Which seas are washed by the shores of Mexico. Cancun - famous resort on the Caribbean Sea

Rest in Mexico - these are beautiful sand beacheswashed by the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean; great opportunities for actively water sports, ranging from surfing and ending with diving; Picturesque mountains in which there are many natural attractions; a little less than 70 national parks and various reserves with rich flora and fauna; Ancient Mayan and Aztec cities; Colonial architecture and more. Country cacti and acute chili peppers, connecting the centuries-old traditions of Indian civilizations and Spanish culture, gave the world music Mariachi, popular gastronomy, tequila and inspiration for writer Carlos Castaneda, who developed his own teaching on the basis of Indian traditions, which became a bestseller.

One of the features of the geographical position of Mexico is the possibility of eruptions of volcanoes and earthquakes. The capital of the country of Mexico is located in the seismically active zone, so that the new buildings aril there in a special way, specifically strengthening. Terrain in the area of \u200b\u200banother major city Guadalakhara enters the area of \u200b\u200bthe action of a volcano of Colima, who made him remember in 2005.

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Excursion tours

In Mexico, it is worth come, at a minimum, to get acquainted with three important components of its culture: the cities of Maya and Aztec, the colonial architecture and painting of the first third of the 20th century. The latter is presented, first of all, by such names like Frida Calo, an unusual artist, paintings and identity of which many books and films are devoted; Diego Rivera, no less famous painter, belonging to such a direction as "Muralism", and José Orosko, whose wall paintings are decorated far from one building in Mexico, including the Palace fine arts In Mexico City and protected by UNESCO, Cabanian's hospital in Guadalajara.


All these three elements are in close relationship: Maya and Aztec influenced the brought to new earth In the 16th century Spanish art. Artists of the 20th century were vividly interested in the art of the Indians and even as Diego River, they collected it, as evidenced by the rich exposition at the River Museum in Mexico City.

To see this close multicultural plexus can anyone who visit the capital of the country, a number of major cities and such ancient settlements such as Teotihuoacan, Chichen Itsa, Palenk, Monte Alban, Ushmal, Ek-Balam and Coba,

Trips and tours

about country

- The embodiment of the ideal tourist destination: The country not only justifies the most rainbow expectations of travelers, but also striking unexpected discoveries. The country whose history has three millennia, boasts a stunning cultural and spiritual heritage. The ancient cities of powerful civilizations (Aztecs, Olmekov and Maya), bright, original culture, combining the traditions of numerous regions of the country, colonial treasures, magnificent beaches included in the number best beaches Mira, lush tropical nature, original, which received worldwide popular kitchen turn Mexico in the dream of any tourist.

Tequila, cheerful mexicans in Sombrero, cacti height in human growth - only the top of the iceberg hiding undergoing real wealth of the country: living Indian cultures, unique monuments of architecture, wonders of nature and special, filled with ancient magic atmosphere. To participate in the pagan Messe, to learn one of the beautiful Indian legends, climb on the top of the pyramid, to see the new miracle of the World Chichen-ICU, immersed in the underwater world of the second largest barrier Reefa In the world, stroll through the most crowded city of Planet Mexico City - for the study of Mexico, it will take no one journey.

It has truly unique features for all types of tourism. Among the most popular Entertainment: Historical excursions, beach holidays, diving (about. Cozumel, O-Va Marietas near Puerto Vallarta); Speleodiving, bathing in Satot, descent to caves on ropes (Yucatan Peninsula); Mystical cleansing ceremonies in the traditions of Maya; Ecotourism (boating walks in Mangrove Thickets on Riviera Maya, Ecopark Warming, hiking In the mountains of Sierra Madre et al.), Folklore evening, visiting Tekila production factories, nightclubs in Cancun, Acapulco and MN.

(Mexican United States) - the state in the south of North America is washed by quiet and Atlantic Oceans. Mexico is the federal republic as part of 31 states and the metropolitan federal district.

Square - 1958.2 thousand km2.
Population - 89.95 million people, mostly Mexicans.
Official language - Spanish.
Religion - mainly Catholicism.
Head of State and Government - the president.
Legislature - Double Parliament (Senate and Chamber of Deputies).
Capital - Mexico City.
Currency unit - Mexican peso.

Time:Looms from Moscow for 9 hours. From the first Sunday of April to October - Summer Time.

Subtropical in the north, tropical in the south. The average annual air temperature in resort zones and in areas located not higher than 1,700 meters above sea level is + 25 ° C. On the resorts, the air temperature ranges from + 22 ° C to + 35 ° C for a year. In Mexico City and in the mountainous regions of the country during the winter months, the daily air temperature may be lowered to + 16 ° C. It should also be borne in mind that night and daytime temperatures in some regions of Mexico can be 20 °. The rainy season continues from June to September; An increased amount of precipitation is most felt on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.

Nature and geography

By occupying the territory of almost 2 million square meters. KM, Mexico in shape resembles a loop, stretched from the north-west to the southeast, narrowing closer to the cage of tehuantepec (tehuantepec) and expanding again on Yucatan. In the West and south, the territory of Mexico is washes by the Pacific Ocean. California Peninsula I. Large land Shares the California Bay. The East Coast of Mexico is washed by the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, and the East Coast of Yucatan is issued to the Caribbean Sea. The country's land borders separate it from the United States in the north and from Guatemala and Belize in the south-east.

Mexico - mountain country. Two mountain Ridge In the north and south of the country form a group of broad plateaus of the central part of Mexico, known as Altiplano Central. In the south of Mount Sierra Madre del Sur, they extended the territory of the states of Germero and Oaksak to the Isthmus of Tehunpekek. From the height, the narrow line of Nynin passes along the Pacific coast to Guatemala. These lowlands are the highlands of chiapass, which goes into the territory of hot tropical wet forests, stretching also to Guatemala. The plains and the lowlands of the Yucatan Peninsula are covered with tropical savannas.

Thanks geographical position In Mexico, there are countless natural and vegetable zones, and the historic of the landscape contributes to the creation of microclimatic zones. Despite the potentially large ecological diversity, the influence of human life is felt here. To the Spanish conquest of almost 2/3 countries was covered with forests. In our same days, forests remained only on 1/5 of the territory of Mexico, mainly in the east and south. All the more expanding domestic grazing areas are forced wild animals, such as pums, deer and coyotes, search for refuge in isolated aroles. However, cornights, hares and snakes, and in the rainforest of the south and the east, are dwelling and spidermann monkeys, jaguars, ocelot, tapir, musicals, wild pigs, deers, parrots, tucanis, and some tropical reptiles like Boa-Constrators, although All of these forest inhabitants are peresiting.

The climate on the territory of Mexico varies according to the topography of the area, namely, it is hot and wet on both coasts of the country, but in domestic territories, for example, in Guadalajar or Mexico, the climate is land and moderate. Roast and wet season lasts from May to October, while the hottest and wet months - from June to September. Lowest coastal strips get more rain moisture than internal areas. From December to February, the most cool time of the year lasts. It is during this period that cold northern windsSometimes forcing the air temperature drop below zero.

If you want to be alone with nature, then you are on the right track. Mexico is nothing to do with nothing with the ecosystems: after all, we are talking about the country that occupies the fourth place in the world in biological diversity. There are 58 national parks and reserves of the biosphere 58 in Mexico, not counting the many beautiful corners of nature:

  • If you want to see whales, make a trip to Mar de Cortez - the same name in Mexico California Bay. From Guamasa (Sonora) to La Paz (Lower California) there are hundreds of islands, where sea birds nest.
  • If you want other impressions, sit down on the train coming from Los Mochis to Chihuahua and stop in the towns of Bauchivo, Divisastero and Nearele to get acquainted with Barrancas del Cobre (copper gorge), urika and batopilas. The copper gorge is four times longer and one and a half times deeper than the famous Canyon Colorado.
  • On a large central plateau, one of the most high vertices continent. Volcano Popochettet invariably attracts lovers of mountains and adventure. Climbing can be started in the village of Tlamakas.
  • Each winter tens of millions of royal butterflies arrive in Mexico, fleeing from the northern cold. A visit to only one of their reserves is permitted in the vicinity of Sitacauro (Michoacan).
  • Seven of the eight species in the world sea turtles Select Mexican beaches for egg laying. Watch this - the privilege that nature provides only those who know how to respect it. To visit these reserves, the resolution of the Ministry of Fishing Economy or support of guides - professionals is required.
  • South Mexico is the largest area of \u200b\u200brainforests north of Amazon. There you can visit the Biosphere Reserve to Montes Asless (Blue Mountains), familiarize yourself with the surroundings of the town of Taipette (Tabasco) or Palenque. Do not miss the opportunity to go to Montebelo's lagoons or make a boat tour from the archaeological zone of Chiapa de Corso to Sumidero Gorge (Chiapas). It is not at all similar to these foggy forests Biosphere Reserve El Trunefo, located near the city of Eskintla (Chiapas). This is one of the few places where the Ketzal bird can be seen is the most beautiful in the world.
  • The entire Yucatan Peninsula is a real miracle of nature. Tropical forests and pastures approach close to the Caribbean Sea, here is the second largest coral reef in the world. All these ecosystems are located in the biosphere of Sian Kaan (Kintana Roo), south of Tulum.

Many of the above-mentioned places are under the protection of the state, and to maintain them in inviolability of access to them may be limited. Before going to the road, consult in the tourist bureau of the capital of the relevant state.

Helpful information

Holidays and non-working days:
September 16 (Independence Day (1810), November 1-2 (Merchant Day), December 12 (Day of Our Lady Guadeloupe), December 25 (Christmas). In addition to these holidays, there is a passionate week (March or April) A carnival is very popular, he passes in March or February.

Subtropical in the north, tropical in the south. In the area of \u200b\u200bMexican Highlands is usually cooler than on the coast, where the air temperature does not fall below +20 with even in winter. In the northern part of Mexico in winter there is a slight snow. At the resorts (Acapulco) temperature from +22 C (winter) to +35 c (summer). Typically distinguishes dry and wet seasons, which are formed under the influence of tropical cyclones, bringing abundant precipitation, and sometimes reaching devastating power. The rainy season falls on June-September and is particularly pronounced on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.

Official language - Spanish (Mexico - the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world). In addition, local ethnic groups speak their native languages \u200b\u200b(Naiathl, Maya, Razyi, Sapotek, etc.). English is widespread.


Monetary unit - Mexican Peso. In the circulation there are banknotes in advantage of 100, 50, 20 and 10 peso and coins in 50, 20, 10 and 5 centavo (cents). 1 peso \u003d 100 centavo (cents). The import of foreign currency is not limited (the declaration is obligatory), national - no more than 5 thousand pesos. Allowed removal of imported foreign currency, national - no more than 5 thousand pesos.

Currency exchange:
Banks work from 9.00 to 17.00 - on working days and from 9.00 to 14.00 on Saturday. On Sunday, banks do not work. Currency can also be exchanged in large hotels, at airports, in offices for currency exchange.

What to take with you:
Sunscale products, warm clothes (if a visit is included in the tour program mountain areas), comfortable clothes and shoes for inspection of archaeological attractions, swimsuit. You can buy a hat from the sun in Mexico.

Tequila (the most famous brands "Jose Cuervo", "Sauza" and others). TASCO is famous for the original decorations of high quality silver, wicker baskets and painted animals from wood, San Cristobal de Las Casas - Handmade Woven Products and embroidered shirts, Morelia - sweets, Guadalajara - Handmade Souvenirs Indians Ovicol, Sakatecas - Woven bedspreads and sweets from the cactus, Merida - blouses, decorations, hammocks of all colors and sizes.

Customs regulations:
Prohibited import: fruits, vegetables, plants, cuttings and plant seeds, colors; medicines that the passenger does not use; psychotropic substances; pornographic publications. Disablement: archaeological values, antiques, rare animals and birds, their skins and stuffed, national currency over 10 thousand US dollars. Duty-free import: personal belongings (clothing, toilet items, etc.), cigarettes - up to 200 pcs. (or up to 50 cigars, or up to 250 grams of tobacco), alcoholic beverages - up to 3 l, household appliances, photo-, audio, radio and video equipment, sports equipment for 1 subject per person, souvenirs and gifts, the cost of which does not exceed 300 US dollars. When departing from Mexico - $ 18 from each passenger with the exception of children up to 2 years and transit passengers.

Voltage in the network 110/127 volts.

International calls are extremely roads due to high tax - 49%. It is recommended to use a telephone connection if you have the opportunity to pay your correspondent, even in this case, to his account will add a high tax for services.

The shops:
Shops work from 10.00. until 22.00. Break on the traditional "Seside" from 14.00. until 16.00. Possible payment by credit cards. VAT (IVA) in Mexico is 15%. By law, it must be included in the price, but in some expensive hotels, prices are given without taking tax.

National kitchen, drinks:
Mexican cuisine is famous for its culinary traditions around the world. Perhaps some dishes first seem to you somewhat sharp, but you still appreciate their taste. As a rule, national dishes do not cost without at least one of the three typical components: Tortylas (cornpashes), beans and acute chili peppers.

Snacks are brilliant, like all simple. Actually, most of the popular snacks - Nachos, Cesadillas, Takos, Tostados, Chimichangs are all the same fresh corn cakes (not only from corn, but also from "imported" Wheat Spaniards) with peppers from corn, beans, peppers, cheeses, meat Stuffing with tomatoes, for example, Piccadillao.

Spreads with seafood, bean, with spices. On the table must be salt, Chile and Tortyllas. Hot dishes are prepared from several varieties of meat, the wallas of the Olya Harry, fried beef ribbons with a bean garnish of Asado, and even the famous, whose preparation is held by real championships, Chile Kon Karna. Again, hot cakes with fillings: reminiscent of our dumplings or couching Empanadas, who were once simple omelette, and then turning into peculiar rivers Enchildas, thick, like spine on the back of the Donkey, Burritos. Well, for the fans of antiquity - fragrant Tamales cooked for a couple of slices of corn test, wrapped with a sheet of corncut and watered with a sauce to choose from.

The most famous Mexican dessert is the sweet Royal Bread of Roska de Reizes, the core of which is filled with dried fruit, and the pupa is put on the inside, symbolizing the Christ Christ and the onset of the Fiesta.

Tip: It is customary to leave in restaurants, bars, porters, taxi drivers, etc. - 10% of the total account.

Security: The area of \u200b\u200bhotels is a calm and reliable part of the city, but ordinary precautions, as in any foreign city, will not be superfluous.

Health: Most hotels, especially high-grade, have purified and drinking water, but it is not least recommended to use drinking water in plastic bottles of industrial spill, which is sold in all food stores and bars.

Emergency phones: Police, ambulance, fire protection and other emergencies - 06.

Map Mexico

AT North America There is a wonderful, amazing and bright country called Mexico.

Mexico It is washed on one side by the Caribbean Sea and the Mexican Bay, on the other - the Pacific Ocean. There are a lot of different islets on its water area. The country occupies an extensive area - approximately 2 million square meters.

The capital of Mexico is Mexico City. The city is located almost in the heart of the country. The climate is mostly subtropical. In the capital there is more than one hundred museums and an international book fair is held annually.

The population is almost 9 million people. National language - Spanish, but many understand English. Mexicans - Merry people, sociable and innocent. Any conversations are accompanied by a smile. All holidays in Mexico
accompanied by funny songs and dancing. They are accustomed to walk until the morning. Musicians are always dressed in beautiful costumes and necessarily a hat with wide fields. Mexico is famous for its best disco Acapulco, from sunset to dawn. Immersion with scuba in the underwater cave makes it possible to go surrounded by a variety of exotic livelihood. Turquoise waves are sitting in their warm and tender hugs, and the dazzling and white beaches give rest unforgettable impressions.

The country makes it possible to visit no less charming resorts. For example, Cancun - most famous resort Caribbean. This wonderful place is also called the "Caribbean Ram". It is hidden all the secrets of the mysterious past. Also a unique chance to make a water sports - for lovers active rest. Diving and surfing are most developed. Acapulco - attracts tourists mainly fantastic nightlife on the coast of the Pacific Ocean. Riviera Maya. will introduce his delicious national Parks. The most popular and famous beauty is divine pyramids Teotiukhana,
peninsula Yucatan
, Ushmal - Mayan Ceremonial Center and a huge number of other beautiful places related to mysterious civilization Mayan. Mexico is a country for those who love jogging. Here the chili pepper is added to each dish, even in ice cream. The main components are cornpople and legume crops, mostly beans.

From alcoholic beverages - the most popular Tequila. It has over three hundred species. Mexican wines, beer and brandy are also good. But drinking alcohol is made exclusively at home, since to appear on the street in a drunken form is not accepted and is considered impolitely in relation to the inhabitants of the country.

Cold tea from hibiscus, "Horchat" (cooked on rice flour) and hot thick chocolate, which they treat their guests are widespread from soft drinks.

Mexico lays resting with its unique history, amazing architecture, interesting culture and, of course, acute exotic cuisine. But, however, most tourists come here for magnificent beaches that are protected by reefs.

Geography Mexico
Mexico in a picture from space
& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSPnash House Casa Manana is a spacious two-story villa, it is actually on the beach. Going away from the veranda, you get right on the warm snow-white sand. And, despite the fact that the house is surrounded by hotels, the beach at the beach is quiet and not crowded. Basically, vacationers walk along the Mayan Riviera Beach, which stretches for many kilometers from Cancun to Tulum. There are few batheling in general, although the water temperature reached 27 degrees. Whether everyone frightened rumors about sharks, whether herbs from Reef brought too much, but vacationers preferred hiking, not water treatments.
& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSPAVE around Mexico Sea or Ocean to lazy rest and complete union with local leisurely rhythm of life. But here there are enough places where you can spend time, and also touch the story ancient civilization Mayan. This is diverse natural parks And adventure parks, as well as an amazing underground world of caves, lakes and rivers. The ancient cities of Maya in the district quite a lot, the biggest known it is - Chichen Itza (Chichen Itza), Tulum (Tulum) and Coba (COBA). All of them are located no more than two hours drive from Cancun.
& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSPs Lazy Rest We diversified by campaign to Xcaret Park, as well as a trip to Izu.
& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSPXCARET - nature Parkwhere there is everything to fully enjoy the local flora and fauna. Here and the aquarium in which the life of the reef is presented, a slice of tropics with butterflies, and underground rivers for which you can swim by rented equipment (vest, flippers and mask). From the local representatives of the animal world in the park you can see Pum, Jaguarov, Lamantinov, crocodiles, various tropical birds.
The coastline of the bay is cut. Due to the mainly low banks, hurricanes often change the outline of the coastline. In lowland coastlings, many wetlands.
The bottom of the coast of sandy, pebble-sandy, with a depth - or sandy, or strong and clay.
In the shelf zone of the northwestern part of the bay rich oil and gas fields, the development of which has repeatedly led to environmental catastrophesassociated with water pollution of the bay of spilled oil.
However, the ecology of many areas of the World Ocean is under the press of intensive pollution with traces and waste of human activity, and no ASMO aqua filters will save the living world from death, if we are not aware of the harm and danger of our actions.
Animal I. vegetable world The Gulf of Mexico, as it should be the heat-watering water, is very rich and diverse. In the coastal shallow water, zooplankton is rapidly developing, which is the basis of the food chain of the fauna of the fauna. The conditions for the prosperity of microorganisms create well-warmed coastal waters and the wealth of water with microelements, washed from lowered land plots. Next, in open waters, zooplankton significantly less than- less Here and the density of population life.
Macroowls are represented by Talassia Turtle, Zimodoacevoy and some other species.
Bottom life is richly represented by numerous mollusks, incl. Chang-like, shells, as well as needle-boring (starfish, hedgehogs), crustaceans (spiny lobs, crabs, rainfall, shrimps and small crustaceans of various species). Many sea worms, snakes and other invertebrates aquatic animals.
Of the Mammals of the Mexican Gulf, several types of dolphins can be noted. Occasionally, whale humpbacks and coushlots swim here.
Fish in the Gulf of Mexico are represented by a large species quantity. Falling the numerous plankton sails a fish trifle, as well as the main bay fishery object - the fish of the family of herring - Medhen. This is a small herring (up to 50 cm), forming huge shoals in surface waters. A lot of American Sardinell, Sardinells Alasha.
Hunting on herring busy other predatory fish - Lofari, sword fish, marlin, sharks. Large fish are industrial, also, tuna and corneters. Among the bottom fish can be noted the yellow and pylon Cambalu, gray nurses (relatives of the Black Sea Housraders). Near the mouth of Mississippi, many fish dwell, not fearing the desalination of water - Tarpona, all the same hill and even gray bull sharks. These predators met in the direction of the river far from the mouth.
The main objects of the fishery - Medhen, Tuna, Oysters, Langstone. In places intensively industrial sharks, especially some varieties of gray (soup, silk, etc.). The gentle fatty meat of these boneless fish is valued and, especially, fins.
Numerous sea turtles in the waters of the bay in the waters are ever less often. Nevertheless, here you can still meet such species as Green, Loggerhead, Bissa.
Sporting fishing is conducted on blue Marlin, sword fish, sharks.
Accidents associated with the attack of large sharks on swimsuchists occur. So, in February 2011, Shark bit on the beach of Kankun (Mexico) Tourist from Canada. Fortunately, the woman remained alive.
At the same resort in March 2011, our compatriots were injured from the teeth of Akula. The teeth of the shark left a ribbon wound on the leg, but the life of the Russian woman outside the danger (more about these cases here).
Most sharp incidents are due to non-compliance with resting elementary caution measures to Mexico Sea or the ocean bathing.

In which vacationers are waiting for gorgeous sandy beaches, unusual bright cities and mysterious pyramids. Mexican resorts can be chosen on any, the most arrogant taste.

Many, having arrived here for the first time, can not get rid of the feeling that they were already here. And it is not surprising. After all, many have seen numerous commercials who were filmed in these paradise places. Coconut palms, clean and warm sea water, snow-white sand and gentle sun - all this can be found on the coasts of Mexico.

Why do many choose rest in Mexico?

Mexico is a paradise corner of the Earth, where first-class resorts, tropical nature and five star hotels are concentrated on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe planet. Every year, a huge number of tourists choose this particular country to the place of your holiday.

Mexico is a holiday on the best coasts of Riviera Maya and Cancuna, these are monuments of ancient civilizations, this is diving and fishing, tequila, surfing, disco, Mexican cuisine. In this, all Mexico, where smells, tastes, paints - everything is bright, juicy and clean. Only and have time to enjoy.

This is a country with a motley mixture of three cultures: Caribbean, Indian and Spanish. Mexico entails tourists with an interesting culture, history, exotic kitchen, amazing architecture. But most of the tourists come here because of the amazing coast.

General characteristics of beaches Mexico

According to Mexican legislation, all beaches are state ownership, therefore, they are public.

Such sights of the country are divided into two large groups: Caribbean coast and Pacific coast.

The beaches of the Caribbean coast are known for their white sand, warm sea. Most of them are protected by reefs. This is cancun.

The beaches of the Pacific coast are famous for surfing lovers. In addition, they are striking the beauty of their waters and huge waves.

Colorite Mexico is the ability to combine rest on the beach and excursions to the ruins of the ancient Indian cities. For example, the resort Tulum combines these unique features. Not far from him is the famous resort complex that is considered to be the center of Riviera Maya.

Near Riviera is located the world famous Cancun resort, which offers nightclubs, hotels and beautiful beaches. Next to this resort is the island of women, which is enveloped by romantic legends and legends.

Lovers of solitary calm holiday The beaches of the Pacific Coast are suitable: Punta de Mita, Los Cabos, Huatulko, Costa Alegre. There are also places for surf lovers: Puerto Escondido and Oaksaka. And of course, the pearl of the Pacific coast - Acapulco, the most visited resort of the country.

All Beaches Mexico are free, public, sandy. On the territory of any of them posted numerous cafes and restaurants that offer to taste unique Mexican dishes with abundance of acute chili peppers and local spices.

The main component of all coarse Mexico is the safety of bathing. Many of them are in the zone open seaAnd this creates the risk of underwater flows. Here, a system of alerts of vacationers about weather conditions was adopted:

  • black or red flag - mean a danger, you can not swim with them;
  • yellow flag - indicates changing weather conditions, care must be taken;
  • green - normal conditions, swimming is allowed;
  • white - excellent conditions, you can engage in any kind of water entertainment.

According to holidaymakers and tourists who leave the Internet reviews, the best beaches of Mexico are: Cancun, Acapulco, Los Cabos, Cozumel, Riviera Maya beaches, hidden beach, Puerto Vallarta beaches.


The most popular resort of Mexico, which is among the top ten popular resorts World. It is located on the Yucatan Peninsula on Sandy Spit and is famous for its white sandy beaches, transparent sea water and tropical exotic plants.

The resort is littered with first-class hotels and hotels. The recreational season here is year-round, the difference in the temperatures of the winter and summer period is only a few degrees.

Cancun consists of two parts: the city center and the hotel area. Locals live in the center, the hotel area is built only for holidaymakers and tourists. There are more than 50 five-star hotels in the area. It also built fitness centers and sports complexes, nightclubs and discos, as well as other entertainment facilities of the resort area.

The sandy spit on which Cancun is located is divided into two components: short and long. The sea in the first part is calm and quiet. The coast of the long part of the braid is not protected from the ocean. Therefore here round year Waves.


Another world famous resort of Mexico - Acapulco. It was at this resort that a huge number of beach TV shows and romantic commercials was removed and removed. Acapulco is located near the capital of Mexico. Therefore, this resort is considered purely Mexican. Soft warm climate, sandy beaches, transparent water Lagun is all the resort of Acapulco. The bay is one of the most beautiful bays of the world.

In addition, Acapulco is a city with a centuries-old history. In 1530, Spanish courts were built here. Acapulco in the 16th century was the second important port of the newly open territory.

Acapulco and Cancun are the most the oldest resorts of the country. But world fame, the resort of Acapulco acquired only since the beginning of the 60s, when Mexican beaches began to attend Hollywood stars. This is a favorite resort of Robert de Niro and Madonna. He was the most favorite place to rest Marilyn Monroe and other celebrities.

Acapulco is a night resort. Nights of carnivals and entertainment that continue until dawn. But besides such a life, the resort is known for a huge number of small beaches, often with isolated bays and hidden shores, where you can swim in silence in solitude, far from the bustle of large cities.

Los Cabos

Los Cabos is an elite young and expensive resort of the country. Resting here come mostly rich Americans. Local residents There is practically no here. Los Cabos is famous for snow-white hotels, exotic nature, fishing and diving.

Here are equipped with elite golf courses, organized on jeeps along the Safari desert, you can do any type of water sports. In addition, there are unique sand and coral reefs. In any hotel you can buy a tour of the first-class marine fishing: Fish Sail, Marlin, black perch. From January to April from the shore, you can watch whales that go here in the bay.


The largest coral island of Mexico. Almost all the territory of the island is national Reserve. The resort is unique that the whole island is drowning in the jungle, a lot on the beach of fishing huts, and the ruins of Maya civilization are preserved.

Famous resort and its underwater world. This is one of the largest coral reefs (length of it under water about 700 kilometers), is inferior in magnitude only to the large coral reef of Australia. This resort is very loved by divinggists, both professionals and amateurs. In addition, the best and dangerous diving areas of the world are located here - the multi-kilometer underwater caves of Santa Rosa and Punta Sur.

The underwater world of the resort has about 700 species of reptiles, 220 species of amphibians, 200 types of tropical fish. At the depth of divers, in full swing can enjoy the beauty of landscapes and test themselves from a professional point of view.

Maja Riviera Beaches

On the coast of Riviera Maya are 6 beaches. Each of them has its own highlight and its unusual flavor: Merma, Akumal, Tulum, Sian Kaan, Boca Paul, Puerto Morelos.

Merma is the beach of the coast of Yucatan, from the border with Belize to the Cancun resort. Turquoise water and sandy white beaches, calm warm sea water, jungle hectares. It is very beautiful resort World.

Akamul is two beaches: one in the Gulf of Half Mouong Bai, the second in the bay of Akumal Bai. The coast with water turquoise color, very calm water, but with a rich underwater world. The resort attracts the opportunity to swim with turtles.

Tulum - snow-white sand, Mayan fortifications ruins, turquoise water is one of the best beaches of Mexico. Here you can easily combine bathing and sunbathing on the coast with a visit to the ruins of an ancient settlement.

Sian Kaan is the beach of the biosphere reserve. It is a continuation of the spa complex Tulum. The coast is isolated by mangrove thickets. Suitable for secluded rest and communicating with nature.

Boca Paul is one of the romantic beaches of Mexico, where tropical idyll is combined with marine beauty. Not far from the coast is the Cottage of Boca Pile - one of the best for fishing. In addition, there are first-class services and comfortable rooms.

Puerto Morelos is a fishing village. It is famous for its secluded beach. It is very wide, not crowded with rest. The perfect place to relax and swim in clean, transparent, calm water. Favorite place divers. Reefs are removed from the shore of 500 meters. Lovers of underwater depths to reefs deliver local fishermen.

Hidden beach

At the shores of a small island in Pacific Ocean is located

It is located inside the cliffs of one of the islands of Mariet's archipelago and reminds a large swimming pool, knocked out in an open top cave. It is called "hidden", as the walls of the cliffs are blown away the beach from the outside world.

It is perfect for lovers, and originally called "Love Beach" in Mexico. it unique place Thanks to the Internet, it became famous for the whole world.

Amazing imagination and wealth of the underwater world. Here lives more than a hundred species of fish. You can meet the rods, sea turtles, octopus, dolphins, humpback whales.

The easiest way to get to the island of Mariet and the hidden Beach Mexico is to join the excursion. This is a sea walk along the Mariet archipelago, which includes a visit to a romantic seaside.

Beaches Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Puerto Vallarta is a resort city located on the coast of Banderas Bay. The city was founded in 1851. Today, his vintage buildings harmoniously coexist with modern ultra-fashioned hotels.

The resort is very pleasant to diving lovers, water species Sports, fishing and windsurfing.

On the coast of Puerto Vallarta there is about ten beaches. The most popular of them: Destiladeras and La Manzanilla. They are famous for the large number of vacationers and developed tourist infrastructure. But the most popular - Los Muertos Beach. He is the largest at the resort and is located near the Old Town.

Internet Pespit with numerous reviews about Mexico beaches. Tourists who visited this country note that all seats for recreation are very picturesque, water is clean and transparent. It is also possible to combine beach holidays with cultural. In addition, there is a paradise for diving.

All resorts of Mexico with their history, ancient ruins, gastronomic exotic, turbulent nightlife, as well as quiet romantic coasts and lagoon, attract millions of tourists every year. Mexico is ideal for a romantic honeymoon or rest with children, and just for an unforgettable vacation alone.

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