The largest group of the islands Skanvord 7 letters. Amazing atolls of the world

I will try to disassemble all the island states of the tropical and equatorial climate with the eyes of a tourist, namely the potential Robinson, but I will not choose any definite. I will not enter such island countries like Australia, New Zealand, Japan, oh. Taiwan, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, the countries of the Caribbean, as well as the states consisting of one populated island - because of my skepticism on the subject of Robinsonads on them. Why is it important to know the form of government in the state? Because some island states are the overseas territories of others large countries, such as United Kingdom, France, New Zealand, USA, India. It follows that control in such countries is much more serious than in independent island states.


83 islands (mainly volcanic). Parliamentary republic. Languages: Bislam, English, French. Population of 215 thousand people. For Russian citizens, visa-free entry for up to 30 days. Standard rules for entry. For the importation of seeds, plants, fish, seafood, meat and dairy products (including frozen and canned), the resolution of the Ministry of Agriculture Vanuatu is needed. Tropical climate, close to equatorial. The amount of precipitation from 2000 to 5000 mm per year, depending on the locality. High humidity: from 70% in the dry season and up to 100% in the rainy season. Soils are favorable for landings, variety of vegetation. Flight from Moscow to Port Vila costs about 38,000 rubles. The absence of large mammals. The presence of malaria.

The hut is one of the tribe of New Guinea at an altitude of about 50 m.

Papua New Guinea

It consists of a numerous amount of islands, many of whom are desert. A constitutional monarchy. Languages \u200b\u200bare local and English. Population 6 million people. For Russian citizens we need a visa. Tropical climate, wet. The territory is covered. The presence of malaria and other diseases. The presence of large mammals.

Solomon islands

Island state. Consists of 992 volcanic (mainly) islands. A constitutional monarchy. English language. Located in a seismically dangerous region, where earthquakes often occur. Population 478 thousand people. For entry you need a visa. Tropical climate, wet. Soil is favorable for vegetation.

Montoric Island, here they filmed the movie "Izgoy"


Consists of 332 islands of volcanic and coral origin. Republic. Languages \u200b\u200bEnglish and local. Population 849 thousand people. For Russian citizens visa-free entry for up to 4 months. The importation of vegetables, seeds, meat and dairy products requires a special permission of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fishery Fisheries and Forests. Tropical climate. The amount of precipitation from 2000 to 5000 mm. On many islands favorable to landing soil. Through Fiji pass transit routes to other countries of Oceania. The most visited island country from all. Air communication from Moscow in Nanti (Fiji) is usually held through Hong Kong or Seoul, the ticket costs about 32,000 rubles.



Consists of 33 atolls, 20 of which are uninhabited. Presidential republic. English, Kiribati. Population of 98 thousand people. For Russian citizens, visa is needed for entry. Climate Equatorial, Oceanic. The hottest months are September - the cold, the coldest - January -Mart. The amount of precipitation varies from 800 to 4000 mm. Soil is not favorable for landing. The vegetation is scanty. Flight from Moscow will cost approximately 57,000 rubles.

Classic Landscape Atollles

Marshall Islands

Consists of 29 atolls and 5 islands. Republic. Languages \u200b\u200bMarshal and English. Population of 56 thousand people. For Russian citizens we need a visa. The climate is predominantly tropical, arid in the north and equatorial in the south. The amount of precipitation from 300 to 4300 mm. Soil is not suitable for farming.

Famous islands in Palau

Consists of 328 islands (mostly small coral). Presidential republic. English, Paloa. Population 20 thousand people. For Russian citizens, the visa is drawn up upon arrival (stamps into the passport) for a period of 30 days. For the importation of seeds, plants, meat and dairy products it is necessary to resolve the Ministry of Agriculture Palau. Tropical climate, rainy season from May to November. The flight will cost about 30,000 rubles.

Northern Mariana Islands

Consist of 14. volcanic islands. Are the territory of the United States. Languages \u200b\u200bEnglish and local. Population 86 thousand people. For Russian citizens we need a visa of the United States. Tropical climate, trade-monsoon type. Dry season from December to June, the rainy season from July to October. From August to November there are typhoons. Soil is suitable for farming.

Pontai Island

Federated States of Micronesia

Consists of 607 small islands and atolls, of which 65 are inhabited by the Republic, the Free Association with the United States. English language. Population of 107 thousand people. For citizens of the Russian Federation, visa-free entry for up to 30 days. Equatorial climate. The precipitation falls from 2250 mm to 3000-6000 mm. Typhoon season - from August to December. Soil is suitable for agriculture, but not everywhere.

Cook Islands

Consists of 15 islands and atolls, 3 of whom are desert. A constitutional monarchy. Free Association with New Zealand. Languages \u200b\u200blocal and English. Population 19 thousand people. For Russian citizens, visa-free entry up to 31 days. The climate on the Tropical Sea islands with a pronounced rainy season from November to April and the dry season from May to October. The average annual precipitation is about 2000 mm. Flight from Moscow will cost approximately 40,000 rubles.



Consists of several islands. Parliamentary republic. Samean and English languages. Population of 188 thousand people. For citizens of the Russian Federation, visa-free entry up to 60 days. The climate is wet, tropical. The amount of precipitation on the plains from 2000 mm and in the mountains up to 7000 mm per year. The relative humidity is 80%. Flight from Moscow will cost approximately 45,000 rubles.

Furious Volcano Kao, view from Tofua Island


Consists of 172 islands and atolls. A constitutional monarchy. Tongue languages, English. Population of 120 thousand people. For citizens of the Russian Federation, the visa is drawn up on arrival (stamp) for a period of up to 31 days. Tropical climate. Number of precipitation about 2500 mm. Soils on many islands are suitable for agriculture. The flight costs about 42,000 rubles.


Consists of 5 atolls and 4 islands. Monarchy. Tuvalu languages, English. Population of 12 thousand people. For citizens of the Russian Federation, the visa is drawn up upon arrival for 1 month. Tropical climate. The amount of precipitation is about 3000 mm per year. The wet season - from November to April, arid - from May to October. Flight from Moscow will cost approximately 44,000 rubles.

Bora Bora Island

French polynesia

Consists of large number Islands and Atolls. France's overseas society. French language. Population of 287 thousand people. Russian citizens need a visa of France. Tropical climate. The flight from Moscow will cost about 50,000 rubles.


Large island state. Consists of 7100 islands. Unitary Presidential Constitutional Republic. Pilipino languages, English. Population of 101 million people. For citizens of Russia, visa-free entry for a period of 21 days. Tropical climate, monsoon. Typhins are often collapsed on the northern regions of the country, tsunami is possible. The amount of precipitation drop-down per year ranges from 1000 to 4000 mm. Soil is suitable for farming. The flight from Moscow will cost approximately 16,000 rubles.

The largest group of islands

The first letter "O"

The second letter "K"

Third letter "E"

Last beech letter "I"

The answer to the question "The largest group of the islands", 7 letters:

Alternative questions in crosswords for the word oceania

The largest cluster of the islands on one piece of world ocean

Total Islands B. Pacific Ocean

Steamer from Novella S. Tsveign "Amok"

The totality of the islands in the central and southwestern parts of the Pacific

Part of light

Piece of Pacific

Determination of the word oceania in dictionaries

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998 The meaning of the word in the Encyclopedic Dictionary dictionary, 1998
The totality of the islands in the central and southwestern parts of the quiet OK., Between Australia, Malay Arch. in the west and wide, deprived of the islands of the ocean strip in the north, east and south; Sometimes it is distinguished into an independent part of the world. Divided into melanesia, ...

Big Soviet Encyclopedia The meaning of the word in the Dictionary Big Soviet Encyclopedia
The world's largest cluster of the islands (about 10 thousand) in the central and western parts of the Pacific Ocean. Area 1.26 million km2. The islands are located between the subtropical latitudes of the Northern (28╟25 "s. Sh.) And moderate southern (52╟30" Yu. Sh.) Hemisphey, big ...

Wikipedia The meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Oceania is a fictional military-political confederative unit in George Orwell "1984" novel. In Oceania, the main characters of Roman Winston and Julia live and unfold his events. It is a hypothetical model for the further development of North and South ...

Examples of the use of the word oceania in the literature.

Jossean's extraordinary interest to the Broadfoedon, discovered by missionaries on Easter Island, is explained by the fact that anywhere else in Oceania There was no idea of \u200b\u200bwriting.

One thing was difficult: it is necessary to warn residents Oceania that Bakhmetyev K.

Was immediately decomposed geographic map OceaniaAnd since Mrs. Branikna strongly demanded that it was immediately decided to start a new expedition, William Endra and Captain Ellis had to immediately begin the consideration of this issue.

My experience of researcher of the sea depths was limited to several flights on excursion hydrostats in Oceania, Red Sea and off the coast of Florida.

Under such circumstances, the new zero meridian, conducted from the new North Pole, will pass through Dublin in Ireland, through Paris in France, through Palermo in Sicily, in the Bay of Big Sirta from the coast of Tripolitania, then through Obeid in Darfur, through Kilimanjaro mountain chain, through Madagascar , Kergelen Island in the southern Pacific, through the new Antarctic Pole, through Antipods of Paris, Cook Islands and Society in Oceania, the islands of quadra and Vancouver at the shore of British Columbia, on the territory of New England in North America - and further to the Melville Peninsula in the Northern Polar Area.

What is the atoll? The atoll is a ring coral reef, which is partially or completely surrounding the lagoon. In other words, the atoll is a narrow land of sushi, at the same time barking water and surrounded by it. That is what distinguishes the atoll from the ordinary island. While the island is just a land plot, surrounded by water, the atoll contains water inside itself.

Another curious detail about the atolls is the fact that they actually consist not from the soil, but from corals. Corallam has to grow enough quickly to replace parts of the atoll, which are destroyed by erosion so that the atoll remains unchanged. Since the corals are thrive only in warm waters, the atolls can be found only in the tropics and subtropics. Consequently, the atolls are unique sushi coral arrays consisting of crystal clean lagoon and impressive colorful reefs overcrowded by amazing marine animals. Sounds exciting, right?!

Let's go to B. amazing journey In the tropics. Starting with the amazing Aitutaki Atoll (Aitutaki Atoll) on the Cook Islands (Cook Islands) before the extraterrestrial beauty of the atolls in the Maldives, we present to your attention the 25 most striking atolls in the world.

25. Takapoto (Takapoto), French polynesia

Takapoto, the size of which is 20 by 7 kilometers, is the atoll located in the Tuamoto archipelago (Tuamoto) in French Polynesia. Atoll, discovered by the Dutch navigator with Jacob Lemer (Jacob Le Maire) in 1616, is currently a place of residence of approximately 380 people.

24. Aitutaki, Cook Islands

Approximately 2,000 people live on Aitutaki atoll. He is the second most visited island on Cook Islands. Atoll, which authorities have been removed from mass tourism, famous for its turquoise water of the central lagoon and picturesque beaches, bordered palm trees.

23. Stlit (Ulithi), Caroline Islands (Caroline Islands)

The streets, which is part of the Federated States of Micronesia (Federated States of Micronesia), is an atoll that consists of 40 islands surrounding one of the largest laguns in the world. Atoll was the main bridgehead for the US Navy during the Great Patriotic War. Several sunken ships are still at the bottom of this lagoon.

22. Reef Tubbataha (Tubbataha), Philippines

Reef Tubbataha, located in the center of the sea Sulu SEA, is a sea and bird nature reserve, consisting of two large atolls - the Northern and South Atoll. This protected area boasts amazing biodiversity and contains 75 percent of the well-known science of coral species and 40 percent of reef fish species.

21. Tarawa (Tarawa), Kiribati

Tarava is an atoll and the capital of the Republic of Kiribati, located in the central part of the Pacific Ocean. Atoll, which lives nearly 60,000 people, can boast a wide reef, reveling fish and a large lagoon, covering more than 500 square kilometers.

20. Tikehau (Tikehau), French Polynesia

Ticehau, located 340 kilometers northeast of Tahiti on Tuamot Islands, is an oval form atoll tourist directionfamous pink sandy beaches, bordered coconut palm trees and stunning sea fauna and flora.

19. Maafushi (Maafushi), Maldives

Maafushi is part of the Kaafu Atoll (Kaafu Atoll), is one of the inhabited islands in the Maldives. Atoll was badly damaged by Tsunami in 2004, but quickly recovered. Currently, Maafushi boasts a prosperous local economy based on catching fish and tourism.

18. Saint-Francois Atoll (St. Francois Atoll), Seychelles

Saint-Francois Atoll, consisting of two Saint-Francois and Bejoutier Islands (Bijoutier), is a uninhabited atoll in the western part Indian Ocean. The atoll is a habitat for numerous bird species, including a bright stall, the middle Krchnep, Kamneçar, Tules and so on.

17. Rangiroa (Rangiroa), French Polynesia

One of the largest atolls in the world, consists of approximately 415 tiny islands and shames, a total area of \u200b\u200babout 170 square kilometers. In the center of the atoll, there is a large lagoon where the black pearl oysters is bred.

16. Palmyra Atoll (Palmyra Atoll), Equatorial Northern Pacific

Palmyra Atoll, located between Hawaii and American Samoa, is an unoccupied atoll consisting of extensive reef, lagoon and 50 islands. Atoll is under the official US government and is covered with coconut palm trees, scenery and pussy trees.

15. Nukoro (Nukuoro), Federated States Micronesia

Nukoro surrounding the lagoon of 6 kilometers in diameter, is a distant atoll that almost 400 people live. There is no tourism on the island, with the exception of random visits passing by sailing yachts.

14. Onongg-Java Atoll (Ontog Java Atoll), Solomon Islands

Ondong-Java Atoll is also also called the Hove Hove Atoll (Lord Howe Atoll). This is a large atoll in the form of a shoe, consisting of more than 120 low-lying islets. At the atoll there are two large villages - Luaniua (Luaniua) and Pelau (Pelau) - where most of the population of the atoll lives.

13. Nukumanu (Nukumanu), Papua - New Guinea

Nukuman is an average value atoll that is part of Papua New Guinea and located in the southwestern part of the Pacific Ocean, in 4 degrees south of the equator. The atoll consists of 20 sand islands surrounding the lagoon.

12. Lyhou Reef (Lihou Reef), Territory of the Islands of the Coral Sea

Likhou Reef, located in the Coral Sea, northeast of Queensland, Australia, is the second largest atoll in the world in terms of total area. The atoll surrounding the lagoon extending to the area of \u200b\u200bmore than 2500 square kilometers is an important nesting site for many species of birds.

11. Kayo Bolivar (Cayo Bolivar), Colombia

Kayo Bolivar, located 25 kilometers from San Andrés (San Andrés), Colombian Coral Islands in the Caribbean, is a uninhabited atoll consisting of two islands - East and Western Kay. Its variety of sea fauna and beautiful beaches made it popular Moz For tourist excursions.

10. Aldabra (Aldabra), Seychelles

Aldaba, uninhabited and extremely isolated, is a great atoll with a practically intact person. Known as one of the "pearls of the crown" of the Indian Ocean, it has a special island fauna, including the largest population of giant turtles in the world.

9. ARI ARI ATOLL, Maldives

Atoll Ari is a natural atoll located in the Maldives. This is one of the biggest atolls in the world and is in the western part of the archipelago. More than 20 islands are scattered here, most of which were mastered for tourist resortsAnd each of them is autonomy and has places for living and leisure.

8. Atoll Bangarm (Bangaram Atoll), India

Atoll Bangamar, located on the Allied Territory of Lakshadweep (Union Territory of Lakshadweep), India, is a popular tourist holiday destination, offering numerous entertainment activities including scuba diving or with a tube and deep-sea fishing. It has white sandy beaches, calm lagoon and stunning coral reefs.

7. Islands Chagos Islands, British Territory in the Indian Ocean

Chagos Islands are a group of seven consisting of more than 60 separate tropical Islands In the Indian Ocean. These reefs, notable for their amazing biodiversity, are habitat, at least 371 types of corals, 784 species of fish and 2 types of turtles.

6. Pearl-and Hermes Atoll (Pearl and Hermes Atoll), Hawaii

The atoll of Pearl-and-Hermes, which is part of the North-Western Islands of the Hawaiian Archipelago, is a small Hawaiian atoll, named after the two English wicked vessels, who suffered a crash at this atoll in 1822. Once atoll was the center of trade in pearls, and is currently a bird nature reserve.

5. OSPRI Reef (Osprey Reef), the territory of the Coral Sea islands

OSPRI Reef, which is part of the northwestern group of the Islands of the Coral Sea, is an oval form submersible atoll. The depth of the waters surrounding this atoll is 2 kilometers and the slopes of its reef are the habitat of a variety of sea fauna, including a rare dwarf form Nautilus Pompilius.

4. Diego Garcia Atoll (Diego Garcia), British Territory in the Indian Ocean

The Diego Garcia Atoll, located in the central part of the Indian Ocean, just 7 degrees south of the Equator, was settled by the French in the 1790s and later was transferred to the British crown. It has the largest continuous rim of sushi from all atolls in the world.

3. Kwajalein Atoll), Marshall Islands

Kwajalein, which is part of the Republic of Marshall Islands, is one of the largest atolls in the world, judging by the area of \u200b\u200bthe water space, which it borders. It consists of 97 islands and islands, and its land area is 16 square kilometers. It surrounds a gigantic lagoon with an area of \u200b\u200b2174 square kilometers.

2. Atoll Kure (Kure Atoll), Hawaii

Atoll Kura, politically related to Hawaii, is the most northern atoll in the world. This atoll is sometimes called the Ocean Island. It is a habitat for hundreds of thousands of seabirds and numerous marine animals, including a monk sealer.

1. Ducie Island Island (Ducie Island), Pitcairn Islands Islands

The island of Dusy, located in the southern part of the Pacific, is a small uninhabited atoll on Pitcairn Islands. Despite scarce vegetation, the atoll is a habitat for a number of bird species. More than 90 percent of the world population of Typhoonman Merfi nests on Dusi.

Atoll is a coral island, having a form of a complete or partial ring. In other words, the atolls consist of turquoise lagoon, colorful reefs that smoothly unite with marine life and remind of wild and colorful life of the Hero of the Roman Daniel Defo, Robinson Cruzo. I suggest you admire the beautiful atolls of the world from different parts of our planet. See picturesque photos, find out interesting Facts And share your impressions in the comments to this article. For most of the atolls, individual stories have already been written, so go through links for detailed information.

1. Funafuti.

Tuvalu is an island state that is located in the Pacific Ocean, on the way between Hawaii and Australia. This is the second rating of the least populated sovereign state in the world (the championship legally received the Vatican, with a smaller number of residents). Due to the remoteness of the country, very few tourists visit it.

2. Bikini Atoll.

3. Reef Tubbataha.

Reef Tubbatahah is one of the best in the world for scuba diving. Located in the Philippines Reef consists of two atolls: northern and southern, which are divided between themselves with an 8-kilometer channel in width. Coral reefs are not only a great place for diving, it is also an excellent habitat of many colonies of exotic fish.

4. Big blue hole.

Reef Lighthouse is probably the most popular of the world's atolls, and is connected with a big blue hole, which is located in the very center of the atoll. This is a real unknown paradise for divers who fly here from around the world. The deeper the man is immersed in Blue hole, the clearer water and a more exciting landscape.

5. Ticehau.

Ticehau is part of the Tuamot atoll chain covering the area in the Pacific Ocean, which coincides in size with Western Europe. This place is the place of tourists with its white - pink sandy islands, inside which turquoise lagoon serve as shelters for all sorts of exotic fish. The research group of Jacques who visited these places came to the conclusion that this place had the largest concentration of fish in French Polynesia.

6. Caroline Island.

The first island saw Europeans in 1606. Now Carelaine is part of the Republic of Kiribati. Despite the more than 300 years of human activity on this island, it is one of the most untouched tropical islands of the world and the most untouched atoll of the world. Caroline Island and his neighbor Flit Island are houses for the world's largest crab populations. The islands are located at an altitude of 6 meters above sea level, which means that they threaten the risk of disappearance due to the constantly increasing level of the sea. According to the calculations of scientists, the islands can completely go under the water by 2025.

7. Aitutaki Atoll.

Aitutaki consists of several coral and volcanic islands that have a triangular lagoon. Classic palm island Turquoise shallow water, corals, exotic fish - this is all you will find, hitting Aitutaki. The most popular is the island of Tapuaetai - a small island in the southeast of the lagoon.

8. Aldab.

Aldab - Odinin from the external islands of the Seychelles, at a distance of more than 1,100 kilometers (700 miles) from MAE, big Islands on the Seychelles. This is the second largest atoll in the world after Kirityatim. Due to the difficulty of access to Aldab, he is practically intact by a person. About 152,000 gigantic turtles live on its territory.

9. Rangiroa.

Rangiroa is one of the largest atolls in the world and the largest atoll in the Tuamot Archipelago. This place is ideal for diving, because of the deep lagoon, the milled ease of marine life. Here you can also see sharks, sea turtles and dolphins.

10. Atolls of the Maldives.

A tiny country in the Maldives, in the middle of the Indian Ocean consists of about 1,200 tiny coral islands grouped into 26 atolls. The main occupation for tourists here is the study of dulling depths that is affordable, thanks to excellent visibility. Studying depth includes a study of sunken ships, which can be found using guides.

See also: