Anti-faculty fairies established on the road part of the bridge in the Crimea. On the road bridge in the Crimea installed anti-conflict winners video about the project

Crimean Bridge (Kerch Bridge) - Combined automobile and railway bridge from Taman Peninsula To the Crimea through the Kerch Strait.

Project and characteristics

According to the project, the beginning of the route passes on an already existing 5 km long lamb and the island of Tuzla. The next after the island plot of the bridge crosses the Kerch Strait, while envelopes the most southern cape Kerch Ak-Burun on the side of the bay and goes ashore in the area of \u200b\u200bCement Slobodki, not far from the mouth of the river Jardzhaw. Thus, construction is carried out aside from the port and crossing, does not affect their work.

The bridge includes a car four-band trace capable of passing up to 40,000 vehicles per day at an estimated speed of up to 120 km / h. For machines transport connection With the Crimea through the bridge is free.

The first train across the bridge is scheduled for December 23, 2019, he will depart from St. Petersburg from the Moscow Station at 14:00 and will continue on the updated route to Sevastopol. Tickets for flights started in October.

Shortly after the first train, St. Petersburg - Sevastopol, the composition connecting Moscow and Simferopol will be launched. Schedule is available in the official group of the Crimean Railway. By top tourist season - May 2020, the railway message will be expanded, you can read the routes by reference.

Design load on two roads of the railway Kerch Bridge Up to 47 pairs of trains daily, both freight and regular passenger. Speed \u200b\u200bfor passenger compounds - 120 km / h, for freight - 80 km / h. Railway Along with the motorway, there should be a stable turnover and a passenger transfer. Since October 2019, the railway structures of the Crimean Bridge are held, in November, the railway automation has begun.

Shipping arched spans with a length of 227 m and a height over water 35 m are provided to preserve shipping in the Kerch Strait.

Construction of Kerch Bridge

The concept of the bridge between Tamaniu and the Crimean Peninsula was worked out by January 2015.

From February 17, 2015, the Sole Contractor for the construction of the facility is LLC Stroygazmontazh (in March approved subsidiary "SGM-Bridge"), the project part is engaged in CJSC Institute GipproTroymost-Saint-Petersburg. Before starting work, about 600 hectares of sushi and water area were cleaned, more than 700 explosive items of the middle of the 20th century remaining after fighting were removed.

Driving ways, production sites, mobile concrete nodes, workers bridges and watchdogs are created in the summer of 2015, work is carried out in parallel.

By the end of September 2015, the first worker bridge on Tuzl was the test, it was secured passing to the automotive bridge, another month - navigation boys in the Kerch Strait were installed.

In December 2015, the slope from Kerch was strengthened.

The active phase of construction and at the same time - equipment of access to the bridge from two sides - is conducted from February 2016. The second and third temporary working bridges are being built.

The construction of pile foundations of the support bridge on land began on March 10, 2016. The first support of the bridge on a tuzlo (according to the project - support No. 173) was completed on April 12, 2016. By the end of May, over 1000 piles are in excessively submerged at the base of the bridge.

The installation of the spans delivered from Voronezh, started on June 9 by Tamani; A few days later construction work began in the water area. Since August 2016, the main shipping supports are established, arched spans are being built.

By September 1, exactly 100 supports were established, by September 13, a temporary auxiliary bridge construction infrastructure was fully created with each of the parties and on the island of Tuzla. By September 21, the first marine support was built; By September 24, a plot of a future road was created - a stove on a tuzle.

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Railway bridge arch is installed at the end of August, dry cargo ship and landing ship passed under it.

Fully installation of the road arch is performed by October 13. In November, Spit and Tuzla Island are connected by road spans.

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5 Feralya 2018 started work on the construction of marine spans for the railway.

March - April 2018 Works on the equipment of the bridge motorway are carried out: noise screens, lighting, asphalting and installation of automatic road traffic control system, backlight mounting.

Road signs are installed on the Crimean Bridge in May 2018.

For further work, it is possible to follow the official website of the Kerch bridge.

Dates of delivery of the Kerch Bridge

Automotive trail through the Kerch Strait - May 16, 2018 (according to plan - December 2018).

Railway bridge - 2019 year.

Review video: Construction of the Crimean Bridge

Opening of the Crimean Bridge

The road route of the Crimean bridge is open to transport early - from May 16, 2018. During the day before, the grand opening of the bridge by Vladimir Putin and Most-Builders took place: the trip over the bridge on Kamaz took 16 minutes.

A memo appeared on the official site for the first drivers passing through the Crimean Bridge.

Bridge Map through Kerch Strait

For detailed interactive Map The site of the project presents spherical panoramas of construction projects, the nearest important transport hubs are noted, indicated specifications Bridge. Visual materials are updated every month, which makes it possible to monitor the construction of the Kerch bridge in almost real time.

The observation deck of the Crimean bridge

Coordinates observation deck On the Crimean Peninsula - 45 ° 19'28 "N 36 ° 28'24" E. Walking near the Kerch fortress. On city transport it is possible to get to the Nizhny Sunny microdistrict, then you have to go around 1.5-2 km.

From the mainland, excursions are planned to the sightseeing site at the monument to the Soviet paratroopers (the memorial is known as the "Punch of Lander"), coordinates - 45 ° 12'2 "N 36 ° 36'58" E.

How to get to the Crimean Bridge

The Crimean Bridge is completely marked on Yandex maps. A-290 car trail passes through it, buses are passing.

In the Crimean Bridge on Google-Panorama

Video about the project

Video on the construction of Kerch Bridge, 2018, the turning on the backlight

The main event of October 2017 is preparing transportation of the road arch of the Kerch Bridge. For several more days (or weeks), the automotive arch will be on the shore. During the installation of the Installation Installation, the Arch will be blocked by shipping on Kerch-Yenikali channel, as well as in the case of transportation of the railway arch. When loading the arch on the flooder, the permissible wind speed should not exceed 5 m / s, and during transportation to 10 m / s. Possible window

September 19, 2017. Most-builders continue to prepare for the transportation of the second arched span of the bridge through the Kerch Strait. On the evening of September 18, the design began a movement on releasing pirs and moved on a tent of meters. Today is a foggy cheek over the pier, but the fact that the arch changed the location can be seen in the online chamber installed on Mount Mitridat.

Most-builders were lifted to the railway arched span of the Crimean bridge to the phawater supports - at a height of 35 meters from the sea level. The design weighing more than 6 thousand tons raised using lifting equipment under the control of leading engineers of the project. The process of lifting the arch on the project height - took about 12 hours. During the day, the arch will be fixed.

In the Kerch Strait there is an operation on the installation of the railway arches of the Crimean Bridge

August 1, 2017 Today, the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Maxim Sokolov arrived in Kerch on a working visit. He familiarized himself with the progress of works on the construction of a transport transition through the Kerch Strait, informing reporters that the construction of the bridge is on schedule.

Today, the weather in Kerch is not happy with the sun, besides, a small rain is broken periodically. However, the construction of Kerch bridge does not interfere with absolutely.

Spring - Kerch Bridge. TP Kerch, Farwater, Tuzla Island May 2017 - Kerch Bridge, RM-3 trip. Installation of supports in Kerch's water area.

Russian President Vladimir Putin held a working meeting with the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Maxim Sokolov. The construction of the Crimean Bridge comes with a certain advance of the schedule, the "Equator" of the work passed. This reported to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Maxim Sokolov. Available 284 supports from 595. Another 170 supports are in operation. More than 34 thousand tons of spanters metal structures were collected. More than 6.8 thousand tons of metal structures of the arches from the planned 10 thousand tons are enlarged. Constructton concrete work

March 1, 2017 Construction of the Crimean Bridge is conducted in strict accordance with the schedule and is provided with the most stringent quality control.

Neither frost nor snowfall, nor even rumors on the Internet prevent the employees of the Kerch bridge to continue the construction of the century

<— декабрь 2016 Предновогодние морские 224А,225А,226А,227А. Видны ростверки, возможно с телами, но судя по высоте шатров — точно без ригелей

Crane assembly in water

<—- октябрь 2016 Строители транспортного перехода через Керченский пролив планируют возвести 200 опор до конца текущего года. Об этом в эфире телеканала «Россия 24» сообщил владелец фирмы-подрядчика строительства Крымского моста – ООО «Стройгазмонтаж» – Аркадий Ротенберг.

<—сентябрь 2016 (Фото, видео) 1 октября 2016 Растут металлоконструкции, обустраивается строительная площадка, в разных местах которой возникают или исчезают целые горы строительных материалов. На керченском участке установили временные опоры для сборки пролетов между 304 и 303 опорой, в бассейне 300-288 работает земснаряд, кучи песка между 302 и 301 и на площадке южнее пристани, намыты им. На стройплощадку завезли много металлоконструкций для пролетов до 299 опоры. Установка буронабивных свай заканчивает создание

<— август 2016 Ровно 100 опор возведено на сухопутных участках строительства Крымского моста. Сотой стала опора № 165 под автомобильную составляющую моста на острове Тузла. Она стоит на фундаменте из восьми трубчатых свай диаметром 1420 мм. Сваи погружены на глубину до 71,5 м вибропогружателем с последующей добивкой до проектной отметки гидравлическим молотом. Ещё около 140 опор находятся в работе 1 сентября 2016 Возведена 100-я опора моста через Керченский пролив вот

The official website of the Crimean Bridge informs that along the route of the Crimean bridge is the installation of acoustic screens to reduce the noise load after opening the movement along the new road. Builders assemble the noise absorbing panels with a height of 3 to 6 meters in areas adjacent to the banks of the Kerch Strait. Comprehensive measurement measures will allow to provide a favorable acoustic environment at the borders of the Sanitary and Protective Zone of the Crimean Bridge.

"The noise absorbing screens, according to the project, will be installed on both sides of the automotive route in the bridge interface sites with the coastline. In addition, such screens are mounted along the bridge of the Azov Sea at a stretch of more than 700 meters from the Taman coast, as well as from Cape Ak-Burun on a plot of more than 1.3 km from Kerch Coast, "said the deputy chief of the FCU Uplord "Taman" Rosavtodor Kairat Tursunbekov.

Screens are bearing metal racks with three-layer noise-protective panels. The frame is made of stainless steel. Noise absorbing element - from the mineral wool plate. It is resistant to wind and moisture, fireproof. To prevent strong deformations from the panel stones, there are rigidity ribs with a frequency at least one meter.

Crimean Bridge today: Fresh news in 2 hours

The official website of the Crimean Bridge informs that similar screens will later be installed at certain sites along the railway part of the Crimean bridge. Another measure to reduce the acoustic load will fall on trees on a special noise protection scheme.

When calculating comprehensive measures for noise protection, specialists took into account many factors, including the projected traffic intensity in the bridge in the day and night, the movement of the air masses, the configuration of the structure, the sound dispersion parameters, the refractiveness of the sound from the nearby buildings and so on. All necessary measurements were carried out at the preparatory stage, after which experts have formed the measures for noiseing and protecting atmospheric air from pollutants, and then calculated and substantiated the size of the sanitary protection zone as part of the approval of the Crimean Bridge.

Noise protection screens are installed along the automotive approaches to the Crimean bridge from the Taman Peninsula (on the right side towards the movement to the bridge). Acoustic "shield" with a total area of \u200b\u200bmore than 25 thousand square meters. Meters will provide a favorable acoustic environment on the outskirts of the village of Taman, located at the boundaries of the sanitary protection zone of the highway. Similar works will be held at the Kerch shore.

Earlier, in the framework of the construction of the Crimean bridge and approaches to it in the houses of Taman and Kerch, which at the borders of the sanitary and protective zone, the existing glazing was replaced by enhanced with an increased level of sound insulation. Thus, the builders of counselors at the Kerch shore installed noise-proof windows in five 9-storey and one 5-storey residential buildings, as well as at school and kindergarten. The total glazing area exceeded 4 thousand square meters. m, for which you need more than 2.2 thousand windows.

Crimean bridge over Kerch Strait Today: the latest news. When does the opening of the car movement?

In connection with the plans of the builders of the Crimean bridge, introduce the road part of the Crimean bridge into operation with a significant advance, in May 2018 instead of December, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation addresses the phased scheme of the organization of movement along the new route through the Kerch Strait.

At the first stage - immediately after entering the bridge - the passage will be opened for passenger transport and buses providing passenger transportation. The opening of the movement for freight transport is planned at the second stage - at the end of 2018, as it was scheduled for initial charts.

The exception is provided for freight and technological transport involved in the construction of the railway part of the Crimean bridge. The transport of builders will be able to move around the Crimean Bridge immediately after the opening of its road part.

The solution is due to the optimization of logistics flows in the peak summer season to reduce the load on the road network of the Kerch and Taman Peninsula.

In particular, it is planned that in May will be provided through the 40-kilometer counselor from the Taman coast (from the existing federal highway A-290 to the Crimean Bridge), without the commissioning of transport junctions with the local road network. At the same time, on the Crimean side to the opening of the movement in operating mode, an auto-order from the Crimean bridge to the junction with the Tavrida highway will be ready. Next, the movement will follow two lanes of the existing road Kerch - Simferopol.

By the end of 2018, two new Taurida bands to Simferopol should be prepared, and in full, countenance of the Crimean Bridge will be introduced in full, which will make it possible to remove temporary restrictions on the movement of the freight transport along the track through the Kerch Strait.

At the facade of the bridge, the Crimea established fairers, which reduce the wind load on the arched span of the roadway over Kerch-Yenikali channel, reported the infocenter "Crimean Bridge".

"The fairers were mounted directly from the arched span, in safe for shipping mode, without any restrictions for the movement of ships on Kerch-Yenikali channel. These structures minimize the wind effect on the arched span and provide a comfortable operation of the road, "the infocenter reported.

The fairings of 190 elements of metal structures are a kind of cornice around the facade of the arches, and in shape resemble the wing of the aircraft.

For Kerch Storm Storm conditions with strong winds - a standard phenomenon, and in exceptional cases, according to the calculations of the authors of the project, the wind speed can reach 40 meters per second. "Specialized studies have been conducted to prevent negative aerodynamic phenomena. The results obtained allowed us to project a certain form of fairing - as a wing of the aircraft, "the" Crimean Bridge "quotes the words of the Deputy Director for the design of the" Institute of Hypontroymost - St. Petersburg "by Viktor Galas.

Both arched spans of the Crimean Bridge - Railway and Road - installed in the project position in 2017, during unique maritime operations in the Kerch Strait. Their length is 227 meters. Podmost envelope with a width of 185 meters and a height of 35 meters allows you to freely miss the vessels going through Kerch-Yenikali channel. The height of the arches at the highest point is 45 meters from the lower belt (or 80 meters from the water surface). The weight of the road arch is about five thousand tons.

The bridge over the Kerch Strait, which connects the Crimea and the Krasnodar region, will be the most extended in Russia - 19 kilometers. The movement of cars on it was originally planned to open in December, but the builders stated that they were going down and the movement would begin in May.

See also: