We build a house on wheels with our own hands. Do-it-yourself mobile home, camping options Do-it-yourself camper from a minibus

This type of recreation and travel option is used by lovers of freedom and independence from tickets and flights. This is a good solution - to have a car and housing at the same time on a vacation trip. Thanks to the presence of a mobile home, a family can travel in comfort and stay where they want and when they want without being tied to time. Camping gained its popularity at the beginning of the 20th century.

Do-it-yourself mobile home

Through such an independent holiday, you can see the places that not available from plane or train. In addition, camping during repairs in an apartment or building a house on the site can serve as temporary housing. You can also rent a camper when there are no travel plans.

The cost of such pleasure is rather big, some options reach the price of an ordinary apartment, but to save money, you can create a campsite or motorhome with your own hands.

Options for large campsites are being converted from buses and large vans, but this is too expensive for those who do not mind spending a lot of money on such mega-comfort.

Camping options

There are three budget options for self-taught:

To build a motorhome with your own hands you need:

  1. Have wheels.
  2. Visually draw a plan for a camping house, drawings - this is one of the main points in creating a mini motorhome.

When drawing up a plan, you need to think through all the details of comfort that are in an ordinary apartment.

Motorhome internal communications

Like any normal camping house too need communications is electricity, water, gas, a toilet and possibly a shower. Without these amenities, mobile housing will not be comfortable. In order for the campsite to have light, it is advisable to purchase a battery on the battery and a device for recharging. It is worthwhile to think carefully about the internal wiring in advance. You need to take into account the external connectors when charging and the fact that they have different capacities.

To drain waste through a hose hidden in the floor, it is easier to use a regular bucket by placing it under the body of your motorhome. Water for the kitchen can be stored in large containers by immersing pumps in them to supply it to the faucet. To drain the used water, a tank is also used inside or outside the room. A small shower can be built as a faucet attached, for example, above the sink.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to build a familiar toilet in a mobile home, since there is no space and it is difficult to drain waste constantly. A bio-toilet is perfect here.

For a camping lighting system, you will need :

  • battery;
  • charger;
  • wiring.

What do you need to heat your motorhome?.

At the ready of an autonomous heater, you can purchase a battery and a gas cylinder, because it will also come in handy in the kitchen and the operation of the refrigerator. You should not use a lot of electrical appliances and equipment for two reasons - this is an additional consumption of electricity and a load on wiring, since this is a small room compared to a house. The services of an electrician must be used when working with gas, since it is extremely risky to do it yourself if you are not an electrician.

Camping interior

Ventilation system.

It is also important to deal with ventilation so as not to clog the room with odors.

The location of the holes is important, as it is better not to expose them for beauty reasons. It is best to place them at the bottom of the walls above the floor, you can also put a gas cylinder there.


Practicality and compactness when arranging furniture is the key to comfort in camping given the small space, as well as the layout. Folding or pull-out beds, tables with attached stools and stuff like that will create the necessary comfort and desire to relax in a self-made motorhome. There are special compact sets on sale, but if you have the desire and time, then it is quite possible to make furniture yourself using old boards, countertops, and for a sofa and chairs, take seats from the same car or old wheels can also be converted into chairs or stools.

Carpenter at the campsite.

In such a dwelling, if it is one-story, it is recommended to make two windows so that you do not have to spend electricity during the day. It is better to make a double-leaf door so that it does not sag and the wind does not blow into the room.

Minibus or trailer, we will analyze the principle of converting each.

To begin the transformation of a minibus of the Gazelle type into a camping site, you need to clear the body, remove the seats and upholstery, make holes for the windows and the gas valve:

Body preparation

To process the body, you need:

  • a primer is applied inside against corrosion, and then you need to insulate the walls, floor and ceiling with thermal insulation;
  • cover with plywood or carpet;
  • that glue, that plywood should be selected of good quality so that the insulation will serve you for a long time;
  • after the insulation stage, you can proceed to electricity and gas, then go to the kitchen, think over a place for a sink and oven, install water tanks, a bathroom and at the end arrange the rest of the furniture for relaxation, beds, chairs or stools, cabinets and shelves, depending on the available space.

The trailer house is different in that there are only wheels and you need to do everything from scratch, like on a site, first build a box - the future room.

Trailer housing is made as follows:

To make a roof in a motorhome, you will need :

  • assemble a frame from load-bearing structures - beams, if you want a triangular roof;
  • further, sheathe with plywood;
  • cover it with a water-repellent material.

After that, you can make and attach to the back wall from the outside a rain drain and from the inside to drain waste. You also need to clad the outer walls. The internal wiring and thermal insulation must be closed with fiberboard and then the stage of manufacturing one or two doors.

To protect the wood from drying out, and pests, you need to cover the outside and inside the wall with a primer, apply a layer of paint on top. For an aesthetic appearance, it is necessary to close the threaded holes and also cover with paint. All these procedures will reliably protect the house from the influence of external harmful factors. At the end of the work, since this is a trailer, you need to install headlights and fenders.

This type of mobile home are divided into three categories:

Traveling in your makeshift motorhome, of course pleasant and comfortable. However, you need to decide for yourself whether you can independently master all the work on the construction of a motorhome.

Some travelers and outdoor enthusiasts prefer do-it-yourself mobile homes to ready-made ones. The choice is explained not only by the lower cost of home-made structures - you can think over the layout and equip the interior of your own free will. Before you build a motorhome with your own hands, you should learn more about the process of manufacturing motorhomes, decide which option is better: a trailer cottage or a camper.

original motorhome

Motorhome and caravan installation

Regardless of the type of motorhome, it should have minimal amenities: sleeping places for each traveler and an area for cooking and eating.

In addition, inside the minibus or trailer there may be:

  • wash basin;
  • gas stove connected to the cylinder;
  • shelves, cabinets and other storage systems.

In motorhomes designed for long journeys, there is usually a bathroom combined with a small shower.

Making a motorhome for yourself, with your own hands, you can provide for the presence of a bathroom and everything else that may be required on a trip.

Making a motorhome with your own hands

A do-it-yourself motor home is made on the basis of a van or trailer. Buses are suitable for this purpose - a spacious interior, a high roof make it a good contender for conversion.

Before converting a trailer or van, find out the conditions for registering motorhomes with the traffic police.


The construction of a motor home consists of several stages:

  • drafting a project;
  • carrying out external and internal works;
  • communication device;
  • furniture placement.

First of all, you should decide what to take as a basis: a trailer or a van. The first option is more labor-intensive - the van already has walls and a roof, and in the trailer they will need to be built independently.

Do-it-yourself motorhome based on a car

To create mobile housing use a car or, for example, an old bus. The vehicle for conversion into a house is chosen based on financial capabilities and the number of people who will live inside the building.

Depending on the number of residents, they think over the design of the mobile home, as well as its content. To make things easier, make a plan.

Motorhome based on a cargo van

Before you make a motorhome, you need to stock up on the materials and tools necessary for work:

  • grinder;
  • automotive paint;
  • screwdriver;
  • welding machine;
  • thermal insulation;
  • finishing materials (plastic panels, lining or other);
  • moisture resistant plywood;
  • carpet;
  • fasteners (self-tapping screws, nails, dowels);
  • mounting foam;
  • primer;
  • paint brushes;
  • sealant;
  • with a metal brush.

outdoor work

When the drawing is ready, the design is thought out, they move on to outdoor work. Would need:

  1. Clean the car body from rust and other damage. If the paint on the surfaces has peeled off, clean it off.
  2. Make a few holes in the van for the windows, if they weren't there originally. At the same time, cut holes for ventilation.
  3. Determine the location and cut holes for exhaust outlets, drain holes and other communications.
  4. Coat cuts, areas where paint has been stripped, with primer to prevent rust. Wait until it dries completely.
  5. Paint the outer surfaces of the van.

Caravan based motorhome

Internal work

If you plan to separate the cabin from the living compartment. Then the partition is mounted either using fasteners, or the metal frame is welded to the body with a welding machine.

First, the body is covered with heat-insulating material. Suitable for any insulation intended for residential premises. To fix the material on the walls, ceiling, use hardware made of the same metal as the body - this technique will help protect the car from rust.

If the selected insulation does not tolerate contact with water, additional waterproofing will be required.

Insert windows. Moving on to wall decoration. For sheathing, we choose moisture-resistant plywood. The sheets must be quite thick in order to withstand a serious load - cabinets, shelves, and furniture will subsequently be attached to them.

Work starts from the ceiling. Having fixed the sheets there, sheathe the walls. Further, wooden beams as thick as the height of the heat-insulating material are fixed to the floor, insulation boards are laid between them. They cover the floor with plywood, fasten it to the beam with self-tapping screws.

The salon, in which the kitchen is located, and the shower with the bathroom should be separated using a frame partition.

Plywood can be painted, varnished or carpeted. The latter option also serves as additional thermal insulation. A special glue is used to fix the carpet.

The next step is the device of communications in accordance with a pre-drawn scheme: electricity, heating and ventilation. The cable, water and gas pipes are laid either over the inner lining, or mounted simultaneously with the laying of the insulation inside, making holes for the communications outlet.


Furniture for motorhomes is selected individually. The required furnishings include:

  • table with a bench for the dining area;
  • bed or sofa bed;
  • hanging shelves and lockers for storing supplies, clothes, bedding;
  • washing.

Since furniture is subjected to increased stress during the movement of a motor home, it must be of high quality, strong, have reliable fittings and a minimum of moving parts. You should make sure that during a sharp turn the locker door will not open and the contents will not spill around the cabin.

All furniture must be firmly fixed, it is desirable that it be fixed at two points: on the floor and wall.

Interior solutions in a motorhome

Do-it-yourself motorhome from a trailer

Making a motorhome out of a trailer is harder than converting a car. In this case, you will need to build from scratch the base of the floor, walls, roof.

For the construction of a camper, single-axle trailers are most often chosen that can withstand a load of up to 1 ton. Therefore, it is necessary to select materials for the frame, taking into account the weight of the future structure.

The camper trailer is erected using a frame:

  • metal;
  • tree;
  • sandwich panels.

The most affordable and relatively light material for making a trailer house is wood. It is easier to work with, and special tools are not required to connect the elements.

Vintage do-it-yourself camper trailer


For the manufacture of the frame will require:

  • timber 50 * 50 mm;
  • moisture resistant plywood 10 mm for walls;
  • plywood 12 mm thick for the floor;
  • fasteners (self-tapping screws);
  • screwdriver;
  • drying oil, brush;
  • galvanized corners;
  • jigsaw;
  • metal profile for roofing;
  • galvanized steel (for outer skin);
  • silicone sealant;
  • insulation.

They first draw up a drawing of the future trailer cottage, only after that they purchase building materials for the manufacture of the facade and roof of the motorhome.

The minimum parameters of the motorhome are 230 * 160 cm. The height of the building is from two meters. With such dimensions, 2 sleeping places, a dining area and a sink can be arranged inside the living compartment. If there is a need to equip a full-fledged housing with everything necessary, then the size should be increased by 2-3 times.

The process of making a trailer

Work order

  1. Take off the side of the trailer.
  2. They clean the chassis, paint it with an anti-corrosion compound.
  3. If there is a sufficiently strong base, the logs and the lower trim of the frame are fixed directly on it, but if it is absent, then the frame is welded from a metal pipe 50 * 25 mm.
  4. Perform the lower strapping from a bar 50 * 50. The side elements are interconnected using logs. Logs are placed at a distance of every 20 cm. Metal corners are used to connect them to the timber.
  5. Cover wooden elements with drying oil in 2 layers.
  6. Insulation plates are placed in the space between the lags.
  7. Cover the base with 12 mm plywood, fixing it with self-tapping screws.
  8. Go to the racks of the frame. The beam is connected to the bottom strapping using corners and self-tapping screws. After that, the top strapping is performed.
  9. Cover the entire structure with drying oil.
  10. In places where, according to the plan, there should be windows, install crossbars and racks of timber.
  11. Sheathing starts from the inside. Plywood is attached to galvanized self-tapping screws every 25 cm along the perimeter of the sheet.
  12. Grind the inner surfaces using a grinder. Coated with varnish.
  13. Outside, the sheets are treated with drying oil.
  14. Insulation is placed in the cavity between the racks of the frame, the frame is sheathed with sheets of 10 mm plywood, which are pre-coated with drying oil on both sides.
  15. The door is made from timber and plywood sheets. The door is installed on galvanized hinges.
  16. Insert windows. A simple solution is plexiglass sheets.
  17. A self-made motorhome is sheathed with sheets of galvanized steel. Self-tapping screws are used as fasteners, they are screwed around the perimeter at a distance of every 10 cm. The corners of the trailer are sheathed with a corner.
  18. The joints of the sheets with each other and the corners are treated with sealant to prevent water from entering the structure.
  19. It remains to make a roof and a roof. It is necessary to cover it with corrugated board, fasten the sheets to galvanized screws.

Internal layout

The walls, ceiling and floor are already sheathed, so they only need to be painted or varnished. If the size of the building allows, the shower and bathroom are equipped with a separate room. They erect a frame partition, hang a door. All the remaining space is divided into zones: a bedroom, a recreation and eating area, a kitchen. You will need to install sockets for electrical appliances, it is important not to forget about high-quality ventilation for a motorhome.


To save space inside the trailer, transformable furniture is installed. For example, they do it on their own or purchase a reclining table, a sofa bed. At the top of the walls, shelves are mounted in which things, kitchen utensils, clothes will be stored.

Useful little things

What else is worth knowing before you start making a motorhome:

  1. For the outer skin of the frame of a trailer motorhome, you can use not only galvanized steel, but also a profiled sheet.
  2. If it is not possible to organize a ventilation system, you can cut small holes in the door and close them with a mosquito net. If there are windows that open for ventilation, then this is not required.
  3. In order for the mobile home to serve for a long time, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the skin, paint the metal if necessary.

The process of creating a mobile home on your own is quite laborious, it requires financial investments, a waste of time and effort. Therefore, proceed to it with full confidence that you will be able to independently develop a project and bring it to life.

To make a house on wheels with your own hands, you need not only to study the instructions, but also stock up on the necessary material.

PHOTO: we build with our own hands.rf

Many do not know how the house on wheels is called correctly. In America, the name camper or trailer is common. In Russia, such cars are often called vans or also trailers.

PHOTO: we build with our own hands.rf

PHOTO: we build with our own hands.rf

Mobile housing can be divided into several types: van or trailer, increased comfort level, hybrid or trailer trailers. When choosing a mobile home, you should explore many options to choose the one that suits you best.

The van is a complete motorhome. He hooks up to the car. If the vehicle is combined, access to the driver's seat is available directly from the room. This option is more suitable for families traveling by car as everyone can be in front of each other.

Comfort in this case is only conditional, since the best option is to purchase spacious trailers that replace them. Outwardly, such a design may resemble an ordinary truck, but it is multifunctional, and, if necessary, can be increased due to the presence of retractable elements. To drive such a car, the driver must have a category "C" license.

There's less room in a Class B trailer, but it's a great option for two. You can assemble a trailer-constructor with your own hands. Such work will be much more difficult than converting an ordinary bus into a motorhome, but the result will be 100% justified.

Related article:

: advantages and disadvantages, varieties, by what parameters you should choose a motorhome, average prices, basic recommendations for operating a motorhome, the nuances of making your own hands - read in the publication.

Motorhome Van Price and Parts

Not everyone will be able to buy a ready-made and fully furnished mobile home van, since the cost can reach the level of the price in the city. Making such a van with your own hands, you can save a lot. But the final cost depends on many factors: what kind of trailer will be bought to make a mini-home on wheels, what furniture and plumbing will be chosen.

PHOTO: cs4.pikabu.ru

The average price for a do-it-yourself mobile home made from a minibus is about a million rubles. You can save money by buying used parts and furniture, or you can make mobile housing more comfortable and expensive.

If you already have a car, and you only need to make a van for it, then you can reduce the cost of the entire project from 1,000,000 rubles to 200-300 thousand. Additionally, it is worth considering the amount of paperwork to legalize the motorhome. On average, the cost of the entire package of documents can reach up to 50,000 rubles.

The arrangement of the toilet room will require about 45,000 if you purchase a good cassette toilet. You can save money by installing a biocube, but it is important to consider that the latter option is inconvenient to maintain.

An economical conversion of a car into a motorhome will cost 275,000 rubles, since it is necessary to install furniture, as well as lay electrical wiring and install water tanks. Not a budget option starts from 670 rubles.

Campervan: how to make a frame and floor

Before making a homemade motorhome from a trailer, you need to clarify the dimensions of the car, since the trailer cannot exceed the width of the vehicle.

PHOTO: cs4.pikabu.ru

The easiest and most cost-effective way to build a camper yourself is to use the frame of a cargo trailer, on which you need to lay out a wooden base. Then you can make walls from wooden beams and plywood sheets sheathed with aluminum overlays. Such a building is a kind of cottage.

To make the mobile home look more presentable and stylish, it is worth building a house on wheels with your own hands from the bus.

Warming and lining of the van

The main task is to trim and insulate the body of the van. For these purposes, plywood and metal sheets are used. In the corners, aluminum plates are necessarily installed for strength and stability of the structure.

PHOTO: cs4.pikabu.ru

Interior decoration and furniture selection

To make you want to be inside the trailer, you need to take care of a beautiful finish. A motorhome-wagon or an ordinary trailer can be furnished in a modern or minimalist way.

PHOTO: cs4.pikabu.ru

Ordinary folding furniture or do it yourself.

Do-it-yourself mobile home from a gazelle

A mobile home, which in America is called a campsite, can be used both for travel and for permanent residence. Although in Russian realities the latter is practically not possible, since there are no specially equipped campsites in the country for refueling with water and draining waste. In addition, this design can be used as a cafe on wheels by organizing your own business, for example, a trailer for making delicious coffee.

You can even make a full-fledged mobile home from a GAZelle if you follow the instructions:

Illustration Action Description

We remove all the seats from the car and measure the width of the GAZelle. Standard size - 182 cm

We measure the length of the cabin and outline the layout of the furniture. We decide where the bed, table will stand

We remove the entire interior trim of the cabin, check the condition of the metal structures and, if necessary, treat with an anti-rust agent

We remove the floors in the GAZelle, remove all unnecessary details and process the iron with special compounds, and then cover it with heat-insulating material and sheathe the motorhome

Since the GAZelle car has a low ceiling, you can make a motorhome for temporary residence or cut off the existing ceiling and raise it by welding a metal sheet.

Making a van and finishing a finished house

You can make a motorhome from a metal container and a trailer. To stay somewhere with such accommodation, you need to find out in advance where the campsite is located, where there are no signs prohibiting stopping. Caravans on wheels can look modern with the right finishes.

Illustration Action Description

We assemble a regular trailer for a car or buy a ready-made one. We put a metal container on it. In order for such a structure to become residential, it needs to be insulated and furnished, but first we take measurements

We sheathe the walls inside with wooden panels

On the floor, we first roll out a protective and insulating layer of automotive carpet, and then another layer of linoleum or another, brighter and lighter carpet

Using a construction laser, we cut small metal parts to secure a retractable ladder with which you can climb into the van

We make a ramp. We connect metal profiles using special parts and weld

We lay out the skirting boards inside the trailer in order to fix the carpet

We attach wooden beams in order to make a small hanging children's bed. We furnish the mini-room with the necessary things: a table and chairs, a small refrigerator, a box for things and a hanger

Interior decoration is carried out in accordance with personal needs. If there are children in the family, then it is necessary to equip a sleeping place for them.

Do-it-yourself interior decoration

In order for the motorhome to look decent and be cozy, it is worth considering its design in advance. According to the standards, 6-8 people should fit in one house. The motorhome should have a small kitchen, sleeping places, as well as, or, a toilet.

PHOTO: cdn.trinixy.ru

A mobile home can be equipped with a compact shower and dry closet - this is the most convenient and common option. For wall decoration, wooden or plastic panels are used.

Water supply

When creating a house on wheels, it is necessary to equip a water supply system. As a rule, it is very primitive. Two tanks are installed - one for clean water, the other for collecting recycled, dirty water.

PHOTO: cdn.trinixy.ru


In Russia, a fairly common option is a dacha-motorhome. In this case, it is not necessary to equip a full-fledged kitchen with a stove, tables and a dining area. But, if the trailer is created for long trips, then the kitchen will still be needed.

The first thing to do is to choose between a gas and induction stove. Induction is only suitable if the trailer has electricity.

PHOTO: cdn.trinixy.ru

PHOTO: avtokamper.ru


In the cold season, as well as when traveling to northern cities and countries, transport must be heated. In most cases, a gas-fired heating system is installed, but this method has a significant disadvantage - hot air is blown out with a loud whistle, all the oxygen in the room burns out, and when the heating is turned off, the trailer cools down very quickly.

The best option is to purchase a heat gun and turn it on as needed. The gun works almost silently and gives out soft, but warm air.

Motorhome: inside and outside photos

You can equip a trailer on wheels by examining various photos.

PHOTO: autoreview.ru/images

PHOTO: autoreview.ru/images

PHOTO: autoreview.ru/images

When drafting a project, you should study the legal nuances and properly arrange a makeshift mobile home so that you can safely go on a trip on it.

Do-it-yourself mobile home from a trailer: mistakes during construction

You can make a motorhome from a pazik, GAZelle or any other large car. The main mistake that many people make is thinking through the design during the repair, and not before it.

A motorhome is a complex mechanism in which all systems must be in working order. It is necessary to take into account how many people will travel in such a house, and provide for sleeping places in advance.

Another mistake that car owners make when converting old vehicles into a motor home is ignoring the existing problems. An old and shaky structure needs to be strengthened, rust removed, and a leaking ceiling repaired in advance.

Homemade mobile home: how to legalize the construction

A mobile home on wheels must not only be built, but also properly documented. To register a do-it-yourself motorhome, you need to contact the Automotive and Motor Research Institute. Then, having received all the documents, the owner of the car must take them to the traffic police.

You will have to visit these organizations several times, drawing up all the required permits and certificates.


The "American Dream" is not alien to some Russian people who want to break away from their homes and go traveling in a camper van. This can be done by investing some amount of money and spending some time. For those who do not have the funds to buy a ready-made camper, there is a budget option - making such a van with your own hands to your taste.

Would you like to travel in a van? If you already have a suitable car, will you build a mobile home with your own hands or ask for help?

A mobile home is a special type of vehicle that is becoming more and more popular. The reason for this demand is based on the fact that a car of such a plan is both a means of transportation and a place of residence. If you know how to make a house on wheels with your own hands, you can get a home that will easily accommodate up to eight people at a time. There will be a sleeping place for everyone here, as well as a bathroom and a small kitchen.

Most models are marked by general design features and device rules. For example, the driver's seat and passenger seats are fully movable. Due to this, during the parking period, the free area increases significantly. In the back of the car, a separate room is usually equipped with real U-shaped furniture. In this article, you can find out what types of modern motorhomes are, as well as how to make a similar design yourself.

At the moment, there are several classifications of mobile homes. The main design features can be divided into the following categories:

  • trailed;
  • caravan mobile home;
  • caravan house connected to transport.

Mobile modern houses can be divided into types not only by certain design features, but also by purpose. This category includes mobile homes that are used as permanent or long-term housing, as well as those that are intended solely for travel.

There is another form of classification of modern motorhomes. They can be divided into three main categories:

  • C - small-sized, used for short trips;
  • C B - semi-integrated car houses;
  • B A - fully integrated.

The former are made on the basis of an ordinary SUV, the sleeping places here need to be transformed in a special way. Class B mobile homes are distinguished by a permanently located berth, which is located at the rear of the vehicle. Class A motorhomes are similar in appearance to ordinary buses. They are quite comfortable and, therefore, very expensive in terms of cost, if you buy them ready-made.

To save money, you can build a house on wheels with your own hands, using photos and special instructions as a guide. If you correctly follow the main stages of manufacturing a motorhome, you can get a vehicle that will have a large windshield, a fixed driver's seat, as well as special retractable partitions that form zones of different functionality and separately located sleeping places.

Below you will find information on how to make a do-it-yourself mobile home, which can be considered autonomous. Structures can be equipped with generators, have gas and a sufficiently large supply of water.

Stages of building a motorhome with your own hands

If you want to build a motorhome with your own hands, you should carefully follow the instructions provided. Below it is described how to build a motorhome body depending on the base, how to properly equip it and equip it with all the equipment necessary for living and traveling.

Create a plan

Homemade mobile homes are quite serious structures. The process of their construction, here, as in any important event, you need to start with a detailed plan. It is at this stage of the work that the master must think through the most basic aspects of the case, all possible little things and draw up the most accurate drawing.

When making a motorhome from a trailer with your own hands, you must clearly adhere to all the points and rules indicated in the plan and drawings.

The total interior space of a building on wheels should be divided into three main areas:

  1. Dining room where you can eat, work on a laptop or read a newspaper at the table. Here you can place a small sofa, chairs and a table. These items should be easy enough to fold to take up a minimum amount of free space.
  2. Sleeping place. This is one of the important areas, as good sleep ensures activity and good mood. For the driver, night rest is very important, since his concentration and attentiveness depend on this, which directly affects the safety of movement in the daytime. It is advisable to equip this area with a comfortable bed, which should easily rise and free up space.
  3. Bathroom with toilet. To equip such a zone, you need to install a sink, a shower cabin and a modern dry closet.
  4. Kitchen. This zone occupies the minimum amount of space, since most of its elements are built-in. To ensure maximum comfort, you need to install two burners, a small sink, a countertop, a small refrigerator and a hood.

Due to the fact that the standard room of a motorhome is rather limited, its zones need to be integrated one into another. It is for this reason that a preliminary plan is so important, which must be carefully followed.

In the process of drawing up a plan, you need to carefully consider what interior items are really required, what you can refuse.

After that, everything desired, indicating the exact dimensions, is transferred to a sheet of paper. Further, the plan is drawn up according to the following principle:

  • the estimated area of ​​the motorhome is divided into pre-divided zones. For example, a bedroom needs more space than a kitchen;
  • the location of the bathroom and options for separating it from other rooms are noted;
  • all elements of furniture are drawn, as well as the methods of their fastening and folding options.

In the process of drawing and designating these areas of the room, it is imperative to take into account the dimensions of each element.

Do not forget also about free space. A mobile home should not be littered with things and pieces of furniture.

After drawing up a detailed and well-thought-out plan, after clarifying the size of the common room and pieces of furniture, you can proceed to the implementation of such a structure as a do-it-yourself mobile home from a trailer.

Base selection

Among the most affordable budget options that are best for everyone who likes to make something with their own hands, there are three most convenient designs. A do-it-yourself residential trailer can be made on the basis of a gazelle, a trailer with reinforced chassis and an old minibus. Let's look at two of them in more detail.


Making a motorhome with your own hands from a minibus should begin with a thorough cleaning of the body, with the removal of the upholstery. After that, you need to make special holes for ventilation, under windows and for gas supply. After these general preparatory work, you can begin special processes related to the arrangement of the residential area. The work of such a plan must be carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Alignment of dents present on the inner surface and priming of all metal parts of the base. This will prevent destructive corrosion.
  2. Internal surface - walls, ceiling and floor are covered with heat-insulating material.
  3. A moisture-resistant coating is laid on top.
  4. Gas and electricity are provided.
  5. Bathroom fittings are being made.
  6. The kitchen is being equipped, furniture is being installed.

Equally important is to get your travel van's engine and chassis in order. Due to the fact that this is a mobile vehicle, its ability to move should be given no less attention than the arrangement and comfort.


Making a camper from a trailer with your own hands is much more difficult than from a minibus. The main difficulty lies in the fact that the walls and ceiling need to be built from scratch. An approximate scheme of action in this case will be as follows:

  1. Chassis and trailer cleaning.
  2. Fastening to the base of the frame of the future motorhome.
  3. Covering the frame with a layer of plywood.
  4. Arrangement of the floor with the simultaneous use of thermal insulation.
  5. The structure is sheathed with outer material and covered with special moisture-resistant compounds.
  6. Roof arrangement.
  7. Construction of a drain, laying wires to provide the house with electricity.
  8. Installation of door and window openings.

All this is a general scheme for the implementation of a mobile home. Each stage will be discussed in more detail below.

External finishing works

Once the main body of the mobile home is complete, the main outdoor work can begin. It is very important to ensure that the campsite is kept as clean as possible. There should be no dust, dirt and significant defects. This is what guarantees the successful formation of the structure. The main points of outdoor work include:

  1. Removal of corrosion and various types of damage.
  2. Hole arrangement.

Speaking about the necessary openings, it can be noted that these are not only window openings, but also those designed for gas outlet, ventilation, water fillers.

Openings must be made in the process of arranging the camper. Otherwise, you may encounter certain difficulties.

The external arrangement of such a design as a do-it-yourself mobile home from a minibus or trailer consists in the following work:

  1. Creation of partitions between the main body and the front seats.
  2. Arrangement of internal insulation. Here you need to remember that the overall temperature and sound insulation inside the room will directly depend on the quality and proper installation of this material.
  3. Sheathing of the structure from the roof to the floor covering.

There are a wide variety of materials on the market today. The choice can be made based on personal preferences, environmental characteristics, general financial situation, as well as the type of body used.

Home equipment

The equipment of the motorhome lies in its mass in its internal arrangement. To make the house convenient and comfortable, you will need to bring water, electricity, gas into the house, as well as install certain furniture.

Water supply and bathroom

A prerequisite for the water supply of a structure on wheels is to ensure the supply of running water. To carry out this process, you need to install a pair of canisters under the sink and a compact pump that will provide the necessary flow of water to the faucet.

Thinking through the disposal of wastewater is the basic rule when arranging a full-fledged toilet. Their output can be carried out by means of a special hose located in the floor surface. A little engineering knowledge, and it will be possible not to drain the water manually into special portable tanks. Although many do.

As for the bathroom, the purchase and installation of a dry closet is considered the best option.


One or more special batteries can be fully responsible for the accumulation and storage of electricity in a wheeled house. These devices can be charged while the tractor is running or connected to external sources. When equipping a motorhome with electrical networks, a special place is occupied by modern inverters. These are special devices that are able to turn a direct current with a voltage of 12 V into an alternating current equal to 230 V. Due to this, devices operating from a 230-volt standard can be connected to a 12-volt network without any problems.

Heating and gas

The gasification of the described design consists in a simple installation of a gas cylinder in the room. To do this, you need to allocate a separate closed area. In its lower part, you need to equip special holes that go out.

This rule must not be ignored! The holes will allow leaking gas to escape from the motorhome and not cause a fire or poisoning.

To provide heat inside the structure, it is enough just to purchase a small heating device. It should be a compact device, powered by a conventional electrical network and, if necessary, easily removed to a secluded place.

Furniture and interior

Furniture for a motorhome must be done by hand. Standard items will not fit in their dimensions. Everything should be as compact as possible and at the same time comfortable.

Making furniture with your own hands will not only allow you to get those items that are optimally suited to the construction area, but also save money.

Issue price

The cost of a motorhome directly depends on the price at which spare parts for it were bought, how many people such a car is designed for, and what size you prefer. The general price range here is quite large and ranges from 600 thousand to 1.3 million rubles.


If you build a house on wheels correctly, using the scheme presented to your attention, a residential vehicle can be used in the country. If a house has not been built on the territory, if work related to the arrangement is still underway, such a car will be a real salvation. In addition, having a motorhome on wheels is the best solution for long and short trips.

Hungarian photographer Norbert Juhász, along with his fiancée Dora, have parted ways with city life in central Budapest, turning a 16-year-old van into a mobile travel and freelancing home.

The vehicle itself is rather inconspicuous and looks similar to many other cargo vans.

Juhash's architectural background helped him design and implement the most simplified design of a mobile home for two people.

The interior consists of three main pieces of furniture: – sofa

at the same time performing the function of a double bed. Beneath it is the electrical system and storage space - the kitchen

including a gas stove with a cylinder, a sink and a water tank

- L-shaped wardrobe, the lower part of which is a place to sit, with a refrigerator inside and storage space above.

For maximum thermal insulation, a 5 cm layer of polyurethane foam is applied to the inside of the van body.

The mobile home has a fairly sophisticated 12-volt electrical system that can be charged in three different ways: by a 250-watt solar panel placed on the roof, by a motor generator, and by a 220-volt mains.

It includes 2 batteries with a total capacity of 200 Ah and a small 220 Volt inverter.

Water and gas supply systems are extremely easy to use. There is an 11 kg gas bottle connected to the stove and a 70 liter water tank connected to a water faucet with a pressure-actuated pump.

An additional connection point allows you to quickly take a shower at the back of the van.

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