a bias of 18.5 degrees!

3) Barra Airport - The only airport in the world, where airplanes land right on the beach. Barra Island is one of the Isles of the Archipelago External Hebrid Islands, which belong to the UK.

The runway in these places is actually no, and the planes are sitting directly to the beach. Due to the tides once a day, this strange airport in the literal sense is immersed under water. Is it worth saying that resting on this beach is prohibited?

Unusual airport on the island

4) international Airport Kansai. The Japanese city of Osaka occupies a whole island. Since the Japanese can not boast of large spaces, and each land block matters, they had to build an airport, before building an island for him.

The artificial island consists of two parts, the length of its greater part is 4 kilometers, and the width of the island is 2.5 kilometers. This island is a real masterpiece of engineering thought. Unfortunately, due to global warming and raising the world's level of this artificial island Thunders flooding.

See also: