Palace of Dalai Lama in Lhasa. Potala Palace - ancient architecture

Palace Potala in Tibet

Potala Palace - the highest ancient castle In the world, located at an altitude of 3767 meters. Potala Palace is a huge Buddhist temple complex, occupying 360 thousand m 2 and consisting of two parts: a red palace, like a center, and the White Palace, like two wings. The same palace is 115 meters - this is 13 floors.Potted several centuries was the main residence of Tibetan Dalai Lama. Now it is sacred place Thousands of pilgrims and tourists attract to themselves. Located on the Red Mountain in the center of Lhasa Potala - the largest monumental structure in all Tibet, the ancient palace of the world. The word "Potala" means "Mystical Mountain".

Once in the walls of this huge palace, surrounded by silence and calm, recreated the religious ruler of Tibet. The centuries-old calm was violated in 1959 by the invasion of Chinese troops in Tibet, as a result of which Dalai Lama XIV was forced to leave the country and received political asylum in India, where it is still.

The first building on the site of the current palace was built in 637 Tibet's king Songzen Gampo, who decided to build a small palace over the cave F-Wan, where he usually meditated. After some time, the king came to mind the idea to make Lhasa with the capital, so on the site of the old building, a large palace was erected, which significantly expanded after Songscene Gampo wound with the Chinese princess Wen Cheng- By order of the king, the building of the palace was expanded to 999 rooms, and the high walls with the towers were built around it and rolled up the bypass canal.

Unfortunately, since almost everything in those days was built from a tree, who was not an exception to the palace could not survive a strong thunderstorm in the second half of the 7th century, during which Zipper got into it, and the fire began to burn all the wooden buildings. What remains of the palace has finally equalized the Earth's Earth Wars - only the Pabalakan Hall and Fa-Wan Cave lived to our time..

Palace Potala, who we see today, began to be built only in 1645, during the reign of the fifth Dalai Lama.k 1648 the White Palace was built. Red Palace, added in 1694. More than 7,000 workers and 1500 artists and artisans worked on its construction. In 1922, the 13th Dalai Lama repaired many chapels and halls in the White Corps and made changes to Red.

After completion in 1648, the White Palace was placed here the Winter Residence of the Dalai Lama. In the solar pavilion of the White Palace, the ruler lived and worked, and in the Great Eastern Pavilion received guests and conducted a solemn ceremony. White walls symbolize peace and quiet. The halls are decorated with beautiful frescoes and paintings. There is also a statue of Potala, the most respected artifact attracting thousands of Tibetan tourists. It is completely covered with a gravy gold total weight of 550 kg. and inlated in a tent of thousands of precious stones. The remaining burial stupas, significantly inferior in size, but also decorated with a huge amount of gold and jewels.

The Great Eastern Hall on the fourth floor of 725 m.KV. There was a venue for important religious and political ceremonies.From three sides he is surrounded by three chapels: in the east, in the north and in the south. The caves of Dharma and Holy Chapel are the only preserved buildings of the VII century with the statues of Songscene Gampo, Princess Wen Cheng and Princess Bhrikuti inside.

The heart of the complex is the Red Corps (which was built from 1690 to 1694) - the highest part in the center. This part is fully devoted to religious education and Buddhist prayers. The building consists of a variety of halls, chapels and libraries on several levels with gallery and winding corridors. Richly decorated with painting, precious stones and carvings, it contains several temples and tombs of eight past Dalai Lam, including Pagoda from 200,000 pearls.

Palace Potala occupies the entire hill on which it is located. The property is a huge structure stretched to the entire hill, still amazes both travelers and tourists and Buddhist and pilgrims themselves.

In the set of halls are stored innumerable treasures, there are stupes of Dalai Lam and many high teachers, many buddhas and deities. Particularly impressive volumetric tantric mandalas:


Gushiasamadja Mandala

Yamantaka Mandala

Kalachakra Mandala

Schools of Buddhist logic, seminary, typography, gardens, yards and even prison are in Potala. For more than 300 years, the ancient palace keeps many cultural relics, such as frescoes, stupes, statues, tanks and rare sutras. Of particular importance is the Fa-Wan cave, in which even before the construction of the building was read by the sacred texts of the king Songszn Gampo.

In 1994, Potala Palace was listed World Heritage UNESCO and named one of the new seven wonders of the world. Today, the complex is visited daily by thousands of Tibetan pilgrims and travelers from around the world.

And so Potala looks at night

Approximately knew that there is a huge palace on Tibet. I decided that you need to get acquainted with him closer. Come together.

Potala - unique ancient palace In Lhasa, located at an altitude of 3767 meters above sea level. No palace of the world is located so high as Potala. The palace received its name from the name sacred Mountain, located in India, where, according to legend, Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvar (Guanin) lives.

The first wooden Palace Potala on the slope of the Red Mountain was built in the 7th century for the niece of the Tansky Emperor Wen Cheng, who came to Tibet in order to be married to the Tibetan Prince of Sronzanbambo (617-650). Wen Cheng captivated the ruler with his beauty and mind, and he ordered to build a palace for her. The Tanning Princess is the most famous and revered woman on Tibet, which has enormous influence on the development of this region. She taught local residents Grow vegetables, grind flour, distilted wine and alcohol and, most importantly, introduced them to Buddhism, which has already been widespread throughout China. With its help, the prince of Sronzanbambo created an administrative and military system in Tibet.

1939 year

However, in the 8th century, the Palace with 999 rooms was destroyed by lightning and internecine wars, and only in the 17th century, by order of the fifth Dalai Lama (1617-1682), the palace was restored, after which the planning of the construction was no longer changed. Since then, Potala serves as a sacred residence of Dalai Lam, a religious center and a place where Tibet is managed.

The Palace Square occupies 360,000 sq.m., height is 119 meters. In total, there are 9 floors in the palace, although it seems from the street that their 13, and more than 2,000 rooms. The majestic trapezoid facilities of the palace are built directly on the slope of the mountain and painted in white and red. The walls of the palace are made of granite, and the windows and roofs are made of wood. Interior rooms are illuminated with oil lamps, and the halls are decorated with silk ribbons and sutra. Palace is despicable in typical Tibet architectural style And is the most majestic and vivid creation of Tibetan architects and masters. Palace Potala- Ancient And the most famous palace in China is called "pearl on the roof of the world."

the pole consists of two main parts - the Red Palace in the center and two pavilions of the White Palace.
The Red Palace, or as it is also called Ponmang Marto, mainly served to carry out religious ceremonies and prayers. There are eight stories in its premises that store the particle of the relics of the Dalai Lam, numerous relics, products from valuable metals and stones. The palace characterizes the complex layout of the halls, a large number of multi-level galleries, with winding and narrow transitions.

The most spacious premises of the Red Palace is a large western hall consisting of four temples. This magnificent hall is the brightest evidence of the greatness and power of the fifth Dalai Lama. The hall is famous for its unique paintings, resembling Persian miniatures, which depict scenes from the life of the fifth Dalai Lama. Columns in the hall are wrapped with a special precious tissue from Bhutan.

In the northern part of the hall there is a sacred tomb, on the door of which in the 19th century the Chinese emperor Tun Ji was engraved with an inscription, proclaiming Buddhism "blooming field of wonderful fruits." Here is the ancient statue of Avalokiteshwara and two of his servants carved from the gemstone. Floor Below is a low dark passage leads to the cave of Fa-Vaan.

On the fourth floor of the Red Palace in the western temple there are 5 stupas of Dalai-Lam, including the stupid of the fifth Dalai Lama. Its length is almost 15 meters. The stupa was built from sandalwood, covered 3727 kg. Clean gold, decorated with 18680 pearls and precious stones. The left is placed under the stup of the twelfth Dalai Lama, and on the right - the tenth.

The tomb of the 13th Dalai Lama is west of the Grand West Hall. Here you can get only through the top floor together with monks or guides of the Palace. Built in 1933, a gigantic memorial stupa is covered with pure gold and priceless stones. Memorial stupa reaches 22 meters in height. Rich religious decoration includes elephant beaws from India, porcelain vases, miniature pagodas made from more than 200 thousand pearls. The walls are decorated with traditional Tibetan paintings, which depict events from the life of the 13th Dalai Lama.

In the pavilion of the Red Palace Shushensanziedjan installed an amazing statue of a thousand-year guanin with 11 faces.
The main buildings of the White Palace, the color of which symbolizes calm and peace, is a large oriental pavilion, a sunny pavilion, as well as residential premises for Dalai Lami teachers, trusted monks and officials. The risk premises of the large eastern pavilion were used for important ceremonies and techniques. Here is the throne of the Dalai Lama.
Sunny pavilion, located over the big oriental pavilion, served as a residential room for Dalai Lam. Here they worked.

In addition, two buildings of the 7th century were preserved in the palace, the only, not destroyed during the civil engineering - the F-Wan Cave and Pabalakan Pavilion. According to legend, in the cave King Sronzanbambo meditated and studied the sacred texts. Until now, the core has been preserved in the cave, which the king himself used.

The large-scale reconstruction of the palace, which was spent more than 6.6 million dollars, was carried out in 1989-1994. At the same time, an expensive system for monitoring premises was established to prevent fires. On December 7, 1994, the palace was included in the Heritage List of UNESCO. In 2002-2006, more than 40 million dollars were spent on the restoration of the palace. Now the palace is open for tourists and partially works as a museum.

Palace Potala is almost completely built of wood. It is illuminated with oil lamps. And the halls are decorated with silk ribbons with sutra. All this creates a danger of fire. The administration of the Palace Potal Huge attention pays to prevent incidents. Therefore, in 1994, 4.7 million yuan were invested ($ 566,000) in the installation of a 24-hour monitoring system. Thanks to the measures taken, since 1988 there was not a single fire in the palace. On December 7, 1994, the palace was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Previously never calculated how many rooms are located in the 13-storey palace. And only in 1994, the administration still decided to establish an exact number of rooms. In order to carefully explore the palace, the specialists needed as many as five years, longer than the restoration of the building itself. Potala is a huge treasury of ancient relic. Here is the sacred stupa 5th of Dalai Lama (1617-1682), made of 5.5 kg of gold and a huge number of precious stones.

The Chinese government has invested 4.9 million yuan in the protection system of the palace from the fire. At the first stage of the project, from 1989 to 1994, 53 million yuan was spent (6.4 million US dollars) and several tons of gold on the restoration of the potala. Before that, for 300 years, the Palace's full-time reconstruction was carried out. There are many cultural property on Tibet. Since the 50s of the 20th century, the Chinese government spent 200 million yuan to preserve cultural monuments In Tibet. Historians, specialists in ancient architecture and geologists conducted research to compile a plan to preserve the Potala.

The second stage of the recovery project was completed in 2006. The focus at this stage will be given to the "Snow Town" at the foot of the Red Hill. By 2001, more than 300 families settled in a snowy town, where Tibetan knew to know. At the first stage, the red and white Potala Palaces restored, the premises were cleaning from rats, the sewer system was installed. To preserve the appearance of the palace, specialists appealed to the traditional construction technique. For example, they covered the roof of the oil layer to make it waterproof. This technology is used by the time of the century, Tibetans used. However, when using the roof oil, during a rainstorm, when the rammed land, from which they are made, began to dissolve. At the second stage, a special chemical substance added to the rammed land, which will not allow the roof to pass water. Special attention was given to wooden structures. They were treated with a substance that scares rats. But new technologies did not hurt ancient design Palace. The purpose of the reconstruction was not to change the initial appearance. Special measures were taken to preserve statues, manuscripts and other values. From the palace, huge statues in multi-layered robes, wooden frames, canvas and metal sheets. During construction, they were kept under the supervision of monks. During the work, no of 100,000 art items were damaged. In the second stage of the project, which began in 2002, specialists abandoned the use of cement for the roof, instead, were used chemicals. Thus, they avoided the destruction of ancient design.

The first buildings appeared here in the VII century, but the current appearance of Potala acquired only in the XVI-XVII centuries. The palace was built from 641 to 17th century. In 1645, the construction of the first, the lower part of the Potala began - the White Palace (Porang Carpo). The nine-story building was completed 3 years later, and in 1649 the fifth Dalai Lama moves from Drepung to his new residence.

White Palace He was a place where the courtiers were held before, there were reception halls, storerooms, etc. They say, here and now treasures are kept, weapons, as well as sacred books and archives that the Tibetan kings and Dalai Lama collected for centuries. However, it is impossible to check it out - tourists are allowed only to several rooms. In addition, photographing inside these premises is strictly prohibited.

Central part of the complex - Red Palace (Pochang Marpi) Red-brown, like clothing in Lam, colors. Here were the apartments of the Dalai Lama, the main Lamisian shrines, the tomb (sombugans) of the Dalai Lam, starting with the fifth.

The circumstances of the construction of the upper red palace, larger in size, and to this day remain the subject of disputes. It is just known that the fifth Dalai Lama died in 1682, and his death was hidden until the end of the construction of the Red Palace in 1694, that is, for 12 years. According to some reports, the work was started by the regent, which was ruled by Tibet from 1679 to 1703. According to other data, the Red Palace was conceived by the fifth Dalai Lama as a mausoleum, and by the time of his death, the work was already in full swing. In any case, the death of the fifth Dalai Lama was not declared before the time his body was not placed in only the completed Red Palace.

There are also several opinions regarding the name of the palace. The most likely explanation is that it happened from the Tibetan name adopted to designate the pure world of Avalokiteshwara, as well as well as Potala. Taking into account the fact that Songszn Gampo and the Dalai Lama are considered to be a terrestrial embodiment of the Avalokiteshvary-Bodhisattva compassion, this explanation looks quite acceptable.

In total, both palaces have more than 1000 rooms and 13 floors. On the territory of Potala, in church of Phakp Lhakhang There is a sacred for Buddhists statue of Aria Loclashwara. Here is the personal monastery of the Dalai Lama, the religious school, the Kieli of the monks, the treasury and storage room.

Since the construction of Potala served as the house of each of the subsequent Dalai Lam, although since the 18th century was built summer Palace In Narbulingke, she began to serve only the winter residence. The Tibetan government was also located in Potala, and with all chapels, halls, philosophical and religious schools, the tombs of Dalai Lam, the palace was a separate world. The thirteenth Dalai Lama took some work on the renewal of the palace at the beginning of the 20th century, removing some sections of the White Palace, in order to expand the part of the keys.

Potala was also shelling during a popular uprising against the Chinese in 1959. For a happy accident, the damage was not significant both during the uprising and in the subsequent years of the cultural revolution.

For many years, after the Chinese occupation, the palace was closed for visiting, and only in 1980 he was re-opened. In 1985, restoration work was completed, which was spent about 4 million dollars.

In 1645, Potala Palace was rebuilt with the fifth Dalai Lama. The reconstruction process lasted 50 years. After that, for three years, the palace was partially rebuilt and completed. Potal Palace today has 9 tiers (although they are 13) and towers along the slope of the mountain by 110 meters. This is a mixed stone and wood design. The walls are elevated from granite. The greatest wall thickness is 5 meters. In the face of the walls, the molten googun is also encountered to strengthen the structure and increase the stability during earthquakes. At the same time, golden details of the decor were made, which allowed witness to solve the problem of thundering. Hundreds of years, Palace Potala has undergone testing with lightning, thunder and earthquakes. However, he, as before, towers in all its glory. Potala Palace consists of the White Palace (Residence of the Dalai Lam), located on the sides, and the Central Red Palace (Buddhist Pavilions and the Halls of Dalai Lam) and the Western White Buddhist rooms. Before the Red Palace, a white tower of SAYAIDE, where big tanks hang - woven icons (or applications) with the image of the Buddha. All the strokes of Potala were erected in different periods, however, during construction, a mountain relief was used and excellent design solutions were used. Palace Potala reached a high aesthetic level. The Red Palace is the main object of the entire ensemble. It has Halls of Dalai-Lam of Miscellaneous Generation and various memorial and chairs. Including the most famous hall with a stage of the Dalai Lama of the Fifth Generation Losanjiazo. Stupa has almost 15 meters in height. She has a square foundation and a round roof. The body of the stupas can be divided into three parts: the foundation, hoist "decanter" and the roof. The body of the Dalai Lama of the fifth generation in the incense and red flowers were buried in the "Countess". Stupa faced 3724 kg. Sustal gold and decorated with more than 15 thousand precious stones, such as diamonds, rubies, emeralds, green jade, pearls, agate. On the foundation of the stupes installed vessels for sacrifices. Western hall is called Xiangan. These are the largest hall in the Palace of the Dalai Lama of the Fifth Generation. The roof of the facilities support 48 large wooden columns of the 6-meter height. During construction, the architects applied the arched construction, which is often used in the buildings of the Han architecture. There are many wooden sculptures of Buddha, Lviv, elephants and various animals. During the restructuring and expansion of the Palace Potala in the XVII century. Famous Tibetan masters have created tens of thousands of beautiful wall paintings, which are presented in the halls and galleries. The content of the painting is diverse. They depict historical characters, plots of legends and legends, the moments of Buddhism history, and also reflect life, folk customs, sports entertainment and games. All these murals are invaluable works of the art of Potala Palace.

In addition, tens of thousands of sweat-paints, samples of stone and wooden threads, clay sculpture, historical values, such as Baieta (Buddhist canon on sinks), as well as traditional artworks, such as Tibetan carpets, Jingfan (canon on Black or wool), ceramics, porcelain, jade, etc. They not only have a high artistic value, but also reflect the ancient millennial history of friendly contacts and cultural ties between Hans and Tibetans. Being a "pearl roof of the world" Palace, thanks to its palace structures, clay and wooden statues, metal products, drawings and painting, as well as a variety of threads known to the whole world. It demonstrates the highest technique of Tibetse Masters, Han, Mongolian and Manchurian Masters, as well as the great achievements of Tibetan construction art. In 1994, Potala Palace was officially introduced by UNESCO to the list of "World Cultural Heritage".

In Tibet, one of the most beautiful Buddhist palaces in the world - Potala. The structure has received its name in the 11th century. In 1994, the Temple of Potala included a UNESCO Heritage List. It is located at an altitude of more than 3 thousand meters. The church of Potala is the official winter representation of the Dalai Lama. It was here that all ceremonies were held, meetings with the Tibetan government. Currently, a lot of tourists come here different countries Mira in order to see with their own eyes all the beauty and power of the Tibetan temple, familiar with rare exhibits.

History Potala

This beautiful temple complex is located in the colorful lhasa valley on Mount Marelo Ri. In Tibet, it is one of the highest monumental structures. According to the mythical legend, in the cave on Mount Marta Ri engaged in meditation Songts Gempo (Tibetan ruler in the 7th century AD). Later he decided to build a temple complex on the hill. His initial declaration has taken up to 17th century. With the help of Dalai Lama in 1648, the temple was renovated and a bit reconstructed. Today, this building can see travelers, arriving in Tibet. About 7 thousand workers and 1,000 artists took part in building construction.

The Supreme Head of Tibet in 1922 made the repair of halls and other religious premises in the White Palace, also workers renovated the Red Palace. This greatest structure suffered only once - in 1959 at the invasion of the Chinese.

In addition, the temple remained in excellent condition and after the rings of Hongwebins, which destroyed many Tibetan palaces in the 60-70s. 20th century. In the temple complex, all the exhibits and the sanctuations were hidden at this time.

Once in the castle, administrators and religious mentors were taught. In the White Palace there are small chapels that are valued for their preservation and sacred.

White Palace

The Potala Temple consists of a white and red palace. In the White Palace you can see the rooms of the monks of the Supreme Head of Tibet, Sunny and Big Oriental Pavilions.

It is worth noting that the solar pavilion consists of eastern and western part. In the western part there are rooms of the Thirteenth Supreme Head of Tibet, and in the eastern - the room of the Fourteenth Dalai Lama. Tourists will be able to see brick blankets in a sunny pavilion, tea and gold tea devices, porcelain sculptures, statues of Buddha Shakyamuni and much more.

The big oriental pavilion is the largest in the White Palace. It was here that cultural celebrations and political meetings took place. The walls of the Big Eastern Pavilion are decorated with frescoes on topics: "The history of the life of the princess", "as a monkey turned into a person." In the center of the Big Pavilion is a large statue of the Dalais.

Red Palace

In the Red Palace they read prayers in the name of Buddha Shakyamuni Monks of the Dalai Lama. Here you can see many pavilions with memorial sanctors and other unusual rooms.

The Red Palace has eight sanctuations, among which it is worth highlighting the rooms of the Thirteenth Dalai Lama and the fifth Supreme Chapter of Tibet. Them appearance Just surprises. They are so big and luxurious that any tourist will accurately remember the memorial sanctuations in Potala for life. Stupa Fifth Dalai Lama has a height of more than fourteen meters (five-storey house). It is completely made of real gold. Only Tibetan memorial sanctios are a large part of world wealth.

Stupa thirteenth Dalai Lama rises in a height of about 14 m. It was built in 1934

In the Red Palace, travelers will see various attributes, unique scriptures, unusual products and crafts, icons of Buddhist saints, frescoes that are captured by the construction of Tibetan temple complex.

His western part is the highest and most spacious hall of the Red Palace. Here, once, Dalai Lama took guests, satisfied the solemn events and spent sacrifices. Among the exhibits presents a transparency with imperial painting, packer and golden thread panels. You can also see a statue of a multiple and multipath of Avalokiteshwara, made of silver and gold.

The most ancient landmark of the temple complex - Pabalakan Pabalakan (Avalokiteshwar) and Favana Cave (27 square meters. Km.) The pavilion is located right above the cave, which allows tourists to consider the beauty of the complex. The FAVAN cave is rare statues of the princesses of the Tuffan Kingdom: Ludongzana, Chitizul and Wencheng.

Most palace pavilion roofs are coated with gilding and have a traditional Chinese form with flipping angles, which are often decorated with animals from legends.

Potala Palace is a monument to Buddhist architecture. Many exhibits are unique here and amazing. Having been in this palace, travelers want to come back here again.

Lhasa translated from Tibetan means "the earth of the gods" and here the presence of the Divine really felt everywhere.

When you come to Lhas, especially in my first trip to Tibet, the first thing you notice is Potala Palace (Tib.: པོ་ ཏ་ Potala, Kit.: 布达拉宫 Budalagong), towering on Marto Ri mountain in the city center which for many centuries has been winter residences Dama Lam. The palace is named after Mount Potalaka - the mythical habitat of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshwara, the living embodiment of which is the Dalai Lama.

The construction of Potaly began in 637 by the king of Tibet Songzane Gampo. However, after a fire and internecine wars, the palace was capitally destroyed and found a real appearance already at the fifth Dalai Lama in the middle of the 17th century.

In 1645, the fifth Dalai Lama ordered the construction of the White Palace. Three years later, in 1649, 9-story facilities were completed, and Dalai Lama moved to him from Drepung Monastery. Subsequently, the construction of the Red Palace was started, which was erected by 1694. Interesting the fact, still being the reason for various disputes and disagreements, that until the end of the construction of the palace, the death of the fifth Dalai Lama was hiding from the people. According to the data, the fifth Dalai Lama died in 1682, but this was kept in deep secrecy. There are many opinions about the causes of the death of the fifth Dalai Lama. One of the versions says that death was hidden from the people with the purpose of completing the construction of the Red Palace. After all, people building the palace were inspired by the deepest faith and respect for the fifth Dalai Lama. The news of his death could stop the construction of the palace, so his death was dragged for 12 years until the construction of the palace was completed.

Potala consists of 13 floors with a total height of 118 meters. Inside there is one thousand rooms, in which more than one hundred thousand altars and two hundred thousand Buddhist statues and images are located. Particular attention is paid to the stups, in which the relics of the fifth and thirteenth Dalai Lam are stored. Currently, Potala attracts thousands of Buddhist pilgrims. They bypass bark ( ritual bypass) Around the palace, the mantras and prayers are honored, draw stretches.

Opposite the Potala rises Mount Chakpo Ri. In the 15th century, a medical college was located on this grief, which, unfortunately, was destroyed in 1959. Now Chakpo Ri attracts pilgrims and tourists with their scoop drawings. Many of them have survived since the Tsar Songzen Gampo (7th century).

I want to go back to this place the strength again and again, in full breasts inhale this discharged air with flavors of incense, smoky oil and crystal freshness, slowly make the bark around the sweat, absorbing her story and wisdom.

In the mountains of Tibet, at an altitude of 3,700 meters, in the middle of the Lhasa Valley, the Potala Palace rises on the hill. For several centuries, he was a residence of the Dalai Lam and the Tibet government.

The history of the palace leaves its roots in the distant past. If you believe legend, there is a sacred cave, in which the Bodhisattva Chenzery (Avalokiteshwara) lived, which the Dalai Lama is on Earth. In this cave, the emperor Tibet Songtstene Gampot often meditated. Since the place was considered sacred, the emperor decided to build a palace on the hill and declare this place with his capital. And it was still in the VII century of our era. Unfortunately, many buildings were erected from wood, so in the VIII century, they burned down from the zipper. From the old palace there is little left. But the cave is well preserved, and the place is, as before, was considered holy.

In the middle of the XVII century, on the initiative of V Dalai Lama, the construction of a palace began, which was preserved to the present day. In 1645-1648, the White Palace was erected, which became the residence of Dalai Lam.

In the White Palace there are personal rest of the Dalai Lama, residential chambers of the Regent and the Mentor of the Dalai Lama, the office premises of the government and the library in which Buddhist Scriptures are collected. Here are the seminary and printing house. Official ceremonies were held in the Big Eastern Pavilion.

The second component of the Palace Palace is the Red Palace, which was built in 1690-1694. It pray and spend religious rituals.

There are eight memorial stories in which Dalai Lama is buried in the Red Palace. In addition, there are many large and small halls. They are dedicated to Buddhas, Botchisattany and Dalai Lamam. There are rooms for audiences and various ceremonies. They are exposed to jewels and relics, the statues of the deities and Dalai Lam, books and ritual items.

Potala Palace was the Residence of Dalai-Lam until 1959 - that is, until China's invasion of Tibet. XIV Dalai Lama was forced to leave Tibet and ask for refuge in India. We can say that the palace is great lucky. Unlike most Tibetan monasteries and temples, he was not destroyed by Hunweist in the 1960s and 1970s. Probably because the Chinese government made a palace to the list of cultural monuments in need of special protection of the state.

See also: