Wroclaw is an interesting city in Poland. Wroclaw - the historical capital of Silesia

Wroclaw is the capital of Lower Silesia. The city is located on the islands related to bridges. In addition to the unique location, Wroclaw will hit you with its architecture, which merged with such styles like Gothic, Art Nouveau and Baroque.

Once Wroclaw is part of Czech first, then German, and then the Austrian states. Only after that the city entered the staff of Poland.

In 2005, Wroclaw became the third attendance by the city of Poland. It is especially interesting to rest here to young people: musical festivals are constantly held in the city, theatrical ideas And noisy parties.

Lower Silesian Voivodeship

Number of population

640,000 people

Population density

457.65 people / km²

zloty (PLN)


UTC + 1, summer UTC + 2

Postal code

International Area Code

Climate and weather

A moderate climate prevails in Wroclaw. Winters are soft and warm, the summer is rarely hot. average temperature Winter is -2 ... - 5 ° C. In the summer, most often the thermometer shows about + 25 ° C. The most comfortable time for the trip here is the period from May to September.


The nature of the Wroclaw is determined by its location. The city located on at once 4 rivers is divided into 12 parts-islands. All of them are interconnected by numerous bridges.

In the northern regions of the Wroclaw, the plains are dominated, in the southern part - mountain landscapes. All year round tourists attract the mountains of the Sundakh.

The real decoration of the Wroclaw is the Botanical Garden and the famous " episcopian gardens».


In Wroclaw, many medieval buildings have been preserved. The town hall in the Gothic style is one of them. Baroque style is presented by Leopoldine. In the XVII century, he was located university.

Historic center Wroclaw will surprise you beautiful parks, luxury hotels and restaurants. In the city there 9 Museums, Philharmonic, Opera House and Music Theater, Art Galleries.

Among the religious attractions of the Wroclaw allocate cathedral of St. John, Church of St. Elizabethand church of St. Idzoegowhich was founded in the XII century.

Walking around the city, you will periodically meet the figures of the gnomes. In every area they are different, each of them has their own story. Dwarf figures are not good here - these are the symbols of the Wroclaw. Many tourists go to special search for bronze figures to take pictures with each of them.


In Wroclaw, many diverse establishments, each restaurant has its own characteristics and dignity.

Greek cuisine can be found in the restaurant Akropolis.. Its walls are painted in Greek style, and in the corners there are vases and lemon trees, grape vines hang along the walls.

Home kitchen offers a modest restaurant Casablanca.. Here serves healthy simple food and excellent vintage wines. The restaurant is equipped with a special challenge where dance evenings pass every evening.

Oriental delicacies and delicacies will provide you with a restaurant Darea.. Marinated beef and octopuses - branded dishes of the institution.

Japanese cuisine served in Kyoto.

There are in Wroclaw and establishment with Mexican cuisine, most popular of them - La Luz. The dishes are prepared here on classic recipes, spices are supplied from Mexico. Pizza is popular.

One of the best budget institutions of the city is considered Mosaiq Restaurant & Wine Lounge - Restaurant where European dishes are preparing. Its room is divided into two parts, in one of which is a beautiful wine bar.


Most Wroclaw hotels are located in the old town.

Not far from the center is the hotel Campanile. This is an economical modern hotel with numbers from 40 € to 130 €.

We are in demand hotel Puro Hotel Wroclaw and Quality System. These are three-star hotels with room price from 22 € to 175 €.

Entertainment and recreation

In the city there is a delightful japanese garden. In addition to him, relaxing lovers in nature can spend their time in the already mentioned Botanical Garden, located near one of the universities. It contains an excellent collection of plants and exotic colors. For the convenience of viewing its territory is divided into special zones. The atmosphere of peace and extraordinary harmony always reigns here.

Find for fishermen - River Odra. On her shores always full lovers "Quiet hunting" and tourists who gathered on a picnic.

Children will be glad to walk in zoo Wroclaw Zoo, which is famous for its collection of exotic birds and various animals, as well as a unique landscape. Excursions are held every day.

In wroclaw Aquapark. You can entertain all day long. Special pools and playgrounds are assigned for children. There are several cafes.

Nightlife Wroclaw can be felt in the club Alibi.. Every evening there are many music lovers and beer lovers. The bar provides a very wide selection of this foam drink.

Until the morning, music in the club sounds Metropolis.. The first floor of the club is equipped with a good pub.

Wroclaw is famous for musical festivals passing here every year. February opens in February Festival of modern music, in May passes Jazz Festival. In the summer passes the popular festival Non Stop.which is always accompanied by many entertainment events.


Numerous shops and souvenir shops are crushed around the city. Among the most popular seats for shopping - hypermarket "Auchan"It works from 8:30 to 22:00.

Large shopping center Galeria Dominikanska. Offers the whole range of all kinds of goods.

On the covered market Hala Targowa. You can always buy fresh products.


Wroclaw is provided good transport traffic. The city has two river ports, airport International class, highways, two major railway junctions.

City transport is represented by buses and trams. In great demand, private taxis services are enjoyed route taxi. At night, at an interval once a hour, night transport runs.


Wroclaw is widespread mobile connection and the Internet. You can access the network in the post office, Internet café, from the hotel room, as well as with Wi-Fi access points, which are provided in the city.

Mobile communication is best provided by Orange Operator. Connect to the mobile network will not be difficult. To do this, look into one of the supermarkets or to the phone store. You can also make a call from urban taxophones. Finally, this is most profitable.


Remember that you can exchange currency only in banks and specialized currency exchange items. The course can vary significantly. The exchange of "with hands" is categorically prohibited, it is a crime and shall be punished by law.

In public places, do not forget to follow your things, do not leave them unattended.

IN shopping centers And in the markets often robbery happen. Therefore, do not carry large sums of cash and important documents.

Business climate

The city of Wroclaw is the fourth largest among the cities of Poland.

The flow of tourists is growing here from year to year, thanks to which the restaurant, tourist or hotel business is very profitable here. In addition, beneficial areas of trade, services and entertainment.

The business climate in the city, as in the whole country, is very favorable for the opening of his business. Here the company can be organized in the form of a society with various degrees of responsibility.

The property

Buying real estate in the historic center of the city can bring excellent profits. The price line in Wroclaw is rather low. Good apartment Here you can purchase for 90,000-100,000 €. And the rental of a two-bedroom apartment for a month will cost you at least 280 €.

If in Wroclaw you want to rent a car, consider that in the city it is difficult to find a parking place in the city. The main part of the parking works in a paid mode. To use them you need to purchase a parking ticket in an electronic machine or at the agent.

In large stores of Wroclaw, the US dollar and the euro are accepted. Distributed cashless payments.

If you want to use a taxi service, then it is better to apply to state reclosers. They have rates much cheaper. In addition, the cost of the trip is calculated by special counters.

For convenience, take a phrasebook with you. In addition to Polish, German and English languages \u200b\u200bare widespread.

In cafes and restaurants it is customary to leave the tips in the amount of 10% of the check.

Lower Silesia is an area of \u200b\u200bmodern Poland, located in the heart of Central Europe. Get to it from all european capitals It will not work: the road by train from Warsaw will take 4 hours, from Berlin and Prague - 6 hours. Modern highways associate cities and villages, pedestrian and cycling paths are laid between the villages. The castles of the Renaissance and mountain resorts Attracting tourists to the lower silest.

The city of Wroclaw is the administrative center of Voivodeship Lower Silesia. This is an ancient I. modern cityholding a fourth place in the country in the number of population (630 thousand people). Geographical location, unique beauty and abundance architectural monuments Brought Wroclaw deserved fame of the "Flower of Europe".

At the origins of the ancient city

The rich historical past Wroclaw is filled with many, often dramatic, events. In the 10th century on the Tumsk island, the Czechs founded the city called by the goalislav in honor of the prince of Mitsslaw. After the transition of Silesia to possession of the Polish dynasty, the first ruled ruler from Poland became a preceptant of fives. His son Boloislav built a cathedral here and founded the bishop. After the death of Boloolava, the city of Wroclaw in 1138 was the capital of the Polish Principality of Silesia in 1138. The Mongolian invasion of 1241 brought the city fire and looting. Citizens managed to escape from death, hiding in the castle. In 1262, Wroclaw recovered after the fire received Magdeburg law.

Medieval Wroclaw

Over time, Wroclaw has become attractive for people of different nationalities. On the south Bank ADRED was formed by a German settlement. Wroclaw entered the Union of Hanza - a strong and influential association of German cities. Thanks to the Union, the city quickly became a major trading center in Europe, his population in the 14th century reached 20 thousand people.
In the Middle Ages, Wroclaw managed the duke from the Papt dynasty. In 1335, the city entered the Bohemian kingdom. In 1526, after the death of not leaving the heirs of the Czech king, Silesia moved to the ownership of the imperial dynasty of the Habsburgs. Significant damage to the city was inflicted during the religious thirty-year-old war.

Prussian-German period of the city's history

In the course of the Austrian War of 1740, the Prussian Kingdom was charged with Silesia. Wroclaw was renamed Breslau. The Prussian administration ruled the city after decay in 1806 of the Sacred Roman Empire. In 1871, Breslau joined imperial Germany. The largest center of linen and cotton production was the city under the rule of the Prussian kings. Breslau was built railway. From 1860 to 1910, the population of the city increased three times and amounted to more than half a million people. In 1928, urban borders were significantly expanded.

During World War II, Breslau provided the fierce resistance of the Red Army for 3 months. Destroyed at 70% city capitulated only on May 7, 1945. More than 40 thousand citizens died under the rubble. In the post-war time, Wroclaw was transferred to Poland, the German population moved or was sent to Germany. The restoration of the city lasted until the 80s of the 20th century. Many monuments of history, unfortunately, are lost forever.

Historical monuments and sights

Modern Wroclaw is a real pearl of Poland. The city is located on both shores of Odra, which, together with 4, its tributaries shares it into 12 islands. They are connected by two hundred different bridges that give Wroclaw charm and a romantic appearance. " Eastern Venice"And the" city of bridges "is often called Wroclaw. The title history of the city, which belonged to the various times of Czechs, Germans, Poles and the Austrians, retained their traces in a variety of architecture: Gothic from Silesia, Baroque from Austria Habsburg, the modernism of the famous architects of Berg and polarcig.

The ancient part of the city is the famous Tumsky Island - opens a wonderful view from the cathedral bridge on both shores of Odry. The historical buildings of the island destroyed during the time of war were rebuilt and appeared in its original form. Located on the island Cathedral John the Baptist (the middle of the 12th century), the Church of Saints Ksija and Bartolomew, Church of St. Martin and the Church of St. Izi (13th century) - interesting architectural and historical monuments.

On the old market square in the city, life was always boiling. City Hall (13th Century) is one of the most beautiful buildings in the Gothic style in Poland. A church of Saint Elizabeth is treated above the market square. In front of it are small houses Yaciya and Mugosi, built in the Baroque style. The exhibition complex of the University of Wroclaw is famous for both the venue for concerts and balls from the 17th century. The urban museum, known for his "Rylavitsky Panorama" (a picture of Polish artists depicting the victory of Polish troops over Russians), is located near the building of the University of Wroclaw.

Wroclaw - Cultural capital of Europe 2016

Mascots of modern Wroclaw - Bronze figures of the gnomes located in a variety of places throughout the city. They enjoy special love of citizens. The city of Gnomes began to "settle" since 2001 and now there are already several dozen.

Wroclaw is the most green city of Poland, in which one resident accounts for 25 square meters of green plantings. The largest Botanical Garden is located in the city. A favorite place of relaxation townspeople is a Schlensky Park.

The cultural life of the capital of Silesia is filled with various festivals. Every year in July in Wroclaw, a large-scale film festival "New Horizons" is held. In September, throughout the region, "travels" International Festival Street art. Various musical festivals are held here throughout the year. The cultural capital of Europe was elected Wroclaw for 2016. The rich history of the city, the beauty of architectural structures and saturated cultural life They contribute to the special attractability of the historical capital of Silesia - Wroclaw.

The city of Wroclaw, they consider one of the most beautiful and interesting cities for tourists in Poland. Even Wroclaw is one of the oldest cities. Located a city on both sides of the Horde River. Wroclaw is built on numerous islets of ODRED, for this reason the city is also called the "Polish Venice".

History of the city of Wroclaw

In history, you can see other names of this city, such as: Breslavl or Goalislava. Through the city flows five rivers: Odra and four of her tributaries. It consists of Wroclaw from five districts of the PSE-Field, Middle People, Old city, Krsiki, factory.

There is a legend that the city founded the Czech Prince Mortislav, who rules 915-921. In 990, Wroclaw and all Silesia won the Polish Prince of Pisels Meshko I. And after ten years, his son Boleslav Brave, together with Otten III, was introduced into the city of Roman Catholic bishop. In 1138, Wroclaw became the capital of Poland, but then the city passed under the power of the Czech kingdom of the Principality of Silesia. In 1241, Wroclaw captured and ruined the Mongols.

In 1261, the city was restored after the invasion, he also received Magdeburg urban law.

In 1335, he was part of the Czech kingdom, served at the same element for the battles between Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic. And from the end of the fifteenth century due to the fact that the city was under the rule of the Habsburgs, its Germanization increased greatly.

In 1741, after the war for the Austrian legacy, the city was attached to Prussia. In the nineteenth century, the city was the textile capital of Germany and was an important railway node. Since 1933, the coat of arms of the city changed, since the letter W was considered Slavic. The suburbs and many areas that wearing Slavic names were renamed. And all Polish and Czech minorities were pursued and deported to the concentration camps. Since 1945, on May 9, Wroclaw officially moved to Polish federal administration.

Attractions Wroclawa

In the very center of the Old Town, there are large sizes, an old market square. This is an attractive and lively place, which is surrounded by brightly colored facades. In this place and boils a stormy life. Once also in the Middle Ages, lively trade was carried out here, contracts were concluded and the courts were peaked. From all sides of the area there are exquisite mansions with interesting names, such as: "Under the Golden Sun", "under the Golden Jug", "under the griffs and the like".

When emperors, kings and presidents stopped in these mansions. Now these fashionable buildings are striking with their stylish architecture of different eras. They can see the elements of Baroque, Gothic and Renaissance. In the center of the square, as well as on the other market squares, there is a town hall.

City Hall

Already for seven years, the majestic and graceful Wroclaw Town Hall decorates the city. Town Hall is a germ gothic soviet architecture. On the east side, you can observe the Gothic style submitted by the sophisticated facade with the clock of the fifteenth century. From the south side is the facade decorated with geometric and floral ornament. In the town hall there are unusually beautiful vaulted rooms. Before the Town Hall there is another attraction made from the stone challenge of the fifteenth century.

Up to the fifteenth century, the pillar was made of wood. Now this pillar is made of stone, on the top of which the figure of the medieval executioner is located with a sword and rogging. Of course, in our time, there are many people about him, in order to take a photo, and in the Middle Ages, it is unlikely that anyone else wanted to be near this vessel.

Svidnitsky basement

As mentioned among local residents "Who was not in Svidnitsky basement, he was not in Wroclaw." In the basement is nine rooms, in which visitors have the opportunity to try the delicious Spese beer, this beer is even enlightened by many poems. Svidnitsky basement with brewery connects an underground corridor.

The Cathedral of John the Baptist was founded in 1000, he is the first gothic cathedral, in Poland. In 1037, it was destroyed, after that several times carefully restored. But in 1945, the Germans made an ammunition warehouse from the cathedral, as a result of which the cathedral was completely destroyed.

Nowadays, we see the results of large works and reconstructions, thanks to which the species of the Cathedral in the thirteenth fourteenth century as accurately passed as accurately as possible. Both inside the building and outside the cathedral is decorated with medieval buildings. From the western side of the cathedral near the main entrance there is a portico, which is made in the Gothic style of the fourteenth century. On the other side of the cathedral, you can see the medieval oriental tube. It is made in the form of a dragon head with an open mouth, which is visible to the style of the Renaissance.

Inside the church itself, the look of a chic altar with the image of the Virgin Mary, wonderful icons and unusually beautiful stained glass windows, made on the project Stanislav and Christina Pekalsky. Nowadays, the Cathedral is the Department of the Archite Spirch Wroclaw.

Great interest among tourists, causes this university with a rich history. Its main building is located in the castle, which earlier belonged to the genus of fives. In the fifteenth century, the activities of the Jesuit Order took place in the territory of this castle. Based on which a school was formed to acquire higher education. Only in 1702, the Emperor Austria Leopold I was signed by a decree, with the help of which the school was transformed into the University of Wroclaw, who was under the state guardianship of the emperor himself for a long time.

On the second floor of an educational institution there is a luxurious assembly hall. He is called Aul Leopoldine, decorated with gilding and multicolored paintings. Also in the hall there are many beautiful sculptures in the style of Polish baroque.

Japanese garden

Also, a very attractive attraction is a live relic - a Japanese garden. In the Schcheritsky Park in 1913 he passed World exhibition Garden art. The gardener from Japan has established a garden for all the requirements that existed at that time. This garden was just a pearl exhibition.

After exposure, many elements of Japanese art were removed from the garden. But the power of the Wroclaw, decided to reconstruct the garden and return to him the former look. For the implementation of this idea, Japanese specialists were invited to the city, so that they resume natural monument art. So, in our days, tourists can fully enjoy the corners of the lively sightseeing of the city.

Church of Saint Elizabeth

Of course, it is impossible to pass by, one of the most beautiful buildings of the city - Church of St. Elizabeth. This temple is built in the Gothic style, it has a majestic bell tower height that reaches ninety meters. In the Middle Ages, this tower was forty-meters above. But in the fifteenth century, a stormy hurricane happened, and the tower suffered, fortunately it happened without human victims. After that, began to walk the legend that this tower was under the auspices of angels. Today, the church is the Roman Catholic Church of the Wroclaw Garrison of the Troops of Polish.

Near the Church of St. Elizabeth are houses of bunny servants, gravers and risks. Now there are only two houses called "Yasya" and "Malgosya". They serve as a gate to the church. The houses are interconnected by the arch on which the Latin phrase is visible, which says "Death - Gate of Life". A long time ago behind these gates was a cemetery.

These homes have such unusual names taken from the Polish fairy tale, which has the same meaning as a Russian fairy tale "Alenushka and Ivanushka". In the smallest house called "Yasya", there is a workshop of the famous artist Stankevich. But the second house "Malgosya", local authorities want to give the museum of the gnomes, as well as the society of lovers of the Wroclaw.

Sculptures of the gnomes

Dwarfs, or in Polish Krasnoludki, are popular for both tourists and local residents. These small sculptures are Wroclaw symbols. The small figures of the gnomes are scattered throughout the city, their in the Wroclaw about fifty pieces, each of them has any meaning. Well, for example, at the entrance to dentistry you can see the gnome, which takes off the tooth, and at the entrance to the bank dwarf by removing the money from the ATM.

Wroclaw is one of the most ancient and most beautiful cities in Poland. He is the capital of the region of Silesia and is one of the most large cities States in the population. Wroclaw has a rich history, a huge number of attractions that will definitely like each tourist! By the way, it is this city in 2016 will be cultural capital Europe.

Wroclaw can deservedly compare with Venice and Amsterdam. It is crossed by its territory 5 rivers: Odra and her tributaries. Previously, there were 303 bridge in the city! But today their number has decreased almost 3 times, now bridges are about 130. However, this did not affect the beauty and attractiveness of the city, there is, there is something to see and admire.

History Wroclaw

The very name of the Silesia region was first mentioned by Tacitis in its work of 98 years! This is the first mention of Silesia. The exact year of the formation of the city is difficult to find out, but in 900 years The name of the goalis and the Vortyzlav appears. It was a small Slavic town with a market, which was not far from the merger of three tributaries of Odry.

According to legend, the name happened on behalf of czech king goalislavawhich founded the city. In 990, Wroclaw was conquered by the Polish prince Meshko 1. And in 1000, his son Boleslav Brave bases Roman Catholic bishop. Exactly this year Officially considered the year of the foundation of the Wroclaw. There is such an opinion that the name of the city is derived from the name of Polish Prince "Bratislav" and at first the city was called Bratislav or Bratislavl. The Slavs called him Breslavl, and the Germans Breslau.

So, back to the story. During the reign of Boleslav, the city of Ros and expanded. Later he becomes the capital of Silesia. But in 1241, the city was subjected to permanent raids of Tatar-Mongols, which were ruined. Therefore, at the direction of Prince, the squad burned the city of Dotley so that he did not get the enemy. Now his recovery takes years, and Wroclaw was rebuilt Only in 1259. But now he is the capital of the duke of Silesia under the protectorate of the Holy Roman Empire.

During its existence, the city visited both as part of Austria and in Germany. And during the Second World War, Wroclaw suffered great cultural losses, and in terms of the fact that a huge amount of civilian population was killed (about 80 thousand). It became the bloody and tragic pages for the city.

After the end of the war Wroclaw again becomes part of Poland, the deportation of the Germans and the degermanization of the city begins, Wroclaw is regenerated and starts to flourish.

Attractions Wroclawa

The city is famous for its architectural monuments, the beauty of the streets and numerous bridges. Few people know that Wroclaw is one of the greatest cities, because one resident accounts for about 25 square meters. M Green!

One of the local attractions of the city, where to get every tourist. Many historians include its creation by the 13th century. Previously, lively trade was carried out, the courts were peaked. A huge number of high-ranking apartments were built around the square, the architectural style of which was preserved until today. Today it is one of the largest market Square in Europe! A central building that deserves separate attention is the Town Hall.

She is famous for its unusual style. And all because its construction accounted for a long period between 1327 and 1504. Eastern side Built in the Gothic style, but south - It has geometric and plant ornaments. Inside the Town Hall there are beautiful vaulted rooms, and it is located in front of it, which is also one of the attractions of the Wroclaw. In the 15th century, the pillar made stone and until today, he did not change his type: a stone structure, the top of which decorate the figure of the executioner with rogues and a sword.

This Roman Catholic structure was first built in 1000 And located on the island of Tumsky. The cathedral was destroyed and restored several times for his story. He is considered the first stone building in the city, as well as a monument to the Renaissance. Almost completely, he was destroyed during the Second World War, so its reconstruction was carried out in the post-war years. By the way, the surviving parts were placed in National Museum Warsaw.

Located on the Town Hall Square, it is easy to find out tower of 91.46 meters. For the first time, the church was built in the 13th century, but, like many other buildings, it was destroyed. Main Tower It was built in the middle of the 15th century, but initially it was a height of 130 meters. But the tower was damaged during the storm, so its height was slightly reduced. By the way, this is the only architectural monument that did not suffer during World War II. Now the Basilica is considered a favorite place of tourists, and in order to climb on looking platformWith which a chic look opens, you need to overcome 300 steps.

it only Museum of architecture in Poland. It was built in 1965, but here it contains exhibits that go to the 12th century. The museum has about 25 thousand facilities, which includes monuments, architectural details, sketches, plans, drawings and cards. The exposition of the architectural museum has its own sections. This is a decorative and applied art of 12-20 centuries, the medieval architecture of the Wroclaw and the development of the Wroclaw. As the museum is a member World Organization Architectural museums, then temporary and thematic exhibitions are constantly held. By the way, the museum was built on the basis of the former monastery, therefore also has an exclusive architectural style.

Dwarfs Wroclaw

This tradition is not as much time, but the gnomes became one of the main attractions of the city. The first gnome The streets of Wroclaw appeared in 2001 and today their number is already more than 50. All of them are the most diverse, everyone has its own history. So, near the bank building, you can meet the gnome, who removes money in an ATM, and near the department of oncology installed a dwarf with the inscription "I have a dream!" And for tourists, even special quests for finding small inhabitants of the city are satisfied.

And this is not far from half all the sights of Wroclaw. But only the "Top Iceberg". You can also visit natural attractions cities. This is the island of Tumski and the island of Pisek, Botanical Garden and the Japanese garden, Karkonoshe Mountains, a rocky waterfall (30 meters).

Of architectural monuments You will enjoy: House of Century, Wroclaw University, Houses Yai and Malgosi (near Basilica of St. Elizabeth), Opera House, Millennium School, Grunwald Bridge (suspended), "House under the Golden Sun" and "House under the Blue Sun".

If you are interested cult structures, then you can visit the following: Church of St. Martin (12 Art.), Wang Church from the tree (13th century), Church of St. Cross and St. Bartholomew (13-15 centuries), Church of Mary Magdalene (12-14 BB), the Church of God's Body (15 century), the Church of the Virgin Mary "On the Sand" (12-14 centuries), Church of St. Cyril and Methodius and some others.

For those who like to visit museums, It is suitable: the Diocese Museum, the National Museum, the Silesian Museum, Raclavitskaya Panorama, the exhibition of land reunification.

And if you want to have fun and relax, then Wroclawsky aquapark - Excellent place for this. In addition, practically round year Here goes music festivals.

Just a huge number of attractions! The main thing is that all the scheduled time is enough!

Restaurants and Kitchen Wroclaw

One of the most famous Wroclaw restaurants is. From local residents you can hear: "Who was not in the Swidnitsky basement, he was not in Wroclaw." He has nine facilities and refers to one of the most ancient institutions in Wroclaw. For a small price, you will be given a delicious dinner, which you can hardly mask! By the way, the restaurant is connected to the brewery where you can drink a glass of excellent beer.

Speaking of brewery, it is worth a visit "Spitz". It is said that here the beer is not worse than Belgian and German. And for lovers national Kitchen Suitable restaurant "Jadka". And here " Pierogarnia Stary Mlyn."Will delight its visitors with dishes that are like dumplings. You can choose any filling for dumplings and drink a very tasty kvass.

Polish city Wroclaw - An ideal place for travel. "Polish Venice" will definitely find something to surprise even the most demanding tourist. A huge number of all kinds of architectural monuments, delicious cuisine, modern entertainment is what is needed on the journey. And, despite its historical value, Wroclaw is also a major economic center in Poland.

Wroclaw - one of historical centers Poland, Pearl of Silesia. Many attractions and lovely cuisine attract tourists around the world.

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The word Wroclaw in most people does not cause any associations, and this is one of the most beautiful cities World. Wroclaw is one of the oldest and largest Polish cities. The official date of the founding of the city is considered to be 1000 years, this year the construction of a castle and the city cathedral began, the construction of the castle and the city cathedral were launched, but the first settlers in the territory of the Warcela were settled much earlier - in the 4-5 century.

Initially, the city was called Torsiyslavia and most likely was named after Prince of Torsislava, which rules in 915-921. In the middle of the 14th century, Grad was renamed the Germans to Breslavl, this name was held until 1945.

For its more than a thousand years of summer, Wroclala seemed to see everything: there were wars and conquests, planting cultures and religions, great construction and destruction. Several times, hail changed his registration, passing under the control of the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Hungary and naturally Poland. Each of these nations tried to instill his own: culture, religion, architecture ... As a result, the masterpiece and unique look Cities that entered the best of 5 cultures.

Today Wroclaw - the fourth largest (population of 630,000 people) and the most beautiful city in Poland. Wroclaw is the capital of Lower Silesia, which borders the Czech Republic and Germany.

What highlights Wroclaw against the background of other cities, the duck is his unique geographical position - The city practically swims on the water, like Venice. At once, five rivers (Odra and the 4th of her tributaries) will make up and leisurely pass through the city, making it on the twelve islands. There is a certain amount of all sorts of bridges, bridges and varies between the islands. Because of this, the old Breslavl is often called the city of canals and bridges, by the way, the number of the latter is more than two hundred.

Most. large island Polish pearl is Tumsky, he is also the oldest part of the city. This place causes delight from everyone here: the unsurpassed gothic architecture in combination with beautiful parks and reservoirs give the island a special atmosphere. In the evening, when old gas lights turn on and illuminated with their dim, soft light Tums landscapes seem to be the most romantic place in the world.

Sights of the Polish city Wroclaw

Another distinctive feature of the Wroclaw is amazing architecture. Here you can see the grand buildings of various architectural styles And the epochs among which Gothic prevail, Baroque, the Architecture of the Renaissance and to a lesser extent art nouveau and functionalism. They say it is enough just to walk along the streets of the city and the feeling of delight you are guaranteed.

And you can visit and already recognized architectural masterpieces Poland "Pearls". Honorable place among them occupies Catholic church of St. Elljubet. This is a magnificent building in the Gothic style with a huge 90-meter tower with a stunning view of the Tumian island.

Also be sure to visit Cathedral and town Hall Building On the same Tumsk island. The Cathedral is one of the oldest buildings of Wroclaw, was erected in 1158 and at that time was the first Gothic Cathedral in Slavic expanses.

Aul Leopoldine - One of the most beautiful halls of Europe. It was built on the orders of the Austrian Emperor Leopold I in 1732. Creators of Aulu were outstanding European artists, sculptors and architects. The arch of the hall is decorated with allegorical paintings, which merge into a single picture, and the walls are an unusual smearing and gilding.

Those who architecture are not interested in Wroclaw can offer their beautiful gardens and parks. The biggest and most old park - Pikemanitsky, it was founded in the 18th century and now has 370 species of plants. Also, it will not be superfluous to visit the Japanese garden and the Wroclaw Botanical Garden.

For lovers, drink a real beer here also there is a place - in the dungeons of the town hall still boils the delicious Swidnitskoy beer.

As an afterword, it can be said that Wroclaw is a unique city, he fascinates with his appearance and its mounted atmosphere. Wroclaw - this is a real pearl of Poland.

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