The history of the resort is a hot key and its attractions. Hot Key - Several Beautiful Family Places

Many Russians, when the time of their vacation is approaching, make a decision not to leave the limits of the Motherland and go somewhere in the south of Russia. One of the oldest holiday destinations of our country is the resort of a hot key located in the Krasnodar Territory near the Caucasian Range (60 km from Krasnodar).

A bit of history

Deciding to go on holiday in a hot key, will not be superfluous to first familiarize himself with his story.

In place modern Citywhich later became the resort Russian FederationThere was an Adyg settlement formed around the defensive facility of the Psofabe. Fort was erected in the V-VII centuries. e. At the top of the Abadzekh mountain.

After the end of the military actions of the Russian army related to the accession North Caucasus To the Russian Empire (Caucasian Wars of 1817-1864), the development of the Psekups River Valley began (translated from the Adygei language "Blue Water") due to the location of the healing natural mineral springs.

On the banks of the plain (the territory of the future city) in 1864 a military hospital was located. After some time, the construction of the first carpets on the water bodies formed by the waters of underground springs began.

The urban infrastructure in the form of residential buildings in the Swiss style began to develop. After three years, Prince Mikhail Romanov (Son Nicholas I) arrived in one of the first high-ranking persons of the Russian Empire for treatment.

One of the main streets of the city is still wearing the name Mikhailovskaya in honor of this historical event.

Since 1906, the settlement was called Alekseevsky Hot Key (in honor of the son of Nicholas II Prince Alexei Romanova). After 20 years, the village was transformed into the village with the current name.

In 1965, a settlement of more than 35 thousand people of indigenous residents, developed on the city standard, developed the status of the city and official name Resort hot key.

there is interesting legend, which says that during the consecration of the first healing source, the clergy at the time of appeal to God's grace through the sky, covered with rain clouds, made his way a ray of the sun and illuminated the melany of the healing spring. It happened July 15, 1864, and this day is considered the birthday of the balneological city resort hot key. The name, by the way, has been preserved due to underground mineral waters.

Our days

Today, the hot key in the Krasnodar Territory is the resort of All-Russian importance, where six species use for the treatment of various diseases mineral Waterwhich are extracted from 17 wells.

In healing, the natural uniqueness of this area is taken into account: on one territory there are different Springs in their chemical composition. An amazing natural phenomenon makes it possible to use mineral waters both externally and internally, which is very important for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, the musculoskeletal system, nervous, gynecological, skin and other diseases.

It is believed that this is the main advantage over other resorts, which are located in the Russian Federation. People come not only for the sake of rest in the hot key, but also for the sake of treatment.


This resort is located on the list of the most environmentally friendly cities in Europe.

Firstly, due to the fact that there is not a single industrial enterprise around the city, which can disrupt the natural ecology.

Secondly, the area of \u200b\u200bvehicles entry is categorically prohibited (except for cars serving sanatoriums).

The climate in the Valley of the River Psekups is considered soft: summer is roast, mainly without precipitation, with plenty of sunny days. But vacationers are transferred easily - the valley is protected by mountains from three sides of the winds and covered with a dense forest. This is the main causes of softening the summer heat and a rather warm and short winter.

The most popular sanatorium

Most tourists decide to stay on the recreation center "Hot Key". This is the most popular option, although more than ten health resorts with a developed infrastructure under the international standard are located in the town itself.

The main building of the recreation center "Hot Key" was erected in 1864, around which modern corps were built.

Now the institution for recreation and treatment takes 17.5 hectares and is located on the territory of the old park, on the square of which there are cafes, a restaurant, a variety of small shops.

Since the health resort is designed for the treatment of children from 7 years, there are various children's attractions on its territory, designed for any age.

POWER TREATMENT. The menu is selected individually, depending on the recommendations of the doctor.

Pophess has gained popularity because the database management initially created all the conditions necessary for diagnosis and treatment based on mineral sources.

Life-superstended "Mountain"

About other hotels are also worth mentioning.

At a distance of 4 km from the center there is a Sanatorium-resort complex "Mountain". Due to the convenient location on the banks of the River Psekups, developed infrastructure and modern medical base at the level european resort, Healthcaps, built in 2009, enjoys, according to reviews, popular among holidaymakers.

The complex is constructed in such a way that the main buildings are adjacent to the forest array, where the walking paths are equipped. The health resort is designed for older people and couples with children.

The advantages of recreation and treatment are the personal doctor, its own drinking gallery and the use of sulphide-baby mud.

Many people who spent their holidays in the hot key, noted in their reviews that "mountain" is pleasant in all respects of the sanatorium. The goodwill of the service personnel, the attentive relationship of medical workers create favorable conditions for relax and treatment. So, if you do not want to learn all hotels of the hot key, you can stay here.

In addition to sanatoriums in the town of great development, mini-hotels were obtained, which provides guests with the private sector. The choice of such housing is beneficial for budget tourists, as it is more economical. Many, going to rest in a hot key, make a decision to stay in one of these options.

Mostly, state employees are inhabited not far from the selected sanatorium and after receiving the necessary procedures are resting at home.


The leadership of many health resorts organizes for their patients by natural and historical places Hot key. There is a lot of interesting things in the Krasnodar Territory, and it is impossible not to pay at least a little time to study the sights.

The most popular tourist route A trip to the underground lake is considered. An amazing natural phenomenon is located in the central part of the Abadzek mountain at an altitude of 105 meters and is an underground source that comes out in the form of a lake falling into the Psekups River.

Given that, according to water characteristics, this reservoir has a beneficial effect on the body, stone baths are equipped on the shore. Here tourists can be convinced of the healing power of the underground lake, which is located in the healing park.

Guests who came to rest in a hot key, heading for this park, will be held through an alley of more than 2 km long. "Alley 1000 pines" has healing air, thanks to Pitsundsky pine, located on both sides of the pedestrian part of the park area.

Another local attraction is the ads of a waterfall, which is considered one of beautiful places In the vicinity of the city and is popular.

Cascade of water, falling on the background of amazing nature in its beauty from a height of 12 meters, is located in the village of Fanagori (20 km from the city) and is part of the reservoir of the Chepsi River. In its valley, there is something most likely attracts the attention of the guests of the resort - the dead lake. It was formed at the end of the 20th century during the work of lumberjacks, who pierced the road to the monastic stream. As a result, a mountain slope was cut, and a rock displacement occurred.

Thus, a lake for more than 250 meters long, and local residents Call it dead, due to the fact that the dried trunks of the beech trees are standing along the shore.

Guests who arrived at rest can be in free time From therapeutic procedures also to inspect Datovo Gorge and Bogatyr Caves and other natural attractions Krasnodar Region.

Excursions for children

It is worth taking into account that many buy a trip to the hot key for the whole family and carry babies with them. Urban turbuo organizes excursions specifically for children - especially impressive visits to the "cat cave". And for more adults, the excursions to the fortress subsided, the remains of which are preserved to our time since its construction (II century n. E.).

Most popular with the defeats enjoy a pony trip along the mountain paths of the Caucasian Range. This type of entertainment is accompanied by prepared by cowards.

How can I get to

Finally, how to get to the hot key. In fact, everything is simple - you can get on its territory from the regional city of Krasnodar.

Then from the station or airport to a long-distance bus to get to the destination.

Distance, if measured on the route from Moscow, is 1,400 km. This path should be overcome to surround the cultural communication, sincerity and kindness of the indigenous population to get rest and pleasant memories for a long time.

Everyone who loves leisure, and loves to travel "its own way", Hot key - One of the most ideal places. Moreover, it is not far from Krasnodar.

You can park near the hotel " old lock" And then rest in the shade of trees is already beginning, it is possible to take pictures with fountains in the form of a waterfall and mill. Children waiting for a playground, and adults - snacks in a cafe, if necessary to eat. Next, go through the bridge through the river Psekups and here it is a parking area of \u200b\u200ba hot key. And you are not in a hurry starting to wander around the shady alley, where many plants and trees, as the park practically adjoins the forest, as if merging with him, sit on the bears, wander along the paths, listen to the tweln of birds.

In the center of the park there is Mineral Polyana, next to it - wells of local sources of mineral water, which comes into a drinking gallery and anhydropic. Drinking gallery: Cookies buy at the entrance (ordinary plastic, although you can with your own - if available). There are cranes with warm mineral water And with cold, they are also divided into salty and not salty. You can drink, how much will fit - water for free, many pour with them into bottles. In general, it is a paradise for photo lovers - here and figures of all kinds of animals, and flowers and water cascades and all famous gold lions.

There is also a historic landmark (for retro lovers) - Adygh pillar. It is made of a fragment of the Byzantine column and decorated with inscriptions in Arabic, carved in stone. It has been established for a long time for the eternal memory of a certain Hapacha Lakshuk, one of the most famous heroes of Brzedukho tribe.

We return to the river: we see a small chapel, built in honor of the Iversky icon of the Mother of God. It is carved right in the rock - and very harmoniously merges with her scenery surrounding it. On Fridays at 11.00, Akafest (church service) is performed in it.

Nearby is a healing Iversky source (ferrous mineral water) - illuminated in the name of the healer of Panteleimon. These water boldly drink, and a lot - there are rumors that, drinking a bucket, can be coated miraculously.

We recommend to wander through the Datown Gorge - a very beautiful combination of nature and modern " skatal painting" People tried to perpetuate their names in stone, the history of love, sacred symbols, not only their own portraits - but also the licks of the leaders. In general, there is something to see, and if you wish, I think, and you do not hold out and scratch the message for history.

Through Datovo, the gorge or along the river can be climbed to the rock of the rooster - this is a steep rock of 28 meters. The top of the cliff consists of six teeth, resembles a roasting comb. He is visible from the "Don" highway. From the cliffs of salvation (cockerel) opens beautiful view On the Valley of the River Psekups. Who wants forest walks, can go on the root in the forest. In general, you can spend the whole day here!

Who wants new impressions, for you one of the most easily accessible natural attractions of a hot key is the heroic caves. Even with young children, you will easily reach them. Drive past a hot key on the M-4 Don highway and turn the Fanagori village on the village. Moving along the road past the charming glade. And on the right to see a small path in the mountain.

On the forest rise up 15 minutes - and here they are, the heroic caves! Those who were already in the caves advise to take lanterns. First climb on all fours, and then the caves are expanding and you can safely stand in full growth. There is no live life in the heroic caves - you can not be afraid, there are no web there. So much the people there happens, especially in the season, that all the liveriness has long been scared. Sandstone caves consist, he absorbs water well, so it's not dirty. Ordinary pants and sandals with good soles will be enough completely).

The pearl of the Krasnodar Territory can be considered a hot key. Landmarks of the settlement will like everyone who loves nature and mysterious places. This city is located near Krasnodar and known for mineral springs and wellness resorts. The hot key has 6 sanatoriums that take on the treatment and prevention of people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the digestive tract.

Gorgeous nature

This city is spread in pine forests At the foot of the Caucasian mountains, so the air is unusually clean and useful here. The town has about 30 thousand inhabitants, but thanks to the influx of vacationers here is always crowded and there are many places where you can have fun and interesting to spend time. The attractions of the hot key will delight with their painting and history.

Gorgeous natural landscapes of this area are affected by their beauty. There are many natural caves for which you can go along with the guide, and you can examine yourself. You can highlight some of the most interesting and famous attractions of this resort town.

Healing waters

The Alexandrovsky source is located within the city of the city on the banks of the Psekups River. He is the oldest of all hot-key sources and is the reason for the start of construction in this area. health sanatoriums. At the foot of the key mountain from under the ancient deep layers of rocks beat the keys that possess healing properties. These waters worldwide is famous for the hot key. Attractions on this does not end.

Since ancient times, it was known about this source beyond the boundaries of Asia. Even the ancient Greeks were here and as gratitude for the cure, left near the healing water precious items and coins that can be seen in the museum today. Healing water used numerous tribes that inhabited these territories in ancient times.

Only at the end of the nineteenth century, a hospital was built near the key mountain, and healing water began to be used for general purchased. Later, several other sources were opened, and all of them were sanctified. The place it became a healthy, where the main emphasis was applied to the treatment of patients with mineral waters. However, only representatives of higher classes and very wealthy people could get to the hospital.

Today, almost every citizen can be treated by the waters of the Alexandrovsky Source. Its healing water is used with light diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the gastrointestinal tract. All vacationers like the city of hot key. Attractions in these areas everywhere.

Park zone

The most famous and beautiful city scene is a hot key is a healing park. It was founded in a short time after purchasing a hot key wide popularity. The park is rich in alleys, there are gazebos and benches, where you can relax in the shade of fragrant nature.

Wide alleys of the park smoothly flow into the coniferous forest, from where they take the beginning of the trail for tourists. In the center of the park beats a mineral source, it is located on the same glade. From this source, water falls into the waterproof, where with its healing properties to many people corrects. All tourists attract a hot key ( Krasnodar region). Attractions of the city not only in his park, but also chic waterfalls.

Fallen water flows

Attractive attraction for tourists is the ads of the waterfall. However, it will be difficult to get there on your own, it is better to go with the guide. Adovs waterfall drops from a height of 12 meters to the deep bowl. All over the way of following the waterfall, then there, there are accumulations of sharp stones in combination with the greenery of the Moss growing everywhere. Tourists are watching this for several hours. natural miracle And after more than one year, they remember that the magical time, which was held in the arms of the ADOVA Waterfall.

In addition to the ADOV of the waterfall, there are still 22 drop-down aquatic streams in this area. Getting to them is much more complicated. This is only the prepared tourists. Waterfalls are surrounded by protected forests with beautiful nature and chic species. For such beautiful places it is worth visiting a hot key. Attractions can be captured on the camera.

Chapel and Deep Gorge

One of the most frequently visited by tourists can be considered Datovo Gorge. Initially, it was cut down by a person, but over time, under the action of natural factors, it became deeper and wider. The height of the crumpled moss of sheer walls of the gorge fluctuates from 10 to 15 meters. The entrance to the gorge is the fifty steps carved in stone. The entire duration of the route is landscaped by asphalt paths and bridges, so anyone can pass here, besides absolutely free. Before the dawn gorge looks the most impressive.

At the foot of the key mountain there is a small chapel referred to as Iver. Previously, at this place was a healing source whose water was rich in iron. But as a result of the natural shear of the underground layer, the key stopped beat. The Iversky chapel looks very elegant and modestly than attracts attention not only to believers, but also tourists. Visiting a hot key, sightseeing excursions should be included in rest.

Caves and ancient fortress

In the Valley of the Ayuk River, there is one more attraction of the hot key - the Fanagori cave. The entrance to it is at the height of three meters. In the cave you can stand in full growth and admire the stalactites and stalagmites that are striking with their bizarre forms. The length of the Fanagori cave is about 1.5 km, by its DNU flowing a small stream

The air caves is healing for respiratory tract due to its low ionization. The temperature inside is constant and quite low - about 10 degrees. There were a few species of volatile mice and a huge amount of insects.

The original attraction can be considered the Fortress of the Pyfabe. Today, only the remains of the walls and serfs remained from her former majority. You can get to the fortress through Datovo Gorge. From the height on which a small one is located, but impressive thanks to its thick defensive Walls Fortress, the review opens a couple of kilometers. Everyone will remember the hot key. Attractions can be viewed independently or together with sightseeing groups.

The hot key is a medicine and body, and for the soul. Here you can fix health, thanks to numerous mineral sources. You can enjoy the beauty of the protected nature. However, it is better to inspect all the sights with your own eyes and get an indefunctioned aesthetic pleasure.

City, Krasnodar region. Founded in 1868 as places. Hot key; Title on sources of thermal (up to 60 ° C) mineral waters. Since 1930, chickens since 1930 Pos., Since 1965, the city. Geographical names World: Toponymic Dictionary. M: AST. Pospelov E.M. ... ... Geographic Encyclopedia

City (since 1965) in the Russian Federation, Krasnodar kr., In the valley of r. Psekups. Railroad station. 25.9 thousand inhabitants (1992). Furniture factory, forestrybinder; Mineral waters, etc. Balneological resort ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Hot key, city (since 1965) in the Krasnodar Territory, in the valley r. PSS KOMP. Railway station. 28.3 thousand inhabitants (1996). Furniture factory, forestrybinder; Mineral Water factory and others. Balneological resort. Source: Encyclopedia Fatherland ... Russian history

SUT., Number of synonyms: 1 city (2765) Dictionary of Synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

HOT KEY - Hot key, see Psekupsk ... Big medical encyclopedia

Hot key - Hot key, city in the Krasnodar Territory, 65 km south of Krasnodar. Balneological resort. Located in foothores Big Caucasus, on the right bank of the River Psekups (the influx of Kuban), when it leaves the mountains on the plain 5 km from the railway ... ... Dictionary "Geography of Russia"

City (since 1965) in Russia, Krasnodar Territory, in the valley of r. Psekups. Railroad station. 28.3 thousand inhabitants (1998). Furniture factory, forestrybinder; Mineral Water factory and others. Balneological resort. * * * Hot key hot key, city (with ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Psekupz, city (up to 1965 village) in the Absheron district of the Krasnodar Territory of the RSFSR, 65 km to Y. from Krasnodar. Located in the foothills of the Greater Caucasus, when the r. Psekups (the influx of Kuban) from the mountains on the plain. 20 thousand inhabitants (1970). AT… … Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Hot key - City, Krasnodar region. Founded in 1868 as places. Hot key; Title on sources of thermal (up to 60 ° C) mineral waters. Since 1930, chickens since 1930 Pos., Since 1965, the city ... Toponymic Dictionary

The place of the Kuban region, on Y. from Ekaterinodar, on the right bank of the river. Psekupza, when leaving it from the gorge. The village is famous for hot alkaline sources known under the name of the psekupi mineral waters, the temperature of 24 ° R. up to 42 °. Here… … Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron


  • Hot key, Valentina Melnikova, Flight to the resort Hot key became fatal for Olga Prudnikova and nine passengers `Mi-4`, which was ruled by Artem Tarantians. Two gangsters, threatening with weapons, clampilotes change the course. AT… Category: Miscellaneous Publisher: Centerpolygraph, Manufacturer: CenterPolygraf,
  • Hot key, Melnikova I., the helicopter fell from the cliff and collapsed into the gorge. Who could know that the bandits will penetrate on board and make put a car in the mountains, near the database of the drug dealers ... Pilot Artem Tarantsev was pleased - ... Category:

Today we will go to the hot key and see his sights. With the onset of leaves, a person has a question about where you can go and what you can see. And if before we boldly went abroad at hotels where everything is included, then with time such a need for the population disappeared.

And indeed, why go abroad, if we live a huge country where a large number of unknown seats. Only the Krasnodar region is worth it. Where to walk and where to go in a hot key, what are the entertainment and places for family holiday - Our article about it.

Going to the Krasnodar region, stop your attention on the city of Hot Key, whose thermal sources are known for their healing force throughout former USSR. The city is located next to the regional center - there is easy to drive there and there is where to stay. In addition, it is among the top five environmentally friendly cities of Russia. The main attraction of the city is a sanatorium where you can go to relax not only in summer on vacation, but also in the fall and winter for health amendment. On the territory of them they are located 6, and around a large amount of mineral springs.

In addition to these advantages, having arrived in the Krasnodar Territory to the city of hot key, remember that it is so beautiful and rich in its sights that there really is what to see. Here is a huge number of lakes, caves, rocks, gorges, looking at which, man is in love with them all his life. Some description you will find below.

In contact with

Waterfalls and lakes

Waterfalls and lakes have always attracted tourists. Especially in the event that the nature was created without the participation of a person. The hot key is rich in waterfalls and lakes, despite the fact that it is more accommodated in the mountainous area.

So, let's start your trip from the actions of the waterfall. The waterfall is located next to the village of Fanagori. The waterfall is very high and reaches 20 meters. The spectacle just fascinates. Water drops from twenty-meter height.

If you decide to visit hell for the first time, then it is better to do this, accompanied by a guide, as it is very easy to get lost here. Getting to the waterfall is quite easy, since he is in the village. You can take advantage of local transport (bus 193) and get to the village of Fanagori.

Popular Lake S. beautiful title The rocky, also located in the Krasnodar Territory on the slope of Abadzekh mountain. Water in the lake is fresh, in its content is rich in microelements and minerals. It was the rock that became a source where the warm-key hospital originates.

The lake is very interesting. One of its parts is inside the mountain, and the second is located nearby. Tourists and travelers often stop here and gain water. In fact, the rocky lake is very beautiful, its water has a bright blue color. You can only get to it on foot, as the water is located at an altitude of more than 100 meters.

Another of the most beautiful places is the Waterfall "Diavol". It is about five kilometers from the settlement, so it is easy to walk on foot.

Four-digital waterfall, and if you look at the bottom up, it actually resembles a huge mouth, reminiscent of a wolf pasta. There are no individual excursions to the waterfall, but you can combine with a guide to Danut Gorge. You can only get to it on foot, no address has nothing, as it is in the mountains.

In many cities of the Krasnodar Territory there are fabulous names. One of these places is Berendevo Kingdom. The place is associated with a large number of fairy tales and legends. Getting to him very simple. From a hot key, you need to go through only 4 km along the Berendeva Tropez and fall with the exciting world of fairy tales.

At the entrance to the kingdom there are artificially created houses that are very similar to fabulous. The place received its name from the waterfall, which smoothly descends from the sememeter height. Water is extraordinary, it is so transparent that even the rocks can be seen for which she descends.

Take note: At the foot of the waterfall, a large bowl formed, in which the water of the waterfall is going. Anyone can take over in it and get an unforgettable pleasure, as the water is quite cool and refreshing.

Healing sources

Healing sources were popular in the XIX century. People who are more often rich and from the famous classes, drove up halfsta to get on them and experience all the lifeful strength of mineral waters. The hot key boasts a large number of mineral health resistants.

The most popular source Alexandrovsky. It is distinguished by the extraordinary beauty and history of education and development. Began his work back in the XIX century, when the first sodium sanatorium was erected.

Its water has healing properties. Two more centuries ago Cossacks came here and people from high classes in order to undergo treatment. At the beginning of the 20th century, a military hospital was created on the spot, in which military personnel with diseases of the musculoskeletal system were treated, the nervous system was treated. Every year, regardless of the time of year, you can hardly find a free space in the sanatorium, which is built on the Alexandria source. You can get to it on an electric train a message hot key - Tuapse. In order to get to the source, you need to go out at the Valley Station of Charm.

There is a hot key and places that are directly related to the Bible. One of these places is the healer Panteleimon Spring. He was on the restoration for a long time and only in 2011 received his visitors.

The source name itself speaks of the healing force of that water that is in it. Many who come to him are counting not only for healing, but also to rejuvenation. Here you can pray and ask the Holy Panteleimon health for yourself and your loved ones, as well as to light a candle.

There is a source at the address: Hot Key, Mineral Polyana.

Mountains and gorges

Mountains are a place that attracted since the ancient times writers, poets, artists. And so far they pull to themselves with their massiveness, height. In some places you can see the gorge or huge breakdowns. From beauty just captures the spirit. It is impossible to understand the man who visited the Krasnodar region, but did not see all the power Caucasian Gor..

One of these examples is Abadzekh mountain. Initially, Abadzekh Mountain gave life settlement Hot key. In antiquity, people attracted sources located nearby, and they began to settle near the mountain.

His name Mountain received from ancient peoplewho lived here is the Adygean tribe. Only ancient people called her key. At the foot of the mountain is located the lake.

Besides beautiful mountains, in the hot key there is a large number of gorges. People still with antiquity wondered where they were taken from. And in fact, the gorges inside the mountains are so beautiful that they just fascinate with their beauty.

One of these gorges located in the hot key is Danuto Gorge.

it natural monumentwhich is a cultural heritage. It is located at the foot of the Key Mountain. Semit hiking routeYou will not feel all the beauty that nature presented. On the road to the gorge there is a path, laid out with tiles, which smoothly goes into the road from stones.

It is interesting: The gorge appeared artificially, and the wind and the water did their job, and it became wider every year. All the breeds that surround a person are sandy, and that is why they can easily be changed, even if you just touch.

The height of Dante's cliffs gorges is made up at least 10 meters, and the length is already more than 100 m. In order to get to it yourself, it is necessary to switch the Psekups River in the M4-Don route and go out to Lenin Street. Further, in line, pass the triumphal arch and get to the chapel. And behind you will open the gorge.

Rock with an interesting name "Cockerel" can also attract tourists and travelers. One name pursues to just see what Mountain represents. It is also called the slope of salvation.

It is located on the Psekups River. Its height is about 28 meters. This is one of interesting seatswhich presented the nature of the Krasnodar Territory. The top of the cliff looks like a rooster tail, because it has 6 teeth. Inside the cliffs there are two caves - salvation and ringing. And in the middle, there is a ladder of life between them, rising to which a beautiful view will open before the visitor. In the time of Nicholas II, on top of the mountain, a gazebo was erected, where he came to rest, guest in the Krasnodar Territory. But after time, some of the rocks fell off, and the locals became the platform to call the Tsarist. Even there is a legend that the water of the river washing the rock can heal the patient from the disease. You can walk to the rock through the new bridge, if you roll on it from the M-4 Don route.

One of the popular caves in Europe is the Fanagori cave. It attracts not only tourists, but also doctors, archaeologists. The cave is quite extended - at least one and a half kilometers.

Four large rooms are located in the fanagori cave, the walls of which are covered with yellow and white clay. For the bottom flowing strength, and at different times of the year he will be able to reach from 5 cm to 30.

Note: The air is ionized, so everyone who fell a cave can cure respiratory diseases.

In the documents that describe this cave, there is information that before the XIX century it had a greater length, and from a mountain wrench could immediately get on the Black Sea. In about the middle of the century, the coloration occurred in the cave, and its length was 1.5 km.

Note: In order to visit the cave, a lot of physical forces will be required. Since you need to walk about 14 km to the cave itself from the village of Fanagori.

You need to cross two fodes and get to the intersection of two rivers: Semenov gap and ayuk. Continue to move along Ayuk's river and then get parking before the cave.

Museums and ranch

Despite the fact that this city more has the direction of therapeutic, it is perfectly combined and ranchs and museums.

One of these places is an ostrich ranch. In order to visit it, you need to take the electric train to Molkino station. If you are traveling by car, you need to move on the M-4 don's highway towards the hot key, and on the way you will see a huge banner "Ostrich Rancho".

In order to see how everything is arranged there, you need to pay 50 rubles for the entrance ticket. Having visited him, you can see ostriches from the smallest to huge. This is a great place where you can go on the day off with the whole family.

But not all people who fall into the Krasnodar Territory, in particular in a hot key, visit the places of natural origin.

One of popular seats became urban historical Museum. This is one of the few hot-key places that has the exact addressAnd you do not have to climb the mountains. Museum address: ul. Lenin 34as. What can you see here? In 2000, the museum was opened in a new modern building.

Going into it, you can see the entire history of the Krasnodar Territory from the moment of its existence and until modern time. There is a large number of museum exhibits, beautiful outfits of the inhabitants of the Krasnodar Territory. So simply impossible to describe everything you can see in the museum. Therefore, if you ended up in a hot key, you do not pass by him, be sure to highlight the time to visit.

Listed places are very popular with tourists, and it is right. The beauty was created by nature itself not for a couple of years, but for centuries, and "author" tried.

Fortress Shotfabe

In addition to all these places, arriving in the city of hot key, be sure to visit such places as: Fortress Psofabe, Alya Thousands of Pines, Arch with Lions, Chapel in honor of the Iver Icons of the Mother of God, Healing Park in the hot key, urban historical museum and Holy Trinity Temple . All these places are worthy of tourists regardless of whether they are created by nature or man.

We bring to your attention interesting video About the attractions of a hot key:

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