Interesting places in the world sights. The main attractions of the world

In this regard, there are often naive questions from the category "What country is better?", "Which is the most attractions. Naturally, no one will give a clear answer to this question, because everything is relative. Attractions are not only extremely tourist, but also known only to local residents in love with their city and seeing it under a special angle.

Accounting for important objects of cultural, historical and natural Heritage The United Nations has been conducted on education, science and culture (UNESCO). By drawing up the UNESCO World Heritage List attempts to popularize and guarantee the safety of the attractions of natural, cultural or mixed type. The highest concentration of attractions due to their close location in Europe. Most of all interesting places Focused in the cradle of Western civilization - in. Many World Heritage Objects keep and, that is not strange, for centuries, these two cultures have been mixed and influenced each other, and the meaning of each of them is indisputable. Not all the sights have fallen into the list, many will be included, and many never fall into it, which will not be less valuable. Immediately for Italy follow, and. So if your mind craves cultural food, these countries are for you - Must See.

On the other hand, statistics says that it is far from the UN defines the best of the best. Most of the world travelers consider the country to visit number 1 France. France is an unconditional leader of world tourism, although traveling there, as a rule, do not exceed the duration of several days. Whether the magnificent historical past with expansions and colonization, whether the years of the prosperity of monarchs, but something accurately played a decisive role in the transformation of this country to the tourist "Mecca".

The next place in attendance after the tiny charming-France occupies, which, by virtue of its polynationality and sets of states, concentrated the great many natural and man-made masterpieces in the vast territory. Following the states in this ranking goes China, which is understandable. The ancient Eastern culture of the most densely populated country on the planet is famous all over the world.

Although if you continue the chain of the category "most-most" out of this rating, it is also worth mentioning and, so diverse that you can not know it for a hundred trips, tourism in which sometimes borders on the madness - whether major cities, Eastern, among wild and stunning nature. Over-satisfied leisure during the holidays will also be provided in Spain, famous for its festivities. Folk games and customs there as nationwide flash glasses - wild, special and exciting.

Travel Company Group Travel Sincerely wishes you success with the choice of country for recreation. Even considering any recommendations, this choice will be difficult. And whatever your decision, we have a thousand and one way to satisfy it.

The sights of the world are a huge number of popular and little-known ancient and modern, man-made and natural objects of history, culture, architecture, archeology scattered through various centers of the dead and now existing civilizations on the planet Earth.

We chose the 30 best, which is necessary for each tourist.

Surrender Cathedral of Christ on Blood, St. Petersburg, Russia

The Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ, more known as the Temple of Savior Blood, became the only Russian attraction in the list of Trip Advisor. Savior-on-blood attracts tourists from all over the world not only the magnificence of their domes and interiors, but also an unusual history that has given a set of legends and speculation. Many of them are related to the fact that the temple was erected at the place where the People's I. Grynevitsky, the People and Mother II, who was called the king liberator for the abolition of serfdom in the people.

Bridge "Golden Gate", San Francisco, California

If you look at google map, It is possible to understand why the bridge (not at all is not gold, and the red) is called the gate. Main local attraction How would be "imparting" Pacific Ocean In the Bay of San Francisco, connecting the city with Marin district. This grand constructions were built from 1933 to 1937. At the time of opening it was the biggest suspension bridge in the world.

Statue of Christ-Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro

The statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro is one of the most famous and popular monuments in the world. Every year, millions of tourists rise to his foot, offering a dizzying panorama of the city and bays with a picturesque mountain sugar head, famous beaches of Copacabana and Ipanoma, a huge bowl of Maracan stadium.

Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu, recognized as one of the new miracles of the world, is located on the territory of modern Peru, on top mountain Ridge At an altitude of 2450 meters above sea level. He is called "City in Heaven" or "City in the Clouds", sometimes called the "lost city of the Incas". Some archaeologists believe that this city was created as a sacred mountain shelter by the Great Ruler Inca Pacchaktek in about 1440, and operated until 1532, when the Spaniards invaded the territory of the Inca Empire. In 1532, all its inhabitants mysteriously disappeared.

Pyramids Giza, Egypt

Pyramids in Giza are the oldest and largest pyramids in the world, but the main thing is that Heops's pyramid, the only one of the seven wonders ancient Mira Reached to this day. And without a doubt, the pyramids in Giza deservedly occupy the first place in the top 10 attractions of the world. These pyramids are built as a tombs for the ancient Egyptian kings, these royal tombs reflect the strength and wealth. ancient civilization Egypt.
Great Pyramids Giza are more popular than any other attractions in the world, they are located in the western part of the Nile, near the capital of Egypt, Cairo. Great Pyramid Heops is the oldest and largest, it is built as a tomb for the ancient Egyptian king Huf (Heops). It has a height of 137 meters, which means heopsy pyramid for several millennia was the highest construction on Earth, while in 1880 there were no towers of the Cologne Cathedral, and consists of 2,300,000 blocks, and some of the weight reaches 200 tons.
The second pyramid in Giza was built for Hefren, the son of King Huf. She was erected in 2592 BC, the third pyramid in Giza was built for Mencar, the son of King Heffren.

Plot of the Great Wall of Mutyanyu, Beijing, China

None in any other section of the Great Wall Restoration work was not made as well as on the Mutyanyu region. This section, with 22 watchdogs, who preserved their original appearance, is a real architectural masterpiece. The phrase Mutyanyu S. chinese Language Translated as "Valley in which you can admire the species of fields." Among all the sections of the Great Wall of the Wall, Mutyanyu is the longest fully restored site, open to access tourists.

Siena Cathedral, Siena, Italy

According to the annals, at the beginning of the XIII century, residents of the city of Siena, who spent the main competitor and the opponent of Florence, "called on their leaders to the construction of the temple more magnificent than their neighbors." So between 1215 and 1263 in the place of the old temple, Duomo Siena was founded according to the plan of Gothic Master Niccolo Pisano. Today, this majestic temple is the main attraction of Siena.

Sheikh Zaid Mosque, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Sheikh Zaid Mosque is one of the six biggest mosques in the world. Named in honor of Sheikh Zaid Ibn Sultan An-Najiana - founder and first president of the United Arab Emirates. Unlike many other Muslim temples, everyone will be imparted, regardless of faith.

Old Town Dubrovnik, Croatia

In 1979, UNESCO made a Catar City of Dubrovnik to the World Heritage List, including a significant part of the ancient walls of the city. They surround the city from four sides and keep a mail collection in themselves. historical monuments, including towers, fortresses, churches, monasteries, squares and streets, schools, museums and galleries. These stone walls erected for the purpose of defense defended their citizens since the founding of Dubrovnik in the VI century.

Temple Complex Bayon, Siem Rip, Cambodia

Bayon (Bayon) is one of the most amazing temples located on the territory of Angkor Tom and who was his religious center. The "highlight" of Bayon is a towers with many faces carved from stone, silently discrepancing from the height to the huge territory of Angkor Tom, and during the heyday of the state - and for the whole Khmer Empire. Initially, there were 54 towers, which symbolized 54 provinces under the rule of the king. Today, only about 37 towers have been preserved.

Alhambra, Spain

Alhambra is ancient palace And the fortress of the Moorish rulers of Granada Province in southern Spain. The castle takes the top of the rocky plateau on the southeastern border of Granada. The name of Alhambra probably happened from the color of the sun-dried clay or bricks, of which the walls of the castle are made. However, some historians suggest that the name happened from the Red Flame of Torchs, which covered the long-term construction of the castle, which went round day.

Milan Cathedral (Duomo), Milan, Italy

Most important place Milan - Santa Mary Cathedral (Duomo), the pearl of Italian Gothic, which was built from 1386 to the beginning of the XIX century. The third largest Catholic temple of the planet is safe can be counted to one of the wonders of the world. His styomete spiers towers over the center of Milan, and the golden statue of Madonna on the longest spier (four meters high) is visible from many areas of the city.

Pagoda Swedagon, Yangon, Myanmar

The Swedagon Pagoda is the highest spiritual structure of Myanmar, or, as it is also called - a country of pagoda. The entire complex of the Giant Pagoda takes more than five hectares of the Earth, in addition to the main construction, there are many smaller spiers and an unnecessary number of sculptural images of mythical and real animals: gold griffins and elephants, dragons and lions. What is it today, the Swedagon Pagoda I became in the XV century, during the reign of Tsaritsa Shinsobu. It was then that the giant temple was finally attached to the shape of the inverted bowl for the alms and from above-donomose was chosen by gold.

Colosseum, Rome

This is the biggest amphitheater in the world of the Roman Empire. It is also the most popular tourist and iconic symbol of Rome. The Colosseum was built in 70 AD. Emperor Vespasian. It was used to conduct gladiator fighting and public events. Fights of gladiators took place in the Coliseum until 435 of our era. It can accommodate up to 50,000 spectators and has 80 inputs.

Lincoln Memorial and Reflective Pool, Washington, Columbia County

The Lincoln Memorial is a majestic temple made in ancient Greek style and something resembling Parthenon. It is supported by 36 columns from white marble in the number of states owned by the United States at the time of the death of President Lincoln. In the center of the temple is the statue of the most respected American president in the world, sitting in the chair. Its height is 5.79 meters.

Gettisburg National Military Park, Gettisberg, Pennsylvania

Gettisburg National Military Park is not at all the park in the traditional sense. Here you will not find shady alley and flowering flower beds. This place where in 1863 an important battle occurred. civil War in the United States.

Teotihuacan, San Juan-Teotihuacan, Mexico

The name of the ancient settlement theotiuskan is translated from the Aztec language as "a city where people become gods." According to legends, after the World Flood in Teotihuoisan, gods returned to re-create the world. Modern researchers believe that the area of \u200b\u200bthis ancient settlement was 26-28 square kilometers, and the population is about 200 thousand people. This is one of the oldest and large cities Western Hemisphere accurate age which is still unknown.

Mesquite, Cordoba, Spain

Decorated with intricate patterns of walls, mosaic ornaments, hundreds of thin openwork columns - such appears the cathedral Mosque of Cordova today. Many centuries ago was an ancient Roman temple on this place, then he was replaced by the Westgoth Church, and in 785 Meskit appeared. She became the second most important mosque of the planet, and the pilgrimage to Cordova even equated to the mandatory for every Muslim Hadju in Mecca. But then the Catholics changed the Maurians, and the Mesquite was turned into christian church.

Ancient city of Peter, Peter / Wadi Musa, Jordan

In the heart of Jordan, in the Vadi Musa valley, deep in sand Mountainsah is located amazing city Antiquities Peter. Initially, Peter was a temporary chain for nomadic tribes of the swab. Of several fortified rock caves, she gradually grew into a large fortress city. You can get into the city by one way - through the narrow Gorge of Sik, which was once a row of a mountain stream. Peter still belongs to the Bedouins who welcome guests in their land.

Saint Peter Cathedral, Vatican, Italy

The heart of the Vatican and the entire Catholic world, St. Peter's Cathedral - one of the main attractions of Rome. Here you can vise the ancient Rome from a bird's-eye view, admire the interior of the cathedral from the population of the dome, to defend Mass and even get the blessing of the base.

Ancient City of Ephesus, Selchuk, Turkey

The greatest and best of all preserved ancient city on the shore Aegean Sea and the second most important after Pompeii in the Mediterranean, ancient Ephesus - The most visited landmark in Turkey. Legends associate the appearance of the city with the name Andrkl, the son of the ruler of Athens Codra, who arrived at the Council of Oracle to these places to lay the temple of Artemis. The city got its name on behalf of Amazon Efesia, the beloved Andrkl.

Australian Military Memorial, Canberra, Australia

The Australian Military Memorial is the main memorial dedicated to the memory of the soldiers who died during the first and second world wars. Today, he is considered one of the most significant monuments of this kind in the world. The memorial is located close to the parliament building, from the balcony of which there is a circular panorama for a monument.

Golden Temple - Harmandir-Sahib, Amritsar, India

Harmandir-Sahib is one of the oldest and revered temples of India, is Mecca Sikhov. The upper tiers are covered with gilding, so it is known as the "Golden Temple". The road to the entrance to the temple goes along the narrow marble bridge through the pond, the water in which is considered healing. Pilgrims believe that it consists of an elixir of immortality and holy water. The road on the bridge symbolizes the path from sinful to the righteous.

Church of the Holy Family, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain

The Basilica of the Holy Family in Barcelona is one of the most famous long-term development in the world: its construction began almost 150 years ago and continues to this day. Although initially, Antonio Gaudi had no relation to the construction of this temple, already a year after the start of the work, he headed this project. Gaudi built the temple for 30 years, until he died. The reason for such long-term construction is that Sagrada surname is based solely on donations of the parishioners.

Taj Mahal, Agra, India

Mausoleum Taj Mahal is one of the most recognizable attractions not only in India, but also around the world. The structure was built by Emperor Shah-Jahan in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz-Mahal, who died during childbirth. Taj Mahal is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in the world, as well as an eternal love symbol.

Sydney Opera House, Australia

Sydney Opera House is the most recognizable attraction and an Australia symbol, located in the shore of Sydney Harbor. In this theater, more than 1500 performances take place every year, it is considered one of the busiest art centers in the world. It is estimated that more than 7 million people visits this amazing tourist attraction of Sydney.

Angkor Wat, Siem Rip, Cambodia

Cambodian temple Angkor Wat is the largest of ever created religious structures, the history of which has almost 9 centuries. Even his name speaks about the monumentality of the temple complex, because Angkor Wat is literally translated as a city-church. It covers an area of \u200b\u200b200 hectares and is surrounded by a blade width of 190 meters. It is dedicated to this tremendous building to God Vishnu, revered in this area.

Big Ben, England

Big Ben At the absolute majority of tourists are clearly associated with England and is considered to be the main tourist attraction of the country. Few people know that actually big bin is not a separate landmark, and part of the Westminster Palace in London. On Big Ben are the largest chimes and he is the third most high Tower With clock in the world. She is named after Benjamin Hall, one of the architects of this clock tower, which was built between 1848 to 1853.

Eiffel Tower, Paris

This is one of the most recognizable structures in the world, located in the capital of France, Paris. She was named after Gustava Eifel, an engineer responsible for designing and its construction. The height of the tower is more than 300 meters and it weighs more than 10,000 tons, construction was completed in 1889. for him; s Construction. 324 meters tower weighs 10100 tons and was opened in 1889. Over the next 41st years, it remained the highest building in the world.

Statue of Liberty, New York, USA

The statue of freedom is recognized as the main attraction of the United States, this is a symbol of freedom, then why millions of migrants from Europe sought to the country of great opportunities. The colossal sculpture is located in 3 kilometers from Manhattan in New York. The statue actually represents the Roman goddess of freedom, this is a gift from France's people to the United States.
He was designed by the French sculptor Frederick Auguste Bartholdi and is a US gift to world Exhibition October 28, 1876. About 4 million tourists visit the Statue of Freedom every year. The height of this amazing sculpture is 93 meters, from the ground to the tanel's tips.

7 Wonders of Light is the grandiose, unique and unique monuments of sculptures and architectures that have ever been created by a person. And a man? Looking at them, it is difficult to imagine that these are the creations of the hands of people who lived thousands of years ago in the world, where there were no high technologies invented.

Antiquity Attractions - 7 Wonders of Light

1. Pyramid Cheops

In Giza, there is a building that amazes not with its antiquity: he is more than 3,000 years old, and height. Until 1311, it was the highest construction on the planet. Its height is 138.75 meters. By the suggestion of scientists, if we take into account all the factors of the development of technologies of those times, for the structure of the pyramid, it took more than 20 years.

If this is the creation of hands of a person, about which scientists are arguing so far, tens of thousands of people were involved in the work on this ancient. The height of the pyramid can be compared with a 50-storey house high. The weight of one stone block, of which this miracle is built - 15 tons. It is built on the hill that again causes a lot of questions. How was it possible to raise 15-ton boulders on the elevation?

2. Hanging gardens of seminimis

These gardens were built for the sake of excellent Amethy, the wife of King Nebuchadnezzar II, who brought her to Babylon. Depressing landscapes of the desert caused sadness from the girl, because she grown among high mountains and immense green plains. He ordered to build gardens for her, who were like a pyramid of four tiers and platforms. The reeds were laid on the platform, fertile soil, and then planted plants extraordinary beauty. Crystrome system built into the structure, refreshed landing with purest water.

3. Statue of Zeus in Olympia

Golden statue, erected in honor of God Zeus famous sculptor fidia. According to scientists, gold, from which it is created, amounts to $ 8 million. This miracle statue is in Athens.

4. Temple of Artemis in Ephesus

This huge temple is built in Turkey, in honor of the goddess of Artemis. The beauty of this building and its grand scale amazing imagination. It is difficult to imagine that this manual structure was built ordinary residents of the city of Ephesus. According to believe, Artemis brought happiness to the family and gave children to those who appeal to her in prayers.

The temple is built from the colummer. The height of each 18 meters. The width of the structure is 52 meters, and the length is 105.

5. Mausoleum in Galicarnassa

This architectural monument was erected by the Malsol ruler in the 4th century BC. The beauty of the structure is worthy of kings, and the grandeur and the scale of the construction cause admiration of tourists from all over the planet.

6. Colossus Rhodes

In Greece, you can admire the majestic statue of the God of the Sun - Helios. Building at a height of 36 meters in the harbor of the city of Rhodes, she "welcomes" the sunrise over the sea, brightly in the morning rays of the new day.

7. Alexandrian Mayak

The world's first lighthouse, the height of which is 30 meters. He became a "pioneer guide" for the ancient ships, furring coastal waters. A striking construction and a monument of art, striking by its grandiosity and splendor.

The world is full of riddles and miracles. Russia conquers not only the beauty of white birchings and the noise of green oak. There are excellent places in this corner of the planet who admire and sit by unique architecture, reflecting the richness of the Russian soul.

The most famous places in Russia

The main symbol of Russia is the Red Square. The main symbol of the Russian Soul - Cathedral of Basil Blessed.

Red Square - Main Sightseeing of Russia

Red Square is the heart of Russia, which amazes the greatness and simplicity as the Russian soul. Not everyone knows that the Red Square is called because of its color. In ancient Russia, the word "red" was translated as beautiful. And indeed, the Red Square is worthy of admiration. Exactly this famous place In Russia, which he considers his duty to visit every tourist who visited the country.

It was built in the 15th century on the top of the hill. At all times she was the main place cultural life countries. Since 1918, military parades and demonstrations have been held on it. Since 1917, she has become the main necropolia of the country. Russian soldiers who died for the Soviet government were buried in the Kremlin Wall. The great leader of the proletariat on the square was erected by Mausoleum.

St. Basil's Cathedral

He is a symbol of Russia for many inhabitants of the planet. Compared to other temples, which were built by centuries, the cathedral was erected in 5 years. By decree Ivan the Terrible, who wanted to perpetuate his victory over Kazan in history, the collection began to build in 1555. The beauty of the structure was perfection in architectural art. In Russia, there was no monument that could compete with this majestic cathedral. To never anywhere, another structure of such beauty was built, Ivan Grozny ordered to deprive the view of the chief architect of the Cathedral. So for his talent, a person who left the Russian heritage of Russia and the world was paid to the Russian heritage.

Europe is another corner of the earth that admires the beauty of its attractions.

Sights of Europe

Italy. Theater La Rock Theater is the most famous temple of art in Europe. His appearance was already destined for fate. When preparing a platform for the construction of a foundation, builders during excavations found an old fresco, on which the face of the famous Mim ancient Rome was depicted - Pilar. It was a good sign for the construction of one of the most beautiful buildings in Europe.

On the occasion of its discovery, Salieri specially wrote a opera, which first sounded on stage in 1778. There was not a single lamp in the hall. It was illuminated by light, which reflected from the scenery. This effect created an unforgettable impression, causing delight among the public.

To visit Asia is equivalent to the fact that from a bird's eye view to jump into the abyss of the ocean. There is, what to see. There is something to admire.

What places worth visiting in Asia?

Mysterious India is a paradise for lovers architectural monuments. This is not only the churches that are thrown into the eyes of exotic beauty. Mausoleum Taj Mahal is the best building in the world. This is a symbol of eternal love built by Emperor Shah-Jahan in honor of the dead wife Mumtaz-Mahal. In 1983, UNESCO included in his list of World Heritage Architecture.

The Blue Turkey Mosque is another attraction that you should see. It was built for 7 years believers, with all the canons of the Church. Her blue "arrows" is ascended to the sky, causing trembling in the soul from beauty and greatness.

But there is a place in the world, which excites the minds of humanity.

The most popular landmark in the world

Ancient I. mysterious city Inca, over the secrets of which the great minds of the whole world are fighting.

Machu Picchu is the city of the powerful empire in the world, which has numbered only 1200 people. Easured at an altitude of 2057 meters, he became a sacred shelter for the "chosen", which for incomprehensible reasons once mysteriously disappeared, leaving the city deserted. 400 years he "resting" in complete launch, while in 1911 he did not find a scientist from America High Bingham. 200 temples have been preserved to this day, causing disputes, why such a small number of people needed such a large number of them.
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"Well, we will arrive. Well, swimming. Well, drink a cocktail. So, what is next? What do we do?" Familiar? If yes - congratulations, you feel about the type of people who are not sitting in place. Well, and if, besides, there is also a little-free restriction in the sun loungers, as well as the volitional surfing, it means that you are at all a small, but elite class of aesthetes, greedy to art and architecture.

Aware, you simply can't take a shock on your knees, the Acropolis leads you to a fortune close to prayer ecstasy, and the streets of old Prague are practically reduced. Congratulations, you are the "tourist excursion-oriented, ordinary."

The whole salt of sightseeing tourism lies in the fact that it is calm neighboring and with beach holiday, and with ski, as, however, with any other. One thing here does not exclude, rather - complements.

However, there are entire tours devoted to the sight of the sights of cities and capitals, antiquities and natural wonders of all five continents. Such travel is usually choosing individuals married to art or just in good guy, and people who want to see the world on vacation, and not just a couple of paradise, but completely identical atolls.

But to be as honest as possible with themselves, it is necessary to say that "naked" sightseeing you will not delve them - only a random cocktail from Portikov da Rothond, dozens of museum halls and millennial ruins will remain in the head.

Choosing a program, do not chase the number of attractions - in the end, go on a trip again. Choose a moderate pace - richly pour excursions with rest, and get the most bright and fresh impressions.

Directions of rest

Classic: Europe. The main blow of the sightseeing element is usually at Mother Europe with her Czech Republic, France, Greece, Italy, Spain, and other antique medieval joys. Tours in Europe, which, as you know, are not so great, often cover not one country. Sometimes tours include visiting world-famous sights - such as, for example, Versailles in France, the Colosseum in Italy, Acropolis in Greece. Sometimes excursions are held excursions excursions exclusively, sometimes highly specialized tours are organized, for example, according to the Baroque architecture or by the temple structure.

Ancient civilizations.The second number in the rating of popularity is the countries that have grown on the wreckage of ancient civilizations - Egypt, India, China, Chile, Peru, Mexico. Obviously, the second place such tours do not occupy a tourist interest plan, but in terms of distance, expressing not so much in geographical as in cash equivalent. Ancient civilizations that have monuments, who are not even in the century, which are not even in the century - in the millennium - are surprisingly mysterious and there are so worn. The farther in the dust of times - the more secrets to which, as you know, no one can remain indifferent.

Exotic and ecology.Excited civilizations are followed by countries with exotic landscapes and landscapes - Australian large barrier reef, US lakes, Nigeria waterfalls, the fantastic nature of Galapagos. All this is really unusual. Awesome. Almost unreal.

Way of life.The following are countries with an unusual way of life - that is, any place on the planet, whose being is different from our panel-high-rise existence. Tunisian beribers living in caves, Arab countries with their unconditional and fascinating consequences by the laws of the Quran, japanese culture And the culture of American Indians. A civilized person, one, obviously, is the entire excursion and amateur tribe, such differences cause only admiration - at least from understanding how diverse the life of people on this planet can be.

Excursion Russia.Well, closes the top five leadersel directions. Native Russia. The expanses of our country are huge: 9 climatic zones and as many time zones, mountain arrays, hill, full-flow rivers, dozens and hundreds of natural wonders - Avachinskaya bay, Kungur Ice Cave, Krasnoyarsk poles, caldera von ... List everything is probably impossible. And then, there is also a magnificent architecture of our cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, the luxury of folk crafts - Suzdal, Semenova, Gus-Crystal. Russia is inexhaustible, great and gorgeous, moreover, compared to all of the above, quite budgetary.

The world has a huge number of places and attractions that you want to visit. All of them are something special and attract the attention of thousands of tourists every year. Collecting on the next trip, take a look at this list and, perhaps, a visit to one of these amazing places will leave you an indelible impression.

Large castle funnel, located in the center of Lighthouse Reef, Atoll in Belize barrier Reefa. The diameter of this natural miracle is 305 meters, and in depth it takes 120 meters. Blue hole Every year attracts a huge number of divers from all over the world.

2) "Wave" in Arizona, USA

In Arizona, the US is located rocks covered with bizarre layered patterns that give this place an unearthly appearance. Located not far from large settlements, Therefore, the tourists have gained great popularity.

These hills called chocolate are located on the island of Bochol in the Philippines. In total, the hills covered with greens, in the area there are more than 1,200 pieces.

This place in the desert of the Karakum in Turkmenistan nicknamed the gate to hell, it was formed after unsuccessful drilling in search of gas. When drilling in 1971, the whole technique, including the drilling installation, failed in the resulting crater, which was filled with gas. To avoid accidents and poisoning, it was decided to set fire to this gas and since then, he continues to burn for over 40 years.

In the Chinese province, Hunan became a prototype of fantastic landscapes from the film "Avatar". More than 3,000 thousand sandy mountains rise to an altitude of up to 800 meters and are of great interest to tourists, especially after the success of the Cameron film.

One of the most affordable amazing places on the planet, many russian tourists We have already managed to go there, as Pamukkale is located just a few hours from the popular Turkish resort - Antalya. Pamukkale (Pamukkale) that translated means a "cotton castle" - it is snow-white terraces filled with water from mineral springs. It is believed that water in these terraces has healing properties.

7) Canyon Antelope, USA

Antelope Canyon (Antelope Canyon) is located in the southwest of the United States 240 kilometers from. Wind and water for many thousands of years have done big work, which was the result of an amazing canyon red-red.

Do you know that the most active volcano is in Antarctica? Ice Towers of Mount Erebus (Ice Towers of Mount Erebus) was opened on January 28, 1841 by the English expedition under the leadership of the Polar Researcher Sir James Clarke Ross on the ships "Erebus" and "Terror". The height of this volcano is 3794 meters, which makes it one of the most high points Antarctica. Inside the volcano is a large lava lake.

9) Monument Kasha-Katuwe-TENT-ROKS, USA

This national monument is located in New Mexico in 60 kilometers from the city of Santa Fe and formed due to the deposition of volcanic rocks.

10) Ischigualaasto Natural Park, Argentina

This park, which is also called the Moon Valley, is located in the province of San Juan in Argentina. Not the most popular place among the tourists, as it is located in a distance from the main tourist routesBut it was here that NASA tried her rinsing. Landscape of this place looks alien.

11) Solonchak Uyuni, Bolivia

Salted Lake (Salar de Uyuni) in Bolivia is located near Lake Titicaca - this is one of the most amazing and photogenic places on our planet. Everything in this area is saturated with salt, it is everywhere, but the most amazing spectacle occurs when rains fall out and everything is covered with a thin layer of water, the ideal surface of which turns into a mirror.

12) Danxia Landscape (Danxia Landform), China

It may seem that this incredible landscape is only the result of the work of photoshop, but this is a real geological object formed due to sandstone impositions and other mineral rocks. This natural object Located in the Chinese province of Gansu. In 2010, the landscape Dankia was listed by UNESCI World Heritage.

13) Crystal Cave of The Giants (Crystal Cave Of The Giants), Mexico

This cave with the largest crystals in the world was found quite recently in 2000 near the city of Chihuahua in Mexico. These giants have dimensions up to 15 meters in length and 1.5 meters wide and consist of zinc-silver-lead salts. The cave has a special climate (almost 60 degrees Celsius and 100% air humidity), in which a person cannot spend more than 5-10 minutes.

14) Dry Valley (Dry Valleys), Antarctica

Dry valley is called the territory of three valleys of oasis (Victoria, Wright, Taylor) in Antarctica to the west of the McMordo Strait. Hurricane winds, no precipitation, low temperatures created in this place unique climate. Rare lakes have long been turned into ice wells, in which, in the opinion of some scientists, unknown microorganisms live.

15) Socotra (Socotra Island), Yemen

Socotra is an archipelago in Indian Oceanconsisting of 4 islands located at the coast of Somalia. On these islands, a unique vegetable and animal life has been preserved, many representatives of which can only be found here. The symbol of the archipelago is an endemic dragon tree.

16) Giant Trail (Giants Causeway), Ireland

More than 40,000 basalt columns form a path that leads to the foot of the volcano, due to the eruption of which these amazing columns arose. The giants trail is one of the most popular tourist attractions of Northern Ireland.

17) Lake Clilyuk (Kliluk, The Spotted Lake), Canada

Local indigenous Indians consider it a sacred lake. The water of this lake has bright colors, as it is saturated with sodium sulfates, calcium, magnesium and other mineral substances. In the hot season, water in the lake dries up and many small puddles are formed, which have a different color, depending on which element of the Mendeleev table in them prevails.

18) "Department of Preacher" or Stopstylene (Preikestolen), Norway

The rock is stolen - the favorite place of photographers and just tourists, is a huge rock cliff with a flat platform of 25 by 25 meters. The height of the cliff is 604 meters and from its top offers a beautiful view of the surrounding landscape. Rock is stealing is one of Norway's most popular attractions.

19) Plitvice Lakes, Croatia

Plitvice lakes are the main attraction of Croatia. There are 16 large and several small lakes, about 20 mysterious caves and 120 waterfalls. In this place, you can find many types of plants and animals that are unique and occur only in the area of \u200b\u200bPlitvice Lakes, so they are strictly protected by UNESC.

20) Cappadocia, Turkey

Cappadocia, or "Country of Beautiful Horses" - unique placelocated in the Gorem Valley in Turkey. Cappadocia is practically the whole worldwhich is hidden in the caves of volcanic origin, there are houses, monasteries, unique multi-tiered underground cities And much more, all this appeared before our era. This unique place is rightfully popular with tourists coming to Turkey.

21) Yellowstone National Park, USA

Yellowstone National Park - Unique nature Park, famous for the whole world. The most famous and most visited national Park in USA. Yellowstone is included in the UNESCI World Heritage List. This park is located on the territory of the three states at once: Montana, Idaho and Wyoming. Yellowstone is famous for its unique geological sites: geysers, geothermal sources and the largest dormant volcano of the entire continent - caldera.

22) Love tunnel in the city of Klewan, Ukraine

This tunnel from trees envelops railroad tracks that go near the city of Klewan. Because of his amazing beauty and romanticity, this place was nicknamed by a love tunnel. In the summer, when the tunnel is in the flourish itself, they love to come here newlyweds, take a photo on his background is considered a good sign.

23) Corinth Canal, Greece

It is impossible to believe that this channel is created by the hands of a person. The construction of the Corinthian Canal began with the emperor Nerno in 67 to our era, and ended only in 1893. This unique hand creation of a man connects the Saronian Bay of the Aegean Sea and the Corinth Bay Ionian Sea. The depth of the Corinth Canal is 8 meters, and the width is 24 meters.

One of the most beautiful places In Chile - Lake Lago General Carrera, in which there are marble caves. This unique natural cave fully consists of a multi-colored marble (pink and blue), its here more than 5,000 million tons.

25) Village Monsanto, Portugal

This small Portuguese town is built among the huge stone boulders, many of which serve as houses for local residents. Monsanto town almost completely consists of one-story buildings, which are separated by narrow streets, getting here, you can feel yourself in the Middle Ages.

Views of this ice Canyon In Greenland fascinating, his dark blue water attracts and can be lost in a set of skillfully made ice arches. This canyon is the largest in the territory of the island, and Greenlandic whale, seals and walruses live in its waters.

27) Skaftafell (Skaftafell), Iceland

Skaftafell Park (Skaftafell) is natural miracle Iceland, in which the ice caves are yoculsarlon (JökulsArLoN).

28) Maltnoma Falls, USA

29) Waterfall Sellandfoss, Iceland

This temple drew in the rock truly deserves the title of one of the wonders of the world. The construction of this city began even to our era, and now it is included in the UNESCI World Heritage List.

32) Town Riomaggore, Italy

A small town in Italy, in which houses are pupred on the rocks right at the edge of the sea. Movement on cars is prohibited in Riomaggore.

33) Festival Loy Brush, Thailand

Every year, a festival is held in Thailand, the continued tradition of which remains the launch of heavenly lanterns. This is an amazing spectacle when thousands of luminous lights simultaneously climbs at the same time. If you are in Thailand in November, do not miss this festival.

34) Mount Roraima, Venezuela

The height of the Mountain Mount 2723 meters, and the vertex plateau has an area of \u200b\u200b35 square kilometers. Reports on the expedition to the mountain area inspired Arthur Conan Doyle to write the novel "Lost World".

35) Etretat, Normandy, France

It is impossible to list all the interesting places of the planet in one place, because every place is unique and deserved every place, but we tried to collect many interesting places to pay attention to, going to another journey.

See also: