Population of Madagascar. Madagascar population: the number, density, age and racial composition The indigenous population of Madagascar calls

Madagascaror Republic of Madagascar - island state in western Indian Ocean, Located on the island of the same name and several small islands in the east coast of Africa. The island is separated from the continent of the Mozambique Strait (400 km). The total area of \u200b\u200bthe country is 587,040 square meters. km. The length of the island is about 1600 km, the maximum width is over 600 km. The capital is Antananarivo.

The central part of the island occupies an alpine plateau of the Andzhafi, a hollow descending to the West and cool climbing to the lowlands of the Eastern Coast. Higher point Madagascar is dormant volcano Marumukutra (2.876 m), which is located in the Mountain Arrays of Zastanan, in the northern part of the island.

Madagascar is located three large lakes: Alautra (Alaotra), Kinkony (Kinkony) and Ihutry (IHotry).

Although Madagascar is located close to Africa, animal and vegetable world The islands are unique, it contains 5% of animal species and plants of the world, 80% of which exist only in Madagascar. The most famous of them are lemurs. Most species - endemics. Because of this, Madagascar is often called a "small continent."

Climate at Madagascar

Climate Madagascarformed by the Southeast Passat and South Indian Anticyclone. There are three climatic belts on the island: a tropical monsonic climate on eastern coast, moderate sea climate in the central highlands and a dry climate in the desert on the southern tip of the island. In different parts of the island, the climate may vary very noticeable.

The climate of the east coast is wet, tropical. The rains continue round year. They are short-term (less than an hour per day), and sometimes they do not stop several days in a row. Most of the sun is in May and September. The average temperatures from January to February - 25 ° C; From March to April - 30 ° C; from May to July - from 20 to 25 ° C; from August to September - 15 ° C; From October to November - from 20 to 25 ° C; December - 30 ° C.

The climate of the west coast is arid, tropical. Rains are extremely rare. Middle temperatures: from January to February - 25 ° C; From March to April - 30 ° C; from May to October - from 22 to 25 ° C; From November to December - from 30 to 32 ° C.

The climate in the south is dry island, tropical, hot. Middle temperatures - January - 20 ° C; From February to May - 30 ° C; from June to September - 25 ° C; From October to December - from 28 to 32 ° C. In the southern part of Madagascar passes the tropic Capricorn.

The climate in the north of Madagascar Tropical. During the rain period, the extensive spaces get plenty of moisture, including the island of Nusi-BE, which is explained by his magnificent vegetation. The average temperatures from January to April - from 25 to 30 ° C; from May to July - from 20 to 25 ° C; From August to September - from 15 to 20 ° C.

Last changes: 18.05.2013


Madagascar population - 22 599,098 people (2012).

The average life expectancy is 61 years in men, 65 years old in women. Urban population - 29%.

Malagaissee is the main ethnic group of Madagascar. The total number of about 20 million people.

Malagasy residents are divided into two subgroups - mountaineers and inhabitants of the coast. The global peoples are Varin (Merine), Sihanaka and Becilela, and all the rest, for example, Becimisarak, Sakalava and Mahafali. The division into two subgroups is due to the history of human migration on the island.

In the second-fifth centuries of our era, Madagascar was settled with Austronesia, mainly at the central highlands. After some time, the second wave of migration came to the island from East Africa through the Mozambique Strait, consisting of presenting a bantium tribe.

Recent studies of the mitochondrial DNA of the inhabitants of the island confirmed the guesses of some scientists about the Austronesian origin of the population. It can be concluded that in the blood of the Malagasy residents of Austronesian and African genes, with a slight admixture of Arab, European and Indian.


Approximately half of the population of the country professes the traditional for Austronesian settlers the cult of ancestors, which makes a special focus on the relationship between the dead and living. The greatest number of adherents of this religion lives among the nationality of Merine. They believe that every person after death joins the souls of her ancestors, and that all souls form a certain hierarchy of "divinity".

Among Merin and Becilela is practiced quite strange in the point of view of Europeans, known as Famadihan, which means "turning the dead" in translating. During this ritual, the remains of the departed are from the crypts, turn into a new Savan (silk sheet) and throughout the holiday are having fun and dancing next to them, sometimes even carrying remains in their arms. At the end of the body ceremony are placed back into the crypts.

About 45% of the population professes Christianity, Catholicism or Protestania. Most believers are trying to combine the cult of ancestors with Christian traditions. So, for example, not all Christians refuse to practice Famadihan, especially for Catholics. Pastors from the Catholic Church can even come to the ceremony and bless the participants. The Protestantic Church is very negative about the practice of the cult of ancestors and calls on its flock to abandon the "Worship of the Devil". Christian church Madagascar is a fairly influential political institution.

The rest of the population (about 7%) practices Islam, brought around the X century on the island of Arab merchants. Islam is especially common on the west coast of the island thanks large quantity Havings who were once like Arabic outposts. It should be noted that thanks to Islam, Malagasy language was first recorded by the Arab letter, which, however, did not fit as the main means of recording Malagasy (the Latin alphabet is now used).

Since the 90s of the XX century, Orthodoxy began to spread on the island. Some of the villages of Madagascar as a result of the missionary activity of Alexandrian Patriarchate in full force adopted Orthodoxy. The mission is just beginning, but at the modern position on the island now more than 10,000 Orthodox Malagasy residents.


Official languages \u200b\u200b- Malagasy, French, English.

Malagasy language is not associated with nearby african languages. It is the most West Malaysian-Polynesian languages \u200b\u200bbelonging to the Austronesian family. This fact was installed in the XVIII century. Malagasy language is relative to the languages \u200b\u200bof Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. The closest to it are languages \u200b\u200bdistributed on the island of Borneo.

The basic vocabulary of the Malagasy language by 90% coincides with the language of Ma'anian language in the River Barito River in the south Borneo. This means that Madagascar was settled by the outlines from there. It is not known for what reason this colonization occurred for what reason. Later, Indonesian immigrants were mixed with east Africa and Arabs.

In Malagasy language, there are borrowings from Languages \u200b\u200bBantu, Swahili and Arabic, as well as from French (in the past language of the colonial government of Madagascar) and English (on which in the XVIII century. Pirates said, whose bases were on the island).

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About money

Malagasy Arialar(MGA) - Monetary Unit of Madagascar State.

One Ariary is 5 Iraimbilani (IraimBilanja). In the cash circulation there are banknotes with a par value of 100, 200, 500, 1000, 5000 and 10,000 Ariari, coins: 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, and 50 aryari, as well as 1 and 2 Irahymbilanev.

Banks usually work from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 15:00. Currency can be exchanged at any branch of the bank, at the airport, in exchange offices and some hotels. The last option is the least favorable, as the Commission is charged. Change money on the street is prohibited.

ATMs can only be found in the capital and in major tourist centers.

For the journey, the provinces will have to be built by Malagasy Ariary in small bills, as it will be almost unrealless to exchange large bills.

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Communication and communication

Phone Code: 261

Internet domain: .mg

Ambulance: 211-70, fire service: 225-66, Police: 229-72

Telephone codes of cities

Antananarivo - 22.

How to call

To call from Russia to Madagascar, you need to type: 8 - beep - 10 - 261 - 20 * - the city code is the subscriber number.

To call Madagascar to Russia, you need to dial: 00 - 7 - the city code is the subscriber number.

* - There are several operators in the country, therefore, when the number of the country's code is set, the code of the operator from two digits (20 - Telma, 30 - Telecel, 31 - Sacel, 32 - SRR and 33 - MadaCom) is added.

Stationary communication

Madagascar communication system is quite obsolete, but is undergoing intensive upgrades. The number of telephones on the streets is small, mainly they are concentrated near banks, hotels and large stores. International telephone communication is available only in the main cities of the country.

mobile connection

Cellular communication uses the GSM-900 standard, coverage covers are mainly covered, only big cities and tourist zones, as well as the main roads.

Local operator cellular communication - Orange.

the Internet

Normal internet access can be obtained in the Internet Cafe Country Country - Antananarivo and in some other major cities.

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Shops are open from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 17: 00-17: 30, on Saturdays - from 8:00 to 13:00. On Sunday, most stores do not work. In the southern and south-eastern regions of the country, most of the outlets closes on day siesta from 12: 00-13: 00 to 15: 00-16: 00.

You can bargain almost everywhere, but the locals themselves are usually almost not traded. Sellers rarely chitryat or overestimate the price, seeing a foreigner, so prices are more or less adequate.

When buying emeralds, treated, felling and polished stones ready for jewelry purposes, it is necessary to take a certificate from the seller, which will be required at customs. All products from representatives of Malagasy flora and fauna (including dried flowers) also require export certificates to export, which should be obtained during purchase.

It must be borne in mind that the overwhelming majority of souvenirs of this kind sold in the markets and in souvenir bears are made illegally and therefore have no certificates for exporting from the country, and the tourist who bought them can be subjected to a fairly large fine.

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Where to stay

The categories of Madagascar hotels are indicated by the familiar "stars", from 1 to 5. But the rules for which these "stars" hang out, often unavailable by the understanding of the European: So, some "five-stations" on the set of services offered and the level of service are practically identical to "tricks".

High-level hotels have two types of tariffs: one - for their citizens, and the other - for foreigners. In addition, payment from tourists is taken into account in the currency.

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Sea and beaches

Along the entire coast of Madagascar there are quiet lagows with beaches from white sand, surrounded by coral reefs with a colorful underwater world.

The tourist plan is most developed by the West Bank of the island, on the east coast there is more likely to appear sharks.

The most popular beach resort of Madagascar is the island of Nosy BE.

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In archaeological standards, the settlement of Madagascar occurred relatively recently. Madagascar was settled around 200-500 of our era, colonists from Austronesian peoples who were coming there on canoe. In support of this theory, many parallels between the Austronesian culture and the culture of Madagascar residents are, for example, a special type of canoe or a special way to grow rice, as well as the close kinship of the Malagasy language with the language of the population of the southern part of the island of Kaliman and conducted in the early XXI century genetic research. Certificate of colonization by Austronesians mainland Africa is absent.

At about the same time or a little later, settlers from the Bantuen tribes were moved through the Mozambique Strait on the island. At the same time, the newcomers took mostly coastal territories, while the descendants of Austronesians lived in the middle of the island. Genetic studies have shown that the mixture of the Austronezian and African population began in about the 10th century, as a result of which a nation was formed with Malagasi self-breaking.

In the seventh century, with the arrival of Arabs on the island, the written mentions of Madagascar begin.

The name of the island gave the famous Venetian traveler Marco Polo, casually mentioned in his notes about the island of indiscreet treasures, called Madeigascar. Most modern researchers believe that in fact it was not about the island at all, but about the current capital of the state of Somalia - the port of Mogadish. However, after marking the island on italian mapsAs Madagascar, the name has grown, and has not changed since then.

Despite the widespread influence of Muslim culture on the island, Islam in Madagascar did not fit. However, some signs of Arabic influence, such as patriarchate and calendar names of days, months and seasons, still exist to this day.

The first visit to Madagascar Europeans occurred in 1500, when the ship of the Portuguese traveler of the Dioi Diaz, heading to India, deviated from the course and stuck to the island. In the light of the important geographical position of Madagascar for traders in spices, enhancing all Africa, they tried to establish their forps France and Britain on the island. However, the non-smart climate and even less hospitable aborigines made this task almost impossible.

In the XVII century, important geographical position Islands and the practical absence of colonial authorities made Madagascar what he became famous for the whole of Europe - paradise for pirates and slave trade. Many famous pirates, such as William Kidd, Robert Friend, John Bowen, and others could call Madagascar with his second birthplace. Merchants robbed and towards India (gold, silver, fabric) and back (spices, jewelry, silk). Aboriginal Islands, very militant tribes, used the latest European achievements to conduct internecine warrior, and subsequently sold the captives to the slave trade. Sometimes, if the captives did not succeed, the leaders sold their own subjects.

At the beginning of the XIX century, the mountain state of Merin, who lived in cultural isolation from the rest of Madagascar, made a successful attempt to expand on the whole island. In 1818, Radam I was declared King Madagascar. His dynasty rules is an island until 1896, when the last king was overthrown by French troops who invaded Madagascar back in 1883.

In 1890, the French Protectorate was recognized by the United Kingdom, in exchange for recognition by the French of the British Protectorate of the current Tanzania (then Tanganyika and Zanzibar). In 1897, the French finally abolished the native monarchy, removing the King Ranalon III from power.

After France's defeat from Nazi Germany in 1940, the Protectorate was controlled by the Vichy regime, but after the Madagascar operation, the island took the British troops while holding it from Japanese conquest. Germany had its own types on the island: 4 million Jews from Europe were planned to move (see Madagascar's plan).

After the transfer of Madagascar of France in 1943, the excitement of the revolutionary sense began on the island, which resulted in the uprising for the independence of 1947. The uprising was suppressed, but the French government freed the colony from under his direct management in 1958.

On October 14, 1958, the autonomous Malagasy Republic under the French Protectorate was proclaimed.

On June 26, 1960, an independent Malagasy Republic was proclaimed on the territory of the island. The country was headed by the Social Democratic Party headed by Filter Tsiranana.

In May 1972, the capital of the country began to excitement among students who restored the political crisis. The President handed over the power of the Military at the head of General Ramanans.

On December 31, 1974, the Military Group attempted to overthrow the general Ramanans. However, General was soon removed from power with his associates. The new Prime Minister of Ratsindrava was killed three days later on January 27, 1975. Power went into the hands of the military directory. In the spring, there were loud processes against conspirators. In 1975, the country changed the name to the Democratic Republic of Madagascar, the country under the leadership of Didier Ratsirak took a course on the construction of socialism. Connect links from the USSR. From the country are the French troops.

Soviet restructuring leads to similar processes in Madagascar. In 1990, multiparty restored. In 1991, anti-government demonstration was shot. In 1992, Alber Zafi becomes the new president of the country: the process of democratization and market reforms begins in the country.

2009 began in Madagascar with protests. On January 31, on an anti-government rally, the mayor of the capital Andrew Rajoelina proclaimed himself the head of state. On March 9, the military group raised the rebellion at the central military base of Suarana in protest against the ill-suppression of anti-government speeches. On March 13, the tanks of the rebels entered the capital of the country. March 16, the rebels captured presidential palace Ambukhitsurukhtra in the center of the capital. President Mark Ravalumanan escaped arrest, hiding in the country residence of Iaavuluha 20 km from the city. On March 17, he handed the power of the military, and those - the leader of the opposition and the mayor of the capital Andrew Rajoelin. The next day, the Constitutional Court recognized the transfer of power and on March 22, Rajoelina took the oath of the president. A number of countries, including the United States condemned the "coup" and threatened with sanctions.

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When to go to Madagascar

The best season for visiting the country is considered local summer from April to October. Traditionally, the high season associated with the influx of tourists from Europe is July and August.

But, in general, the choice of favorable time for the trip is determined by places scheduled for visits and the type of rest - beach, eco-tourism, occupation water species sports, animal observation, visiting national parks, etc.

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Helpful information

Crude or unverified water on the island can not drink in any way. Water used for drinking, cleaning of teeth or cooking, should be defiled.

Safe bathing places in the ocean - lagoons and sections protected by coral reefs. In other places, sharks are often found, and hazardous reptiles are found in the mouths of rivers and in mangrove forests.

Malagasy residents are extremely hospitable and welcoming to tourists, and without such a conventional in Africa in Africa, the incorrect and humiliating beggar. There are no restrictions on the form of clothing here, with the exception of quite reasonable requirements with modesty, when visiting cult places. It is not recommended to wear clothes in an army style - this is not accepted and may even lead to the detention by police bodies.

When visiting any Malagasy house or ceremony, it is recommended to make small sentences (usually this is a bottle of Roma, cigarettes or some foods), this is especially true for visiting necropolia (you can not give money !!). Respectively should be treated for many local taboons (Fady), but since they are different in different areas of the country, it is not easy. It is recommended to listen to the advice of conductors and guides.

A characteristic feature of local residents is also slowness. Public transportFor example, it will not move off, until the cabin is filled - regardless of the schedule and how much time it takes. A meeting or event that was prescribed for a certain hour, most likely, will begin for half an hour later than the scheduled period, and the order in the restaurant will be performed with a large delay.

To visit the reserves is required. Any form of cutting forests, hunting or fishing in the country's reserves is prohibited.

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How to get to Madagascar

Self-flights from Russia to Madagascar. You can get there through major European cities.

The easiest option is Air France flights with docking in Paris. The duration of the flight from Moscow to Paris - 3 h 55 min, from Paris to Antananarivo - 10 h 15 minutes (taking into account the docking time on the way - about 15.5 hours). The approximate cost of the flight to both ends - 2000-2300 USD.

Regular flights are carried out between Madagascar and Kenya, Mauritius, Reunion, Seychelles Islands, Tanzania and South Africa.

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1 option (keys) .docx


1 option


Main problems:

1. The problem of the significance of the human spirit in the war of the Epoch of Technical Progress. (What is stronger: a combat vehicle or military spirit? Can the warrior's heroism, the power of the human spirit to be a decisive factor of victory?)

2. The problem of the role of our country in the Great Patriotic War. (What role did our country play in World War II?)

3. The problem of negative consequences of technical progress. (Can technical progress lead to negative consequences? Is there always new inventions in the field of technology bring the benefit of humanity?)

4. The problem of understanding the lessons of war. (What is the rule of war?)

1. The inner power of a person, his courage, the desire to protect his homeland is stronger than any weapon. The victory of our country in the Great Patriotic War brought not so much excellent weapons and techniques as the brave of fighters.

2. Our country was able to stop the enemy, before the technical power of which all Europe was tightened. She proved the celebration of the Human Spirit, gave the great lesson of world history.

3. Unfortunately, in technical progress, the purpose of which is initially an improvement in the life of people, there is a negative side: inventions can be used as a means of destroying people.

p / P.

















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Training work



For students 11 classes

1 option

Part 1

(1) The indigenous population of Madagascar calls feline lemurs, innocuous animals with long fluffy tails, tenacious paws and huge, widely opened eyes, the word "Maki", the modern name - "Lemur" - was given by Europeans. (2) In ancient Rome, Lemors called the souls of the dead, who did not find peace in the kingdom of the dead and return at night to the world of living, bringing misfortune and death. (3) With the fall of Rome, mystical lemurs have banned in oblivion,<...>when in the XVI century the first Europeans fell to Madagascar and met small animals with hugely shining in the dark eyes, they remembered the Roman superstitions about the ghosts of the dead and gave "Maki" their own

the name that gothes.


1) The indigenous population of Madagascar called the demurrars of the souls of the dead, at night, returned to the world alive and bringing misfortune and death.

2) Europeans, having met animals in Madagascar with eyes glowing in the dark, called them lemuras, and the name it gothes.

3) Europeans who have fallen into Madagascar in the XVI century, for the first time met innocent animals with long fluffy tails, tenacious paws and huge eyes - lemurs, or "maki", as the aborigines called them.

4) The indigenous population of Madagascar calls feline lemurs - animals with huge luminous eyes in the dark by the word "Maki".

5) Fucking Madagascar in the XVI century, Europeans met lemurs there, harmless animals with long fluffy tails, tenacious legs and huge eyes that local residents called "Poppies".






for example

3. Read the fragment of the vocabulary article in which the values \u200b\u200bof the word are given. Determine the value in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of text. Write down the figure corresponding to this value in the listed vocabulary fragment.

OWN ,y ,y.

1. Belonging to someone. By ownership.S. House.

2. Your personal. See your own eyes. In your own hands. Self-esteem (Feeling respect for yourself).At your own request.

3. Located in direct management, disposal, subordinate to someone.S. Correspondent.

4. Literal, real. V. The own sense of the word.

5. Self-peculiar to someone, without extraneous additions (special). S. body weight.

6. Actually, input. I am expressing more precisely, in essence.I, actually, and I do not argue.

7. Actually, a particle. Expresses a restriction: without anything, another, outsiders.The Volga system is the Volga actually and its influx.

Answer: ___________________________.




no flint


Answer: ___________________________.

Otters are unusually intelligent and reasonable creatures.

At the mouth of the river, the explicit outline of the ship was visible.

Selected artists to participate in the competition a very representative jury.

Knowing the hot, explosive character of the father, we did not want to disturb him.

He neglected the rules of etiquette and was full of ignorant.

Answer: ___________________________.

Six hundred textbooks

Go toward

ripe apricots


new Towels

Answer: ___________________________.

A) violation in building a proposal with a certain turnover

B) improper consumption of the core form of nouns with the pretext

D) violation of communication between the subject and faithful

E) error in building a sentence with homogeneous members

1) I wanted to learn how to breed and care for primokers at home.

2) According to the plan as a final work, we wrote a review for the recently read book.

3) In March, those who have reached the age of 18 participated in the election of the President of the Russian Federation.

4) Orchids, appearing on Earth along with other flowering plants, began to actively develop 40 million years ago.

5) Some orchids have developed false bait based on food instincts.

6) Each programmer is assigned to a specific computer that follows its condition.

7) Thanks to the language, we can get acquainted with those ideas that were expressed long before our birth.

8) In the encyclopedia of the "life of wonderful people" a lot of interesting biographies.

9) At the beginning of work on the work, the author can calculate the course of events differently, to determine the fate of the heroes.


Determine the Word in which the unstressed vowel root is skipped. Write this word by inserting the missed letter.



k ..

academy ..


Answer: ___________________________.

and..ract, and..dishka;

pr .. yarn, etc.

d..bel, not ..

pre..toria, between ...

not .. Attentive, pr. seclianvsky.

Answer: ___________________________.


flex ..

osh ..

hall ..

integrated ..

Answer: ___________________________.

Write down the word in which the letter of W. is written on site

cut down

cry ...

hERE ..

anxiety ..


Answer: ___________________________.

In the meadows stood still (not) a cat grass.

(No) hearing the sounds of the bullets squeezed from all sides, Pierre drove to the field.

In Russia (not) there was that middle class, which in Europe "connected" aristocracy and commoner.

The Saksov army skillfully hid in (not) passable forests and swamps.

The kernel was lit and flew over them, (not) by making any harm.

Answer: ___________________________.

(C) The follow-up to the doorway was laid by brick, and the windows (s) are deeply clipped.

So (as well as the Father, Eugene was a professional violinist, with (Tom), many believed that in the art of the game he surpasses his father.

Our water reserves were (for) outcome, but the conductor on (cut) refused to deviate from the route and reach the river.

(By) As guests arrived, the living room became less and less space, (by) I went to the terrace.

Answer: ___________________________.

The main action of the picture is unfolding in the second plan: in the bright room of the poppop (1), a lady with a child on his hands with a prayer looks at the invitation (2) of CHO in Sky (3) Om Pensne.

Answer: ___________________________.

1) The fellow traveler did not hear what was said or neglected by my hint.

2) And the years went quickly and sweatily and carried these memories with them.

3) the themes of war and the world of crowds and hatred are relevant at all times.

4) Our train stopped both on large and small stations.

5) On the same lilac bush, I saw yellow leaves and started swelling kidney.

Answer: ___________________________.

The breakdown was a swimmer (1) decided in this night (2) to go through the strait (3) for the distance of twenty versts, and the reason (4) is important to that prompted!

Answer: ___________________________.

Specify the number (s), on the site of which (s) in the sentence should stand the comma (s).

I was (1) Clear (2) happy too,

When I fell in love and loved

Or noisy youth

I found my recognition.

You (3) happiness (4) I was still

When not immediately, no reason

Before the boy opened

Forests and passed (5) beauty.

I was also happy

Not every day, but every year,

When at the festivals

Like a bell on the bell tower

Guedd solemnly people.

( Yaroslav Mozelkov )

Answer: ___________________________.

Arrange all punctuation marks: Specify the number (s), on the site of which (s) in the sentence should stand the comma (s).

In a deep silence, we were sitting on the fence under the shadow of a thick silver poplar and kept fishing rust (1) rusty hooks (2) (3) (4) (4) into huge tubs with rejected water.

Arrange all punctuation marks: Specify the number (s), on the site of which (s) in the sentence should stand the comma (s).

I came to mind some new ideas (1) and (2) If you arrive (3) I will read about that (4) that I am now worried.

(1) When Leonardo da Vinci was sitting above the drawings of the aircraft, he thought not about the fuhas bombs, but about the happiness of mankind. (2) A teenager I saw the first loops of the French pilot Pega. (3) Senior said: "Be proud - a man flies like a bird!" (4) Many years later, I saw "Junkers" above Madrid, over Paris, over Moscow ...

(5) The car may be good and evil. (6) Hitler turned the car in the gun of destruction. (7) People looked at the sky with pride. (8) Hitler decided: they will look at the sky with horror. (9) People gladly thought: we will go to the car for the city. (10) Hitler decided: Hearing the sound of the motor, people will run without looking back.

(11) But one day it was time to check. (12) Initially, the Germans triumphed. (13) Their tanks were protected by the whole of Europe. (14) Caterpillars crushed France and left the furrows in the fields of ancient Eldla. (15) "Junkers" were crippled, it would seem impregnable London. (16) And the Germans sent their cars to Russia - to the Caucasus Mountains, to the Rivers of Siberia. (17) The hitch has happened here: the machines did not break the will of the person. (18) There are many grief in war, a lot of destruction, war is not a road of progress, the war is a terrible test. (19) But there is in war and something high: she gives people wisdom. (20) This war brought a great lesson to humanity: a revenge of man.

(21) The heart of the fighter The Nazis tried to replace the engine, the soldier excerpt - armor. (22) however Patriotic War Proved the celebration of the Human Spirit.

(23) ... The Battery of Senior Lieutenant Bykova beat off a tank attack. (24) Overseas birch grove, fifty tanks have come to our combat order. (25) "Do not miss!" - There was a team of Bykov. (26) Wounded, this man remained at the post. (27) And after the battlefield, the remains of twenty six German tanks on the battlefield. (28) By the intention of the Germans, these tanks had to reach India. (29) But they died. (30) from a birch grove ...

(31) or here are still facts. (32) Ten redflowers with anti-tank guns destroyed twenty-three tanks. (33) Sailor Timokhin flashes six tanks.

(34) and Sevastopol? (35) The epic defense of this city was the celebration of human courage, when a small, weak garrison, without airfields, almost without tanks, two hundred and fifty days reflected the attacks of powerful enemy divisions and technology.

(36) Yes, German tanks have long been represented by the boa, in front of which chainel, trembling like an aspen sheet of Europe. (37) But they blocked the path of people. (38) Of course, we had excellent anti-tank guns. (39) Of course, our fighters are rightfully called an armor-pier gun of Simonov "Golden Rouge". (40) But how to forget about the usual grenade in the hand of a fearless fighter, which the enemy was afraid of not less than a large projectile? (41) How to forget about the mighty, complete courage to the heart of a warrior?

(By I. G. Ehrenburg *)

Ilya Grigorievich Ehrenburg (1891-1967) - Russian Prose, Poet, translator from French and Spanish, publicist, photographer and public figure.

1) Fascist tanks fired london.

2) Airconorbonic Ruzho Simonova fighters called "gold".

3) The Battery of Colonel Bykov destroyed more than twenty tanks.

4) The defense of Sevastopol lasted more than a year.

5) The narrator received their first bright impressions of airplanes in adolescence.

Answer: ___________________________.

1) Proposals 13-15 disclose the content of Proposition 12.

2) Proposals 16-17 contain a description.

3) The sentences of 18-20 presents reasoning.

4) The proposals 31-33 presented a story.

5) Proposals 38 and 39 are opposed to content.

Answer: ___________________________.

Antonyms are used in one of the proposals listed below. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: ___________________________.

Among the proposals 23-30, find such (s), which is connected (s) with the previous one with the help of index pronouns and forms of the word. Write the number (s) of this (s) offers (s).

Answer: ___________________________.

Read the Fragment of the Review prepared on the basis of the text,

which you analyzed by performing tasks 20-23.

This fragment discusses the language features of the text.

Some terms used in the reviews are missed. Insert the numbers to the points (A, B, B, G) numbers corresponding to the term number from the list. Write in the table under each letter the corresponding digit.

The sequence of numbers write down in the response form No. 1 to the right of the number 24 number 24, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

Each digit is written in accordance with the samples given in the form.

"The main reception of artistic expressiveness, which I. Erenburg uses throughout the text, is ________ (a) (for example, Proposals 7-8, 9-10). It is thanks to this receipt that the author's idea becomes obvious. And enhance the effect helps such a syntactic means of expressiveness as ________ (b) (Proposals 4, 14,16).

In turn, such lexical means as ________ (c) ("triumph", "broke", "courage") and ________ (d) ("fearless fighter", "mighty, full courage of the heart of the warrior"), satisfy the text moderate Patriotic pathos, thereby helping the author's feelings. "

List of terms:

1) Syntactic parallelism

2) contextual synonyms

3) Elimination

4) book vocabulary

5) Epitts

6) phraseologist

7) Rows of homogeneous members

8) Antiteza

9) hyperbole

Write the numbers in response by placing them in order corresponding to the letters:


Part 2

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Selected for viewing document 2 options (keys) .docx


Option 2


Main problems:

1. The problem of the dramatic fate of an extraordinary personality. (What was the drama of the fate of a smart sincere person in the stagnation era?)

2. Conservation problem best qualities Soul. (What helps a person to keep the integrity of his soul in dramatic circumstances?)

3. The problem of longing in the homeland. (What a feeling is experiencing a man, being far from the motherland? What helps a person to worry in his homeland?)

4. The problem of memory about the teacher. (What memory leaves the teacher in the soul of the student?)

1. Personality, distinguished by the mind and independence of judgments, in the era of stagnation was doomed to misunderstanding in the professional sphere.

2. In the most difficult circumstances, a person helps to stand up loyalty to his vocation, love for people and to their work; Man also draws strength in great classic works.

3. In someone else's country, a person begins to feel a sense of loneliness, tusca in his homeland, to experience communication with loved ones remaining in their native country, native language and literature.

4. The teacher who gave all the strength of his soul to the disciples, causes a sense of gratitude, the deepest respect and sincere love.

p / P.








pregnant glance

get upset



first accurate







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Training work


In the format of a single state exam


For students 11 classes

Option 2

Part 1

Answers to tasks 1-24 are the number (number) or word (several words), the sequence of numbers (numbers). Record the answer in the response field in the text of the work, and then transfer the answer form No. 1 to the right of the task number, starting with the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Each letter or digit is written in a separate cell in accordance with the samples given in the form.

Read the text and execute 1-3 tasks.

(1) Hardening is a training and improvement of heat-regulating mechanisms, the strengthening of the body's ability to quickly adapt to temperature fluctuations and other changing climatic factors. (2) Hardening ensures the stability of the body to colds, strengthens health and improves performance. (3)<...> Procedures must be gradual, systematic and continuous (daily), individual for each, active and conscious.

1 Specify two proposals in which it is rightHOME The information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these proposals.

1) Harding procedures that help to follow the purity of their skin should be gradual, systematic and continuous, individual for everyone.

2) Hardening is a systematic active training of thermal regulatory mechanisms of the body, strengthening its ability to quickly adapt to changing climatic factors in order to improve the health and sustainability of colds.

3) Training is carried out in order to balance the processes of education and heat recovery in the human body.

4) Harding procedures must be gradual, continuous (daily) individual for each.

5) To improve the health and sustainability of colds, the human body needs hardening, that is, a systematic active training of thermal regulatory mechanisms of the body and enhancing its ability to quickly adapt to changing climatic factors.


What word (combination of words) should be at the point of passing in the third (3) sentence?

In other words,





Answer: ___________________________.

3. Read the fragment of the vocabulary article in which the values \u200b\u200bof the word conscious are given. Determine the value in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of text. Write down the figure corresponding to this value in the listed vocabulary fragment.

CONSCIOUS ,y, -th; -Lell, -nna.

1. Holding consciousness (in 2 meanings).Man creature conscious.

2. Correctly evaluating, quite understanding the surrounding.Conscious attitude to something-n.

3. The intentional, perfect to think about the thoughtful.S. deception. Do something consciously

Answer: ___________________________.

In one of the words below, an error is made in the staging of the emphasis: the letter denoting the shock vowel sound is incorrectly highlighted. Write this word.


mowing (on him)

with Xom



Answer: ___________________________.

In one of the proposals below, the selected word is incorrect. Correct the lexical error, pose to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the selected word.

Economic distribution of money in the family helps to make large purchases.

Selection competitions are scheduled for March.

Masha with such a clear and grateful look went to meet the guest that he had a heart beat from joy.

Goods of this famous firm use unchanged purchasing


We were amazed by the plight of our new neighbors.

Answer: ___________________________.

In one of the above words, an error is made to form a word form. Correct the error and write down the word correctly.

several scissors

skillful cooks

quickly recover

in one and a half hours

Five young ladies

Answer: ___________________________.

Set the correspondence between offers and grammatical errors allowed in them: to each position of the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.

A) violation of the construction of a proposal with the involvement

B) violation of communication between the subject and faithful

C) violation in building a sentence with an inconsistent application

D) error in building a sentence with homogeneous members

E) violation in building a challenge

1) The partisans had not only rifles, but also machine guns and grenades.

2) The lecture listened not only carefully, but also recorded.

3) Radiant, children participate in the fulfillment of parental functions: this is homemade work, and care for younger, and any help parents.

4) in the park, which has now become part of the reserve, walked flamingos.

5) Sneaks with perseverance overcome all obstacles, swimming many hundreds of kilometers, until they get to the place.

6) We asked that we can first fulfill one project work.

7) Children of employees who have any diseases receive preferential trips to the sanatorium.

8) Memories of Ilya Rutecksky are devoted to his youth, which he spent, working on a large machine-building plant - Zile.

9) in 1992 state national Park Belovezhskaya Forest is included in the list World Heritage mankind.

Write the numbers in response by placing them in order corresponding to the letters:






Determine the word in which the unknown unchecked vowel root is missed. Write this word by inserting the missed letter.




sob ..


Answer: ___________________________.

Determine the range in which one and the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words by inserting the missed letter.

not .. Write, Be..Vestaous

oh..Vint, by ..Chat

pr... interesting, etc.

over .., pr..Babushka

rA..Vesti, be .. merged

Answer: ___________________________.

Write the word in which the letter I. is written on site

frustration ..

ostiving ..

dance ..

lily of the valley..y.


Answer: ___________________________.

Write down the word in which the letter E.

draw .. "


view ..

saw ..


Answer: ___________________________.

Determine the proposal in which it is not written with the word. Open brackets and write this word.

Almost (no) joyful faces.

For a long time (not) has a sleeping old man.

(Not) the rain stopped during the day.

(Not) it looked away at first glance.

Roman (not) read.

Answer: ___________________________.

Determine the proposal in which both highlighted words are picked. Open brackets and write these two words.

What () nor said the guest, Katerina looked so (as well) strictly as before.

Only with the recognition of Ilya Ilyich Olga (c) the beginning of the second part of Oblomov there is a tie, a (for) the fact and the effect of the novel, which was absent in the first chapters.

(C) the beginning of Marina kept in the village in uncertain and even seeing Lena in the distance, he went into a high thick rye, the peeling of cornflowers, which would just not get caught a neighbor on the eyes.

Oblomov draws gallery his ideal of family life with reference to spiritual requests, unknown to his ancestors, but (c) whole withsting the patriarchal-idyllic spirit: walks (c) dreamed after a satisfying breakfast, unhurried conversations with friends.

Where (TO) in the forest was distributed by an excessary howl, however, which of the hunters did not even shudder.

Answer: ___________________________.

Specify all the numbers in which the NN is written.

We have seen only a foam (1) ridges of the error (2) waves and heard the cries of alarms (3) birds, faces (4) about the sea.

Answer: ___________________________.

Arrange the punctuation marks. Specify the number of offers in which you need to put one comma.

1) Moms and grandmothers were supervised from the windows before dinner and the children were called home.

2) On the other day, the grandmother woke up not the light either dawn.

3) On the table you can always see the written sheets or an open notebook or a manuscript folder.

4) Chofor or did not hear my words or did not pay attention to them.

5) In minutes of Melancholy, the Grozny General became an absoluteness of the child and many were in a hurry to drink their resentment.

Answer: ___________________________.

Arrange all punctuation marks: Specify the number (s), on the site of which (s) in the sentence should stand the comma (s).

I saw a circle of the vigorous Azure Sea (1) everything covered with small ripples of gold scales, and the same vigorous, the same azure sky - and on it (2) the triumph (3) and as if laughing (4) rolled out affectionate sun.

Answer: ___________________________.

Arrange all the missing punctuation signs: Specify the number (s), on the site of which (s) in the sentence should stand the comma (s).

My friends (1) Well, in this?

Perhaps (2) will be the will of heaven,

I will stop being a poet

A new demon is settled in me

And, Phoebov threats,

Humiliate to humble prose;

Then the novel on the old way

Wear a cheerful my sunset.

No flour secret evils

I will figure out in it,

But (3) just (4) you will retell

Loyal of the Russian family

Love captivating dreams

Yes, the morals of our old days.

Answer: ___________________________.

Arrange all punctuation marks: Specify the number (s), on the site of which (s) in the sentence should stand the comma (s).

In the "fatalist" (1) Pechorin talks about the incident (2) of the witness (3) of which (4) it was.

Arrange all punctuation marks: Specify the number (s), on the site of which (s) in the sentence should stand the comma (s).

The fog (1) and (2) smells stronger when we step on the meadow (3) covers the smell of beveled, still raw grass (4) although there are already signs of its first wilting.

Answer: ___________________________.

Read the text and execute 20-25 tasks.

(1) In the March and April rooms of the magazine "Ural" for 2004 published the story of Marina Golubitskaya "That's all love." (2) It is dedicated to the Perm teacher of literature, famous in the 70s and 1980s, Elena Nikolaevna (the name in the story was changed, and the name and patronymic - no).

(3) And I knew Elena Nikolaevna well. (4) With Soviet power, it survived it from the elite school: they did not like the person to stand out by the mind and sincerity - oh, how they did not love! (5) And she left working at the school of working youth, where I just served the librarian.

(6) In fact, I only seemed to me that I knew Elena Nikolaevna well! (7) 3Ad, but did not know! (8) The story shows Elena Nikolaevna's letters, a lot of its beautiful letters. (9) Deep, bright letters in which her love for students, her memory of each of them struck me so much!

(10) I cried for a long time when I finished reading the story, and these were enlightened, grateful tears. (11) I felt happy and because Marina Golubitskaya wrote this wonderful story about a wonderful person, and because this man lived - Elena Nikolaevna - in Perm, my city! (12) And most of all I was pleased with the idea thatactually "Time is an honest person." (13) How did the teacher of his students loved! (14) and they repulsed to her reciprocity! (15) When Elena Nikolaevna was abroad, where he suffered from nostalgia, loneliness and diseases, the disciples wrote, came, helped, wrote again, came again ...

(16) I remember how we once at the school of working youth led with Elena Nikolaevna a long conversation about the "Cherry Garden". (17) She said: "The lopakhina has the ability to live, but there is no culture, and Ranevskaya has a culture, but absolutely no ability to live."

- (18) Will there be time in Russia when all this fit into one person? I asked.

(19) I remember how ironically she looked at me in response ...

(20) But as she gone for this Russia! (21) re-read the favorite authors, wrote excellent letters to the disciples left at home. (22) There is such a famous saying: "Patience is beautiful." (23) Her patience was beautiful.

(24) And yet, when she fell ill and found himself in a nursing home ... suddenly refused to take medicines and died in a month. (25) How Gogol. (26) But I think so. (27) We will never know why what happened in the end ...

(28) But students remained - many students. (29) And everyone remembers her lessons, her thoughts, her kindness and latitude of her views. (30) And the same Marina Golubitskaya dreams someday - there - again meet with Elena Nikolaevna and sit with her on the bench, as it happened, to speak out ...

(On N. Gorlanova *)

* Nina Viktorovna Gorlanova (born in 1947) - Russian writer is published since 1980.

Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify response numbers.

1) Memories of the author of the text of Nina Gorlanova were reflected in her story "That's all love."

2) Elena Nikolaevna, being abroad, received support and help from their students.

3) The author of the text is proud to study in the class, where Elena Nikolaevna taught.

4) Feeling the sincere love of the teacher, students meet reciprocity.

5) Elena Nikolaevna believed that the ability to live and culture could be connected in one person.

Answer: ___________________________.

Which of the listed statements are faithful? Specify response numbers.

1) 15 proposal confirms the judgment expressed in 14 sentences text.

2) Proposals 8-9 text contain a descriptive fragment.

3) The proposals 11-13 presented a story.

4) In Proposition 24, the events occurring in each other are listed.

5) Proposition 20 explains the offer 19.

Answer: ___________________________.

From Proposition 6, write out phraseologism.

Answer: ___________________________.

Among the proposals 10-15 find such (s), which is connected (s) with the previous one with the help of the union and two personal pronouns. Write the number (s) of this (s) offers (s).

Answer: ___________________________.

Read the reference fragment based on the text that you analyzed by performing tasks 20-23.

This fragment discusses the language features of the text. Some terms used in the reviews are missed. Insert the numbers to the points (A, B, B, G) numbers corresponding to the term number from the list. Write in the table under each letter the corresponding digit.

The sequence of numbers write down in the response form No. 1 to the right of the number 24 number 24, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Each digit is written in accordance with the samples given in the form.

Read the Review Fragment. It addresses the language features of the text. Some terms used in the reviews are missed. Insert the numbers to the points of the passes corresponding to the term number from the list.

"Creating an image of a wonderful teacher, the author uses such syntaxes as (a) _____ (in Proposals 15, 29) and (b) _____ (for example, Proposals 13, 20), as well as such a reception, as (c) _____ (in Deals 17, 22). Sincerity and depth of feeling tested by N. Gorlanova, when she read a book about Elena Nikolaevna, was shown using such a trail, like (d) _____ (enlightened, grateful tears in sentence 10). "

List of terms:

1) Comparative turnover

2) Term

3) exclamation deals

4) Citation

5) rhetorical question

6) Epitheet

7) Parcelation

8) rows of homogeneous members

9) hyperbole

Write the numbers in response by placing them in order corresponding to the letters:





Do not forget to transfer all the answers to the answer form №1 in accordance with the instructions for the performance of work

Part 2

To answer this task, use the answer form No. 2.

Write an essay on the read text.

Word one of the problems supplied by the author of the text.

Comment on the formulated problem. Include in the comment two examples-illustrations from the read text, which, in your opinion, are important to understand the problem of source text (avoid excessive citation).

Word the position of the author (narrator). Write, agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Agregate your opinion, relying primarily on readership experience, as well as knowledge and vital observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

Operations volume - at least 150 words.

Work written without support for read text (not in this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a retracted or completely rewritten source text without any comments, then such work is estimated by zero points. MBOU ____________________________________________________________











































































Find the material for any lesson,

Madagascar is an independent state located on the island of the same name in the Indian Ocean. Its area is 578 thousand km 2. In the rating itself major islands The world he takes the fourth position. Madagascar's population is about 24.2 million people. The capital of the state is the city of Antananarivo.

Historical information

Madagascar is one of the largest states located on the territory of one island. According to scientists, the settlement of these lands occurred during the time when the period of the early Middle Ages acted on the territory of Europe. Malagasy (as they call the indigenous population of Madagascar) had close cooperation with the Arab peoples and borrowed the alphabet of the sore. In 1500, Europeans learned about the island, after Portuguese ships were moored to its shores.

In 18-19 centuries, a kingdom called the name has been created in the current state of the present state. But in 1897, these lands were colonized by the French Empire. In the period from 1940 to 1943, the island fell under the occupation of Great Britain and only in 1960 he received independence. Despite the liberation from the colonists, the population of Madagascar remained behind the poverty line. All this happened due to the instability of the economic and political component of the country. A variety of military groups came to power, which tried to maneuver between European states and socialist camp countries during the Cold War. At the end of this confrontation on the island of Madagascar, the democratization process started.

Population size

Today, more than 24 million people live in Madagascar, and according to some data, this figure has already exceeded 25 million. Over the past century, population growth has increased 10 times. The main percentage of citizens make up children and the young generation of Malagasy, whose age does not exceed 20 years. They are already 60%.

According to demographers, the number of female and male people is almost the same, the difference in figures is less than 100 thousand.

Interesting fact! Since the era of great geographical discoveries, when the population of Madagascar was 600 thousand people, by 1900 he reached 2.5 million.

According to preliminary estimates, if the birth rate in the country will increase in the same rapid pace as now, by 2100 the number of citizens of the island to increase to 70 million.

Madagascar population density (according to 2015) is 41.3 people. at km 2.

official languages

On the territory of Madagascar there are two official languages: French and Malagasy. The first of them is the legacy of colonialism, but the second is considered to be indigenous. Malagasy language belongs to the Malay-Polynesian group. During the period of its existence, he combined adverbs from Malay and Polynesian. It meets Arab, Amharic and Creole words, as well as a lot of things are borrowed from the Sauhili language and Bantu.

Linguists engaged in learning the Language of Malagasy residents found in it the echo of Sanskrit (ancient language of Indians), which indicates that immigrants from Malaysia and India arrived on the island over 2,000 years ago.

The adverb of indigenous peoples is poorly studied. But since he has a lot in common with other languages \u200b\u200bof the Malay-Polynesian group, Malagasy residents will be able to understand the inhabitants of Java and Sumatra, Natolia Visaya and Tagalla living in the Philippines.

Age indicator

The age composition of the population of Madagascar, according to 2015, it looks like this:

  • children from 0 to 14 years old - more than 40%;
  • young people from 15 to 24 years old - 20.53%;
  • persons 25-54 years - 31.56%;
  • elderly people (55-64 years) - just over 4%;
  • old men from 65 and above - 3.22%.

What is surprising, the birth rate is much higher than mortality. According to statistics 2015, 1000 people accounted for 6.81 dead and 32.61 born people.

On Madagascar island, a very high child mortality rate, but this does not affect the decline in the number of citizens of the country. The thing is that in the state is a very big fertility. Fertility is 5.1 children per woman. As a rule, in urban families, a 2-3 child is brought up, but in rural areas, the number of children can reach 5 and higher.

Religious preferences

The religious composition of the population of Madagascar is very diverse. Most citizens of the country confess the traditional religion of indigenous people. The main doctrine of the cult of ancestors is the relationship between the kingdom of dead and living people. Most of all the adherents of this religious movement occurs among the people.

In total, about 52% of the total population of Madagascar believe in the cult of ancestors. They believe that all souls of dead people join the forefans and form a kind of "divine" hierarchy. In this religion, there is a very strange rite, which for Europeans will seem like a vacancy. The ritual ceremony (Fimadihan) implies "turning the dead." During the traditional rite, believers pull the bodies of the departed and wrap their new silk sheets (Savan). During the festival, people are having fun and arrange dancing. They can wear dead in their arms during the ceremony, and after placing them back to the crypt.

The population of Madagascar, confessing Christianity, is approximately 41%. Most relates to the Roman Catholic Church. Slightly less on the island of Protestant denominations, among which Lutherans, Adventists, British and others.

The rest of the citizens of the country, and this is 7%, are an adherents of Islam. Most of all the doctrine of the Quran is common on the west coast of the island.

The racial composition of the population of Madagascar

The bulk of the inhabitants of the island is Malagasy. They make up 98% of the total population. What is interesting, Malagasy is not a separate nation, but a combination of 20 ethnic groups. All of them are reduced to the Malaysian-Indonesian peoples. The indigenous population is divided into two subgroups:

  • Mountain tribes. These include Beckileu, Merin, Sihanak, Mike and others.
  • Peoples of the coast. This group includes Antanusi, Sakalava, Antakaran, Betzlemisarak, Tsimiheti, Mahafali and others.

Such division is due to the historical migration of people who arrived on the island. The settlement of Madagascar Austronesians occurred in the period from II to the V century. They settled in the Central Highlands. Over the years, the second migration wave came, when residents of the eastern part of Africa began to come to the island, mainly belonging to the people of the Bantia. These immigrants settled on practically free lands coastal zone. According to some reports, the Bantu fell on the island as a result of trafficking in persons.

But there are other at least interesting versions Regarding the setting of the island. Some scientists argue that the first race was the first in Madagascar, and the relocation of Austronesians occurred much later.

Differences between indigenous ethnic groups

People who have lived in this country for a long time, and the indigenous people of the island, perfectly learned to determine the differences between ethnic tribes. Malagasy residents call each other "Gasi". All ethnic groups have differences, although not very noticeable for visitors guests. They have different language dialects, dwelling types, etc. They differ in external signs: skin color and face shape. Almost all groups have different greeting phrases.

Adcharations and dialects of the local population are safe. The educational institutions use the official state Malagasy language. It is talking on more than 80% of the total population.

The largest cities of the island

The largest and densely populated city of Madagascar is the capital of the state of Antananarivo. According to 2010, about 1 million 688 thousand people lived in this megapolis. There are no millionic cities on the island.

  • Tuamasina. This city is located in the province of the same name and is its center. Here in 2010, more than 225 thousand people lived. Given the rapid demographic growth in the country, it can be assumed that this figure has increased significantly in 7 years. The city is washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean and is considered one of the main ports of the country. From here transport export goods: spices (carnation, pepper, vanilla), coffee, graphite. And from other countries, food, textiles, equipment and machines of various purposes are delivered.
  • Anzurra. To date, this city is listed to 250 thousand population. Since it is located in a hilly terrain, at an altitude of 1500 m above sea level, climatic conditions are colder than in other regions. The anzurra is famous for its warm sources and hot bathing. Not alone is close to Tritrim Lake, which has volcanic origins.

  • Fianarancha. Location of the settlement is the province of the same name. According to 2010, 184 thousand people lived here. The main part of the city was built in the 20s of the last century. It is conditionally divided into three parts: the upper, middle and lower city. There is a car track leading to the city of Ambusitro (from the North side) and to Ambalavo (South). Also adjacent flights. On the territories adjacent to the city, coffee beans, tomatoes, rice and tobacco are grown. There are also numerous vineyards.
  • Mahadzang. Located in the gray-western part of the island. It is the main administrative unit in the district of the same name. The number of residents of the city is more than 166 thousand people (2010 data). Here it is sea \u200b\u200bportBut since the depth of the harbor is not too big, there are small-sized ships, carrying goods up to 150 tons. The most basic product exported from Mahadzang is frozen shrimp. The city has airport. Local beaches Very picturesque and attract many tourists to these places.

In recent years, many residents of the countryside are moving to live in the city, but their number is still more. According to statistics, 30% of Malagasy residents are the townspeople, and the remaining 70% are the inhabitants of the depth.

Every year the difference between fertility and mortality increases in favor of the first, due to which the population of Madagascar is increasing.

Description of the country's economy

The economy island refers to developing. According to the results of 2007, state GDP amounted to more than $ 18 billion, which brought the country to 116 position in the world ranking. The per capita income is one of the lowest (157th place) and is $ 1068.

The main components of the Madagascar economy - the agricultural industry, fishing and tourism. The country is an exporter of various spices and spices, coffee, vanilla, and cocoa, rigs, sugar, bean, peanuts and bananas. It occupies a leading position in the global market.

Tourism at Madagascar is one of the main sources of country income. Natural wealth contributes to the involvement of many people in this exotic corner. About 80% of representatives of the plant and animal world are considered endemics.

Slavery in the XXI century?

It is rumored that even now on the territory of the island, some people are contained in slavery. Of course, it has several other forms than in ancient times, and does not carry official status. Since the big mass of people lives behind a poverty line, they have to take into debt of more prosperous fellow villagers or relatives. Without the opportunity to pay, they are forced to work out a loan. At the same time, not receiving a penny for his work. Many youth and even children work for food and shelter. For many years, Madagascar population was low formed, but today the picture has changed significantly.


Although Madagascar is the third world country, education standards are very high here. Primary school is a norm for Malagasy. The reform of education, begun by President of Freedom, contributed to raising the level of knowledge and the number of students. New educational institutions have opened, and the acquisition of primary education has become mandatory.

About 35% of all children who have completed the first stage are moving to the elder school. And only 5% goes to universities. All items are studied at the State Malagasy language. Merine is considered the most educated ethnic group.

Option number 5920743.

When you execute tasks with a short response, enter the number in the response field, which corresponds to the correct answer number, or the number, word, the sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be recorded without spaces and any additional characters. Answers to tasks 1-26 are the number (number) or word (several words), the sequence of numbers (numbers).

If the option is specified by the teacher, you can enter or download answers to the tasks with a detailed answer. The teacher will see the results of tasks with a brief response and will be able to evaluate the downloaded responses to the tasks with the detailed answer. The scores exhibited by the teacher will be displayed in your statistics. Operations volume - at least 150 words.

Printing and copying version in MS Word

Specify the suggestions numbers in which the main information contained in the text is correct. Write down the numbers of these proposals.

1) The indigenous population of Madagascar called the demurrars of the souls of the dead, at night, returned to the world alive and bringing misfortune and death.

2) Europeans, having met animals in Madagascar with eyes glowing in the dark, called them lemuras, and the name it gothes.

3) Europeans who have fallen into Madagascar in the XVI century, for the first time met innocent animals with long fluffy tails, tenacious paws and huge eyes - lemurs, or "maki", as the aborigines called them.

4) The indigenous population of Madagascar calls feline lemurs - animals with huge luminous eyes in the dark by the word "Maki".

5) Fucking Madagascar in the XVI century, Europeans met lemurs there, harmless animals with long fluffy tails, tenacious legs and huge eyes that local residents called "Poppies".



What word (combination of words) should be at the point of passing in the third (3) sentence?


for example

(1) The indigenous population of Madagascar calls feline lemurs, innocuous animals with long fluffy tails, tenacious paws and huge, widely opened eyes, the word "Maki", the modern name - "Lemur" - was given by Europeans. (2) In ancient Rome, Lemors called the souls of the dead, who did not find peace in the kingdom of the dead and return at night to the world of living, bringing misfortune and death. (3) With the fall of Rome, mystical lemurs have banned in oblivion,<...>When in the XVI century, the first Europeans fell to Madagascar and met small animals with hugely shining in the dark eyes, they remembered the Roman superstitions about the ghosts of the dead and gave "Maki" their own name.


Read the fragment of the vocabulary article in which the values \u200b\u200bof the word are given. Determine the value in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of text. Write down the figure corresponding to this value in the listed vocabulary fragment.

OWN,y ,y.

1. Belonging to someone. By ownership. S. House.

2. Your personal. See your own eyes. In your own hands. Self-esteem (Feeling respect for yourself). At your own request.

3. Located in direct management, disposal, subordinate to someone. S. Correspondent.

4. Literal, real. V. The own sense of the word.

5. Self-peculiar to someone, without extraneous additions (special). S. body weight.

6. Actually, input. I am expressing more precisely, in essence. I, actually, and I do not argue.

7. Actually, a particle. Expresses a restriction: without anything, another, outsiders. The Volga system is the Volga actually and its influx.

(1) The indigenous population of Madagascar calls feline lemurs, innocuous animals with long fluffy tails, tenacious paws and huge, widely opened eyes, the word "Maki", the modern name - "Lemur" - was given by Europeans. (2) In ancient Rome, Lemors called the souls of the dead, who did not find peace in the kingdom of the dead and return at night to the world of living, bringing misfortune and death. (3) With the fall of Rome, mystical lemurs have banned in oblivion,<...>When in the XVI century, the first Europeans fell to Madagascar and met small animals with hugely shining in the dark eyes, they remembered the Roman superstitions about the ghosts of the dead and gave "Maki" their own name.


In one of the words below, an error is made in the staging of the emphasis: the letter denoting the shock vowel sound is incorrectly highlighted. Write this word.




no flint



In one of the proposals below, the selected word is incorrect. Correct the lexical error, pose to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the selected word.

Otters are unusually intelligent and reasonable creatures.

At the mouth of the river, the explicit outline of the ship was visible.

Selected artists to participate in the competition a very representative jury.

Knowing the hot, explosive character of the father, we did not want to disturb him.

He neglected the rules of etiquette and was full of ignorant.


In one of the above words, an error is made to form a word form. Correct the error and write down the word correctly.

Six hundred textbooks

Go toward

ripe apricots


new Towels


Set the correspondence between offers and grammatical errors allowed in them: to each position of the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.


A) violation in building a proposal with a certain turnover

B) improper consumption of the core form of nouns with the pretext

C) violation in building a sentence with an inconsistent application

D) violation of communication between the subject and faithful

E) error in building a sentence with homogeneous members

1) I wanted to learn how to breed and care for primokers at home.

2) According to the plan as a final work, we wrote a review for the recently read book.

4) Orchids, appearing on Earth along with other flowering plants, began to actively develop 40 million years ago.

5) Some orchids have developed false bait based on food instincts.

6) Each programmer is assigned to a specific computer that follows its condition.

7) Thanks to the language, we can get acquainted with those ideas that were expressed long before our birth.

8) In the encyclopedia of the "life of wonderful people" a lot of interesting biographies.



Opera de La-Those Word, in which-rum pro-Posh, on a non-shock-nai spoken root, a pro-ve-E-Yu-May Uda-re-ni. You are a pich-she-those this word, is-viv pro-Pu-pu-pu-pu-puppie.



k ..

academy ..

pl .. Creative


Determine the range in which one and the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words by inserting the missed letter.

and..ract, and..dishka;

pr .. yarn, etc.

d..bel, not ..

pre..toria, between ...

not .. Attentive, pr. seclianvsky.


You are a Pi-Shi-Those Word, in which-rum on the site of the pro-Pus-ka Pi-sire of the letter I.

at dirch..y.

flex ..

hall ..

in order ...


You are a Pi-Shi-Those Word, in which-rum on the site of the pro-Pus-ka Pi-sire of the letter W.

you are-keen..t.

tre-housing ..


Determine the proposal in which it is not written with the word. Open brackets and write this word.

In the meadows stood still (not) a cat grass.

(No) hearing the sounds of the bullets squeezed from all sides, Pierre drove to the field.

In Russia (not) there was that middle class, which in Europe "connected" aristocracy and commoner.

The Saksov army skillfully hid in (not) passable forests and swamps.

The kernel was lit and flew over them, (not) by making any harm.


Determine the proposal in which both highlighted words are picked. Open brackets and write these two words.

(C) The follow-up to the doorway was laid by brick, and the windows (s) are deeply clipped.

So (as well as the Father, Eugene was a professional violinist, with (Tom), many believed that in the art of the game he surpasses his father.

Our water reserves were (for) outcome, but the conductor on (cut) refused to deviate from the route and reach the river.

(By) As guests arrived, the living room became less and less space, (by) I went to the terrace.


Ok-residents are all numbers, on the site of the Pi-sew-Sia NN.

OS-NE-NEW CAR-TIM-ROM-RA-CHAY-VAST-XIA ON THE WHO OPTION: In Light Com-on-Those (1) A lady with a child in his arms with a mole-fight watching at the glazy (2) of our dock-ra in Zolocho (3) Om Pensne.


Arrange the punctuation marks. Specify the number of suggestions in which you need to put one comma

1) The fellow traveler did not hear what was said or neglected by my hint.

2) And the years went quickly and sweatily and carried these memories with them.

3) the themes of war and the world of crowds and hatred are relevant at all times.

4) Our train stopped both on large and small stations.

5) On the same lilac bush, I saw yellow leaves and started swelling kidney.


From-va-wives was the Plumber (1) re-Shiv-Oh, in the same night (2) Pu-Sat-Xia through pro-Liv (3) on the random of two-pre The verst, and the most important must-on to be at-si-on (4) it is to be in-diva-seam!


Arrange all the missing punctuation signs:

I was (1) Clear (2) happy too,

when I fell in love and loved

or noisy youth

i found my recognition.

You (3) happiness (4) I was still

when not immediately, no reason

before the boy opened

forests and passed (5) beauty.

I was also happy

not every day, but every year,

when at the festivals

like a bell on the bell tower

guedd solemnly people.

(Yaroslav Mozelkov)


Rass-put - those all signs of pre-pi-nia: Powered by the figure (s), on the site of the sort of (s) in the pre-Lo-Nii, for the (s) of a hundred-people in-Pyasha (s).

In the depth-coming mall-chase of Si-de-Lee, we are on the basis of the shadow of the GU-STO SE-Reborn, - whether in the hands of the fishing feet (1) of the rye-out hook (2) of some (3) were embossed (4) into a huge Badew with a rotten water .


Arrange all punctuation marks: Specify the number (s), on the site of which (s) in the sentence should stand the comma (s).

I came to mind some new ideas (1) and (2) If you arrive (3) I will read about that (4) that I am now worried.


Which of the SCA-Wa-Va Nii-OT-VET-STE-STO-STE? Pow-residents of but-me-ra OT-TOO.

1) Fa-Shistky Tanks about Stre-Li-Vas Lon-Don.

2) Bro-non-battle guns of the Si-Mo-na-va fighters on-zy-Vashe "Zo-Lo-Tim".

3) Ba-Ta-Ray Paul-Ni-Ni-Ko-Vi Uni-Li Li More Two-Dza Tang-Cove.

4) OK-RO-on CE-Wasta-La Little Paga-Say of the Year.

5) His pen is bright VPE-Chat-lesya from airplanes Ras-Tale-Chick in Lu-Chil

in the sub-growth-co-in-wow.

(By I. G. Ehrenburg *)


Which of the listed statements are faithful? Specify response numbers.

1) Proposals 13-15 disclose the content of Proposition 12.

2) Proposals 16-17 contain a description.

3) The sentences of 18-20 presents reasoning.

4) The proposals 31-33 presented a story.

5) Proposals 38 and 39 are opposed to content.

(1) When Leonardo da Vinci was sitting above the drawings of the aircraft, he thought not about the fuhas bombs, but about the happiness of mankind. (2) A teenager I saw the first loops of the French pilot Pega. (3) Senior said: "Be proud - a man flies like a bird!" (4) Many years later, I saw "Junkers" above Madrid, over Paris, over Moscow ...

(5) The car may be good and evil. (6) Hitler turned the car in the gun of destruction. (7) People looked at the sky with pride. (8) Hitler decided: they will look at the sky with horror. (9) People gladly thought: we will go to the car for the city. (10) Hitler decided: Hearing the sound of the motor, people will run without looking back.

(11) But one day it was time to check. (12) Initially, the Germans triumphed. (13) Their tanks were protected by the whole of Europe. (14) Caterpillars crushed France and left the furrows in the fields of ancient Eldla. (15) "Junkers" were crippled, it would seem impregnable London. (16) And the Germans sent their cars to Russia - to the Caucasus Mountains, to the Rivers of Siberia. (17) The hitch has happened here: the machines did not break the will of the person. (18) There are many grief in war, a lot of destruction, war is not a road of progress, the war is a terrible test. (19) But there is in war and something high: she gives people wisdom. (20) This war brought a great lesson to humanity: a revenge of man.

(21) The heart of the fighter The Nazis tried to replace the engine, the soldier excerpt - armor. (22) However, the Patriotic War proved the celebration of the Human Spirit.

(23) ... The Battery of Senior Lieutenant Bykova beat off a tank attack. (24) Overseas birch grove, fifty tanks have come to our combat order. (25) "Do not miss!" - There was a team of Bykov. (26) Wounded, this man remained at the post. (27) And after the battlefield, the remains of twenty six German tanks on the battlefield. (28) By the intention of the Germans, these tanks had to reach India. (29) But they died. (30) from a birch grove ...

(31) or here are still facts. (32) Ten redflowers with anti-tank guns destroyed twenty-three tanks. (33) Sailor Timokhin flashes six tanks.

(34) and Sevastopol? (35) The epic defense of this city was the celebration of human courage, when a small, weak garrison, without airfields, almost without tanks, two hundred and fifty days reflected the attacks of powerful enemy divisions and technology.

(36) Yes, German tanks have long been represented by the boa, in front of which chainel, trembling like an aspen sheet of Europe. (37) But they blocked the path of people. (38) Of course, we had excellent anti-tank guns. (39) Of course, our fighters are rightfully called an armor-pier gun of Simonov "Golden Rouge". (40) But how to forget about the usual grenade in the hand of a fearless fighter, which the enemy was afraid of not less than a large projectile? (41) How to forget about the mighty, complete courage to the heart of a warrior?

(By I. G. Ehrenburg *)

Ilya Grigorievich Ehrenburg (1891-1967) - Russian Prose, Poet, translator from French and Spanish, publicist, photographer and public figure.


Antonyms are used in one of the proposals listed below. Write the number of this offer.

(1) When Leonardo da Vinci was sitting above the drawings of the aircraft, he thought not about the fuhas bombs, but about the happiness of mankind. (2) A teenager I saw the first loops of the French pilot Pega. (3) Senior said: "Be proud - a man flies like a bird!" (4) Many years later, I saw "Junkers" above Madrid, over Paris, over Moscow ...

(5) The car may be good and evil. (6) Hitler turned the car in the gun of destruction. (7) People looked at the sky with pride. (8) Hitler decided: they will look at the sky with horror. (9) People gladly thought: we will go to the car for the city. (10) Hitler decided: Hearing the sound of the motor, people will run without looking back.

(11) But one day it was time to check. (12) Initially, the Germans triumphed. (13) Their tanks were protected by the whole of Europe. (14) Caterpillars crushed France and left the furrows in the fields of ancient Eldla. (15) "Junkers" were crippled, it would seem impregnable London. (16) And the Germans sent their cars to Russia - to the Caucasus Mountains, to the Rivers of Siberia. (17) The hitch has happened here: the machines did not break the will of the person. (18) There are many grief in war, a lot of destruction, war is not a road of progress, the war is a terrible test. (19) But there is in war and something high: she gives people wisdom. (20) This war brought a great lesson to humanity: a revenge of man.

(21) The heart of the fighter The Nazis tried to replace the engine, the soldier excerpt - armor. (22) However, the Patriotic War proved the celebration of the Human Spirit.

(23) ... The Battery of Senior Lieutenant Bykova beat off a tank attack. (24) Overseas birch grove, fifty tanks have come to our combat order. (25) "Do not miss!" - There was a team of Bykov. (26) Wounded, this man remained at the post. (27) And after the battlefield, the remains of twenty six German tanks on the battlefield. (28) By the intention of the Germans, these tanks had to reach India. (29) But they died. (30) from a birch grove ...

(31) or here are still facts. (32) Ten redflowers with anti-tank guns destroyed twenty-three tanks. (33) Sailor Timokhin flashes six tanks.

(34) and Sevastopol? (35) The epic defense of this city was the celebration of human courage, when a small, weak garrison, without airfields, almost without tanks, two hundred and fifty days reflected the attacks of powerful enemy divisions and technology.

(36) Yes, German tanks have long been represented by the boa, in front of which chainel, trembling like an aspen sheet of Europe. (37) But they blocked the path of people. (38) Of course, we had excellent anti-tank guns. (39) Of course, our fighters are rightfully called an armor-pier gun of Simonov "Golden Rouge". (40) But how to forget about the usual grenade in the hand of a fearless fighter, which the enemy was afraid of not less than a large projectile? (41) How to forget about the mighty, complete courage to the heart of a warrior?

(By I. G. Ehrenburg *)

Ilya Grigorievich Ehrenburg (1891-1967) - Russian Prose, Poet, translator from French and Spanish, publicist, photographer and public figure.


Among the proposals 23-30, find such (s), which is connected (s) with the previous one with the help of index pronouns and forms of the word. Write the number (s) of this (s) offers (s).

(1) When Leonardo da Vinci was sitting above the drawings of the aircraft, he thought not about the fuhas bombs, but about the happiness of mankind. (2) A teenager I saw the first loops of the French pilot Pega. (3) Senior said: "Be proud - a man flies like a bird!" (4) Many years later, I saw "Junkers" above Madrid, over Paris, over Moscow ...

(5) The car may be good and evil. (6) Hitler turned the car in the gun of destruction. (7) People looked at the sky with pride. (8) Hitler decided: they will look at the sky with horror. (9) People gladly thought: we will go to the car for the city. (10) Hitler decided: Hearing the sound of the motor, people will run without looking back.

(11) But one day it was time to check. (12) Initially, the Germans triumphed. (13) Their tanks were protected by the whole of Europe. (14) Caterpillars crushed France and left the furrows in the fields of ancient Eldla. (15) "Junkers" were crippled, it would seem impregnable London. (16) And the Germans sent their cars to Russia - to the Caucasus Mountains, to the Rivers of Siberia. (17) The hitch has happened here: the machines did not break the will of the person. (18) There are many grief in war, a lot of destruction, war is not a road of progress, the war is a terrible test. (19) But there is in war and something high: she gives people wisdom. (20) This war brought a great lesson to humanity: a revenge of man.

(21) The heart of the fighter The Nazis tried to replace the engine, the soldier excerpt - armor. (22) However, the Patriotic War proved the celebration of the Human Spirit.

(23) ... The Battery of Senior Lieutenant Bykova beat off a tank attack. (24) Overseas birch grove, fifty tanks have come to our combat order. (25) "Do not miss!" - There was a team of Bykov. (26) Wounded, this man remained at the post. (27) And after the battlefield, the remains of twenty six German tanks on the battlefield. (28) By the intention of the Germans, these tanks had to reach India. (29) But they died. (30) from a birch grove ...

(31) or here are still facts. (32) Ten redflowers with anti-tank guns destroyed twenty-three tanks. (33) Sailor Timokhin flashes six tanks.

(34) and Sevastopol? (35) The epic defense of this city was the celebration of human courage, when a small, weak garrison, without airfields, almost without tanks, two hundred and fifty days reflected the attacks of powerful enemy divisions and technology.

(36) Yes, German tanks have long been represented by the boa, in front of which chainel, trembling like an aspen sheet of Europe. (37) But they blocked the path of people. (38) Of course, we had excellent anti-tank guns. (39) Of course, our fighters are rightfully called an armor-pier gun of Simonov "Golden Rouge". (40) But how to forget about the usual grenade in the hand of a fearless fighter, which the enemy was afraid of not less than a large projectile? (41) How to forget about the mighty, complete courage to the heart of a warrior?

(By I. G. Ehrenburg *)

Ilya Grigorievich Ehrenburg (1891-1967) - Russian Prose, Poet, translator from French and Spanish, publicist, photographer and public figure.

In turn, such lexical means as ________ (c) ("triumph", "broke", "courage") and ________ (d) ("fearless fighter", "mighty, full courage of the heart of the warrior"), satisfy the text moderate Patriotic pathos, thereby helping the author's feelings. "

List of terms:

1) Syntactic parallelism

2) contextual synonyms

3) Elimination

4) book vocabulary

5) Epitts

6) phraseologist

7) Rows of homogeneous members

8) Antiteza

9) hyperbole

Write the numbers in response by placing them in order corresponding to the letters:


(1) When Leonardo da Vinci was sitting above the drawings of the aircraft, he thought not about the fuhas bombs, but about the happiness of mankind. (2) A teenager I saw the first loops of the French pilot Pega. (3) Senior said: "Be proud - a man flies like a bird!" (4) Many years later, I saw "Junkers" above Madrid, over Paris, over Moscow ...

(5) The car may be good and evil. (6) Hitler turned the car in the gun of destruction. (7) People looked at the sky with pride. (8) Hitler decided: they will look at the sky with horror. (9) People gladly thought: we will go to the car for the city. (10) Hitler decided: Hearing the sound of the motor, people will run without looking back.

(11) But one day it was time to check. (12) Initially, the Germans triumphed. (13) Their tanks were protected by the whole of Europe. (14) Caterpillars crushed France and left the furrows in the fields of ancient Eldla. (15) "Junkers" were crippled, it would seem impregnable London. (16) And the Germans sent their cars to Russia - to the Caucasus Mountains, to the Rivers of Siberia. (17) The hitch has happened here: the machines did not break the will of the person. (18) There are many grief in war, a lot of destruction, war is not a road of progress, the war is a terrible test. (19) But there is in war and something high: she gives people wisdom. (20) This war brought a great lesson to humanity: a revenge of man.

(21) The heart of the fighter The Nazis tried to replace the engine, the soldier excerpt - armor. (22) However, the Patriotic War proved the celebration of the Human Spirit.

(23) ... The Battery of Senior Lieutenant Bykova beat off a tank attack. (24) Overseas birch grove, fifty tanks have come to our combat order. (25) "Do not miss!" - There was a team of Bykov. (26) Wounded, this man remained at the post. (27) And after the battlefield, the remains of twenty six German tanks on the battlefield. (28) By the intention of the Germans, these tanks had to reach India. (29) But they died. (30) from a birch grove ...

(31) or here are still facts. (32) Ten redflowers with anti-tank guns destroyed twenty-three tanks. (33) Sailor Timokhin flashes six tanks.

(34) and Sevastopol? (35) The epic defense of this city was the celebration of human courage, when a small, weak garrison, without airfields, almost without tanks, two hundred and fifty days reflected the attacks of powerful enemy divisions and technology.

(36) Yes, German tanks have long been represented by the boa, in front of which chainel, trembling like an aspen sheet of Europe. (37) But they blocked the path of people. (38) Of course, we had excellent anti-tank guns. (39) Of course, our fighters are rightfully called an armor-pier gun of Simonov "Golden Rouge". (40) But how to forget about the usual grenade in the hand of a fearless fighter, which the enemy was afraid of not less than a large projectile? (41) How to forget about the mighty, complete courage to the heart of a warrior?

(By I. G. Ehrenburg *)

Ilya Grigorievich Ehrenburg (1891-1967) - Russian Prose, Poet, translator from French and Spanish, publicist, photographer and public figure.

(7) People looked at the sky with pride. (8) Hitler decided: they will look at the sky with horror.


Write an essay on the read text.

Word one of the problems supplied by the author of the text.

Comment on the formulated problem. Include in the comment two examples-illustrations from the read text, which, in your opinion, are important to understand the problem of source text (avoid excessive citation). Explain the value of each example and specify the semantic link between them.

Operations volume - at least 150 words.

Work written without support for read text (not in this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a retold or completely rewritten source text without any comments, then such work is estimated 0 points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) When Leonardo da Vinci was sitting above the drawings of the aircraft, he thought not about the fuhas bombs, but about the happiness of mankind. (2) A teenager I saw the first loops of the French pilot Pega. (3) Senior said: "Be proud - a man flies like a bird!" (4) Many years later, I saw "Junkers" above Madrid, over Paris, over Moscow ...

(5) The car may be good and evil. (6) Hitler turned the car in the gun of destruction. (7) People looked at the sky with pride. (8) Hitler decided: they will look at the sky with horror. (9) People gladly thought: we will go to the car for the city. (10) Hitler decided: Hearing the sound of the motor, people will run without looking back.

(11) But one day it was time to check. (12) Initially, the Germans triumphed. (13) Their tanks were protected by the whole of Europe. (14) Caterpillars crushed France and left the furrows in the fields of ancient Eldla. (15) "Junkers" were crippled, it would seem impregnable London. (16) And the Germans sent their cars to Russia - to the Caucasus Mountains, to the Rivers of Siberia. (17) The hitch has happened here: the machines did not break the will of the person. (18) There are many grief in war, a lot of destruction, war is not a road of progress, the war is a terrible test. (19) But there is in war and something high: she gives people wisdom. (20) This war brought a great lesson to humanity: a revenge of man.

(21) The heart of the fighter The Nazis tried to replace the engine, the soldier excerpt - armor. (22) However, the Patriotic War proved the celebration of the Human Spirit.

(23) ... The Battery of Senior Lieutenant Bykova beat off a tank attack. (24) Overseas birch grove, fifty tanks have come to our combat order. (25) "Do not miss!" - There was a team of Bykov. (26) Wounded, this man remained at the post. (27) And after the battlefield, the remains of twenty six German tanks on the battlefield. (28) By the intention of the Germans, these tanks had to reach India. (29) But they died. (30) from a birch grove ...

(31) or here are still facts. (32) Ten redflowers with anti-tank guns destroyed twenty-three tanks. (33) Sailor Timokhin flashes six tanks.

(34) and Sevastopol? (35) The epic defense of this city was the celebration of human courage, when a small, weak garrison, without airfields, almost without tanks, two hundred and fifty days reflected the attacks of powerful enemy divisions and technology.

(36) Yes, German tanks have long been represented by the boa, in front of which chainel, trembling like an aspen sheet of Europe. (37) But they blocked the path of people. (38) Of course, we had excellent anti-tank guns. (39) Of course, our fighters are rightfully called an armor-pier gun of Simonov "Golden Rouge". (40) But how to forget about the usual grenade in the hand of a fearless fighter, which the enemy was afraid of not less than a large projectile? (41) How to forget about the mighty, complete courage to the heart of a warrior?

(By I. G. Ehrenburg *)

Ilya Grigorievich Ehrenburg (1891-1967) - Russian Prose, Poet, translator from French and Spanish, publicist, photographer and public figure.

Task solutions with a detailed answer are not automatically checked.
On the next page you will be asked to check them yourself.

Complete testing, referred to answers, see solutions.

Option number 2217089.

When you execute tasks with a short response, enter the number in the response field, which corresponds to the correct answer number, or the number, word, the sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be recorded without spaces and any additional characters. Answers to tasks 1-26 are the number (number) or word (several words), the sequence of numbers (numbers).

If the option is specified by the teacher, you can enter or download answers to the tasks with a detailed answer. The teacher will see the results of tasks with a brief response and will be able to evaluate the downloaded responses to the tasks with the detailed answer. The scores exhibited by the teacher will be displayed in your statistics. Operations volume - at least 150 words.

Printing and copying version in MS Word

Na-residents of the but-Ra Pred-Lo-Riy, in which, rightfully, in re-da-on the head of the In-Form-Magion, SO-Der-Food -I'm in the tech. In-Pi-Shi-Those of these pre-Lo.

1) Co-Ren-Ma-Ska-Ra-Ma-Da-Ga-Ska-Ra Nas-Wa-Lo Le Mu-Ra-Mi Souls of the Dead, at night, WHO ROSCOV-SHI- E-Xia into the world of living and at the same time non-happy-sitting and death.

2) Ev-Pi-Tsy, meeting on Ma-da-ga-Ska-Rushi-Vyu-Lyubi-Mi-Xia in the factory-those championships, Once there is a lem-ray, and on the soul, it is prevented.

3) Ev-Pi-Tsya, in the past, in the XVI century, in the XVI century, ahead of the meeting, there is no-off-niche - Pu-shi-sty hvos-hundreds, challenges of the la-mi and the hunters of the G-in-Mi-lem-docks, or "Maki", like their on-zy-v-lee Abo-ri-ges.

4) Ko-Ren-Ma-SKA-RA Na-Zya-Vasha Ko-Sha-Whose Le-Mu-Kov - Beast-Coves with huge Sve-teu-silent-Mi-Xia in the Tempex of the heads of the Macs.

5) Having hitting Ma-Da-Ga-Scar in the XVI century, Ev-Ry-Tsy, meeting Ti-Le-Mu-ditch, without offensive lives with long-distance Pu-Shi-sty khvo-hundred, the challenges of the La Para and the Mi-G-in-Mi, who Zy-Vashe Li "Maki".



Which of the ones below the words (co-che-the words of words) should be on the site of the pro-Pus-ka in the third of the pre-Lo-fund?

In this way


Insofar as

That's why


The pro-si-tai of the frag-cop of the layer-or-like state, in which-swarm of the Dyat-Xia, the words of the word sob. The defense-de-lifestyle, in which-rum, this is the word UPR-T-le, but in the Trem (3) of the Pred-Lo-Nii of Tech-Stow. You are a Pi-Shi-same figure, co-from-vet-yu-one knowing this in the progressive frag-exchange-leg-leg-like stasy.

OWN,y ,y.

1. At-above-lesy to someone. ON THE RIGHT OF SOFT-NOT. S. House.

2. Your personal. Vi-children of the sovereign G-in-Mi. In his own hands. Safety-but-go to bed (Savior of the Uva-Essence to Sa-Mo-Mu to him). According to the sobernone-no-love.

3. A-HO-DIA-XIA in non-medium-based ve -ed-de health, ras-by-rally, under-si-non-Nii of someone. S. Cor-re-spon dent.

4. Beech-Val, on-one hundredth. V. Sob-noma-le words.

5. Your own only to someone who is, without a hundred-Ron-them pre-Bav-les (special). S. body weight.

6. Sob - but, input. You are-ram-rya-point, in souther. I, Sob, but I do not argue.

7. Sob - but, Cha-Poi. You are ourselves a limit: without anything, the other, in a hundred-ron-no-go. Volge-Wy Si-Ste-Mu SO-becoming - a lot - but a Volga and her at something.

(1) The indigenous population of Madagascar calls feline lemurs, innocuous animals with long fluffy tails, tenacious paws and huge, widely opened eyes, the word "Maki", the modern name - "Lemur" - was given by Europeans. (2) In ancient Rome, Lemors called the souls of the dead, who did not find peace in the kingdom of the dead and return at night to the world of living, bringing misfortune and death. (3) With the fall of Rome, mystical lemurs have banned in oblivion,<...>When in the XVI century, the first Europeans fell to Madagascar and met small animals with hugely shining in the dark eyes, they remembered the Roman superstitions about the ghosts of the dead and gave "Maki" their own name.


In one of the above-mentioned words before the words before the mistake of the error in a hundred-Nov-Ku-Rea: non-ver, but you de-le-on the letter, accounted for Cha-yu-shy eyed voice. You write the word.



about li


In one of the proposals below, the selected word is incorrect. Correct the lexical error, pose to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the selected word.

In the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, the saving operation of the Ministry of Emergency Situations on the withdrawal of ships from the ice captivity was completed.

Rose Lvovna rose from his chairs and gait went to the door.

Lesha dressed the youngest sister, and they went to meet dad from work.

The estate was surrounded by a high stone fence.

During the year, the production plan has undergone significant changes.


In one of the words of the word before the words of the word, before the words of the word, in the o'clock-zo-va. IS-Right-same mistake and in-pi-sh - the word pra-vil-but.

in their same la or

in two thousand fifth year

Kra-Si-Wei Pey-Zazzh


pair of boo-nok


Set the correspondence between the grammatical errors and suggestions in which they are allowed: to each position of the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.


A) violation in building a sentence with an inconsistent application

B) improper consumption of the core form of nouns with the pretext

C) violation of communication between the subject and faithful

D) misconception of a proposal with an indirect speech

E) error in building a sentence with homogeneous members

1) Athletes who will perform at the World Championships are now stubbornly trained, dreaming of victory.

2) A. I. Kindji in the picture of the "Birch Grove" was not used before this in the Russian landscape created the image of an elevated, sparkling, radiant world.

3) Thanks to the labor of linguists, we learned the names of the Millenniums who lived back of real people: artists and sculptors, emperors and priests.

4) Those who could not see the new film, very regretted about it.

5) Those who have studied mathematics, of course, know about Euclide.

6) An educated person as well knows literature and history.

7) N. M. Karamzin wrote that "May I honor and glory to our language."

8) Quinji considered himself Russians, his ancestors called the Greeks, who in the time of antiquity inhabited the Black Sea coast.

9) Observing the rules of etiquette, you can even express displeasure so that no one will be offended.

Write the numbers in response by placing them in order corresponding to the letters:



Opera de La-Those Word, in which-rum pro-Pu-on-on-e-shy-à-on-May voice-nai root. You are a pich-she-those this word, is-viv pro-Pu-pu-pu-pu-puppie.


parade ..xal-ny

sKL ...

valley ..


OPRA-de-La-Those, in which-rum in both layers of the pro-Pu-Posh, on the same letter. You are-pic-she-those these words, is-viv about-pu-pu-puzy.

not .. well, in .. Pushka (light);

pr..hetch, etc. Some;

counter..p, vz.

in ..-like (visa), prem ..er;

from ..-to-nourish, priest.


You are a Pi-Shi-Those Word, in which-rum on the site of the pro-Pus-ka Pi-sire of the letter I.


unscrew ..vall

elbow ..


cheap ...


You are a Pi-Shi-Those Word, in which-rum on the site of the pro-Pus-ka Pi-sire of the letter W.

laugh..t (they)

i smile ..t (they)


The defo-de-li-level, in which-rum, not with the Pi-Sia Sweat, but. Ras-Croes brackets and you-pi-sh is the word.

Ivan Iva-No-HIV Shan Song with on-spicy and (no) up-minded smi-koy.

The topic of co-si-non-non-Ras-Kry-Ta.

Da-les-Ko (not) A clear plan of the once-Viya Pro-from-Water Cree-Co-Wa-Lee in Mi-Ni-Stern.

This place (not) is-nya.

NI-KO-MU (not) Low-de-de-de-dec.


The defo-de-li-te-lo, in which-rum, both you are the de-flax words of Pi-Just-Xia mercy-but. Ras-cut-those brackets and you-pich-those these two words.

Water Bai-Ka-La! Quietly embossed Sun-Tse for the mountains, you-bro-Si-Lo (c) the top of a pro-cylinder green beam, and Bay-Cal then (Same) Instozo-Ven-Zil He is a gentle ze-laziness.

Muz-ka sho-pe - on Be-Re-Di-La-Mi-Nia. From her sounds, so (as well as in Children, the Piroba-Vas-Lo throat and Ho-Temm, that (if) people were happy if you.

An-Drey Rublev was (software) Is-Ti-not you, yes, Ma-Ste-Rom-non-Rus-si-PI, Oba-La-Yu- The Ca-Mo-Mo-Ma-Tel's Creative Creative Ma Na-Roy. One-na-ko from West-but about it is not-many: (from) of that distant time-me, ni-stubborn -Ru is called Hu-or-nickname.

If at a reason (as well), it could have been a feeling of blah-a-gift to Che-Lo-Ku (for) what he had a nickname in her life, pre-raised and Ra-sang her, this blah-darity of you would have a share at the same time.

What (if) you could call from Ros-Sii in the Ev-PU-PU according to the Mo-Bill Communication, (for) the score should be used to live at least five thousand rubles.


Ok-residents are all numbers, on the site of the Pi-sew-Sia NN.

De Lav-Shehe for-Mas-Ki-Ro-Va (1) under robbing Search for-shed only to the fact that on-Ho-di-elk in the table, pro-Chie bu-ma-gi Leave-le (2) SO-Veda (3) about non-Tro-Nu-Mi.


Ras-put - those signs of pre-pi-nia. Pow-residents of but-rared pre-Lo-and-rye, in which one is needed one in the past one.

1) In the XV century, at least as heavy guns for the siege of the Cre-Stay, and the lung-yeast-dius in the eve of the sake-ni-ours.

2) the word you are-raying thoughts and can live for co-by-union and once de leuya people.

3) Mi-Ke-Lan-Ja-Lo Isob-ra-raised people with the Mo-Gu-Body and the Silly Will of the Swim and non-Ukro-Ti-throat and re-shirt Tel.

4) in the Lou-Ka-Nom and Neko-Nom-Nov-Vi-Li-Rich-Mr. Lo-Lo-La-La La La La-Shit-Xia Ski RO-SHIE DELETE PERT MU-ZY-CAN-TOV IN RUSSIA.

5) by virtue of the stea-person after the re-louction of the bouquet of the Oca-Hall-Xia in Emi-grads and almost two or ten years old, but stra-miles - Verkhutu-Xia in Roshiy.


When to the village (1), Ras-Lo-Women in pre-Li-Ned (2) was laying Shi-Ro-kaya Pro-Claying Shadow from Mountain (3) in Kry-Va-Yu West (4) The people of SO-BRAL-Xia in the White Sta-Rin-Noy Church.


Rass-put on all non-pre-priests of pre-pi-nia: Powered by the figure (s), on the site of the sort of (s) in the pre-Lo-Nii, for the (s) of a hundred-people in-Pyasha (s).

Ag-ro-no-we are often used by non-ry-ry ka-suts of alive or-ha-methows for their own purposes. So (1) on-at-Mens (2) in the Solo-Skom-Zyyy-Solo-Speed \u200b\u200bSpeeds of the AR-GAL-MOV Single-Zham for the soup-in-you Action of other (3), that is, (4) Java-Lya-Xia his own-a-one bio-lo-lo-chestnyh.


Rass-put - those all signs of pre-pi-nia: Powered by the figure (s), on the site of the sort of (s) in the pre-Lo-Nii, for the (s) of a hundred-people in-Pyasha (s).

For fishing about-pete-ptteh Life-Te-Lee Su-Da-on IS-Paul-ie, Special Ba-Ra-Ban (1) with Mos (2) Correct (3) due to the sounds (4) of the PA-Da-Yu-residents of Ka-Pel.


Arrange all punctuation marks: Specify the number (s), on the site of which (s) in the sentence should stand the comma (s).

At sunset, it was raining (1) who immediately dispelled in the air a stool (2) and (3) while he gulko and monotoned the garden around the house (4) in the unclosed windows in the hall pulled the sweet freshness of wet greenery.


Which of the SCA-Wa-Va Nii-OT-VET-STE-STO-STE? Pow-residents of but-me-ra OT-TOO.

1) External appearance of the country, the face of the country must be a pre-met of the past of Go-Su-Dar-Sv.

2) Pey-Zazzh, Land-Shaft country of SO-Ver-Shen-but do not be-visa from pre-becoming a matter of CO-TE.

3) Ho-Zyi-Naya De-Ya-Teloscho-Lo-Ka in the mid-roma defo-de-land lands-coat and Pey-Zazzh country.

4) Land-Shaft The Strong-Goe Ras-School-Wa is about from-no-neck of the problem of Cher-de-Ku.

5) Non-Ob-di-CO-to-referring ve -ed-home-based protection of the Earth.

(According to V. Solowkina *)

* Vladimir Alekseevich Soloohin

Option 4.


Which of the Pere-Rhine-Lena states are judged by the versions? Pow-residents of but-me-ra OT-TOO.

Digitles of cancelors in a row-ke of WHO Rasp.

1) in the pre-low-ni-yums 1-4 pre-becoming-le-but Ras-Sum-de-Nie and opi-sage.

2) In the pre-Lo-ni-yach 6-8 pre-facilities-les-but in West-Vassen.

3) Pred-Lo-Ele-Dold Ele-Men-you Ras-Souge de-South.

4) Pre-Lo-Lo-Society of the Obl-Ska-Zan-ni-th in the pre-Lo-Nii 16 of the Sum-de-Death.

5) In the pre-lio-ni-yum 13-14 SO-Der-Sia opi-sage.

(1) As an artist creates a landscape picture, and the whole people gradually, involuntarily even, perhaps, the landscape and landscape of their country creates a barcode behind the stroke.

(2) The face of the old, pre-revolutionary Russia was determined, for example, to a large extent of those hundreds of thousands of churches and bells, which were placed on all its expanses on elevated mainly places and which determined the silhouette of each city - from the largest to the smallest, as well as hundreds Monasteries, countless wind and water mills. (3) A significant share in the landscape and landscape of the country also brought tens of thousands of landlords with their parks, pond systems. (4) But, of course, first of all, small villages and villages with winds, wells, barn, baths, paths, gardens, gardens, pledges, springs, carved platbands, skates, porches, fairs, sundresses, dances, dosses, Shepherd horns, sickles, cores, straw roofs, small sole fields, horses on the smelter ... (5) The country has changed when all these factors defining the landscape disappeared.

(6) In the same way as an artist-landscape invested in his creation a particle of the soul and creates a landscape, in essence, in his own way and likeness, and in the landscape of any country, it turns out the soul of the people and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe beauty that in the shower of this or that nation lives.

(7) It's bad if the soul is sleeping if it is distracted, kept by side circumstances, interests, noises, careful or other considerations, if it is dead or, more accurately, is in lethargy. (8) Then the spirituality leaves from the landscape. (9) The landscape remains a landscape, but it will be empty, there is a form in the absence of a content, it makes cold, alienation, indifference, and that is the void. (10) It becomes indifferent for a separate person and the whole people: how will it look like? (11) What will look like a house, village, river, valley, hills, country as a whole? (12) What will be the face of the country?

(13) there are departments for the development and mining of minerals, on the construction of roads, on farming, by electrification, on the light, heavy and automotive industry, but there is no departments for appearance countries (land), on its tidiness, clusterness, spirituality ... (14) We think about the strength of structures, the nature and volume of earthworks, about the number of wood, about centners and tons, about cubic meters and square meters, but do not think about and how will it look like? (15) How it will look not only in itself, but in combination with the surrounding area, in coordination with traditions and with the projection into the future.

(16) The landscape in all its complexity and aggregate is not just the face of the earth, the face of the country, but also the face of this society.

(17) 3Amorone forest, dried roads with driving machines, harsh rivers, worn by tractor tractors Green meadows, half-visured villages, agricultural cars, rusting in the open air, standard houses, fields infected with weeds, talk about residents of a village, of one or There is no less than a different area than an unsightly and launched apartment about her tenants.

(According to V. Solowkina *)

* Vladimir Alekseevich Soloohin (1924-1997), poet, prose. Reflecting on a modern man, V. Soloohin covered the problems of its interaction with the land, nature, culture, the heritage of the past.

Text source: EGE 2013. Russian language: Training tasks / I.P. Tsybulko, S.I. Lviv - M.: Eksmo, 2012. - 136 pp.

Option 4.


From the pre-low 7 you - Pi-Shi-same Ter-min.

(1) As an artist creates a landscape picture, and the whole people gradually, involuntarily even, perhaps, the landscape and landscape of their country creates a barcode behind the stroke.

(2) The face of the old, pre-revolutionary Russia was determined, for example, to a large extent of those hundreds of thousands of churches and bells, which were placed on all its expanses on elevated mainly places and which determined the silhouette of each city - from the largest to the smallest, as well as hundreds Monasteries, countless wind and water mills. (3) A significant share in the landscape and landscape of the country also brought tens of thousands of landlords with their parks, pond systems. (4) But, of course, first of all, small villages and villages with winds, wells, barn, baths, paths, gardens, gardens, pledges, springs, carved platbands, skates, porches, fairs, sundresses, dances, dosses, Shepherd horns, sickles, cores, straw roofs, small sole fields, horses on the smelter ... (5) The country has changed when all these factors defining the landscape disappeared.

(6) In the same way as an artist-landscape invested in his creation a particle of the soul and creates a landscape, in essence, in his own way and likeness, and in the landscape of any country, it turns out the soul of the people and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe beauty that in the shower of this or that nation lives.

(7) It's bad if the soul is sleeping if it is distracted, kept by side circumstances, interests, noises, careful or other considerations, if it is dead or, more accurately, is in lethargy. (8) Then the spirituality leaves from the landscape. (9) The landscape remains a landscape, but it will be empty, there is a form in the absence of a content, it makes cold, alienation, indifference, and that is the void. (10) It becomes indifferent for a separate person and the whole people: how will it look like? (11) What will look like a house, village, river, valley, hills, country as a whole? (12) What will be the face of the country?

(13) There are departments for the development and mining of minerals, on the construction of roads, on farming, by electrification, on the lightweight, heavy and automotive industry, but there is no departments for the appearance of the country (land), on its tidy, clusterness, spirituality .. . (14) We think about the strength of structures, the nature and volume of earthworks, about the number of wood, about centners and tons, about cubic meters and square meters, but do not think about how it will look like? (15) How it will look not only in itself, but in combination with the surrounding area, in coordination with traditions and with the projection in the future.

(16) The landscape in all its complexity and aggregate is not just the face of the earth, the face of the country, but also the face of this society.

(17) 3Amorone forest, dried roads with driving machines, harsh rivers, worn by tractor tractors Green meadows, half-visured villages, agricultural cars, rusting in the open air, standard houses, fields infected with weeds, talk about residents of a village, of one or There is no less than a different area than an unsightly and launched apartment about her tenants.

(According to V. Solowkina *)

* Vladimir Alekseevich Soloohin (1924-1997), poet, prose. Reflecting on a modern man, V. Soloohin covered the problems of its interaction with the land, nature, culture, the heritage of the past.

Text source: EGE 2013. Russian language: Training tasks / I.P. Tsybulko, S.I. Lviv - M.: Eksmo, 2012. - 136 pp.

Option 4.

(7) This is bad if the soul is sleeping, if it is from-Vlah-h-on, the de-sho-at the ongoing one-hundred-and-tel-mi, in-te re-sa-mi, shu-mi, ko-fish or other co-ri-ore-ni-mi, if she is a Merrt-Wa or, Ska, exactly, on-ho - Little in Le Tar Gia.


Among the pre-low 1-5 NAY-Di, such (s), which is (s) with the previous one with Opera-de-Li-tel-but-go and dot-tel-but-go-one-one-one. A-Pi-Shi-Te's (s) number (s).

(1) As an artist creates a landscape picture, and the whole people gradually, involuntarily even, perhaps, the landscape and landscape of their country creates a barcode behind the stroke.

(2) The face of the old, pre-revolutionary Russia was determined, for example, to a large extent of those hundreds of thousands of churches and bells, which were placed on all its expanses on elevated mainly places and which determined the silhouette of each city - from the largest to the smallest, as well as hundreds Monasteries, countless wind and water mills. (3) A significant share in the landscape and landscape of the country also brought tens of thousands of landlords with their parks, pond systems. (4) But, of course, first of all, small villages and villages with winds, wells, barn, baths, paths, gardens, gardens, pledges, springs, carved platbands, skates, porches, fairs, sundresses, dances, dosses, Shepherd horns, sickles, cores, straw roofs, small sole fields, horses on the smelter ... (5) The country has changed when all these factors defining the landscape disappeared.

(6) In the same way as an artist-landscape invested in his creation a particle of the soul and creates a landscape, in essence, in his own way and likeness, and in the landscape of any country, it turns out the soul of the people and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe beauty that in the shower of this or that nation lives.

(7) It's bad if the soul is sleeping if it is distracted, kept by side circumstances, interests, noises, careful or other considerations, if it is dead or, more accurately, is in lethargy. (8) Then the spirituality leaves from the landscape. (9) The landscape remains a landscape, but it will be empty, there is a form in the absence of a content, it makes cold, alienation, indifference, and that is the void. (10) It becomes indifferent for a separate person and the whole people: how will it look like? (11) What will look like a house, village, river, valley, hills, country as a whole? (12) What will be the face of the country?

(13) There are departments for the development and mining of minerals, on the construction of roads, on farming, by electrification, on the lightweight, heavy and automotive industry, but there is no departments for the appearance of the country (land), on its tidy, clusterness, spirituality .. . (14) We think about the strength of structures, the nature and volume of earthworks, about the number of wood, about centners and tons, about cubic meters and square meters, but do not think about how it will look like? (15) How it will look not only in itself, but in combination with the surrounding area, in coordination with traditions and with the projection in the future.

(16) The landscape in all its complexity and aggregate is not just the face of the earth, the face of the country, but also the face of this society.

(17) 3Amorone forest, dried roads with driving machines, harsh rivers, worn by tractor tractors Green meadows, half-visured villages, agricultural cars, rusting in the open air, standard houses, fields infected with weeds, talk about residents of a village, of one or There is no less than a different area than an unsightly and launched apartment about her tenants.

(According to V. Solowkina *)

* Vladimir Alekseevich Soloohin (1924-1997), poet, prose. Reflecting on a modern man, V. Soloohin covered the problems of its interaction with the land, nature, culture, the heritage of the past.

Text source: EGE 2013. Russian language: Training tasks / I.P. Tsybulko, S.I. Lviv - M.: Eksmo, 2012. - 136 pp.

Option 4.

(1) As an artist creates a landscape picture, and the whole people gradually, involuntarily even, perhaps, the landscape and landscape of their country creates a barcode behind the stroke.


Pro-si-tai thrag-money re-price-zii. In it, Ras-Smart-Ri-Vasy-Smi-Children of Oso-Ben-Night Tech-Stow. Non-ry-ry terri, IS-Paul-Zo-Vih in re-price-zii, pro-poop-we are. Inserted on the places of pro-PUS-Cove figures, co-from-vet-Yu-Me-Ru Ter-Mi-on from the list.

"Provided by the text of the pro-Ble-Mo-Zda Pey-Masha and Land-Shaf-Ta Stry, V. Co-Lo-Wine, already in Per Prome Research Institute, IS-Paul, such a technique, such as (a) _____, compared to the work of Ra-Tu Hu-Don't over Pei-Zazhny Kar-Ti-Noy -In Land-Shaf-That is a whole on-house. The same admission of the WTO-ET-XI in the neck of the pre-Lo-fund. IS-Paul-zoi-th-number-linous (b) _____ (pre-lo-and the same 4, 7, 14, 17), the author of the Stara-Roma-Sia exactly opi or other Jav-les. The key to Na-Ma-Ble-Ble-we, after becoming Lena Avt-Rum, on-Ho-diet in the pre-Lo-ni-ya 7-12. (C) _____ ("Soul is sleeping, she is MERT-VA") in the 7th of the pre-Lo-based in the case - in the case of a chi-ta-la For examples. The text of the pro-nick-nut Av-Tor-Ski-Ski-Ma-ni-ie about-bleh. The non-equestrian-soul-no one is written by the author, in a hundred-yan-but emphasis - you are definitely you-ve-Ren-Naya Lek-Ca, At-symptoms, "Health, Branch, ODU-ho-creativity", as well as (g) _____ ("Ko-Nu but", "in the first very eponym") ".

Spiece Termen:

1) compa-ni-tel

2) Li-TA

3) Kon-Text An-That-NI

4) Rows of one-but-rival bed-new

5) Oli-Tseto-Rea

6) co-in-le

7) Introduction words and con-structures

8) Pro-Stro-River Lek-Si

9) Ri-Ri-Ri-Chest Obra

In response in response, Ras-Lo-alive in a row-ke, co-ot-vet-Yu-Bech-you:


(1) As an artist creates a landscape picture, and the whole people gradually, involuntarily even, perhaps, the landscape and landscape of their country creates a barcode behind the stroke.

(2) The face of the old, pre-revolutionary Russia was determined, for example, to a large extent of those hundreds of thousands of churches and bells, which were placed on all its expanses on elevated mainly places and which determined the silhouette of each city - from the largest to the smallest, as well as hundreds Monasteries, countless wind and water mills. (3) A significant share in the landscape and landscape of the country also brought tens of thousands of landlords with their parks, pond systems. (4) But, of course, first of all, small villages and villages with winds, wells, barn, baths, paths, gardens, gardens, pledges, springs, carved platbands, skates, porches, fairs, sundresses, dances, dosses, Shepherd horns, sickles, cores, straw roofs, small sole fields, horses on the smelter ... (5) The country has changed when all these factors defining the landscape disappeared.

(6) In the same way as an artist-landscape invested in his creation a particle of the soul and creates a landscape, in essence, in his own way and likeness, and in the landscape of any country, it turns out the soul of the people and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe beauty that in the shower of this or that nation lives.

(7) It's bad if the soul is sleeping if it is distracted, kept by side circumstances, interests, noises, careful or other considerations, if it is dead or, more accurately, is in lethargy. (8) Then the spirituality leaves from the landscape. (9) The landscape remains a landscape, but it will be empty, there is a form in the absence of a content, it makes cold, alienation, indifference, and that is the void. (10) It becomes indifferent for a separate person and the whole people: how will it look like? (11) What will look like a house, village, river, valley, hills, country as a whole? (12) What will be the face of the country?

(13) There are departments for the development and mining of minerals, on the construction of roads, on farming, by electrification, on the lightweight, heavy and automotive industry, but there is no departments for the appearance of the country (land), on its tidy, clusterness, spirituality .. . (14) We think about the strength of structures, the nature and volume of earthworks, about the number of wood, about centners and tons, about cubic meters and square meters, but do not think about how it will look like? (15) How it will look not only in itself, but in combination with the surrounding area, in coordination with traditions and with the projection in the future.

(16) The landscape in all its complexity and aggregate is not just the face of the earth, the face of the country, but also the face of this society.

(17) 3Amorone forest, dried roads with driving machines, harsh rivers, worn by tractor tractors Green meadows, half-visured villages, agricultural cars, rusting in the open air, standard houses, fields infected with weeds, talk about residents of a village, of one or There is no less than a different area than an unsightly and launched apartment about her tenants.

(According to V. Solowkina *)

* Vladimir Alekseevich Soloohin (1924-1997), poet, prose. Reflecting on a modern man, V. Soloohin covered the problems of its interaction with the land, nature, culture, the heritage of the past.

Text source: EGE 2013. Russian language: Training tasks / I.P. Tsybulko, S.I. Lviv - M.: Eksmo, 2012. - 136 pp.

Option 4.

(4) But, Ko-Nu, in the first obstacle, and not-pain de re-vein-ki and villages with Wet-La Mi, Co-Lod-Caa-Mi, Sa -I-mi, Ban-ka-mi, Tro-Pin-ka-ki, sa-da-mi, wow-po-yes, in-lo-ga, straight la-mi, cuts -Mi-personal-ni-ki, horse ka-ki, Kry-leg-ka, Yar-Mar ki, Sa-Ra-Fa-Mi, Ho-Ro-V- yes, in-co-sa-mi, PAS-TU-SHA, SER-PA-MI, TSA-PA, SO-LO-MEN-GRA Mi, Ma Lena-Ki Sie-No-Persians, La-Mi, Lo-Shad Ki Mi on Pa-Ho-Te ...


Write an essay on the read text.

Word one of the problems supplied by the author of the text.

Comment on the formulated problem. Include in the comment two examples-illustrations from the read text, which, in your opinion, are important to understand the problem of source text (avoid excessive citation). Explain the value of each example and specify the semantic link between them.

Operations volume - at least 150 words.

Work written without support for read text (not in this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a retold or completely rewritten source text without any comments, then such work is estimated 0 points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) As an artist creates a landscape picture, and the whole people gradually, involuntarily even, perhaps, the landscape and landscape of their country creates a barcode behind the stroke.

(2) The face of the old, pre-revolutionary Russia was determined, for example, to a large extent of those hundreds of thousands of churches and bells, which were placed on all its expanses on elevated mainly places and which determined the silhouette of each city - from the largest to the smallest, as well as hundreds Monasteries, countless wind and water mills. (3) A significant share in the landscape and landscape of the country also brought tens of thousands of landlords with their parks, pond systems. (4) But, of course, first of all, small villages and villages with winds, wells, barn, baths, paths, gardens, gardens, pledges, springs, carved platbands, skates, porches, fairs, sundresses, dances, dosses, Shepherd horns, sickles, cores, straw roofs, small sole fields, horses on the smelter ... (5) The country has changed when all these factors defining the landscape disappeared.

(6) In the same way as an artist-landscape invested in his creation a particle of the soul and creates a landscape, in essence, in his own way and likeness, and in the landscape of any country, it turns out the soul of the people and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe beauty that in the shower of this or that nation lives.

(7) It's bad if the soul is sleeping if it is distracted, kept by side circumstances, interests, noises, careful or other considerations, if it is dead or, more accurately, is in lethargy. (8) Then the spirituality leaves from the landscape. (9) The landscape remains a landscape, but it will be empty, there is a form in the absence of a content, it makes cold, alienation, indifference, and that is the void. (10) It becomes indifferent for a separate person and the whole people: how will it look like? (11) What will look like a house, village, river, valley, hills, country as a whole? (12) What will be the face of the country?

(13) There are departments for the development and mining of minerals, on the construction of roads, on farming, by electrification, on the lightweight, heavy and automotive industry, but there is no departments for the appearance of the country (land), on its tidy, clusterness, spirituality .. . (14) We think about the strength of structures, the nature and volume of earthworks, about the number of wood, about centners and tons, about cubic meters and square meters, but do not think about how it will look like? (15) How it will look not only in itself, but in combination with the surrounding area, in coordination with traditions and with the projection in the future.

(16) The landscape in all its complexity and aggregate is not just the face of the earth, the face of the country, but also the face of this society.

(17) 3Amorone forest, dried roads with driving machines, harsh rivers, worn by tractor tractors Green meadows, half-visured villages, agricultural cars, rusting in the open air, standard houses, fields infected with weeds, talk about residents of a village, of one or There is no less than a different area than an unsightly and launched apartment about her tenants.

See also: