Gvandra, nakhar, uchkulan, tourist routes.

Immediately after Dombai we went to the Kuban valley to warm up in the Amankhit gorge and then drive to the upper reaches of the Uchkulan, Uzunkol and Ullukam.

On the road, we dropped in to look at the rapids of the Trench in Kamenomostovsky, which caused the unanimous impression "danunahren" (like last time). Passing through our water this nice place does not promise anything good because of the chaotic pulsating barrel of the structure under the bridge, without options it will end up against the wall and further troubles. We looked and went to the parking lot just above the mouth of the river. Daut. At night there was a panic - animals came to the camp and howled at the tents. Slept with an axe.

There was enough water in Dauta to merge into the Kuban on the four, it turned out to be a very funny stretch for a warm-up. In the Kuban, swims by self-alloying were especially successful, keels of a deuce and the passage of a nameless threshold on an inverted kat, leaving the ship on a huge shaft (on which we keel a day after Uchkulan), it was simply washed away.

Especially wonderful is the rafting on the rapids of Amanhit. In the flood, he became almost unrecognizable when compared with the last campaign. We found only 3 normal barrels, two of which are in a row, everything else - shafts, toadstools and other failures in abundance. We climbed out at the destroyed bridge (the Kamenomostsky bridge was flooded at all and did not arouse interest), we stopped again at Amankhit and went to the upper reaches of the river. Uchkulan (from the confluence of Uchkulan and Ullukam, the Kuban begins, as the sign on the arrow said) to expand horizons.

1. Pos. Uchkulan. Spherical view of a Karachay village in a vacuum.


3. From the village you can barely see Elbrus

4. North of Elbrus.

5. Along Uchkulan there is a high-voltage line to Georgia, which brings its charms to the process of finding a parking lot (especially in the dark: I got out to a picturesque place, and the wires are buzzing there).
In the dark we would have reached the Globus base, but after 5 kilometers we turned right immediately after the bridge. It turned out to be very quiet and picturesque.

6. Casimir (driver) seems to be hinting that ... he will go back alone.

7. From the bridge over the Uchkulan to the robbers (upper section), there is nothing particularly remarkable, except for a small threshold. In general, it's boring for kats.
But in the robberies, the blockages are worse than the Aksaut ones. We found a duct in size.





12. The most interesting section of Uchkulan is after the bridge in Upper Uchkulan.



15. 700 meters of joy and a simple shiver to the arrow with Ullukam.


17. We finished at the suspension bridge after the arrow and drove towards Uzunkola.

18. Cradle of civilization The oldest village KChR Khurzuk.

In the upper reaches of the Kuban, at the confluence of the river. Uchkulan, there is a large village Uchkulan, numbering more than one hundred years. He, along with the nearby villages of Kart-Dzhurt, Khurzuk and a small village. Daut in the neighboring valley made up the Big Karachay. This was the main territory occupied by the Karachays. It is believed that in B. Karachay, beyond the narrow gorge of the Kuban, the Karachay people developed.

Archaeological data show that, unlike other regions of the Caucasus, there were no dramatic population changes. Half a kilometer from the modern village of Uchkulan, on the left bank of the river. Ullu-Kam, a settlement was found that existed from the Koban (beginning of the 1st millennium BC) to the Alanian time. Continuity can be traced in the material culture of this more than 1.5 thousand-year period.

A road has been laid along the Uchkulana gorge, the side valleys are pierced by paths: in the summer, kosh are kept in the meadows. At the confluence of Mahar and Gondarai, not far from the well-known mineral spring, in the 60-70s, recreation centers of several enterprises and educational institutions were built. Livestock breeders drive into the Dauta Valley. Aul Daut is semi-abandoned.

An extensive network of valleys allows you to build a variety of radial and ring routes along Uchkulan. For the first acquaintance with the mountains, excursions to the foot of Gvandra, hiking to the lake are good. Ullu-Kol and to the Kursho lakes. Greater experience requires climbing the watershed of the Uchkulan and Uzun-Kol rivers, from where distant panoramas open, and routes from the upper reaches of the Daut. There are also several ice passes of medium difficulty in the Dauta junction.

Uchkulan is connected by a bus line (about 45 km) to Karachaevsk. This industrial city was founded in 1928 (before the war it was called Mikoyan-Shakhar) as the center of the Karachay Autonomous Region, and now it is the center of the district of the same name. On the outskirts behind the bridge, on the right bank of the Kuban, a round squat tower-fortress, built in the first half of the 19th century, has survived. Russian troops to block the exit from the Karachay auls. There is a similar strengthening in Art. Krasnogorskaya near Cherkessk.

The bus goes first along the narrow street of the village. Kamennomostsky, then along the highway on the right bank of the river. There are no villages in a deep gorge covered with deciduous forest, but there are separate buildings, children's and sports camps. An andesite quarry remained on the left side. The pylons of the power transmission line, stretched in the Transcaucasus, huddle against the water; then the line goes to the Dautsky ridge. At 24 km there is a tourist shelter "Kuban", and at 26 km, at the bridge opposite the entrance to the Dauta gorge, there is a gatehouse of the reserve.

Soon the highway moves to the left bank, on the right, at the confluence of the river. Worse, there are a few standard houses with red tiled roofs. The water in Khudes is often cloudy, brown. A dirt road goes up along the right bank of this river, a bridge has been thrown there.

Behind Khudes, on the right bank of the Kuban, the buildings of the Elbrus mine (30 km) are visible. The extraction of silver-lead ore with the participation of Belgian capital began in 1891, the products were exported to the West. Europe. In 1891-92. an outstanding Ossetian poet and educator Kosta Khetagurov worked as a clerk at the mine. I. P. Krymshamkhalov, later a public figure, one of the pioneers of Karachai literature, also worked here. Now the industrial extraction of ore has been stopped, for some time the mine was used as a training base for the Moscow Mining Institute.

The valley widens, the road goes among the gardens of the village. Elbrus. At this place, on October 20, 1828, a detachment of Russian troops under the command of G. Emanuel, who came from the Kislovodsk fortress along Khudes, defeated the Karachai militia. The result was the accession of Karachay to Russia. Local foremen took the oath to the king. On Kum, near the Khahandukovsky fortress, an exchange yard was established so that the highlanders "could get salt, iron, goods and bread there and be allowed to enter Russia according to their needs." In the future, Karachay remained aloof from the devastating Caucasian war, Shamil's movement. Despite the colonial policy of the authorities, based on the feudal elite, the majority of the population considered joining Russia with the abolition of tribute to the Kabardian princes and the expansion of trade acceptable. There were innovations in the economy: plow cultivation, the spread of potatoes, the replacement of a local unproductive breed of cows with Ukrainian ones, beehives in apiaries. Cattle and timber were exported. On the lands of many other peoples Zap. Caucasus, hostilities and punitive expeditions continued for a long time. The Caucasian War ended in Kbaade (Krasnaya Polyana) in 1864.

The character of the gorge is changing. The slopes - first the left one, and then the right one - are exposed, retaining only rare pine trees (the Uchkulan depression is dry). The highway returns to the right side and enters the village of Kart-Jurt. This is one of the oldest villages in the mountains, founded in the 16th-17th centuries, and maybe even earlier. In those days, fugitives from all over the Caucasus settled here. The burial ground on the left bank of the Kuban is at least 400 years old (excavations have shown that it belongs to the pre-Islamic period). People mastered the Upper Kuban basin a very long time ago: bronze ingots and casting molds of the Koban era were found in Kart-Dzhurt and Uchkulan.

In the village, old, long abandoned, log houses with an earthen roof have been preserved. This type of dwelling is typical only for Karachay and the Baksan Gorge in Balkaria. From the second half of XIX V. a house built from local materials, usually wooden and plastered with clay, as a rule, with one or two rows of rooms, a gable roof and a gallery, became widespread (from the Cossack population). In the post-war years, in the upper villages, as well as in the foothills, they built brick houses with a hipped roof made of tiles, iron or slate.

The remaining few kilometers to Uchkulan, the road runs in a wide floodplain past farms, again accompanied by a high-voltage line. Uchkulan is located on the right bank of the river of the same name at its confluence with the Kuban, which is called Ullu-Kam above the confluence. In the village there is a post office, shops, in the center there is a forestry. At the entrance to the village there is a monument to those who died during the Great Patriotic War, and behind the bridge over the Ullu-Kam - a monument to the Hero of the Soviet Union O. M. Kasa-ev, the commander of a partisan detachment operating in the Mogilev region. A memorial plaque with the name of the Karachay teacher and educator I. M. Bayramukov (1869-1921) was fixed on the school building.

At the bridge over the river Uchkulan has preserved a small two-storied House of the old school (1878) - the first secular educational institution in Karachay.

In the upper reaches of the Kuban, at the confluence of the river. Uchkulan, there is a large village Uchkulan, numbering more than one hundred years. He, along with the nearby villages of Kart-Dzhurt, Khurzuk and a small village. Daut in the neighboring valley made up the Big Karachay. This was the main territory occupied by the Karachays. It is believed that in B. Karachay, beyond the narrow gorge of the Kuban, the Karachay people developed.

Archaeological data show that, unlike other regions of the Caucasus, there were no dramatic population changes. Half a kilometer from the modern village of Uchkulan, on the left bank of the river. Ullu-Kam, a settlement was found that existed from the Koban (beginning of the 1st millennium BC) to the Alanian time. IN material culture This more than 1.5 thousand-year period can be traced continuity.

A road has been laid along the Uchkulana gorge, the side valleys are pierced by paths: in the summer, kosh are kept in the meadows. At the confluence of Makhar and Gondarai, not far from the well-known mineral spring, recreation centers of several enterprises and educational institutions were built in the 60-70s. Livestock breeders drive into the Dauta Valley. Aul Daut is semi-abandoned.

An extensive network of valleys allows you to build a variety of radial and ring routes along Uchkulan. For the first acquaintance with the mountains, excursions to the foot of Gvandra, hiking to the lake are good. Ullu-Kol and to the Kursho lakes. Greater experience requires climbing the watershed of the Uchkulan and Uzun-Kol rivers, from where distant panoramas open, and routes from the upper reaches of the Daut. There are also several ice passes of medium difficulty in the Dauta junction.

Uchkulan is connected by a bus line (about 45 km) to Karachaevsk. This industrial city was founded in 1928 (before the war it was called Mikoyan-Shakhar) as the center of the Karachay Autonomous Region, and now it is the center of the district of the same name. On the outskirts behind the bridge, on the right bank of the Kuban, a round squat tower-fortress, built in the first half of the 19th century, has survived. Russian troops to block the exit from the Karachay auls. There is a similar strengthening in Art. Krasnogorskaya near Cherkessk.

The bus goes first along the narrow street of the village. Kamennomostsky, then along the highway on the right bank of the river. There are no villages in the deep gorge covered with deciduous forest, but there are separate buildings, children's and sports camps. An andesite quarry remained on the left side. The pylons of the power transmission line, stretched in the Transcaucasus, huddle against the water; then the line goes to the Dautsky ridge. At 24 km there is a tourist shelter "Kuban", and at 26 km, at the bridge opposite the entrance to the Dauta gorge, there is a gatehouse of the reserve.

Soon the highway moves to the left bank, on the right, at the confluence of the river. Worse, there are a few standard houses with red tiled roofs. The water in Khudes is often cloudy, brown. A dirt road goes up along the right bank of this river, a bridge has been thrown there.

Behind Khudes, on the right bank of the Kuban, the buildings of the Elbrus mine (30 km) are visible. The extraction of silver-lead ore with the participation of Belgian capital began in 1891, the products were exported to the West. Europe. In 1891-92. an outstanding Ossetian poet and educator Kosta Khetagurov worked as a clerk at the mine. I. P. Krymshamkhalov, later a public figure, one of the pioneers of Karachai literature, also worked here. Now the industrial extraction of ore has been stopped, for some time the mine was used as a training base for the Moscow Mining Institute.

The valley widens, the road goes among the gardens of the village. Elbrus. At this place, on October 20, 1828, a detachment of Russian troops under the command of G. Emanuel, who came from the Kislovodsk fortress along Khudes, defeated the Karachai militia. The result was the accession of Karachay to Russia. Local foremen took the oath to the king. On Kum, near the Khahandukovsky fortress, an exchange yard was established so that the highlanders "could get salt, iron, goods and bread there and be allowed to enter Russia according to their needs." In the future, Karachay remained aloof from the devastating Caucasian war, Shamil's movement. Despite the colonial policy of the authorities, based on the feudal elite, the majority of the population considered joining Russia with the abolition of tribute to the Kabardian princes and the expansion of trade acceptable. There were innovations in the economy: plow cultivation, the spread of potatoes, the replacement of a local unproductive breed of cows with Ukrainian ones, beehives in apiaries. Cattle and timber were exported. On the lands of many other peoples Zap. Caucasus, hostilities and punitive expeditions continued for a long time. The Caucasian War ended in Kbaade (Krasnaya Polyana) in 1864.

The character of the gorge is changing. The slopes - first the left one, and then the right one - are exposed, retaining only rare pine trees (the Uchkulan depression is dry). The highway returns to the right side and enters the village of Kart-Jurt. This is one of the oldest villages in the mountains, founded in the 16th-17th centuries, and maybe even earlier. In those days, fugitives from all over the Caucasus settled here. The burial ground on the left bank of the Kuban is at least 400 years old (excavations have shown that it belongs to the pre-Islamic period). People mastered the Upper Kuban basin a very long time ago: bronze ingots and casting molds of the Koban era were found in Kart-Dzhurt and Uchkulan.

In the village, old, long abandoned, log houses with an earthen roof have been preserved. This type of dwelling is typical only for Karachay and the Baksan Gorge in Balkaria. From the second half of the XIX century. a house built from local materials, usually wooden and plastered with clay, as a rule, with one or two rows of rooms, a gable roof and a gallery, became widespread (from the Cossack population). In the post-war years, in the upper villages, as well as in the foothills, they built brick houses with a hipped roof made of tiles, iron or slate.

The remaining few kilometers to Uchkulan, the road runs in a wide floodplain past farms, again accompanied by a high-voltage line. Uchkulan is located on the right bank of the river of the same name at its confluence with the Kuban, which is called Ullu-Kam above the confluence. In the village there is a post office, shops, in the center there is a forestry. At the entrance to the village there is a monument to those who died during the Great Patriotic War, and behind the bridge across the Ullu-Kam there is a monument to the Hero of the Soviet Union O. M. Kasaev, the commander of a partisan detachment operating in the Mogilev region. A memorial plaque with the name of the Karachay teacher and educator I. M. Bayramukov (1869-1921) was fixed on the school building.

At the bridge over the river Uchkulan has preserved a small two-storied House of the old school (1878) - the first secular educational institution in Karachay.

You are not a slave!
Closed educational course for children of the elite: "The true arrangement of the world."

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It is located along the Uchkulan River, where the Uchkulanichi and Ullu-Kam rivers flow into it, 37 km southeast of Karachaevsk. The district center and Uchkulan are connected by a road repaired in 2013.

Topographic maps

  • Map sheet Kislovodsk. Scale: 1:200,000. State of the area in 1983. Edition 1988


Aul Uchkulan is several hundred years old. In 1878, the very first secular educational institution in the Karachay Territory was opened in Uchkulan - a public school with a five-year education. At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, Uchkulan was part of the Batalpashinsky branch of the Kuban region. The population then amounted to more than 5 thousand inhabitants, there was a 2-class school with a hostel for mountaineers, 5 mosques, 19 shops, 5 forges. Cattle breeding was developed (more than 60 thousand sheep). There were 19 beekeepers who had more than 1200 hives.

In 2012, Uchkulan began to function digital television.

A Hero was born in the village Russian Federation Abdulla Izhaev.

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An excerpt characterizing Uchkulan (village)

– You are right, Morone, I have no serious reason to torment you... – and immediately smiled. – But do We really need him?.. And besides, not all torments leave visible traces, do they?
I did not want to stay! .. I did not want to watch how this monstrous "holiness" would practice his "talents" on a completely innocent person. But I also knew very well that Caraffa would not let me go until he enjoyed my torment at the same time. So I gathered myself as much as my frayed nerves would allow, and prepared to watch...
The mighty executioner easily lifted the cardinal, tying a heavy stone to his feet. At first, I could not understand what such torture meant, but, unfortunately, the continuation did not take long ... The executioner pulled the lever, and the cardinal's body began to rise ... A crunch was heard - it was his joints and vertebrae that were coming out of places. My hair stood on end! But the cardinal was silent.
- Shout, Morone! Give me pleasure! Perhaps then I will let you go earlier. Well, what are you? .. I order you. Shout!!!
Dad was furious... He hated it when people didn't break down. He hated it if he was not feared... And therefore, for the "naughty" tortures continued much more stubbornly and angrier.
Morone became white as death. Large drops of sweat rolled down his thin face and, breaking off, dripped to the ground. His endurance was amazing, but I understood that I couldn’t go on like this for a long time - every living body had a limit ... I wanted to help him, try to somehow anesthetize. And then a funny idea suddenly occurred to me, which I immediately tried to implement - the stone hanging on the cardinal's legs became weightless! .. Caraffa, fortunately, did not notice this. And Morone raised his eyes in surprise, and immediately closed them hastily so as not to betray. But I managed to see - he understood. And she continued to “conjure” further in order to alleviate his pain as much as possible.
"Go away, madonna!" Papa exclaimed indignantly. “You prevent me from enjoying the spectacle. I have long wanted to see if our dear friend will be so proud after the "work" of my executioner? You are disturbing me, Isidora!
It meant that he did understand...
Caraffa was not a seer, but he somehow caught a lot with his incredibly sharp instinct. So now, sensing that something was happening, and not wanting to lose control over the situation, he ordered me to leave.
But now I didn't want to leave. The unfortunate cardinal needed my help, and I sincerely wanted to help him. For I knew that if I left him alone with Caraffa, no one knew if Morone would see the coming day. But Caraffa obviously didn’t care about my desires ... Without even letting me get indignant, the second executioner literally carried me out the door and pushed me towards the corridor, returned to the room where he was left alone with Caraffa, albeit a very brave, but completely helpless, good man ...
I stood in the hallway wondering how I could help him. But, unfortunately, there was no way out of his sad situation. In any case, I could not find him so quickly ... Although, to be honest, my situation was probably even sadder ... Yes, while Caraffa had not yet tormented me. But after all, physical pain was not as terrible as the torment and death of loved ones were terrible ... I did not know what was happening to Anna, and, being afraid to somehow interfere, I helplessly waited ... From my sad experience, I understood too well - I had annoyed the Pope with some rash action, and the result would only get worse - Anna would certainly have to suffer.

Leila Gochiyaeva,

Abode of antiquity deep

The road to Uchkulan itself is full of fascinating details. Land of majestic nature beautiful legends, folk monuments will delight the lover of everything beautiful and touch the romance. Whatever the person, then a separate topic for the article, whatever the architectural structure or area, then the historical refinement.

For example, the Red Bridge across the river in the Khudes Gorge gave the Karachay people a legend about love. Many consider this story not a legend at all, but historical fact. And perhaps the truth and the legend mutually coexist in this beautiful but tragic love story. How to know...

Not far from the Red Bridge is Kadau Tash - the sacred stone of Karachay, according to legend, protecting the people from troubles and misfortunes. This place has long been revered by the people and attracts the attention of travelers.

Not far from this stone is the territory of the Elbrus silver-lead mine. The Khudes Gorge has long been rich in various kinds of ores - silver, gold, lead, chromium. In the 50s of the 19th century, outbuildings for a mining enterprise were built. For a long time, the Elbrus mine was a place of practical training for students of the Moscow Mining Institute. Since the end of the 19th century, the mine has served as the main replenisher of the public treasury. With the proceeds from the lease of this mine, not only Karachay, but also neighboring Cossack and other mountain communities, until the time of the revolution, could maintain in the villages, albeit small, but their mountain schools, including the Uchkulan school. The proceeds from the development of the mine also operated the Khumarinsky post office, these funds supported teachers invited from central Russia, as well as hospital and pharmacy workers.
Now, unfortunately, the mine is abandoned ...

Uchkulan - the cradle of talents

The modest two-story building of the first secular school of Karachay is located in picturesque place- not far from the confluence of the Khurzuk and Uchkulan rivers, right at the source of the Kuban. The school was founded on the initiative of the prominent Qadi Karachai Magomet Bayramukov, who was supported by the then tsar's bailiff Karachai Nikolai Grigorievich Petrusevich, popularly nicknamed "zukku prystop" because of a slight strabismus. The individual is one of a kind. Lived in difficult times. And although the shots of the Caucasian war died down, bitterness and distrust of the new authorities still lived in the hearts of the freedom-loving highlanders. But the kindness, wisdom of the royal bailiff, his respect for the traditions and mentality of the highlanders did their job, and Petrusevich soon enjoyed great respect and trust among the local population.

Thus, having enlisted the support of the bailiff, the advanced people of Karachay in 1878 opened the first secular school in Uchkulan. Until that day, children studied at mosques and madrasahs. The significance of this school for Karachay is great, since at that time Uchkulan was the center of social, political and cultural life throughout Karachay, children from all the nearest auls - Khurzuk, Upper Uchkulan, Kardzhurt, Duut and Jazlyk studied at the school. The school was international, in addition to Karachays and Balkars, Jews, Kumyks, Georgians, Tatars, Russians and others studied within its walls. The first teacher of the school was Moses Oleinikov, later - the Ossetian Khrumov, the Tatar Supkhankulov, the first Karachai teacher was an educator.

The Uchkulan school is famous for its graduates: the first chairman of the Karachay-Cherkess regional executive committee, famous writer, translator, first candidate of medical sciences, legendary poet, people's poet of Balkaria, first mining engineer Ali Dzhanibekov, linguist-Turkologist Akhmat Bayramkulov, poet Azret Urtenov ... These are the names of people forever remaining in the history of the people.

Hearth of antiquity

The school carefully treats its historical past. At the initiative of the current director of the Uchkulan school, Soslanbek Dzhanibekov, a museum was created in the building of the first secular school. During its existence it was visited by a huge number of people. Connoisseurs of their culture and traditions have the opportunity, as if by a time machine, to travel back to distant times and see the life of their ancestors. Former teachers of history Ibragim and Boris Shamanov, a veteran of pedagogical work A. Dzhanibekova, a candidate of historical sciences A. Boshkaev and others took an active part in the creation of the museum.

A distinctive feature of our museum is that it is the only one in the KChR where material has been collected showing the development of public education in Karachay since the 70s of the XIX century, - says Soslanbek Yunusovich. - We protect this building, and, thank God, the building was preserved during the deportation of the Karachay people. Being a kind of center of antiquity, the museum becomes the richest source for the development of the spiritual culture of students and all its visitors.

First room. On the stands on the right are photographs of the first students, the first teachers, the first graduates. A bit of military topics - on the left are photographs of active participants in the Great Patriotic War - people from the Uchkulan school: Khadzhi-Akhmat Salpagarov, Azret Shamanov, Sagit Khabichev, Yusuf Gochiyaev. War trophies lie on the stands.

In the second room, the creators of the museum imitate an old Karachai saklya. At the entrance, there is a hearth on the left, a cauldron hangs, next to it is a tepsi (dining table), a kumgan intended for washing hands. A gybyt (goat skin burlap) hangs on the wall - for storing grain, flour and other cereals, a kapchik (sheepskin burlap) for liquids - milk, ayran and sour cream. In the old days, the hearth was open to the penetration of air, and sometimes, in order to verify the culinary abilities of the girl they liked, young people looked into the hole in the hearth. On the floor is a home-made felt carpet, which was made in the old days by craftsmen. On the wall is a velvet red carpet embroidered with gold threads. There is also a sewn eagle with a pocket where the craftswomen put their embroidery tools. Wooden beds handmade, which are about 200 years old.

The third room contains the clothes of our ancestors, household items and handicrafts. The stands are marked with family signs of Karachay clans. All household items are handmade by ancient craftsmen. There are sieves, wooden churns, goppans, chaburs, parts of a loom, a trough, a plow, irons, cauldrons, argun and much more. Clothes are posted - winter, summer, festive, for work. Most of the products exhibited in the museum are about 150-200 years old, although you can’t tell that they are that old by their appearance. For example, the "kerte ton" (an old sheepskin coat with silver buttons) of our great-grandmothers is in no way inferior in quality to modern models of winter clothing. However, not all wardrobe items are created by the hands of masters. "Ishli churukla" - women's shoes with heels, for example, were brought all the way from England. Our great-grandmothers were such picky fashionistas!

The fourth room is a converted classroom. Here, museum staff regularly conduct lessons on mountain etiquette, on the history of Karachay-Cherkessia, native literature, meetings with war veterans, with noble people of Karachay.
Biographies and photographs of famous Karachais from 1878 to the present day are neatly placed on the stands. Ismail Aliyev, Boris Ebzeev, Khalimat Bayramukova, Mudalif Batchaev, Issa Karaketov, Kurman Kurdzhiev, Azamat Suyunchev, Bilyal Salpagarov, Rakai Aliyev and many others, whose names represent the politics, culture and art of the Karachays.

Sosbanbek Dzhanibekov is pleased to note that a lot of people come to admire the old times, both villagers, high-ranking officials, and schoolchildren with teachers. The museum has a Book of Honor, where visitors write down their wishes and impressions of what they saw. It has been conducted since May 1, 1995, and there are a lot of kind words in it both to the creator of the museum and to the people with a rich history and culture. The first guests of the museum were professors from St. Petersburg University and a delegation from Turkey headed by the Minister of Culture of the country.

The museum forms a careful attitude to everything ancient, and every time its visitors leave spellbound from touching the eternal, priceless - the history of the people. If you are in Uchkulan, be sure to visit the museum - you will not regret it.

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