National Park of the Peninsula Akamas. The neighborhood of Paphos, which see - Akamas Peninsula

Among the most famous and interesting places Cyprus, stands out by the Akamas Peninsula, located 50 kilometers west from Paphos. This place is a reserve and is protected by government organizations that the round day follow the observance of order on the territory.

Initially, the peninsula belonged to the British military, which were equipped with a landfill here and regularly conducted training shooting. Nevertheless, in 2000, Amaakas was given the status of the reserve, and the military had to leave this place.

Traveling around Akamasu

Akamas in Cyprus is one of the most advertised tourist destinations. Many guides offer their clients excursions at the main places of this reserve. Options, as a rule, may be several:

  1. Travel to the blue lagoon, with a visit to the battle of Aphrodite;
  2. Tour of Lara Beach;
  3. Visiting Canyon Avakas.

These are just examples. In fact, in order to inspect all the sights, even active tourists will have to spend the whole day. Often, the guides offer to come to finish a trip in a small fishing village. You can try there local cuisine And rest, after which go back to your resort, or continue visiting interesting places.

A rather popular choice is to inspect the sights of Akamas on a rented car. The difference lies in the absence of a guide, so it is recommended to read before the trip detailed information about all curious places to make up approximate route. It should also be borne in mind that most of the territory is a reserve for which it is forbidden to move on vehicles, because of which many places can be seen, just walking around. Lost tourists will not allow many pointers along the roads. However, many travelers try to take a GPS-navigator with them, since most Cyprus country roads are submitted in their network.

Often travel agencies offer jeep safaris on the reserve. This is due to the almost complete absence of asphalt roads. You can feel confident only on the jeep, because of its high passability. However, no one can prohibit come to Akamas on a regular passenger car. Local residents often choose bicycles as a vehicle or walk on foot, which is useful enough for health.

There is still a couple of ways to get to Akamas. The cheapest is a bus, but there is no direct path to the reserve, because if you get from pathos, a transplant is required in the policy. Also, of the policy, there is an opportunity to go on a boat, and often on such trips there is an opportunity to swim in the warmth of the sea.

The reserve is a huge scientific interest. Here you can find more than 500 species of plants that can grow only in Akamas! Spring turns these places into a real green garden, the air of which is filled with flavors of colors. The butterflies often flute around the plants. In total, 25 species of these insects are found in Akamas, and 16 of them are listed in the Red Book. In addition, some rare animal species found asylum here.

When visiting in Cyprus, Akamas reserve is recommended to be careful and not to go far into the grass, because there are often poisonous snakes, capable of applying a deadly bite.

Beach Lara.

This is quite picturesque sand beachwhere tourists often relax and bathe. It is on this shore that sea turtles nest, so visitors can sometimes observe the process of creating masonry, as well as the subsequent hatching of the cub.

Aphrodite trail

According to Greek mythology, the goddess of beauty was held for this trail, at the moment Adonis died of anterior fangs. The route is paced as relatively light, picturesque places With a brighter Flora. In addition, this area is quite very popular among tourists. It is mainly due to legends that are devoted to the goddess of beauty.

Trail Adonis

Adonis was the mortal beloved Aphrodites. The Gods of Olympus did not approve such an alliance, but their relationship continued, because no one has taken active actions. Once Adonis died on the hunt. This sad event is dedicated to this route. It is much more gloomy than Aphrodite trail, in addition, almost all runs along pine forests and thickets of juniper. Tourists here are quite rare here, although the path of the trail even slightly exceeds its competitor.

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Troodos is an natural Reservewhich is located in the middle of the island. His most impressive feature is the mountain group in the center, creating a unique contrast from Mediterranean Sea. The highest point of these mountains is the mountain of Henistra, reaching a height of 1952 meters. A wonderful panorama opens from a bird's height of a bird'scape, and clean and transparent air is saturated with a smell of cedar trees growing nearby. The difference created by nature is striking the human imagination, despite the close location of the coast.

There are many attractions in the mountains. During the tourist trip, it is necessary to visit Nine Byzantine churches. They are distinguished by their exceptional architecture, icons and frescoes.

Muflons are protected by law, so they live freely and multiply in Cedar Valley. Today, these cautious and fairly fast animals can be noticed very often. There are many mountain trails for walking on foot, where you can see many different birds belonging to different types, endemic flora, waterfalls and specially designated places for a picnic, and the gaze opens villages with a leisurely life course. Mountain inhabitants of these villages are very friendly and welcoming. Each village has its own special type of activity. Mountain inhabitants are always proud of a rich fruit harvest.

In the area of \u200b\u200bTroodos, there are many monasteries with historical value. One of the most outstanding is considered monastery Kikkos. In the possession of this monastery is the Golden Icon of the Virgin Mary, written, according to legend, the Himself. Luka. The christ monastery is distinguished by the most charming panorama, and monasteries Maheras and Trooditissa Possess a unique architectural view - a high peculiar roof. In the eastern area of \u200b\u200bTroodos, at an altitude of 0.87 km is the monastery Maheras. It is surrounded by the picturesque area of \u200b\u200bKiison Mountain. The monastery resembles an impregnable fortress for enemies having very narrow windows. And covered arcade reaches a height of 19 meters.

Slightly below the location of the Troodos, at an altitude of 0.7 km is located valley Solea populated by a variety of beautiful and vintage villages, cozy with dormant on green mountain slopes. In the central part of the valley there is a village of a catheetria, surrounded by rich gardens, top-grass groves and pine forests. Residents of the metropolitan Nicosia often visit these seats for the weekend to wander along the cool winding streets forgotten about the city heat and turmoil. Here is a mild climate and a wonderful landscape. On the village there are two stormy river streams, as if cutting it into three parts. The center of this village, which is the name of the old caverium, is taken under the protection of the state, and all at home here are carefully restored. Traces of restoration are visible everywhere: both on small streets, and inside the cozy courtyards. According to local legends, the village was named precisely because of a huge stone, around which, according to legend, had to go three times to marry young people. But once a couple of newlyweds, after the ritual made, fell dead. Since those times, stone is considered "bad". But still, the life of rustic residents is flourishing, preserving the charm, the beauty and unique architecture of old dwellings and the Byzantine churches. As a result, the "bad" stone became for the residents of the golden gold - today this place is attracted by thousands of tourists and is the center of ecological tourism.

Walking along the winding streets of the old cathety, the unwitting gaze stops on the gloomy houses, crossed by different shopping bears, with wooden balconies and with narrow stairs decorated with colors.

In a cathether, everything is provided for a full rest: several cozy hotels, restaurants, famous for their workshops with cooked dishes, and most importantly excellent nature, well-acting on all guests of this colorful corner. The road leading to the cathemetry originates from Nicosia, later the Troodos follows, and finally, two villages with sonorous names are trimiklini and Kato Amilates.

Cyprus (Greek. Ύύπρος, tour. Kıbrıs, English. Cyprus) - the third in the area and the third population island in the Mediterranean. Geographically refers to Asia. Cyprus is located in the eastern part of the Mediterranean at a distance of 380 km from Egypt, 105 km from Syria and 75 km from Turkey. The big part of the island is occupied by the mountains. Along the northern shore in a latitudent direction, the mountain chain of Kyrenia stretches. Its width in the western part - 15 km, to the east it expands to 25 - 30 km. The western part of the Kyrenia Range is higher; Separate vertices exceed 1 thousand m. The most high Point Range - Mount Aqromand (1023 m). Southwestern half of the island is widespread mountain massive Troodos, rugged longitudinal river valleys. The highest of its northern part is the highest point of Cyprus - Mount Olimbles (1952 m).

Cape Greco, sometimes Capo Greco (from Ital. Capo Greco - Greek Cape) is also known as "Kavo Greco" (Grech. Άάβο γκρέκο) - Cape in the southeastern part of the island of Cyprus, is the southern end of the Famagusty Bay and the East Eastern -Naps. Cape Greco - the easternmost point of the island of Cyprus,

Cyprus is endowed with multiple names. This island Aphrodite, Akamantis, Amafussia and the Holy Island. Everyone finds something here: resting - comfortable, well-groomed beaches, pilgrims - monasteries and churches, and travelers - attractions and ancient ruins. Nature, vegetable and animal Cypriot world deserve to visit the island.

Enjoy the contemplation of landscapes, rare trees, shrubs in national Reserves Cyprus, which are several here. There are inhabitants of the island are in vivo, the usual environment. This is Cavo Greco (near Ayia Napa) and Akamas (Cyprus, Western part). Where exactly go - a personal choice of each. It is advisable to visit everywhere to fold your opinion about what he saw.

Nature and animal world

Akamas is located in the west of Cyprus and is the most extreme point His geography in this direction. Dettle OT settlementsfilled with people of places, allows you to preserve beauty and unique objects of the reserve in pristine cleanliness. The nearest center of Civilization - Paphos is 65 kilometers. From other cities - even further.

It is wiser to plan a full day to visit the peninsula, without being distracted by other things. And it is better to settle closer to him, so as not to spend a lot of time on the road. The park area takes more than 200 square kilometers, there are rare species of plants on this significant territory (39 of 128 on the island).

The next point of the travel program in the peninsula is a focal trail. There are many such "trail" on the island, and each claims the title of true, suspidic. The length of this path is about 7 kilometers, it is designed for pedestrians.

So that you can relax, capture the landscapes liked, along the trails are equipped with comfortable shops. From above sea, rocks and numerous bays on the coast are visible.

If we talk about the rocks and the sea, then immediately remembers the next local wonder - the blue lagoon. It is allowed to swim here than and enjoying vacationers. The color of water fully corresponds to the name of the creek; It is crystal-clean, unnaturally transparent.

The lagoon is popular with swimsuchikov, divers and divers, as well as tourists waged here. The distance from Skupolni Aphrodite is about 5 kilometers, it can be overcome on foot. It is recommended to come here early to take free space, spend time in silence and rest. Satisfaction with the visit to the lagoon is guaranteed, this fact is confirmed by numerous reviews of tourists.

Moving further, passing about 6 kilometers from the beach of Lara, the rest will inevitably fall into the Milotaurian Labyrinth, or rather, close to him closely. He is called "". It is surrounded by high (up to 30 meters) rocks, tourist hiking travelers are held in the gorge itself.

The terrain is picturesque, but for a full-fledged trip, it will be necessary for the faith in your strength, shoes with hard locking ankle (sandals or sneakers), possibly tourist sticks. The grooved gorges argue that it resembles the mountain trails of the Crimea: it also has to jump on the stones or move sideways by narrowesty. It is not recommended to go here with children, older companions.

On the danger that lies careless travelers, warns the sign at the entrance. By the way, in a labyrinth without special equipment, it will not be possible either. But you can make a lot of photos, Selfie, to then supply them in social networks a fascinating story about the campaign in the places of martial glory of the Tereus ,. The length of the gorge is about 3 kilometers.

Map of the sights of the northern coast of Akamas

Not all travelers in Cyprus, both experienced and beginners, know that in addition to the bathing of the goddess and lagoon, as well as pedestrian routes, in the north of Akamas there are other attractions that do not carek. These are the Bay of Manolis (Manolis Bay) and the Fontana Amorosa (Fontana Amorosa). And there is there observation deck Cape Arnaoutis, Island and Church of St. George, other attractions, little-known corners waiting for their discoverers.

What to see in Cyprus if you relax in Paphos or its surroundings. There is a wonderful natural place - the Akamas Peninsula National Park, almost the only corner of the wildlife in Cyprus and the greatest place in Cyprus with wild beaches.

Where is the National Park of the Akamas Peninsula

This is an amazing place in the extreme southwest of Cyprus, 65 km away. from resort town Pathos. Naturally, the most convenient to visit the peninsula if you have chosen pathos the base of your holiday. On the peninsula it is worth planning a whole day, there is something to see and many hiking routes.

Why go to Akamas

Always before the trip at one or another I answer a number of questions - when I want to see what to do and why go there. On Akamas should go to rest from the bustle of big spa places type of pathos or Limassol, for wildlife and unique beaches, picturesque gorges. This is the greatest place in Cyprus and the most beautiful natural place In Cyprus. Here will like lovers hiking hikingwhich better plan either in the late spring either at the beginning of autumn. Summer in Cyprus - It is from 32 to 40 in the shade, it will not be for walks.

How to get to the Akamas peninsula from Paphos and other places in Cyprus

There are no good roads on the peninsula. From pathos, you can get on the rented car through the resort town of Latchi - this is the former fishing village, there you can make a short stop. From Latch you can drive to the place called Bathing Aphrodite. There we leave the car in Parking and take rent a quad bike for studying the surroundings and remote seats of the peninsula. Buggy or quad bike can also be rented in wipes or in Paphos.

Specially rented jeep for traveling to Akamas is not needed. Although excursion sellers and some sites convince in the opposite. Do not believe, take the usual car and forward.

There are no gas stations on the peninsula, take care that the car is filled.

AT Latchi (Latchi) You can rent a boat and explore the peninsula from the sea with a visit to the marine caves.

Perfect Plan for visiting Peninsula Akamas, Route, Overnight

The ideal study plan for Akamas Peninsula is to get to the city of Lachi, leave the rolling machine, the remaining time is divided into two parts - sea and land. For the maritime part - rent a boat with a local driving and see the national park from the sea, then return and take a quad bike and watch the peninsula from sushi. Also be sure to walk along the aphrodite path to look at the blue lagoon from above.

On a quad bike from Pupotene Aphrodite or from the city of Latch, it is worth drivening on the opposite side of the peninsula, there are many unique bays and lagoon, and in the final Lara Beach, which is called the Turtle Beach. In this place, the turtles of the carriage and green turtles lay eggs.

You can go through Latches to the swims of Aphrodite, walk along the route, then on the Quad bike to cross the peninsula in the direction of the NEO Chorio Pass and also go to the Lara Beach's turtle beach. After returning to the place where they left the car and return to the hotel. In any case, the study of the peninsula will need a whole day, and nature lovers will hold here two and three days.

On the Lara Beach You can also take a regular car, the jeep is not needed, there is parking near the beach. Alternatively, you can first drive in a huskies and bathing of Aphrodites, explore that part of the peninsula, then take the car and move to Lara Beach on the opposite direction.

Overnights There are in the place of huskies, choose hotels or apartments on or on

What to see - the sights of the Akamas Peninsula

Village in Laca - I consider it a landmark of the region. From here start excursions and independent travel By peninsula on boats, on foot or on quad bike / buggy. Boats, bay, taverns, the atmosphere of the Mediterranean - that's all that you can love this place.

Bathing Aphrodite - observation deck at the top and beautiful natural lagoon with turquoise water, it is not worth linger - the place is very tourist

Blue Lagoonbeautiful place, which the blue lagoon was called for the color of the water, is located near Poshalen Aphrodites, there is laid pedestrian route At the highest point of which there is an observation deck overlooking the lagoon.

Cape Arnauti - The most western point of the peninsula and all Cyprus, you can get here on the all-wheel drive jeep or on a quad bike or from the sea. You can smash the tent.

Lara Beach - The famous turtle beach in Cyprus, here are laying eggs two rare types of turtles - green turtle and sea \u200b\u200bturtle Carriats; This place often speculates excursions sellers, promising emotions from visiting the beach. But you will not see the turtles, the eggs are also fenced with wire. But to get into this place is worth, at least in order to touch the real nature, not spoiled by the lounge chairs and bodies of tourists.

Pedestrian routes for Akamas

The main pedestrian route - aphrodite trail, Length is about 7 km. through the mountains and valleys. The route is not a challenging, the highest point is about 400 meters, it offers stunning views of the blue lagoon from above.

There are several long and more complex routes, there are pointers on the peninsula near the car parking lots (Aphrodite and Wachi Bath). Planning large hiking, have a reserve for time and fresh water of at least two liters per person per day. You also need comfortable shoes. Short distances, up to 5-10 km. You can protrude in flippers, verified.

Excursion to the Peninsula Akamas - Is it worth buying

If short, then no - it is not worth it. I will explain why.

If you rest in Paphos, you can rent a quad bike yourself and drive to the peninsula - this is a little more hour drive.

If you relax in Ayia Napa, that is great chance That the excursion will be crumpled because of the distances - in the jeep pitfall, you will have to shake more than 3 hours there and the same back. Even taking into account the departure at 8 am you have little time to see. Due to its comfort, the impression of this great place can be spoiled. In this case, the car rental will help, you can be folded with friends. It is much cheaper and more comfortable than to give 65 euros from the nose for dubious excursion adventures.

Where to dine on the Akamas peninsula

In all popular tourist centers - Villagers of huskies and polis, as well as in the place called Skolni Aphrodite - there are taverns and restaurants.

If you want to eat inexpensively, tasty and with a Cypriot color, then choose the taverns in the cities of warch and polis, these villages are next door. Below the list of recommended taverns in these places.

Taverns in Lachy

  • Yiangos and Peter Fish Tavern - It is located near the pier of the city of Lachy, classic Cypriot and Greek dishes, inexpensively and delicious
  • Molos Restaurant. - very cool place near the pier in huskies, love him local residentsserves Greek and Italian dishes. The restaurant is working year-round, here is very cozy in winter.

Taverns and restaurants in Polis

  • THE OLD TOWN RESTAURANTfamily restaurant, It is in the old town, the Mediterranean kitchen, the portions are small, but amazingly delicious. The restaurant only works in the evening in the evenings.
  • ARSINOE FISH TAVERN. - Classical Greek Fish Tavern, Prices, Turning, Dinner with wine and fish dishes will cost about 45 euros. There is a tavern only in the evenings, this place also loves the locals. On Sunday - day off.
  • Costa's Corner. - Greek diner on central Square The policy, there is also a pizza on firewood in the menu, a delicious breakfast is served in the morning. The establishment can be safely called budget.
  • Halfway House Tavern. - Another family tavern in the Polish, which offers Cypriot cuisine, big portions. Tavern address: Kranidiotis Street 172, Argaka, Polis
  • Archontariki. - Greek family tavern in the center of the policy, a cozy spacious veranda, live music on Fridays, a very atmospheric place, although more tourist than the above restaurants.

Where to rent a car in Cyprus

We rent a car on MyRentacar, which combines most of the local rollers. Good prices, round-the-clock Russian-speaking support, used them 6 times in three years. No complaints, the conditions are written transparently, so you can always find an acceptable option.

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