Last minute tours to Tunisia. Local features of Tunisia

People go to Tunisia to relax in first class spa, bargain at the oriental bazaar, ride a camel through the largest desert in the world and, of course, it’s wonderful to relax in hotels by the sea. Holidays in Tunisia have become a good substitute for holidays in Egyptian resorts: tours here are cheap, service in hotels is decent, and there is enough sand in the Sahara and ancient ruins for everyone.


Visa to Tunisia for Russian citizens need not. All you need to visit Tunisia is to pay for a hotel, fly to one of the airports and fill out a short questionnaire.

Tours in Tunisia

Prices for tours for 2 people for 7 nights with departure from Moscow


If you are planning beach holiday in Tunisia, then remember that the swimming season begins from the end of May to the end of October. For trips, it is better to choose the off-season - late autumn or mid-spring.

In the resort areas of Tunisia, there are many hotels that literally dot the entire coast. Those that are on the first line have a large area, their own beach area, garden and pools. Usually these are hotels of well-known international chains, but there are also local brands whose service is just as good. The most common category hotels 4 or 5 stars. We recommend choosing food by type "all inclusive".

Round trip flights to Tunisia

Ticket prices shown are for 1 person departing from Berlin

First of all, of course, it is worth planning a visit to, to the famous one - without visiting him, a trip to Tunisia will be incomplete. It will also be interesting to see the dwellings of troglodytes and the places where Star Wars episodes were filmed. You should definitely wander around the capital's medina, look at and take fantastic pictures in the blue and white city, feed the giraffe at the Phrygia Zoo.


Currency of Tunisia - Tunisian dinar. One Tunisian dinar is divided into 1000 millimeters and is equal to approximately 50 cents.

What to bring

The three most popular souvenirs from Tunisia - olive oil, ceramics and desert rose.

Olive oil has been produced in Tunisia for a very long time; endless olive plantations can be seen along the roads. Several varieties of olives grow in the country, so all kinds of oil are sold. It is only important to pay attention to acidity - it should not be lower than 1%.

"Desert Rose" is a beautiful souvenir that can only be found in the countries of North Africa. These are sand, salt and gypsum pressed by the wind, which form amusing shapes that look like flowers. average price for one "rose" - one dinar, but you can bargain and get a bunch for a piglet.


Tunisia was under the rule of France for a long time, and this left a big imprint on national cuisine. For example, they still serve the freshest and most delicious baguette for breakfast and they know how to make croissants very well. Chefs are also good at dishes from cereals and legumes- for example, chickpeas or couscous. But with meat, everything is much sadder. Mainly mutton, cooked in the oven and generously flavored with spices so that it is almost impossible to recognize lamb.

Boiled vegetables (also with spices) are at a premium here. What Tunisians have no equal in is sweets. Nuts in honey, baklava, Turkish delight, nougat - you can’t list everything!


developed in Tunisia bus and train service as well as a taxi service. You can travel between cities by bus or train. The national carrier that controls the electric trains offers cars of varying degrees of comfort. Tickets are quite expensive - from 9 to 20 dinars. An amazing metro runs in the capital, like two drops of water similar to interconnected trams - almost all lines are ground, there are no transfers between them.

IN resort towns the best way to get from point A to point B is Taxi. It is very important to know a few rules in order not to end up on the outskirts of the city without money. First, remember that getting into a taxi is paid (about 250 millimeters). Secondly, always ask to reset and turn on the counter. Thirdly, be prepared for a rather dashing driving style. At night, a taxi rises in price by 50% - from 21:00 to 5:00 there is a special tariff. In general, traveling by taxi is convenient and very inexpensive, if you follow all the rules. A trip from to, for example, will cost about 4 dinars, and from a coastal hotel to the city center, to the medina - 2-3 dinars.

How to get there

Tunisia is a country in northern Africa, neighboring Libya and Algeria. Its shores are washed by gentle waters mediterranean sea. About a third of the country's territory is occupied by the Atlas Mountains, and in the south of the country it begins.

There are 9 airports in Tunisia, but Russian tourists land at 4 of them. Capital (Tunisia-Carthage) accepts regular flights. New Enfidha Airport c accepts charters from Moscow, St. Petersburg and Russian cities (Perm, Tyumen, Kazan and others). The transfer will take approximately 45 minutes.

Charters with Russian tourists also land at Habib Bourguiba Airport in Monastir. Before


In 2015, another revolution shook Tunisia and the unrest has not yet passed. On excursions you can see fortified police and military vehicles. From time to time, local radicals arrange clashes, most often this happens in the capital, in resort towns such a rarity. After the sad case of a terrorist attack on a hotel, the resort administration has stepped up security - the territories are equipped with video cameras, the hotels are guarded by people in uniform.

Good to know

  • Time in Tunisia is two hours behind Moscow.
  • Sockets in Tunisia do not differ from Russian ones, no adapter is needed.
  • The jellyfish season on the coast begins in August and lasts until early September.
  • Large shops are open until 19:00, small shops - until 23:00.
  • It is better for women not to appear in places that are not too crowded without an accompanying man and not to go alone to coffee shops with a male audience.

One of the brightest and most colorful countries on the Mediterranean coast is Tunisia. Rest here will be a real gift for lovers of a mild sunny climate.

Tunisia is located in the north of Africa - this mysterious continent shrouded in legends. It is not as hot here as in the heart of Africa: humid sea air pleasantly refreshes in summer and gently invigorates in winter. An increasing number of tourists are striving to spend their holidays in this country today. It is for this that thousands of guests annually rush to Tunisia - vacation! 2014 is the best year for traveling to Africa. The tourism business has recently begun to take its positions here, and holidays in Tunisia have not yet become prohibitively expensive. At the same time, the quality of service at the resorts of the country is constantly improving, the comfort of hotels is growing, more and more conditions are being created for elite pastime.

A legitimate question arises - how much does a vacation in Tunisia cost? Prices for African holidays vary depending on the duration of the trip and the cost of staying at the hotel of the selected class. But, in any case, the cost of the tour is very different from the sky-high prices for elite resort offers. What a person with an average income can afford is a vacation in Tunisia. The prices of 2014 will pleasantly surprise even those who have never decided on vacations or vacations abroad before, being afraid not to fit into their budget.

For those who want to spend a vacation with their families, Tunisia has a great opportunity to stay in comfortable hotels with children. Tunisia, rest, mysterious Africa - what else do kids need for complete happiness? Such a holiday will be remembered by the kids for a lifetime. And how many heroic stories about encounters with African lions and crocodiles can be told to friends! If you choose a family vacation in Tunisia, these wonderful sunny days will remain in your memory for years to come. And every year you will dream of returning again to Africa, to Tunisia, to the sea, salty wind and amazing sunbathing on the golden beach of the Mediterranean!

Holiday season in Tunisia

Tunisia is waiting for guests all year round. It all depends on what kind of weather you prefer. If you want warmth and sun, you like to splash around in salty sea water, then you should visit Tunisia during the holiday season. June to October you can safely visit here in order to lie on the beach for your pleasure and enjoy swimming in the warm waves of the Mediterranean Sea.

Holidays in Tunisia in May are a real blessing for those who love the warm gentle sun, and not the burning summer heat. May Tunisia is a damp spring wind that brings light rains, which are increasingly replaced by bright sunny days. average temperature during the day at this time of the year is + 25 ° C, in the evening it becomes a little cooler, up to + 15 ° C. A May holiday in Tunisia is ideal for those who want to see the sights of the country without suffering from the heat and scorching sun.

If you like to sunbathe, you should think about a holiday in Tunisia in June. This month is considered the most suitable for getting a trendy Mediterranean tan, while the air temperature during the day still does not rise above +30°C.

The middle of summer in Tunisia, as well as in our country, is the high season. Holidays in Tunisia in July are good for those who love the hot sand of golden beaches and the dazzling, truly summer sun. In July, it gets really hot here, the temperature drops below + 30 ° C except in the evening. But even at night, sea water remains amazingly warm. If you love the romance of night swimming, go to Tunisia in July.

And if you like even hotter time and are not afraid to burn out during the day from the heat of + 35 ° C, choose a vacation in Tunisia in August. This last summer month in Africa is the hottest. During the day, few people risk being in the open sun for a long time, but with the onset of darkness, Tunisia comes to life. After all, August here is the time of noisy and vibrant music festivals.

September ends the classic holiday season. Holidays in Tunisia in September are good because the temperature of the air and water is still summer, but the sun is not so mercilessly warm. Perhaps September here is somewhat similar to May. The heat is no longer so tiring, again it is possible to get a good tan without fear of sunburn.

Well, if you are attracted not by a beach holiday, but by the opportunity to travel around the country, visit the sights of Tunisia, think about coming here at the end of winter or at the beginning of spring. The weather at this time is conducive to excursions and walks. Moreover, this period is not considered holiday season vacationers in Tunisia are much smaller than in summer.

If you prefer a quiet, quiet holiday to noisy crowds, you will like a holiday in Tunisia in February. This month is changeable and fickle in terms of weather: rains are replaced by the first warm sunny days in spring. Walks by the sea and sightseeing the best activity for those who came to Tunisia in February. It is worth noting that a trip to Tunisia at such a time will cost you much less than a seasonal summer tour.

Profitable tours to Tunisia from St. Petersburg you will find at Geotour!

After reading the description of this African state, you are immediately interested in the price of a vacation in Tunisia in 2014. After all, a trip here is a fairy tale, which is very close.

Although Tunisia cannot compete with Egypt in terms of the number of attractions and interesting diving, even if it does not compete with Turkey or the island resorts of the Mediterranean, it is still very popular destination. And this country with the capital of the same name has its fans who come here every year. And why, let's try to figure it out.

What is attractive about this country?

This country has, if not all, then quite a lot. At the very least, a person can relax on the beaches or in fashionable spas, scuba dive into the clear sea, have fun or play sports on the water, go to the desert.

  • Climate. Hot summers and mild winters, dry air and warm sea all year round. But tourist season lasts from March to November.
  • Access to the Mediterranean Sea, the best health resort in the world;
  • Affordable prices compared to similar resorts in the region;
  • A rich historical past and an abundance of diverse attractions, a rich excursion program;
  • Thalassotherapy. This type of recovery is highly developed here, various programs are available all year round;
  • Good infrastructure;
  • Sahara desert with dunes and emerald oases.

Active travelers can go horseback riding, camel riding, play golf or tennis. And let every person travel to the Black Continent with his own goal, they all recognize that Tunisia is an extraordinary country.

Prices while shopping in Tunisia

True tourists will not leave a foreign country without buying a couple of souvenirs for relatives and friends. And travel is a great way to replenish your wardrobe or home nest with new things that are very expensive in your homeland. interesting places from the point of view of a shopaholic are: the capital of the same name with the state, Sousse, Hammamet, Monastir. In almost every resort, and in any city of at least medium size, there are shopping centers. But the most original purchases await you at the colorful oriental market.

What can be profitable to buy in Tunisia? First of all, these are delightful carpets, silk and products from it, linen, leather. Sheshshiya (a traditional headdress made of red wool), darbuka (a national instrument resembling a drum), and straw products are worth your attention. Jewelry is of the highest quality, because master jewelers use precious metals of the highest standard and stones of the purest water, as well as natural pearls and corals. Popular products made of copper, ceramics and blown glass, local cosmetics and perfumes, calligraphy paintings, various masks, amulets, souvenirs associated with Carthage (ruins ancient city located in Tunisia).

Gastronomy is another side of Tunisia that cannot be ignored. In this country you can buy at a good price a variety of coffees, spices, famous oriental sweets(halva, baklava, rare dates), wine and liqueurs, olive oil. A special delicacy is salted lemons, which you should definitely try in Africa.

What will be the price of a holiday in Tunisia in 2014

This country is famous for its affordable prices. True, the cost of the tour will vary greatly, depending on the season chosen for the trip, the resort, the category of the hotel and the entertainment program. For example, in July, a ten-day vacation in a three-star hotel will cost a couple 43 thousand rubles. (cost of accommodation, breakfast and airfare). At the end of August, the same trip will rise in price to 50 thousand rubles. In October, you can meet 40 thousand rubles, and in November prices will fall even more. In the spring you can relax for 30-35 thousand rubles.

How to reduce the cost of vacation in Tunisia? The answers are predictable. First, hold early booking, which will give a discount of 20-30%. In this case, you will be sure that at the appointed time you will go to the resort, and there will be places for you. Buying a last minute ticket will save more, up to half the cost, but then you will always be waiting for a call.

You can have a good rest in Tunisia for little money in winter. This is not the time for swimming, but for thalassatherapy it is the time. Experienced travelers believe that thalassotherapy procedures are carried out in winter with better quality than in summer. Here at this time there are much fewer tourists, prices are reduced as much as possible. But the air temperature of about +15 degrees Celsius during the day and at least +10 at night will not allow you to sunbathe, and you can’t swim in the water (the water temperature of the Mediterranean Sea is 15). But excursions to local attractions are held regularly.

An important nuance: most tour operators do not offer tours to Tunisia in winter, they should be selected individually.

Holidays in Tunisia will appeal to those who want to enjoy real Arabian exoticism with camel rides, excursions to a real desert, oriental markets and baths. Many Russian actors, musicians and politicians have rested in this country.

Tips for finding tours in Tunisia
1. Select the options you are interested in (all fields are optional)
2. Press the button Find tours. In a few seconds you will receive a selection of tours that best matches your request.

If none of the offers are of interest to you:
1. Take advantage tour request form . Describe your wishes for the rest in as much detail as possible, our specialists will select a tour for you and contact you.
2. Call any of company offices for advice.

Attention! You can purchase any of the presented tours on credit or interest-free installments.

The tour usually includes:
Flight Transfer Accommodation Nutrition Insurance

Last Minute Hotels in Tunisia

Minimum prices for a ticket to Tunisia from reliable tour operators

Tunisia is one of the relatively new tourist destinations with charter flights from Moscow. This country attracts, first of all, with its exotic climate, quite reasonable prices for service and food, a large selection of health procedures and entertainment. Due to the presence of not only charter flights, but also regular flights from Moscow, you can go on a package tour here almost at any time of the year. And a tourist will always find something to do here.

Benefits of a holiday in Tunisia

Among the main advantages of traveling in this direction are:

  1. Lack of visas. If you are going on vacation to Tunisia with a flight from Moscow or any other Russian city directly without transfers via tourist package you do not need a visa. Up to thirty days, guests from Russia can stay here with a passport.
  2. Affordable prices. Rest here, of course, is more expensive than in Turkey, but it is quite possible to avoid large overpayments.
  3. Beaches and hotels great for families with children; the descent into the sea on almost the entire coast is gentle.
  4. The opportunity to purchase vouchers and tours to this country on an all-inclusive basis.
  5. A wide choice of places for excursions - from ancient Carthage to the mysterious Sahara.

Features of Tunisia

Tunisia combines a subtropical Mediterranean climate on the coast and a desert climate in the south. Therefore, mostly tourists prefer to stay in the north, where the heat is not so noticeable. Most of the local hotels are also concentrated here, where you can go on a tour with a flight from Moscow.

Tunisia is rightfully considered one of the most civilized Arab states. There are excellent roads, well-developed social infrastructure. At the same time, the country has a lot of exotic things - from unusual dishes and stunning nature to ancient cities and castles. So tours to Tunisia are happily purchased by travelers who want to see a real Arab country, but quite comfortable for a European.

Things to do in Tunisia

Vacationers in Tunisia can choose:

  1. A trip to the Sahara. This is an important part of the excursion program for those who arrived here on tours. Jeep or camel tours are most often sent to the desert.
  2. A visit to one of the many oriental bazaars where you can bargain, buying authentic ceramics, mats, chased products.
  3. Gambling game. Resorts, such as Djerba, have luxurious casinos, so this is a real tropical paradise for fans of such a pastime.
  4. Vacation on the beach. The sand here is fine, white, every hotel on the coast has beaches, and they are carefully looked after.
  5. Wellness procedures. Thalassotherapy is here the highest level, it is not for nothing that celebrities from all over the world come to Tunisia to improve their health.

Where better to buy tours to Tunisia with a departure from Moscow

A tourist can choose almost any city on the coast where there is a hotel suitable for him. But most picturesque place country is the island of Djerba. There's a lot of greenery here great beaches and the largest casino in the country. In general, the country is not very big, therefore, staying in any of the cities, you can visit one of the hospitals or go on an excursion to the Sahara.

Useful information about Tunisia

One of the most popular tourist destinations at present is Tunisia, located in the north of the African continent on the Mediterranean coast. Holidays in Tunisia attracts travelers with the opportunity to sunbathe on a snow-white beach, swim in the turquoise sea, enjoy the rays of the warm sun and get acquainted with the rich culture and history of the country for quite an adequate price. An additional bonus for tourists is the visa-free regime and a short flight, only four hours.

The beach season lasts in Tunisia from May to the end of October. The highlight of the holiday in the country is thalassotherapy, a set of spa treatments based on the use of sea water, algae and mud of the Mediterranean Sea. Spa complexes are available in many hotels on the coast of the country. This legacy of the long French conquest makes it possible to develop tourism in the country and quite successfully.

Hotels in Tunisia are in no way inferior to hotels in Turkey and Egypt. For the most part, they are perfect for family vacation. The staff knows Russian, so tourists vacationing in Tunisia do not experience language barrier problems. Almost all hotels operate on an All Inclusive basis. A feature of Tunisia is public beaches, where local residents can relax along with tourists. Tourists who want to limit their communication with Tunisians choose hotels located away from the city limits.

The advantages of a holiday in Tunisia can rightfully be called:

  • availability;
  • fast flight;
  • visa-free regime;
  • availability of various excursion programs;
  • beautiful beaches with gentle entry into the sea;
  • delights of thalassotherapy.

With these benefits, trips to tunisia so popular and the flow of tourists does not stop. The country is visited annually by thousands of tourists from all over the world.

The country has several major resorts who have gained notoriety. If you wish, you can choose excellent hotels in the city that will appeal to young people, as well as in quiet corners where it will be comfortable for families with children and those who want to relax from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Wherein white sandy beaches and a pleasant turquoise sea will be guaranteed no matter where you stay.


First tourist resort Tunisia, the coastline of the resort area stretches for 14 km. The most popular thalassotherapy complexes are also located here. In the south of Hammamet there is a relatively new tourist area of ​​Yasmine with a wide promenade, luxury hotels, parks, restaurants, golf courses and casinos. Here you can find a lot of entertainment both during the day and at night.


the brightest and youth resort Tunisia. Hotels of different levels open their doors to everyone. Sousse hotels are located both within the city limits and in the resort area of ​​Port El Kantaoui. Finding a residential complex with thalasso treatments is not difficult. The north of the city is considered a tourist zone, while bright sights are concentrated in the south. The abundance of discos and nightclubs, like a magnet, attracts young people to the coast of Sousse.


IN ancient city a lot of monuments worthy of attention. The resort is more conservative than Sousse, located next to it. Therefore, if tourists want to go to a disco and taste all the delights nightlife- they can safely go to Sousse.


A small resort located in the south of the country. Perfect for a relaxing and family holiday. The infrastructure of the resort is actively developing. For the youngest tourists there is a water park. One of the best thalassotherapy centers is located on the coast. Mahdia is connected by train to Monastir and Sousse, where tourists can go if they want a little change of scenery.

Djerba Island

The former haven of pirates has long turned into a wonderful resort, where tourists will be treated to dates, olives and fresh fish dishes. Djerba is considered one of the pearls of Tunisia. It is here that the hotels that are part of the famous world chains are concentrated. Rest on Djerba can be called calm and measured. Due to the gentle entry into the sea and shallow depth, Djerba is recommended for tourists with small children. In addition to large resorts, the country also has smaller ones, such as Bizerte, Nabeul or the mountainous Ain Draham, based on thermal springs.

Tours in Tunisia of course, they are not limited only to beaches, in order to penetrate deeper into the original culture of the country, you need to see the most striking sights. Among the attractions of Tunisia there are monuments of the ancient era, the most striking of which are the ruins of Carthage, as well as the ancient amphitheater in El Jem. The village of Sidi Bou Said is a picturesque corner of nature with a Mediterranean flavor, where snow-white houses with blue doors and shutters. Go to Kairouan to see the palace and admire the carpets produced in small workshops. In Dugga, tourists are greeted by ancient temples and the monument of the Three Gods. The city of Douz is considered the gateway to the desert. Its tranquility and majesty are associated with the severity of the Sahara, stretching for many kilometers ahead. The Sahara Desert is the most impressive attraction in Tunisia. Tourists come here to get acquainted with the life of the Berbers, to see the incomparable sunset and then to meet the sunrise. During an excursion to the Sahara, tourists visit the village of troglodytes, which has become a natural backdrop for filming episodes of the Star Wars movie. For olives and impressions, you need to go to El Kef. In the immediate vicinity of the city, you can see many interesting places.

Not all tourists think about where Tunisia got its name from. Presumably, the word tuna formed the name. This fish in the country can be found in any dish and in a wide variety of combinations. locals they are sacred about eating, and the abundance of restaurants will not let anyone stay hungry. Italian, Turkish and French dishes intertwined in the culinary traditions of the country, which made them unique.

Tunisians are very fond of using spices and hot peppers, so when trying a new name from the menu, you need to be more careful. Tourists should definitely try:

  • harissa, a spicy pepper condiment;
  • canned tuna with olives;
  • tshish, shorba and hsu are local soups abounding in tomato;
  • grilled seafood;
  • Brik or pasties with egg;
  • tagine is an omelet with meat and potatoes;
  • couscous is traditionally served in all establishments;
  • fish in all forms and only fresh;
  • lamb meat on the grill or in the oven.

Sweet pastries, ranging from baklava to various kinds of nut cakes, can be tasted in any restaurant. There are special establishments where these culinary delights are prepared and immediately sold. In the country you can find very tasty wines that help to feel the Arabian fairy tale more sharply. Locals prefer to drink coffee with cardamom in the morning, and cold green tea with lemon throughout the day. All drinks are quite sweet.

The country is famous for its carpet products, but often such a purchase looks very cumbersome. Tunisia is the place where olive oil is produced in huge quantities. Visitors love to buy it. Ceramic handicrafts from Tunisia can decorate any palace. Tunisia is famous for its high quality leather products, which are quite inexpensive. And clothes made from locally produced natural fabrics will last a very long time and will not lose their appearance.

For a more than affordable price, you can buy souvenirs depicting attractions. Painted plates, slippers and key rings are inexpensive. A more substantial price is asked for copper utensils with embossing, blown glass and carved caskets.

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