Tirstieu guide. Pruzhany

Beautiful and cozy town Pruzhany, famous for its rich architectural heritage, is located 90 kilometers north of Brest on the shores of the Muhavets River. The population of the city is just over 19 thousand people.

Countdown Pruzhan's history was taken from 1487 - first mention in written sources. At that time, the city was located as part of the Kobrin principality, but in the next century he entered the ownership of the Queen of the Polish Bona Sforgets. The famous Pruzhany "Royal Dvor" was built, consisting of a wooden palace, stable, outgames and other buildings. However, numerous wars of later centuries, which swept the storm through the Belarusian lands, did not spare the palace - he was destroyed. The city became large shopping center And he received Magdeburg law, which gave an even greater impetus to its development. After the third section of the speech by compoloned in 1795, Pruzhani became part of the Russian Empire, and Queen Catherine The second presented the city to his commander Count Rumyantsev-Zadunaysky for the brutal suppression of the Tadeusus uprising of the costume. Soon the new owners of the bar began the genus of the Svochkovsky, who left a bright mark in the history of the region.

W. svochkovsky Svochkovsky Sedo-Park Complex It is a visiting card of the city, attracting the most tourists' attention. The estate was built in an unfulfilled style in 1850 and has features of the Italian villa. In addition to the main building, an old park with lime alley is preserved, as well as a hydrological system consisting of a pond and canals with islands and bridges. In Soviet times, a dental clinic was located in the estate building. Nowadays here acts museum "Pruzhanski Palazyk", offering the guests of the city to get acquainted with the history of the bar and their owners, legends and crafts of the region. The museum stores a unique wooden icon of the 16th century "The Last Supper". The courtyard of the estate complex is an ancient stone idol, transported not so long ago from the village of Butki.

A number of buildings are preserved in Pruzhani, which represent architectural and historical value. Among such objects it is worth allocating trading rows in Pruzhany, placed on central Square And once the birth of the city's business life. It is also necessary to note the Church of the Ascension of the Virgin Mary in Pruzhany, built in 1883, and the Orthodox Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky in Pruzhany. The construction of the temple, which is a monument of classicism, was completed in 1880. It is impossible to bypass the ordinary building of the city. One of the most ancient buildings is a pharmacy in Pruzhani, built according to different information in 1811 or 1828.

Every year there are two iconic events in the city: festival of ultralight aviation and aeronautics "Slavic Brotherhood" and Republican jazz music festivalattracting Melomanov to the city.

And connoisseurs active rest In Pruzhany attract the water park and ice Palaceopen to everyone.

Without an excursion to Pruzhas, it is impossible to imagine yourself tourist routes Brestchin. Rest lovers in Belarus will find unique attractions in the city, bright history and unforgettable impressions.

Pruzhansky district, one of the most remarkable corners of Belarus, is located in the northwestern part of the Brest region on the border with the Republic of Poland, its composition includes a significant part of Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

According to archaeologists, the land of the current Pruzhansky district began to settle about 8-9 thousand years ago. The first settlements that arose along the shores of Yellerd, Mukhavts and Left Forest, laid the beginning of the villages of socks, Horovy, Trukhonovichi, Smolyanitsa, Mines, Chah, Sherezhevo, Brody ... located 3-5 kilometers, they seemed dashed the oldest and shortest path from Varyag in the Greeks, connecting himself through the rivers Narev and Yelland, Baltic States and the Black Sea region.

The uniqueness of the area and in its placement on the watershed of the rivers flowing into the Baltic and Black Sea. This factor was provided big influence on the originality of spiritual and material culture Pruzhansky district.

In the days of the Middle Ages, the Pruzhanism was at the crossroads of the most important trade and military transport paths connecting Western Europe With Muscovy (later - Russia), the Baltic States with Ukraine, which, undoubtedly, gave the inhabitants of this region a lot of advantages and at the same time brought a lot of disasters.

The first historical testimonies about the "parrushansky volost" refer to 1433. There are several legends associated with the origin of the name. One of them claims that Pruzians come from the word "millet", which was in the distant past the main agricultural culture in this area. In accordance with other sources, the settlement on the site of the current Pruzhan at the end of the 13th - early 14th centuries occupied the Balt tribes of Prussians who had saved from the Crusaders. Hence the name of the Prussians, Prussians, Pruzhany.

In 1589, Magdeburg privileges were given to the town of Pruzhani, along with the city statute, seal and coat of arms. It is noteworthy that the coat of arms was very close in their contents of the coat of arms of Milan. On his silver field is depicted, from the pasta of which up to half the baby appears. By this similarity, the rejunants are obliged by Anna Yagelonka, who complained the coat of arms in memory of his mother Bone, Queen of the Commonwealth and daughter of the Duke of Milan Giano Gameso Sforza.

The diploma of the king Sigismund III is the only document that explains the actual meaning of the figures depicted on the coat of arms. From the mouth of the snake, the child appears that symbolizes the newly awakening everlasting force in combination with wisdom, the ability of peace to self-cleaning and updating. All other sources claim that the baby swallows.

For her many years of history, the city had several coat of arms, which changed, as a rule, with the change of the next owner. But in 1998, the efforts of local authorities, the ancient coat of arms was recreated and now is the main symbol of the city.

Among the earliest medieval settlements on the territory of the bar, the city villages of Sherosevo and Ruzany, who also used the Magdeburg right at one time were known.

Shereshevo is located on the outskirts of Belovezhskaya forest, 20 kilometers from the bar, it is known since 1380 as a village in Kamenetsky county. Located on the most important transport pathBy connecting two capitals - Vilna and Krakow, Sherosev placed an important role in ensuring the security of the royal tract, and residents supported trade relations with many cities in Europe. During the campaign of Stephen Batory in 1578, it was the place of collection of Polish and Lithuanian troops.

A unique architectural monuments are preserved in the village, among which is a wooden bell tower, fired in 1799 without a single nail. Sherosez origin has a gospel - the Belarusian monument of writing on the 16th century and the iconostasis created in the icon-painted school of the local church. Both of these values \u200b\u200bare kept in the State Art Museum of Belarus.

Since 1552, runs are known in 45 kilometers from the bar surrounded by the picturesque hills. The glory and the flourishing of ancient settlement are associated with the Lithuanian Magnatsky native of Saveg, who acquired ruts at the very end of the 16th century. One of the representatives of this kind - Lev Sapega (1557 - 1633), the creator of the "Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuanian" - the Code of laws that were no analogues in Europe. With new owners in 1606, Ruzans are referred to as the town located on the "Big Hotel, leading from Slonima to Borsery and on Podlasa, which great ambassadors and trading people ridewards." In 1617, the Troitsky Church of the Dominicans was built at the Troitsky Church of the Saveg, who, along with the Basilian Petropavlovsk Church and the building and the building of the Petropavlovsk Church, and today is the attraction of the village.

But the main pearl Ruzhan is definitely the palace complex Saveg. It began to be erected in the 16th century and over the course of two centuries were repeatedly rebuilt. Here were the kings twice, the ambassadors were taken and the owners were preparing for the Moscow throne. In huge cellars, the highest princess of Lithuanian and arsenal was kept. In 1665, the Vilencie Chapter, escaped from the troops of the Russian king Alexei Mikhailovich, delivered the power of St. Casimir to the Rujan Palace - the Heavenly Patron on.

The Ružansky Palace Complex, which was famous for unpretentious wealth, had a big library and art gallery, theater and playpen, gradually decline: for the participation of Saveg in the uprising of 1830-1831g. Ruzhana possessions were confiscated and turned into new owners into a closure factory, and the first and second world wars finally destroyed the palace. Currently, the state is made attempts on the conservation of the remnants of the complex, its restoration.

In the area, many historical documents, mounds, monuments, well-known and nameless graves have been preserved, which indicate the courage and perseverance of our ancestors.

"Chronicle Bykhovtsz", one of the first Belarusian chronicles of the 16th century, found in the old generic estate in the village of Mogilyov.

Russian-Polish (1654-1667) and North (1700-1721) war, the Napoleonic invasion of 1812, the first and second world wars swept over the prudence with their bloody stream.

The battle between the Russian army under the command of General A.P.Tormasov and Napoleonic troops during the Patriotic War of 1812 reminds the restored chapel at the village poddubno.

Not bypassing the bar and events of the Polish national liberation uprising of the Polish national liberation uprising of 1830-1831. The rebel detachment actively operating on the cobrin region was formed in the generic estate of his leader of the Titus Puslovsky-Dat, which was located in the Pruzhansky district.

National Liberation Movement 1863- 1864 Under the leadership of K. Kalinovsky against tsarism, there was wide support from a significant part of the nobility, residents of the city and the towns, the peasants-monodvords, the Catholic clergy of the bar. At the account of the rebels, the capture of the city of Pruzhany on the night from 12 to February 13, 1863, an attack with the aim of punishing traitors and diagrams at the Sherosevo town in August 1863, battles at the village of Mikhalin, Guta, Losyin and others. The restored monument is reminded of today's events. the victims of the warriors Detachment of V.Vrublevsky on the outskirts of the rug forest.

Revolutionary events of 1905 found their response and bar. In Ruzhani acted underground revolutionary organization. Bashed workers and dyeers and weaver in rugs, workers of a pasta factory in Pruzhany. In November 1905, the rise of the rural movement began, which covered the entire Pruzhansky TN.

On August 1, 1914, the first began world War. The prudence was in the front-line zone. In the spring of 1915, he was occupied by the troops of Kaiser Germany. The soldiers of the Kaiserovsky army were exported to Germany everything that presented value for them.

In mid-1919, our locality was released from the occupiers with the troops of the Red Army. But the Soviet-Polish war began and Western Belarus It was captured by Polish invaders. In July 1920, the Pruzhanshchina is released from Belopolds. On September 19, the prudence was captured by the Polish army, and on the basis of the conditions of the Riga peaceful contract, passed into the bourgeois Poland.

After nearly twenty-year-old Belopolsky occupation, the Pruzhansky county entered the BSSR. On January 15, 1940, the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Republic in Western regions instead of counties were created. The district centers were not only Pruzhani, but also Sherchesev, which was earlier in the Pruzhansky County, and ruts, which were an integral part of the Cossal County. After the reorganization of the administrative and territorial division of Sherchezhevsky (in 1956) and Rujans (in 1962) were part of the current borders of the Pruzhansky district.

From the first hours of the Great Patriotic War from the first hours of the Great Patriotic War from the first hours of the Great Patriotic War and became the place of cruel fighting. The first to battle with the fascist invaders entered the pilots of the 33rd Fighter Aviamol, which was stationed under the Pruzhani. It was then that the senior lieutenant S.M. Gudimov made one of the first Taranans in the history of the Great Patriotic War.

The struggle against the invaders in the occupied territory was organized by the underground anti-fascist committees created at the end of 1941, which were headed by M.E. Krishtofovich (Pruzhany), I.P. Rubanovich (Ružhansky) and I. Yu.Labuda (Sherosevsky), and from 1943. - Underground district schools and Komsomol. From the scattered partisan groups in January 1942, the first squad named after Stalin in Guto-Mikhailinsky forests under the command of Lieutenant A.A.jurbs was created. By the time of the liberation of the area from the Hitler's invaders, two partisan brigades from several detachments in each of each were operating on its territory. A large role in the intensification of the struggle against the enemy was played by an underground typography, which worked uninterrupted since 1942, changing several times the location.

The enemy severely accounted for not only with those who had resistance, but also with civilians. Mass executions of prisoners of war, Soviet activists and citizens of Jewish nationality were carried out in the tract of Slobudka under Pruzhany. For three military years, for incomplete data, more than 10 thousand people were destroyed here. The occupiers organized the ghetto, which occupied several central quarters of the bar. Jews from Ruzhan, Shereeshevo, Belostoka were brought here. During the occupation in the area, 58 villages were destroyed, 7 of which were not restored at all, 19,57,000 civilians died.

Pruzhany were released by parts of the 28th Army of the 1st Belorussian Front on July 17, 1944. The dear price got a victory: more than 8 thousand pastors were fighting on different fronts, of which about 3 thousand died or disappeared. The two natives of the district were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union: Lieutenant General S.A. Bobruku (Born in D.Chubichi) and Colonel M.V. Chotimsky (born in G.P. Sheshchevo). A resident of Pruzhan R.T. Krotov became a complete cavalier of the Order of Glory. The participant in the liberation of the Pruzhansky district S.P. Kosterina The title Hero of the Soviet Union was assigned to posthumously for the fight at Villanovo village.

The path of post-war economic and cultural development was not easy. The war brought great losses and destruction, it took a lot of work to restore everything and move forward. A collective farms created before the war were revived in the villages, new ones appeared. Gradually, they were enlarged, in the three MTS and 36 farms in the district in 1957 there were already 380 tractors, more than 160 trucks, 105 combine harvesters. Significant changes occurred in the industry of the area: for ten post-war years, the volume of gross products increased nine times. In 1957, the Pruzhansky state farm issued the first 95 certified specialists.

Since 1965, a new phase of development of agricultural production began. The procurement price of collective farms and state farms was increased, the guaranteed remuneration of rural workers was introduced, lands reclamation began. It was then that there were their heroes of socialist labor on the bar - M. M. M.Makarchuk and E.Melisevich, Radarka, Radarka, a little later - Chairman of the collective farm "Dawn" (now Agro-Kolyadichi OJSC) E.I .Kudinov, driver of the excavator V.P.Sapped.

Time is ruthless. It takes the events and images of the past epochs. It seems the only living witnesses of the past years - monuments of archeology, architecture, stories, vintage parks.

The wonderful creations of architects and folk architects, who erected the palace complex of Prince Sapeg (16-18 V.V.), the Troitsky Church of the Dominicans (17-19 V.V.), the Petro-Pavlovsk Church and the Monastery of Basilian in Ruzhany (2nd half of 17-18 V.V.), Jewish synagogue (19 century), Catholic church and monastery of missionaries in the der. Lyskovo (1763-1785).

It is impossible to drive past an old castle in Lyskovo (15-16 V.V.), which belonged to the Polish queen Bone Sforza, the ruins of which are reminded of the former glory and the tragedy of his defenders and owners.

People's wisdom, architectural perfection and completeness blows from the wooden Sherchezhevsky bell tower, fired in 1799 in accordance with local canons.

All this is the witnesses of the glorious past bar, the diligence and courage of people living here.

Pruzhany is the administrative center of the Pruzhansky district of the Brest region. Located on the Mukhavets River, 89 km north-east of Brest, 11 km from Oranchitsa Railway Station (Baranovichi - Brest). Through the city passes the R85 highway (Slonim - Ruzany - Pruzhany - High).

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Development History - Pruzhany

The first historical references on the town of Pruzhany belong to 1433, however, it became later, in 1487. In 1589 this place was granted Magdeburg law Together with the statute of the city, seal and coat of arms. For its history, the city had several coat of arms, but in 1998 he was recreated vintage coat of arms And now is the main symbol of the city.

During World War I, the Pruzhanshchina turned out to be in the front-line zone and in the spring of 1915, it was occupied by the troops of the Kaiser Germany, which were exported by everything that was value for them.

During the Great Patriotic War in the district operated two partisan brigades From several detachments in each. Here was underground typographywhich worked smoothly since 1942, changing several times the location. Pruzhany were released by parts of the 28th Army of the 1st Belorussian Front on July 17, 1944.

In 1959, a planning scheme was developed, ordered irregular grid of the streets. As a result, in the city of 3 planning areas: South, West and East. In 1974, the Master Plan of the city was developed in the Minsk branch of the Central Research and Design Institute of Urban Planning.

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Tourist potential - Pruzhany

Many have preserved in the city unique attractions. For example, the manor built in the middle of the XIX century. In 1998, housed here Pruzhansky District MuseumA little later changed the concept and name of the museum. Now this . Not far from the museum is a monument of wooden architecture - built in 1828.

In the second half of the XIX century, the city was built (1852), a little later, in 1857, began to erect, and in 1878 it was built.

Another interesting place In the city - - a monument of architecture with elements of baroque and classicism, it is a bright sample monumental architectureSimilar monuments on the territory of Belarus remained units.

Visiting historical sights, guests of the city can visit. Here are available amusement, saunas, jacuzzi. For visitors, the gym services, massage chair, billiards, table tennis, badminton are provided.

Pruzhany is the administrative center of the Pruzhansky district of the Brest region. Located on the Mukhavets River, 89 km north-east of Brest, 11 km from Oranchitsa Railway Station (Baranovichi - Brest). Through the city passes the R85 highway (Slonim - Ruzany - Pruzhany - High).

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Development History - Pruzhany

The first historical references on the town of Pruzhany belong to 1433, however, it became later, in 1487. In 1589 this place was granted Magdeburg law Together with the statute of the city, seal and coat of arms. For its history, the city had several coat of arms, but in 1998 he was recreated vintage coat of arms And now is the main symbol of the city.

During World War I, the Pruzhanshchina turned out to be in the front-line zone and in the spring of 1915, it was occupied by the troops of the Kaiser Germany, which were exported by everything that was value for them.

During the Great Patriotic War in the district operated two partisan brigades From several detachments in each. Here was underground typographywhich worked smoothly since 1942, changing several times the location. Pruzhany were released by parts of the 28th Army of the 1st Belorussian Front on July 17, 1944.

In 1959, a planning scheme was developed, ordered irregular grid of the streets. As a result, in the city of 3 planning areas: South, West and East. In 1974, the Master Plan of the city was developed in the Minsk branch of the Central Research and Design Institute of Urban Planning.

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Tourist potential - Pruzhany

Many have preserved in the city unique attractions. For example, the manor built in the middle of the XIX century. In 1998, housed here Pruzhansky District MuseumA little later changed the concept and name of the museum. Now this . Not far from the museum is a monument of wooden architecture - built in 1828.

In the second half of the XIX century, the city was built (1852), a little later, in 1857, began to erect, and in 1878 it was built.

Another interesting place in the city is a monument of architecture with elements of baroque and classicism, it is a bright sample monumental architectureSimilar monuments on the territory of Belarus remained units.

Visiting historical sights, guests of the city can visit. Here are available amusement, saunas, jacuzzi. For visitors, the gym services, massage chair, billiards, table tennis, badminton are provided.

There are several legends regarding the appearance of the "Pruzhany" name. According to one of them, the name comes from the main agricultural culture in these places - millet. Other sources claim that the Balt tribes of Prussians once lived on the territory of modern twigs, which were escaped from the Crusaders at the end of the XIII - the beginning of the XIV centuries. Be sure to visit Georgia.

In the composition of the Russian Empire, Pruzhany was included in 1795. From 1921, they were part of Poland, and in 1939 the city went to the Belarusian SSR.

Major prices for traveling in Pruzhany

Rest in the city will not hit tourists by pocket, since prices in Belarusian cities are quite acceptable. There are two hotels in the city, which can comfort yourself with comfort. The first is called Muchovets (ul. Shirma, 15). It has single and double rooms and suites luxury. Rooms, shower cabins, refrigerators, TV, telephone. Accommodation cost: single rooms - 44 000-48,000 white. rub., Double rooms - 49 000-52 500 white. rub., Apartment - 94 700 white. rub.

On Gorina-Kolyada Street, 26 is the Veras Hotel with 1,2,3,4-bedroom rooms with one junior suite. The rooms have everything you need, the hotel has a parking lot (unguarded), hairdresser. Prices from 16,000 white. rub. (in the number on four) to 37,800 white. rub. (Junior Suite).

Those tourists who do not want to live in hotels can rent a room or apartment. For those who come for a short time, daily rent. - the best way.

What to see in Pruzhany

It is impossible to say that there are many attractions in Pruzhany, but still in the city are preserved buildings with architectural and artistic and historical value.

Trading rows, built in the XIX century, representing the elongated rectangle, are divided into trading sections. The rows around the perimeter are surrounded by arched gallery, which is characteristic of the buildings of this type. Trading rows are interesting as a sample of monumental architecture, a peculiar mixture of baroque and classicism. In the cities of Belarus, such buildings have been preserved literally units.

On Soviet Street, you can get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the city looked earlier. Here, fragments of the old development of the end of the XIX - the beginning of the XX centuries are preserved, in particular the music school (before that the Treasury), a pharmacy, school, residential buildings.

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, built in 1857-1880, is an architectural building in the style of classicism. Although by that time, this style has already gone to the decline, Orthodox temples (especially in the province) continued to obey these traditions that the synod policy dictated. The bell tower of the temple, towering over the cathedral, is a high-altitude dominant and a peculiar guideline of the old part of the city.

The Ascension Church (1878-1883) is a local sample of neoclassicism architecture.

How to get to the prudence

Pruzhany and surroundings are a great place to relax on the Louis of the Belarusian nature. Tourists preferred to a cheap holiday without mediation by travel agency can reach the bar on their own. From Minsk to Pruzhan 288 km, if you go on your own car, then you should follow the next route: from the Moscow Ring Road to Dzerzhinsk - a turn to the columns - a turn on Baranovichi - a turn to Slonim - a turn to the rugs - a turn to Pruzhany.

Through the district goes railway. At 13 km from the bar, there is an oranchitsa railway station (Moskva - Minsk - Brest). Pruzhan city bus park serves both urban routes and suburban (27 routes) and intercity (4 routes).

Pruzhansky Palazzik

In the Pruzhansky Park you can get acquainted with the real pearl of the city, which is called the Pruzhany Palace. This is an excellent sample of the manor-park architecture, located in the manor of the Szokovsky, the former owners of the estate. The monument is an Italian rural villa in a non-dental style, the only one in Belarus. According to legend, the family of Romanovs has seen in this manor. The king indulged in hunting fun in Belovezhskaya Forest, and the spouse at that time communicated with the owner of the manor.

Currently, a museum is posted in Palaceka, where you can admire the recreated old interiors. It is a winter garden, a fragrant and magnificent greenhouse, an adorable floral hall, a hunting office in the style of the XIX century., Music and artistic living room, the hall of folk crafts, art gallery. The museum stores the "Last Supper" - a very rare wooden icon of the XVI century.

Waterpark Pruzhany

In 2011, his aquapark appeared in the city. This is an entertainment complex located in the water palace. It features a swimming pool (25 m, depth 2.3 m) with 6 tracks, sauna, sauna, billiards, table tennis, fitness and weightlifting gyms, cafeteria. Waterpark area - 300 m2, visual division on the children's and adult zone, between which the jacuzzi and two bridges. For children - a separate shallow pool (0.95 m).

In the water park work the following water attractions: "Fungus", waterfalls, "mountain river", underwater jets, attractions for small ("Mermaid" and "Valley of Geysers"), two spiral slides for older.

A trip to the city of Pruzhany is an indispensable component of most tourist programs that are aimed at rest in Belarus. Visit this city will be interested in both adults and children.

See also: