Voronezh and its attractions with photos and description. What to see a tourist in Voronezh in one day? Children's railway in g

The story has prepared Voronezh amazing fate. It was founded as a fortress in 1586 and for a long time defended the frontiers of the Moscow state from the raids of the southern neighbors. Having survived the troubled times, the policy became at the end of the XVII century. The largest shipbuilding cluster of Russia, and in 1725 the capital of the province. The first Russian battleship, other warships, who made the basis of the Azov Fleet, came up with Venevi Voronezh Admiralty. In the city, industry and trade developed, after the revolution, a university appeared. During the world, he became an insurmountable obstacle for the Wehrmacht's troops, throwing out a significant grouping of the fascists who rushed to Stalingrad for 7 months. In the post-war period, Voronezh became one of the main industrial centers of the country. Supervocal airliners Tu-144 were produced here, wide-body IL-86. The famous RD engines of Voronezh KBCH are still withdrawing space ships into the orbit. The city with a million population living in a busy business and cultural life is very beautiful. Sights of Voronezh, photos and brief descriptions of which you will find in the article will satisfy the requests of the most sophisticated traveler.

Acquaintance with numerous sights of the city is customary to start with visits to the most striking of their number. Images of the main symbols of Voronezh, decorate booklets and other presentation products dedicated to the megalopolis.

  • Address: ul. S. Persian. Stopping Transport "Admiralteyskaya Square".

The main visiting card of Voronezh, undoubtedly, is the magnificent Admiralty Square. The grand opening of the recreation was timed to the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Navy of the Russian Federation, which noted in 1996 in the landscape-architectural ensemble enters the Assumption Admiralty Cathedral, an elegant arcade. The dominant composition is a majestic rostral column. The majestic structure, having a height of 28 m. And decorated with radiators of ships, as if it grows out of the ground in the form of the famous Voronezh Strug. Along the embankment installed vintage ship guns. The floating museum "Goto-Prestination" is harvested.

  • Address: Petrovsky Square. Stopping Transport "Petrovsky Square".

Voronezh is obliged to the first Russian emperor. With it, the city was raised, turned into a support base for conquering control over the Azov Sea. Therefore, the fact that one of the first monuments of the king reformer appeared exactly here, is not surprising. The pedestal to the sculpture was erected for almost a year. For this purpose, 7 massive granite slabs and a huge boulder delivered from Pavlovsky quarries to the city. When the pedestal was ready, a bronze figure of Peter the Great was installed on him. It looks very realistic. The features of the emperor face a posthumous mask, the details of the costume were worked out to the smallest detail. During the Second World War, Petrovskaya Square was in the occupation zone. Fascists removed the statue with a pedestal and sent to the smelting. Only in January 1956 a copy of the sculpture took a rightful place.

  • Schedule: Daily, from 6:00 to 19:00.
  • Phone: + 473 253-18-35.
  • Site: http://www.sobor-vrn.ru.
  • Address: Revolution Avenue, 18a. Stopping Transport "Pervomaysky Garden".

The majestic cathedral, built 11 years and consecrated in 2009, is one of the visiting cards of Voronezh, which appeared in the newest time. It enters the top three largest Orthodox churches of Russia. The main dome of the church, topped with a cross shining in the sun, rises at 85 m. The main building is a single volume with a refectory and four-tiered bell tower. The facades of the White Cathedral are finished with a magnificent solemnity inherent in the Russian-Byzantine style. The facility looks amazing. In the temple, the relics of the Sacred Martyr Peter, St. Tikhon Zadonsky and Mitrofan of Voronezhsky are stored.

  • Address: Victory Square. Stopping transport "House of Officers".

In the city of Holy Chtuut Memory of Heroes, who gave life to their homeland during the Second World War. In their honor, the memorial complex on the Square of the same name was solemned by the 30-year anniversary of the victory. Its dominant is a sculptural composition of 12 figures installed on a pedestal lined with red granite. Bronze sculptures depict the Soviet soldiers of all kinds of troops, fighters of partisan detachments and militia, rear workers, a woman-mother with a baby in their hands. Before the monument, the torch of the eternal flame is glowing. On the perimeter of the area there are granite slabs containing the names of military units who defended the city. The ensemble of a twined 40-meter stele is completed, the pylons of which in the upper part binds the sculptural embodiment of the Order of the Patriotic War.

  • Address: Voronezh reservoir.

Masters of the Ramona shipyard, located on the shores of the Voronezh River, were able at the beginning of the XVIII century. Surprise sophisticated European shipbuilders, creating excellent warships, which brought the Russian fleet to the domination of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov. A reminder of this is the layout of the natural value of the 26-cannon frigate "Mercury", watered to the pedestal in the middle of the Voronezh reservoir. The preimage of the monument - Barcalon "Mercurius", participated in the campaign of Peter the Great, got holes and sank, but it was raised and served the Andreevsky flag for a long time. Over time, the landmark began to look still colorful. The concrete base deviated from the vertical due to the sedimentation of the soils, which seems that the frigate goes to the goal to the winds and the waves. In winter, it is possible to walk along the ice of the reservoir, in the summer of his walking boats.

Historical and architectural monuments of Voronezh

The city will delight travelers with an abundance of beautiful buildings, wonderful creations of sculptors and monumentalists. In the number of what to see in Voronezh should be required, the architectural delights and colorful monuments are included.

  • Address: Chernyakhovsky Square. Stopping Transport "Station Voronezh-1".

The appearance in the city of the monument to the talented commander I. D. Chernyakhovsky, who commanded in the defense of Voronezh the Tank Corps, was preceded by a not too pleasant story. As is well known, the legendary commander, twice awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, died in the territory of East Prussia. The monument to the commander of the army as part of the 3rd Belorussian Front, who liberated the Baltic States from the fascists was established in 1950 in Vilnius. In the early 90s of the last century, Lithuania covered the wave of nationalism. The sculpture was removed from the pedestal and were going to destroy. Only by the efforts of the urban culture and command of the Voronezh garrison, the monument was able to save. He was transported to Voronezh and installed on a pedestal in the center of the square, named after the hero, in 1993

  • Address: ul. Plekhanovskaya, 10. Stopping Transport "Lenin Square".

Luxurious mansion on Plekhanovskaya Street was built at the beginning of the XX century. For a branch of the Volga-Kama Bank. A colorful building with a facade, decorated in the style of neoclassicism, was among the architectural raisins of Voronezh from the moment of commissioning in 1915. The facade of the mansion is decorated with semi-colonges, an attachment with sculptures placed in a niche and a heraldic burrow. During the Body, a part of the facade and all overlaps collapsed. To restore the initial exterior of the structure it took several years. Now the building is in excellent condition. It contains structures of the city administration.

  • Address: Pervomaisky Garden. Stopping Transport "Pervomaysky Garden".

The monument to the bishop of Mitrofan Voronezh - the companion of Peter the Great, canonized in 1832, appeared in the city relatively recently, but already managed to enter the number of landmark sights. In the center of the composition, the granite pedestal towers, which is placed the bronze sculpture of the saint, blessing the flock. Around the pedestal was installed 4 pylon, each of which crowns the bronze figure of an angel standing on the ball. Attributes in the hands of angels in an allegorical form narrate about the glorious acts of the saint.

In the 20s of the last century, the urban authorities decided to unite the various structures included in the management of joutings, placing them in one place. For these purposes, built a building in the style of constructivism. During the GIR, it was very much suffered and needed a large-scale reconstruction. This time, architects left ordinary solutions and created something special. The exterior of the mansion was decorated with arches, columns, vignettes, cartoons, embossed sockets, Rust. At the junction of the portals, a 68-meter tower was erected, crowned with a five-pointed star. In its upper third, large dials are installed. The masterpiece of Stalinsky Ampire still causes admiration.

  • Address: Revolution Avenue. Stopping transport "Theater dolls".

Monument to White Bima - the hero of the famous story of Treopolsky, is not distinguished by impressive sizes or historicity. It does not interfere with the sculpture of PSA, who has become a symbol of disinterested devotion to the dogs, to use the special love of citizens and tourists. Near an incredibly expressive sculpture made of stainless alloy, the newlyweds, kids, guests of Voronezh are glad to be photographed. One ear bim bronze. There is a belief that any of the riddled desire will come true if you rub it.

Cultural and informative

There are several interesting museums and wonderful theaters. So, problems with where to go in Voronezh for bright impressions and new knowledge, travelers will not arise.

  • Schedule: From Friday to Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00, on Wednesdays from 11:00 to 18:00, on Thursday from 12:00 to 20:00. Monday and Tuesday Weekends.
  • Ticket price: adult 180 r., Preferential 60 r.
  • Phone: + 473 252-16-47.
  • Site: http://www.museum-vrn.ru.
  • Address: ul. Plekhanovskaya, 29. Stopping Transport "Children's World".

The institution is located in a magnificent mansion that is among the architectural attractions of Voronezh. There are more than 100 thousand exhibits in the museum funds, talking about the nature, the history of the region, the culture and the parties inhabiting it from ancient times. Among the artifacts of the archaeological section of the exposition, it is worth allocating the mammoth tails, as well as other finds made by archaeologists on the site of a person dated a stone age. The branch of the Arsenal Museum has a magnificent collection of firearms and ancient cannons.

  • Work schedule: from Wednesday to Sunday inclusive, from 10:00 to 18:00, on Thursdays from 12:00 to 20:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 150 r., Preferential 100 p.
  • Phone: + 473 255-38-67.
  • Site: http://www.mkram.ru.
  • Address: Revolution Avenue, 18. Stopping Transport "Petrovsky Square".

The expositions of the museum are placed in a delightful baroque palace, the construction of the end of the XVIII century, listed in the register of architectural monuments of federal significance. The institution has a meeting consisting of 20 thousand storage units. It includes works of artists, sculptors and masters of decorative and applied arts created in the XVI-XX centuries. In the halls, the picturesque canvas V. Makovsky, K. Bryullova, I. Levitan, A. Savrasova, F. Van Royen, M. Ostdorfer. During the excursion, visitors will be able to admire these artifacts - antique ceramics VIII century. BC, life of life from the ancient Egyptian collection.

Ship-Museum "Goto-Prestination"

  • Work schedule: from Wednesday to Sunday inclusive. Excursions are held with an interval of 1 hour, from 10:00 to 18:00, on Thursday from 12:00 to 20:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 200 p., Preferential 100 r.
  • Phone: +7 903 853-61-60.
  • Site: https: // www / ru
  • Address: Petrovskaya Embankment. Stopping Transport "Chernavsky Bridge".

The prototype of the museum ship is the first Russian battleship, the name of which is translated as "foresight of the Lord", was laid on Voronezh shipyard in November 1698. The construction of the ship was led by Peter Great personally. A battleship with two artillery decks was supposed to become the flagship of the Baltic Fleet, but the Turks did not miss him and a few more ships through the Bosphorus shed. As a result, the vessel was sold. In 2009, the urban authorities decided to restore historical justice. A fine copy of the ship was made at Pavlovsk ship repair plant and shipyards. In 2014, he passed the running tests. The museum exposition tells about the history of the Russian fleet. It presents wax figures, closed in uniforms, antiques, copies of vintage navigation devices, ship utensils.

  • Work schedule: Presentations are given from Wednesday to Sunday. The beginning of the evening performances at 18:00 or 19:00, daytime - at 11:00 or 12:00.
  • Ticket price: from 150 r. up to 1600 p.
  • Phone: + 473 255-39-27.
  • Site: http://www.theatre-vrn.ru.
  • Address: Lenin Square, 7. Stopping Transport "Koltsovsky Square".

The city opera invites guests to spend a great time for watching the production of a classic or modern play, performed by talented artists entering the troupe. Here, the audience's court, not only opera or ballet performances, but also operetta. Theater directors are not shyless to experiment, constantly glad the fans of the music with bright ideas. Several performances included in the repertoire are created specifically for family viewing. They will be delighted and the child, and his parents.

Voronezh Churches and Cathedrals

By the number of temples, the city will not yield, or. Voronezh churches and cathedrals, built at different times, will delight connoisseurs of cult architecture. Some of them are stored especially revered Orthodox shrines.

  • Schedule: Daily, from 9:00 to 19:00.
  • Phone: + 473 254-27-65.
  • Site: http://www.uspenskiy-adm-hram.ru.
  • Address: ul. S. Perovskaya, 9. Stopping Transport "Admiralteyskaya Square".

The first mention of the Assumption Church in the chronicles is still to 1594, its current exterior and admiralty status church found in the early XVIII century. Since then, the descent of any warship built on Voronezh shipyards has not done without holding services in its walls. Already in the XIX century, the trapese and bell tower corresponding to the exterior of the canons of classicism was attached to the main volume. In the times of persecution of religion in the building, the regional archive was located first, and then the branch of the Museum of Local Lore. Dioceses The church was returned in 1996. Services are held here on Orthodox holidays and on weekends. The main temple relics are considered to be the image of Mary Magdalena of the crying, Nikolai Wonderworker, the warrior Fyodor Ushakov, Jerusalem Cypress Cross.

  • Phone: + 473 255-53-80.
  • Site: http://www.pokrovskysobor.ru.
  • Address: ul. Bekhtereva, 36. Stopping transport "Puppet Theater".

One of the most beautiful churches of the Chernozem, almost two centuries were erected. I constantly attached something to him, not too taking care of the observance of the style. That exterior of the cathedral looks extremely colorful. Classic portico colonnades, for example, are harmoniously combined with baroque bell tower. No less impressive exteriors of the temple. Its walls and dome covers frescoes. In Iconostasa you can see the vintage icons and remarkable samples of the "new letters". Pilgrims in the Cathedral attracts the miraculous image of the Mother of God of the Iverland, the icon of Seraphim Sarov and Nicholas the Wonderworker with particles of relics.

  • Schedule: Daily, from 7:00 to 19:00.
  • Phone: + 473 255-18-24.
  • Site: https://vk.com/aam_school_vrn.
  • Address: ul. Labor release, 1B. Stopping transport "Street of Labor Labor".

In 1620, Voronezh Lands survived the invasion of Cherkas and Lithuanians. The invaders could not conquer the locals who managed to give a worthy to the enemy. In honor of this event, a male monastery was founded on Akatova Polyana and a wooden temple was erected in the name of St. Alexby Moscow. In the middle of the XVIII century. rebuilt a new church from stone. Then, on the territory of the monastery, the built-in walls, the buildings of the refectory, the hull of monastic cells and the abbot appeared. During the years of Soviet power, the property of the monastery was confiscated, and it was abolished. The Diocese Monastery was returned in 1989. At present, all the preserved buildings, including the bell tower, are a unique monument of Dopererovsk architecture, restored. The main shrine of the monastery is considered a peaceful image "Live source". Thousands pilgrims come to the monastery, which pray in the miraculous icon of St. Panteleimon.

Where to go with a child in Voronezh

In a beautiful city, you can make a wonderful vacation with children. Visit interesting places Voronezh delivers pleasure and adults and children. There is something to see and where to have fun.

  • Work schedule: Daily, from 10:00 to 21:00, on Mondays from 14:00 to 21:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 550-650 r., Preferential 450-550 r., Children's 250-350 p.
  • Phone: + 473 228-03-11.
  • Site: http://www.oceanarium-vrn.ru.
  • Address: ul. Parkovaya, 3. Stopping Transport "City Park Grad".

The institution discovered in 2011 was the third largest in Russia and immediately became among the main attractions of Voronezh. Here, in huge panoramic aquariums, there is a bough of 3.6 thousand inhabitants of the sea depths, which have been burning all the oceans of the planet. The fauna is represented not only by fish, molluscs, crustaceans, marine mammals, but also feathers. Special popularity of visitors uses the show, in the course of which the divers feed sharks. Having been in the oceanarium, you will be able to watch the rich life of the regulars of coral reefs, Russian lakes and rivers, Polar Seas. Visitors will see Grozny Muren, fantastic electric acne, colorful spider crabs and still a lot of interesting things.

  • Schedule: Daily, from 10:00 to 19:00.
  • The cost of a ticket for a performance from 250 p. up to 500 r.
  • Phone: + 473 255-64-23.
  • Site: http://www.puppet-shut.ru.
  • Address: Prospectus of the Revolution, 50. Stopping Transport "Puppet Theater".

In the Voronezh Puppet Theater, which occupies a colorful building with columns, you can not only see the interesting performance, but also familiarize yourself with the magnificent collection of theatrical dolls. She began to collect playwright A. Cheerov. Today at exhibition Hall Presented more than 4 thousand exhibits. With Russian parsley and cats in boots, Italian puppets, exotic Indonesian Gatokachao, Bolivian shadow dolls, are adjacent in boots. Visit the museum is most convenient after the end of the performance or intermission.

  • Work schedule: Daily, except Monday, from 10:00 to 19:00 in the summer, from 10:00 to 18:00 in winter.
  • Ticket price: adult 150 r., Children under 16 are skipped free.
  • Phone: + 473 239-47-91.
  • Site: http://www.zooparkvrn.ru.
  • Address: ul. Osipenko, 6a. Stopping Transport "Institute of Hypharochuk".

Despite the fact that the urban zoo is not impressive with dimensions, occupying the area of \u200b\u200babout 0.5 hectares on the territory of the park of aircraftteners, to visit it will be interesting to any child. Here are contained representatives of fauna belonging to 150 species. Some of these animals and birds are listed in the Red Book. During the excursion, visitors will be able to see the Amur Tiger, Lion, Volkov, Lisiza, Bears. The kids will gladly observe the life of monkey and macaque. The institution has a wonderful collection of reptiles and amphibians. It should select Nilsky and African crocodile, polozov, python, imperial boa, anaconda.

Traveling to Voronezh will bring a huge number of bright emotions and excellent memories. The city has established all infrastructure necessary for a full-fledged recreation in a comfortable environment.

Voronezh is worth a visit not only for his interesting museums, numerous parks and picturesque areas. There are funny monuments of animals - the heroes of famous literary works, and the monuments-copies of the first Petrovsky ships. As well as unusual buildings in modern style and gothic of the late XIX-XX centuries, which is very surprising for the city located in the south of Central Russia.

Much in Voronezh traditional Russian temples, theaters, former merchant mansions, causing her noble and elegant look. Also tourists should pay attention to the monuments, perpetuating the image of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. No less interest is the "Voronezh Sea" - a huge city reservoir stretching for tens of kilometers.

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What to see and where to go in Voronezh?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a brief description.

1. Monument to white bim

One of the unofficial symbols of the city, created by sculptors I. Dikunov and E. Pak based on the work of the same name. Interestingly, the masters made it exclusively for their funds. The sculpture is a figure of a dog, sitting directly on a blocking and patiently waiting for his owner's return. Monument was established in 1998 on the Avenue of the Revolution near the theater of the Dolls "Jester".

2. Kitten from Lieseukov Street

The monument, perpetuating another popular hero - a kitten from the Soviet cartoon, which, according to the plot, was the inhabitant of Voronezh. The sculpture was created by I. Dikunov and E. Pak in 2003. The author of the idea was the student of grade 11, which won the competition best projects. Animal figure sits on a tree branch. It seems that the kitten is entirely busy conversation with curious raven.

3. Ship-Museum "Goto-Pre-National"

A copy of the real vessel of Peter I, standing at the Admiralty Square. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a ship-museum came to the head of the Voronezh authorities in 2009. At first it was assumed that experts from Denmark will work on it, but as a result, Russian masters were erected. The museum was solemnly opened in 2014 on the day of the Navy. Its exposition consists of objects telling about the emergence and development of the sea fleet.

4. Admiralteyskaya Square

The area is located in the center of Voronezh within the Petrovsk Embankment. It was built in 1996 in honor of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Russian Fleet. The architectural dominant place is a high rostral column. The ensemble also includes the Assumption Admiralty Temple of the XVII century. Admiralteyskaya Square often becomes a venue for concerts and mass walking.

5. Victory Square

One of central Square Voronezh, which is located a memorial complex in honor of the defenders of the city. Her discovery took place in 1975 by the 30th anniversary of the Victory. The monumental monument from the red granite and metal is in the northern tip. It consists of 12 figures depicting all kinds of troops of the Soviet army, as well as partisans and militias. Before silently frozen sculptures, the eternal flame burns.

6. Blagoveshchensky Cathedral

The cathedral temple of the city, erected in the picturesque Russian-Byzantine style according to the project V. P. Shevelev. The cathedral was built in the period 1998-2009. Its discovery was accompanied by a procession and large-scale events in which many residents of the city took part. Today, the temple is an important religious center - regular services are held here, and a Sunday school works.

7. Assumption Admiralty Temple

The oldest church of the city, which has come down to this day. It was erected in the XVII century (or at the end of XVI), after which they were repeatedly updated and rebuilt. Prevailing architectural style Buildings - classicism. In the 1930s, the temple was closed, and during the world he was destroyed due to bombing. Since the 1970s, separate restoration work was carried out, but the full reconstruction was carried out only in the 2000s.

8. Alekseevo-Akatov Monastery

Women's abode arising in the XVII century. Initially, the monastery was male, but after the revival in the XX century, the nuns began to live here. The complex is built in the Russian-Byzantine manner, during the restoration of the master they tried to recreate his initial forms. The miraculous icon of the "Live Source" icon is kept here and the healing image of the Great Panteleimon.

9. Pokrovsky Cathedral

The first wooden church at the site of the Pokrovsky Cathedral was set at the beginning of the XVII century, the stone church appeared after many years - at the end of the XVIII century. In 1833-41, he was rebuilt in a classic style for the project of architect I. A. Blizzin. In Soviet times, various institutions were located in the building, including the local local lore museum, thanks to which the cathedral was able to survive.

10. Drama Theater named after A. V. Koltsov

One of the oldest theaters in Russia, which was founded in 1802. His first troupe consisted of freely published peasants (former fortress actors) and ordinary enthusiasts. A separate building for the scene was built in 1821, in 1886 it was redesigned in the pseudorous style. Unfortunately, it did not reach this day, as it was destroyed during the War. Modern building decorated the city in 1944.

11. Opera and Ballet Theater

The main music scene of Voronezh, who first appeared in the city in the 1930s on the basis of the theater of the musical comedy. During the long time, more than 200 works from the classic ballet and opera repertoires were put here. The team visited the tour in Europe, Asia and America, which speaks of the high professionalism of the actors. Today, the theater program consists of both traditional works and from modern creations of talented authors.

12. Theater dolls "Jester"

The history of the theater of dolls began in 1925 with an amateur university stage in which young artists were involved. Very soon, performances switched to a professional platform, and the scene gained popularity among the audience. The repertoire of the theater is made up of works for adults and children. N. V. Gogol, M. De Cervantes, U. Shakespeare, A. P. Chekhov, R. Kipling and other well-known authors put here.

13. Voronezh Local Lore Museum

The museum has the glory of one of the leading expositions in the city. Here is kept numismatic, ethnographic, philatelic, weapons collections, as well as collections of porcelain, ceramics, rare books and other valuable exhibits. The main building of the museum is a picturesque urban mansion of the early XX century with a bright red facade. The structure is built of bricks in a manner of eclectic, diluted by Russian style elements.

14. Building of the Meshman

Architectural monument to the late XVIII century. The structure is built in an exemplary classic style, which is quite rare for provincial architecture. Initially, the building was created for the industrialist S. A. Savostyanov. Since 1870, there has been a Voronezh Meshchanskaya Posbeka. Today, the mansion takes one of the divisions literary museum them. I. S. Nikitina.

15. Art Museum named after I. N. Kramsky

The museum exposition is located in the Barochny Palace of the XVIII century, built on the project N. N. Ievsky on request of the Voronezh Governor. Here is collected an impressive collection consisting of artifacts ancient Mira, Russian and European painting, sculptures, icons and objects of applied art. The museum was founded in 1933, today it is the largest cultural center of the city and the entire region.

16. Museum "Arsenal"

The exposition is located in the building of the former Sukonnaya Factory Gardenin. The exact date of its construction is not called, but it is believed that it was erected in 1774-77. Since 1910, a weapon warehouse has been located here. During the Great Patriotic War, shells did not get into the design, so she reached us almost in its original form. The collection of the Arsenal Museum consists of exhibits of the time of the Second World War.

17. "Museum of Forgot Music"

Perhaps one of the most interesting and unusual expositions of Voronezh, which consists of musical instruments of different peoples. Some of them are no longer used, the other was specially created on the plots of literary and artistic works. The collection was collected by spontaneously - something mined the employees of the museum, other exhibits brought out of equinavid people as a gift.

18. Voronezh Oceanarium

The very first oceanarium opened in the Central Federal District in 2011. About 200 species of fish are inhabited in its pools and aquariums, several dozen marine mammals, as well as reptiles and birds (only more than 3,500 thousand individuals). Some representatives of the ocean fauna can only be seen here. For example, electric eel, Japanese Muren and crabs-spiders, a tiger sandy shark.

19. Layout of the ship "Mercury"

Monument to the vessel "Mercury", disassembled into water in Petrovsky times. At one time, this frigate was headed by a detachment of five ships, at which the king made the Azov campaign. The layout is a symbol of Voronezh - "the cradles of the fleet of the Russian", because it is believed that one of the first shipperphs of Russia was located in this city. The monument is in the middle of the Voronezh reservoir on a concrete pedestal.

20. Stone Most

A small bridge is 10 meters long, built in 1826 by the project I. A. Blitzin in the framework of the Governor Program on the Improvement of the City. It was erected in order to facilitate the passage of Old-Moscow street. The design of the brick was the first building of this type in the city and immediately got the name "Stone Bridge". By the 400-year anniversary of Voronezh, Pontoons was renovated and updated.

21. Rotonda

Part of the 1930s hospital building, destroyed during the Second World War. Today, his ruins are a bright monument to the events of the war. In 1942-43, during the battle for the city, this area was transcended several times from one opposing side to another, as a result of which the construction was subjected to significant damage. After the end of the fighting for the restoration of the hospital simply did not have the means, her brick walls Disassembled to build new residential buildings. As a result, only a concrete frame remained.

22. Juve Management Building

Administrative structure of 1929-32 buildings, erected in the style of Soviet constructivism. During the war, it was damaged, after which it was restored in a pseudoclassical manner. This building is considered one of the most beautiful in Voronezh, it is a symbol of a pre-war epoch with a giantomania inherent in it, the desire for labor feats and a tremendous jump in industry.

23. Hotel Building "Bristol"

The construction of modern buildings built at the beginning of the 20th century on the project of the Moscow architect M. E. Furmanova. For its time, the building turned out to be innovative, as the creator, being also an engineer, applied various technical innovations during construction. For example, there was an elevator for the transport of passengers and cargo - one of the first designs of this type in the city.

24. Palace of Oldenburg (Raman)

Mansion of the late XIX century, a sample of Russian neootics is quite rare style for the Russian province of that time. The house belonged to the Russian branch of the notable kind of Dukes of Aldenbug. The building was built on the project H. Neisler commissioned by Evgenia Maximilianovna Romanovskaya, Duchess Leihtenberg. Nowadays, excursions are held in the palace, although restoration works are not the first decade.

25. Park "Scarlet Sails"

Park on the shores of the Voronezh reservoir, opened in 1975. By 2011, he was renovated on the project of a landscape designer from France O. Dame, after which he became a real decoration of the city and entered the list of the best parks of Russia. The location is divided into thematic parts: beach, dance floor, space for children, summer theater, cafe, area for picnics, recreation areas.

26. Koltsovsky Square

Park on pl. Lenin, one of the popular sites of the citizens. Here is the light-music fountain and bust of A. V. Koltsov, created by the sculptor A. Trisorni. Square appeared in 1871, at the beginning of the 20th centuries, he became a favorite place for the summer evening promenade. In 2009, after reconstruction, the park was transformed: new lighting was established and the pavement tile was replaced.

27. Petrovsky Square

A small park in the city center, called by the monument to Peter I, first established here in 1860. During the war, the monument was taken out by German invaders. In 1956, the sculptors G. A. Schulz and N. P. Gavrilov created a copy of the stolen sculpture on the preserved photographs. Today, Petrovsky Square is popular Moz For dates and friendly meetings.

28. Voronezh Central Park

The main and largest city park, which occupies an area of \u200b\u200babout 100 hectares. His story began with the creation of a nursery for plants in 1844. After the establishment of Soviet power, a significant born Botanical Garden was transferred to the local university. In time, almost all green plantings were destroyed, so the park had to be restored with almost zero.

29. Voronezh Reserve

The reserve is located on the territory of Lipetsk and Voronezh regions, it covers an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 31 thousand hectares. It was formed in 1923 in order to preserve the animal and vegetable world of the forest-steppe zone. Here dwells excavation, hares, bats, minks, deer, badgers, eagles-burial grounds, exhaust and a few more dozen species of animals, birds and amphibians.

30. Voronezh reservoir

One of the world's largest artificial reservoirs located within the city. Its length is about 30 km. The reservoir was created in 1971-72 together with the dam in order to provide Voronezh water. There are several uninhabited islands on its territory - former hills. Local residents are often referred to as Voronezh Sea reservoir because of its incredible sizes.

Sights of Voronezh, their photos with names and descriptions are usually interested in those who travel around Russia.

This city is called the cradle of the Navy, the homeland of the kitten from Lieseukov Street, where the largest cultural events are held annually, such as the International Platonian Festival, where the best theaters, actors, singers and musicians come from all over the world.

Want to meet Voronezh closer? To find out what is famous for the city today, what to do in Voronezh on vacation in summer or winter, or if you pass - what can be viewed in two or three days, determine in advance - where are the great places for a photo shoot to make beautiful photos?

Carefully read this article before the trip, a short guide to addresses and interesting notes, then you do not miss any of the attractions!

In contact with

Complexes and memorials

The first mention of this settlement belongs to 1586, which makes it an older brother of St. Petersburg. It is located 534 kilometers from Moscow, located between the banks of the Don and Voronezh rivers.

Located on the left and right banks of the Voronezh River, 8.5 km from its infusion in, 515 km in the south-south-east direction from Moscow

In the heart of the city, one of the largest Russian reservoirs is organized, which divides the capital of the Chernozem to two halves - the right and left shore.

It is worth noting: Voronezh wears the title of the city of military glory, because in the period from 1942 to 1943 were fierce battles with the Germans. Local residents defended their small homeland, capturing a lot of fascist soldiers, for a long time he deprived the enemy of the forces.

That is why many travelers are interested in military memorials and memorial sites that can be found literally in each area - fraternal graves, Monument dedicated to an unknown soldier, Memorial the victims of the warriors On Soviet Square and many others.

The greatest popularity was won by sculptures created in the last decade:

  • Monument to the front postman (ul. Prospect of the revolution).

The monument is set near the Chief Administration and symbolizes the dangerous and necessary work, which was performed by simple veronezh. Postmen rarely dedicate poems, songs, but soldiers on the forefront can often raise the spirit and mood only a short letter from the house.

Guided by such an opinion, activists from the local population decided to perpetuate the work of front postal posts in the sculpture, and his prototype became the Efreitor Ivan Leontyev - the forwarder, which served in the war years in the 333rd shelf of the Red-Snimited Rifle Division;

  • Monument to paratroopers (next to the street. Lieseukov and the 60th Army, on the site near the Academy of Arts).

The city wears another honorary title - the Motherland of the Airborne Forces, since it was in it, on the territory of the current Comintern district, for the first time in world history, a landing was discharged. The construction dedicated to this truly great event is a revealed parachute, under a dome of which is just a landed paratrooper and a schoolboy, holding a model of the aircraft in his hands.

Traditionally, on August 2, on the day of airborne troops, there are solemn events for all who are involved in this type of military service. By the way, the roma is a cozy Square, and a little indeed - free children's attractions, so coming here are interested in the whole family;

  • Monument "Seller and Buyer" (ul. Vladimir Nevsky, 48).

The unusual monument is installed on the territory of the small market "Cathedral". The sculpture consisting of the figures of the seller of mirrors and two customers in traditional costumes symbolizes market relations in which not only need to be bargained, but also nice.

The construction is atypical, which there is a lot here, so see it stands to every traveler. A good tradition is connected with him - any passer-by can lose the mirror in the seller's hands, so that happiness in life has become much more;

  • Monument kitten from Lieseukov Street.

The next unusual pedestal is dedicated to the legendary hero of the cartoon and installed, of course, on that very street Lieseukova. The sculpture shows a tree on which kitten and a crow is sitting.

In order to return here again, the visitors are clutching the cat's paw and, of course, take pictures next to him;

  • Monument to White Bima Black Ear (Revolution Ave, 50).

The tragic fate of the dog from the same story of the Voronezh writer Gabriel Treopolsky, of course, does not leave anyone indifferent, therefore a sculpture dedicated to Bima installed next to the dolls theater is very popular among tourists.

  • Monument to Samuel Marshaku (st. Karl Marx, 72).

This is one of the newest sculptures.

The writer, incredibly loved the children and dedicated to him almost all his work, is depicted very detailed - it's a simple coat with a massive collar, in the eyes - kindness and love, and next to a little girl, as if asking Samuel Yakovlevich to tell some more interesting stories;

Do you know that: Today, Marshak, immortalized in stone, there is no more anywhere, so it is necessary to see it!

  • Monument to Vladimir Vysotsky (st. K. Marx, in the square next to the Institute of Physical Education).

The monument depicting Vladimir Semenovich with a guitar sitting on a chair is a tribute to the memory of his beloved singer and actor from Voronezh. It is made in the same style as the sculpture in Moscow on passionate boulevard, but it is more in size.

In the evenings in the summer season, musicians are gathering here and fulfill their favorite songs of Soviet Bard, they read his poems;

  • Monument to therapeutic chair (Square next to the regional government building, Lenin Square).

This can be said to the most original locality monument that has no analogues in the world. The bronze sculpture, made according to the sketches of Alexander Scona, may well be called the work of contemporary art.

  • Layout of the ship "Mercury" (zone of the reservoir at the Vogresovsky bridge).

"Mercury" is the first shipboard ship, lowered water from Ramona shipyard in 1698. Most likely, you have not seen such a monument yet: the fact is that Mercury layout is almost impossible to see from the shore, since it is installed on piles Right in the water!

Unfortunately, in a short time, the ship is dismantled due to a deplorable state, but so far it is possible to swim close to him and look around, rented a boat or boat, or during a maritime excursion on the boat, which is sent every day with the Admiralty Embankment;

  • Ship-Museum "Goto Pre-National" (Admiralty Embankment).

To visit the first ship created by the decree of Peter I the Great Local Masters, you will not be difficult - quite recently lowered the exact copy of the vessel is serving the parking lot on the Admiralty Embankment.

A tour should be written before.

Orthodox attractions of the capital Chernozem

We remind you that we are considering a millionth city, so there is a huge number of churches and temples, which are kept important for Orthodox Christians of the relic. Here are just some of the religious attractions that you should visit:

  • Admiralty Square and the Assumption Church.

Next to the parking lot "Goto Section" on Admiralteyskaya Square rises the Assumption Admiralty Church. This is the oldest of the temples preserved in the settlement - it was built in the 17th century.

An interesting architectural component of the building, since it is performed in the spirit of classicism, as well as internal decoration;

Take into account: It was in the Assumption Admiralty temple most often bring the relics of saints. So, in the past few years, believers could come here to worship the relics of Matrona Moscow.

  • Nikolskaya church (st. Taranchenko, 19a).

Another old architectural structure is Nikolsky Temple. He is a form of Russian baroque and was built back in the 18th century.

The church is located in the central area, but away from noisy roads, so near, and inside, always quietly. The pearl of this place can be called a particle of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which may worship parishioners;

  • Alekseevo-Akatov Women's Monastery (ul. Labor Labor, 1B).

The incredible architectural decision of the monastery is not the only reason for which it is worth a visit. This is one of the historical buildings, because it was laid back in 1620.

It is better to come to church outside the service when it is especially quiet here and it is possible to take a walk around the building, admire with an honed landscape design;

  • Blagoveshchensky cathedral (Revolution, 18a).

This church is often called a reduced copy of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, which is located in Moscow. The buildings are really similar to design, decoration, massive stairs. The church is also in the center, so there are always many parishioners here, and in the period of large Orthodox holidays, mass events are always organized, Orthodox fairs.

The cathedral is built in the Russian-Byzantine style and is very interesting from an architectural point of view, although it has opened relatively recently - in 2009;

  • Pokrovsky Cathedral (ul. Bekhtereva, 36).

Unusual on the beauty of the temple. It is located in a quiet area, but there is always a lot of parishioners.

From here opens beautiful view on the city, and in the inner decoration of the church a lot of interesting things;

  • Teshevsky Savior Transfiguration Women's Monastery (MKRN Polysh, not far from the railway station "Grafskaya").

Another oldest temple of the region, which was founded in 1646. It is interesting, of course, from a religious point of view - what is called, "nasty place."

But the old architecture will definitely be interested in travelers. Get here the most convenient on the train.

Cultural attractions

Tourists are waiting for a lot of fascinating exhibition centers, in the collections of which not only classic art samples, but also works of modern art.

So, the greatest popularity among young people has the gallery "H.L.A.M." On Deputy Street, 1.

The name is deciphered as "artists, writers, artists, musicians", which characterizes the main direction of exhibitions opening in the gallery.

Fans of classical art, traditional painting and sculptures can go to the Voronezh Regional Art Museum named after I. N. Kramsky (Revolution, 18).

Here, the expositions of the works of local figures regularly opened, exhibitions of artists from all over the country and neighboring countries are organized, lithography exhibits from paintings from world-famous painters are regularly raised.

The Kramsky Museum is interesting for its architecture - this is the former Palace of General-Lieutenant Potapov, who was in the status of the Governor of the region at the end of the 18th century. The building is performed in the style of Baroque and is protected by the state.

And in the Voronezh Museum of Museum, which is located on Plekhanovskaya Street, 29, there are unique documents related to the history of the region, its formation, development.

By the way, the museum is considered one of the largest in the vicinity, since in its archive more than 170,000 exhibits.

Often there are exhibitions of not local history destinations, but the exposition dedicated to the capital of the Chernozem is constantly operating.

Of course, the cultural heritage is fulfilled by other museums and architectural structures that will be interested in all tourists:

  • museum "Arsenal" (st. Stepana Razin, 43), dedicated to the GIR;
  • House I. Bunina. (Revolution, 3), closed to visits, but at the same time its external facade should be seen;
  • House Gardenin (Factory alley, 10) - the oldest local house owned by the state merchant Martenin;
  • State Theater Dolls "Jester" (Revolution, 50);
  • Theatrical doll museum (Revolution, 50, in the building of the head of the "Jester" dolls), which tells about the history of the Voronezh Puppet Theater, his "artists";
  • Museum forgot music (Ul. January 9, d. 108) - Here are collected unique vintage musical instruments;
  • City Mechanics and Technical School named after Peter Great (Revolution Avenue, 8), in which the military unit is now located, interesting from an architectural and historical point of view. It was built back in 1908;
  • Voronezh Opera and Ballet Theater(Lenin Square, 7).

There is also a pretty major oceanarium in the city, according to its size, it may compete with some oceanariums of Europe (Parkovaya St., 3).

Voronezh Oceanarium has more than 300 species of fish and other representatives of flora and fauna. Going here, of course, makes both children and adults.

Where else to go to the tourist?

Voronezh is a beautiful and well-kept city with cozy squares, parks and streets. Getting to knowing your photos and pictures below on the page.

Monument to Peter 1 in Petrovsky Square

The most popular among tourists walks in these places:

  • Pervomaisky Sad. (Avenue of the Revolution, 18) - It is here that the Blagoveshchensky Cathedral is located. There are many shops in the garden, city events and holidays are often held;
  • Petrovsky Square (Ul. 20 years in Wlksm, 54 a) - here you can see Peter the first in bronze, a beautiful fountain and original sundial. From here there is an excellent view of the Petrovsky Passage Hotel, the Jujja Building;
  • Staromoskovskaya ulitsa- You will not find it on the map, as it is now called Karl Marx Street. It is a beautiful ancient street with squares, catering establishments, cultural attractions that are indicated above;
  • Admiralty Embankmentwhich borders the reservoir. There is always fresh here, so the place is perfect for a walk during the heat. In addition, a pleasure motor ship is sent daily into the warm season.

Thus, travelers who decided to visit Voronezh are definitely not bored. This city is rich in attractions that, of course, should see with their own eyes!

We offer you an interesting video excursion in Voronezh:



The glorious city in the south of Russia was founded in 1586. This figure says a lot, in particular, that, coming here for a short time, you risk not seeing many interesting and iconic places. Yes, during the Great Patriotic War, the city was destroyed almost to the ground. But something nevertheless survived, a lot has restored and over the past 70 years have created a lot of beautiful. Although the main sights of Voronezh are located in the city center, the route of one day is extensive and rather "sports". The editorial board has tried to make it most convenient for a better acquaintance with the ancient Russian city.


Our journey in Voronezh will begin in the heart of the city, not far from the central railway station. The place may, and inconspicuous, at first glance, however, it has an incredible cultural significance for Russia and many countries of the world. The laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature was born here - Ivan Bunin.

In 1867, the Bunin family came to Voronezh with a well-mentioned goal - children need to give a good education. The provincial secretary of Germanovskaya handed over the apartment in the house, now having an address of the Avenue of the revolution, 3. October 10 (on a new style) of 1870, a future writer was born here - Ivan Bunin. The location of the house was determined by the memories of his nephew. By the way, for almost 15 years - until 1989 - a memorial plaque was mistaken at home number 1. When Wana was 4 years old, the family still moved to the farm farmers in the Oryol province. At the same time, I.A. Bunin subsequently did not forget about his hometown. For example, a visit to the writer of a small homeland in January 1907 is described in the Novalla "Natalie" (1942). During the Great Patriotic War, the North Flegene burned out, the southern was very destroyed, the planning of the courtyard and the garden changed. During the years of "Perestroika", the South Flygel was restored by archival drawings. It is now located the State Inspectorate of the Protection of Historical cultural heritage Voronezh region. The very house of the residential, was in the private ownership of the heirs of the last owner. Inside, it is impossible to go inside, but to stay in Voronezh and not to look at the building where the great writer was born, simply irrevilibly.

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Revolution Avenue, 3, Voronezh

Landmark, Architecture Monument

A few minutes walk from the first point of the route, on the opposite side of the avenue is also very curious for inspection an angular building. On the square with an interesting name "Old Run" by 1913 built a city mechanical and technical school. Peter the Great - eight-year-old learning. This is the most significant study building of the last century in the city. The school was not thinking about someone, but the City Duma "to replenish qualified technical leaders in industrial enterprises of the city and province." Construction was completed due to the investment of large personal funds of the famous Voronezh Worker and Messente N.A. Klochkova.

In the 1920s, a practical institute was located in the building, later industrial and aviation technical schools. In the mid-40th bombing destroyed, the building is restored and granted to the military department. Rectangular construction with two inner courtyards It takes the entire width of the quarter between the avenue of the revolution and the Street of Engels. It is noteworthy that in the decoration of the facades was actively used by the motives of the Middle Ages. All facades are rhythmically dissected with blades and are completed by attics with parapety stands.

Giant arched openings of the second floor are seen even larger due to the dual windows of the first, between which there is a massive portal. There are various institutions in the building. We also have only admire and photograph original architectural solutions.

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Revolution Avenue, 8, Voronezh

Between the avenue from which we started hiking walkThe streets of Friedrich Engels and Feoktistov is located the Pervomaisian Garden of Voronezh. On Engels in the networking institution "Tanuki" you can take coffee for removal and sandwich, or buy, as in student years, kefir and a bun in a nearby store. Sitting on a bench, slowly breakfast and imagine the old gardens. It was broken in the 1840s as a resting place for citizens and acquired a brick fence with the lumen in the form of crosses. Main entrance Decorated four columns in the form of serf turres with teeth. In this small park there were many buildings: a summer theater for 600 seats, a restaurant, imagine, bowlbany and billiards room, and even rotunda for the brass orchestra. Holidays have satisfied, charity lotteries, flooded rinks for the winter. In the 1879 season, the theater was the writer Gilyarovsky and Actress Yermolov. In the late 1920s, the wooden building of the theater burned down. On the site of the former restaurant and circus in the 30th built a new summer theater with a large mechanized scene, which allowed to show the performances supplied by Meyerhold himself. In the same years in the center of the garden was built concert hall With a big scene. Unfortunately, during the war, all these wooden structures burned down. In 1948, the remains of a brick fence were dismantled and a new circus-shapito was erected. By the way, it was in him that the famous Oleg Popov began his clown activity! The facade of the circus was performed in 1946 by the project N.V. Troitsky. After 4 years by the project of architect A.V. Mironova was built the existing elegant metal lattice. Today, the city garden retains the former rectangular shape. It is diagonally crossed by alleys, they lead to angular entrances. On the main thing even preserved klem placed at the beginning of the 20th century.

From 1999 to 2009, the building of the Annunciation Cathedral was erected along the garden axis. This is perhaps the newest and most notable attraction of Voronezh: Blagoveshchensky cathedral largest is considered the third in Russia and one of the highest Orthodox churches in the world. Highest point - 97 meters. It is also known for keeping the relics of the first Voronezh bishop - St. Mitrofania, who was the companion of Peter the first and sanctified the first ships of the Russian fleet. The monument to the bishop is located nearby on the territory of Pervomaysky Garden.

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Museum, landmark, architectural monument

We continue not in a rush to go south on the avenue of the revolution. The house 18 is located one of the largest cultural centers of all Chernozem, the Voronezh Regional Art Museum. I.N. Kramsky. The museum settled in the baroque style of the Palace, built by 1779 on the project of architect N. Inevsky for the local governor Potapov. The structure is a monument to architecture of federal significance. The art museum was opened here on January 1, 1934, and the formation of collections began and before - in the middle of the XIX century. Collections of the art department of the provincial museum and department fine arts The University of Voronezh amounted to the exposition of the art museum of the name of Kramsky. During the war years, most antiquities were evacuated to Omsk. Collections of ancient Russian art and the collection of painting of the 20-30s. The twentieth century died, but were partially replenished in the post-war time. A huge part of the funds saved due to the efforts and labor of the Museum and Restorers of the Center for Academician Grabar.

Today the museum has a unique collection in an ancient Egypt, antiquity, Western European and Russian painting of the XVIII-XX centuries. Restorely store rare icons, graphics, sculptures, canvas of famous residents of the city: I.N. Kramsky, A.A. Buchkuri, E.A. Kiselova, the work of contemporaries. The Foundation has more than 23,000 valuable art objects. Monday and Tuesday - Weekends, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday Museum works from 10:00 to 18:00. The entrance ticket is 150 rubles.

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Opposite the artistic museum, Petrovsky Square is located, where we offer to take a stroll and see more modern sights of Voronezh. Perhaps the most interesting - just because of the elusive time - the sundial. Such "thing" cannot be done at the factory, every exist in one single copy. Before the revolution, this watch showed time on Nikitina Square. On the territory of the Square, the sundial was established in August 2006. On the side parts of the watch pedestal there is a gratitude inscription and historical data on reconstruction.

The shadows from the sun communicate about minutes and hours right in front of the monument to Peter. Sometime, the emperor Nicholas I approved the project of such a pedestal in the city, but the plan was never implemented. The new type of bronze figure on the pedestal Voronezh was already argued by Alexander II, who not only allowed, but also donated two and a half thousand rubles. Monument was opened on this money and voluntary contributions on August 30, 1860. The sculpture was created through the emperor's posthumous mask. The bronze was cast in the then capital, the red granite for a pedestal found, which is important, here, nearby: in Pavlovsk district of Voronezh province.

In 1942, the Bronze Figure of Peter was taken out by German invaders to remel in Germany. For almost 10 years after the end of the war, the monument was reconstructed on photographs and descriptions. The new monument to Peter was installed on the granite pedestal from the middle of the XIX century in January 1956.

It was possible to restore the composition and height of the figure, but some details were changed. So, for example, on a new monument of the emperor, a young depicted. That is how he came to Voronezh to start building a fleet. The monument is 3.5 meters high. Made in a realistic manner, face, suites and outfit details carefully worked out.

Not far from the monument to the Emperor is one of the most beautiful and famous fountains of Voronezh. The jet of its water is found at one point, forming a water dome, and then, noisy and with splashes, fell down. At night, the fountain works with backlight, forming an interesting light-shadow sparkling pattern. In winter, on the site of the fountain set the New Year's fir.

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A restaurant

Here, near the picturesque Square, we also have a lunch, namely in the Italian restaurant Via Bar Luskoni, located on the first floor of the Petrovsky Passage shopping center. In the elements of the interior, the national atmosphere and spirit of the Mediterranean is maximally transferred, and skillfully cooked dishes will give strength and vigor to further inspect the city and the perception of new aesthetic impressions. On the first, we recommend to take seafood soup, and to it - risotto with white mushrooms and veal. As a dessert, you can pamper yourself with a chocolate fund and noted the "equator" by the events of the day by the glass of the Red Italian Wine Paira Rosso Puglia. Lunch in Via Bar Luskoni will cost 700-800 rubles.

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Five minutes walk from the restaurant is the following item of our walk. At the Arsenal Museum at ul. Stepana Razin, d. 43 there is an exhibition "Voronezh region in the period of the Great Patriotic War. 1941 - 1945. " The history of the building itself is interesting: this is the workshop of the Martenin Sukonna factory, erected in the 1770s, which is the object of cultural heritage of the federal significance. From the day of the opening, almost 2 million people visited the museum. On the area of \u200b\u200b600 square meters, valuable documents of those years, rewards and weapons of warriors are exhibited. Thematic exhibitions open to memorable dates in the museum. The Arsenal storage has tens of thousands of documents.

Veterans had invaluable help in creating the museum. Documentary meeting is open to research work. Especially unique preserved leaflets with calls to give up in captivity of the 1940s (USSR, Germany), the collection of War Time Pictures L. Zhdanova, V. Bogatkin, V. Demidov. The entrance ticket is 60 rubles.

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Sightseeing, Religion

Walk again to the first house on the street of liberation of labor. There is a monastery, which is the oldest in Voronezh and one of the most ancient in Chernozem. In 1620, the Russian army won the Lithuanians and Cherkas. The decisive battle took place on the day of memory of the Moscow Metropolitan Alexy, "the first part of the name of the temple appeared. The second part points to Akatov Polyana - at the beginning of the XVII century, a wooded elevation in solitude, where the abode was erected.

In the middle of the 20s of the last century, when most temples were destroyed, he turned into a center of the spiritual life of Voronezh. In 1931, the parish was still closed, and his property, as was accepted then, "disappeared without a trace." His second birth of Alekseevo-Akatov, the monastery survived in the 1990s, when the female monastery was opened here and the first liturgy was held.

Services in the monastery are held every day, the morning liturgy begins at 7:30 pm on weekdays, at 6:30 pm and at 8:30 am on Sundays and holidays, the evening service in the winter begins at 16:00, and in the summer at 17:00.

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Sightseeing, Religion, Architectural Monument

In the embankment of Massalitinova, literally in a straight line, you can reach the Admiralty Square. Routes to stop "Spartak Cinema" are considered to be the number of buses: 9x, 13n, 20a, 52, 24a, 52a, 41, 44n, 79. On the right bank of the Voronezh reservoir, on the site of shipyard times of Peter the Great, a memorial area was created. She was opened on September 7, 1996, when Voronezh together with the whole country celebrated the 300th anniversary of the Russian military fleet. In memory of the construction of the fleet, a Rostral Column was installed and a wonderful entrance to the Admiralty square was built in the form of a solemn triumphal arch. Between the hare island and the embankment there is an old riverbed of the Voronezh River. Left is visible to the Chernavsky bridge, right - Vahreshovsky. Square usually organize mass holidays, concerts and fairs.

Next to the brainchild of the new century, the Assumption Church of the Assumption Male Monastery of 1694 of the Construction was surprising. This is a monument of architecture of the XVII century, the oldest church Voronezh, and most importantly, the only surviving in the city of "Witness" of Peter I. Assumption Admiralty Church, which is mentioned in the sources at the end of the century XVI, was originally wooden. Later, a whole German Sloboda rose around her, the palaces of the king and his friends were erected, and the Admiralty was built on the island. The temple became a place where the first Russian ships were sanctified. It is known that in 1696 it was consecrated here and launched the gallery "Principle", which participated in the Azov campaign.

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According to the old town's lugs, where remarkable little churches and merchant houses have been preserved, we will rise to modern and lively evenings in the city center. We will go through Karl Marx Street, who received its name, as it is not difficult to guess in the twentieth century. In 1918, the old-Moscow and large garden were combined under the general new name.

Once a segment from the current street. Sofia Perovskoye to Taranchenko was formed as the beginning of the road to Moscow. With a regular planning of the city in 1774, he received the name of the Old Moskovskaya Street. Lower steep part is an old-Moscow alley. On the upper, wide part at the end of the XVIII century, the active construction of stone noble and merchant houses began. At one end of the old-Moscow street by the middle of the century XIX there was already a winter theater (now it is the old building of the DramaTheater), on the other - a bossary police part with a fire calane. With the improvement of the city in the 1820s, a stone bridge was built through the ravine, giving the street a special gloss and charm. And on the site of the current house number 44 there was a house that served and editors, teachers of the Voronezh Cadet Corps, the founder and publisher of the first in Russia - private (!) - Scientific journal "Philological notes" A.A. Khovansky.

Today in the middle of the former Old Muscovan Street you can see a number of two-storey stone houses of the classic period. It is at home at the numbers 35, 40, 41, 43, 46. True, many of them were rebuilt, as its original appearance and the stone bridge changed. The police part remained in the original form (house 32), Alexandrian shelter of the late XIX century (45) and two residential buildings began already the 20th century: houses 48 and 58. It is interesting for travelers and the lower part of the street: very narrow and cool so much so that instead of the sidewalk It has a staircase made by a cobblestone. At the very beginning, a brick plastering house number 10 in two floors was preserved, with characteristic of the turn of the past and before last ages by half-features.

See also: