As the middle class lives in Israel, the city of Bat-yam. Rest in Bat Yam (Israel) - Photo, hotels, tourist reviews Haim Shen Israel Bat Yam

Bat Yam

Rest in Bat Yama.
Tel Aviv hotels, Herzliya, Bat Yama

Bat Yam. Historical reference.
Bat Yam, Primorsky city south of Jaffa. Bat Yam closely adjoins Jaffa; Area-7 thousand Danube, population of about 133 thousand people. The land was acquired in 1923 for the construction of the suburban quarter byte HA-GAN. The first houses B. Bat-pit They were built in 1926, however, residents were forced to temporarily leave them during the Arab riots in 1929. In 1936, the name of the settlement was changed to Bat Yam. The village was brutally suffered during the riots of 1936-39gg, and at the beginning of the war for independence was cut off from other Jewish settlements. In the 1950s, it begins to develop rapidly with the influx of new repatriates. In 1958 Bat Yam Got the status of the city. Main industries: industry, trade, services. AT Bat-pit There is an art museum Bet-Rybak (a collection of painting and sculpture), the House-Museum of the writer Sh.Asha (1880-1957), the memorial of the fallen fighters of Israel. There are beach and pleasure promenade.

Rest in Bat Yam
Bat Yam Located in the center of the country, on the shore Mediterranean Sea South Jaffa. Seaside city of Bat Yam Located at a distance of 5.5 km from Tel Aviva. Bat Yam is one of the most beautiful tons uristic cities Israel. Central geographical location Bat-Yama gives tourists the possibility of a convenient message with any point Israel. Bat Yam In the south, it is famous for its beaches, family and resort hotels. Along the embankment, over the Golden Sandy Beach, modern hotels are located, which offer views of the Mediterranean Sea. Famous embankment of Bat Yam adjacent to the Big City Park, which is a great place to relax in free time. Another pleasant opportunity is just stroll along the embankment or sit in numerous varied cafes and restaurants. Numerous vacationers attracts a resort area with a length of more than 3 km with decorative vegetation and relaxation sites: these are "stone" beaches, "Riviera", "Jerusalem" and "exemplary". They are distinguished by purity and excellent service. On the "stone" beach there is a waveway that makes this beach safe place Swimming and children. A new recreation center also enjoys very popular with holidaymakers and tourists. There are swimming pools for children and for adults, equipped sports club, sauna, rest room, tennis courts. Just a few steps from most hotels and a few minutes from the city centers on sparkling beaches and elegant embankments, life is boil from the morning to the evening in every manifold. The day here reigns at sea and on land, with the onset of darkness of the relay is transferred to public concerts and other entertainment.
In Bat Yam A large artificial skating rink is also opened. This sport gives great pleasure to all family members. The rink is open from the morning to midnight.
Shops and shopping centers Bat-Yama Focused on the streets of Rothschild, Balfur and on the part of Ha-Azmouth Street. Modern shopping canyon Bat Yam"Located on Joseftal 92 street. Here you can buy absolutely everything you want, and at the same time you have to have time in a cafe or restaurant. You can also get pleasure from the new film in the cinema or just admire the design of beautiful shop windows.
The local Museum "House Rybak" presents the works of the famous artist of the European School of the 1930s I. Rybak. The works of the Israeli writer Shaloma Ash are exhibited in the museum of his name. In the Ramat-Yosef area, there is a museum "Ben-Ari" - cultural Centerwhere the works of Israeli and foreign masters are exhibited. Here are both permanent and mobile exhibitions.

Excursions from Bat Yama
Bat Yam - Excellent place for individual and group tourism. All tourists located on vacation in Natania, Tel Aviva and in Bat Yam provided free of charge, sightseeing tour Tel Aviv, Jaffo(4 hours). The history of the first quarters. Jaffa - Walk through the old town. Jaffa is the oldest port. Church of St. Peter. Stone Andromeda, the construction site of Noeva Ark. Ben-Gurion House, national Theater. "Gabima", concert hall "Auditorum", Opera House, Tel Aviv Museum of Art. A visit to the Israeli diamond exchange and the Opengeemer Museum.
All regular excursion tours in Israel cheapest from Netanya, Tel Aviv and Bat Yama.
Excursions in Israel For a whole day, beginning at 8.00 and ending at 20.00, it is purely symbolically much cheaper than various options (so-called excursions) in Egypt or Brazil. So a tour of Jerusalem Christian (or the city of three religions, or a review): Panorama of Jerusalem, Church of the Assumption of the Virgin. Oilseed mountain, Garden Garden, Old city. Laying room. Mount Sion: Tomb of King David. The Great Way of Jesus Christ is Via Doloroza, Calvary, the Temple of the Holy Sepulcher. Temple mountain. Wall of Tears. Bethlehem - the place of the Nativity of Christ (with an open entry) -30 $
Biblical Galilee (Christian): Tver, Nazareth. Temple of Annunciation. Cana Galilee. River Jordan. Tiberias. Kineet (Tiberia Sea). Tabha-Church of the miracle increases bread and fish. Mountain Blessed-Place Nagorno Protection-$ 35
Dead Sea: Jewish Desert. AHAVA cosmetics factory. Lifting to the Massada Fortress - Herod's Palaces of Great or visiting the Ein Gedi Reserve. Rest and swimming on Dead Sea-35 $ Haifa, Accitation, Caisaria: Bahai Temple and Persian Gardens. ACCO: The ancient port and the capital of the Crusaders. Safed Motherland of Jewish Mystery and Caballas, Ancient Synagogues, Quarter Artists-$ 42
Golan Heights, Banias
: Triangle Borders of Syria, Lebanon and Israel. Lake Berkat-Ram, Kunitra. Banias - Beautiful Natural and Historic Reserve-$ 37
Golan heights, Hamat Gader: Gorge of Yarma, panorama of Syria. Jordan and Tiberia Camsine-Capital of the Golan Heights of the Jordan River. Kineet (Tiberia Sea). Hamat Gader bathing in hot hydrogen sulfide sources, crocodile nursery-$ 40
Jericho and Jewish Mountains Jewish Desert, Zin-Fuar. Wadi Celt visiting the monastery of St. George Hoziewit. Winter palaces Herod of the Great. Ancient settlement-Jericho, Monastery of St. Gerasimus. Cumran (in winter). The oldest shelving epic in the Jewish desert (Essei, Cumands). Mineral Dead Sea Beach. Bathing (in summer) -37 $
Rothschild Park Beit Shean Tiberia: Zichron Yaakov, Rothschild Park. Israeli Valley. Beit Shean is Middle Eastern Pompeii. Accurate Pompeii. Lake Kyeret. Orevious: Skating on a boat on Kinetheu-$ 40
Eilat 2-4 days-dead Sea-Red Sea: Negev desert. Jewish desert. Dead Sea. Ein-poking resort on the Dead Sea, bathing. Syrian African Rift. Sodom and Gomorra Socomskaya Mountain. Red sea. Sightseeing tour In the evening Eilat, the factory of Eilat Stone, coral beach. For tourists in Eilate for a fee, it is offered to visit the underwater observatory and a 4-hour yacht on the Red Sea with an entry into the territorial waters of Jordan and Egypt. Swimming, lunch (steaks on fire, wine), hotels 3 star, breakfast, dinner (half board) -150 $ \\ $ 190 and other excursions ...

Rest in Bat Yam. Tel Aviv hotels, Herzliya, Bat Yama

See you for the embankment of Bat Yama!

We wish you a pleasant and unforgettable travel to Bat Yam!

Do not miss the chance to plan your holiday in advance.

The cost of hotels in Bat Yama is 5-30% cheaper than in Tel Aviv. Of course, the comparison was held between the hotels of one category. Taking into account the fact that Bat yam is a suburb of Tel Aviv, to the center of which can be reached in 30-40 minutes, quite acceptable price. The city is located along the same coastline of endless beaches and warm sea. Unforeseen costs in the Bat Yam can be paid public transport or taxi to Tel Aviv.

In Bat Yam you can relax round year, however, for beach holidays best time from May to September. In winter, you can save significantly at the hotel. Council on Savings: Do not order breakfast at the hotel where you live. In most cases, breakfasts in hotels with 2-4 * do not shine a variety, and they are very overpriced. For the cost of one breakfast, you can eat 2 times in the city (unless you eat in expensive restaurants!). In this town there are several very worthy hostels, they are located right on the seashore, prices are democratic, and the conditions of accommodation are good: pure, 3-6 people in the room. You can learn more about these hostels on the respective search sites and hotel reservations.

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Prices on vacation:

Prices on vacation in Bat Yama. October 2018.

tour cost

We had independent trip In Israel. Rested with friends. On vacation went to the city of Bat Yam, because there nice beach. The price of Tel Aviv from Kiev is from 250 to 400 dollars. Ticket for the train from Tel Aviv to Bat Yam about $ 5.

Excursions here are absolutely any direction of Israel. Right on the embankment there are tourist agencies, also a ticket can be bought in any hotel at the reception.

We used the services of the company "Atlancis", they drive throughout Israel. Price averages 30-50 dollars. The most popular destinations are Jerusalem, Dead Sea, Galilee, Jordan River, Nazareth, Underground Jerusalem, Diamond Exchange Tel Aviv, etc.

Food and products

On average, lunch in the cafe will cost you 80-100 shekels (1 dollar \u003d 3.62 shekels).

Eclair in the cafe "Cofix" - 6 shekels

Lunch Cafe "Cofix" - 17 Shekels

Products are better to buy on the market than in stores, especially those close to the beach, there prices will be much more expensive than on the market.

Bread - 10-13 shekels

Wine - from 40 shekels (can be taken for 20 shekels, but it will not be delicious and poor quality wine)

Hummus - from 20 shekels (it all depends on the volume of packaging, they sell it from a large chamber, so you can take any weight)

Potatoes - 3 Shelia

Apples - 5 shekels

Souvenirs and other goods

Prices for clothing have different. You can go to the corporate store in a large supermarket, and you can buy the same brand thing, but in a private store. The difference in price will be big. T-shirts, shorts, slippers - all this can be bought at a price of 10 shekels, just need to look for such stores, where things buys the local population, and not tourist stores in which a very large cheating.

Total money spent on vacation

Helpful information?

Bat yam from A to Z: Map, hotels, attractions, restaurants, entertainment. Shopping, shops. Photo, video and reviews about Bat Yam.

  • Tours for the New Year all over the world
  • Burning tours all over the world

Bat Yam - Popular tourist resortLocated by Mediterranean coast Israel, part of Big Tel Aviv. It was founded in 1926 as a suburban quarter of Bait-Va-Gan, which translated from Hebrew means "home and garden". Soon, during the riots, Palestinian militants attacked him, and the city was evacuated by the British authorities. In 1930, he was again settled, and after 6 years, he received the status of the local council - an administrative unit, on the device and embezzlement of similar with the city.

In the first years after the establishment of the state, Israel, Bat yam survived the period of rapid growth due to the influx of immigrants. The second wave of immigration occurred at the beginning of 1980-1990, when Jews began to come here former USSR and Ethiopia. Today, a rather impressive Arab community and a lot of Vietnamese Israelis or Vietnamese of Israeli origin live in Bat Yame.

In Bat Yam, all sorts of biennale of urban architecture are held every year, and every summer passes International Festival Street theater.

How to get

  • by bus

Bat-pit is a 20-minute drive from the center of Tel Aviv. The largest transport company in Bat-pit - Dan, it serves various areas of Tel Aviv and connects Bat Yam with Holon, Rishon-L-Zion, Ramat Gan, Givatim, Bnei-Marriage, Tel Ha Somer and Bar University Yilana.

Another transport company, EGGED, connects the Bat-pit with the districts of Holon and Rishon-le-cion, and also serves Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Ramla and international Airport Ben-Gurion.

  • by train

In 2011, two stations were opened in Bat Yam - Bat Yam Yoseftal and Bat Yam-Commemite. In the near future, Bat Yam will become the final stop of the Red Line of the Legging Line transport system Tel Aviv.

Search for flights to Tel Aviv (nearest a / n to Bat Yamu)

Weather in Bat Yame

Bat-pit beaches

Along the famous embankment, which the British were once called Riviera, there are modern hotels overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. The city park approaches close to it, and the Bat Yam coast itself extends more than 3 km and is divided into several beaches. One of the best is the stone beach, the main feature of which is a breakwater.

For the religious population in Bat Yam, the so-called separate beach is designed, where women and men bathe on different days of the week.

Bat Yama cards

Popular hotels in Bat Yama

Entertainment and attractions of Bat Yama

All sorts of biennals of urban architecture are held in Bat-pit every year, and every summer is the International Festival of Street Theater. Right on the seashore exhibition gallery Riviera, built on the site of the destroyed club. Now there are works of masters from around the world.

The works of contemporary art from Israel and other countries are represented in the Museum of Contemporary Art Ben-Ari, which makes up the kernel of the new cultural complex Bat Yama - Moby.

For children in Bat Yam, the scientific and educational center "Haveeda" is open, where the laws of physics, chemistry, mechanics, optics and other sciences explain in games form.

The local Museum "House Rybak" presents the works of the famous artist of the European School of the 30s of Issahar-Bera Fisherman, and in the house where the famous Jewish poet and playwright Shalom Ash, who wrote in Yiddish, was put up, a collection of manuscripts, documents, photos, Pictures and objects of Judaika.

There are two baath yam shopping centersAnd the main shops are focused on the streets of Rothschild, Balfur and part of Ha-Azmaut Street.

Mediterranean coast

  • Where to stay: In the north in AKKO, in the Russian-speaking Ashdod or Green Ashkelon, a party Netanya, the "village of millionaires" of Herzliya or in Caesaria, where there are some of best beaches in Israel. Many also choose hotels

Israel on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea south of Jaffa.

Together with other satellite cities, Bat Yam is part of Big Tel Aviv.

Residents of Bat Yam are mostly representatives of the eastern communities and immigrants from the CIS countries (repatriates of the 1990s).

The city is built up mainly by high-rise buildings.


The first name of the city was "Bat Va-Gan" ("House and Garden").

The land was acquired in 1923 for the construction of the suburban quarter of Bait Va-Gan.

Founded in 1926 by wealthy merchants from members of the Bait-Va-Gan organization.

The first houses in Bat Yam were built in 1926, but residents were forced to temporarily leave them during.

The population of the city has grown significantly in the 1930s. Due to repatriates - refugees from Nazi Germany.

In 1936, the settlement received today's name. The settlement brutally suffered during, and at the beginning was cut off from other Jewish settlements.

In the 1950s. A lot of new repatriates from Romania and North African countries settled in Bat Yam.

In 1958 received the status of the city.


In the industrial zone of Bat-pit, numerous enterprises work, whose profile - textiles, metalworking, typographic business, wholesale, food industry, etc.

The battle of services and trade, as well as tourist service are developed in the Bath PM.

Many residents of Bat Yam work in other cities of the district.


Almost 30 thousand students study in the urban education system.

In Bat-pit 119 kindergartens, 28 primary schools (grades 1-6), of which 8 refer to the system of public-religious education; 5 General Secondary Schools (7-12 classes) and 7 secondary schools with a technological bias.

AT last years The municipality invests significant funds in improving the quality of teaching in high school.

In Israel, South Jaffa is located the seaside town of Bat Yam. Tel Aviv is 5.5 km away. Bat yam is considered one of the most beautiful cities Israel, actively visited by tourists. The situation in the center of the country makes it possible to easily and quickly get to any place in Israel, which is a particularly important advantage for local residents and visitors. Look at

There are many beaches in the city and family hotels. Hotels are located along the waterfront, outdoor views of the Mediterranean Sea.

Hotels and shopping prices

Bat yam is considered a great place for family holidaySince the rooms in hotels are perfectly equipped for accommodation with children of any age and gender. If necessary, the hotel provides additional children's furniture. Almost every room has a kitchenette where you can cook for yourself. If necessary, you can contact the hotel's innovation.

Bat Yama hotels are built along the coastline with windows overlooking the sea. The rooms are quite spacious and designed, as a rule, on two people. The rooms have televisions, air conditioning, safes, telephones, faxes and other techniques.

In more expensive hotels there are gym and pools, as well as spa salons. Car rental services are offered.

The most popular hotels include four-star Mercure Suites Bat Yam and three-star Armon Yam and Colony Beach Apartments.. Budget accommodation options provide Ruth Daniel Residence and Suites Bat Yam. In more economical hotels, the cost of rooms varies from 2400 rubles per day, in more expensive - from 5,500 rubles per day.
Shopping in Bat Yam is very interesting, the city is considered an ideally suitable place for this occupation. There are two large shopping centers and many small stores located on the streets of Balfour, Rothschild and Ha-Azmaut.

In stores you can find a variety of products from famous brands. Shoes, clothing, cosmetics and decorations, magnificent carpets and interesting souvenirs. Big choice eastern sweets, fruits and vegetables. Prices for goods are pleasantly surprised by tourists, because they are very low.

As you can go

Bat Yam is serviced by the airport in Tel Aviv. You can take a bus to Tel Aviv in just 10 minutes. The road passes along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea and on the way you can enjoy magnificent sea landscapes. Capital can be reached on foot.

For a more efficient message is built railway On the route Tel Aviv - Rishon-lesion. In 2011, two railway stations began to work in Bat Yam. It is planned to launch a high-speed tram between Tel Aviv and Bat Yam.

In other cities and areas of Israel, you can take the bus to or rent a car.

Urban beaches

The atmosphere of Bat Yam is very calm and has beach holiday. Thanks to this, tourists are coming to the city. The beaches of the city are loved by many people, as they are very clean and well-equipped. White sparkling sand is perfectly combined with gently blue waves of the Mediterranean Sea. The Bat Yama embankment borders the Ben-Gurion boulevard and takes a few kilometers. Here are nine beaches. Each has toilets and shower cabins, beach umbrellas and sun loungers are provided. On the beaches there are rescue services responsible for the safety of bathing. Around the embankment is a city park, in which all sorts of decorative plants grow.

A stone beach is very popular among his fellow, because there is a wavewash, making swimming even more secure. Frequently visited the beaches of "exemplary", "Jerusalem" and "Riviera".

In addition, there is also a separate beach for religious people. It is supposed to swimming men and women on different days of the week.

What is necessary to see in Bat Yam

The history of the city is not too long, so the attractions here are still a little. Nevertheless, it is worth visiting the Cultural Center of Bert Ari, where the works of Masters from Israel and other countries are exhibited. In the center are organized as permanent expositionand mobile exhibitions.

There is also a museum called "Fisherman's House" because it is devoted to the work of the famous artist, a follower of the European school, I. Fisherman.

Popular among tourists route to the city of Lod, where, according to the testimony of ancient sources, Saint Georgy was buried. Basilica was erected over the place of his burial, and subsequently the Crusaders built a church here. Vintage baths and mosques are also very unusual.

Entertainment in the city

In Bat Yama is worth a visit festive eventswho are very bright and fun here. The International Festival of Street Theater has been held since 1996 and is a very important event in the city. It is widely known and annually collects the crowd of interested viewers. To participate in it, actors from around the world come out. At the festival you can see dancing, theatrical and circus performances. The holiday is widely covered in the media and is very popular among Israeli citizens and other countries.

Very popular in Bat-pit Clubs for exercising by different sports on the water. Mini-football, Street Bol and beach volleyball will not make anyone bored. This is not surprising - after all, most of the year the weather is just beautiful here. In the sky above the beaches you can see aerial coatswho are launched by kiteservs. Sports competitions and entertainment events are constantly being held, allowing the audience to observe the amazing skills of professionals.

In summer, swims in the Mediterranean Sea are sometimes held, in which everyone will participate. Watching swimmers usually come entire families. Often, such events are devoted to environmental protection, so they are not only entertaining, but also educational.

See also: