The geographical position of Montenegro on the map. Montenegro

Even within the framework of Europe, Montenegro is a small state. The distance from the northernmost to the southernmost point of the country does not exceed 200 km, and the length from the west to the east and is less than 173 km. But on such a small area, several natural-geographical and climatic zones fit immediately.

Where is Montenegro

The country is located in Southeast Europe, on the Adriatic coast of the Balkan Peninsula. From the southwest, it is washed by the Adriatic Sea, in the West borders with Croatia, in the north-west - with Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the northeast - with Serbia, in the East - with a partially recognized Republic of Kosovo and in the southeast with Albania.

As it is clear from its name, the main area of \u200b\u200bMontenegro is mountainous arrays. Most of the country is a plateau, by the way, one of the highest. All territory of the country can be divided into three parts: the coast of the Adriatic Sea, the plain central region and the mountain systems of the East.

Map Montenegro

The overall length of borders is 614 km, of which approximately 300 km fall on the coastline. The Montenegro also includes about 14 sea islands. In the northwestern part of the country, there is a famous, 87.3 km² area in which the largest ports are located. Chernogorsk stretch almost 73 km.

About 70 mountain peaks in the country have a height of more than 2000 m, which makes them very attractive for, and scientific research, as well as for ski slopes in winter. The highest point of Montenegro is the Mountain of Bobot Cook (2522 m) in the Dumer Massif.

The most important Rivers of Montenegro are a container (length of 144 km), Lim (length of 123 km), Cheotin (length of 100 km), Morach (length of 99 km), Zeta (length of 65 km) and Boyana (30 km long). The part belongs to the Danube's pool, part - to the Adriatic Sea. Most rivers have mountain nature, flow in deep and winding canyons. For example, with a depth of about 1,300 m ranks first in Europe and the second in the world.

The largest freshwater lake Montenegro, as well as the entire Balkan Peninsula - Skadar, located in Karst Vpadina below sea level. Its area is 369.7 km². Partly, one-third, the lake goes to the territory of Albania. Most mountain lakes have a glacial origin, such lakes are often called "mountain eyes" for transparent greenish-blue color.

Forests (coniferous and mixed) occupy 41% of the country area, pastures - almost 40%. Vegetable world Montenegro has 2833 species of plants. The population grows in a grape vine, olives, figs, oranges, lemons, grenades and other Mediterranean plants. The low population density contributes to the presence of large animals: bears, deer, cunits and wild boars.

According to the Constitution, Montenegro is an "eco-friendly state", almost 10% of the country's territory is assigned to national parks and reserves - such as, and. That is why Montenegro is the most suitable place for and relaxing in natural conditions.

Climate in Montenegro

Due to the presence of several geographic zones, the climate on the territory of Montenegro has differences depending on the terrain. On the Adriatic coast - Mediterranean, in the central part of the country - moderately continental, in mountain ranges - severe mountain.

On the coast dominates the roast and dry summer with soft and rainy winter. In winter, the temperature does not fall below 7 ° C in and 9 ° C c. In summer, the average temperature is 25-26 ° C.

In the continental plain areas, winter is somewhat colder. In the area, the thermometer column in the winter is lowered to 5 ° C, in the summer the air temperature is even above the coastal areas and reaches 27 ° C.

Mountain areas are characterized by moderately warm summer (19-25 ° C) and relatively cold in winter (from -10 to + 5 ° C).

The proximity of the sea and the mountainous area provide a large number of precipitation, mainly in the form of rain, and in mountainous areas and snow. For example, the most rainy city of Europe. On average, precipitation per year falls from 500 to 1500 mm, in some places - over 3000 mm. In mountainous areas, snow lies up to 5 months a year, the height of the snow cover is 1-3 m, which contributes to the development.

The Adriatic coast is characterized by a large number of cloudless sunny days, the total number of sun hours per year is 2700. Sea water temperature in the summer months is 25-28 ° C, transparency reaches 35 m. The beach season continues from April to October.

The Researcher of the World Ocean Jacques-Yves Kotoe considered the coast of the Adriatic Sea, washing the coast of Montenegro one of the purest in Europe. Along with ordinary tourists, preference to this mountainous country is given to such celebrities as Bill Gates, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Today, Montenegro is a unique reserve, a place where civilization is harmoniously adjacent to the untouched nature, where the sea is sparkling, among the greenery of the mountains, there are medieval buildings and everywhere flowers!

Geographical position Montenegro

Montenegro is located in the central part of the Mediterranean, in the southwestern part of the Balkan Peninsula. It borders with Croatia in the north, Bosnia and Herzegovina in the north-west, with Serbia in the northeast and with Albania in the south-east. The length of the coastline is 293 km. The length of the beaches is 73 km. Part of the Adriatic Sea between Montenegro and Southern Italy is the greatest (200 km) and the deepest (1330 m). Area: 13812 sq. Km (0.14% of the territory of all of Europe).


Podgorica (173 thousand people) is the administrative center of the Republic of Montenegro. Cetina is an ancient capital, a historic and cultural center.

Climate in Montenegro

A variety of relief affects the climate. Giant mining chain closes the coast from northern winds. Therefore, the Mediterranean climate is dominated by the sea, and in the mountains - continental. The average annual air temperature in Montenegro + 17 ° C, and in July and August + 29 ° C. The bathing season in Montenegro begins in April and continues until November. Sea temperature for seven months varies from +20 to + 26 ° C.


620 VDCH Man (for spring 2011). 62% - Montenegrins, 13% - Bosnians, 9% - Serbs, 7% - Albanians

State device

Republic of Montenegro

Language in Montenegro

Serbian (alphabet - Cyrillic and Latin). All Montenegrins perfectly understand Russian.

Religion in Montenegro

Montenegrins and Serbs confess Orthodoxy, national minorities - Catholicism and Islam.


You can import and export an unlimited amount of foreign currency to the country, but large sums at the entrance to declare. It should be noted that the border and customs procedures are simplified as much as possible. You can diversely ride maize 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars, liter of strong alcoholic beverages and 2 liters of wine. It is forbidden to export objects and things representing historical and artistic value - without a special permission.

Car rent

To take a car in Montenegro for rent, you need to be at least 21 years old, have a driver's experience of at least two years (plus, of course, a certificate of international sample), and also leave a deposit of 150-300 euros. Speed \u200b\u200b- 40 km / h - in settlements, 70 km / h - on the highway, 120 km / h - on the autobahn.

Money in Montenegro

Euro. 1 euro \u003d 100 cents.

Bank work

On working days from 08:00 - 19:00, on Saturday from 08:00 - 15:00

Telephone code of Serbia and Montenegro

The necessary phones

Police - 92, Fire Protection - 93, Ambulance -94, Help on roads - 987. Codes of some cities: Herceg Novi and Igalo - 88, Budva, Becici, Petrovac, Milocher and St. Stephen - 86, Bar, Cutomore, Ultsin , Ada-Boyana - 85, Tivat - 82

mobile connection

Works in the GSM standard, so you can use roaming. But it is more convenient and more profitable to buy a card of one of the local operators - Pro Monte or Monet. There is no noticeable difference between them, express payment cards for replenishing the account are sold in any mini market.

Electricity parks

Durmitor (39,000 hectares), delicious (6.400 hectares), Biogradskaya mountain (5.400 hectares). World natural and cultural heritage are protected by UNESCO.


The beaches in Montenegro one of the best in the world, and thanks to their diversity you can choose rest by the sea for every taste. There are sections with small sand (Ultsinskaya Riviera, Budva Riviera), greater part (Zhanitsa, Nivitz, Sutomore) - with very fine pebbles, the size of a buckwheat croup. Artificial beaches (concrete platform) are located in Tivat, Herceg Novi, Bar, Igalo. There are very crowded beaches, and there are secluded, there are beaches for "textiles" and for nudists, there are paid and free. Almost all beaches are located in secluded, closed from wind and waves of bays between steep cliffs. The length of the sea coast of Montenegro is 299 km, and the length of the beaches is 73 km. Rent of umbrellas and sun beds will cost 5-7 EUR per day. Guests are 4-5 star hotels, as a rule, use umbrellas and sun beds for free. The largest beach ("Great Plaza") is located in Ultsin, its length is 13 km.

Kitchen Montenegro

Local cuisine is divided into 3 types - purely local, fish and Italian. Portions are huge. Despite the proximity of the Adriatic Sea, the fish kitchen in Montenegro is very expensive. Local cuisine is a "fairy tale" of pork or beef. The cost of lunch with wine for 2 persons varies from 12 to 20 euros. If this is a fish dish, then the cost of lunch will be from 20 to 30 euros. In many Montenegrin restaurants, after the third visit to the restaurant, guests may feed for the fourth time at the expense of the institution.

The shops

Universes and supermarkets are open daily from 06:00 to 21:00. The rest of the stores from 09:00 to 21:00. AT tourist centers Almost all stores work until 23:00, and some work and on Sunday. With souvenirs in the country "Tension", the whole choice - national costumes and caps (pretty expensive and purely decorative plan), T-shirts with a map of the country and the inscription Montenegro, bottles, plates and various handmade wood dishes, lace, musical instruments (Gusli, Dudovok), Icons (Reproductions) - mainly in monasteries, painting and sculpture.


The crime rate in Montenegro is relatively low. Small thefts from cars parked on unguarded parking are happening. Attitude towards foreigners is very friendly. In tourist areas, you can be without fear of being in the evening. A large number of Albanians live in mountain and border areas. A visit to such places, especially where tourism is low, is not recommended without local accompaniment. It is necessary to comply with elementary precautions and listen to the recommendations of your guide.


All cities and major settlements are connected with a bus service. During the tourist season, the bus stations work around the clock. From Podgorica regularly departed buses to Belgrade. In Herceg Novi and other cities on the coast there is a bus service with Croatia. A bus to the city of Shkoder in Albania is departed from Ultsiny. There is no intracity bus service in Montenegro, with the exception of Podgorica. Small distances allow walking on foot, ride a taxi.

Souvenirs and shopping

The memory can be purchased national costumes and caps (quite expensive and purely decorative plan), T-shirts with a country map and inscription Montenegro, bottles, plates of various handmade wood, lace, musical instruments (hussli, shoes), reproductions of famous icons (in Mainly in monasteries), painting and sculpture.


It is in Montenegro that there is a largest lake in the Balkans - Skadar. Special charm to betray 40 islands, some of them have perfectly preserved medieval fortresses and monasteries. By the way, the Skadar Lake is one of the few, where you can observe the pelicans in their natural habitat.

In the Cetinsky Monastery there are two of the most important Orthodox shrines - a particle of the honest life-giving cross of the Lord, at which Jesus Christ was crucified, and the Guard of the Prophet Ionna Forerunner.

Montenegro (Chernogor. Tsbn Mountain, CRNA GORA) - State in Southeast Europe, on the Adriatic coast of the Balkan Peninsula. This is a small country in the heart of the world with unique clean nature and rich events ancient history. Many great states fought for this paradise on the Adriatic coast, protected by mountains and hills, surrounded by forests and fertile lands.

Montenegro - Country of amazing and unexpected combinations: here Mountain air and sea air; Here, Orthodox churches coexist with mosques; Here people live in medieval castles And homes whose walls saw those events that remember, respect and transmit from mouth to mouth. Every corner of the earth is impregnated here. On these lands were endless wars, they were constantly captured and dismissed, belonged to countless foreign rulers, but in spite of everything, the Montenegrin people retain themselves, their culture, their own language. These people absorbed the best of every culture, which came to their land, missed themselves, but did not lose their characteristics. They are not like anyone. They are proud and original.

Montenegro washed Adriatic Sea.has land borders with Croatia in the West, Bosnia and Herzegovina- in North-west, Serbia - in the northeast, partially recognized Republic of Kosovo. - in the east and Albania Southeast. Until June 2006, there was part of the Confederate State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, occupying 13.5% of its cumulative territory.

Climate in Montenegro Depending on the relief, it vary from the Alpine in the mountains to the Mediterranean subtropical on the coast. Summer by the sea is roast, long and pretty dry, winter is short and wet. Sea water temperature during the swimming season is located since the end of April to the end of October, + 20 + 26 ° C, the average air temperature in summer + 28 ° C, in winter + 11.5 ° C. The precipitate falls mainly in the form of snow. The precipitation falls from 500 to 1500 mm per year, mainly in the form of rain, in the mountains near the sea coast, over 3000 mm falls. In the northern regions of Montenegro, the snow lies up to 5 months a year. Number of sun hours per year: in Igalo - 2386, in Ultsin - 2700.

The capital and largest city of Montenegro - Podgorica. Historical I. cultural capital is the city Cetina.

Airports: Tivat, Podgorica
Flight: Moscow to the airport Tivat of the flight duration is about 3 hours
Visa: Citizens of the Russian Federation are allowed to stay in the country without a visa for up to 30 days.
Time:time zone +1, from Moscow time lags behind 2 hours
Summertime begins - Sunday, 25 March 2012, 02:00 - local standard time
Summer time ends - Sunday, October 28, 2012, 03:00 - local summer time
Local population: Population - 650,000 people: Montenegrins, Serbs, Albanians, Croats, Bosnians
Square: 13 812 sq. M. km;
Language: Chernogorsk (Jeysky Dialect of Serbian)
Religion: Orthodoxy, but many Catholics and Muslims
Currency: Euro (EURO)
Kitchen: local kitchen Consists of three directions: fish, Italian and original Serbian cuisine.Fish dishes are pretty expensive, but very tasty, high-quality and fresh. Serbian cuisine consists mainly of meat dishes and vegetables. Montenegro produces pretty good wine. The most famous brand is called "Vranice". From strong local drinks, you can highlight Krunak, Rakyu and Schlover.
The cost of dishes without seafood - 8 - 15 euros, with seafood - 20 - 25 euros. Please note that the Russian view of the portion is significantly different from Chernogorsk. Restaurants serve really huge portions. One portion will quite be enough for two people.
Infrastructure and entertainment: Shops and supermarkets work from 6:00 to 22:00, and some and around the clock. Nightlife in bars and nightclubs continues for about 2 o'clock in the morning. Excursion programs in Montenegro deserve attention, whose territory is rich in both places with amazingly beautiful nature and historical and cultural monuments. In hotels and rooms there are Russian satellite channels. Banks work from 8.00 to 13.00 and from 5 pm to 20.00 on weekdays.
Transport: between cities and inside them operates regular public transport. A very convenient means of movement in Montenegro - a taxi. Compared to Moscow prices, Chernogorsk taxi services are very cheap. It is possible to rent a car, but for this you need to be older than 21 years and have driving experience for more than 2 years. The car is usually left for a deposit of 150-300 euros. Daily rent from 35 euros per day.
Useful phones:
Code of the country:381
Consulate General of Russia in Montenegro (Podgorica): 272460; 272450
Police: 92
Ambulance health care: 94
Fire Protection: 93
Exact time: 95
Road Help: 987
Post Office Service: 988

Russian name - Montenegro, International - Montenegro Comes from toponym TsRN Mountain (Black Mountain).

The country's territory can be divided into three parts: The coast of the Adriatic Sea, relatively flatly central part of the country, on which the two largest cities are located: Podgorica and Niksich, and the mountain systems of the country's East.

The continental coastline of Montenegro has a length of about 300 km. Montenegro has in its composition 14 sea islands, the cumulative length of the coastline of which is 15.6 km. In the north-west of the country there is a major bay bay of Kotherschi, which has an area of \u200b\u200bwater surface of 87.3 km and cut into land by 29.6 km. The length of the beaches of Montenegro is 73 km. Sea water temperature over seven months ranges from + 12 to +26 ° C, Sea water transparency places exceeds 35 m.

The longest rivers of Montenegro: Tara (144 km), Lim (123 km), Cheotin (100 km), Morach (99 km), Zeta (65 km) and Boyana (30 km). Three Montenegrin Rivers (Morach, Zeta and Beer) are on all over the territory of Montenegro. The Boyana River was previously the only shipping river Montenegro; At the moment it is not shipping. Most Chernogorsk rivers are mountainous, form deep canyons. The Canyon of the Tara River depth of about 1200 m, is the deepest in Europe and the second in depth in the world. The largest lake Montenegro and the entire Balkan Peninsula - Skadar. The total area of \u200b\u200bits water surface is 369.7 km?. Two thirds of the lake (in the area) are on the territory Montenegro, one third - on the territory Albania. Second on the square of Lake Montenegro - Shask Lake (3.64 km?) Located near Ulciny. Also on the territory of Montenegro there are 29 small mountain lakes Ice Origin (so-called "Mountain Eyes"), which is the total area of \u200b\u200b3.89 km?.

More than 41% of the country's area is forests and forest land, 39.58% - pastures. The floral world of Montenegro is diverse. The Republic of Montenegro is an "eco-friendly state", under various environmental modes there are 8.1% of the territory, including national Reserves Durmitor, Lovechen, Biogradskaya Mountain, Skadar Lake and Crocheter.

Beach resorts

All resorts are located on the Adriatic Sea coast. Most resort areas are concentrated in Budva Riviera.A little west - Kotor bay, one of the most beautiful places Montenegro.

The largest resorts - Budva, Becici, St. Stephen, Petrovac. Budva it is the capital of the administrative center with the title title. If you compare all Montenegro Beach resorts, this city will be out of competition. Beaches sandy and melonsless. Have a blue flag that guarantees the quality of service. There are both paid and free beaches. There are in Budva, their own, architectural attractions, but the city's nightlife is more noteworthy. Clubs, bars, restaurants, here a great set. Budva, more youth resort, with boiling and beautiful nightlife. Club Parties here are compared with Europe's largest clubs. And all this has its own, Slavic flavor.

Budva Riviera - This is the largest tourist center of Montenegro, is famous in the first place, with its luxurious sandy beaches, amazing Mediterranean architecture and quite lively nightlife. Concerts, discos, all sorts of shows pass in establishments not only Budva, but also all the surrounding cities of Budva, bars and restaurants take guests almost all night, and almost all night music will poke.

Budva Riviera It is one of the most popular Montenegro resorts. This resort is located in the middle part of the Adriatic coast of Montenegro and consists of the city of Budva and its surroundings. The length of riviera On the seashore about 35 km, almost 15 of them are beaches, most of which are public. Along the entire coast of Budva Riviera, there are hotels of different levels, a variety of villas, apartments, which are ready to take tourists for any time. Many people come here, not one year in a row. The most popular resorts of Budva Riviera - Budva, Becici, Rafailovichi, Prnom, Milocher, St. Stephen, Petrovac, Sutomore and Bar.

For many interesting Saint Nicholas Island, uninhabited, but often visited by tourists (5 minutes on a boat from Budva, Becici, or Sveti Stefan). Part of this beach is given to nudistam. The most prestigious villages This region is Sveti Stefan and Milocherwhose beaches once were part of the territory of the Palace of the Serbian kings.

Beach holidays on Budva Riviera You can diversify the most interesting excursions in the country and in neighboring cities, because Montenegro is a country with a rich history and immense cultural Heritage. Traveling around the country from Budva and its surroundings, the most attractive, that from this part of the coast, the two main roads lead to Podgorica, Cetinje, Petrovac and the Skadar Lake - a unique natural object.

Kotor A small town located on the coast of Kotor Bay. Nature here is striking with its majestic beauty. The beaches here are not so much as in Budva, and all of them are pebble. Kotor eclipses all other resorts on the saturation of their excursion program and the number of architectural monuments. In addition, here is the most inexpensive hotels in Montenegro, which have, mostly four stars. In general, a place for a relaxing, contemplative rest.

Jenovichi - A small town in the Gulf, not far from Herceg Novi. Here, away from noisy discos and fuss large cities, lovers calm beach holidays Will be able to fully enjoy the atmosphere of measured resort life. Having stopped in a comfortable villa or apartment "Smokwa" 4 *, you can monitor how time is slowly moving in the rhythm of solar cycles, and the waves rolling into pebble beaches, obeying the eternal laws of tides and ties. Along the shore stretches the embankment with numerous cafes and restaurants, where you can try the dishes of national cuisine, or even sit on a cup of coffee. Do not miss the opportunity to order Dessert: the traditional Kolach will affect the variety of stuffs and bright range of tastes.

Becici. A small town, lying less than an hour walk from Budva. It has excellent pebble beaches marked by a number of international premiums. Becici, pretty modern resort town. Here are the mass of new hotels, restaurants, cafes. Most beaches are equipped with sports fields. Regularly held both amateur and professional beach sports competitions.

St. Stephen Initially was a military fort that served the protection against the attack of pirates. Now, Saint Stephen is the most unusual hotel complex in Europe. The outer architecture remained not touched, and the inner premises are redone into fashionable rooms. Here you can withdraw the most expensive apartments in Montenegro.

Petrovac - Another pebble beach coast. The city surrounds a dense array of olive trees ... Petrovac calm, not a noisy resort. This is the perfect place for family holidays with children. Like all hotels, Petrovac hotels are focused on any tourist wallet. You can adjust to the suite with four - five stars, and you can find an inexpensive, but cozy hotel with two stars.

Ski resorts Kolashin - Fashionable ski resort, which is located near the biosphere reserve, which guarantees the purest air and pristine nature. Kolashin is shut off in the aura, almost homely coziness. There is no place for youth fussiness and drive. In the vicinity of Kolashin, you can remove the most cozy apartments. Kolishin ski slopes, pretty modern and comfortable. Here they can ride both newcomers and experienced skiers. Inventory rental prices, the lowest in Europe. Zhablyak - This is the center winter tourism. In addition to traditional ski slopesThe mountaineering and pedestrian tourism are developed here, and rafting on the River Tara annually attracts thousands of extremals from around the world. Hotels here on any wallet, from two to four stars. AT Zhablyak, you can remove the most comfortable villas in Montenegro.

Hotels in Montenegro For the very same way, hotels are located near the beaches, which makes them as attractive for tourists. All Montenegrin hotels, even with two stars, offer a very decent service. Accommodation is very popular on villas and apartments. If you dream about daily solar baths and evenings by the sea, your choice is, of course, a separate house or apartments, Montenegro offers a large variety of comfortable and luxurious housing. The tourist company "Scarab" offers for customers affordable prices for the best apartments "Smokva" 4 * in Jenovichi in Montenegro. The attitude of Chernogort residents to Russian is expressed in the folk saying: "With Russians, we are 300 million ...".Our compatriots love and respember here. There are no language barriers and can not be - Russian and Chernogorsky have several thousand similar words, and in Russian, the majority of service personnel say good.

The current Montenegro is one of the most common tourist places Among European countries. The natural luxury of this delightful country, a comfortable climate, many values \u200b\u200bof history and architecture and low prices attract more tourists to the country of black mountains and white beaches.

Montenegro is famous for natural treasures, among which - the Shask and Skadar lakes of the stunning casseur-bluish color, the national park, inside which the famous black lake is located and the colorful canyons of the Tara and Morach river,

Any corner of Montenegro is interesting in its own way, and all exotic places are not amenable to description, so this delightful country must be visited. The name (Black Mountain) The country was most likely acquired thanks to the impassable black forests, they in the Middle Ages covered the mountain of the Lovechen and the rest of the alpine hills of the ancient Montenegro.

Tourist country

Montenegro Today is a very popular Eastern European country in tourist terms. Mountain landscapes, the purest Adriatic Sea, the optimal temperature - which is why recreation here is so popular. Even when in most resorts overcast, in Montenegro, the weather always makes resting with its soft Mediterranean climate. Summer air warms up to +40 ° C, and the water temperature on the coast of Montenegro reaches +25 ° C. What else is needed for excellent time? Meanwhile, winter in the mountains snowy and moderately cold, which favors the development of skiing tourism.

The number of those who dream of spending their holidays in Montenegro, relax or well, are constantly growing, many people from all over Europe are dreaming even to purchase real estate here - after all, with remarkable natural conditions, housing prices are lower than in most other countries.

Geographical accommodation

Montenegro is located in the south of Europe, from the southwestern side of Balkanov. The southern border takes place with Albania, in the West - with Bosnia and Herzegovina, from the northern side of her neighbor are Serbia and Croatia. Montenegro Square is geographically divided into three districts: the mountains in the northeastern part of the country, the Adriatic Sea coast, as well as the flat brand of scandard lake and the valley landscape near him. The coastline reaches 293.5 km. The state belongs to 14 sea islands.

In the Northern West there is a big stalk - the Boca Kotor. The main beaches are located in Montenegro - a colorful country that bathes in the waters of the Adriatic. The coastal line occupies about the third part of the state border. Rocky mountains, colorful architecture and generous nature - that's what Montenegro is famous for today. Mountain tourism Carries no less than rest on sea coasts. National Park The Durmitor opens the delicious colors of the Black Mountains. The path to them is more convenient and more interesting to lead through the town of Plurate. On the way, you can see the beer artificial reservoir, with a natural emerald tint. You can pass through the tunnels carved in the rocks, they are developing fixty roads in the form of serpentine. There are awesome views of the Black Lake, the Canyon of the Tara River, the Gurzhevic Bridge between the two mountain shores.

For the country, cozy towns with small houses and huge natural ramps are peculiar. The most famous among the city travelers is Podgorica, Budva, Perast, Petrovts, Cetina.


Podgorica city - the largest locality Montenegro, which is a center of the zonomics and the state industry. Tourists in the city attract the narrow streets and the unique vintage buildings of ancient regions of Stara Varos and Drache. The most exciting places to visit, such as the Church of St. George, the Sunday Cathedral, the Museum of Natural History, National Theater., Nehas Palace and Art Gallery. From modern structures - Millennium Bridge (Millennium), stretching through the Morach River. Not far from Podgorica you can see the ruins ancient fortress Medun, which existed in the 3rd century BC. e.


There are about 627,000 inhabitants. The species of the population is distributed by ethnic composition in the following way:

  • montenegrins - 43%;
  • serbs - 32%;
  • bosnians - 8%;
  • albanians - 5%;
  • other people: Croats, Russians, Gypsies.

The official language in Chernogorsk country, which relates to Slavic, and therefore very close to Russian and Ukrainian languages. Of the foreign languages, German and English are the most popular.

The historical and cultural capital is considered to be the city of Tsetné, located in the colorful valley at the mountain foot of Clechen. A complex of historical, cultural and architectural attractions create a true museum under open sky. From the most visited tourists places allocated: the Palace of Billia, royal Palace Nicola I, Church of the Point, artistic, ethnographic and many different museums. Be sure to get to the national park, see the royal family estate of Petrovich in the picturesque village of Nehushi on the top of the Mount of Lovechen. Here, visit the Mausoleum Peter II of Nesha.

The total area of \u200b\u200bMontenegro is 13,812 km².

The greatest resorts: Budva, Becici, Herceg, Petrovac, Novi, Bar. Airports: Podgorica and Tivat. The highest place Montenegro: the top of the bobot cooks in the mountain range Durmitor - 2522 m. Here is the Skadar Lake is the deepest in the Balkan Peninsula, its depths reach up to 530 km. Here is the deepest European canyon along the river packaging, with a depth of 1300 m. The climate due to the successful geography of Montenegro on the coast of subtropical: summer long, hot and dry, the air warms up to + 28-32 ° C, water in the sea - to + 22-26 ˚С, and short soft winter with temperature up +8 +10 ˚С. The beach season stretches for six months a year, because Montenegro in the number of sunny days a year is only Cyprus. In mountainous areas, the climate is moderately continental, winter snowy and continuous, which favors the development of a ski rest.


The feature of the entire Chernogorsk cuisine is the high ecological purity of the products used. The land in Montenegro is so fertile that additional artificial fertilizers do not apply here at all, and the local population did not even hear about the GMO. Natural foods, pure ecology, mountain air and sea water - everything is conducive to strengthening the health of the local population, no wonder here is a high life expectancy. Typical Slavic cuisine with mediterranean elements - a variety of meat dishes, seafood, fruits, vegetables. Do not forget to try the local wines "Rusanatz" and "Rastach", as well as grape vodka - vine. Another distinctive feature of Chernogorsk cuisine is large portions both in bars and in restaurants, which cannot but please the country's foreign guests.

First of all, in Montenegro, tourists buy products of local crafts: jewelry, haberdashery, honey, olive oil, wine. Shops work daily, from morning to late evening. Both supermarkets and small benches are open every day from 6:00 to 20:00, and in tourist centers - until 23:00. Everywhere you can also find shops that function around the clock. In the local markets, buying can be performed in the first half of the day.

Holidays and rest

In Montenegro, a lot of festive weekends per year, both state and religious: 1 and 2 January, the population of Montenegro notes the New Year, January 6 and 7 - Christmas of Christ, April 27 - Day of statehood in Montenegro, Christian Easter people also celebrates spring with all Orthodox world, May 1 and 2 - Day of Spring and Labor, May 9 - Victory Day, June 4 - Day of Partizan, June 13 - Day of the uprising, November 29 and 30 - Days of the Republic. If the celebration falls on the weekend, then the weekdays running behind them are also considered a weekend.

Political structure of the country

According to the Constitution of the country adopted in 2007, Montenegro is a free democratic state. Montenegro President is elected for five years as a result of a common secret ballot. Since 2003, the state is headed by Philip Wuyanovich. During the reign of the current president in May 2006, the independence of Montenegro was proclaimed. The residence of the President Montenegro is in Cetina.

Currency regulation

What currency in Montenegro? Currency in Montenegro - Euro. There are no special restrictions on import and export. Tourists are allowed to import and export any amount of foreign currency, which has been declared at the entrance to the country, without a declaration, no more than 500 euros are allowed to export cash currency from the country. When exporting large sums, you need to declare them. At the same time, it is necessary to present a declaration that the amount of currency is indicated was previously imported to the Montenegro Square. The National Bank of the state operates only on weekdays. Commercial banks accept customers on Thursdays and on Fridays. On weekends there are only currency exchange points. It is better to use plastic cards, then the question of which currency in Montenegro is better to pay and where it will not be changed, it will not stand.

Hotels and hotels

Over the past decades, the economy of Montenegro has joined a huge flow - tourism, bringing a significant profit to the state. Beautiful ecological situation and comfortable spot Location attracts more and more prosperous Europeans here. Recently, many comfortable hotels, hotels, private villas and mini-hotels have been built in Montenegro, accommodation in the development of resort infrastructure. Many hotels have passed reconstruction. Very common accommodation in private villas. Usually, it is 3-5 - a flood structure with standard rooms and apartments equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable pastime. Almost all of them provide tourists with breakfast. All private villas are located at a distance from 900 to 200 meters from hotels in private villas: Settlement in the rooms after 12:00, the release of numbers until 11:00. The composition of the population on the ethnic basis: Montenegrins (43%) and Serbs (32%), other nations - Bosnians, Albanians, Croats, Russians, Roma. The official language in the country is Chernogorsk.

Religion in Montenegro

The Chernogorsk population is mostly confirmed by the Orthodox Christian faith (74%), in the minority - Islam (18%) and Catholicism (4%). The most popular attraction of the state is the monastery of Ostrog. It is located 15 km from Danilovgrad in delicious natural place. This monastery is the famous Orthodox shrine in the world, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims of various religions go to it every year to contact the miraculous power of the relics of St. Vasily Ostrog. The top of the monastery is carved in the rock at an altitude of 900 m and looks amazing.

The Temple of the Resurrection of Christ in Montenegro is one of the most amazing Orthodox churches in the world. To religion in Montenegro special attitude. In nineties of the 20th century, the construction of the cathedral started in Podgorica. It was the grandiose the most majestic in the Balkans of the Orthodox Church with its scale and beauty. The Metropolitan of Chernogorsky and Primorsky Amphilochius began to the construction of the Council of the Resurrection of Christ. Cathedral can visit five thousand parishioners at the same time. The largest bell is made in Voronezh at Anisimov Plant and has a weight of 10 tons. Together, all 14 bells of the temple weigh close 20 tons. Temple and today painted and completing.


The Purest Sea of \u200b\u200bAdriatic, fascinating mountain ranges, the coast with many plugs, protected from strong winds and storms, excellent beaches, the sun, magnificent nature is all Montenegro. The description of it can be continued infinitely, but it is better to see everything with its own eyes.

In the early 1990s, Montenegro was named a country of clean, untouched and protected nature. This is the edge of sharp contrasts, located on a small area, Montenegro has a sea with excellent beaches, and mountains covered with snow round year, creating conditions for ski rest. Montenegro beaches stretch along the Adriatic coast. The 173 km of the total length of 73 km occupies a quarter of the total coast of 293 km. The tourist can visit the beach with different preferences - with small or large sand, pebble or rocky, in calm edifices or on the seasons in the sea, there are beaches modernly equipped or wild with virgin nature. Water in the sea of \u200b\u200bdark blue, transparency is striking - 40-55 meters, the salinity ranges from 28% in the beam of the Boca Kotor, and up to 38% in the south near Ultsin. There are nudist beaches, there is even a nudist settlement. At the level of mountain climates, a typical subalpic climate - with a cold snowy winter and moderate in summer. In the northern mountains of Montenegro, it usually lies snow for many months, and even throughout the year.

Transport and communication

What transport is developed in the country? Air transport. Montenegro has two airports of international importance - in the cities of Tivat and Podgorica. The national yet can not yet argue with the largest carriers, but its aircraft fly to Europe and to neighboring Balkan countries. Regular flights here are also carried out by Russian Aeroflot and Serbian Airline Jat.

There is a railway here, which connects such cities: Subotica - Novi - Garden - Belgrade - Bar. The railway is laid from the port through Podgorica to Belgrade, there is also the direction of Podgorica - Niksich. Water transport. Port is a city bar. There is a permanent ferry crossing to Italy (the route Bar - Bari). Moskiports: Kotor and Peras. Sea transport connects all beach resorts on the coast.

Between all cities there are bus tracks. Quite good, as for mountainous country, roads, movement - right-hand.

Main highways: Adriatic highway; Trails from the coast through Podgorica to Sarajevo and Belgrade. The bus is the most common type of movement, and in some places - the only one. Stops on demand on the road are allowed. For tourists Tip: Better to purchase a ticket in any kiosk, because the ticket purchased on the bus will come out about 2 times more expensive.

Operators mobile communications Montenegro are ProMonte and Monet.


For security reasons, it is possible to conduct video and photography only where a special sign is not observed - a crossed out camera. It is not allowed to photograph the objects of transport and energy importance, port facilities and martial subordination facilities. By the way, in Montenegro today, the crime rate is very low, so that the inhabitants and tourists of this country can feel safe and calmly enjoy the picturesque beauties of this unique edge.

Montenegro is located in Southeast Europe, on the Adriatic coast of the Balkan Peninsula. The name of the state happened from toponym Black Mountain. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe country is 13.8 thousand square meters. km. The capital of Montenegro is the city of Podgorica (former Titograd).

Montenegro is washed from the south of the Adriatic Sea. The state in the West borders with Croatia, in the north-west, the borders are running with Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the northeast - with Serbia, in the East - with Kosovo with Albania in the south-east.

The overall length of the land borders of the state is 614 km. With the Republic of Croatia - 14 km, with Bosnia and Herzegovina - 225 km, with the Republic of Serbia and Kosovo - 203 km, with the Republic of Albania - 172 km.

Until June 2006, Montenegro was part of the Confederate State Union of Serbia and Montenegro. The country occupied 13.5% of its total area. The independence of Montenegro received on June 3, 2006.

The territory of the country is conditionally consisting of three parts: the Adriatic Sea coast, a relatively flat central part of the country, as well as the mountain systems of the East of the country. In the central part of the country there are two of its largest cities - Podgorica and Nikishić.

The continental coastline of Montenegro stretches almost 300 km. The state consists of 14 maritime islands. The length of the coastline of these islands is 15.6 km. In the north-west Montenegro, there is a major bay called Boca Kotor, who crashes into land by 29.6 km. The area of \u200b\u200bits water surface is 87.3 km².

The total length of the beaches of Montenegro is 73 km, the transparency of sea water by places exceeds 35 m.

There are many rivers in Montenegro. About 52.2% of the countries of the countries belong to the Black Sea basin, the remaining 47.8% belong to the Adriatic Sea basin. The longest ones are: Tara (144 km), Lim (123 km), Cheotin (100 km), Morach (99 km), Zeta (65 km) and Boyana (30 km).

Three Montenegrin Rivers (Morach, Zeta and Beer) on the entire territory of the country. The Boyana River used to be the only shipping river of the country. Currently, it is no longer navigable.

Almost all rivers of the country are mountain, they form enough deep canyons. The Tara River Canyon is considered the deepest in Europe and the second in the world. Its depth is about 1200 meters.

The famous Skadar Lake is the largest lake not only the country, but also the entire Balkan Peninsula. The total area of \u200b\u200bits water surface is 369.7 km². Two thirds of this lake belong to Montenegro, and one-part belongs to Albania.

The second largest lake Montenegro is the Shask Lake, with an area of \u200b\u200b3.64 km². The lake is located close to Ulciny. There are also 29 small mountain lakes of glacial origin. Their total area is 3.89 km².

Territory of Montenegro Goris. Higher point Countries are a Mountain Bobotov-Cook, (Mountain Array Durmitor). Its height is 2522 m. Areas adjacent to the Adriatic coast are located in the zone of narrow coastal plains, which are interrupted by mountain spurs and rocky seeds.

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