Gothic medieval castle Rozhmbrek-Nad-Vltava. Rosenberg Castle Lock Rosenberg Czech Republic

Good afternoon friends! In Czech Bohemia, as in the whole Czech Republic, a huge number of medieval castles. Castle Rozhgrik or Czech Státní Hrad Rožmberk One of the most beautiful and interesting. For the 9th centuries of its history, he has increased legends, and the owners of the fortress gathered an impressive collection of objects of art, porcelain and medieval weapons. And, of course, a ghost lives here.

The castle has other names. German: Rosenberg, which means pink mountain. Czech - Rozhmberg over Vltava.

This is a static stone fortress at the foot of the Schumava Mountains in the omission of the Vltava River was erected in the XII century by order of Witek from Pierce. Castle served watchtowerwhich guarded a profitable trading path to Austria.

Vitek from the ancient kind of vitkovich made the castle with his patrimonial. The wok from Rozhmbark began to be called.

That is how in 1250 for the first time a written mention of Rozhmbark is found.

The fortress expanded and strengthened. Up to the XVI century, it was a sample of medieval gothic. Then the appearance of the citadel changed accordingly. And the Renaissance reigned in fashion.

During the thirty-year-old war, the castle changed several owners.

In 1619, the Static Fortress liked General Carlo-Bujuentura Bukua. Soon the emperor gave the castle the commander. For military merit.

The descendant of General Jiji Yang Inprich Bukua was a famous collector and collector of antiquities.

In the middle of the XIX century, he brought an extensive collection of painting and art objects to the castle. Collected the best china from all over the Czech Republic. He conducted the reconstruction of the castle, giving him the features of Neoeta, and turned the family house to the museum.

Rozhgrig Castle is one of the first museums in Bohemia.

Until 1945, Rožmberk belonged to the descendants of the Valiant Commander. And after the war, he was departed to state ownership.

In the castle

In fact, there were as many two locks - the upper and lower. If the upper has been fully erected to the XIII century, then the bottom only to XIV.

In 1522, the upper castle was destroyed by fire. From him there was a high white-named tower of Jobs. You can climb it and look around. So did all the rulers of this ancient castle.

With towers beautiful view On the Vltava and Forest River.

There are no special attractions on the territory of the fortress, but walk around, after all, it is worth. Very nice, well maintained, good photos are obtained.

And for those who want to relax from the impressions, there is an opportunity to stay overnight next to the castle. The town of Rozhmbrek-Nad-Vltava offers a number of cozy hotels.

What to see

Inside the castle many rooms, stairs and corridors.

Somewhere there was a bronze elephant - the famous tourist shuffle. If you stroke him on the trunk, then the world will always be peace and peace, and in the family - happiness. All tourists are clearly or sown an elephant. The elephant knows how to hide well.

Elephant is, of course, an important attraction of the fortress, but besides the magic giant, there are:

  • Extensive collection of hunting trophies and weapons
    Experts immediately notice rare samples of the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria and France.

  • Museum of torture
    He is in the gloomy dungeon of the castle. Perhaps the collection of tools and fixtures for knocking out recognition is not such a volume as in, but there is something to see and terrible.

  • Museum of Bohemian Story
    Real aesthetes may take a deep breath and relax. To be in this part of the castle chambers is much more pleasant and happier. Remember the Jiri Bükua, who collected art objects? Before you permanent exposurewhich includes his finds.
  • Banqueting hall
    You need to look here. At least in order to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe swing of the trapes that took place here. Or to compare the banquet hall in which you marked your marriage and this, medieval.

Probably here danced his carefree wedding dance Percht Rozhgrik, not yet knowing about his fate. You do not know Perhta and her sad story? Then listen more soon!

Legend of White Pani

What is this medieval czech Castleif the sad ghost does not live here? Interesting pattern: Basically, women became Czech leaders. A thousand-year Castle Rozhmbrek has a legend-free legend about the unfortunate pan.

In ancient times, he lived in the castle of Baron Rozhgrik. In the people, he walked with a man with a harmful, insidious and greedy to money. If I wanted something, "nothing stops him. And the greedy baron is a monk adviser who knew a sense in a hooker. He helped the villain to make cunning documents and take the land from honest people.

Once the Baron caught fire to acquire a juicy piece of land. One quarrel - the relatives of his monk-assistant lived here. And you know what? This is just for us with you the problem ... Baron did not stop such a little thing. A piece he snapped. And the offended monk cursed his terrible medieval curse ...

And Barona had a daughter - Young Deva Perhta Rozhgrik. It came to marry her time to get out. The Baron announced this and, as usual, promised the rich grooved daughter.

Soon the groom was reworked - Graf Liechtenstein. He took himself a young Pani Percht. And Baron, the damn himself did not brother, took and deceived the son-in-law. Did not give dowry.

Count Liechtenstein was angry and returned his young spouse to his father.

So lived an unhappy pan with his father - lonely, widow with a living husband.

Years passed and hot-tempered unrestrained Count Liechtenstein broke out. Then he remembered his rejected wife and came to ask for forgiveness.

But Perhta was proud, she could not forgive the resentment and refused to her husband.

For this, Rožmberov received the second terrible curse. And the girl after death became a castle ghost.

Sometimes she appears in other castles - looking for her husband.

Ask Chekhov, - a lot who saw this lady dressed in white. In the Czech Republic, she is known as a white lady. Who knows, maybe you will see her?

Just in case I will give an accurate tip: White lady can be caught on the main street. She stands there next to Harry Potter. Day - nothing unusual. But here, when I got stumbled upon this couple at night, I pulled slightly. I am bailizing ...

Where to stay near Ruezhbeck Castle

Now many accommodation options appeared on the service. Airbnb.. How to use this service is written. If you do not find a hotel room, look for accommodation through this Booking site.

We offer good hotel options next to the castle

Working hours

  • October - April. Visit time from 11.00 to 13.00. On weekends and holidays from 9.00 to 15.00.
  • All May and September Museum works from 9.00 to 15.30. One exception: in June, working hours from 9.00 to 16.30.
  • In July and August, the castle and the museum are open from 9.00 to 17.00
  • The excursion "Main route" is closed from January 1 to March 23

How much is

There is an option to stroll around the surroundings and visit the tower.
The second option is excursions by the Castle itself in English and Czech languages.

Excursion "Main Route":

  • adult ticket 100 crowns (Czech), 180 kroons (eng);
  • children's 70 crowns (Czech), 140 kroons (eng);

Excursion "Personal Rooms":

  • adult ticket 90 crowns (Czech), 130 kroons (eng);
  • children's 70 crowns (Czech), 110 kroons (eng);

Excursion "Camera Torture" (only on czech language):

  • adult ticket 50 kroons;
  • children's 30 crowns;

Excursion is held in Czech. It is best to come with an organized group, then hear everything in your native language. You can get an audio guide in English or Russian.

In the summer you can visit the night excursion, hunt for a castle ghost.

How to get

  • By car. This is the easiest option. From Prague, you leave on the highway at the E49 number, follow in the southeast direction to the town of Privor. Drive through it (so the road drives you). Further on the road number122 before the Congress on the road 160. You will reach the town of Český Krumlov. Now pointers will appear on Rozhmberk. It remains to drive some 25 meters along a good Czech road. You're at the place.
  • By bus. From Prague Station Na Knizeci runs a regular bus number 133109. It follows route Praha - Český Krumlov. The first bus at 7:00, last at 15:00. The path will take you 3 hours. At the end station, transfer to another bus that goes to the destination Rožmberk. Its number 330065. The first goes at 11:00, last at 19:00. Just 40 minutes on the way.
  • By train. You need (Hlavní nádraží). The end station Hrad Rožmberk is quite far from the destination. You will have 4 kilometers to walk, or catch the travelers. This is the only minus ride by train.

Official site:

Address: HRAD ROžMberk 382 18

Castle Rozhrberg on the map

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About Castle

Rosenberg Castle is located near the town of Rozhmbrek-Nada Vltava in South Czech Republic. Initially, the fortress was a residence of the Family of the Czech Aristocrats - Rosenbergs. The castle was founded at the beginning of the thirteenth century. The first documentary mention of the castle dates back to 1253. This document has a signature "wok von Rosenberg".

Rosenberg over Curl is one of the most beautiful castles of the Czech Republic. The fortress itself is located on one of the hills of the Shumava mountains, surrounded from all sides of century-old coniferous forests. Forest envelope mirror waters of the Vltava River.

Gothic castle strengthening in the entire history of Rosenberg's existence was rebuilt only twice: in the era of the Renaissance and in the 19th century, when the fashion reigned for the architecture of the tudor's era. The latest owners of Rosenberg were the bobe - Czech aristocrats who had French origin. They did it from the castle open to the public Museum of Bohemian History. The main palace is a unique combination of several architectural eras at once. It is located the amazing beauty of the hall, in the Renaissance style, with old wall decorations and the famous "Music Niche". The palace is kept truly a truly unique collection of baroque style paintings and furniture. Pictures contained in the gallery are dated by different centuries, starting with the Renaissance. And in the arsenal you can find armor, weapons and emblems.

History of the castle

Rosenberg Castle was built at the beginning of the 13th century. His founder was the wok from Pierce, a member of the powerful genus of Vitkovich. In the future, the wok from the batch began to refer to himself from Rosenberg.

Very soon after its foundation, the castle was surrounded by powerful fortifications. He immediately became an economic and administrative center of Vitkovi's family possessions. Some of these possessions soon received the Cistercian Monastery in the Upper Brode. In 1302, the youngest Crimel branch of the Dynasty of Vitkovich was interrupted. Their capital, Cesky-Krumlov inherited wok and soon after that he moved his residence there.

Soon, Rosenberg's castle took possession of Oldrich II, but in 1420 he was forced to lay the castle of one Austrian family, since Oldrich II urgently needed money to support his army in the war with gusites. It is worth noting that Olderi II was the father of the famous "White Lady". Soon the castle was redeemed back, but immediately the Lobkovian family is immediately laid. The second loan over time was also paid.

In 1600, according to the will of Peter Thøro Rosenberg, the castle, and the surrounding possessions switched to his nephew, Yohan Zrinsky. It was Zrinsky who rebuilt the castle under the style of Renaissance. Soon Johan died, and the fortress inherited Švamberks, relatives of Rosenbergs. It happened in 1612. However, they soon lost the castle, and the surrounding possession. They were confiscated and transferred to the commander of the imperial army, Bugua Count, Carlo Bonaventure after the battle on the white grief. The main residence of the BüBU was in New Grad, but he left Rosenberg's castle with him. Bugua owned a fortress until 1945. After the end of World War II, during the nationalization of real estate the castle was confiscated.

White lady from the castle Rosenberg

Throughout its history, the castle was surrounded by numerous wars. Many of the owners of Rosenberg have become prototypes for Czech national mythological images. One of the most popular such images is a white lady.

According to the history, the owner of the castle Rosenberg had a beautiful daughter called Bercht. By the way, the Baron Rosenberg himself participated in various grip wars and was, in its essence, scoundrel. Baron served a monk who was engaged in having signed the paper giving Baron the right to possession of the lands that he captured. Once the Baron captured the land at which the relatives of the monk lived and he refused to sign paper, for which it was immediately executed. Before his death, the monk cursed the role of Rosenberg, condemning him to extinct in each of the generations.

Soon, the baron issued his daughter, Bercht, married to the respected Count Liechtensteinsky. At the same time, he paused and did not give the daughter of the dowry. The graph was angry with such an insult to his address and refused marriage with Bercht. She had to return to the parent house.

The years went, but nothing has changed and the spouses did not even think about living together. When, being almost no death, the graph appeared to Brecht with a prayer for forgiveness, she refused to him. The graph died and not having received forgiveness and schochta soul before his death.

According to legend, since then the white lady, not knowing peace, wanders through the castles of the Czech Republic. The same legend narrates that white gloves are an unchanged attribute of the ghost. Therefore, they call it a white lady.

In one of the halls of the Palace Rosenberg hanging a portrait of a white lady. A signature is attached to the picture, according to which the one who reads written by the secret font is immediately in the picture will receive fabulous wealth. The best encryptionors of the planet and to this day break their heads over mysterious hieroglyphs, but their mystery is still unsolved.

Bronze elephant

Another, quite tangible, the cultural idol of the castle Rosenberg is a bronze elephant. People's belief reads that the Ivory Trunk will certainly gain peace and consent to the family. The elephant has common popularity and enjoys love of all visitors to the castle.

Museum of torture

In the courtyard of the castle there is a torture museum. Finding into this museum, a person is experiencing perfectly special feelings. Quentin Tarantino's admissors may seem that it was here that the Hostel was filmed, since many of the torture items are surprisingly similar to the scenery of the film. Museum visitors do not have to be limited to a regular excursion. If desired, everyone can "try on themselves" numerous and extravagant exhibits of the museum.

Information for tourists

Rosenberg Castle works from May to September in all days except Monday. In April and October, Rosenberg works only on weekends.

The first mention of the castle is dating 13 century. Rozhmbrek Castle has repeatedly changed depending on the era and the owner. The fortifications made in the Gothic style were rebuilt during the Renaissance and 19th century.

In the 17th century, the fortress captured the troops of Austria. One of the commander of Karl Beech got Rozhmbrek from the emperor himself as a remuneration for the successful storming of the fabral lands.

Already in the 19th century, Jerži Yang Buca turned out to see the impregnable castle in the museum dedicated to Bohemian history. Interior premises display the features of several architectural styles. So in the palace, center of the castle complex, there is a Hall of the Renaissance Times and a collection of furniture made in the Baroque style.

In the property of the rude, the fortress was until 1945, and after the state was departed. Nowadays, the castle is open to visit.

Excursion for Czech Castle Rozhmbrek

For lovers of mysticism in the fortress, excursions under the cover of the night are organized. Guides, skillfully reincarnated in the heroes of the legends of the Czech Republic, and acting ideas about the dramatic events of the past make it possible to believe in the ghosts and other other other creatures, the benefit of the atmosphere of Rozhmbar also contributes to this.

A peculiar journey to the past is better to start with the front halls, where it will not be possible to imagine with some reason, there were no time and dinner visible. Walking along the corridors and the rooms of the castle, the location of which resembles a labyrinth, you can try to find the statue of an elephant of bronze. She is known for brings love and peace of mind. To do this, it will be enough to stroke an elephant on the trot.

Here you can also appreciate the collection of talented artists, starting from the Renaissance, Porcelain and weapons era, which, with the knowledge of the case, was collected by Jerja Yang Bukuka. Heraldic emblems will tell about noble families - the owners of the fortress.

The original museum is in the courtyard of the castle - it contains a variety of torture guns.

Legends of the castle Rozhgrik-Nad-Vltavou

According to local residents, in the fortress you can see the ghost - a lady in white robes. In life, she was damned and now wanders on dark corridors, unable to find peace. There are several versions of the fact that the girl could get such a kara. Her father, Baron Rožmberk, was not clean on his hand. He did not miss any opportunity to get other people's land, and sometimes together with all htized property, using fake documents. His assistant monk performed just such orders. Once, disobeying the order of the owner, he was executed.

At that time, the choice of Baron fell on the land, where the relatives of the monk lived, and, of course, he did not want to rob his own. Before the death itself, the accomplice cursed the eye and his whole family, including the daughter of Percht.

In another embodiment, the trains of the curse also appeared in many respects due to the greed of Baron. He was looking for a suitable game for a long time, trying to choose the groom to coach. Finally, considering that the condition and title of Graph Liechtenstein are suitable as it is impossible, he gave the daughter to marry. That's just "forgot" to give dowry, because of what the spouse sent Perhta back home.

The meek girl lived all his life in a generic nest and not gaining long-awaited happiness. Related failed spouse after many years. After was in Rozhmbrek-Nada-Vltava and not receiving forgiveness, he cursed the whole family.

It is unknown that it is not known which of the stories closer to what happened for several centuries ago, but the total one - the lost soul appears not only here, but also in other famous castles - Trebni, Czech Krumlov, Inprhikov Gradz. Also, legends attribute to her the opportunity to predict the future in some way. If the sleeves of the dresses of the ghostly lady are white, then the wedding will play soon.

Red sleeves - a disaster symbol (after the girl was seen in the castle in a dress with sleeves painted in red, a fire happened in the castle), and black - big grief.

The lady in white is depicted in the portrait, which caused considerable interest in people, completely inquired mystical stories. It would seem anything special in canvas, except for an incomprehensible message and a comment of the author, who enloles the irreparate wealth to someone who can find the key to encrypter.

The mysterious inscription did not give rest to many, given the considerable state of Baron, because in this all local legends are similar - and suddenly it will be possible to find at least a small part of the wealth of ancient kind.

Castle Rozhgrik, Czech Republic March 28th, 2014

Rozhgrik Castle (Rožmberk) is located in South Czech Republic a few kilometers from Austria in the town of Rozhmberk-Nad-Vltava, where already 369 people live.
Perhaps I liked this castle most, although I do not amaze my external species As does not have such a mysterious park as.
What is so special in it? Let's look.

The first mention of this Czech castle, weared in those days the German name Rosenberg ("Pink Mountain"), dates back to 1250, during the sizes of the Czech King Waclav I. Apparently, the fortress served to control the important trading path from the Czech Republic to Austria, since Located on the way from Czech Krumlov to Linz.

The castle complex consisted of two structures: lower and upper fortresses. However, after a fire of 1522, only the tower of Jobs remained from the buildings of the upper fortress - a separate watchtower. And the photo shows the tower, and the fact that the two parts of the castle differ from each other.
The finishing of the lower fortress during the reconstruction of 1556 was performed in the style of Renaissance in the spirit of Italy. However, already in the XVII century, the Dynasty of Rozhmborov again modernized the castle, giving him a romantic gothic appearance. In his own way, Rozhmbrek Castle is a small copy of Krumlov's castle, which also at one time was the property of this rich kind.

Vltava - River, which originates in the south of the Czech Republic and which we see in Prague

While we went upstairs to the castle, began to snow. These places are located in the Shumava Mountains, so the snow there went over. For one of the nights that we were in South Czech Republic, attacked, probably, the meter of snow!

That's the castle itself. It is here that the most famous Czech cast is inhabited - white pan (White lady).
In 1429, Ulrich Rozhmbarka, the then owner of the castle, was born a daughter, which was called Perhta. Father issued a girl when she was married for 20 years. Her husband was the nobleman Jan Liechtenstein, who was counting on the state of Rozhmborkov. And the father of the bride hoped for the political ties of Yana. But their plans were not destined to come true. Husband Unhappy Perhta did not like and extremely badly turned to her. Yes, and his mother with sisters loved to rush over the girl. When Yang Liechtenstein was died in 1476, he asked for percht for forgiveness. But she refused to him. And then he exclaimed: "So be damned!" When it was for 3 years, Perhta died, but could not leave the earth. Apparently, the words of the curse have affected. She wanders in a genital castle of Rozhmbrek in white robe with a rattling bundle of keys. That is why it was called "White Dama".
White lady does not harm anyone, it's a good ghost. According to legends, if it changes the robe, then Something will happen soon. Somehow she appeared in a red dress, after some time a large fire occurred in the castle.

It is said that night excursions are stirred here - this is a whole show, the main participants of which are the guides themselves, moved to the costumes of the heroes of popular Czech legends. In the course of a fascinating journey, you can visit the bedroom of Pergte, to inspect the frontroom halls of the castle, basements, torture room and witness to heartbreaking family drums played by actors. Excursion is available only in summer on Saturdays and Sundays and three times in the evening (the beginning of the excursions at 21.00, 22.00, 23.00).

Also somewhere in the castle there is a portrait of a white lady. And in the portrait, the inscription made with the help of a mysterious font, with the comment: "Read what is written here and become the owner of fabulous wealth." Many encrypters tried to solve the mystery of the inscription, but so far.

I found this information about this elephant:
"They say that if you stroke him on the trunk, the world will come in the family, love and calm. Well, if you climb on your back ..." Fantasy for yourself \u003d)

In the castle, you can climb into the tower and surround the neighborhood. In general, I think that if there is a possibility to climb somewhere, then you should always do it. And if there is no possibility, you need to look for \u003d)

Visible courtyard of the castle (where an elephant stands):

In terms of the number of vintage fortresses and castles, South Czech Republic will not compare any other region of the country. Many legends envelop medieval citiesBut, perhaps, the most famous legend tells about the White Pani.

From the history

Perhta Rozhemberg, beautiful, intelligent, educated, became a victim of an unhappy marriage, who arranged her impoverished father. The husband also turned out to be a beggar, and the young woman had to experience all the lives of the poor. However, she became a loved one of the city, because she sought to help all his inhabitants than could and from a pure heart. Dying, the husband cursed Perhta, and after her death in the castle began to appear silent transparent figure in white.

Once during the Second World War, she frightened young Nazi, when those wanted to hoist over the lock flag with a swastika. And a few years ago, the builder repairs her bedroom on the second floor, saw a white pan in the window. They say, a person who has solved the code on her portrait will get outless wealth. Is this not a reason to look at the foot of the Shumava Mountains?

How to get

The address: HRAD ROžMberk 382 18 Rozhmbourk-Nad-Vltavou (GPS: 48.656111,14.365556)

By car

On the car it is easy. You need to go from Prague on the highway number E49, going in the southeast direction. After the town of Privinist, hold 122 roads, then 160. After the city of Český Krumlov, from which 25 km will stay 25 km to Rozhrberka.

By bus

By bus from Prague Station Na Knizeci goes number 133109 to Český Krumlov - at 7.00, 11.00, 13.00 and 15.00. Time on the way 2 hours 55 minutes. There you need to make a transplant to Rozhmbar. Bus number 330065 departs at 11.00, 14.30, 16.35 and 19.00. This cutting path takes only 40 minutes. The price of the trip will be about 8 euros.

By train

The railway station is 4 km from the town, so it is not very convenient to get on the train, but if such a desire arises, the trains will be departed at 7.16, 9.16 and 11.16 from the Prague station Hlavní Nádraží.

Working hours

The lock is open to visitors:

  • from October to April from 11.00 to 13.00, on Saturday, Sunday and festive days from 11.00 to 15.00.
  • in May and September, hours of work from 9.00 to 15.30, in June from 9.00 to 16.30
  • in July-August from 9.00 to 17.00

Weekend - Monday.


Entrance tickets to the tower - 40 kroons for everyone, in the castle from 60 kroons to children and students, 70 kroons - pensioners and up to 100 crowns adults, depending on the route of the excursion.
If you buy a ticket at once for two excursions, there are discounts. For children, the full program will cost 110 kroons, for pensioners - 130, and for adults 170 kroons.

Less than four hours on the road, and an attempt to solve the key to treasures can bring good luck to you!

See also: