How to sell non-refundable tickets. Non-refundable tickets: how you can return them and not lose money

Good afternoon, dear readers of the blog site, we all travel and rest in other countries, and each of us chooses our own modes of transport for transfer, and in most cases, these are airplanes. Here, everyone chooses their own airline, guided by their requirements for them and other factors, such as price, since in Russia, unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to fly business class. But as it happens, life can present circumstances that will not allow you to fly, and it is logical that if you did not fly anywhere, you would like to refund s7 plane tickets and get money back. Below I will tell you how to do it.

Is it possible to return tickets in S7?

Earlier, I already told you how to return money for an Aeroflot ticket and you saw that the procedure is very simple, for S7 it is not a little more complicated and the process itself takes a few minutes, in terms of action from you, but the refund can be stretched, but everything is a little below.

And since I started the return of the electronic ticket s7. I had to fly to Krasnodar on December 24, but my son started teething terribly and had a fever, in the end we postponed everything and had to return the money for the tickets. We did not see Domodedovo that day, although it took us 30 minutes to get to Domodedovo airport.

You can return tickets for the s7 plane through a special service, you can find it by going to Personal Area website

Select the desired reservation and you will be transferred to its details. In the right upper corner click on the link Issue a refund, it is thanks to this service that an electronic ticket is returned to s7.

We are waiting for your request to be processed.

Check the box that we agree to the return of the electronic ticket from S7 and click send the request.

All your application will be accepted for work and you will receive its code. It will be very useful to you if you need to call the s7 contact center and clarify any details or the status of your return. Also write down the number of your application, they may also ask. All documents will be sent to your email. By default, the money will be returned to the same card with which the tickets were paid, if you bought for cash, which I strongly doubt, then you will need to specify the details.

You can also return an s7 electronic ticket through the contact center, for this, call 8 800 700-0707 (free in Russia) or call directly from the site, also free of charge. At the very bottom of the site, find the Contact Us section and select Call Online. An additional window will open for you, which will automatically dial the desired number and connect with the technical support operator.

Non-refundable air tickets in our country appeared in 2014 due to special amendments to the Air Code of the Russian Federation. Since then, passengers have been able to choose between cheaper fares, at the risk of losing money if they change plans, or more expensive return tickets.

However, even if you have chosen the cheapest fare, but cannot fly for a good reason, you have the right to return the full cost of the ticket. The staff correspondent of "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" in Kaliningrad, whose two trips failed last year at once, was convinced of this from personal experience.

Last November, my husband and I were supposed to fly to Thailand. The trip was organized by ourselves - tickets were bought Russian air carrier, have booked hotels. There were a few days left before the flight. And suddenly - heat, cough, headache. “Of course, you shouldn’t fly from winter to summer,” the therapist said.

Tickets from Kaliningrad to Moscow, from Moscow to Bangkok and back, which cost about 100 thousand rubles, were purchased at a non-refundable fare. The rules of this tariff made it possible to postpone the departure date by paying about 20 thousand rubles. I didn't want to lose money or plan my next vacation. After drinking an antipyretic, I began to study the Air Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Aviation Rules. And I found the right clue.

The fact is that, along with the provisions on non-refundable air tickets, an article appeared in the Air Code of the Russian Federation on the forced refusal of a passenger from transportation. In certain cases, it allows you to return the money in full even for non-refundable tickets. We are talking about the illness of a passenger, a member of his family or a close relative traveling with him on an aircraft, or the death of a family member or close relative of a passenger.

The list of valid reasons also includes being late for the plane due to a long inspection at the airport - if the passenger did not find prohibited items. The money can be returned in case of flight cancellation, deviation from the schedule, change of route, refusal of the carrier to provide the passenger with a seat on the plane, inability to connect flights if the flight with a transfer was purchased as a single ticket.

Submit your sick leave

What to do if there is a flight on the nose, and you get sick? First of all, call the air carrier's "hot line" if you bought tickets directly, or the agency if you used the services of an intermediary. Inform that you are canceling air travel due to illness of a passenger. It is extremely important to do this no later than 40 minutes before the departure of the aircraft - these are the requirements of the law.

Along with the provisions on non-refundable air tickets, an article appeared in the Air Code of the Russian Federation on the forced refusal of a passenger from transportation. It allows you to return money even for non-refundable tickets

The disease must be confirmed medical documents. The requirements for them, according to the Federal Aviation Rules, are determined by the carriers. Therefore, ask the representative of the airline or intermediary agency what kind of certificates you must provide. In our case, the airline requested a disability certificate, the dates of which overlap with the date of departure. In addition, the carrier was ready to accept a certificate from a doctor, certified by a round official seal. The certificate must indicate the dates of illness and one of three recommendations: do not fly, do not change the climate zone, and observe bed rest.

When your health returns to normal, go to the office of the carrier or intermediary with a civil passport, with a passport if a ticket was purchased with it, and with medical certificates.

If there is no airline office in your city, send documents by mail. Some airlines accept scans of documents using the form feedback on your site.

My husband and I had an issue resolved very quickly. Having closed the sick leave, I went to the carrier's office and wrote a statement. A week later, the airline transferred the money to the card with which the purchase was made in full.

Indivisible Tickets

In December 2018, I had a flight to St. Petersburg. And in northern capital I had to fly with one airline and return with another. This made it easier and cheaper. The tickets were also non-refundable. “I won’t get sick for the second time in a row,” I thought. And she got sick. I was hospitalized to have a tumor (luckily benign) cut out. Now I already knew what to do with my "non-returnable" trip. I called the transport agency where I bought tickets, canceled the reservation. Find out what medical documents are required. The first carrier was ready to accept an extract from the hospital, the second - a sick leave.

There is one important nuance here. If you are flying with two different airlines, you will need to prove that you were ill not only on the day of departure from point A to point B, but also on the day of return from point B to point A. I succeeded because the sick leave lasted three weeks and covered both flight. I received the money about a month after contacting the transport agency.

But if you fly away, for example, on a two-week vacation and before the flight you fell ill with SARS for a short time, the return flight will not be included in the period of illness. The airline arranging the return flight may refuse to refund your money. Therefore, if you are planning a long trip and doubt your health, it is better to buy an indivisible round-trip ticket of one airline. Then the sick leave valid on the date of departure will be enough to refund the entire cost of this single ticket.

Under family members and close relatives, the Air Code of the Russian Federation means spouses, parents and children, brothers and sisters, including those who have only one common parent, grandfathers, grandmothers and grandchildren.

Many of you do not know how to return a "non-refundable" air ticket. Let me tell you: there are no non-refundable tickets. There is ignorance of the laws. Therefore - copy the letter below, send it with registered notification to the airline where you bought the flight and may you be happy! (By the way, "happiness" is tested on itself: knowledge of the laws works and guarantees the return of even "non-refundable" tickets! Study the laws;!

So, you bought a ticket and want to return it? Write a letter! And do not forget to send it by registered mail with notification!!! May the Russian Post be blessed

to CEO
JSC "***********"
registered at: here we write the address of the airline, according to the Internet

From Light Alexander Viktorovich (name and address are changed to your own)
residing at the address: zip code
Russian Federation, region, city, street, house, sq.

to.t.: 8-960-352-65-65 - ( contact number- don't call, it's not mine anymore! :))
Email: indicate your

/about the refund of the amount paid for the ticket/

I, Legky Alexander Viktorovich, 25.08. 20** at 14-30 Moscow time, purchased on the website(company name) (site name) e-ticket No. 0932400953347, with a total cost of 6,311 rubles /six thousand three hundred and eleven rubles/ for flights 0993 / Moscow-Kaliningrad/ and 0717 / Kaliningrad-Paris/ , planned e as of 03.10.20..

Taking advantage of their legal right, enshrined in Art. 108 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, which states: the passenger of the aircraft has the right to refuse the flight with the notification of the carrier no later than twenty-four hours before the departure of the aircraft, if the grace period is not determined by the rules of air transportation established by the carrier, and to receive back the amount paid for air transportation. If the passenger of the aircraft refuses to fly later than the established period, the passenger has the right to receive back the amount paid for air transportation with a fee, the amount of which cannot exceed twenty-five percent of the amount paid for air transportation, I, 15.09 ....., contacted the hotline(please contact and write company name)by phone number:8 - 800 - 200 -** -** with a request for a refund of the amount of money I paid for the ticket.
However, at my request, the staff"such-and-such airline" reacted inadequately and told me that the refund of the amount of money I paid for the air ticket is impossible, referring to their internal rules.
Page 1

These actions clearly contradict the current legislation, namely Art. 102 of the Air Code Russian Federation, which states that carriers / a carrier is an operator licensed to operate air transportation/ when performing air transportation, they must comply with the general rules of air transportation. Currently, such rules are established by the Air Code of the Russian Federation. Carriers have the right to establish their own rules, which should not contradict the general rules of air transportation, and the refusal to return the amount of money I paid for the air ticket is contrary to Art. 108 VK RF.

It follows from the articles cited by the RF VC that, having purchased an airline ticket, I, Alexander Viktorovich Legky, entered into a passenger transportation agreement with this airline. At the same time, in accordance with Art. 779 Civil Code RF contract of carriage is one of the types of contracts for the provision of services.
My contract for the carriage of a passenger was concluded solely for personal needs, not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities, in connection with this and on the basis of the preamble of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", I believe that the relationship that has arisen between me and "such-and-such airline" , the norms of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" apply.

On the basis of Article 108 of the RF CC, RF Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights"


  1. To return to me the amount I paid for the air ticket in the amount of 6,311 rubles / six thousand three hundred and eleven rubles / as soon as possible.

If the above requirement is rejected, I will be forced to go to court with a claim against"such-and-such airline" where I need:
1) Collect from "such-and-such airline"in my favor the amount paid by me for the air ticket in the amount of 6,311 rubles / six thousand three hundred and eleven rubles /;
2) Collect in my favor from"" compensation for non-pecuniary damage in the amount of the cost of the air ticket
3) Collect from "such and such an airline" legal costs that I will incur as a result of applying to the court, namely, the costs of paying for the services of a lawyer for preparing claim documents, consulting, preparing documents for the court, paying for travel to and from the place of the trial, participation in court hearings, as well as compensation for damages caused as a result of interruption from work and loss of time, in the amount of at least "so many" thousand rubles (moderate appetites and indicate the amount from 50 to 100 thousand rubles)
I ask you to provide me within 5 calendar days from the date of receipt of this claim a written response to the claim / send copies by e-mail, fax, indicated by me in the claim / containing the obligation"such and such an airline" pay me in the shortest possible time the amount I paid for the air ticket in the amount of 6,311 rubles / six thousand three hundred and eleven rubles / in a proper and complete manner, or a reasoned refusal to pay. Failure to provide a written response to this claim will be considered a denial.OJSC " such and such an airline" comply with my legal requirements.


  1. E-ticket receipt No. 0932400953347 ( eTicket ) a copy of the electronic ticket No.

  2. Bank statement of the account confirming the fact of payment for the services of "such and such airline" dated 25.08.20**.

«_ 16 _" September 20**

Legky A.V.


Every year the number of people who travel by plane is increasing. Air transport is considered one of the most reliable types of transportation and attracts the attention of travelers. However, when using the services of airlines, it is worth knowing many secrets and rules for buying and returning air tickets. The current topic for today is "how to return money for a ticket with a non-refundable fare."

What is a non-refundable ticket

A detailed interpretation of this term can be found in the amendments to the Air Code of 07/06/2016, when Russian airlines were first allowed to apply non-refundable air tickets. Foreign airlines started using non-refundable airfare much earlier than Russian companies. Today, this practice is very popular among those travelers who seek to save on the price of a flight.

Non-refundable airline tickets are air tickets whose cost is significantly lower than regular tickets, which can be returned at any time. The most important thing is to return return tickets before the end of check-in for the flight in order to be able to return the money or part of it. There are options when a non-refundable fare applies to business class tickets, the cost of which is higher.

Non-refundable tickets from Aeroflot

Aeroflot is a Russian airline that has one of the youngest fleets aircraft in Europe. It was Aeroflot that became the first domestic airline to start using non-refundable tickets, which are now included in the following groups:

  • "Budget";
  • "Promo".

Non-refundable tickets from the above groups are indicated by such letters as: R, Q, T, E, N. There are no special restrictions on the weight of luggage for passengers.

Worth remembering! Different airlines have their own rules and restrictions that you should definitely take into account. In the Russian market, a non-refundable plane ticket is a novelty that has already won the trust of many travelers. This type of ticket from Aeroflot is purchased most often.

How to return non-refundable tickets

It is really possible and quite realistic to return a ticket at a non-refundable fare. However, you can refuse a flight if there is a significant reason, one of which is the illness of the passenger, his family members or close relatives. This is spelled out in paragraph 2 of Article 108 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation. In this situation, it is necessary to have a medical confirmation of the fact of illness or death, after which the airline will return the full amount paid for the ticket at a non-refundable fare.

Required documents for the procedure for returning an air ticket due to illness or death of a passenger or his relatives:

  1. Certificate from a medical center or clinic;

Before you return non-refundable plane tickets, you should take a certificate from your attending physician that confirms the presence of a disease or the fact of death during the flight booking period. A notarized certificate must be with a round seal or a special stamp. Airline managers accept medical certificates, both handwritten and printed. However, it is worthwhile to clarify in advance all the nuances and standards of medical documents that must be provided.

  1. Removal of armor;

To do this, you need to contact Aeroflot before the end of check-in for this flight. This can be done by calling the call center or in person.

  1. Copies of documents;

To return the purchased ticket, you must make copies of all the necessary documents of the passenger who owns the non-refundable ticket (photocopies of the passport and international passport + have the original with you).

  1. Power of attorney;

Such a document is issued if the passenger this moment is undergoing treatment in the hospital and is unable to visit Aeroflot. The power of attorney must be drawn up in accordance with the current legislation and certified by a notary. It is also mandatory to take documents that confirm the relationship with the passenger.

  1. Visit to Aeroflot.

The collected package of documents must be submitted to the airline for reimbursement of the full cost of the ticket. Only in case of illness or death, airline employees refund up to 100% of the ticket price at a non-refundable fare.

It is worth remembering that the funds are returned to the same bank card with which the passenger paid for the ticket. Money is credited to the card within 7-10 business days. Penalties and fees in this situation are not charged.

Note! Such a scheme is valid if the ticket was bought on the Aeroflot website and nothing else. If non-refundable tickets were purchased through a travel agent, then you should contact him directly.

Other conditions for the return of tickets

The return of tickets at a non-refundable fare can be both forced and voluntary. It is possible to rent an air ticket at Aeroflot if:

  • Cancellation of the flight due to the fault of the airline;
  • Possible delay of the aircraft for more than 4 hours, which disrupts the plans;
  • If a relative or close person dies, which was notified to the airline in advance;
  • There are other circumstances that violate the concluded air transportation agreement.

It will not be possible to return a ticket at a non-refundable fare without a reason and get its full price back. It is best to return tickets one day before the start of check-in and departure of the aircraft, which will avoid a fine of 25% of the cost. However, the Air Code of the Russian Federation has a provision that allows passengers with non-refundable tickets to be refunded the amount of fees that are included in the ticket price. The airline does not refund the fare amount of the ticket.

Reasons for not returning tickets

Despite the above provision of the Air Code (Russia), non-refundable tickets will not be accepted and will not be fully refunded if:

  • The passenger changed his mind about flying;
  • The passenger does not feel well, but this does not interfere with the flight;
  • A companion (but not a close relative or family member) cannot fly;
  • The passenger was late for the flight;
  • A relative is unable to fly and you want to stay with him for the purpose of care;
  • Other reasons and force majeure situations that may arise before the flight.

E-ticket refund

At its core, an electronic ticket is equivalent to a paper ticket, but it cannot be wrinkled, lost or damaged in any way, which is quite common in the modern world. By purchasing an electronic ticket, you can significantly save time on its issuance. These types of tickets are also refundable, but only through the Internet and through the official website. Full refund details Money can be seen only after going to the appropriate section on the Aeroflot website. Online refund can be made in the currency in which the ticket was paid.

Rebooking a non-refundable ticket

The rebooking service can only be provided if there is a good reason for doing so. To make a new booking, you should contact the airline by phone or by mail, indicating the exact date for which you want to change the ticket. In this case, the passenger may be fined.

Important! Tickets purchased at a promotional price may not be refundable.

Non-refundable airfare

The price of non-refundable air tickets is formed on the basis of fees and taxes, which are provided for by the current legislation, and the airline's fare for the flight. The airport taxes included in the ticket are insurance, fuel and service charges, which are subject to change. The cost of the fare depends on the length of the flight, seasonality and booking class.

To check the current fares for certain flights, see the rules of carriage, namely:

  • If the ticket has the phrase "TICKET IS NON-REFUNDABLE", this means that it will not be possible to return the ticket without a special reason;
  • If there is the phrase "WHERE FARE IS NON - REFUNDABLE ANY TIME" or "IN THIS CASE YQ/YR SURCHARGES ARE ALSO NON-REFUNDABLE" in a non-refundable ticket, the fees may not be refunded;
  • If there is a phrase "CHANGES NOT PERMITTED", tickets cannot be exchanged.

Where to go

How to find out about the rules for returning non-refundable tickets and where to turn in case of force majeure situations that interfere with the flight, a summary of Aeroflot's internal rules can tell you. Instructions and recommendations "how to return money for a non-refundable Aeroflot air ticket" can be found via the Internet on the official website. It is also worth calling the air carrier's hotline and finding out how to return tickets at a non-refundable fare. Operating in given time the procedure for returning airline tickets to Aeroflot should not deviate from the generally accepted rules of air travel.

Where to complain

Quite often there are situations when airlines do not want to refund the cost of a ticket or additional fees. This practice is considered common and is used to deduct more money from passengers for a flight that did not take place for a person. All documents and correspondence confirming the fact of the airline's refusal to refund funds, as well as the application, must be submitted to the Federal Air Transport Agency. You can even leave a complaint on the official website.

Buying an air ticket at a non-refundable fare has many nuances that you should familiarize yourself with in advance. The Aeroflot company on the official website has full information how to purchase and where to return tickets. In the event of a force majeure situation, you should first of all contact the airline staff, who will tell you how to do it right. The returned air ticket can be rebooked for another date subject to the payment of a fine.


Passengers should remember that the lower the ticket price, the more stringent the airline's requirements for its use and return procedure. Despite these conditions, non-refundable air tickets allow you to significantly save on flights. Before departure, it is worth preparing all the documents, even those that may be needed for the procedure for returning tickets in case of unforeseen situations. When purchasing non-refundable tickets, you should be prepared for the fact that airlines may not refund their cost in case of flight cancellation.

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