Golubitsky lake. Therapeutic mud of the Taman Peninsula Mud lake in Golubitskaya

Dolzhanskoye mud lake.
Dolzhanskoye mud lake stretches along the Taganrog Bay in a huge gray-black isosceles triangle. The shores of the mud lake - low, flat - are very convenient for swimming. The length of the isosceles sides is 700 meters, the length of the third side is 600 meters. It belongs to the so-called dam lakes and in the past was an estuary. At present, a narrow low spit "bay" separates the reservoir from the Taganrog Bay and a dam (expensive) from Sea of ​​Azov.

Therapeutic mud (peloid) is a greasy silt that accumulates at the bottom of salty estuaries in the village of Dolzhanskaya. It consists of a mineral base (earth, sand, clay), overgrown and glued together with gelatinous organic substances. Dirt is formed as a result of the decomposition of living organisms without oxygen. Sulfur, which is part of proteins, cannot be completely oxidized and is released in the form of hydrogen sulfide. The therapeutic mud smells of hydrogen sulfide, but the concentration of this gas is not high in it, so the complex smell of peloid does not cause disgust.

During strong southern and south-western winds, the water in the sea rises strongly and the waters of the sea overflow into it. The lake has an oval shape with a length of 2 km and a width of 700 meters. In the heat, 96% of the water reserve evaporates. In dry years, the lake dries up completely. In spring, autumn and during precipitation, in summer it is usually filled with water. Groundwater brings sulfate salts into the lake. The waters of the Taganrog Bay are chloride salts. Therapeutic mud lies in deposits along the banks of the reservoir. Its reserves, despite the long period of production, are relatively large. By appearance mud is an oily, creamy, plastic, black mass with a strong smell of hydrogen sulfide.

In its structure, the mud of Lake Dolzhansky is similar to the mud of lakes Saksky, Mainaksky (Crimea), and Tambukansky (Caucasian Mineral Waters) and is composed of a mud solution - 63.84%, a crystalline skeleton - 34.4%, and a colloidal complex - 1.76 %. In the solid crystalline phase, the mud consists of sulfates, carbonates and chlorides of sodium, calcium and magnesium. The colloidal complex has mainly colloidal iron sulfide hydrate in the amount of 8.5 - 15.9 grams per kilogram of dry mud. This hydrate, as well as hydrates of aluminum oxide, iron and give it medicinal properties. According to mechanical analysis, the mud contains up to 74.1% of the smallest particles with a diameter of less than 0.01 mm. All these indicators characterize it as high-quality, curative. Mud is harvested in the summer months for the whole year, delivered in containers, stored in mud storages under a layer mineral water. Treatment is carried out according to the method of applications (mud cakes), compresses.

Indications for mud therapy

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
rheumatism (not earlier than 6-7 months after an acute attack);
chronic rheumatoid arthritis;
infectious and nonspecific polyarthritis; dystrophic (non-infectious) polyarthritis;
residual effects after joint injuries;
diseases of the genitourinary system in men;
diseases of the female genital organs, including chronic inflammatory processes and infertility;
spastic constipation;
chronic hepatocholecystitis;
adhesion processes.
Many diseases and consequences of injuries of the peripheral nervous system, especially: radiculitis, plexitis, polyneuritis, neuritis - infectious, rheumatic, due to poisoning; consequences of poliomyelitis in children.

Contraindications for mud therapy

Bleeding of any origin;
active tuberculosis of any organs and tissues;
elevated temperature;
pregnancy of all terms;
extreme exhaustion of the body and loss of strength;
violation of cardiac compensation, angina pectoris, mitral stenosis, atrial fibrillation, severe atherosclerosis, etc.

The course of mud therapy is 7-10 days. Residents of the village of Dolzhanskaya and vacationers spend a local carnival in the summer - they smear themselves with mud from the lake and dance around the streets. Everything from small to large. As part of the carnival, the Congress of Witches and the presentation of Dolzhan folk medicine are held.

The Krasnodar Territory is rich in natural attractions. Here we will talk about one of them. It is 100 meters from the Sea of ​​Azov, not far from the central beach of st. Golubitskoy, a mud lake with salt water and mineral deposits at the bottom. Crowds of people suffering from various diseases come every year to perform medical procedures with a miraculous natural medicine.

Peloid therapy

Mud therapy has long been popular with people. Also in Ancient Rome wounds were healed in this way. In Rus', this type of therapy began to be used from the 18th century. And only since the 19th century, balneotherapy began to be used for treatment in medical institutions under the supervision of experienced staff. Scientists have conducted a number of clinical studies and a series of experiments, as a result of which a comprehensive treatment method has been developed that has the maximum effect on the patient's health.

Around the places containing such healing mud deposits, built resort complexes. Throughout the territory Russian Federation more than 300 sources are known. The most significant part of them, including the mud lake in Golubitskaya, are located on the Taman Peninsula.

The deposits of therapeutic mud are especially widespread here: seaside sulfide and hilly. Both one and the other contain with their composition a whole range of useful substances, but they also differ in considerable individual characteristics.

There are three healing balneological sources at once. These are Markitanskoye, Salty and Golubitskoye.

Description of the mud lake in Golubitskaya

This therapeutic reservoir is located right next to the sea and has an underwater connection with the sea coast. From above, the sea and the lake are separated from each other by a small sand-shell embankment. During storms, sea spray, and sometimes waves, reach a small reservoir, throwing shells and small living creatures there. Subsequently, in stagnant water, microorganisms die off and are deposited at the bottom of the mud lake. In Golubitskaya, the length of the reservoir is approximately 500 meters, and the width is 140. The depth is small - up to 1.5 m. summer days active evaporation of water occurs, the lake becomes very shallow - up to 0.5 m.

During this period, the maximum mineralization of water occurs (40 grams per 1 liter). In spring or autumn, frequent rains dilute the water, so that the level of minerals becomes minimal (10 grams per 1 liter).

Medicinal properties

The mud lake in Golubitskaya represents two main horizons. Upper black silt, which is therapeutic mud, and another, underlying. The second layer is dark gray, mixed with clay and sandy bottom coating.

The healing layer is 40 cm deep, and near the shore - 5 cm.

Black sludge has a high content of hydrogen sulfide. This explains the peculiar rotten smell of water. Also, the solution contains bromine, iodine, which only add efficiency during treatment.

In the village of Golubitskaya, the mud lake is classified as a highly sulfide and medium mineralized silt lake. Compared to the similar Kuyalnitsky Estuary in Odessa, the lake contains more Fe(HS)2 and organic matter. When the mud is in a solid state, it contains less calcium and magnesium carbonates, and almost no gypsum.

What diseases does mud cure?

Many travelers and vacationers on the Sea of ​​Azov, seeing people smeared with black silt, decide to join them, without thinking at all about the need for such treatment for their body. Before copying the behavior of strangers, think: what does the mud lake in Golubitskaya treat; Do you need such intervention? maybe you have some contraindications.

We list the indications for mud therapy:

  • rheumatism;
  • chronic rheumatoid arthritis;
  • infectious and nonspecific polyarthritis;
  • healed joint injuries;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • diseases of the female genital organs;
  • diseases in men in the genitourinary system;
  • infertility;
  • spastic constipation;
  • adhesions;
  • chronic hepatocholecystitis;
  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system - sciatica, neuritis, plexitis, polyneuritis;
  • consequences of poliomyelitis in children;
  • ENT diseases;
  • skin diseases.

But not always everyone can be treated with mud, even with the above diseases.


Before you use the natural power of the mud lake in Golubitskaya, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with a number of contraindications so that a significant deterioration in the condition does not occur.

The main prohibitions include:

  • tuberculosis;
  • tumor diseases;
  • bleeding;
  • heart diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • elevated temperature;
  • high blood pressure;
  • atherosclerosis, etc.

If you want to use mud therapy, it is better to consult with your doctor before the procedures. If he agrees, then you still need to follow the rules for using mud.

To collect black silt, according to the reviews of vacationers, you need to carefully, without raising your legs high, go right into the middle of the reservoir.

The dirt should not be gray, but black. She smells rotten due to a large number hydrogen sulfide.

You need to smear mud only on the body. When silt gets on a swimsuit, things deteriorate in people. It is necessary to take this into account.

Keep the smeared mud on the body until it dries completely. When dry mud begins to tighten the skin, you need to go back to the lake to wash it off. You can't do it at sea. Yes, and in the lake is not easy. It is better to use a sponge or soft cloth.

Mud Lake in Golubitskaya: Address, Mud Lake in Golubitskaya Reviews: 4.5/5

The reviews found on the net about the healing properties of mud are all positive. People after the first session felt an improvement in their condition. Pain in joints and back went away. Yes, and many women noted the excellent condition of the skin after smearing. It became smoother and silkier.

If you are relaxing in Golubitskaya, then be sure to take this opportunity and heal sore bones and joints. Just be sure to consult your doctor or read the contraindications described above.

Temryuk district Krasnodar Territory has its own attraction - here is incredible beauty water. Golubitskoye Lake is located near Central beach and attracts tourists from all over the world.

Therapeutic mud lake is located a few meters from the sea. All tourists traveling around the Krasnodar Territory strive to visit here. Mud deposits of Lake Golubitskoye are well known and used for medical purposes in hospitals and sanatoriums of Anapa and the Taman Peninsula.

Rest with benefit

Golubitskoye Lake is small: its length is 500 meters, width is 150 meters. IN winter period the depth reaches only 1.5-1.8 meters, and in summer the waters evaporate, their level drops to 80 centimeters. Finally, the reservoir does not dry out only because it is connected to the Sea of ​​Azov.

The composition of the water of the lake and the sea is similar, but in a smaller reservoir the liquid is more mineralized: in summer it is exponentially increased to 40 g / l due to constant evaporation, in winter it is lowered to 10 g / l due to filling with melt water and rains.

Bottom mud is formed as a result of oxidation and decomposition of dead microorganisms that have entered the lake from the Sea of ​​Azov. The substance is rich in iodine, bromine, calcium. The specific smell gives it saturation with hydrogen sulfide. The mud of Golubitskoye Lake has healing properties, and, resting on Azov coast, you can not only sunbathe and swim, but also improve your health.

Black mud is good for the skin and joints. It is enough to cover yourself with it for 10-15 minutes to notice the effect. Not a single tourist will refuse the opportunity to make a mud mask for the whole body in order to try its healing properties, or to take a photo as a keepsake.

It is worth noting that black mud is not applied to the chest in the region of the heart.

You can wash off the creamy black mass from the body by plunging into sea water.

The mud raised from the bottom in June and July brings the greatest benefit. It is transported to sanatoriums in dry form.

Golubitskoye lake is equipped for swimming. To walk on its surface, water bikes are rented to add physical activity to the mud treatment.

Address: Stanitsa Golubitskaya

Location on the map

(V Temryuk district Krasnodar Territory) is its main attraction - the mud lake Golubitskoye with therapeutic black mud.

The lake itself is quite large, 500 meters long, up to 140 meters wide (the area of ​​the lake is 0.6 km 2) and up to 1.5 meters deep. In summer, due to the evaporation of water, its level in the lake drops by 0.5-0.8 m. But due to the fact that the lake has an underwater connection with the sea, it does not dry out. It is separated from the water area of ​​the Sea of ​​Azov by a small sand-shell embankment through which, during storms, shells enter the lake, small crustaceans and microorganisms, the death of which creates a special mud layer at the bottom. Their remains are oxidized and decomposed as a result of the activity of benthic microorganisms.

Due to the underground communication with the sea and the annual overflow of sea water into the lake, the chemical composition of its water is similar to the composition of the water of the Sea of ​​Azov and belongs to the same type of chloride magnesium-sodium water. But unlike the sea, the water in Lake Golubitskoye is more mineralized. In the hot summer months, when water evaporation is maximum, its mineralization in the lake reaches 40 g / l, and in the off-season, diluted with storm and melt water, it drops to 10 g / l, that is, it approaches the salt content in the water of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov. The active reaction of water in the lake is alkaline.

Mud deposits of Lake Golubitskoe are very well studied and widely used in sanatoriums and medical boarding houses in Taman and Anapa.

Bottom silt deposits in the lake are represented by two main horizons: the upper black silt and the underlying dark gray silt, which is underlain by gray clayey silts and sand. The thickness of the black silt layer on average reaches 0.4 m, and as it approaches the coast, it decreases to 5 cm and is replaced by dark gray silt. Used for medicinal purposes top layer of black silt, which is characterized by a high content of hydrogen sulfide (up to 0.53%), low redox potential, high plasticity and uniformity, low contamination. The mud solution contains bromine and iodine, which increases the healing properties of the mud. The mud of the lake belongs to the type of silt, highly sulfide, moderately mineralized.

The muds of Lake Golubitskoe are similar to the muds of the Kuyalnik Estuary, however, they contain more Fe (HS)2 and organic substances, and in the solid phase there is almost no gypsum and less calcium and magnesium carbonates.

The operational reserves of therapeutic mud of Lake Golubitskoye are 18 thousand m3, or about 25 thousand tons.

The composition of the mud solution of silt sulphide mud.

Mud deposits of the Taman Peninsula
Component, g/kg lake Khanskoe lake Golubitskoe lake Salty Vityazevsky Estuary
Na++K+ 6,3 8,1 55,1 21,4
Mg2+ 0,97 1,13 7,3 2,7
C1 7,58 14,4 102,1 38,4
SO 4 2- 6,4 0,8 10,9 6,2

Many vacationers, having experienced the healing power of black mud, ask themselves: “ Is it possible to take black clay with you in order to continue to be treated at home? When delivering to mud baths for short distances, for example, a tank truck filled with therapeutic mud, abundantly filled with water, is used. The water is then drained/evaporated, leaving the dirt behind. But one thing is a tank truck and 50 km. way, another thing is a long road. There have been several cases of people picking up a full plastic bag of dirt and taking it home by train or car. In the heat, in a closed container, the processes taking place in the mud are accelerated many times, the mud begins to "wander" and, as a rule, lead to a sad result. The eggplant explodes, soiling all the compartment (or car), people, their things with dirt. In addition, black dirt is not so easy to wash off. That is, continuous losses and frustration.

But it turns out that you can carry dirt! Here is what Krasotkina I writes about this. here's a little excerpt:

Mud is a liquid creamy mass. This is a ready-made remedy created by nature itself. But if this mud is not used immediately, what if, as it evaporates, it will lose all its healing substances, dry out and turn into huge dry masses?

Scientists thought about this problem, and their numerous experiments led to the conclusion: dry mud, moistened with mineral or even plain tap water and also heated, is as healing as fresh liquid mud.
Like all the rest, sea mud has a high heat capacity, warms up the tissues of the body, improves their blood circulation and nutrition, promotes the resorption of inflammation, softens scars, adhesions. Particles of nutrients, penetrating through the skin, have a general stimulating effect on the body, increase its defenses.

Dry mud has one important advantage: it is easier to transport. Dirt is usually packaged in special two-kilogram bags of dense fabric and transported in this form over long distances. The bag with mud is a rectangle divided by two seams into three longitudinal parts. It is used in whole or in parts, cutting them along the seams.

Many hospitals, polyclinics, clinics, beauty salons are now acquiring therapeutic mud in this form. You can also buy sea mud (at a pharmacy or seafood store) and take a course of mud therapy at your home. It is very convenient, inexpensive and just as effective as treatment at a resort or sanatorium.

Also, it must be remembered that black mud, like any drug, has contraindications in some cases (for example, it cannot be used for myomas). Just as important is the dosage! Always remember that if dirt is abused, it can harm the body.

And here are some extracts from what the locals say about black dirt:

Locals also say that the mud is most effective from June 15th to July 15th. But experts who study mud argue that this is not the case. That mud is equally effective at any time of the year. And where it is possible to extract it from the bottom, they do it all year round.

And these are the reviews of vacationers:

“When we anointed our feet and hands with healing mud, a small tingling sensation appeared in the area of ​​​​the joints. Then the leg became a little numb and after a few minutes, all the pain was gone. The feeling after the treatment is light. The skin became smooth and tender. The mud of the lake affects each person in its own way. The main thing is that dirt cannot be kept on the skin for a long time. It is difficult to wash off, but you can take a washcloth with you - with its help, the dirt is washed off faster.

“How to understand that mud or you haven’t reached the healing one yet? It's simple: when you walk along the bottom of Lake Golubitskoye - the ground under your feet is solid - it's still simple earth, but as soon as you start to sink a little - it's therapeutic mud. It's viscous and smells a little."

They also say that the mention of this lake is in the annals. What else during the time of the Zaporizhzhya Sich, the Cossacks had a hospital here, in which they treated cut and chopped wounds received in battle. The chronicles of that time inform us that after treatment with black clay, terrible wounds healed almost without a trace. It is impossible to say with certainty whether this is true or fiction, but the fact that the clay of Golubitskoye Lake has strong healing properties is a scientifically proven fact.

From the editor: We would like to draw your attention to the fact that we recommend mud therapy in specialized institutions, under the supervision of a specialist. In some diseases, mud has contraindications and can cause significant harm to the body!

What do you know about pelotherapy? Peloid therapy is the oldest method of therapy therapeutic mud what is popularly called mud therapy. This healing technique has been known since ancient times and as far back as the 16th century. the Roman erudite writer Pliny wrote that there are muds on the Crimean land that can heal.

The Italians began to use mud as a method of treatment in the 16th century, and in Rus' they were able to see the mud only in the 18th century. Today mud therapy- a very popular method of therapy, and especially attracts tourists. There are more than 300 locations of healing mud in Russia, a considerable number of which prevail in Krasnodar Territory, or rather on the Taman Peninsula.

There are two types of therapeutic mud on the Taman Peninsula: these are silt (mud lakes) and volcanic ( mud volcanoes). The composition and beneficial properties of these muds are different. It is said that mud from lakes is more beneficial.

mud lakes

Salty, Golubitskoe, Markitanskoe- mud lakes, which are rich in the village of Taman. - located in the south of the Taman Peninsula, with the largest reserves of healing mud than in Golubitsky and Markitansky. - Spread out not far from the village of Golubitskaya, on the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov. The therapeutic mud of this lake is located in the middle of the lake at the very bottom, and you can get to it only by diving headlong into the very center of the lake. Markitanskoye Lake - located in the eastern part, 5 km from Taman, the reserves of this lake are not large, but very useful. All three lakes are dominated by a huge amount of hydrogen sulfide, salts, bromine and iodine. Also on the Taman Peninsula, you can count more than 30 mud volcanoes.

Salt Lake

mud volcanoes

Tizdar, Hephaestus, Akhtanizovsky, Shugo- mud volcanoes, which are also numerous on the peninsula. is located on the territory of the Health Island complex in the village of Za Rodinu. Entrance to the territory of the complex is paid.

Tizdar volcano

Akhtanizovskaya Sopka is located in the village of Akhtanizovskaya. Free admission. The territory is not equipped.

Located on Rotten Mountain near Temryuk. The visit is free, but the use of the shower is paid.

crater on Rotten Mountain

It is located near the village of Varenikovskaya. This is one of largest volcanoes in the Kuban. The visit is paid.

Visiting some muds is paid, others are free. You can read more about this by clicking on the links in the article that interest you.

Indications for mud therapy

Diseases of the digestive system, metabolic diseases, diseases of the female and male reproductive organs, diseases of the organs of movement, diseases of the nervous system, vascular diseases and others ...

Contraindications to mud therapy

Neoplasms, including benign (fibromyomas, mastopathy), blood diseases, bleeding, immunodeficiency syndromes, diseases of the cardiovascular system, epilepsy, severe general atherosclerosis, varicose veins, pregnancy and others ...

Mud volcanoes, lakes and other sights of the Taman Peninsula

Taman Peninsula– not only a healing place, but also a great place family vacation. Here you will find a lot of exciting, interesting and entertaining for yourself. If you have a rest in the village of Taman, then be sure to visit the mud lakes, but remember about the contraindications available for this method of treatment.

How to get to Taman by car.

For those traveling from Moscow, we advise you to use a detour route: On the M4 highway in the Kislyakovskaya area, turn onto a secondary road to the right. The road is of decent quality and there are much fewer cars. Thus, your route will look like this: Kislyakovskaya - Leningradskaya - Kanevskaya (it is better to go along the bypass road) - Timashevsk - Staronizhesteblievskaya - Poltavskaya - Slavyansk-on-Kuban - Anastasievskaya (bypass) - Temryuk, further to the destination.

Detour route: Moscow - Taman (marked with a red line)

The distance from Moscow to Taman is 1556 km.

If you decide to relax in Anapa, Vityazevo or other nearby resort areas. You can safely get to the Taman Peninsula as part of some kind of excursion or by your own car.

The distance from Anapa to Taman is 80 km.

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