How to get from Nesviez to Chernivtsov. Nesvizh - the old castle of Lithuanian princes Radzivilov

(Belarus) can be called the most visited and interesting palace-park complex located in this country. It is about him that we will talk today. First, let's say about where the Nesvizhsky castle is in Belarus. It is located in the Minsk region, in Nesvizh (about 120 km from Minsk).

Wooden and stone castle

Even in the chronicles belonging to the 13th century, the Nesvizhsky castle is mentioned. His owner at the time was Yuri Nesvizhsky, and then the prince of the intestine. Nesvizhsky Castle (Belarus) in those times was wooden. Soon this structure was destroyed. To Radziwill, the richest kind of Principality of Lithuanian, switched to his possessions.

Nikolay Radziville, also known for nicknamed sirot, laid stone castle in 1583. This man traveled a lot in Italy. He really liked the architecture of this country. For the construction of his castle, he decided to invite Giovanni Bernardoni, the Italian architect. On the shore r. Ears after 7 years the fortress was erected.

The lock was made in the form of a rectangle. He was surrounded (like today) ditch with water. This ditch was strengthened by stones, and on the perimeter there were bastions with weapons. Only wooden bridge led to the castle. At any moment it could be raised.

12 Apostles

In addition to the valuable collections of books, paintings, weapons and diamonds, there was a priceless collection of made of pure silver and gold, decorated with precious stones them cast, one of the versions, Radziwill Mikhail Casimir. At the beginning of the 16th century, he found Tatar gold. It is thanks to this find, as they say, and managed to restore the castle after the destructive Northern War, which lasted from 1700 to 1725.

Robbers took attempts to steal the Golden Apostles several times. Because of this, real statues were reliably hidden, and skillfully placed skills made from wax and torn fake stones. Next to the apostles over time, the wax figures tried to steal their robbers. So the collection of wax figures appeared, the first in the world.

Ripping and detuning the castle

Nesvizhsky Castle in Belarus, whose history knew many attempts to capture, remained impregnable for a long time. However, in 1706, when there was a northern war, he won the Swedish troops and ruined. The castle was again rebuilt in 1726 and appeared peace in all his glory. Now it was, rather, not even a castle, but a palace. 12 luxury halls were placed inside, as well as a collection of jewels and weapons and a rich library.

Nesvizhsky Castle in 1768 again suffered from an attack, now Russian troops. Nesvizh in 1792 was included in the Russian Empire. He lost its defensive features, but remained a place of residence of the Radziwill family.

Radzyville leave the castle

In 1812 began Patriotic War. Dominic Radziwill, at that time the castle owned, moved to the side of Napoleon. After some time, he had to leave his house. Dominica fled to France. Russian troops kept in the castle and possessions confiscated.

New owners

Nesvizhsky castle only in 1860 returned to Radziwill. His new owners rebuilt the palace. Beautiful parks Were broken next to him: Japanese Garden, Castle New Park, old park. Almost 90 hectares amounted to their total area.

Castle during World War II and in the years after it

Until 1939, Radzivilles inhabited this castle. Its building in the period of World War II practically did not suffer. Headquarters german army Placed at the time in it. In Nesvizhsky Castle after the war, Sanatorium "Nesvizh" acted.

Restoration in the 2000s

However, in peacetime, the destruction was not bypassed Nesvizhsky Castle (Belarus). In 2002, on the night of December 24-25, the central corps of the palace was covered with flames. The castle began to restore in 2004. For visitors, after four years, a reconstructed part was opened. In 2011, work was completed.

Castle today

In Nesvizhsky Castle, about 30 exposition halls are currently operating. This architectural monument does not cease to amaze visitors to their internal content and chic design. From literary sources, we learn that each His room had his own unique look and its name. There were furnaces from faience and tiles, decorated with stucco, as well as fireplaces with metal made from metal by heraldic images. On the walls of the castle there were carved oak panels and gilded stucco. Lifestyle Radzivilov reflected here everything: Plafones with stucco and painting, elegant furniture, parquet on the floor, luxurious mirrors and chandeliers corresponding to the style of the era. Unfortunately, over time, many items that were stored in the castle were removed by invaders or destroyed. His story today has to collect on grains from foreign countries and Nesvizhsky Castle (Belarus) since 2006 placed in the list world Heritagecompiled by UNESCO.

Legend of Castle

This castle, like everyone, has its own legend - about the spirit of Barbara Radziville (Black Punk). According to legend, and Sigismund, the Polish king, fell in love with each other. They decided to get married secretly. However, the kings are known to not marry love. A different woman was prepared in the spouses Sigizmundu. The queen mother did not want to accept Barbara and make her queen. She decided to apply for potions to his pharmacy. He helped poison a unwanted relative.

King Sigismund on it very much. He went to Nesvizh and caused the spirit of beloved on a spiritual session. He was delivered by the condition in no case to touch the Spirit of Barbara. However, when he saw her, he could not hold himself. Sigismund touched his beloved. There was an explosion. After this event, the worried soul of the beloved Sigismund failed to find the road back. The ghost since then settled in Nesvizhsky Castle. He always appears before the start of trouble. It is concerned that the ghost of Barbara saw before the fire that occurred in 2002. As a result, the Nesvizhsky castle suffered.

What you can view

Since the castle was rebuilt several times, today it combines several styles in its architecture: Renaissance, classicism, baroque, modernism. For guests, the Palace, Eastern and South Gallery itself are open to guests, Arsenal - all this you can explore, going to Nesvizhsky Castle (Belarus). The cost of visiting adults is about 7 dollars, for children and students - approximately 3.5. The audio guide will cost you in 2 dollars, and the excursion is a duration of 45 minutes to 7.

Nesvizhsky Castle today tourists are visited from many countries. It is always quite crowded here on weekends, so we advise him to see if possible on a weekday. It is said that the palace does not cope with a large flow of tourists. Because of this, shrink excursions. And during the World Hockey World Championship in Minsk, he worked for a few hours longer.

Landscape parks are deserved separately. Beauty of local nature can be enjoyed for a long time. Many tourists advise to allocate the palace and park complex for the inspection of the palace-park complex. It is especially pleasant to walk in the spring when trees bloom. It is interesting to see and the city of Nesvizh himself.

Nesvizhsky Castle (Belarus): how to get

There are several ways. It is most convenient to do this by car. You need to drive about 120 km from Minsk, which will take 1.5-2 hours. It follows the route M1, next in the direction of Minsk Brest. You will see a pointer to the P11 road, which will need to be taken. Note that for cars with foreign numbers (with the exception of Russian), the passage of Belarusian roads is paid.

Another way is a regular bus that goes before Nesvizh from Minsk. Buses depart from East and Central Bus Stoves. About two hours in this case will take the road.

Another way is to drive from Minsk to the town of Goroda, after which it is at a taxi or a flight bus to Nesvizh.

By the way, the hotel "Palace" is operating on the territory of the Palace Complex, to the services of tourists who plan to live in the castle. There are some more agroworks and hotels in the city itself.

Now you know what is an Nesvizhsky castle. Description, how to get to it, the history of the castle - all this is set out by us. Tourist feedback allow us to say that it is certainly worth a visit. Nesvizhsky Castle in Belarus - one of the most beautiful places in this country. Photos of him, unfortunately, do not transmit all its magnificence.

Day 13. 09/06/16 ChTV "By car to Nesvizh, Baranavichi and the world"

Minsk - Nesvizh - Baranovichi - Mir - Minsk

Mileage 340 km

So, another day in the center of Belarus. But we will do it not in Minsk, but we will make a radial departure. I really wanted to go on the car to Nesvizh, look a generic nest of Magnatov Radzivilov. And from there hand to the beautiful worldly castle. Well, and pass to Baranovichi, in another museum railway transport - For the completeness of our collection of locomotives.

From the Belarusian capital to Nesvizh a little more than a hundred kilometers. The lock opens at 10 o'clock. We wanted to be there first, so we left at 8 am. But on the main Belarusian highway connecting Minsk and Brest, flew this distance in just an hour. Although the speed limit is valid for a speed of 90 km / h + 10 km / h permissible exceeding, but the signs of the velocity of passenger cars are installed on the highway 110 km / h, then 120 km / h. So what is their maximum speed there without restrictions - I did not understand. But it turned out quickly enough.

Near the entrance to the territory of the palace-castle complex there is a parking lot, but it is paid. We drove off 50 meters and parked about the cathedral completely for free, which then also planned to go. Since they came to half an hour before planned, I had to walk a little on the shore of the pond, yes to study the card just park ensemble. In addition to the palace itself, the whole surrounding area used to be a well-kept fleet with many paths and scenery. To get around everything, you need a bike and all day. We only have plans to visit the palace itself.

In 9-30 opened in cash. We took tickets and paid individual excursion. Then not a hurry to walk along the dam between the lakes. The entrance to the territory of the palace itself is opened only at 10-00. As we slowed, but I had to wait five minutes under the doors.

In the yard of Nesvizhsky Castle

Excursion on the castle itself left a favorable impression. Maybe there is no luxury of tsarist palaces, Nesvizh belonged to the Polish-Lithuanian Magnam Radziville, and their wealth and influence far to the imperial. In addition, the castle was rebuilt more than once. During the war there was a hospital for Luftwaffe pilots, and after liberation - departmental sanatorium KGB. The big halls were converted into modest chambers for guests. Now the palace is trying to give the former magnificence, but more and more recently.

The guide came across a fairly intelligent, knowledgeable and tactful, told a lot and interestingly, not afraid of the most trusted issues. Who, for example, served Radziwill? How to answer? The lands around the palace changed from hand to hand - then Lithuanian, then Polish, then Russian. And the wealth and influence of the magnates only increased.

For two hours we went around all the Barsky chambers, visited the chapel, the Human Trofeye Hall and even descended into the basement arsenal. And then they went to the library, where, among other things, materials on the device and the reorganization of this palace, which possessed the defensive qualities of the real fortress.

Finally, having resulted in history, left the castle and went towards our county, who we left around Far Church of the Holy Heart. This cathedral, built simultaneously with the lock, is also the family tomb of Radzivilov. There were some restoration work around the temple, so it did not make a special impression. However, as from the inside.

Inside the cathedral, all the aisles were pulled by red ribbons, leaving visitors only a small patch at the door. When there are quite a few tourists there, a woman came up and offered a tour of the temple. The named price seemed unnecessarily high. But from the proposal to descend in the crypt of the temple, we decided not to refuse. The local exhibition exceeded this tomb, putting it in one row with the Panthers of the Habsburgs in Vienna and Bourbons in Spanish Escoriale. In two these places, we have already been and wanted to compare. Putting a certain amount "on the restoration of the temple," we went for the fence and went down.

Seen disappointed us somewhat. No comparison with the royal dynasties before the tomb of the royal dynasties. Rows of iron boxes are almost without any decor and decorations. On the walls, perhaps previously there were some inscriptions, but now practically indistinguishable. A dusty darketal basement, in which only a small place at the ladder is fenced off for visitors. And the rows of coffins leave somewhere in the distance, deep into the dungeon. Swimmed up and up, on fresh air.

In Nesvizh there is still an old town hall building, located near the cathedral. And in the presence of free time it was worth walking to him, but we needed to be rushing further.

Before Baranovichi got, without leaving the highway, on small paths, which are very different, and allow them to move quickly and comfortably between the villages. In Baranavichy, we decided to satisfy the emerging again with the shopping. Our Belwest Belarusian shoes are well known in the Urals. Maybe here, at home, the choice of Belvestia will be much richer and cheaper? In Baranovichi, they specifically found a branded store of this company. And they did not feel nicknamed. The choice is modest, and the prices are perhaps even higher than with us. Is Belarusians have such a high standard of living to buy such shoes? Located in a nearby Unnamed shoe shop. Bought a daughter a couple of sandwiches and loss of the ravoisi in the direction of the railway museum, located near the "cast-iron" railway station. The railway in Belarus is still called the "cast-iron".

Entrance tickets to the museum were quite inexpensive, and there were almost no one in the territory except for a lonely caretaker in the entrance boat. Baranovichi Museum of steam locomotives can be compared with Brest. It seemed to me, they even have some kind of competition. But Brest, we liked more, because there are many open exhibits, in which you can climb on special ladder-trapam. In Baranavichy, more presented equipment related to repair and maintenance railway. Most diverse drowsins, maneuver diesel locomotives, railway alignment machines, etc.

Not far from the entrance there is a valid manual dresin, on which you can ride 10 meters there and back. There is also a model on a scale of 1: 2 of the first locomotive, which has passed through Minsk-Baranavichi-Brest. But the model is very primitive, reminiscent of the train from Romashkovo rather than a real locomotive.

In the open platform of children, it was interested in the quadrupid installation of the KPVT machine guns, whose guidance mechanisms were fully working and allowed to spin at 360 degrees and cut trunks to the most zenith.

In the morning in Nesvizh was overcast and cool. And here the sun was looking out and the weather was "roaring", it became even hot.

Bypassing all the presented exhibits, a couple of words were transferred with a guard, having posted that many locomotives and diesel locomotives were closed. What they received the answer, they say visitors to twist different parts, especially from non-ferrous metals. Not from a good life apparently.

And we go further, to another castle, which is near the town of the world. This fortress was built by Ilyinich, but then also belonged to Radziwallami. But on the architecture, this building is closer to the castles than to the palaces. The fortress wall has been preserved, and three powerful towers, but in the overall complex, they are combined by a residential building located a little in depth. The castle more than once had to withstand siege, and the last time the fighting at his walls was unfolded in the summer of 1812.

The cassows of the worldly castle operate up to 17-00, we were already there in half the fifth, so there was not very much time to inspect the castle. In addition, yesterday's swimming in the water park did not pass without a trace, the temperature rose the temperature. But he pilot held and, taking a dose of Nurofen, together with all he went on the conquest of castle walls and towers. We remember this castle first of all very narrow and steep stone stairs arranged in the towers for movement from the floor to the floor.

Two of the three castle towers are open to visitors. They present some exposure devoted to the history of construction. The main interest here, of course, in order to break the stairs. Believe that it is very difficult. Despite the presence of handrails, in some places I wanted to get up on all fours and scramble in this way.

In the large building there were residential premises, and now there are the halls of the museum. Much of course rebuilt. Something specially preserved destroyed walls so that visitors can imagine what big job Restorers have been done. Some halls restored the situation, wall decoration and ceilings.

I remember the armor of the "winged cavalry" - a special division of the Polish Shuttle Troops, whose knights to their shells were attached from behind two metal arcs, inserted feathers in them, drove into the race and creating the impression that riders fly on wings.

Armor "Wilt Calps"

The museum's opening approached the end, and by 18-00 the caulistant of all visitors began to sweep. And you can go out, just passing the entire exposure to the end. Therefore, we still have time and descend into the basements, where the barrels were kept with wine. There was a kitchen, and the servants lived. From there, it is up to the inner courtyard of the castle.

Near the castle is a very picturesque territory - pond, pine. The castle is an old church. It would be possible to take a walk, but the well-being of Vova prompted us to return home. Today we went well and looked a lot of interesting things.

Before leaving the track, the roadside village market was stopped. We bought some kind of dinner. I was surprised that next to potatoes were sold the most real walnuts. True, unclean, but not expensive. Purchased.

"Home" got into Minsk for about eight o'clock in the evening. I drove into a grocery store. And there is time to rest and collect suitcases. Tomorrow we leave the capital of Belarus. Further route is not painted, housing is not armored. Well, that we had one day in stock. He was very useful for us in Minsk.

We have already met the southern part of Belarus - woodland, traveled in the west - the Brest and Grodno regions, we stayed in the capital of the country. Today we went by car to Nesvizh and the world. Tomorrow will go north! There we are waiting for a whole scattering interesting places and attractions!

To the southwest of Minsk there is a small town Nesvizh, which tourists from all over Belarus and daily coming down and neighboring countries. Interest cause historical and architectural monumentslocated in the small territory of the city. One of the attractions is a great cultural value - Nesvizhsky Castle in the status of the Museum-Reserve has been protected by UNESCO.

History of Nesvizhsky Castle

The north of the modern castle, where the old park is now, by the beginning of the XVI century there was a wooden ownership. It was the castle of the guts, whose representatives ruled Nesvizh. Radziwilles who came to power rebuilt and strengthened. But the next owner, Nikolai Radziville (Siercot), decided to build a stone impregnable residence - a fortress that would protect his owner and his subjects from numerous enemies.

The date of the founding of the Stone Nesvizhsky Castle is considered to be 1583. The name of the architect is called only presumably, perhaps it was Italian J. Bernardoni, but his biography description makes confusion to such an assumption.

On the bank of the ears river, a large stone lock of the rectangular shape with dimensions of 120x170 m were built. To protect the lock, the methods were applied ordinary for that time: earth shafts were poured around the perimeter, which moved deeply to 4 m deep and width of 22 m. To the walls of the connections with time They did not appear, they were strengthened by stone masonry thick in 2 m. Since the Nesvizhsky castle was built on the high bank of the ears and its water level was below the RVs, to fill it, it took the creation of a dam, dams and ponds. Having lifted the water level, the engineers were able to direct it in Rips, which gave the castle to additional protection.

The weapon for the likely defense was covered from other fortresses or cast directly in the castle. So, during the Russian-Polish war in the XVII century, the fortress was already 28 guns of various caliber, which helped withstand repeated sieges of Russian troops.

Also successfully ended the defense of the Swedes in the Northern War in March 1706, but still in May already tired garrison and peaceful citizens asked the commandant of the fortress to capitulate. In two weeks, the Swedes ruined the city and the castle, drove and drowned most of the guns and other weapons. According to one of the legends, at the bottom of the RVA, there can be a cold or firearm today.

At the end of the XVIII century, the castle passed to the property of the Russian Empire, but Radziwill was allowed to live there. During the war of 1812, Dominic Radziville spoke on the French side, he provided an Nesvizhsky castle to accommodate the headquarters of Zheroma Bonaparte (Brother Napoleon). During the flight of the French army, the control lock on the orders of the host hid all the treasures, but he revealed the secret to the torture - issued the place of their storage of the Russian General Tuchkov and Colonel Knorring. Today, the treasures of Radziwillov are exhibited in the Belarusian, Ukrainian and Russian museums, but it is believed that a significant proportion of values \u200b\u200bwas lost, there is still no place for being known.

In 1860, the confiscated Nesvizhsky castle was returned to the Prussian General Wilhelm Radziwille. The new owner expanded the castle, transformed it into luxury palace, broke huge parks with a total area of \u200b\u200b90 hectares, who please their cool and beauty of all coming here. During World War II, the representatives of Radziwilles were leaving in the castle of representatives to Moscow, although they released them later to Italy and England. With the German occupation in a huge empty castle, the headquarters are located again, this time - the headquarters of the "tank" General Guderian.

After the end of the war in the building of the Castle, the Belarusian authorities founded the Nesviz sanatorium, which was subordinate to the NKVD (KGB). Since the collapse of the USSR, restoration began in Nesvizhsky Castle to base the museum. For a mass visiting, its doors opened in 2012.

Museum "Nesvizhsky Castle"

So that without a rush and bustle stroll through the large territory of the palace-park complex, you should come to Nesvizh on weekdays. In this case, the sighting sights will pass more carefully. On weekends, especially in the warm season, there is a big influx of tourists, so there is often a queue at the box office at the entrance.

In the courtyard of the lock and indoors and rooms, the overflow is prohibited, therefore, the time of excursions is reduced to 1-1.5 hours. At the entrance for a fee, they offer the "Audio Guide" service, including in foreign languages. In this case, you can walk through the castle yourself without joining excursion groups. On sunny days, walks in the parks, where the alleys of trees, beautiful shrubs are planted, as well as flower beds. The most beautiful parks in spring and autumn.

In addition to traditional services for museums, in Nesvizhsky Castle propose unusual events:

  • Wedding ceremony.
  • The event "Hand Proposal", "Birthday Day".
  • Wedding photo and video.
  • Costume photo shoots.
  • Theatrical excursions.
  • Historical quests on different topics For children and adults.
  • Museum lectures and school classes.
  • Rent a conference room.
  • Rent a restaurant for banquets.

In total, the museum is openly for visiting 30 exposure halls, each of which is unique, has its name close to the original design. Always during excursions guides tell the legends of the castle, for example, about black pan - poisoned beloved Polish king. Allegedly, the bare soul of Barbara Radziwill lives in the castle and appears in front of people as an omen of trouble.

In addition to daily excursions in the castle periodically spend knight tournaments, colorful festivals, carnivals and concerts. Around the next few days, tourists stop for the night both in the city and in the hotel "Palace" on the territory of the museum complex. A small cozy hotel is designed to accommodate 48 guests.

How to get there, work hours, ticket prices

Alone to Nesvizhsky Castle is the easiest way to do personal car. Minsk and Brest connects the route M1 (E30), you need to move on it. The distance from Minsk to Nesvizh - 120 km, from Brest to Nesvizh - 250 km. Seeing the pointer to the R11 track, you need to turn to it. You can also get to the museum from Minsk on the flight bus from the bus station or taxi. Another option is the Minsk train, but in this case on Art. The city will have to transplane the taxi or bus before Nesvizh. The official address of the Museum Administration: Nesvizh, Leninskaya Street, 19.

Museum-Reserve is open to visits round year. In the warm season from 10 am to 19 pm, during the cold season, the schedule shifts 1 hour ahead. In 2017, the cost of tickets in terms of the Belarusian to Russian rubles approximately is:

  • Palace Ensemble: Adults - 420 rubles., Schoolchildren and students - 210 rubles. (on weekends more expensive for 30 rubles).
  • Exposure in the town hall: adults - 90 rubles, schoolchildren and students - 45 rubles.
  • Audio guide and photos in a historic costume - 90 rubles.
  • Museum classes for a group of up to 25 people - 400-500 rubles.

If it turns out in the coming weekend to plan independent excursion On the route Minsk - Nesvizh, then the question always arises: how to get, how much to go?

In fact, 3 most practical options come from Minsk to Nesvizh:

  • flight bus or minsk - Nesvizh;
  • electric train Minsk - town, bus city - Nesvizh;
  • car.

Google Cards /

From the capital of Belarus, Minsk - Nesvizh will be approximately 112 km away.

Direct bus (minibus)

Straight flight buses report Minsk - Nesvizh depart from the station from the morning. You can get from Minsk also to the world for one single day independently, but to have time to watch two wonderful cities, it is better to run through Nesvizh. Looking in advance, it should be noted that this option is very convenient because of its simplicity, but not quite cheap.

Bus schedule should be viewed directly on the bus station itself or on the Internet, on the site where you can immediately purchase tickets. It is worth notifying that morning flight trips are somewhat more expensive than day and evening. The bus ride to the world and Nesvizh from Minsk takes about two hours.

Electric train - bus

To save money on excursions to the world and Nesvizh, cheaper to get a train from Minsk to the city, and from there to go by bus to Nesvizh. Track schedule can be viewed on railway station Or immediately purchase on. It is possible to buy a ticket with "open time" there and back, while you can sit on any of the electric trains in one or another direction.

This is a very convenient and practical option for people who do not follow the time and are often late. Just need to be clarified which one of the electric trains of Minsk - the city is departed from the main railway station, and which from the station "Institute of Culture", which is much easier to get to the metro station to the station with the same name. From this it depends, how much will the passage cost.

Electric train to the city goes about 2 hours. And from there to the city of Nesviz gets completely close, about 20 km, in time 25-30 minutes. The most important plus transplant in the city is the fact that the railway and the automotive station are located in the same building.

Moreover, the buses in Nesvizhsky are sent according to the schedule every 45-50 minutes, mainly after the arrival of the electric trains. But if you wish, you can take a taxi instead of the bus.


Of course, the most comfortable option is a car trip. Personal or taxi is already killed by traveling. To find out how to get from Minsk to Nesvizh, you need to open the atlas of roads or the Internet. The easiest way is to move from Minsk ring road in the Brest direction, and then on the route M1 (E30).

When this option is selected, there is a possibility in more detail all the landmarks of Nesvizh, and you can also stay to spend the night in one of the hotels of the city.

Attractions Nesviza

Happing to Nesvizh, you can surprise, seeing huge crowds of people. Because the population of this small town is only about 15 thousand inhabitants. And the rest of the tourists are, the number of which per year is inferior in terms of indicators of Minsk.

Many different monuments with sculptures of historical figures, a magnificent Catholic church, an ancient monastery of Bernardine, an ancient town hall, "Slutskaya Brama" - all this magnificence can be seen on the way to the main attraction of Nesvizh - the castle of the Radziwill dynasty, which is considered the richest family of Belarus.

On the approach to it is a beautiful park, with stretching shady alleys, near which the charming lake is very close. The castle itself attracts with its gracefulness and inaccessibility. It is located on a small hill.

Nesvizh - Mir

After admiring the beautiful places of Nesvizh, it is certainly worth going in one beautiful city - the world. You can get there by bus or taxi from Nesvizhsky bus station for 30-35 minutes.

Here, the main decoration is a worldly castle, which conquers its amazing beauty. His story is also interesting.

Video: How to get from Minsk to Nevvizh?

Road back

After the tour of the world came to the end - Nesvizh from Minsk is to overcome several kilometers back. If you manage to catch the last bus, you can directly get from the world to Minsk.

In this case, you will have to get on the travelers or towards Nesvizh. And then overcome the distance from Nesvizh to Minsk with transfer to the city. First by the bus from the Nesvizhsky bus station, and then the electric train from the city station to Minsk.

In general, the excursion Minsk - Nesvizh - the world from Minsk should turn out to be interesting and exciting. Visit famous castles These two small towns simply need at least once in life.

Planning a trip to Belarus, I am not without surprise noted that, despite the proximity to Russia as a whole and Moscow in particular, in terms of historical architecture belarusian cities differ significantly from Russian. In fact, the randral is simple: for a long time, these lands were part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and after uniting the latter with Poland - the Commonwealth. Hence the numerous Catholic churches, urban town halls and, of course, castles.

Nesvizhsky Castle in Belarus is one of the two most popular among tourists, along with worldly. At the same time, if the latter is characterized by a more brutal medieval architecture, then Nesvizhsky castle is a living embodiment of luxury and grace.

History of Nesvizhsky Castle

Despite the fact that after visiting the Nesvizhsky Castle, I am strictly associated with the surname Radzivilov, the first fortress on this place was laid at the beginning of the XVI century. Representatives of the gut. The castle was wooden and stood just north of the current one. After the transition of Nesviza, the power of the Razdivilles first was rebuilt, and then, during the time, when the territory was owned by Nikolai Radzivill on nicknamed sirot, a stone castle was built a little south. It was laid on May 7, 1583.

However, the first stone citadel looked much more severe than the current palace complex. There is nothing surprising in this, because it was restricted on it. As a result, the fortress took part in the Russian-Polish war, withstanding two sieges of the Russian army, and in the war of the North, the first-time capitulation to the Swedish army.

As for Radzivil, they have since possessed the castle until the nationalization of 1939. In 1813, however, the castle was temporarily confiscated, since the then owner Dominica Jeronim Radziwill supported Napoleon's troops. However, already in the 60s of the XIX century, the castle was returned to representatives of the Prussian branch of Radzivil.

I purchased my current look in the XVIII-XIX centuries, when the main building was rebuilt, the front door was renovated, and the park was broken around the castle. About the medieval citadel today is reminded only by the meters and the impressive fortress shafts, which once stood the same, medieval Nesvizhsky castle.

How to get to Nesvizhsky Castle

The castle is located meters of 500-700 from stopping buses arriving in the city of Nesvizh.

There is no railway station in the city, but taking into account the high quality of Belarusian roads it should not be a serious obstacle if you decide to visit Nesvizhsky Castle.

How to get from Minsk

Buses to Nesvizh from the bus station "East" go 5 times a day: the very first departures at 9.30, and the last - at 18.00. At the same time, Nesvizh himself is not the final stop, and you need buses next to Pinsk or Kletk. Approximate time on the way will be 2 h. 30 min. The fare is one end of about 50,000 Belarusian rubles.

The bus station itself is located near the subway stations "Proletarskaya", "Partizanskaya" and "Tractor Plant", as shown in the scheme.

If you get on the car, most of the time you need to move along the M1 highway and, by passing the columns, minimize the sign to Nesvizh. From the city of Nesvizhsky Castle, they separate 96 kilometers in a straight line and 125 on the highway.

How to get from Grodno

  • By bus. You are suitable for those who follow Soligorsk. They are sent three times a day: the earliest at 07.05, then at 11.35 and finally at 14.10. The cost of the ticket will be significantly higher than if you were driving from Minsk, and will be about 1,40,000 Belarusian rubles.
  • On the car you need to go out of M6 towards the Lida. Do not reach it, turn on P11 and after about 140 kilometers you will find yourself in Nesvizh.

How Nesvizhsky Castle works

The mode of operation involves the possibility of visiting the exposure daily from 10.00 to 18.00. At the same time, the castle works even on holidays: I, for example, visited it on March 8. By the way, on this day in one of the halls there was an action, in which an employee of the museum, dressed in the Szaktich's costume (military aristocracy of the Commonwealth), congratulated all visitor to the museum and gave me memorable calendars.

The cost of the ticket is

  • for adults - 100,000 Belarusian rubles,
  • for schoolchildren and students - 50,000 Belarusian rubles.

Excursions to Nesvizhsky Castle

If you prefer to inspect the sights accompanied by a guide, I recommend that you go to the official website of Nesvizh to the Nesvizhsky Castle section. Excursion depending on the theme and size of the group costs from 100,000 Belarusian rubles.

In addition, since Nesvizh is in total in some 95 kilometers from the capital, excursions to Nesvizhsky Castle from Minsk are very popular. This place is invariably included in the excursion routes from Belarus for residents of Russia.

Well, if you like independent travelyou no need to buy bus tour. I personally found official group Nesvizhsky Castle B. social network In contact and contacted the guide, which in just 200,000 Belarusian rubles spent a magnificent individual two-hour excursion for the exposure of the castle.

If it is too expensive for you, you can simply take the audio guide and get around the Nesvizhsky castle with him. The price of the audio is 20000 Belarusian rubles.

Museum of Nesvizhsky Castle

Most of the exposure of the castle is a recreated room interiors, what they were in the second half of the XIX century. Interest is literally everything: from antique furniture and portraits to decors on the walls and ceiling. That is why I do not see any sense to look at the castle without a guide or audio guide. Halls in the castle a lot, but on some of them I will stop in more detail.

Hetman's Hall

This room decorated in red and green tones is notable to the abundance of portraits of representatives of the Radziwilles made in full growth.

This hall is often rented for various solemn events.

Fireplace Hall

Here, besides fireplaces, the rich wooden decors on the walls are drawn attention. Yes, made in dark colors, this room at first glance seems slightly gloomy, but deep saturated color also gives solidity and thoroughness.

Hunting Hall

Despite the fact that such rooms are hardly not in every castle, turned into a museum, the abundance of hunting trophies, raised along the walls, creates a special atmosphere. In addition, the original billiard table of the late XIX-early XX centuries is presented in the same room.

White Hall

Balls were arranged here. The hall itself is decorated in the style of neoclassicism and stylized under the ancient temple.


But this is not just a hall with a collection of weapons. The fact is that it was in Nesvizh in the XVI century that the foundry workshop on the territory of the current Belarus was opened. Today, in addition to the first pistols and rifles, as well as elegant blades, the castle presents three cannons of Nesvizh production. Two of them, justice, are copies (originals are in St. Petersburg).

That cannon, which is the original is clearly younger because it is made with maximum simplicity and practicality.

Copies clearly wore a paradise-decorative character: it's enough to see how richly and thin they are decorated. The first is called "Cerber", the second - "grapes".

And, of course, what arsenal without knightly armor?

Theater Hall

The flourishing of theatrical life in Nesvizh occurred in the XVIII century by the efforts of the wife of the then owner of the castle Mikhail Casimir Radziwill on nicknamed "Fisheries" - this is how he loved to contact the representatives of the beautiful sex.

Today in the hall causes the interest of the device intended for the creation of theatrical special effects and visual illusions, many of which can be seen in action.

Of course, this is not everything that is presented in the framework of the castle exposure. Almost probably during her visit you will discover something that I may have not even paid attention to.

Infrastructure of Nesvizhsky Castle

Nesvizhsky Castle is not only a museum. In addition to exposure, it has:

  • hotel "Palace" for 22 rooms. The hotel is not cheap: Double Room will cost you 6-7 thousand Russian rubles per night,
  • restaurant "Hetman". Located at the hotel. The cost of hot dishes is from 450-500 Russian rubles, soups and salads - from 250 rubles,
  • souvenir shop. In it, in addition to magnets and keyfobs, you can purchase albums dedicated to worldly and Nesvizhsky castles, as well as colorful gift guides.

In addition, a paid guarded car park is organized right near the castle, the cost of which is about 20,000 Belarusian rubles for the entry.

Attractions near Nesvizhsky Castle

Nesvizh is a city designed for a constant influx of tourists. There are numerous power points, and hotels for those who come to see Nesvizhsky Castle. Prices, like everywhere in Belarus, are fairly democratic: the bill for two in the restaurant with alcohol is rarely when it exceeds 2000 Russian rubles, and about the same amount the cost of accommodation in apartments and hotels begins.

In addition, when I went to Nesvizh, I did not think that, in addition to the castle, a lot of other historical sights are concentrated in this small town.

Church of God's Body

This church is notable for at least the fact that, being built at the end of the 16th century, has become the second baroque temple in Europe after Minsk Ile Jesu. By the way, the same architect streaked their architect - Giovanni Bernardoni.

In addition, the church is the acting tomb of Radziwilles. At the same time, their bodies mummified by the recipe, which brought from Egypt already mentioned Nikolai Christopher Radziwill "Sirtry".

To get to the basement, where Polish-Lithuanian magnates are buried, you can, making a symbolic donation, starting from 10,000 Belarusian rubles (cost of loaf of bread). In the temple itself, it is forbidden to photograph; In the crypt, at least no one watches, too, in my opinion, do not do it better: the dead love peace.

Standing next to the church of the Tower-bell tower is stylistically distinguished from the main building and resembles a defensive structure. It is possible that such a function was indeed expected, because in the Middle Ages, temples often built in the form of mini fortresses in which you can keep defense.

How to get to the Church of God's Body

There is a church in close proximity to the castle. By the way, there is free parking.

Nesvizhsky Town Hall

This is the oldest of the buildings that have reached us on the territory of Belarus. In its current form, it was built back in 1596, and since then was only maintained by restorers. Today inside the town hall historical Museum, the exposition of which complements the impression from visiting the castle, telling the story of Nesvizh not through the prism of Radziwillos, but reflecting the daily life of ordinary citizens and officials. The cost of entry into the museum is 50,000 Belarusian rubles.

How to get to Nesvizhsky Town Hall

To get to the Nesvizhsky Town Hall, you will have to go deep into the city.

Slutskaya Brama

Once Nesviz had a powerful system of fortifications with five entrance gates. Much of medieval Nesvizh is also presented at the Museum of the Town Hall.

Slutskaya Brama is the only gate from the reached us. Like a golden gate in Vladimir, they are installed in the very center of a circular intersection, and I was a little surprised that I didn't even have "zebras", that is, formally, to approach her, you will have to violate the rules of the road, which is not very characteristic For law-abiding Belarusians.

The gate is obliged to the fact that it was through them the road from Nesvizh to Slutsk, where Radziwilov had been established by the production of Slutsk Slisk belts.

How to get to Slutsk Brass

Benedictine Monastery Tower

This is an example of a baroque XVIII century: the tower was built in 1763.

In general, the Benedictine monastery in Nesvizh leads its history since the end of the XVI century, when it was founded under the patronage of the wife of Nikolai Christopher Radziwill "Tyotka". Later, His niece of Christina, accepting Holder under the name of Euthey, became the abode of the monastery.

Once the monastery was a real fortress, as well as Nesvizhsky Castle.

The address in which you should look for a tower today - ul. Chkalova, 8. Now in the territory of the former monastery there is a pedagogical college named after Y. Kolas.

Let's sum up

Despite the fact that Nesvizhsky Castle is more still the palace, and not a fortification structure, he made me no less strong impression than a much more "medieval" world castle. And indeed, along with the fortification from the village of the world, the most popular attraction of such a plan in the country is the Nesvizhsky castle. Belarus, meanwhile, today confidently keeps the course for the restoration of lost cultural heritageso not far the day when you can arrange multi-day excursion tours According to the castles of Belarus.

See also: