Romania Royal Castle Peles Florentine Hall. Castle Peles, Romania

I love palaces. This is not only the opportunity to feel the insignificance to see the life of kings, but also to see the chance a large number of Walking things. Today we are going to the Polesh Palace Castle, where no little King Romania lived. And you need to tell you really cool hut! The boys knew how to live well, and with confidence I declare that if you did not visit the Poto, you did not visit Romania in general, more precisely did not know anything about her. After all, there ...However, everything in order πŸ™‚

How to get to Sinai and Pelsh Castle

My journey began from the capital of Romania -. Earlier, I already wrote about him. It was in Bucharest that I sat down on one of these terribly brassistant locomotives and rushed into a small mountain town.

However, it was not necessary to yawn: the trains passing, so she looked into both, so as not to drive his stop.

Tip from Gava! Feature of the roads of Romania - tickets can be bought online. You buy online - the price is significantly lower. I advise you to enter the site and find out the terms of purchase. It is better to go early in the morning, to see everything and leave in the evening in the next city of Romania - Brasov.

On the platform in Sinai was sad, the city met a rain. But not long!
Romanian locomotive with eyes was very comfortable inside

Excursions here

If you want a tour of the sights of Transylvania cities, including Sinai, then here are the most popular couple:

Romania Mountain Town - Sinai

So we were in place. As you could have noticed, Sinai is a word, a good familiar to Russians, exiting Egypt, because there is also a blue there, and this coincidence is not accidental.

Sina Today - Popular Ski Resort

Egyptian and Romanian blue are closely related to each other, because in the 17th century, Romanian Prince Mikhail Cantakuzino made a pilgrimage on the holy places of Jerusalem, Nazareth, and also visited the Sinai Peninsula, where he visited the monastery with the temple of St. Catherine. Inspired by extraordinary beauty The monastery, the prince built something similar in his country. So, in the distance to 1695, a monastery of Sinai appeared in the mountains of Romania.

It's funny that none of Russia sells tours to Romania. All sell tours in transylvania.

Later, Sinah became the city. And now is ski resort with stunning landscapes and interesting architectureSomething looks like Bavarian buildings. Here cozy, pure and beautiful.

We headed for the castle of the Peles, passing the chevers and capturing an interesting architecture.

Architecture in Sinai and the truth is unusual. This is a mixture of styles ...
... times of English Renaissance, German Baroque and French Rococo. Although moving the movie!

Monastery Sinai

My path to the Pelesh's Palace was through the famous monastery. As I wrote above, it was thanks to him the city received such a name. The monastery itself is known for the fact that, firstly, was the very first electrified in Romania, and, secondly, it has a huge bell weighing 1700 kg. It is on the bell tower of gates.

There is a legend: when the Turks came to rob transylvania, they got to Sinai. The monks did not want to be plundered, so they collected all gold and valuable things, put under the bell, and the bell himself was removed. Turks came, looked at the monks of Nishchibrudes some, did not guessed to raise the bell at 1,700 kg, and left with anything. So the monks have retained their charm.

Tip from Gava! The cost of entry into the monastery - 5 lei. Now all who are not lazy do for all the money. But! If you came there too early, there will be no one at the entrance, you can go and see just like that. By the way, this applies to all open complexes In Romania. Came early - passed for free. Take note πŸ™‚

From the monastery to the Peles Palace, I found a wonderful pedestrian road, which I advise you to go through and you: wonderful views open, and the path here is the shortest, you do not need to make a huge hook. In addition, various souvenir and sweets will be sold along the way.

Castle Peles. Who gets early, the Russian guide!

And here he is - the castle of Peles. You can call him and the palace - it is really beautiful! This miracle of architecture was built in the early 20th century for King Carol I.

A little Wikipedia: King Kalol I (1839-1914) first visited these places in 1866, they reminded him of native Germany, and he was forever captured them. In 1872, these lands (approximately 5.3 sq. Km) were bought by the king, and became referred to Royal Domain Sinaidesigned to become royal hunting grounds and the summer residence of the monarch.

The first three architectural projects of the castle actually copied other Western European palaces, and Karol I rejected them, because they were too expensive and insufficiently original. Architect Johann Schulz introduced a more interesting project that I liked the king: a small palace or, rather, a spacious alpine-style mansion, combining Italian elegance with aesthetics of a German non-hereniss. The cost of construction (for the period between 1875 and 1914) was estimated at about 16 million Golden Romanian lei (approximately 120 million modern US dollars).

The castle is open daily from 9 to 5, from Wednesday to Sunday. The cost of one floor - 20 lei / person, for two floors - 50 lei / people. Photo and video shooting - 30 lei. Entry is strictly organized by groups.

Deciding with the choice of style, the castle was built. It was built not one year. And then he began to be labeled: initially intended to become "a cradle of the dynasty, the cradle of the nation" the castle did not fulfill his destination, and it was nationalized, made a museum.

With Cheresska (Communist dictator of Romania, if anyone did not know) it was generally closed for visiting. After the "Romanian revolution", 1989, he was re-visited. And in 2006 he was returned to the royal house Romania. King Micah (who lives still lives in Bucharest in his small palace) made a museum from him. Now it is open for tourists for almost a whole year, except for November.

Before the palace, a very beautiful palace-park complex. Not Versailles and Peterhof, of course. But very cute and cozy. Be sure to go

Who rises early, ...
... Tom Russian guide πŸ™‚

There's a monument to Elizabeth - Carol I. I. How did the guide told us, she loved her needle how to needle, so in the statue captured the moment when she embroiders. Probably socks husband sniffs πŸ™‚

Elizabeth-needlewoman. Husband socks sews πŸ™‚

Entrance to the castle - only organized groups with excursions. Unfortunately, singles are not allowed at all.

As for the cost, only two floors can be visited in the castle itself. The third - while closed. Therefore, tickets are divided by price. Those who want only 1 floor - 20 lei per person, 2 floors - 50 lei.

I am very advised to take for 50! You will not regret, and look at all the charms of the complex. Photo and video shooting, too, for an additional fee - 20-30 lei.

Students and students. Take your student - instead of 50 lei you pay 12 lei. Savings are huge! Cashiers do not really look, which is written in it, and check the fact of availability (not that in Parthenone in Athens, there everything is checked thoroughly)

There is a whole Russian-speaking guide. By the way, the group, to which I joked, awesome was lucky and we got exactly to him. Why? And who gets up early, this ... Excursion in Russian πŸ™‚ Well, went to watch?

Castle Peles. From whom the king hid?

Russian-speaking guide (we were surprised by her Russian, in which she even joking) spent very good excursion. I like a mouse a lot of things that seemed unequivocally recommend.

Fotka on slippers in economy mode, so sorry.

The ceiling in the castle is made according to the ceiling in the Palace of Parliament.
However, this ceiling is also moving away to ventilating!

I like a male mouse, I really liked the weapon room. The king is just the best! Collected coolness from all over the world: here and Sabli, Alebards, Armor of Europe and Asia. Even from Africa! I went straight with an open mouth, the mustache did not move. They also froze from exposure.

The palace is very beautiful inside, every room is decorated in its own way and is very interesting. Here, for example, the library. It is not worth it, it is probably that the books have a secret move in the King bedroom. By quoting the guide: "The king loved to hide. Especially from the queen ... "(Sun smile). What he hid from her - I do not know. Maybe stitched socks did not want to measure.

- Dear, I sewed new socks! ...
... and in response silence πŸ™‚

In addition to inner beauty, the palace was truly innovative and ahead of the planet all. As I said, the castle of Peles was the first electrified building in Romania. The whole city is blue, by the way, in the same way. Here still (!) There is an elevator. Just 120 years old. 120 years old Elevator works! But that's not all.

The boiler room, which heats the entire castle, works here (air ducts with warm air are straightforward on you when you go on corridors). And, Karl, you won't believe, but there was a vacuum cleaner, which also works!

According to corridors there are special outlets where the tube from the vacuum cleaner and the castle workers could vacuum the dust surfaces.

In general, this is the best that I have seen in the castles of such a format. Definitely mast si. If you were not in the Poto, you were not in Romania.

Pelshort Castle

Having enjoyed the beauty of the Pellesh, we went to Pelshore Castle, which is nearby. Compared to his big brother - Pelshor, of course, lags behind. He was built by King Karol I for his heir - Prince Ferdinand. He is less pafus, and very small.

Here you can already walk on your own, without a guide. Wishing - audio guide to help I took and, honestly, regretted. Many lapels and other nonsense, so I do not advise you to take it. Drink yourself and see.

And this is considered the most beautiful room - the Golden Room Pelshore. On the ceiling - the monogram of the royal couple, and all the walls are covered with gilded carvings:

  1. The cost of a trip from Bucharest to Sinai Lei. All the way is about 120 km or 2 hours of your time. River train with a breeze, sidewes are convenient for priests, soft.
  2. The cost of entry into the monastery of Sinai - 5 lei. Came early in the morning - passed for free.
  3. The entrance to the Pelesh Castle is from 20 to 50 lei, depending on the program (as how many floors go). Students discounts. There is a student, take sure!
  4. You can eat in the city center. There are many cafes and there is a huge supermarket. On average - 30-50 lei per person (tourist town, so prices are higher than in Bucharest)
  5. Tickets for the train are better to take online - so they are cheaper.
Who will not repost, that fat cat! Not a cat? 🐭 Tell friends, they are also interesting!


More Miracle Travel Reviews!

Pelesh's castle, located near resort town Sin it is one of the most beautiful castles of Romania. The peles was built in the period from 1873 to 1914 in the style of non-herenissance and at the moment refers to historical monuments.

For the first time in 1866, in places where the castle of Peles was built, the king visited Karol I. The place remained forever in the heart of the king, reminding him of his native Germany. A few years later, he bought these lands in order to build hunting grounds and a summer residence on them. The first architectural projects of the Peles Castle were practically a copy of the Western European palaces, but the monarch refused them, referring to insufficient originality and high cost. As a result, it was decided to build a small palace in Alpine style. Translated into a modern course, the cost of construction of the castle in Romania was estimated at about $ 120 million.

Such great view Opened on the road to the castle of Peles. Wrags, isn't it? We have already thought that this kind is the most beautiful on these lands, but we hurried. The closer to the castle we approached, it became more interesting.

If the city is called "Pearl Carpath", then Peles can be bolded to call the pearl of the city itself. Interestingly, in the guidebooks published in the 1970s -80s, there is not a word about the castle of Peles. And the thing is that the building was used as one of the residences of the Clan Clausca, so the castle gate was closed to the public. Maybe for this reason, the queues of those who want to visit royal rest are built here.

In 1990, after the revolution in Romania, the Castle of Peles was opened for tourists. Attendance can be attended throughout the year, except for November. A visit is possible exclusively as part of the excursion group. I assure you to see it with your own eyes you just need.

Before the castle, the Peles posted a powerful road, cars do not miss there, have to be left in the parking lot. The entrance costs 25 Romanian lei. And still need to wait for a while - depending on the number of sightseeing groups. But during the waiting you can shoot in the courtyard with a fountain. Here is such elegant painting and stucco on the courtyard wallsthat gives the castle Pelsh special beauty.

So, already having the first enthusiastic impressions of the castle, we go inside. At the entrance, everything is necessarily dressing the boots. Excursions, as far as I understood, are held not only on Romanian, but also in English and german languages. Rooms in the castle of Peles are a lot, but only some of them are available for visiting. It is also not allowed to pass inside the halls, you can only observe from the side.

The highest room of the castle is the main lobbyHis height is 12 meters.

We especially struck two rooms: the refectory and arms hall. The trapes are fully separated by a tree, there are elevators for feeding dishes from the bottom kitchen, expensive sets ... in general, the dining room is furnished as if the reception is about.

Peles Castle is incredibly luxurious: brilliant architecture, a large number of sculptures, frescoes on the walls, wood carving, rich antique furniture. You can list infinitely. The collection of weapons is especially valuedwhich includes about 4,000 items from both Europe and from the east.

In the castle of Peles, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is more than three thousand square meters. meters, numbered more than 160 rooms and 30 bathrooms. It is a pity that during a 30-minute excursion do not show bedrooms and bathrooms.

It would not say that the inner courtyard of the Pelesh Castle is big, half an hour is quite enough to walk here, consider the details, enjoy different views of the adjacent forest and the Carpathians.

In 2006, Peles Castle was bought by a state for 30 million euros. In addition, many famous films were shot here. Therefore, I confidently recommend you to visit the castle of Peles in Romania!

Peles Castle (Castelul Peleş) - My love at first sight. Cozy, beautiful, unusual - just a palace from Disney fairy tales. And the surrounding nature, including ads on the bears walking there, also fabulous. Highly beautiful place Chose King Kalol (Karl) I for the palace, it is believed that this place resembled him his native Germany. Karol I was the most long-playing king of Romania - he was in the throne of 48 years old and during the reign signed the Constitution, made Romania an independent country, restored the economy and the international position of the country. Karol I was married to Elizabeth Neuvid, already in the castle of the peles they had a daughter who died at the age of 4. Karol was not direct heirs, and the castle, along with the throne, was he inherited by his nephew.

The castle was built several decades between 1873 and 1914, according to the project of several architects, adopted by the construction relay from each other. First, the process was commanded by Wilhelm von doderer (1872-1876), Professor of the Vienna Technical University, then Johannes Schultz (he was the dodera assistant, became the chief architect from 1876 to 1883), and behind him AndrΓ© Γ©mile Lecomte du Nouy (1890 - 1892) .. .

The Doderer proposed several projects of the future castle in the style of Renaissance, in the spirit of the adorable castles of the Loire Valley and in the style of the Viennese buildings of the famous Ringstrasse. These projects were rejected by the king, then on the stage and spoke Schulz, who built such a wonderful fairy tale castle. The king liked the castle offered by School in Alpine style, elegant and with a clear German influence. The castle does not look like cold medieval castles. Quite the opposite, the Pelesh is a solid pleasure for the eye, and a candy (Eye Candy). Look for yourself which elegant, weathered beauty

Peles became the first royal castle equipped with electricity - the power plant was built immediately. Moreover, in the castle they made a system of central heating and air conditioning, which are still functioning to this day. The castle is also equipped with an elevator and centralized system For a vacuum cleaner (Central Vacuum). On the photo - the patio, by the way, there are ticket offices there, is painted by intricate pictures.

The Queen Elizabeth wrote about the construction site: "Bricklayers were the Italians, Romanians built the terraces, the Gypsies were under-workers. Albanians and Greeks worked on a stone, Germans and Hungarians were carpenters. Turks burned bricks. Engineers were Poles, and the Czechs The British were measured - there were hundreds of people in national costumes who spoke, sang, swear and chatted for fourteen languages \u200b\u200b... "And now the inhabitants of the walls, apparently belonging to the French brush, are quietly followed by visitors

No less silent in the surroundings look like statues. Probably, they are visible to the Peles River, from which the castle and got its name.

In 1947, the castle was confiscated by the Communists (then the King Mihai renounced the throne), but was opened for tourists. Later, the castle turned into "Peredelkino", and in the period 1975-1990, Causecu was completely clicked against his hands. Only after the revolution in 1989, the castles were opened again for tourists. In 2007, Romania returned Peles King Mihai I, but only nominally - the castle is still under the management of the state. It is believed that 500 thousand tourists visited the peles every year.

If you decide to visit the internal champs of the castle, keep in mind that the last excursion (and without an excursion not to get there) goes at 16:15. This excursion includes only the tour on the first floor. If you want to get to the second floor where the royal bedrooms are located, then come early, until 15:00.

Inside the castle, you can take pictures, but for this you need to buy a separate resolution that I did not bother. If you are interested in the interiors of the castle, and they are very attractive, including unusual chandeliers and mirrors within the framework of Muranian glass, flourishing colorful colors, and the painting of the wall of the theater \\ cinema, made by Klimt's favorite me, then look here.

Despite the fact that the Pelsh is the Palace, and there is their homeless dogs. Most of them are quite friendly and at all are not afraid of people, but this proud dog preferred to hold onto the sidelines, then let me please.

And this clearly considers himself one of the attractions :)

Next door to the main castle, there is a smaller Chateau - Pelshore, who opened for tourists not so long ago, in 1993. There lived King Ferdinand I and the favorite Romanians Queen Maria. Pelshor is built in the style of the header with elements of the Romanian style - the towers are covered with multi-colored tiles, which is typical of the churches of the bukovina.

Of course, Pelshor is more like a villa than the palace, but nevertheless, visits unequivocally deserves visits. According to the project, then the princesses of Mary, the inner decoration is made in the Art Deco style and does not look like "palace" chambers.

In a quiet corner palace Park We discovered a souvenir shop with a smiling lace

Even the utility buildings are designed in the style of the palace and look very cute

Summarizing, Peles is a fabulous suburban residence, which you can only dream of :)

Have you seen the Bloom Brothers Film (The Brothers Bloom)? There, the Peles is pretending to be a country residence in New Jersey :)

Official site of the castle Pelesh.

Pages: 1.

The Pelles Castle is located at the intersection of the historic path from Valahia to Transylvania, 60 km from Brushev, 135 km from Bucharest and 1 km from the city of Sinai. It is easy for a bus from Brasheva or by train from Bucharest.

Castle Peles, Romania //

The castle was built in the foothills of the southern Carpathians, located in the beautiful forest turned into a park with a large number of streams and waterfalls. Romanian King Carol I, having seen this place, fell in love with him and decided to build a family residence here - a castle, which called the "Dynasty's cradle" - Pelsh.

Design and construction of the castle complex began in 1873 and lasted until 1914. By 1883, the main part of the work was performed and the royal family began to spend most of the year here. Dying, King Carol I bequeathed to his son Carolui to open free access to the castle and partially turn it into the museum that he did.

In 1947, the castle was confiscated by the Communists. In 1953, he became a museum.

In 1975-1990, it was closed for visits, but fortunately was not looted.

In 2006, King Mihai I was returned to the property, and he sold him for 30 million euros. From this time it has access to everyone.

Opening hours: Wednesday - Sunday from 9 to 17 hours. In November is closed. 20 lei is worth visiting the first floor, the duration of the excursion is 45 minutes. 50 lei is a visit to the first and second floors.

70 lei is the most complete excursion, including a visit to the three floors with a duration of 2.5 hours. Additionally, you can pay 32 lei for the photo and 50 lei for the video.

Coming out railway Station Or a bus, becoming faced to the city and climb the stairs to two or three tiers, turn right and go straight until I see the pointer or T-shaped intersection, turn left and go until you see the pointer to the castle - it is impossible to get lost.

We go to the beautiful alley, on the left and right forest, a number of peculiar stores selling all sorts of sofh. The singing of birds, the murmur of streams and small waterfalls will accompany you all the way. A large open lawn opens on the right, at the other end of which the castle rises. A beautiful old building is visible ahead of the alley, where the restaurant with an open area is located. On the left of the arch of another entrance.

The rich lawn, approach the castle, all the way with a slow step takes 40 minutes.

Designed Castle German Johann Schulz (1876-1883), continued the work of the Czech architect Carl Liman. In fact, Pelesh - the palace in the style of non-hereniss, in the half-timbered facades inland yard The Saxon influence is felt with their luxuriously painted walls, and in the interiors, decorated with rich carving on wood and refined fabrics, the influence of the baroque is noticeable. By tradition, everyone is called his castle. In the castle of Pelesh 3200 square meters. Meters square, more than 160 rooms, 30 bathrooms, luxuriously furnished and exquisitely decorated. Here is one of the best collections of works of art of Eastern and Central Europe, including sculpture, painting, furniture, weapons and armor, gold and silver products, ivory products, porcelain, carpets and tapestries. The collection of weapons and armor includes more than 4,000 items. Oriental carpets are produced in the best workshops of Bukhara, Mosul, Ssparta and Smyrna. Amazes the collection of Sevres and Maissen porcelain, skin from Cordoba.

The most striking and impressive is hand-drawn stained glass windows from Switzerland. The inner wooden decoration of the premises is striking with its luxury and skill.

I have seen a lot of German castles, including the famous Hohenschwangau and Neuschwanstein, the Palace of Nymphenburg, and the famous English Windsor, I have to say that they are hardly able to argue with the castle of Pelishor. Seven beautiful terraces made in Italian style are decorated with wonderful statues from Carrara marble of the Italian sculptor Rafanello Romanelli. Castle surrounds lovely Parkin which there are not only economic buildings and housing for the servant, but also a small Palace Pelishor.

Palace Pelishor was built in 1899-1903 for the family of the heir to the throne of Ferdinand I. Now in Pelishor Museum, the restaurant, a small hotel and souvenir shops.

All this is surrounded by wondrous beauty by the forest, a walk along which, together with the visit of the castles, leaves an indelible impression and the desire to return here more than once.

On the way to the castle.


Sale of souvenirs on the way to the castle.


View from the road along the way to the castle.


In the fog and clouds appears the castle of Peles


River with a waterfall decorates the road.


Lawn along the road.


In the castle, you can enter on the other side. Left entrance doors.


In the old building is now a restaurant.


Restaurant, view from the road.


On the approach to the castle.


Forest at the castle.


Golden autumn.


Just handsome man.


In the style of the Facro, Fachwerk).


Mural on the walls of the castle.


Lantern on the wall of the castle.


Sculpture at the castle wall.


Another sculpture.


Monument to Queen Elizabeth Romanian 1869-1916.


Pelshor Castle - the place of visits to the newlyweds.



On the territory of the castle.

Weather in the mountains seashed for us two news. Good - What kinds due to the low clouds, were just like an illustration for the Brema of Stop .. And the bad rain was attached to the clouds and species, which did not contribute to walks.

Rain, at the entrance to Sinai, turned into a real flood. Therefore, despite the exciting species, we, the Rynsoia devoid to the palace, preferred to immediately begin inspection of the interior :)

The palace was built at the end of the 19th century, wonderfully preserved during the years of communism, despite the fact that (or thanks to this) that Ceausescu did not love him and never used as a personal residence. Now it is open to visiting tourists.

At the entrance, we willingly worked in dry museum bohinkles and walked inside :)

Inside the castle, the peles is somewhat inhibits. The mass of the dark wood, all surfaces are covered with thread and decorated with numerous bas-reliefs and sculptures.

The ceiling in the big hall immediately reminded us of glass ceilings of the Palace of Parliament. Eduard, confirming our observation told that the ceilings in parliament and were made according to its sample, and the design of the ceiling in the pour, despite his age, even more perfect, allowing it to be adjusted to air.

Now the palace is in the process of transferring it to the legitimate, historical owner - King Mihai, the heir to the Romanian dynasty of Hohenzollern Zigmaringen ...

The castle fully retained its situation, including a collection of weapons, numbering more than 4,000 exhibits!

Among them are a complete set of armor of the equestrian knight ..

And the oldest set of armor seems to be the 14th century.

The collection includes samples of Western and (probably trophy!;)) Eastern weapons - combat, hunting and even ritual.

But the lock rooms are not limited to the weapon. Here, for example, a lock library.

Here, behind one of the racks hidden a secret move in the Boudoir of the king. In the photo it is not visible - he is secret! :)

Music salon. Here, visiting the royal couple was, among other celebrities, already familiar to us on Bucharest, George Jescu.

Enfilade halls for solemn receptions. The Florentine Hall is decorated with luxurious chandeliers from Murana Crystal.

Dining room in German style. Fully the server table is waiting for the Royal Banquet :)

Mauritanian hall with a collection of oriental weapons closes by Antfilado.

Turkish hall - Kuril.

Instead of home theater - modest home royal theater!

While we examined the castle, the rain is slightly dirty.

In the courtyard everything is protected by dogs!

I really wanted to walk in the garden, but the rain, and then I absorbed again, confining us forward. I had to restrict ourselves to the view from the terrass and the short divisions go to the Pelshor Palace, located quite nearby.

Pelshor Castle is built on the orders of King Charles I, for his heir, the future king of Ferdinand and his spouse, Queen Mary. He is less luxurious than Peles, as it was nowhere to hurry, and the inspection of the streets of Brasova made sense to postpone better than the weatherWe decided to see Pelshor from the inside.

For some reason, in my presentation, Romania has always been associated with dragons. In the lobby of the castle, we met the first (of two :)) Romanian Dragon ... True, he was no longer in the best form ...

In this castle, there is a lot of memory of his former hostess - Queen Mary.

Pelshore Castle is not so pompous as his older brother. For inspection, there are a lot of modest rooms in the style, reminiscent of art nouveau, looking much more cozy Pellers. I will not tire you a bunch of photographs of the situation, limit only to the two rooms you liked.

Studio Queen Mary. One of the rooms that preserves the presence of the hostess. Not bringing mandatory for the Gothic castle, but simply the image of a live real woman ..

The luxurious castle room is golden. All walls are covered with solid gilded carvings. At the ceiling, the Celtic Cross - the symbol of the Queen Mary. At wishes, in this room passed the last hours of her life.

And so :) Run ahead, I will say that he showed himself an excellent organizer, a guide and a translator, for which he repeatedly suffered for us in a variety of museums, locks and, even in supermarkets!

After visiting Pelshora, we went to settle at the hotel where we planned to remain all our time of our stay in Romania. Look at the Vila Crocus, learn whether to torment us continuous rain and go with us on a trip to South Bukovina, can be in!
And if you want to look better in the vicinity of the castle, you can do it from our friend offreal In his story about Sinai and Pleot!

In this post:
Rain and Transylvanian landscape.
Parade halls of the day.
Home comfort Pelshore.

See also: