Manor and museums of fabulous heroes. The best fabulous museums for children

Literary journey "Museum of fairy tales of the grandfather"

Leading: Not far from Moscow, in the village of Peredelkino, in a small house there lived a high gray man who knew all the children of the country. It came up with a lot fabulous heroes: Muhu-Cocotuhu, Barmaley, Mojdodyra. The name of this wonderful man of the roots of Chukovsky. April 1, 2007, if he was alive, he would have been 125 years old. Chukovsky's roots is a writer's literary pseudonym. The present name is Nikolai Vasilyevich Korechukov. He got up very early, as soon as the sun got up, and immediately took care. In the spring and summer I killed in a garden or in a flower bed in front of the house, in the winter I cleared the track from the snow dropped overnight. Having worked for a few hours, he went to walk. He walked amazingly easily and quickly, sometimes he even started a challenge with the kids who met during the walk. It was the kids that he devoted his book "from two to five." Scientist, writer, translator, literary critic, K. Chukovsky wrote a lot of poems and fairy tales for children. WITH early years Poems he bring joy to all of us. Not only you, but also your parents, grandfathers and grandmothers did not imagine their childhood without the fairy tales of Korni Chukovsky! Today we will do with you unusual travelLet's meet with the heroes of the fairy tales of Korni Chukovsky.

1Tur. "Remember the fairy tale"

Remember what words the line ends, and call a fairy tale:

He treats young children, treats birds and beasts, his good doctor looks through his glasses ... ( Aibolit) ("Aibolit")

Suddenly from the gateway - a terrible giant, redhead and pretty ... ( cockroach) ("Cockroach")

I am a great washbasin famous ... ( Moydodyr) Washbasins The head and rod commander. ("Moydodyr")

Swine jammed - meow - meow, kitty ... ( shrink chry- hrew) ("Confusion")

In Africa, the robber in Africa villain, in Africa, terrible ... (Barmalei) ("Barmalei")

The people are having fun - a fly marry goes for a dick, deleted young ... ( moser) ("Fly Tsokotukha")

The sun was walking across the sky and the flacca ran out. Zainka looked in the window, became Zaine ... ( dark). ("Stolen Sun")

No no! Nightingale does not sing for pigs! Call you better ... ( crow) ("Telephone")

And the dishes are forward and forward in the fields, the swamps goes. And the kettle said the iron - I will go more ... ( not can). ("Fedorino Mount")

Just suddenly from - for a bush, because of the blue loucher, from distant flights ... ( sparrow) ("Cockroach")

And behind him, the people and sings and yells: - That freak is so freak! What kind of nose, what a mouth! And from where it ... ( monster). ("Crocodile")

And I do not need either marmalade, nor chocolate, but only small, and very small ... ( children) ("Barmalei")


What characters belong to these fabulous names?

Aibolit - (Doctor)

Barmalei - (Robber)

Fedor - (grandmother)

Doodle - (shark)

Moidodyr - (Washbasin)

Totoshka, Kokoska - (crocodiles)

Cotton - (fly)

Barabek- (Grooming)

Redhead, pretty giant - (cockroach)

3 round. Questions.

In which product, the dishes relevant his mistress? Fedorino grief ")

What are the fairy tale in which a terrible crime takes place - an attempt to kill? ("Fly Tsokotukha").

What hero was a terrible villain, and then rebuilt? Barmalei»)

What was the name of the boy who defeated the crocodile? (Vanya Vasilchikov)

What fairy tale glorious glorify? Tracanische»)

Name a fairy tale, the main thought of which can be expressed by the words: "Clean a pledge of health!" Moydodyr», « Fedorino grief ")

What the animals asked in the poem - the "Phone" fairy tale: (Elephant - Chocolate, Gazelles - Carousel, Martyski - Books, Crocodile - Kaloshi)

On whom made a trip to Africa Aibolit and his friends? (Wolves, whale, eagles)

What "horned beast" was afraid of the tailors from the poem "Bravets"? (Snail)

What fairy tales is a crocodile? ("Confusion", "Tracanische», « Moydodyr", "Telephone", "Barmalei"," Stolen Sun "," Crocodile ")

4 round "Basket with lost things"

I have different things in my basket (bag). Who lost them. Help find their owners, remember the fairy tale and the lines, which referred to this subject.

Telephone (U. me selonal telephone)

Balloon (Ekhali. the Bears on the bicycle but behind nIM komariki. on the balloon)

Soap (Here and soap jumped)

Saucer (BUT behind nimi. saucer)

Kalosh (I came to me a dozen new Kalosh)

Thermometer ( And puts them a thermometer)

Sieve (Rides sieve around the fields)

Gloves ( And then they called baundy : "Is it possible to send gloves?")

Coin (Fly on the field went, Fly Fly found)

Chocolate ( And everything in order gives a chocolate)

Collar ( together with the collar looked around the crocodile and Barbos swallowed, swallowed it)

Urban ( And the washcloth like a daw, like a daw swallowed)

5 round. "GUESS A RIDDLE"

(Appeal to the portrait)

High height, long hands with large brushes, large features, a big curious nose, a mustache, a naughty hair strand hanging on his forehead, laughing eyes and amazing light gait. Such is the appearance of the rooting Ivanovich Chukovsky. He was distinguished by great hard work. "Always," he wrote, "I would not have been: in the tram, in line for bread, in a receiving dental doctor, - I, not to waste the time, composed the riddles for children"

- GuessriddlesK. Chukovsky(kids are ridden)

Wonderful house. There was a white house, a wonderful house, and I stumbled something in it. And he crashed, and from there the living ran out a miracle - such a warm, such a fluffy and golden. ( Egg and chick)

Wonderful cave. Red doors in my cave, white animals are sitting at the door. And meat, and bread - my whole prey with the joy of white beasts I give! ( Mouth and teeth)

Behold! Oh, do not touch me: burning and without fire! On the water, they carry me. (Nettle)

Wonderful steam locomotive. Locomotive without wheels! That's so miracle -parovoz! Not crazy if he came out - just went straight on the sea! ( Steamer)

The sage in it saw the sage,

Fool - Fool, Baran - Baran,

Sheep saw sheep in him,

And the monkey is a monkey.

But they summed up to him

Fedya Baratova,

And Fedya Svaryu saw shaggy.


Wonderful horses.

Two horses I have two horses,

And the water is hard

Like stone!

(Skates and ice)

Tooty mystery

I go - it's not in the forests,

And on the mustache, by hair,

And my teeth are longer,

Than that of wolves and bears.


6 round Playing with children

Connect the hero of the fairy tale with the act he made.

Lit the sea

swallowed the sun


Washed her dishes.!

Returned the sun into the sky.

Extended the sea

Saving Muhu - Cocotuhu.

Ate Tarakana

Cured animals

Children's poet and storyteller K. Chukovsky became accidental. And it came out so. His little sick fell ill. K. Chukovsky Vyz him in the train. The boy is capricious, moaning, cried. In order to somehow entertain him, his father began to write him a fairy tale: there was a crocodile, he went through the streets.

The boy unexpectedly sat down and began to listen. K. Chukovsky's fairy tales help all children to navigate in the surrounding world, make them feel a fearless participant of imaginary battles for justice, for good and freedom. Poems K. Chukovsky raise the ability to empathize, compassion, coat. Let us and we all be happy together and look at the stage of passages from the fairy tales of K. Chukovsky.

Many times we will meet with the works of K. I. Chukovsky. In high school, you will get acquainted with the Chukovsky translator. He translated from the English "Adventure of Baron Munhausen", "The Adventures of Robinson Cruzo", "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", "Prince of the Initial", "Ricky - Tiki - Tavi" and other books.

Irakli Andronikov wrote that "the talent of Chukovsky is an inexhaustible, smart, brilliant, fun, festive. With such a writer, do not part all my life. "

7. Summing up and rewarding winners


The fabulous world of carved Russian teremkov, patterned turrets and painted "gingerbread houses" exists not only in cartoons! Junior guests of Izmailovsky Kremlin waiting for an excursion to the Museum of Russian toys and classes in art workshops, adults - Museum of Russian Vodka, Museum of Bread, Antique Market and Ethnic Souvenir Clauses.

Izmailovskoe sh., D. 73zh

Fabulous house owl, rabbit and cats in Gorky Park

In the park of Gorky there is a corner of the magic forest, in which, as it should be, fabulous characters live. The inhabitants of a log house resembling a hut on the courier legs - a wise owl, a rabbit and a cat - can "revive" under the action of special mechanisms and tell young guests entertaining stories.

ul. Crimean shaft, d.9

Children's Park Wonders

What to do children while parents make purchases in Retail Park shopping center? Of course, to visit the park of wonders - a fabulous Russian village in the middle of the metropolis! Here you can walk among carved terems with turrets and lines, play on the playground, feed goats, pigs and birds in a mini-zoo, take part in an animation presentation and learn to paint ceramic toys.

sh. Warsaw, D.97


The unusual house in the shape of Faberge's egg was built in 2002 and immediately turned into one of the bright attractions of the capital. On four floors of the original house, residential apartments, hall, sauna and exit to the underground garage are located. You can climb the attic on the screw staircase or on a special elevator.

ul. Mashkova, 1/11


House teremok is built in the style of "Russian Pattern", typical of medieval merchant and boyars. Carved platbands, eaves and turrets create a fabulous ensemble, which seemed to be transferred to the Moscow alley from distant episodes. However, the "relicity" of the house is only an external, inside its premises are equipped quite modern and equipped with all technical innovations of the XXI century.

1st tails per., D. 5

Sculpture "White Rabbit"

Meeting with a white rabbit from the famous Lewis Carolla's fairy tale has become the beginning of history, which led the girl Alice to the Wonderland. Muscovites are convinced that the magic bronze rabbit with a clock in her hands, settled in the ordinary metropolitan court, helps real romantics to implement the most cherished desires. To launch the "magic mechanism" of happiness and good luck, it is enough to touch the cane in his legs.

ul. Shcherbakovskaya, 54.

Literary courtyard "Basni Krylova"

The world of funny characters Basen Krylova actually exist! In a fabulous literary courtyard, located among Moscow high-rise buildings, the characters familiar from childhood: a crow with a piece of cheese in the beak, a fox curtain, a unlucky musical quartet from a goat, donkey, bears and martyrs, a greedy pig, ricking oak roots. Stone animals are the favorite "comrades" of children's games and a peculiar moral and philosophical reminder for adults.

ul. Open highway, d. 2

House merchant Igumnov

The Museum of the merchant Igumnova is famous not only by carved columns, turrets and tent domes in the style of Russian modern, but also abundance of legends and legends. It is known that in 1901, the magnificent secular ball was arranged in his terme, lipsticking the floors with gold worms. And it is still saying that in one of the walls of the fabulous castle, the former mistress of the owner was inspired, and her ghost wanders through the halls of the mansion so far ...

ul. Big Yakimanka, d. 43

Dragon House in the Moscow region

Pension in Pirogovo is created in the form of a mythical dragon, arguing among the trees. The ecological project of the famous architect Total Kuzebaeva does not violate the integrity of the natural natural landscape. The roof of the building smoothly passes into herbal lawn, panoramic windows and glass walls veranda allow you to feel ourselves an integral part of the environment.

Mytishchinsky district, village Klyazmin reservoir, house 3-A

Museum of Russian fairy tales "lived 0+

The Russian Fairy Tale Museum is a collection of wonderful and instructive stories who keep the folk wisdom of many centuries. On interactive excursions, children are apparent to Russian poppy costumes, immerse themselves into the atmosphere of magic and, helping fabulous heroes, learn to solve in practice not easy moral tasks. Events for children 3-12 years old can be visited by appointment.

sh. Izmailovskoe, d. 73zh, ul. 2nd Parkovaya, d. 18

Pinocchio Museum 0+

The Museum of the Guys is waiting for a meeting with a frivolous, but kind and brave wooden man of Pinocchio and his Italian twin brother Pinocchio, a wise cricket, a romantic girl with blue hair, a noble black Poodle Artya. Interactive view excursions introduce kids with the best fairy tales of the world and allow you to reincarnate in fabulous heroes that fight evil and protect the truth.

ul. 2nd Parkovaya, d. 18

Cheburashka Museum

Characters of the fairy tale Eduard Assumption Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena - Pets of many generations of Russian defensions. Bronze heroes of a popular fairy tale meet young guests on the site in front of a museum dedicated to the good magic animal with huge ears. The museum collected more than 100 images of Cheburashka, made from different materials - drawn, plasticine, ceramic, rag.

ul. Dmitrievsky, 3a, kindergarten №2550

Sculptural group "Give the way Ducklings"

Touching mom-duck with brood ducks appeared in the square opposite Novodevichy Monastery Back in 1991. Heroes popular american fairy tales "Give the road trees" were donated by Barbara Bush to children of the Soviet Union in love and friendship. Moscow Duck Family is an exact copy of the composition of the composition installed in Boston. According to reference, if you stroke the smallest duckling, it will bring you good luck.

Sometimes the heroes of fairy tales become so real that they are closely between the bookshelves. They go from the pages of favorite books, turn into monuments, get alongside the streets of cities and even arrange cozy dwellings. Then the museums of fabulous characters appear worldwide, where, as on the wings, children and adults are flying. After all, who does not dream of at least a moment to be in a fairy tale?

"Fairy tales like old friends, from time to time they need to visit", - once the American writer George Martin said once. Do not lose a minute!

Mooma Trolley Valley, Finland

On the island of Kaylo, the coast of the Finnish city Naantali hid between the thick crowns of the trees, the magic country of the mumi-trolls. The museum was opened in 2003, and since then this is a favorite place of rest of the local debt. To look into the mumi-houses, climb the tower, to run unusual bridges and stairs to you. There is also a blue mumi-house from the book, and a yellow cheek house with a collection of butterflies, and a witch's sleeve, and a bath.

The friendly heroes of the popular books of Writers Tuva Jason walk around the vicinity of the museum, causing the delight of young visitors. You can meet a small MJ or Sniff, Mumina-Dad or Mumi-Mom.

In the summer theater regularly satisfy the performances and shows. The museum occupies a whole island and is connected to the old part of Naantali Bridge. And you can get here with a special mumi train.

Museum of a Little Prince, Japan

Surprisingly, the Museum of a small hero with a big soul, created by Antoine de Saint-Exupery, located at all in Paris or Provence, from where the writer is coming, but in the ... Japanese village of Khakone.

Cozy French houses and cafes even thousands of kilometers from the author's homeland will postpone you to France, and bright themed paintings dipped in magic world Works.

In the museum you will see not only exhibits dedicated to a small prince, but also its creator. Originals of photos, letters and diaries will open you new facts from the biography of the writer.

Museum of Baron Münhhausen, Latvia

Do you know, dear friend, that the most truthful narrator of the world - Baron Münhhausen is not a fictional character, but a real person. He lived in the XVIII century and even visited Ukraine.

Museum of Baron Münhhausen is located in the Latvian manor Dunte. The owners of the estate assure that it was here that the best years of the life of Baron and his wife were held. Here he pulled himself from the swamp, put the cherry between the horns of the deer and flew to the moon on top of the core. It was here that I found a soul mate - the daughter of the owner of the manor.

From the house of Münhghausen to the sea leads a five-kilometer path with fancy wooden monuments: a hare with eight legs, flying fish, etc. In the Museum of Baron, the atmosphere of his time has been created. The house is filled with hunting trophies, and at the entrance guests meets the owner of the house, however, in the form of a wax figure. But who knows, maybe at night she come to life?

Harry Potter Museum, England

Eyes scatter from miracles. Harry Potter Fans can wander among the mysterious scenery of the film: stroll a slam alley with a bunch of shops, sit at the dining tables of the Big Hall, see the flying car Mr. Weasley, and also to know how portraits on the walls come to life in the frame.

The highlight of the museum is the Hogwarts School Castle, or rather his layout, 2.5 m high. Torches are burning on the castle towers, and special lighting every 4 minutes replaces the night for the day.

After a walk through the halls of the film studio, you can have a snack in the "Sweet Kingdom" and acquire a broom, a magic wand or a mantle.

Museum Mary Poppins, Australia

If you love the work of Pamela Travers, visit the Australian MariBorgo city. It was there, in the homeland of the writer, opened a house-museum dedicated to her work. In front of the house you can see a monument to the author famous history Oh Mary Poppins. And nearby estates - a coastal park, very similar to the one that is described in the books about the nurse-wizard.

If you come here during summer holidaysBe sure to visit the festival Mary Poppins. During the holiday, local nannies are arranged here, the locomotives are launched, aerial coats and drawings on asphalt. It will be fun!

What unites Dr. Faust, Baron Münhgausen, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, Uncle Tom, Sailor Fucking and a Little Prince? The fact is that all these characters have their own museums. For a fictional being and for its creator, this is a great honor. Because the Character Museum is the highest proof of his reliability and a sign of unconditional nationwide worship author.

The world museum practice has several dozen museums of literary, folk and film processions. In some museums, idolaters are rushing and curious from all over the world, others have been carrying the burden of "municipal" glory.

Every year, the number of these unusual museums replenish Russian apartments, houses, estates and even whole villages dedicated to the life and adventures of heroes, in the existence of which we unconditionally believe the whole country.

The first museum of the fictional hero in our country was opened in October 1972, 45 years ago in the village of expressing under Leningrad. For considerations of literary political correctness, the proud right of the first swallow was given to a character born under the Pushkin Guasin with Noodle ink - Samson Vyrina.

The place was chosen non-randomly - the otmahav 70 versts, the narratives stopped for the night or changed horses at the Third Station of the Belarusian Tract - Draw. According to archival documents and descriptions from the story "Stationander" in the house carefully recreated an atmosphere of the road station Nikolai I travel station. In each subject, the soul of the fictional hero is lighted in every thing - here is an adhesive sundress, here - a laid book, the table covers to tea - it seems The elderly father and daughter came out and are about to return to continue to unwind and unravel their eternal sad plot.

№2. Museum of literary heroes of "Loves of Belkin"

Village Lviv, located in the Treboldinsky district Nizhny Novgorod regionFrom the XVII century there was a primary Pushkin and got a name named Grandfather of the poet - Leo Alexandrovich. In 2005, the Luchinnik Museum of Heroes of the "Agent of Belkina" was opened in the Bark estate for the groves Luchinnik.

Room Ivan Petrovich Belkin

One of the rooms of the mansion is dedicated to Ivan Petrovich Belkin - the fictional author of the ART - His portrait hangs here, there is a bent chair, half a walk on which the storytellor snores in a dream - try not to believe in the reality of this character! The rest of the rooms are ideal scenery for five rates of the cycle. In the room of Lisa Muromskoy on a chair casually hanging the peasant dress; Next, we find the collected chest Marya Gavrilovna; Then we go into the room where Silvio left on the table on the armhole from the forehead of the label red cap ...

The house itself, with its charming old provinciality and all its landscape surroundings are perceived as genuine illustrations to the Belkin cycle. Here everything is true, honest, present.

No. 3. Museum of the poem "Anna Snegina"

Manor Kashina. Photo: NY.RZN.INFO.

In 1995, the Museum of Anna Snegina was opened to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Yesenin in Konstantinov. The last Konstantinov landowner Lidia Kashin, for many years friends with the poet, became the prototype of the main character - the young nobility, the youth of the love of the chief hero of SERGUSH. It is in the manor "Kashina and a museum's exposition is located.

Thanks to a set of photos and genuine things that once belonged to Kashina-Snagina, and dozens of letters written by its legendary fellow villager, the yawl here is so intertwined with the fiction, which is not possible to separate the real story from a beautiful essay.

№4. Museum "Two Captains"

Museum V. A. Kaverin

Remember, "fight and search, find and not surrender"? In the hometown of Veniamin Cavery - Pskov since 2002, the Museum of the Roman "Two Captain" has been working. In the very center of the museum on the mast flutter flag with the famous motto, and the exhibits talk about the protothes of the main characters, about the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel and of course about the development of the Far North.

"Two Captain" - a work of difficult fate. The book, embodied the dream of all post-war boys, who served as the basis for one of the best adventure Soviet films, in our memory is inextricably linked with the terrible tragedy of the end of the twentieth century - the Musicom Nord-Ost. Therefore, the Museum "Two Captains" is also a place of memory.

Brusylov, Sedov, Tatarinov routes were laid on the huge maps of the North. Young visitors who adore museums in which everyone is allowed to touch, in magnetic ships will be held legendary routesUsing a real ship compass. Here, in this unusual museum, hovers the spirit of heroic adventures. This is worth going for your children's dreams and then to dream about.

№5. "Non-good apartment"

The State Museum of Bulgakov on Sadovaya-Spasskaya, 10 in Moscow today is more famous as the apartment of Voland or "bad apartment." By the text of the legendary novel, Woland, sending the steppa Lyarkheev to Yalta, settled here, in Apartment No. 50, in the present communal hell. In fact, in this apartment from 1921 to 1924 he lived the writer himself. By the way, in the same legend, a certain Anna Goryachev lived - the same Annushka.

Non-good apartment number 50 is located on the fifth floor of a five-story building. The window overlooks the opposite wing of the house and another "bad apartment" associated with the "Master and Margarita" - Apartment number 34, also served as a prototype of a bad power.

Interesting fact - In St. Petersburg, too, there is a "bad apartment." Only not Bulgakovskaya, but Tolstovaya. Its number 60 and is located on the sixth floor of a six-story house on the Fontanka River embankment.

№6. Museum of Bedder Ostap

Museum of the Ostap Bender Kozmodemyansk. Photo:

Hotly beloved by housekeepers, widows and even a woman - dental technician Adventurer-romantic Mr. O. Bender was awarded two museums - in St. Petersburg and Kozmodemiansk.

Once a year, during the days of the Benderiad festival, Kozmodemyansk is renamed New Vasyuki and turns into a carnival of humor. Here on the "interplanetary" chess tournament and auction, where you can buy a chair with diamonds, Fans of Ilf and Petrov come out. When the city rests from the holiday, Benderman can visit the museum - an old merchant mansion, prescribed by the martial glory of the legendary literary hero.

In 1995, Bender's Museum opened in St. Petersburg. Following the inimitable style of the chief hero, the museum closed several times. However, he always received a new birth, the last of which occurred quite recently - in the summer of 2016.

The museum's exposition presents authentic things, copies of those that appear in the novel - the famous tea citerbble, Pensna Kisos Vorobyaninov, a table from the office of "Horn and hoofs" and of course a hiry, which can even try to cut. For a perplexed question "Why, suddenly, Petersburg?", Museum's creators are responsible for this: the Prototype of Bender on one of the versions was Osip Shore - a bright, adventurous warehouse Mr., who lived here in student lessons. Subsequently, Osip Shore was noticed as an imaginary promising groom, a great chess player and a great artist ... a recognizable character, in one word.

№7. Museum of Snow Maiden

Terem Snow Maiden in Kostroma, photo:

The museum of this literary character was opened in 2008 in Kostroma. It is here in 1873 the Ostrovsky under the impression of the fairy tales of Afanasyev composed a play about a pale blonde girl, daughter (!) Santa Claus and Spring-red. A play for almost ten years remained unnoticed by the public, until he wrote the same opera according to her.

In addition to the Snow Maiden, the Museum "live" and other representatives of Folklore, from the houses to Cota Bayun. In the museum you can see Sani, on which the Snow Maiden with Santa Claus gives children gifts, to visit the ice room and even try a snowy cocktail.

№8. Cheburashka Museum

The museum at school - wherever nothing went, and the museum in kindergarten is thinking?! It turns out yes. In Moscow, near the metro station Vykhino in kindergarten and school No. 2031, two exposition sites dedicated to Cheburashka are operating. Before the entrance is the telephone booth in which the favorite children's hero lived, inside - the history of the creation of a touching and strange creature and many of his incarnations - "Cheburashny" crafts.

By the way, the initiator of the creation of the museum himself spoke himself, he was looking for like-minded people in publishing houses for a long time, but found them only ... in kindergarten. In the present day, according to Assumption, Cheburashka surpassed the author's popularity.

№9. Village Prostokvashino

- Master of the incarnation of literary heroes. Heroes of Baek from the life of Prostokvashino, as well as Cheburashka, in the near future they should have acquired the address and museum. In the Tonkinsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region there is a village of Prostokvashino. It has 17 houses and 10 inhabitants.

See also: