Excursion tours to Paris January. Prices from all tour operators online

Tours to Paris in January is a great opportunity to spend your vacation in a fabulously beautiful city. At this time, a holiday reigns here, romance is twisted in the air, snowflakes fly, and Eiffel Tower just fascinates.

New Year's holidays French celebrate fun: the city is fought off with echoing happy laughter, music sounds and audible, as bottles of champagne open. New Year's Eve Tourists and many local residents spend at the Eiffel Tower. But do not think that after the night festivities you will be allowed to sleep in the morning. Here such a number will not pass. The beginning of the first day of the year is marked by a large parade, which goes on all the streets, pulling the "in itself" of everyone who comes on the way.

If you arrived in a ticket to Paris in January with children, let them take part in the celebration of the Day of Epiphania (there are 6 numbers). You need to buy a royal pie and to eat it: who will find a figurine at the end of the cake, he will receive the crown, and for one day will become a real king. And at the end of the month, the last holiday is fighting here - Chinese New Year. By the way, they celebrate it solemnly and colorfully.

Rest in Paris in January is worth combining with shopping. After all, at this time there is a sale season, and you can buy like things with an impressive discount. Clothing, accessories from famous designers are sold at a discount from 30% at the beginning to 70% at the end, but it must be borne in mind that the most running dimensions disappear in the first days.

And after a fascinating process of fitting and shopping you are waiting for numerous hospitable restaurants, where you can enjoy the dishes of the famous French cuisine and taste local delicacies. Oysters, grape snails, frogs - famous French delicacies worldwide. By the way, usually two prices are indicated in the menu in bars and cafes - "per rack" and "at the table", and the first is always lower.

We offer to buy a tour to Paris in January at a low price in our travel company. Our managers will help you choose the appropriate hotel - from budget options to the exquisite apartments, and will also offer a variety of excursion programs. Spend your vacation in the magic and romantic city!

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Here, by the customer of tourist services that are part of the tourist product, and an authorized representative of persons (tourists) specified in the application, I agree to the agent and its authorized representatives for the processing of my data and data of persons (tourists) contained in the application: last name, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport details listed in the passport; address of accommodation and registration; Home I. mobile phone; E-mail address; As well as any other data relating to my personality and personality of the persons listed in the application, in the amount of necessary for the implementation and provision of tourist services, including those who are part of the tourist product formed by the tour operator, for any action (operation) or a set of action ( operations) committed with my personal data and data of persons specified in the application, including (without restrictions) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, refinement (update, change), extraction, use, transmission (distribution, provision, access), Defending, blocking, deleting, destruction of personal data, as well as the implementation of any other actions provided for by the current legislation Russian Federation, using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such tools, if the processing of personal data without the use of such tools complies with the nature of the actions (operations), performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, it allows In accordance with the specified algorithm, the search for personal data recorded on the material carrier and contained in the card files or other systematized collections of personal data, and / or access to such personal data, as well as to transfer (including transboundary) these personal data to the tour operator and third parties - Partners of agent and tour operator.

Processing of personal data is carried out by the agent and its authorized representatives (by the tour operator and direct executors of the services) in order to fulfill this Agreement (including, depending on the terms of the contract - for the purposes of registration travel documents, booking rooms in accommodation and carriers, data transfer to the consulate of a foreign state, permission of claim issues in their occurrence, submission of information to authorized state authorities (including at the request of the courts and internal affairs bodies)).

I hereby confirm that the personal data transferred by me is reliable and can be treated with an agent and its authorized representatives.

I hereby give my consent to the agent and the tour operator to send me emails / informational messages to the email address specified by me and / or the mobile number.

I hereby confirm the existence of my authority to provide personal data of the persons listed in the application, and make an obligation to compensate to the agent any costs associated with the lack of relevant authority, including losses related to the sanctions of the auditory authorities.

I agree (for) with the fact that the text given by me on his own will, in my interests and in the interests of the persons specified in the application, the consent to the processing of personal data is kept in electronic form in the database and / or on paper and confirms the fact of consent For processing and transferring personal data in accordance with the above provisions and take responsibility for the accuracy of the provision of personal data.

This agreement is given for an indefinite period and may be with me at any time, and in the part of the swinging specific person, the subject of the personal data specified in the application specified by the person, by sending a written notice to the address of the agent by mail.

I hereby confirm that my rights, as a subject of personal data, are clarified by agent and understand me.

I hereby confirm that the consequences of the Review of this consent are clarified by the agent and I understand.

This consent is an application of this application.

Our official tour site is an ideal search assistant and selection of online tours. We sell tourist packages of leading tour operators online. We show you the same thing you see travel agency managers. You can choose a tour who you like, familiarize yourself with the information and book it. You also immediately see all the newest "burning" suggestions, and you do not need to lose your time, come to the office of travel agencies to book it. You instantly book a trip on the site and wait for confirmation by phone.

I noticed that you have prices lower than in ordinary travel agencies. Why?

We have exclusive treaties with tour operators, we have no bloated staff, and we are also very modern and technologically. Thanks to the system of booking our partners, we managed to exclude the human factor, therefore the price you see on the site completely coincides with the one that you pay.

Where does all this information be bored on your site?

What are the hotels ratings for? Reviews from TOPHOTELS

How often is the information updated?

Everything happens in online mode, we are constantly working with tour operators gateways, and give you the most relevant information.

What is included in the cost of the tour?

We always show the final cost of the tour, which may vary with the update, but it is entirely dependent on the tour operator. The price of the tour is usually included: hotel accommodation, flight to stay and back, transfer from the airport to the hotel and back, medical insurance. Additionally, fuel fees can be added - it depends on the airline you choose. If you want to improve the conditions of your travel, for example, order a business class flight, you will also need to pay extra for that.

How much is a trip to rest with a child? Are there any discounts on children?

It depends on the hotel and airline. In most cases, hotels and airlines request a smaller amount for rest with children, but it is always individually. There are several age groups of children, in our system you can enter the age of the child and the system will give you the final cost, taking into account all discounts. For babies, only the boarding pass and insurance are usually paid.

If I can't fly away or for any reason, I changed my mind, and the tour has already been confirmed what to do?

You need to write a letter to email. mail [email protected], after that we will inform you the size of penalties for canceling the reservation. If you agree, we will cancel your contract and return you money for a minus fine.

How to pay the selected tour?

On our website the tour can only be paid by a bank card. We accept bank cards written by both individuals and legal ones. You can also pay a cashing tour in the office, but then we cannot book your chosen tour immediately, and therefore its cost can change. ATTENTION! Offers on the site change constantly, in real time!

What cards are accepted for payment?

We accept Visa International Systems, Maestro and MasterCard (Classic, Gold, Platinum, World and Others) and other types (debit, credit, virtual, prepaid) of all banks.

Can I buy a tour for friends, parents as a gift?

Of course, you can pay the tour to your card, as well as make your data or third parties. At the same time, do not forget to notify tourists about conditions and changes in travel.

Do you store my card data?

No, it is technically impossible. All data on the secure channel is transmitted to the Equiler Bank.

How safe is the payment of the card on your site?

We use the most advanced technologies on this moment. This is a completely secure procedure, all your data is encoded and encrypted, the processing of payments is performed on the bank server.

Why does not pay for my card?

Perhaps on your map lacking money to pay for the order. Also, make sure that: - You are not mistaken when entering data from your card - your bank did not establish restrictions on the volume of transaction volumes on the day during the day - your bank does not prohibit payment via the Internet

What will be a confirmation of the purchase on your site?

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