What to see and visit near the Karon Beach. List of the most interesting Buddhist temples of Phuket Island

Buddhist temples of Phuket Island, no doubt, are among the main attractions of the island.

The number of these temples, even in the very first approximation, is difficult to calculate, because in Thai tradition, these temples are built even in the most shattered village.

However, among this countless temples, there are several, which are not simply impossible to write about.

Excursions on Buddhist Temples Phuket Island

There are several options for overview tours of Phuket Island, and they, as a rule, include the inspection of the main temples of the island, namely, the Church of Wat Chalong (Wat Chalong), the Giant Buddha statue (Phuket Big Buddha) and the temples of the capital city of Phuket Town.

In addition to visiting the temples, the program of these excursions usually includes a trip to one or two Viability, and, almost always, the inspection of Chinese and Portuguese quarters historic Center Local capital, city of Phuket Town.

All those listed above the temples and attractions can be easily driven on the rented car, however, if you do not want to bother with rental transport, buying one of these excursions will be a reasonable idea.

There are sightseeing tours of Phuket Island from 600 baht per person, the price varies markedly depending on the program of the excursion, you can buy such excursions everywhere.

Separately should be said about the trip to the temple (Wat Suwan Khuha), located outside the island. Sightseeing tours According to Phuket Island, this temple is not attended, however, there are other excursions, the program that includes a visit to this temple. In particular, the trip to the temple of Wat Suvan Cuch is included in the program of some and the islands of the Gulf of Phang Nga, as well as, in the program of part of excursions in the sights of neighboring Phukets of Phang Nga and Surat Tanya (excursions in national parks and, rafting on the rivers of the province of Phang Nga, etc.).

List of the most interesting Buddhist temples of Phuket Island

As already noted, the number of Buddhist temples on the island of Phuket is so great that it is difficult to calculate the calculation, and below shows the list of only the most colorful of them.

Temple Wat Chalong

Wat Chalong Temple, the largest and most visited temple of the island, is located in the mountains surrounding the eponymous bay, on the road connecting the city of Patong with the eastern part of the island. The city of Patong to the Church of Wat Chalong is approximately 10 kilometers, the temple is located in close proximity to the big and lively road, and to drive by, without noticing it, is impossible.

In fact, Wat Chalong is a big temple complexconsisting of a variety of individual temples and buildings. Among them, Chedi (the main temple structure) with a height of more than 60 meters, in which, according to legend, one of the Buddha bones is stored.

Giant Buddha statue

Giant 45-meter Buddha Statue (Phuket Big Buddha) is located in the mountains hanging over the beaches of kata and caron, approximately 2 km away. (Dogged) from both beaches. The distance from the city to the statue of Big Buddha is approximately 15 km away.

The main thing is that you need to know about this tremendous structure, this is that there is no direct road with the beaches of Kata and to the statue of Big Buddha. The road to this monument is quite confused, and the easiest way to get there from the town located between two beaches of Kata, on the road 4028 leading from the West Bank to the East. Big Buddha will be, at the same time, on the left, and everything that will be required of you - this is not to skip the corresponding turn of the road.

Temple Wat Karon

Wat Karon, Wat Suwan Kirikhet, is located opposite the northern part, on East Patak Road, approximately 500 meters from the beach. The city of Patong to Wat Caron is approximately 8 km away.

This temple is built in a pronounced East Asian style, and refers to the number of exemplary Thai temples, for the construction of which did not spare forces or money. As a result, the temple is rich and exquisitely decorated, and, among other things, in the temple you can see coloric sculptures of Nag (giant snakes), Gord, Yaks, and other countless representatives of Buddhist-Hindu mythology.

Church of Wat Nai Harn

Wat Nai Harn Temple (Wat Nai Harn) is located two hundred meters from the eponymous beach, on the shore large lake, and is a complex of several large and richly decorated buildings built in traditional for Buddhist architecture, exquisite and impressive, style.

The city of Patong to Wat is approximately 22 km away, the temple is located right on the road leading to the beach, and if you go to other beaches of the island, this temple, under any circumstances, will not pass by your attention.

Church of Wat Kao Rank

Wat Khao Rang Temple (Wat Khao Rang) is located on the title Hill, towering over the city of Phuket Town. This temple is interesting not only by its religious buildings, but also as a place, from whose height is awesome beautiful views On the city of Phuket Town, coastline and neighboring islands.

The main attraction of the church of WAT Kao Rank is the exemplary statue of the Golden Buddha. From among other attractions, it is worth noting a few small, but at the same time, richly decorated temple buildings, as well as a staircase leading to the top of the hill, and decorated with sculptures of the Nag, stunning bright emerald color.

Temple Wat Suvan Cuch

The Temple of Wat Suwan Cuch (Wat Suwan Khuha) - a Buddhist temple located in a cave near the city. The full name of the temple is Wat Tham Suwan Khuha, quite often this name is reduced to Wat Tham, which literally means "cave temple".

The main part of the VAT Temple Suwan Cuch is located in a karst cave of 20 x 40 meters formed as a result of the erosion of a huge limestone rock. The main attraction of the temple is the 15-meter statue of the lying Buddha, made in traditional for Thai religious art, rich and exquisite, style. In addition to the main statue in the temple there are many statues of others ......

Generally accepted rules for visiting temples in Thailand

First, when entering the temple, it is customized to remove shoes. Secondly, excessively open clothing in the temples is not welcome. Thirdly, donations in the temples are not mandatory, however, if you feel this need, the monks will be grateful to you, and even if the amount of donation is 20 baht.

Photo reports and reviews about the trip and visiting sights Temple Wat Karon. Photo report about Karon Temple, story where

Wat Karon temple: detailed information

Report inaccuracies in the description

Like most Thai temples Wat Karon affects rich decoration, unusual combination of flowers, beauty and exquisite architecture. The entrance to the temple is protected by two emerald naga. Nagi from distant times worshiped as the main defenders from evil spirits and other unclean power. Wat Karon The only temple on the beach of Karon Beach, almost all tourist routes pass through it.

When the day heat around the temple opens. The temple market works only on Tuesdays and Thursdays from late afternoon to a deep night. For Buddhist culture, markets near religious structures are a normal phenomenon. In such markets, religion requires only honest trading from its participants, not to overestimate prices, not deceive buyers. Today it is no more than legend. On the caron market and sellers, and buyers are traded, despite the prohibitions of the Great Buddha.

But this behavior is possible only in the market. In the temple itself, any impolite attitude towards religious shrines is strictly punishable by the laws of this country. Be extremely polite and neat. Do not touch the statues and pictures depicting the life of the Buddha and his fight against the devil. Do not express disrespectful emotions and talk in a low voice.

Book a hotel in the backup, Puket

  • Feedback to Phuket.A small town with a lot of beaches. There are no special attractions, just a couple of monuments, but I liked it, went around it along and across the bike, the most amazing impressions. July 6, 2016.
  • Feedback to Phuket.Hello. If you do not want you to be checked when buying excursions, do not contact Alexey Nitsky. The company ThaiiInfo 66.May he did account for $ 100 and the money did not return. Already and swore, that Ropsp. And lies on excursions. For example about Kolan. What is an extended version and truncated. Especially natural is more expensive. And it is standard. It is no extended and truncated. June 19, 2015.
  • Feedback to Phuket.Magical place! So much positive did not meet anywhere. All smiling and glad of life. In order to dispel the longing just right! April 29, 2015.
  • Feedback to Phuket.Phuket - densely populated by Russians, there will definite problems with the tongue, very Russified. We were on the beach of Karon, singing sand. very nice beach. A lot of cafes, it is better not to go to the market, then they are not to fall out there! Better at Patong in shopping centersWhere is decent! Food in the cafe is delicious, there are different Russian, China, Chinese, etc. Interesting excursions At Phi Phi, we liked the jungle alloy, the show fantasy, the trances were not impressed, I do not like such a .... smiling Thais, sun, sea, cheap fruit ... July 9, 2014.
  • Feedback to Phuket.We were in April a small company in Phuket, flew on their own, without agencies. I was looking for cheap excursions from street agencies, they went for a long time, compared. As a result, they stopped the choice of Phuket Chip Tour - an inexpensive excursion agency, local, work for a long time. They took several excursions, remained quite satisfied. See what is island excursions, safari on elephants, attractions on Phuket itself. I recommend to everyone. June 15, 2014.
  • Feedback to Phuket.It was on Phuket in March with a loved one. And we, as it were, the precession of the wedding .... More precisely, we went to receive the blessings of Buddhist monks. This is a marriage ceremony in Thai style. We ordered her in the agent of 8 days 7 nights in Moscow when buying a tour. Arriving there, first of all went to Patong night - the place of paints and drive. Then he spent time at the hotel and on the beach. Made a massage in the cabin. Another day just rode on the roads of Phuket. We visited the islands nearby. In the appointed ... May 1, 2014.
  • Feedback K.

Wat Karon's Temple, Wat Suwan Kirikhet) - the only temple near Karon Beach, attracting attention to its bright architecture.


The temple was founded in 1895, and a few years ago was renovated. At the entrance to the temple there are two emerald snakes - Naga, guarding this place from evil spirits.

On the walls and doors inside you can see a large number of Pictures depicting the life of Buddha, as well as the fight against the devil, held before his enlightenment. In the next pagoda, two paintings are stored from Ramayana, and between them a beautiful statue of Buddha, made of a beautiful black sapphire.

Also in the temple a lot of images of supernatural creatures that scare bad spirits.

On Tuesdays and Saturdays from 16:00 to 22:00 near the temple there is a market that attracts the attention of both tourists and local residents. Here is a large selection of local products, clothes, shoes, accessories, beach goods, jewelry, natural cosmetics, souvenirs and many other things. It is all cheap on the market, as it is believed that the Temple cannot be deceived by buyers.

Practical information

Address: Thailand, Phuket Island, Mueang Phuket District, Phuket, Thailand.

Opening hours: Daily 08: 30-18: 00.

The entrance is free, but it is customary to make a donation.

Coordinates: 7.847954, 98.297718.

How to get

You can get to the temple by car. From Patong, you need to go to the caron ring, then turn left. The temple is located at the end of the road, about 500 meters from the beach.

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There are many temples on Phuket Island, but many tourists do not have much interest in them. In fact, such tourists are easy to understand, since the temples in Phuket are not amazed by their grandios. Only temple Big Buddha May cause some kind of interest, but mainly due to its location on the top of the hill. So it is not worth surprising that the temple on the caron, although he is among the most famous temples of Phuket, receives only a little attention from tourists who live in hotels on this famous beach. It is unlikely that someone will purposefully go even from Patong Beach to Karon only to see this temple.
The temple on the caron is about half a kilometer from the beach, on Patak Road. If your hotel is located in the northern part of Karon Beach, the temple will be within walking distance of it. In this case, definitely, it is worth spending a few minutes of your time to visit this place. By the way, near the temple on Tuesdays and Saturdays, the market opens, so many tourists will have to see this temple during a visit to the market. Given the fact that the market in Karon is attended by almost all tourists, leaving on this beach, it turns out that almost all tourists see this temple.

Temple on map of Karon

If you go to the temple on the caron, you can see that only a few monks work in it, which are mainly engaged in the cleaning of the temple and territory near him. The main building of the temple is protected by two huge snakes (Nagi), whose bodies continue around the whole building. Doors and windows with engraved scenes from the life of the Buddha may impress you if you consider them in more detail. Tourists in most cases do not even pay attention to these elements.
Today in the church in the caron you can find a small oasis of calm, which is located in close proximity to the main road, close to the lively tourist area.

Karon Beach is the most extended Phuket and the second largest island, after Patong Beach. At the same time, Karon is much cleaner of his fellow. Karon called the "creaky beach", and not by chance. The fact is that in its snow-white sand is a high quartz content, thanks to which, when walking on the beach under his feet, a slight creak is heard.

The year on the caron is clearly divided into two seasons - from May to October, it is raining a rain without stop, and from November to April heats the sun. By the way, the lowest temperature that ever was recorded on the caron is +21 degrees Celsius. In the rainy season, it is better to refrain from swimming - too high waves and the dangerous amounts have been carried out with desperate travelers more than once. But in the warm season you can enjoy a full-fledged holiday on the beach and unforgettably spend time!

Temple Suvan Khiri Ket

Wat Suwan Khiri Khet Temple (Wat Suwan Khiri Khet) is the only temple on Karon Beach, which is located on Phuket Island. The temple was founded in 1895. It looks new and attractive because it recently renovated.

The main building of the temple is guarded by two large emerald green snakes, and on the interior walls of the building, window panels and doors depicts the life of the Buddha, including his struggle with evil before his enlightenment. In the smaller temple building there are two paintings from Ramayana, and among them a beautiful Buddha statue, made of black sapphire, stand out. The same image of the Buddha can be seen in the Latthiwanararam temple in Chalong. Also in the temple depicted blue supernatural creatures, scout and guarding the Buddha images.

The temple is open for visiting daily. You can get to it, walking along the road Patak - the temple is at the very end.

And what sights of Karon Beach did you like? Next to the photography there are icons by clicking on which you can estimate this or that place.

Field of Mini Golf "Dino Park"

Dino Park is a mini golf course built in the form of thematic Park dinosaurs. The field is located in the area of \u200b\u200bKaron Beach. The 18-hole field is located in tropical overgrown with huge stone boulders, waterfall, volcanoes and caves, among which the figures of dinosaurs are placed. Each well has its own unique design, which makes the game a fascinating adventure.

The mini-golf game is accompanied by light and sound effects. On the passage of all the wells goes about forty minutes. And after the game, you can have a snack in a local restaurant, which, by the way, is perfectly fit into the Mini Golf "Dino Park".

On the island of Pxhet, near the coast of Karon ( Karon Beach.) There is a park for mini golf. His name Dino Park (Dino Park) received no accident - a golf game here passes among the huge figures of prehistoric lizards.

The entire golf park is set aside in the Stylistics of the Jurassic period - eighteen holes are located among the formidable dinosaurs, tropical thickets, spewing volcanoes. One of the wells is located under a twelveth-meter waterfall, a giant moving and growing tyrannosaurus T. REX is elevated near the other well. The passage of each of the wells is accompanied by light and noise effects that seek to dip in the atmosphere of the lost world.

On the passage of all the mini golf Park will take about an hour. Adult entrance will cost 240 baht, for children - 180 baht.

Karon observation deck

From the Karon sight point, a panoramic view of Thailand's main beaches.

The sightseeing site is located between Kata and Nai Harn, popular beaches among tourists. Official name W. observation deck No: The municipality often changes the name with Kata View Point at Karon View Point, but on a plate indicating the road to the attractions, you can see the pointer to Karon View Point and Khao Saam Haad (local name and translated from the Thai language - the Mountain of Three Beaches ").

The KARON observation point is part of the multitude of phuket tours and is considered the best on southern coast. On the territory of the sighting site you can see and capture the statue of the Big Buddha, White and sand beaches Kata Noah, Karon, Kata and Crab Island - Ko Pu. The territory is well equipped, there are many parking spaces, there are tents with food and drinks, as well as a leisure gazebo.

Cafe Baan Chom View on Phuket

Cafe Baan Chom View on Phuket Island is located in the immediate vicinity of the beach. This is a fully open modest cafe, almost no fenced. Only for sun protection over each of the tables have small umbrellas.

The institution offers its guests delicious seafood dishes. Here you can try on a very low price. Virtually any delicacies of the sea. The menu also features Thai cuisine. If you are tired of exotic, European cuisine dishes with the finest Asian flavor you put you to remember the house.

The main attraction of the cafe is a view that opens onto the beach at sunset.

TWO CHEFS restaurant on Phuket

Two Chefs is a network of several restaurants running on Phuket Island. The first network restaurant was opened in 1994 by Swedish chefs. They were so loved by Thailand, which decided to stay and develop their business here. In addition to the main restaurant, they opened several snack bars in large shopping centers.

The restaurant specializes in the first place in the Scandinavian and European cuisine. The menu has pizza, burgers, and grilled dishes. Two Chefs also has its own bakery, thanks to which visitors to restaurants and eateries always get fresh pies and buns.

In restaurants Two Chefs also have separate menus for vegetarians, for children and "for those who return from the beach."

Restaurant veranda

"Perhaps the most delicious kitchen on Phuket!"

Grateful visitors.

Indeed, many tourists from Russia fell in love with a veranda, and there is something:

First, this personnel that serves as it should be in European countries.

Secondly, this is the pride of the veranda - there are the best cooks of Russian and Thai cuisine. Moreover, everyone heads only for its, therefore, the same is ideal.

Thirdly, this is a big menu with photos, in which there is everything - from exotic crocodile dishes, to the perfect boards with the window, which you and in Russia will not find everywhere.

They do everything truly as for themselves. For example, for the preparation of juicy kebabs from meat, salmon or seafood, ordered charcoal ordered. And the famous soups, Tom Yam and Tom personally prepares Thai Schefpovar - not even disperse, only fresh, only he himself.

For your children, the veranda has developed a separate children's menu with small portions. And while children are glad to eat what they ordered themselves, you can relax and enjoy a conversation for a cup of fragrant coffee.

Walk from the circle of caron towards the temple - go on the veranda, try it!

P.S. And there is perfectly clean in the kitchen! They pay special attention to this, because they like it when the tables, stoves and dishes shine chrome as on the first day of the restaurant.

Restaurant "Al Dente"

Al Dente - Restaurant under open sky On Phuket, located on the coast. The restaurant is part of the Arona Karon Complex complex. Al Dente attracts a huge number of visitors to the cozy atmosphere and Italian cuisine dishes prepared using the freshest seafood.

The institution is popular both among the guests of the island and among the locals. This comes here to enjoy the delightful fondue - the restaurant's specialties. Other meat and cheese dishes are also considerably.

The undoubted merits of the restaurant are also the services of acquiring ready-made dishes for the removal and a harsh music, sounding in the institution.

Embankment Karon

Karon Beach is the second on the size of Phuket Beach, which stretches for 3 kilometers along the coast. From the city, it is removed by approximately 20 kilometers. On the quay of caron are hotels for every taste of tourists. They are built in close proximity to the Beach with snow-white sand, literally across the road. The relevant organizations carefully follow the purity of the beach, here you will not find garbage in the sand. A beautiful coral reef is located on the southern edge of the beach.

The Karen embankment is removed from the noisy fuss. Travel agencies, large shops and bars are located in the north of the resort town. Karon Beach is famous for calm and quiet restaurants, shops and night markets. For lovers to relax a little more active, on the quay of caron you can go to the golf course next to Marina Phuket Resort.

The most popular attractions are Karon Beach with descriptions and photos for every taste. Choose best places for visiting famous seats Karon Beach on our website.

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