The biggest village in Armenia: the tradition of the village. Famous villages in Armenia as it is called the village in Armenia

Your attention is presented areas and cities of Armenia.


State in the Transcaucasus. Located in the north geographical region Front Asia and Northeast of Armenian Highlands. There is no exit to the sea. It borders with Azerbaijan and unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) in the East. In the southwest with Nakhichevan AP, which is part of Azerbaijan. With Iran in the south, with Turkey in the West and Georgia in the north. Armenian population 3,027,6 thousand people, territory - 29,743 km². Capital - Yerevan. Official language - Armenian. The administrative-territorial units of the Republic of Armenia are: areas, communities that have the status of the community city Yerevan and its administrative districts. The community may include one or more settlements. The Republic of Armenia itself is a unitary state.



The capital and largest population and square is the city of Armenia. Located on the left bank (along the Araks River) parts of the Ararat Valley. The population is 1.067 million people (2013). The area of \u200b\u200bthe city is 223 km². Yerevan is the most important transportation assembly, as well as the political, economic, cultural and scientific center of the country.

Areas and cities

Aragatsotnskaya oblast

Area in Armenia, in the west of the country. In the North-West borders with the Chirak region, in the northeast with the Lori region, in the east with the Kotayk region, in the south-east with Yerevan, in the south with the Armavir region, and in the West with Turkey. Population 132,925 people. Area 2,755 km².

  • Ashtarak - city in Armenia, Administrative center of the Aragatsotn region. Located on the right, high banks of the Kasas River 20 km north-west of Yerevan. The city lies at the intersection of roads connecting three major cities Countries - Yerevan, Gyumri and Vanadzor. Ashtarak is one of the oldest cities in Armenia with numerous monuments material culture and traditions national Life And life. It is famous for its districts, streets, houses, landscape. Ashtarak and Ponyna retained the color of the ancient and beautiful Armenian city.
  • Aparan. - the city is in Armenia, in the Aragatsoth region, in the aparantic basin. It is 59 km north-west of Yerevan and 42 km south-east of the Sagitak railway station. Located on the Kasak River above the aparantic reservoir at the eastern foot of the Mount Aragats. Through Aparan passes the Yerevan-Spitak road. The city produces spring water "Aparan".
  • Talin - city in the Aragatsotn region in Armenia. Located on the Erevan-Gyumri highway 66 km north-west of Yerevan, 18 km north of the Karmrashen railway station.
Ararat region.

The area in Armenia is bordered by Turkey in the West, in the south - with Azerbaijan, in the south-east - with the Vayzdzdzor region, in the east - with the Geekharkunik region, in the north - with the Kotayk region and the Metropolitan district of Yerevan, in northwest with the Armavir region . Population 260 367 people. Area 2 096 km².

  • Artashat. - city in Armenia, Administrative Center of the Ararat region. The fourth capital of the Great Armenia. It is located 28-30 km south-east of Yerevan.
  • Ararat - city in Ararat in Armenia. Located 48 km south-east of Yerevan. The city is named after sacred Mountain Ararat, which is located 7 km from the city, at Ararat Plain, which is the most fertile plain of Armenia.
  • Vedi - city in Armenia in Ararat. Located on the left bank of the riverside the riverside, at a distance of 35 km from Yerevan. Immediately next to the city of Vedi, there is a small desert Goravan.
  • Masis - city in Armenia, region Ararat. Located on the left bank of the River Roddan, 14 km south of Yerevan. The population is 21,376 people.
Armavir region.

Area in Armenia. Located in the southwest of the country, in the Ararat Valley between the mountains of Ararat and Aragats, borders Turkey. The administrative center is the city of Armavir. The modern Armavir region was formed by the Act on the administrative-territorial division of the Republic of Armenia dated November 7, 1995, as a result of the unification of the Bagramyan, Armavir and Echmiadzinsky districts of Armenia. Population 265,770 people. Area 1241 km².

  • Armavir - the city in Armenia, the administrative center of the Armavir region. Located in the Ararat Valley, in the southern soles of Mount Aragats. Near modern City The ruins of the ancient Armavir are located - the first capital of the Armenian kingdom.
  • Vagarshapat. - the city in the Armavir region of Armenia, one of the most significant cultural and religious centers of the country. The city of Echmiadzin is located on Ararat Plain, 15 km from Echmiadzin railway station and 30 km west of Yerevan. Population of 57.5 thousand inhabitants.
  • Metsmor. - city in Armenia in Armavir. The population of the city is 9,870 people.
Vaitzdzor region.

Area in Armenia. Located in the south-east of the country. Administrative center - Egregadzor. Vaitzdzor region is the least settlement among Armenian regions. Population of 52,324 people. Area 2 406 km².

  • Yeghegnadzor - the city in Armenia, the administrative center of the Wayzdzor region. Located on the right bank of the Arpa River, 119 km south-east of Yerevan, on the Highway of Yerevan Sisian.
  • Jermuk - resort city in the Vayzdzor region of Armenia. Located on the Arpa River, north of the Kechut reservoir, on the plateau west of the Zangezur ridge. Distance to Yerevan 175 km. Jermook is a balneological and climate alpine resort. In Soviet times the city was popular Moz Rest, famous warm spring. The city produces the famous mineral dining water "Jermuk".
  • Weik - city in Armenia in the VajepSzdzor region. Located 139 km from Yerevan on the Yerevan-Sisian Goris Automotive Road. Surrounded from the north and south of the mountains, the city stretched by about 1.5 km along the Right Bank of the Arpa River.
Geekharkunik region.

The area in Armenia is located in the east of the country, borders with Azerbaijan. The largest area in the country is occupied by 18% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire republic. A large part of the territory occupies Lake Sevan. 66.6% of the population lives in rural settlements. The administrative center is the city of Gavar. Population 235,075 people. Area 3 655 km².

  • Gavar - city in Armenia, the capital of the Geekharkunik region. Located on the Gavaraget River 8 km from His sign in Lake Sevan, 90 km north-east of Yerevan. In the city, the remains of the cyclopic fortress dedicated to God Haldi's times of the Ararat kingdom are preserved.
  • Sevan - resort town In Armenia in the Geekharkunik region. Administrative center of Sevansky district. The city is located at an altitude of 1900 m near the origins of the distribution.
  • Chambarak - the city in Armenia in the Göhirkunik region in the upper reaches of the river Ghetik. Located 125 km from Yerevan not far from the border with Azerbaijan. Founded in 1835-1840 by Russian settlers, mainly by the anneaers who fled from oppression from the official Official Orthodoxy called Mikhailovka.
  • Vardenis - city in Armenia, Göharkunik region, in the Masrician plain. It is located 168 km from Yerevan, 75 km from the regional center, Garvar, 5 km from the Southeast Beach of Lake Sevan. Vardenis is located on the territory historical area Sodewa Great Armenia.
  • Martuni. - city in Armenia in the Geekharkunik region. Located on the southwest shore of Lake Sevan, at a distance of 130 km from Yerevan.
Kotayk region.

Region in the central part of Armenia. Administrative center - Hrazdan. In the territory of the Kotayk region there are monuments of Garni and Gegard. Kotayk region is the only marz of Armenia, not having state border. Population 254 397 inhabitants. Area 2 100 km².

  • Hrazdan - city in Armenia in the Kotayk region. Located on the left bank of the top flow of the River Hrazdan. It is located 50 km from Yerevan. The population of the city is 52808 people. Hrazdan is one of the most rainy cities in Armenia.
  • Jeer - city in Armenia in the Kotayk region. Located at the foot of Mount Ara on an extensive terrace among fruit gardens, vineyards and fields; 14 km north-east of Ashtarak and 19 km from Yerevan.
  • Nor Achin - city in Armenia in the Kotayk region. Located on the right bank of the River River, 9 km from the ABOVYAN railway station and 25 km north of Yerevan. 10 198 inhabitants.
  • Abovyan. - city in Armenia in the Kotayk region. Located 10 km northeast of Yerevan. It is a satellite city of Yerevan.
  • Buregavan - city in Armenia in the Kotayk region. The city has a crystal plant, actually received its name - "Buregavan".
  • Charentsavan - city in Armenia in the Kotayk region. Located near the river, hedzed 25 km north of Yerevan. Near the city passes the M4 road, connecting Yerevan with the north of the country of Kotayk and Gegharcinik.
  • Tsakhkadzor - city in the Kotayk region of Armenia, a popular ski and climate resort; Located 50 km north-east of Yerevan and 5 km from the district center, the city of Hrazdan.
Lorian Oblast

Region in the north of Armenia. Administrative Center - Vanadzor. Lori region is rich in forests. Forest business is developed in the region, also pig breeding and sheep. In the Lori region there are monuments included in the list World Heritage UNESCO - Achpata and Sanain monasteries. 235 537 inhabitants. Area 3 789 km².

  • Vanadzor - the third largest city of Armenia after Yerevan and Gyumri. Administrative center of the Lori region. The population of the city is 107,394 people. Located in the Vanadzor Basin, between the Bhamsky and Pambaki ridges.
  • Stepanavan - city in the center of the Lori region of Armenia. The city is named after Stepan Georgievich Shaumyan. Located on the river, Dzoragettes north of the Burning Range on Lori Plateau. Yerevan is 144 km away, Vanadzor is 30 km away.
  • Spitak - city in the southwest of the Lori region of Armenia. Population 18 237 people.
  • Tumanyan - city in the west of the Lori region of Armenia. Named in honor of the great Armenian poet Ovasnes Tumanyan. The city is located on the right bank of the Debed River, 152 km from Yerevan. The city is known to the ancient churches, the monastery complex Cober Wank is especially known.
  • Alaverdi - the city in the north-east of the Lori region of Armenia, located 167 km from Yerevan with a population of 16,600. The city is located an ancient monastic complex of Sanain. Known as the center of the Copper Industry of Armenia.
  • Tashir - the city in Armenia, in the north-west of the Lori region, in the Loriy basin. The city is located 172 km from Yerevan. 8,700 inhabitants.
  • Akhtala - city in the Lori region of Armenia. Located in the gorge on the left bank of the river Debed at the foot of Mount Lalvar; 10 km north-east of Alaverdi. In the vicinity there are forests. Distance to Yerevan - 185 km.
  • Shamlug. - the city in the north-east of the Lori region of Armenia. Previously, he was part of the Tumanyan district of the Armenian SSR. Located on the left bank of the Achtal River.
Syunik region.

Area in Armenia, in the south of the country. Administrative center - Capa. Area area is 15% of the territory of the whole country, and the population is 4.7%.

  • Capan. - city in the south of Armenia, the administrative center of the Syunik. Capan translated from Armenian means a "narrow difficulty gorge". The city is located in the east of Marz Syunik in the Valley of the Wortchi River on the southeastern slopes of the Zangezur Range between his companions - Barguatsi and Megrinsky ridges.
  • Goris - city in Armenia in the eastern part of the Syunik region. Located on the Goris River, 240 km from Yerevan and 70 km from Kapana. Not far from the city is beautiful, one of the most tourist monastryres of Armenia - Tatev.
  • Megry - city in southern Armenia, in the Syunik region. Located on the left bank of the Megry River, at an altitude of 605 meters above sea level.
  • Sisian - city in Armenia, in the Syunik region, on the Sisian Plain. Earlier, he was part of the Sisian district of the Armenian SSR and was his administrative center. Located on both shores of the Rottan River. In the city is located ancient church SisAvan, in the city center there is an archaeological and ethnographic museum of Sisiana.
  • Kajaran - the city, founded in 1958 in the west of the Syunik region in Armenia. Located on the eastern slopes of the Zangezur Range north of the Megrinsky Range in the upper reaches of the Wortchi River. Distance to Kapana - 25 km, to Yerevan - 356 km.
  • Agarak - city in Armenia in the southern part of the Syunik region. Agarak is located on the border with Iran 9 km south-west of Megry. It is located on the left bank of the Araks River on a small plain, with three sides surrounded by the slopes of the Zangezur Range.
  • Dastakert - the city in the north-west of the Syunik region in Armenia. Located on the eastern slopes of the Zangezur ridge at the foot of the mountain of Irey and the River Dastakert. Distance to Kapana is 127 km, to Yerevan - 236 km.
Tavush region.

Area in northeastern Armenia. It borders with the Lori region in the West, the Kotayk region in the south-west, the Geekharkunik region in the south, with Azerbaijan in the east and Georgia in the north. The administrative center is the city of Ijevan. In the territory of the region is a large number of mountain spring, rivers, lakes, mineral sources. Population 128 609 people. Area 2 704 km².

  • Izhevan - the city in Armenia, the administrative center of the Tavush region. Located at the foot of the Izhevian Range. Population 20,509 people.
  • Dilijan - city in the Tavush region of Armenia, the Mountainlimatic and Balneological Resort. Located on the river Agshthev. The city is highlighted by traditional Armenian architecture. The city is assigned the status of the National Park.
  • Bird - city in the Tavush region of Armenia. Located on the left bank of the Tavush River 211 km from Yerevan. Near the city are located the ruins of the Tavush Fortress.
  • Noimeberian - the city in the northeast of Armenia in the Tavush region. Located 191 km from Yerevan and 4 km from the village of Kohb on the Yerevan-Tbilisi branch. A border with Azerbaijan passes a few kilometers from the city.
  • Ayrum - city in the north of the Tavush region of Armenia. The city is located at the foot of the Gugaraz Ridge, 18 km west of Noimeberian, 28 km north-east of Alaverdi neighboring Marza Lori and 13 km south-east of the Georgian city of Sadakhlo. The city is located on the bank of the river Debed. High-quality peaches are growing in Airume, they, along with Noemerbanian, are the highest quality in Armenia.
Chirac Oblast

The area (marz) in Armenia, in the north of the country, borders with Georgia, in the West with Turkey, in the south with the Aragatsotsk region, and in the east with the Lori region. Administrative center - Gyumri. Most of Marz Chirak occupies the eastern half of the historic Havar Shirak, the extreme north - Garoque Ashobsk. Shirak region is located in the north-west of Armenia. Here is the second in the reserves of the water of Lake in the Republic - Lake-reservoir arp. Population 251,941 people. Area area Area 2 681 km².

  • Gyumri - the second largest city of Armenia, the administrative center of the Shan region. The city is located 126 kilometers from Yerevan, in the central part of the Shirak Basin. Modern Gyumri, who preserved the features of an ancient city, located at an altitude of 1550 meters above sea level, in the northwestern part of Armenia.
  • Maralik - city in Armenia, in the Chihrak region, in the Shirak Basin. Located on a western slope mountain Massiva Aragats, at an altitude of 1920 m above sea level.
  • Artik - city in Armenia, in the Chihrak region, in the Shirak Basin. It is 105 km north-west of Yerevan, from the north-western foot of Mount Aragats.

    List of cities of the USSR according to 1926 data. Highlights highlighted cities that have lost this status to date. Contents 1 Belarusian SSR 2 ZSFSR 2.1 Azerbaijan ... Wikipedia

    List of cities of the Russian Empire according to the population census of 1897 (without Poland, Finland, Bukhara Emirate and Khiva Khanate). Highlights highlighted cities that have lost this status to date. Contents 1 Akmolinskaya ... ... Wikipedia

    List of cities of the Russian Empire as of 1840 (without Poland and Finland). Highlights highlighted cities that have lost this status to date. Contents 1 Arkhangelsk Province 2 Astrakhan province ... Wikipedia

    Shows the distribution of cities of millionaires by country. The first city who has reached the population of 1 million people was Rome at about the turn of our era, however, the population of Rome significantly decreased to V VI centuries. Close to Million Number ... ... Wikipedia

    - ... Wikipedia

    The most large-scale operations of Asala in the 1970s period of the 1970s 1990s.: Date Region Operation January 20, 1975 Lebanon, Beirut Explosion Headquarters of the World Council of Churches. Motive: Assistance provided to the Lebanese Armenians in emigration in third countries 7 ... ... Wikipedia

    Contents 1 Azerbaijan 2 Armenia 3 Afghanistan 4 Bangladesh ... Wikipedia

    This list presents camps for prisoners of war in the Soviet Union during and after World War II. The location of the camp controls with the camp number is ordered in the form of a table and are equipped with references to today's cities. ... ... Wikipedia

Capital Armenia



In the left bank of the Ararat Valley, the largest Armenian city is located, which is not only modern capital Armenia, but also one of the most ancient cities in the world. On the this moment This is the largest economic and political center playing an important role in the Transcaucasian region.


Village Bzhny.

Each stone in this area is impregnated by the secrets of the past. The archaeological excavations conducted many invaluable material for historians and researchers (for example, in 1929, burials were detected relating to the latest prehistoric era - iron century).

+ 17

The ancient city of Gyumri

Arriving to Armenia, be sure to visit one of the oldest cities of Gyumri, located 126 km from the capital of the state. This is the second population of the city of Armenia.

+ 8

Legends "Vaiots - Dzora"

The historical version that scientists tell is very different from the legend of the name "Vaiots-Dzor", which also have supporters. Among supporters latest version Famous Armenian writer and ethnographer of the nineteenth century Gevond Alishan.

+ 5

Legends and were jermuk

The city of Jermuk decorate not only buildings, alleys and lakes, but also a lot of the victims that are connected with interesting stories, ancient age-old traditions and beautiful legends.

+ 3

Germuk's flourishing

Germuk's flourishing - the city was converted to the eyes.

+ 3

Rude growth and development of Jermuk

Article on the growth and development of Jermuk

+ 6

Jermuk - my discovery!

Armenia is known for its own natural beautyWhat area do not take. I want to tell about Jermuk this is a miracle town who is included in Marz (area) Vajots-Dzor.

+ 88

Capital Armenia

Ancient history Armenia has twelve capitals who have existed since the formation of Armenian statehood. At the same time, the capitals of small Armenia, Kilicia, Sofhen and Commagenes are not taken into account. Perhaps future historical studies, as well as archaeological discoveries, supplemented by the currently known material.

+ 15

Armenia itself is a very small state and in the event that the population is taken into account (according to the 2008 census it is without 1,400 people 3 million), and if we take into account its area, which does not even reach 30 thousand square kilometers.

However, it is not necessary to put this indicator at the head of the corner, because the largest village in Armenia on the population can be compared with a full-fledged city, as 9669 people live in it. We are talking about such a settlement as Vardenik, located in the Geekharkunik region of this wonderful picturesque country, and this place It is also the biggest village in Armenia on the territory, ahead of such a large village as Saruhanan, in which 5,000 people live. Perhaps someone will surprise, but despite its more than a modest status, Vardenik exceeds both in size, and in terms of population, even many Armenian cities and in the qualities of the example, you can bring the most tiny city called Dasketakert, in which only 300 people live.

It is difficult to say according to what kind of criterion in Armenia are assigned statuses in the settlements, but to this day Vardenik is considered to be a village. It received its name in honor of the Vardenis River, on the shores of which this large settlement was formed. As for its location relative to the nearest settlements and including the capital of Armenia, the 12-thousand town of Martuni is cast 10 kilometers away from Vardenik, while Yerevan is from him at a distance of 143 kilometers. Based on this settlement was in 1828 by refugees from the Western regions of Armenia, who were forced to escape from the Russian-Turkish war. Earlier at this place there was another village, but it was completely destroyed during the conflict. One of the main attractions of the Vardenik is the Armenian Apostolic Church of the ninth century, which was repeatedly subjected to Vandalism, after which he was restored by the local population.

It is noteworthy that competing this settlement This is the Armenian village of Akhuryan, in which according to statistics there are less than one person. That is why in some sources it is considered the largest village in Armenia occupying a leading position, although it is extremely difficult to determine this 100 percent. As for the location of this village, it is located in the Chihansk region in one kilometer from Gyumri and 105 kilometers from Yerevan. Moreover, already in 16 kilometers from him you can go through the state Turkish border, and in the forty - Georgian. The main activity that the local population leads to today is reduced to growing livestock and processing of land and, in principle, the most most people are engaged in residents of the Vardenik.

For almost a quarter of a century, a local newspaper was even produced at the local editorial office with the same name "Vardenik", however, in 1980 its publication ceased. An ancient cemetery with numerous stone steles, called Khachkari, because some of them can even be observed in State Museum Armenian history.

Armenians managed in conditions of urbanization and globalization to preserve and develop not only the national urban culture, but also rich rural traditions, which for thousands of years are a lively source of ancient Armenian culture. We chose only a few interesting villages, visiting which you feel identity and, of course, true hospitality.


Garni is one of the largest villages of Armenia (the population is more than 7 thousand people), located near Yerevan. On the territory of the eponymous fortress dominating the Azat River Gorge with its amazing basalt "Symphony of stones", there is an antique temple of the I century, reminding Greek Parthenon in its architecture. The fortress itself leads its story since the 6th century BC. e., and at the beginning of the I thousand n. e. For a long time there was a place of residence of the Armenian kings. Not far from the temple of Garni, you can see the ruins of the summer tsarist Palace and Roman baths, as well as ruins christian church Surb-Zion and the oldest Khachkar of Armenia, dating from 879 and presented by the king Ashot I to his beloved wife.

Garny are the churches of Mashtots-Aaret XII century, Surb-Actician XVII-XIX centuries, the ruins of the church of the IV century and several other temple complexes. Garny is famous for its excellent apples, pears and walnut nuts. At the entrance to the Garni Fortress, you can try and purchase local products:

  • huge pies Gata with sweet filling,
  • jam from walnuts and all sorts of berries and fruits,
  • pickles,
  • sour Lavash (Fastil),
  • sweet shipyer (nuts frozen in fruit syrup).

It is famous for the entire Armenia Garnia Lavash. There are several homes in the village, where you can watch the process of baking it, and then taste the most damp thinned bread with local cheese and greens. Also in Garni perfectly prepare a kebab - a pork, sterling and other types of meat in the stone furnace Tonire (in Russia she is more famous as a tandyard). Directly in the shade of fruit trees at home of one of the peasants, guests can enjoy all these delicacies.


Areni - then the very village, in one of the caves not far from which the oldest winery in the world was found (its age more than 6,100 years) and shoes - a semi-satiest shoe, dated by a period of 3627-3377. BC e.

In Areni, the elegant Church of Surb-Assacin, built by Moskom Momik in 1321, was preserved, depicting the Mother of God, decorates Timpan Western entrance.

Areni is famous for the same name of the grape variety and its wine plants. Here are red, white, pink and fruit wines, as well as fruit vodka. Every year, at the first Sabbath of October, Areni gathers the best winemakers from the whole country at the All-Armenian Wine Festival. This traditional holiday includes folk festivities, wine tasting and local delicacies, participation in national games, dancers and singers. Solar joy fills everything that is concerned for the holiday - a juicy agenic grapes, bright Armenian wines, honey fruits from the river Valley Arpa, ancient wrinkled rocks, a reddish velvet land, the face of generous owners and enthusiastic guests of Arena!


Deshe village is located in one of the most beautiful regions of Armenia - Laurie. It is located among the greenery of scenic forests and valleys on a high-altitude plateau over the river Debed and consists mainly of old houses with tiled roofs.

In the vicinity of the village of Dsech there are several historical and cultural complexes:

  • ruins of the monastery of Kobyr XII century,
  • ruins Basilica VII century,
  • church of Surb Grigor of the XII-XIII centuries,
  • temple of Karasong-Mancots of the XII century,
  • historical cemetery,
  • multiple chapels and khachkarov.

Kobyr Monastery is one of the few monasteries in Armenia, where wonderful frescoes are preserved. A picturesque trail running through the dense forests is leading to the ruins of the monastery. Next to Kobyrime can be climbed to the hill, from where the panorama of the village of Diekh and Lori Canyon opens.

Guests of the village of Diekh certainly attend the House-Museum is particularly revered by Armenians of the poet Hovhannes Tumanyan (1869-1923). Tumanyan is the author of nationwide beloved poems and poems, fairy tales and Bassen. Based on his works, the most significant Armenian operas were created - "Anush" and "Almate". The museum has more than 300 exhibits related to the life of the poet, including carpets embroidered by his mother, as well as the vintage things of the Tumanyan family.


The reference to the village of Oshakan, located between Yerevan and Mount Aragats, is found for the first time in the IV century. In 336, Armenians broke out here superior to Persians. In the same village, Saint Mesrop Mashtots was buried - the creator of the Armenian alphabet. In 442, a stone temple was built on the spot of its burial, updated in 1875-1879. The grave of the Saint is located under the Altar of the Temple: It is here at the beginning of the school year, Armenian first-graders give a solemn oath and teach the first letter of the Armenian alphabet.

Not far from the village you can see the Didi Hill, where in the VII-V centuries. BC e. There was a URRA fortress. In Oshakan and the surroundings you can find the following historical objects:

  • temple of Surb Tadevos-Arakhal,
  • surb Grigor Temple,
  • church of Surb-Acycin,
  • bridge from Red Tufa 1706,
  • monastery Tuh-Manuk XII century,
  • church of Surb-Zion VII century.

The village is very well maintained, in the center of it preserved numerous vintage houses with characteristic stone carvings, picturesque fruit gardens and vineyards.

In 1827, with Oshakan, Russian warriors and Armenian militia defeated many times superior to their grouping of Persian troops. The battle was decisive in the Russian-Persian war, and after it, in 1828, Eastern Armenia joined the Russian Empire. In Oshakan, a memorial of fallen in that heroic battle was built: commemorative events are held every year with the participation of the officials of Armenia and Russia.

Oshakan is a famous winemaking center: a wine-brandy plant operates here for many years and guests can visit it to taste and acquire the best species Products.


In the village of Zorakan, people from the famous Karabakh village of Chardahlo, who gave the United Nations of Marshals Ivan Baghamyan and Amazaspa Babadzhanyan, as well as 12 Generals Great Patriotic War and 7 heroes of the Soviet Union. World history Does not know other such examples.

In 1988, they were evicted from their native places and were forced to move to the north of Armenia. Now the village has become one of the focus of the revival of national traditions. Here the annual festival "millennial tradition of the village" is held, within the framework of which local residents can learn the art of whipping oil, moonshine, baking bread. There are all sorts of contests, speeches of dance and song teams. A pilgrimage to the shrine of ancestors is organized - ancient Khachkar from the village of Chardahlo, saved local residents. In the evening, the participants of the festival are collected from a large fire, on which potatoes and meat bake. Guests can spend the night not in the hotel, but right in the houses of Zorakans.

See also: