Schönbrunn Palace history. Schönbrunn Palace and its beautiful park

Every self-respecting tourist or traveler must visit this magnificent building with its gardens and zoo. Since I am just such a tourist, I got ready to go, and my funny friends joined me. When we arrived and saw the palace from afar, we exclaimed in unison: “Oh God, how huge!” And to be surprised, believe me, there was something.

It will take more than one day to go through all 40 rooms, explore the park and also go to the cute animals in the zoo corner. So we decided to visit the palace and the park on one day, and the zoo the next. I advise you to prepare mentally before visiting (do not see other sights in front of Schönbrunn, anyway, previous impressions will be erased from memory) and physically (of course, you will have to walk and stand a lot).


Now you say: "What a bore to read this story." But how else? You can’t just come to the palace, look at the interiors and leave without understanding the main events that took place there. The history of the summer residence of the Habsburg emperors is very interesting and eventful. Here are the main ones:

  • in the 14th century, on the site of the palace, there was the Katterburg estate with a garden plot owned by the monastery,
  • 1548 - the mayor of Vienna (Hermann Bayer) registered the property of the monastery in local real estate,
  • 1569 - with the help of Emperor Maximilian II, the estate (as well as a stable, a garden, a mill) joined the possessions of the Habsburgs,
  • 1576 - the estate passes into the possession of Rudolf II, who was not particularly interested in improving it,
  • 1612 - Emperor Matthew discovered the source "Schöne Brunnen!" (“beautiful springs”) and installed a well and a hunting lodge in this place,
  • 1637 - the widow of Emperor Ferdinand II, Eleanor, moved to the palace,
  • 1642 - renamed Schönburnn,
  • 1683 - the destruction of the palace, after the Turkish siege,
  • 1696-1713 - construction of the palace from scratch (based on the Palace of Versailles),
  • 1728 - Emperor Charles VI gives Schönbrunn to his daughter - Maria Theresa,
  • 1742 -1743 - resumption of construction and reconstruction of the entire palace,
  • 1805, 1809 - use of the complex as the headquarters of Napoleon,
  • 1882 - completion of the construction of the Palm House,
  • since 1848 - the transformation of the palace during the reign of Franz Joseph, since the castle became the main residence of the emperor,
  • 1945 - damage to the palace as a result of bombing during World War II,
  • since 1992 - restoration of the castle,
  • 1996 - inclusion of the palace in the list of objects world heritage UNESCO.

Schönbrunn Palace

The chic palace was built in the Baroque style. And this means “no” to simplicity and routine, “yes” to pomp and luxury. Already at the entrance to the territory of the imperial palace, you understand that everything is done with taste.

History lovers are already aware that the castle has more than one thousand rooms (namely 1441). Fortunately (or unfortunately), you can only see 40.

How to get to the palace and park

Address: Schönbrunner Schlossstraße 47-49.

Schönburnn Palace and Park are located at the same address, in the thirteenth district of Vienna, Hietzing. You can get there in different ways:

  • By metro - green line U4 to Schönbrunn station.
  • By bus number 10A to the Schloss Schönbrunn stop.
  • On trams 10 and 58, stop Schloss Schönbrunn.

See the cost of the trip at the end of the story (after the zoo).

Palace premises

Finally, we got to the most interesting - the inner chambers and rooms. As soon as I began to climb the stairs (pictured below) leading to the beginning of the tour, to the apartments of Franz Joseph and his wife Elisabeth (Sisi), there was a feeling that my dress code (sneakers and jeans) did not fit the place. Although, maybe this is not important, but I still advise you to choose a long dress, you will feel more confident.

Above is a diagram of the layout of the halls. Each of them has its own story...

Guards room

In this room, the guards stood guard, protecting the entrance to the emperor's private domain.

The room is bright and spacious. It must have been a pleasure to work here.

billiard room

Is the hallway of Franz Joseph. Several times a week he hosted members of his government and other high-ranking officials.

And so that they would not get bored while waiting for their turn to receive him, the emperor installed a large table for playing billiards. That's what it means to take care of subordinates!

Room with walnut wood trim

Here Franz Joseph just received all the officials.

More elegant than this, I have never seen a workplace! The gilded decorations throughout the room, the wooden details and the emperor's table are simply chic.

Franz Joseph's office

After the previous rooms, the office looks rustic.

Portraits of him and his wife Elizabeth hang on the walls.

In this office every morning at five o'clock in the morning the emperor began his work.


It is also characterized by modesty and simplicity. Even the bed on which he died is made of simple wood.

The emperor got up at 4 in the morning, washed his face with cold water and prayed. And here you can also see a portrait of Prince Rudolf and a portrait of the emperor himself before his death. An English-style toilet was installed at the exit of the room at the end of the 19th century.

Study room with terrace

This room belonged to the Empress Elisabeth.

The walls attract attention: they are covered with silk.

Room with wooden stairs

Here Elizabeth wrote letters, diaries. The walls are upholstered with silk wallpaper.

The uniqueness of this room is that from it you can go straight to the garden via a spiral staircase.

dressing room

It is immediately clear that this is a women's room. Here you will see pieces of furniture and its details: a table, a clothes hanger, a washbasin, a mirror, paintings and a figurine of Franz Joseph's husband.

In this room, Elizabeth spent a lot of time. As you know, the Empress had luxurious hair and they required special and long-term care.

Bedroom of Emperor Franz Joseph and his wife Elisabeth

The walls of the dormitory are upholstered in blue and white silk. This room was used only in the first years of the marriage.

Due to the fact that Elizabeth loved to travel a lot, the emperor became more lonely, but continued to love the beautiful Sisi until her tragic death.

Salon of Empress Elisabeth

The bright room is decorated in neo-rococo style.

An interesting feature there are clocks in front of the mirror, they stand with their backs, that is, you can see what time it is just by looking in the mirror.

Marie Antoinette's room

This is one beautiful space that has been converted into a dining room. On the tables are crystal glasses, Viennese porcelain. In the center of the room on the wall is a painting of Franz Joseph at the age of 20.

The room is named after Marie Antoinette because there was once a tapestry of her and her children. Today it is privately owned by the Habsburg family.


Although the room is called a nursery, it was not one. Rooms for children were on the first or upper floors of the palace.

And here, in the right half, you can see the portrait of Maria Theresa. She was the daughter of Emperor Charles VI and was born in 1717. At the age of 19, she married Francis Stephen of Lorraine and bore him 16 children: 11 daughters and 5 sons. The room is decorated with several portraits of her girls.

On the left you will see the bathroom, which was installed in 1917 for the last Empress of Austria, Cita Bourbon of Parma.

Breakfast room

The room is located in the southwestern side of the palace. Previously, as you might guess, it served as a breakfast room under Empress Maria of Bavaria.

The room is decorated with interior details in the Rococo style.

yellow room

Another luxurious room! Guess what color prevails in the interior? Yes, yes, yellow!

The armchairs are upholstered in golden silk fabric, the walls are also trimmed with golden decorations. Rococo.

Room with balcony

The paintings in this room show the children of Maria Theresa, including Maria Elisabeth, who was considered the most beautiful of the daughters. But after she fell ill with smallpox, her face was disfigured by scars, and she never managed to find a husband. The only way out was to go to a monastery, which she did.

mirror hall

In my opinion the most impressive hall in the palace. Thanks to a large number mirrors, the room looks very voluminous. The combination of gold and burgundy color gives the room the chic that was so loved in those days. This is what it means to be a well-hired interior designer!

Chinese vases and bronze clocks, which are very skillfully made, also attract attention. Unexpectedly, there is also an altar with the image of the Virgin Mary. By the way, this hall was popular for various events - the famous Austrian composer W. Mozart performed here, many ministers took the oath, arranged receptions.

Rose rooms

The following rooms are no worse than the previous one. They were named after the artist (Josef Roza) who designed these halls. Huge paintings of Italian and Swiss landscapes hang on the walls. The canvas with Swiss nature also depicts the castle, which is the hereditary residence of the dynasty.

Between these paintings is a large portrait of Franz I, which was placed in the Kunsthistorisches Museum for a long time.

hall with lanterns

Before the installation of electricity in the palace, this room housed the so-called lantern-bearers, whose duties included lighting the passage of the royal family or its members after dark.

Grand Gallery

Meetings and celebrations were held in this hall.

It looks pompous, as it should be in such a room.

Small gallery

This hall is more modest than the previous one, but it is not inferior in importance. Concerts were organized here, lunch breaks were arranged.

The room is decorated with two gilded chandeliers.

Chinese cabinets

On both sides of the Small Gallery there are two Chinese cabinets - oval on the left and round on the right. The fashion for art from China and Japan had a huge impact on the decoration and furnishing of royal residences in the 18th century. The rooms are distinguished by their parquet with intricate patterns and luxurious chandeliers.

Two rooms were used by Maria Theresa for conferences with her ministers, for holding secret state conferences with her chancellor, and also for playing cards.

carousel room

Do you think you will see a carousel and a cotton candy stand here? Very in vain :).

In this room, the canvases on the walls show a line of ladies' carts and women in the saddle, including Maria Theresa. The reason for the celebration was the retreat of the French and Bavarian troops from Bohemia (Czech Republic). Also, this hall was a waiting place for an audience with Maria Theresa and her husband.

ceremonial hall

The name speaks for itself.

Paintings depicting various ceremonies and grandiose battles hang on the walls.

Roesselzimmer room

This room served as a dining room. On the walls are paintings of riding horses from the imperial stables.

The combination of colors - white, gold and red attracts attention.

blue chinese saloon

This room was the first in Franz Joseph's private apartments.

The walls are decorated with Chinese tapestries.

Vieux Laque room

A dark room, on the walls black lacquer panels from Beijing are framed in gilded frames.

Previously, this room was the office of Franz Stefan, but after his unexpected death, his wife Maria Theresa converted this workroom into a memorial one.

Napoleon's room

When Napoleon occupied Vienna in 1805 and 1809, he chose Schönbrunn as his headquarters. And during this time the room was used as his bedroom.

Later, in 1832, the only legitimate son of Napoleon died here of tuberculosis at the age of 21.

porcelain room

Another fine room presents the visitor with mounted wood paneling and a carved blue-and-white painted frame that was intended to imitate porcelain, a material that was in high demand in the 18th century. As many as 213 patterns are embedded in these wood panels. Looks just amazing!

Million Room (or Feketin Cabinet)

I didn’t really like this room because of the combination of blue and brown colors in the interior.

Cartouches with various Indo-Persian miniatures are inserted into the wooden panels of the room.

tapestry salon

The walls of this room are hung with tapestries from the 18th century. The harbor in Antwerp is depicted in the center of the hall. Six armchairs are also upholstered with tapestries depicting the twelve months and the signs of the zodiac.

Duchess Sophie's office

The room of the mother of Franz Joseph, who really wanted to see her son on the throne. And this, as you already know, happened. In general, the library was originally located here.

red saloon

The room features portraits of several Habsburg emperors, including Leopold II, who briefly succeeded his brother Joseph II as emperor.

The room is normal and didn't impress me much.

East office with terrace

Also known since 1775 as the Cabinet of Flowers. From here you could go out to the terrace. I think it's a very nice place.

Franz Joseph's birth room

Emperor Franz Joseph was born in this room in 1830. The room served as the bedroom of his parents: Franz Karl and Sophie. Today, the only surviving lodge of the Viennese court is located here.

Until 1947, the bed was located in the former bedroom of Maria Theresa in the Hofburg, since 1980, visitors to Schönbrunn can see the bed in a restored state.

Working room and salon of Franz Karl

This room, together with the adjoining salon, was at the disposal of Archduke Franz Karl, father of Emperor Franz Joseph.

After the death of the Archduke in 1878, the rooms were renovated, their interiors and furniture have remained the same to this day.

hunting hall

The last viewing room in the palace.

The fact that a long time ago Schönbrunn was used as a hunting lodge is reminiscent of the paintings on the walls. The perfect end to a tour of the palace.


As you can see, I did not describe in detail all the rooms, I want you to remain intrigued and make a "march" to the palace :).

Palace opening hours

The palace is open daily, including holidays:

  • April 1 - June 30 08:30–17:30,
  • July 1 - August 31 08:30–18:30,
  • September 1 - October 31 08:30–17:30,
  • November 1 - March 31 08:30–17:00,

Tickets are sold from 08:15.

Ticket price

Tickets can be purchased upon arrival at the box office or

Imperial tour Imperial Tour- visiting 22 rooms in 30-40 minutes (the ticket includes an audio guide, a guide is not provided):

  • adult - 13.30 euros,
  • children - 9, 80 euros.

Big Tour Grand Tour- access to 40 rooms in 50 minutes (audio guide included in the ticket):

  • adult - 16.40 euros (19.40 euros with a guide),
  • children -10, 80 euros (12, 30 euros with a guide)

Classic Pass- Includes visit to the Grand Tour Palace with audio guide, labyrinth, Glorietta terrace, conservatory, Crown Prince Garden:

  • adult - 21, 60 euros,
  • children - 13, 40 euros.

Peculiarities Classic Pass:

  • Save up to 25% compared to the price of individual tickets.
  • Valid only on the date of purchase.
  • The duration of the tour is approximately 3 hours.
  • The guide is not provided.

Gold Pass- Includes visit to the Grand Tour Palace with audio guide, labyrinth, Glorietta Terrace, Privy Garden, Conservatory, Zoo, Palm House, Desert House, Carriage Museum, Schloss Hof):

  • adult - 55, 50 euros,
  • children - 30, 50 euros.

Gold Pass Benefits:

  • Valid for one year from the date of purchase.
  • Entitles you to one visit to all listed attractions.
  • Dedicated lanes for fast passage to the tour of the palace.
  • Save up to 20% compared to the price individual tour.
  • The guide is not provided.

Schönbrunn Park

After visiting the palace, it's time for a walk in the park. It will be long, but interesting, especially in summer, when the territory is full of flowers. Like the palace itself, in accordance with the principles of the Baroque style, the park looks chic.

Below is a map of the park.

It has been open to everyone since 1779. And since then (which is not surprising) has become the most popular place recreation. And now I will tell you in more detail about the main attractions of the park.

Fountain of Neptune

The most important of the fountains in the complex. It is located behind the palace, at the foot of the hill.

Construction began in 1776 and was completed only in 1780. And it was not in vain that it took so long to build: the fountain really turned out to be powerful. Power radiates from him.

In the center of the composition, the sculptor placed the very god of the sea, Neptune, with a trident in his hand. Behind him is a shell-shaped chariot. On the left is a nymph, and on the right is his companion, the goddess Thetis, on her knees, imploring Neptune to help her son Achilles sail for the conquest of Troy.

At the foot of the grotto are tritons (half-human, half-fish) that help keep the sea horses at bay.

Neptune Fountain opening hours

Roman ruins

The ruins, built in 1778, are located at the foot of the hill. In general, the fashion for such structures arose in England in the middle of the 18th century, but only decades later it began to spread in Europe. The structure consists of a rectangular pool in which statues of the gods of the rivers are located. There is even a small fountain. In the center stands a bulky arch, decorated on the sides with a bas-relief.

Despite the fact that this composition is called "Ruins", which somehow hints at destruction, it looks incomparable. With taste, like everything else.

Fountain operation mode

From mid-October to mid-April, daily from 08:00 to 21:00.


At the top of the hill, the majestic Glorietta flaunts - a pavilion with a colonnade. This building was built in 1775, it consists of a glazed triumphal arch in the central part and two wings with columns on the sides. An eagle flaunts on top the globe surrounded by trophies.

Inside, the Glorietta is richly decorated, and every detail is in its place. No simplicity, but no frills either. Previously, the pavilion housed a dining room, now there is a cafe. In my opinion, a good idea to make a dining area overlooking a beautiful park. You can also climb onto the roof and enjoy the panoramic view.

Terrace opening hours

Fortunately, the terrace is open not only in summer and spring, but also before the onset of cold weather:

  • March 15 - June 30 09:00-18:00,
  • July 1 - August 31 09:00-19:00,
  • September 1-30 09:00-18:00,
  • October 1-24 09:00-17:00,
  • October 25 - November 2 09:00-16:00.

Terrace entrance fee

Like anywhere else to enjoy beautiful view you have to pay for the ticket:

  • adult - 3, 60 euros,
  • children (6-18 years old) - 2, 80 euros,
  • student (19-25 years old) - 3.00 euros,
  • pensioners (from 60 years old) - 3.00 euros,
  • disabled people - 3.00 euros,
  • with a Vienna Card - 3.00 euros.


Do you want to get lost in green spaces or lead an enemy into a confusing place? Then go (or send him) to the maze! In fact, there is nothing terrible there, rather, on the contrary, it is beautiful and well-groomed.

A labyrinth was created from the end of the 17th century, it was a favorite place for walking the imperial families. Its area is 2,700 sq. m., which allows everyone to find a place to play. Especially here it will be interesting for children. Go, you won't regret it!

Labyrinth mode of operation

Same as Glorietta. Children under 14 are only allowed to enter if accompanied by an adult (maze, after all).

Entrance ticket price

Do not deny yourself the pleasure of getting lost. Moreover, it is not so expensive to buy a ticket:

  • adult - 5, 20 euros,
  • children (6-18 years old) - 3,00 euros,
  • students (19-25 years old) - 4.00 euros,
  • pensioners (from 60 years old) - 4.00 euros,
  • disabled people - 4.00 euros,
  • with a Vienna Card - 4.00 euros.

Fountain Obelisk

This is another beautiful composition that we could not just pass by. The fountain was built in 1777 and rises from the Schönbrunn hill. The composition is quite original: at the base there is a pool, behind it is a retaining wall decorated with a balustrade with vases, and the grotto is replete with sculptures of river gods. In the center is a mask from which water flows into the pool.

Well, this is all decorated with a magnificent obelisk, located on four turtles, which are a symbol of stability.

The backs of turtles are covered with hieroglyphs that could not be deciphered for a long time.

Opening hours of the fountain Obelisk

From mid-October to mid-April, daily from 10:00 to 16:00.

fountain angels

This is a cute composition of two angels and an overturned jug between them. The sculpture has been restored several times.

At the same time, the original pool, which was located near the fountain, is now located in the lobby of the palace, and instead of it there is a bowl resembling a seashell.


At first we passed by this building without even paying attention. We thought: "Some old cage, nothing remarkable." In fact, it turned out to be a dovecote!

It was built in the 18th century, the exact year, unfortunately, is not known.

Carriage Museum

We didn't all go to this place. Some of the intellectual friends decided to visit the museum, while the rest of the hungry guys went in search of food (see below). In general, the museum is not bad. Lots of luxurious carriages with various decorations. One stands out in particular, built for the coronation of Emperor Joseph II.

It weighs over 4 tons and has the speed of a pedestrian. Sometimes appearance more important than physical characteristics.

Opening hours of the carriage museum

The museum is open daily:

  • March 16 - November 27, 2016 from 09:00 to 17:00,
  • November 28, 2016 - March 14, 2017 from 10:00 to 16:00.

Entrance ticket price

Here are the ticket prices:

  • adult - 8 euros,
  • children and teenagers up to 19 years old - free of charge,
  • with a Vienna Card - 7 euros.

I advise you to take a walk slowly and enjoy the surrounding beauty.

Schönbrunn park opening hours

Open daily from 06:30, but the park gates are closed:

  • February 22 - March 26 at 19:00,
  • March 27 - May 8 at 20:00,
  • May 9 - July 31 at 21:00,
  • August 1 - September 18 at 20:00,
  • September 19 - October 29 at 19:00,
  • October 30 - February 19 at 17:30.

The schedule of all objects is seasonal, may change, so it is better to clarify it. And ticket prices

Something else

The next few paragraphs will be of interest to culinary experts, women, men, children, the elderly and all those who have not yet lost their way in a palace or park and want "bread and circuses."

Strudel cooking show

What associations does the word "strudel" evoke in you? I have these: apples, pie, yummy! Many people love this dessert. So in the cafe "Residence" in a specially equipped basement is the Strudel show. This 20-minute cooking show will teach anyone how to make a wonderful dessert. The cafe hall looks European cute. It is small but cozy.

So, for 10 euros you will get an already prepared piece of strudel, hot chocolate or coffee and, of course, a master class. While you enjoy dessert, you will be shown and told how this Viennese yummy is actually made. At the end of the show, you will be offered to buy stuffing for making strudel and various souvenirs. We didn’t buy anything, but we left satisfied, well-fed and culinary-savvy :).

By the way, in addition to the show, there are seminars on baking strudel here. Duration about 1 hour. At the end of the whole action, a real diploma is issued!

Presentation time of the Strudel show

Every hour from January to December from 11:00 to 16:00.

For weary travelers

A diesel train runs throughout the palace complex, which makes nine stops at the main attractions:

  • Schönbrunn Castle,
  • Wagenburg Carriage Museum,
  • gate Hitzinger Tor,
  • zoo,
  • tyrolean garden,
  • arch Gloriette,
  • hohenbergstrasse/ ,
  • Fountain "Obelisk" / Schönbrunn Pool,
  • Meidlinger Tor gate.

Travel time on the panoramic road is 50 minutes. Two trains run from 10:00 to 18:00.

Day ticket price

In my opinion, the price of a ticket is a little expensive:

  • adults - 7 euros,
  • children under 14 - 4 euros,
  • disabled people - 4 euros.

Zoo Schönbrunn

The next day we devoted to visiting the oldest zoo in the world! For me, it's the perfect place to spend a weekend. It will be interesting for both adults and children! I recommend taking a zoo map at the entrance so as not to get lost and find the necessary animal.

A bit of history

Don't want to load history this time. Here are the main dates:

  • 1570 - creation of a menagerie on the site of the current zoo,
  • 1752 - opening of the zoo,
  • 1779 - free visit to the zoo by everyone.

Every year there were more and more animals. Unfortunately, their numbers dwindled during the First and Second World Wars. Currently, the zoo "live" 700 species of animals.

The cost of visiting the zoo

The zoo is worth the price. How much will the ticket cost?

  • adult - 18.50 euros,
  • children and teenagers (from 6 to 19 years old upon presentation of an identity card) - 9 euros,
  • disabled people - 9 euros,
  • children under 6 years old - free of charge.

Combi Ticket (Zoo, Desert House, Palm House):

  • adult - 24.50 euros,
  • children and teenagers - 13.50 euros,
  • disabled people - 13.50 euros,
  • children under 6 years old - free of charge.

Schönbrunn Zoo opening hours

The zoo is open all year round:

  • January 09:00-16:30,
  • February 09:00-17:00,
  • March 09:00 -17:30,
  • April - September 09:00-18:30,
  • October 09:00-17:30,
  • November - December 09:00 -16:30.

How to get to the zoo

Address: Maxingstraße 13b, 1130 Wien.

You can get to:

  • Metro U4 - Hietzing station.
  • Tram number 10, 58 to the Schloss Schönbrunn stop.
  • Bus number 10A to the Schloss Schönbrunn stop.


The zoo is home to 8500 animals, it's just huge! Almost all animals are collected here, including polar bears and even pandas!

See animal feeding schedule

Pavilions with aquarium and terrariums

The ticket price also includes admission to these pavilions. I liked the aquarium with different types of fish the most. Some of them are very funny.

Working mode

Coincides with the opening hours of the zoo.

Tyrolean house

On the territory of the zoo, there is a typical Austrian village house. Sheep, rabbits, chickens live here.

On the ground floor you can taste and buy local products (cheese, milk). The rest of the rooms present expositions that tell about the life of the villagers.

In the yard next to the house there is a small restaurant where you can have an inexpensive and tasty meal. For example, meat soups cost from 4 euros, hot dishes from 8 euros, desserts from 4 euros. For younger visitors there is a special children's menu. All menus can be viewed (only on German, Unfortunately).

Tyrolean House opening hours

Like the zoo.

palm house

An interesting building, consisting of three pavilions, attracted us immediately. It looks like a big greenhouse. The Palm House was built on the site of the former Dutch garden, as I already mentioned, in 1882. It consists of a main (central) pavilion 28 meters high and two side pavilions 25 meters each. They are connected by tunnels.

Each of the pavilions has its own temperature zone - "cold" in the north, "temperate zone" in the central and "tropical climate" in the south. In the latter, it was really like in the tropics: high humidity, it was already difficult to be inside. The required temperature is maintained by steam heating, which makes it possible to grow rare plants here.

Opening hours of the Palm Park

The Palm Park is open all year round:

  • May - September daily from 09:30 to 18:00,
  • October - April daily from 09:30 to 17:00.

Entrance ticket price

Below is the price for one ticket:

  • adult - 5 euros,
  • children and teenagers - 4 euros,
  • children under 6 years old - free of charge.

desert house

Another interesting place to visit. It has an impressive collection of plants (mainly from South Africa and Australia). In addition, cute little rodents, insects, turtles, birds and others live in the desert house.

By the way, earlier the building was called the Sundial House.

Desert House opening hours

Desert House is open to the public all year round:

  • January - April 09:00-17:00,
  • May - September 09:00 -18:00,
  • October - December 09:00-17:00.

Entrance ticket price

Ticket prices are shown below:

  • adult - 6 euros,
  • children and teenagers - 4.50 euros,
  • disabled people - 4.50 euros,
  • children under 6 years old - free of charge.


The zoo also runs a diesel train that will take you around the main sites.

You can catch it between the breakfast pavilion, the Elephant Park and the Tyrolean Courtyard.


Ticket prices:

  • adults - 2 euros,
  • children - 1 euro.

Public transport fare

I really like to use public transport in Europe. Here you can buy one ticket and ride the metro, bus, tram for a certain time. For example:

  • one-way ticket - 2.20 euros,
  • ticket for 24 hours - 7.60 euros,
  • ticket for 48 hours - 13.30 euros,
  • ticket for 72 hours - 16.50 euros,
  • ticket for a week (from Monday to Monday) - 16.20 euros,
  • ticket for a month - 48, 20 euros.


As in many European countries, getting around Vienna by taxi is expensive. Estimated fare from the city center to Schönbrunn is about 20 euros. Do not forget that you have to pay extra for landing and waiting. It is better to order a taxi by phone or at the hotel. “Catching” a car is not accepted here.

For tourists

If you come to Vienna to visit many cultural and entertainment venues, then I advise you to purchase one of the cards listed below.

Vienna Card

It is more profitable for a tourist to purchase a Vienna Card ticket, which gives its owner a discount of more than 210 tourist places(theatres, exhibitions, museums):

  • for 48 hours - 21.90 euros,
  • for 72 hours - 24.90 euros.

EASY CityPass Vienna

In addition to the “Vienna Card”, there is also the “EASY CityPass Vienna”, which also makes it possible to save a lot on visiting many interesting places including nightclubs and restaurants. Information about discounts can be found And the price is as follows:

  • for 24 hours - 14.90 euros,
  • for 48 hours - 17.90 euros,
  • for 72 hours - 20, 90 euros,
  • for a week - 26, 90 euros.

QUEER City Pass Vienna

Vienna has its own "QUEER City Pass Vienna" card for certain groups of people (LGBT). By the way, its cost is almost the same as the previous card:

  • for 24 hours - 14.90 euros,
  • for 48 hours - 18.90 euros,
  • for 72 hours - 21.90 euros,
  • for a week - 26, 90 euros.


A visit to the palace, park and zoo is a must for everyone! Otherwise, the trip to Vienna will not be exciting, informative and boring!


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Schönbrun Palace is located within the city of Vienna on the territory of the palace of the same name. park complex. The Habsburgs, and especially Maria Theresa, loved Schönbrun very much, lived here with pleasure in the summer.

As part of a tour of the palace, you will learn about the many historical events that the walls remember. For example, at the end of 1762, little Mozart gave one of his first concerts in the Hall of Mirrors. In the Blue China Drawing Room, Emperor Charles I resigned as head of state at the end of the First World War. Khrushchev and Kennedy also met in Schönbrunn, after which the Cold War began to decline. So, the palace is not only beautiful, but also interesting from a historical point of view.

Schönbrun is a huge park, on the territory of which are located:
- Summer Palace of the Habsburg dynasty
- The oldest European zoo
- Glorietta - a colonnade in the style of classicism, built to complete the composition of Schönbrun and as a summer venue for receptions and breakfast. Now there is a cafe in Glorietta. In addition, it is also excellent Observation deck.
- Lovely park
- Carriage Museum
- Greenhouse
- Labyrinth
- Fountain of Neptune

What to see in Schönbrunn Palace

I recommend going to Schönbrun by metro on your own (I’ll tell you how to get there below), take an audio guide in Russian and walk along royal halls and as many rests as your heart desires. And she wishes, most likely, all of yours free time, because the palace really amazes with its interior decoration, all the rooms are very different, some even shocking with their luxury. From the outside, Schönbrun looks rather modest, but inside ...
Unfortunately, photography inside the palace is not allowed, so I give a link to the photo gallery on the official website.

Among the popular other rooms that are included in the excursion program are the breakfast room, rooms with a balcony, Bonaparte's room, the oval office in chinese style, the Vieux-Laque rooms, the porcelain and diamond rooms, Franz Karl's workroom and salon, and many other rooms in which emperors spent a significant part of their lives.

The palace began to be built on the lands that were bought from the monks. Emperor Maximilian II - the emperor of the Roman Empire, decided to build the estate as a summer residence in the 16th century and equipped it with a garden, a hunting lodge and even a menagerie. True, all this was destroyed almost 100 years later during the siege of Vienna by the Turks, but again restored at the behest of Leopold the First. A new palace was built on the site of the residence.

The name Schönbrunn, or "beautiful source", the palace received during the Habsburg dynasty, when one of the representatives of the royal family came across a source during a hunt. Later, the "beautiful source" simply began to play the role of the main artery, which was responsible for supplying water to summer palace. The audio guide will tell you that Empress Eleonora began to build it, who hired the famous architect Fischer von Erlach for this. He made every effort to erect a majestic structure, which, outwardly, almost nothing outstanding, except for its size, does not attract attention to itself, but inside the architects have surpassed themselves.

The Harsburg dynasty is known as one of the strongest dynasties in Austria since the 13th century. The masculine gender of the family ended with Emperor Maximilian, although he had a son, Philip, who received the surname of Burgundy, on the maternal side, and continued his family under this surname.

During the reign of Empress Maria Theresa, the palace had 1441 rooms, which could easily accommodate more than one and a half thousand people. Such wealth is even hard to imagine now. Numerous official events, ceremonies and meetings were held in the palace. Of course, not all rooms are open for visiting, but, nevertheless, I recommend laying at least 2.5 hours to visit the palace. In less time, you are unlikely to be able to listen to the story of the audio guide in most of the rooms you like.

Many of the rooms available for visiting, and indeed the history of the palace, are inextricably linked with the personalities of Maria Theresa and Franz Joseph - the brightest representatives of the Habsburg dynasty, who played a huge role in the history of Europe in the 18th century.

Maria Theresa went down in history as the only female monarch who bore the title of "king". She ascended the throne after the death of her father and successfully ruled the Empire for 40 years, during which she carried out successful wars, reforms in the state, and even earned the unspoken nickname "mother-in-law of Europe." Maria Theresa gave birth to 16 children, 10 of whom did not die at an early age. The "king" gave children in marriage and married only taking into account geopolitical goals, therefore, she received such a nickname.
The husband of Marie Theresa, Emperor Franz Stefan, placed the reign in the hands of his empress and calmly dealt with the financial side of the issue of the House of Habsburg and science. And what if a woman wants, then why not do what she loves?

Schönbrunn became the main secular center of the Habsburg Empire. The first imperial theater was opened here and the very first zoo in Europe, which can be visited to this day.

The Empress of Austria, Elisabeth of Bavaria, had her middle name in a diminutive pet form - Sissi. She was revered as a beautiful woman, and she herself devoted an inordinate amount of time to her appearance. The Empress adhered to proper nutrition and watched her figure, did not focus on her makeup, but on natural beauty. In particular, a lot of time was devoted to caring for chic long hair, and her personal hairdresser received an income that was equal to the rewards of a professor at the university. One day in 3 weeks, Sissy devoted her brown hair, and all her perfumed shampoos always included cognac and raw eggs, which many fashionistas still copy today, using this mixture on their hair.

Tickets and how to get there

Please note that two types of tickets are offered for all tourists during the visit to the palace. If you have little time for excursions, it is better to choose a ticket to view twenty rooms. But if you came to Vienna specifically to see Schönbrunn thoroughly, then immediately buy a ticket for a tour of the forty rooms of the palace, since you need to spend at least half a day here. This route is called "Grand Tour".

The most delicious in the palace is located along this route, for example, the famous rest of the Empress Maria Theresa with numerous secrets and secret rooms. Do not be surprised when you are given an audio guide, which is included with each ticket for convenience. There is also a Russian-language version, since hundreds of thousands of tourists from the CIS countries visit the capital of Austria every year.

Based on our own experience, we advise you to buy tickets for excursions to the palace on the official website in order not to languish in long queues at the box office during your trip, which is especially convenient, because the ticket was bought in advance, and even and at a discount.


Contact information: Schonbrunner, Schlossstrasse 13
How to get to Schönbrunn Palace: You can get to the palace using line No. U4 of the Vienna Underground, having reached the Schonbrunn station, or ground transport: by tram (numbers 10, 58, 60) and by bus (15A, 51A, 56B, 58B, 156B).

I liked this palace and the whole complex as a whole, perhaps most of all in Vienna. I wish you a pleasant pastime in the capital of Austria - in the chic Schönbrunn Palace!

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A visit to the Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna can take a whole day if you are a fan of museums and leisurely walks in royal style, as well as if you want to visit the zoo.

You can go to this place just for the sake of the palace, in order to be noted on a memorable photo on one of the main attractions of Vienna, but if you have time, you should take a walk in the adjacent park, where kings and emperors once walked slowly, although this can be said about all of Vienna, it is all imperial scale.

You can visit this place both absolutely free of charge, and leaving a fairly large amount of money here. Most cheap ticket the museum costs 13.3 €, and a ticket for full full-pass access to all corners of the park is 55.5 €, including the Zoo, and this does not include cafes, because. stay here with a full-pass ticket until the evening. In the evening, there is another reason to spend money - attend a concert in the palace for 69 €.

I took advantage of the most budget option, i.e. free, which I will talk about below.

How to get to Schönbrunn Palace

One of the most distant sights of Vienna from the center (more than 5 km), but this does not affect the difficulty of getting there. Almost at the entrance to the palace there is a metro station of the same name Schonbrunn(green metro line U4). If the metro for some reason does not suit you or is closed, then you can get to the park by trams 10, 58, 60 and buses 10A, 51A, 56A, 56B, 58A.

Straight from historical center you won’t be able to get there without transfers, but this U4 metro line has intersections with all other metro lines, so you have to make a maximum of 1 change and spend 2.2 € on a one-way ticket.

Schonbrunn Underground Station

For planning a route in Vienna, it is very convenient to use interactive map on public transport cities.

  • Schönbrunn Palace Address: Schönbrunner Schlossstraße, 1130 Wien or Schönbrunn metro station.

Park and Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna

I got to the palace as described above by metro. It was the most convenient and fastest way to get here, but I didn’t pay 2.2€ but used a 48-hour pass for 13.3€. I was in Vienna for two days.

If you go directly from the metro to the Palace, then through the Hitzing Gate we get immediately into courtyard ik of the palace, but it is difficult to call it a courtyard because of its size, but the “inner courtyard” sounds somehow rude.

For those who want to visit the palace itself and see the Apartments of Emperor Franz Joseph and his wife Elisabeth, the cheapest ticket costs 13.3 € with a minimum set of exposures. More expensive tickets include additional locations and skip-the-line entry.

Photo of the palace from the reverse side, it is from this side that it is usually depicted on advertising booklets and magnets. Next will be the surroundings of the palace and the park surrounding it.

Schönbrunn Palace Park

After exploring the palace, you should go to the park at the palace, there is also something to see and where to take a walk. Here is the fountain of Neptune, Roman ruins, Palm House, Glorietta, labyrinth, Japanese garden, zoo and museum of imperial carriages.

The territory of the park complex is decorated with sculptures and statues, beautiful flower beds and lush fountains, which, combined with the architecture of the buildings, will not leave you indifferent and did not leave me.

I didn’t have enough time for all this, it’s impossible to invest it in my 48 hours in Vienna and I have to inspect everything at a gallop in places. Just below are only the main photos from what I managed to see.

IN palace park the hill is well viewed, on which there is a colonnade erected in 1775 and nicknamed Glorietta. Built in honor of the victory over Kolin, in which the Prussian army was defeated by the Austrians.

This is the first place where tourists go after leaving the palace. Don't be put off by the big uphill climb, it's worth it. Here is an excellent observation deck, from where the entire palace and park are overlooked. The colonnade is decorated with a small pond located in front of it.

The purpose of this miracle really surprised me. The arch was used by the emperors as a room in which the dining room was located. If I were the emperor, I would use a carriage or a horse, going up here every day for dinner would be very tiring. Now the purpose of this building has not changed, there is a restaurant inside.

But for the sake of what view it is worth climbing here.

Roman ruins

If you stand with your back to the colonnade and go down to the right to its foot, the next attraction of the park will be the artificially created Roman ruins, which for some reason have gained worldwide fame. This architectural composition was created in 1778. The main element is a pool with statues in the center, they personify the gods of the Enns and Danube rivers.

Fountain of Neptune

On the same road from the colonnade to the ruins, you can walk further and reach the sculptural composition of marble in the form of a fountain. Neptune heads the whole company at the top, around which no less mythological sculptures are located. The date of creation of this masterpiece is 1780.

I advise everyone who comes to Vienna to visit the most beautiful palace and park ensemble in Europe, Schönbrunn or Schloß Schönbrunn.
Getting to it is very easy. On the green metro line, and the Vienna metro scheme is very simple, get to the Schönbrunn stop and follow the crowd, and the crowd always goes to the palace.
If you are determined not just to look at the beauty with one eye, but to see everything thoroughly, and there is something to see there, I recommend going early and buying tickets.

The queues at the ticket offices are not small, but you can also pay by card at the terminal, choosing the route option that interests you. There are several options, the program is in Russian, which is very convenient. If you are without children, then I advise you to definitely take a full ticket to the museum, there is an option for an incomplete ticket, when it is not possible to visit some of the most beautiful halls. The tour of the museum is interesting, you can not take pictures.

It is necessary to take tickets to the greenhouse and to the Glorietta. It is also worth visiting the stables.
But with children, you must definitely go to the children's town and the labyrinth. There is nothing for adults to do there, but children can have great fun while their parents eat ice cream. Yes, they sell ice cream.

So, I'll tell you a short story.

Schönbrunn or Schloß Schönbrunn was the main summer residence of the Austrian emperors of the Habsburg dynasty.

This is one of the largest buildings of the Austrian baroque, the architect of which was Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach.
Located in the western part of Vienna in the area in which Schönbrunn is located is called Hietzing and is located in the western part of Vienna. How to get there, I wrote earlier.
Schönbrunn is considered one of the most beautiful palace and park ensembles in Europe.
Schönbrunn is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The list includes the palace and park with its numerous fountains and statues, the glorietta and pseudo-Roman ruins, as well as the Schönbrunn Zoo, the oldest in the world.

On the site of the current palace, there was previously a building that dates back to the 14th century.
In 1569, this area passed into the possession of the Habsburgs.
According to the legend, Emperor Matthew came across “beautiful springs” (Schöne Brunnen) while hunting in 1612, which gave the palace its name.
Already under Maria Theresa, whose father Emperor Charles VI bought Schönbrunn as a gift in 1728, the palace was reconstructed, rebuilt and completed in some places. In this form it is today.

Maria Theresa Schönbrun was very fond of, admired gardens and castles, invited the best court gardeners for landscaping.
A theater was built in the northern wing of the palace. Not only the best singers performed there, but also the Empress herself. By the way, Maria Theresa was an empress.
Emperor Franz I, husband of Maria Theresa, founded a menagerie near the palace in 1952, which still exists today. Today it is the oldest zoo in the world. On the western side of the palace is a greenhouse. Very a nice place for relax.

After the death of Maria Theresa, the palace was used only as a summer residence for emperors.

Franz Joseph was born in Schönbrunn Palace in 1830. Here he lived all his life.
This is the only emperor who was born here and lived until the end of his days.

Palace premises:

Schönbrunn Palace has 1441 rooms of various sizes.
190 rooms are leased and do not belong to the museum.
40 rooms are open for tourists.
The ticket price includes an audio guide in Russian.

Grand Gallery
This room, 43 meters long and 10 meters wide, was used for audiences of emperors.
Under Maria Theresa, the hall was rebuilt and became the main building of the palace.
Since 1761, all important state celebrations and meetings have been held here.

Hall of Mirrors (Spiegelsalon)
Even under Maria Theresa, ministers took the oath in this hall.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart played in it for the Empress.
In 1747, these chambers were assigned to Princess Charlotte of Lorraine (the Emperor's sister).

Noteworthy in this room are crystal mirrors, which, by their favorable location (opposite each other), give the room additional volume, a bronze clock and Chinese blue and white vases of the 19th century. There is also a small altar with the image of the Holy Virgin Mary.

Great Hall Rosa (Rosa-Zimmer)
This hall is named after the artist Josef Roz, who designed the interior of the room.
The wall paintings depict the landscapes of Switzerland and Northern Italy.

Small gallery
Small dinner receptions, concerts and other events were organized in this room. The exit from the gallery leads to the southern entrance staircase with a view of the gloriette, Neptune Fountain (Neptun-Brunnen) and flower beds. Through an arch, this gallery is connected to the large gallery of the palace.

Roesselzimmer room
The room was conceived as a room for games (Roessel - a chess horse).
Since the 19th century, it has been used as a dining room.

ceremonial hall
The hall was originally called Batagliensaal or battle hall.
On the walls are episodes of great battles and other paintings depicting even wedding ceremonies emperors. The paintings were painted in the second half of the 18th century. In the famous painting "Musikfest" in its left corner you can see the little Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, who in fact was added to the picture only at the request of Empress Maria Theresa, since at this age Mozart had not yet lived in Vienna.

Other rooms:
Guards room or Gardezimmer.
Franz Josef's entrance hall, or the so-called "Billiard Room".
Room with wood trim walnut.
Study of Emperor Franz Joseph.
Franz Joseph's bedroom. This room clearly demonstrates the lifestyle of the head of state, who preferred modesty and simplicity.
The bed of the emperor, in which he died, is made of simple wood.

Office with a terrace. It was the room of Empress Elizabeth.
Work room with wooden stairs.
Toilet room.
Bedroom of Emperor Franz Joseph I and Empress Elisabeth.
Room-salon of Empress Elizabeth. This room was the private quarters of Empress Maria Theresa.
Marie Antoinette's room. This room was named after Marie Antonia, who, after her marriage to Louis XVI, became known as Antoinette.
Bathroom of Empress Elizabeth. The bathroom is made of white marble and had a shower and a porcelain washbasin.
Breakfast room.
Yellow room. The armchairs in this room are also covered with yellow silk damask, the walls are also trimmed with gold decorations.
Room with a balcony. Paintings depicting the children of Maria Theresa hang on the walls, including portraits of Ferdinand Charles, Leopold II., Maximilian Franz and Karl Joseph.
Small room Rosa.
Little Rose Room.
Round Chinese Cabinet.
Oval Chinese office.
Blue Chinese salon.
Vieux Laque room
Napoleon's room
porcelain room
Million room
tapestry salon
memorial room
red saloon
East office with terrace
Emperor Franz Josef's birth room
Working room of Archduke Franz Karl
Salon of Archduke Franz Karl
Wild boar room
passage room
machine room
carousel room
Room with lanterns


palace park

The palace park is incredibly beautiful. Its area is about 160 hectares.
The park is very old. It was founded in 1705-1706 by Jean Tree according to the designs of Fischer von Erlach.
In the park adjacent to the palace building, the geometric clarity of lines has been preserved for centuries.


To be honest, I did not understand what function this structure performed.
I know one thing, that it is very beautiful, located in chic place, where it should be built according to the original plan of the great von Erlach imperial palace. The rotunda was built in 1775 by the architect von Hohenberg in honor of the victory of Austria and Maria Theresa over Frederick II's Prussia.

View from Glorietta.

Fountain of Neptune.
In the center of the fountain there is an artificial rock grotto, on the top of which is placed the ancient patron of the seas Neptune, sitting with his trident on a carriage-shell. On the right hand of Neptune, the nymph Tethys bowed, who prayed for his help in sailing to Troy for her son Achilles. On the left hand is placed a nymph, in whose hands is a cornucopia as a symbol of innumerable sea riches, and next to it is a sculptural group of four newts-tamers of sea horses harnessed to Neptune's chariot.

On the street you can see different golden people.

Palace from the street.

Schönbrunn Palace it is the summer residence of the Austrian emperors and the favorite palace of Maria Theresa.

In the XIV century, on the site where the palace is now located, the lands of the monastery were located, and this estate was called Kattenburg. Since 1569, the lands passed into the possession of the Habsburgs, who used these lands for hunting grounds.

According to legend, in 1614, during a hunting trip, Emperor Kaiser Matthias discovered the beautiful spring "Schonnen Brunnen", the name of which later led to the name of the estate - Schönbrunn. In addition, this source supplied the palace with water for many years.

During the attack of the Turkish invaders on Vienna in 1683, the summer residence and hunting grounds were destroyed.

Emperor Leopold I decided to rebuild Schönbrunn Castle and in 1696 construction began on the palace, modeled on the Palace of Versailles. The construction took a long time, but not all the work on the arrangement of the palace was completed.

In 1728, Schönbrunn Castle was acquired by Charles VI, and later presented to his daughter Maria Theresa. In 1742 construction work resumed. During the reign of Empress Maria Theresa, Schönbrunn Palace became the center of political and court life. In 1747 a theater was opened in the palace. By the way, Maria Theresa had 16 children, more and more premises were required and the palace was constantly being completed and transformed. There are 1441 rooms in Schönbrunn Palace, now only 40 of them are open to the public.

After the death of Maria Theresa, no one lived in the palace for a long time, it served only as a country residence.

In 1806 and 1809, Napoleon stayed at Schönbrunn Castle.

And only during the reign of Franz Joseph Schönbrunn Palace again served as the main residence of the emperor, who lived here until 1916.

After the fall of the monarchy, Schönbrunn Palace and the park opened to visitors. And since 1996, the palace has been under the protection of UNESCO.

If you want to know more information about Schönbrunn Palace and Park, you can book a guided tour or tour.


Near the Schönbrunn Palace there is a beautiful park with an area of ​​160 hectares, founded in 1705 by the husband of Empress Maria Theresa. In summer, this is a paradise for lovers of flowers and fountains.

This is what Schönbrunn Park looks like in winter

The park is home to the famous summer-only labyrinth, the palm house, and the oldest zoo in the world, founded in 1752. Now in Schönbrunn Zoo more than 500 species of animals live. And pandas live in it! Yes, and here, as in, these cute bears live.

Entrance to the Schönbrunn Zoo. Bears live in the zoo - PANDAS 🙂

High on a hill stands, which was previously used as a dining room and a festive hall. Now it houses a cafe. From a high hill, from Glorietta, opens great view to Vienna.

Very nice pavilion
View of Vienna from the hill, from the Glorietta pavilion

Schönbrunn Park and Palace: how to get there

You can get to the palace by metro, line U4, the nearest metro station is Schönbrunn. For those arriving by car, there is a large parking lot next to the park entrance.

Schönbrunn Park and Palace, cost of visiting and opening hours

1. Schönbrunn Park open to the public from 6:30 to 17:30 in winter and from 6:30 to 21:00 in summer. Entrance to the park is free. The park is forbidden to visit with dogs and bicycles.

Entrance to the Schönbrun park

2. Schönbrunn Palace open to premises:

  • 8:00 to 17:30 April 1 to June 30 and September 1 to October 31
  • 8:00 to 18:30 from July 1 to August 31
  • 8:30 to 17:00 from November 1 to March 31
  • famous labyrinth Schönbrunn Park is open only during the warm season, from April 1 to November 3, from 9 am to 4 pm in October-November and until 7 pm in July-August.
  • Fountains in Schönbrunn Park include from mid-April to mid-October.
  • Zoo Schönbrunn open from 9:00 to 16:30 - 18:30 depending on the season.

Cost of visiting Schönbrunn Palace

  • Imperial Tour (inspection of 22 rooms of the palace) 16 euros
  • Grand Tour (inspection of 40 rooms of the palace) 20 euros for adults and 13 euros for children 6-18 years old
  • Visiting the labyrinth - 6 euros for adults and 3.5 euros for children 6-18 years old
  • The cost of visiting the Schönbrunn Zoo is 20 euros for an adult ticket, 10 euros for a child ticket.

There are also complex tickets that significantly reduce the cost of visiting the sights of Vienna.

More accurate information about the opening hours of the palace and the cost of visiting can be found on the official website of Schönbrunn Palace:

Our Review

We spent quite a bit of time in Vienna on the way to. We visited Schönbrunn Park and Palace on December 30 in the morning, we lived very close, in a cozy and inexpensive Pension Schönbrunn hotel, which I can safely recommend for living. We didn’t have much time to explore the park and the palace, just before lunch, so we didn’t visit the zoo, the palm greenhouse, the carriage museum and the strudel baking show.

Around 9 am there were already a lot of people near Schönbrun Palace

We took tickets to Schönbrunn Palace on the Grand Tour and visited 40 rooms of this magnificent palace.

You can buy tickets both in vending machines and at the box office.

I especially liked the hall of mirrors where the ministers took the oath. In the same hall, Mozart played for Empress Maria Theresa when he was only 6 years old.

It is forbidden to take pictures inside the palace, we managed to take only a couple of photos with a phone, the quality of the photos, of course, is terrible.

The interior of Schönbrunn Palace

The tour of the palace with an audio guide (by the way, the audio guide is in Russian) took us more than an hour.

Then we took a short walk in the park, although it was cool that day, which was not conducive to long walks. Although, as it turned out later, we walked in the park for almost two hours!

The fountains, of course, did not work, but the view from the Neptune Fountain to Schönbrunn Palace is very beautiful.

Fountain Neptune
Fountain Neptune
View of Schönbrunn Castle from Neptune Fountain

We climbed a high hill to the Glorietta - a summer pavilion with arches. Now there is a cafe in it, and in the summer season you can go upstairs to the roof, there is an observation deck. In winter, this area is closed, so we took pictures of Vienna from a hill.

Climbing up the hill to the Glorietta Pavilion

We slowly make our way back to the palace. There are more and more people. Here and there Russian speech is heard.

A few shots from the terrace of Schönbrunn Palace:

And a short video filmed in Schönbrunn Park

Christmas market in the park

At the entrance to Schönbrunn Palace, there is a Christmas market where you can drink a cup of mulled wine or hot chocolate, try roasted chestnuts or delicious Viennese sweets, and buy souvenirs. The whole atmosphere is conducive to the holiday.

Hot potato 🙂

Watch a short video from the Christmas Market in Schönbrunn Park

After enjoying a walk through the palace and Schönbrunn park, we went towards our hotel Pension Schönbrunn, had lunch at a small local cafe near the metro (the food turned out to be tasty and inexpensive), took the car, drove to the recommended pastry shop, where we bought delicious cakes. The patisserie is called Der Zuckerbäcker and is located at Reinprechtsdorferstraße 10.

Confectionery showcase with delicious cakes

Here was the most delicious cake that I ate during the entire trip to Austria, so I can safely recommend this place for lovers of sweets 🙂

And after buying goodies in the confectionery, we went to the side 🙂

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