Beautiful sea and mountains. The most beautiful and unusual mountains of our planet

When do you think about inspirational landscapes, what is the first coming to mind? Each person has different preferences, but most people will immediately appear mountain peaks.

For a person, thrust to height is a natural desire. Majestic mountains remind us how small we are in this world. At the same time, when we look at the tops of the mountains, many of us represent how they stand there, look at the world from the height, which gives us a feeling of power. Climbers who accept call mountain vertices, rejection of them acquire a very important life experience changing the worldview.

It is possible to view photos of these beautiful mountain peaks of the planet, will help you find courage to conquer the mountains in real life And admire the beautiful view from the height.

Here are the 10 most beautiful mountains in the world:

1. Mount Matterhorn in Switzerland

This mountain peak is deserved in this list. While the beauty of the mountains is a subjective indicator, there is no doubt that Matterhorn has all the necessary qualities to hit your imagination. Mount Matterhorn is easy to recognizable, even if you have seen it only in the photo. It is a sign for the Swiss Alps, and is also very interesting and dangerous for climbing. Weather at Matterhorn are very unpredictable, which creates difficulties of climbers. Changeable weather, definitely adds charm Mount.

2. Mount Denali, Alaska, USA

If you want to see a truly huge mountain that rises above the horizon, like any other mountain, you have to go on a journey to Mount Denali in Alaska. Many tours in Denali include an overview of the amazing view of the mountain, towering 6190 meters above the surface. Although this is not the highest mountain peak in the world, a sharp difference in altitude from the foot to the top gives Denali majestic species. Even just looking at Denali's photos, you can feel dwarf. Just imagine how would you feel if they stood at the foot and turned their eyes to the sky?

3. Mountain Kirkufethle, Iceland

Kirkufethle is not particularly huge or high mountain, but it really doesn't matter much. Mountain is famous for the type of its slopes that give it the form of a manual sculpture. The slopes are very cool, smooth, smooth and symmetrical. Thus, despite the fact that Kirkufethle is not particularly big MountShe has its own unique almost architectural beauty. It is one of the most recognizable sights of Iceland and attracts thousands of tourists every year.

4. Dining room Mountain, South Africa

This mountain, like Kirkufethle, has a horizontal profile that does not achieve a special height. Despite this, the dining room is very nice to admire it, especially since she repeats the ocean shore. Its unique form, differs from any other in the world, and you will definitely learn this mountain as soon as you look at it.

5. Mount Ama Dablam, Nepal

Mount Ama Dublam is amazing, and has a unique appearance. Looking at her, you will notice that there are a number of sharply contrasting, unique corners in the rock. When the snow settles on the peak, you can better see these unusual corners. Ama Dablam is one of the most beautiful mountains in the world, there is no doubt about it. It rises 6856 meters above sea level.

6. Mount Eiger, Switzerland

Mount Eiger simply calls her to admire. The conquest of her vertices is a rather difficult task, many climbers died trying to do it.

7. Mount Machapuchar, Himalayas

This unusual mountain, located in the Himalayas, is towering 7000 meters above sea level and has a name that is translated as "Black Fish". Its peaks are easily recognizable and pronounced, and the slope is cool enough. Snow-covered mountain, creates a pretty bright sight.

8. Mount Mauna Loa, Hawaii

By land area is the most large volcano on the planet, takes 5271 square kilometers and covers half Big Islands. While smoothly inclined peaks have a greater height, measured by the sea level, measurements from the seabed show that Mount Mauna Loa has a height of 9168 meters - placing it in the top 10 highest mountains of the solar system!

9. Mount Alpamayo, Peru

This amazing mountain rises sharply, and its slopes are covered with vertical ice lines. There is no other such mountain on the planet, which is characterized by a unique species and features. In the polling of the German magazine "1966 Alpinismus," she was recognized as the most beautiful mountain on the planet.

Beauty is a notion of subjective, and there is no doubt that each of the peaks of a certain mountain is the most beautiful in the world. On every continent, there are applicants for the first place, even in Antarctica. If you need inspiration, highlight a few minutes of your time to look at the photos of these stunning mountain peaks. Let them raise you and inspire to conquer the vertices in your own life!

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10 most beautiful mountains in the world

There are two things on the planet, two things that suppress us with their power will inspire a reverent thrill, admire the immensity, but at the same time amazing with their infinite, delightful beauty. One of them is the sea.

But there are people practically indifferent to the sea. They are much more impressive and inspires another grand phenomenon of nature - mountains. High, powerful, with glittering snow caps on tops, with sharp, sharp arrows of rocks, tagged to the sky. Or low, green, sometimes as if "velvet", with smoothed, smooth lines. Wild and deserted or, on the contrary, carefully covering neat houses, "quenching" on bright meadows of clean and well-groomed cows and melancholic bars. Any mountains are wonderful. Any mountains are adorable. Have you seen sunset or dawn in the mountains? This is fantastic! So let's get acquainted with the most beautiful mountain arrays of the world.

Immediately make a reservation - this "dozen" does not claim the truth in the last instance. As they say, taste and color - all markers are different. Of course, you can not agree with our choice (they say: "Where are the Himalayas? And Andes? And the mountains of Iceland, similar to Martian landscapes? Where, in the end, our Urals and Kamchatka with its volcanoes?"). But it is divided into millions of tourists who annually visiting these beautiful natural objects.

10. Altai

Who at least once was in Altai, saw the turquoise waters of the rapid running Katun and the beautiful, silent between the mountain ranges of Bii, drove through the picturesque Chui tract, climbed into the Potama-Taman or Katu-Yaryk and admired himself from there with snowy mountain peaks, somewhere tightened Clouds, he will definitely return here again. Altai is located on the border of four countries at once: Russia, Mongolia, China and Kazakhstan.

The name "Altai", according to the most common version, means "Golden Mountains". There are several reserves here (where animals and plants are found, which is no longer anywhere in the world), dozens of maralniks, as well as the famous Plateau Ukok - the UNESCO World Heritage Site, - it was in these places a huge number of ancient archaeological monuments was found (in his time Altai "Crossroads" movement of various nomadic tribes). The heart of Altai is Beluha (height 4509 m) - one of the most beautiful peaks on our planet, to conquer which people come from all over the world.

9. Pyrenees

Pyrenees are located on the territory of France, Spain and a small, but proud Andorra. They stretch from the Biscay Bay of the Atlantic to Mediterranean Sea. 450 km away. These are not the highest mountains (the highest peak of Pyrenees - Aneto - rises upward "total" at 3404 m), but they are one of the most difficult to reach. There are only a few more or less convenient passages (and all of them are at an altitude of 1500-2000 meters). Therefore, from France in Spain there are only 4 railwaysTwo of which are enveloped by the Pyrenees along the coast, and two more pass through the system of tunnels on the lowest area of \u200b\u200bthe mountains.

Nevertheless, tourists who prefer active types of recreation - rock climbing, mountaineering, speleology, skiing etc. Pyrenees are very loved, because in these mountains there is a huge variety of beautiful waterfalls, picturesque gorges, deep caves and ancient glaciers, and their climate is not too harsh.

8. Tatry.

Tatras are sometimes considered a separate mining system, but more often they are called the highest part of the Carpathians. In fact, it is really the same and the same mountains stretching through the good half of Eastern and Central Europe: from Ukraine through Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Serbia to the Austria itself. Just that part of them, which is called high tatras (length - 26 km), is noticeably different from the neighboring ridges external species - They are more rocky, more severe. The climate of the Tatram is similar to the Alpine, the weather is often changing here, there are sharp drops of temperatures, there are a lot of snow, which does not melt until May-June, and somewhere lies round year. Highest point High Tatras - Pic Gerlakhovski-Stitte - rises to a height of 2655 m.

There are tatras on the border of Poland and Slovakia. With that and on the other hand here are organized national ReservesGuiding unique landscapes, as well as rare animals living in this territory. Nevertheless, since there are 85 fabulously beautiful lakes in the tatras, many waterfalls, as well as hot thermal sources, and many tops, "polished" glaciers, have a very bizarre form, tourism is well developed here. The most famous mountain resort Tatras is Zakopane (Poland).

7. Dolomites Alps

This mountain array It is part of the Eastern Alps and is located in Northeast Italy (length - about 150 km). The attractions of the Dolomite Alps are not only beautiful landscapes - scenic peaks, cozy valleys, fragrant pine forests - but also medieval castlespopular ski resorts and even the museum under open skyWho is dedicated to the battles of Italians and the Austrians, which happened here during the First World War. In these places, festivals often arrange with folk songs and dances, as well as with tasting of national dishes.

The highest peak of the Dolomites Alps is Moramolad Mount (3342 m), but 3 mountain peak of Chim Di Lavoredo is considered more popular, the highest of which reaches 2999 m. From there, the most exciting views are opened.

By the way, in the dolomite alps, more than 50 types of orchids bloom in spring. Just imagine this beauty!

6. Caucasus

It is deserved to the most beautiful mountains in the world include the Caucasus separating Europe from Asia (but the exact place where Europe ends and Asia begins, you, of course, will not show anyone). Caucasian Mountains are conventionally divided into two mountain systems - Big Caucasus And the Small Caucasus. There are several countries (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and part of Russia), and live more than 50 peoples speaking Caucasian, Indo-European and even Altai languages. In the Caucasus, several climatic zones (which depend both from height and from the latitude and location of a particular area). And here is very rich flora and fauna.

Caucasian Mountains have a significant height: 8 vertices are more than 5 thousand meters up, the largest of them - Elbrus (5642 m). Therefore, here you can always meet professional climbers. And, by the way, among them the most dangerous and difficult to find it, not Elbrus, but Koshtatau peak (5152 m). It is he who among all others caucasian Gor., took the most lives.

5. Titon

Mountain Ridge Titon (or Teton) is part of American Rocky Mountains stretching at 4830 km from the northern point of British Columbia (Canada) to New Mexico in the south-west of the United States. Most of the Titon Range is located in Wyoming, its length is more than 300 km, and the width is 162 km. The highest mountain - Grand Titon - rises at 4199 m above sea level.

A significant part of these picturesque mountains is occupied by the National Park, which also carries the name Grand Titon. (By the way, if someone is interested, which means the word "Titon" - this name is once very big group The tribes of the Indians, they are "Lakota Siu" who lived in these places until "white people" came). In the territory national Park There are numerous lakes (the largest of them - Jackson - stretched out in length 24 km), rivers, streams and waterfalls. His nature has been preserved almost in untouched. There is an excellent tourist infrastructure (320 km comfortable pedestrian routes, more than 1000 seats for camping, etc.). By the way, only 16 km north is another National Park - the famous Yellowstone.

4. Bern Alps

Southeast of the capital of Switzerland - the city of Bern - extended mountain Ridge Rare Beauty - Bern Alps. They occupy the territory of Canton Bern, as well as part of the canton tree, Freirur, V., Lucerne, Nidwalden and Uri (almost 8 thousand square meters). It can be said that this is the latest "Ice Heart" Alps. There are about 300 glaciers of different sizes. In winter, these places, of course, are the traditional place of pilgrimage of lovers of skiing (by the way, more than 100 years). But in general, you can relax here all year round, - in addition to glaciers in the Berne Alps there are many other beautiful landscapes. For example, in the summer, the crowd of tourists are visited by the Bodenskoye and Brienz lakes, Falls of Ferubbach, etc.

The highest peak of the Berne Alps is Finstorearhorn (4274 m), but tourists and climbers are more popular with three picturesque mountains located nearby - Eiger, Mongi and Jungfrau (respectively, 3970, 4107 and 4158 meters). On jungfrau is viewpoint With a circular overview for the mountains and the Alech glacier.

3. Southern Alps

No, these are not the Alps, about which many have now thought, is not a ski area on the border of France and Italy. These are incredible, just implausably beautiful mountains stretch through the entire Southern Island of New Zealand (more than 500 km). You could already admire them, not even knowing about it. Here is a hint: the cultic film "Lord of the Rings". In these mountains there are about 360 glaciers, a plurality of high-mountain lakes with turquoise or emerald water (for some of which Icebergs are swimming, "just imagine this sight!). Most of the southern Alps are busy national parks. The highest vertex is Mount Cook (3754 m) or, in Maori, Aoraki.

By the way, the climate to the West and east of this mountain range is completely different: on the west coast of the South Island - cold and humid, and on the eastern is one of the most warm and sunny in the country. Blame in this just mountains.

2. Sierra Nevada

The name of Sierra Nevada translated from Spanish means "Snow Mountains". This mountain range, stretched across the entire eastern part of California, is a fragment of the North American Cordiller and stretches about 750 km. The most important vertex is Peak Whitney (4421 m). On the territory of Sierra Nevada there are beautiful National Parks of Yosemite and Sequoia, as well as the picturesque alpine lake Tahoe (located at an altitude of 1897 m, the area is 489 square km), Kings Canyons and Kern, Hatch Hetchi Valley, etc.

Another famous landmark of Sierra Nevada and Yosemite Park is the Granite Mount Al-Captain Mountain (2307 m). Climbing her vertex is a matter of honor for many professional climbers. This is a difficult task, - El Captain has almost sheer walls with a small number of protrusions. However, it was from this mountain that the first jumping founder of Basejmping Carl Benish and his team committed. And on her east side there is a famous "Fiery" Waterfall "Horsep Tail" (the height of which is 650 meters).

1. Canadian Rocky Mountains

As Some tourists write about these places: "Do not forget to breathe!"

Canadian Rocky Mountains is the northernmost part of Cordillere. They stretch across the western part of Canada from north to south by more than 600 km. Flora and fauna are not too diverse here (because of a sufficiently harsh climate), but in the mountains you can easily meet the Bear Grizzly (yes, it is not an artistic fiction of cinematographers). Highest top - Mount Robson (3959 m).

On the territory of the Rockies, 5 national parks have been created. In one of them - Banff Park - is perhaps the most famous and really amazing imagination ice Lake Canada - turquoise Morelin. In general, there are many hundreds of lakes, rivers, waterfalls, thermal sources, etc. National Park Jasper is famous for another attraction - the huge snow-white Glacier Atabasca. And on the border of the provinces of Albert and British Columbia, you can admire the "Matterhorn Rocky Mountains" - one of the most beautiful peaks of the world of Assinibun (3618 m), which received this nickname for a very similar to the Matterhorn pyramidal form.

Few could have thought that folds on the surface of the earth could create such phenomenal beauty? Mountains - from Mighty Himalayas to the Alps in Europe - create some of the most captivating landscapes in the world. Many people - climbers, travelers, skiers, athletes - in love with the mountains and just can not live without them. Mountain peaks really look like, just look at our selection of the most beautiful mountain peaks in the world.

Matterhorn, Switzerland

The first successful climbing at Matterhorn was committed by Edward Vomper, Francis Douglas, Charles Hudson, Douglas Hadou and Michelem Croze. Unfortunately, the accident on the descent led to their death. Height: 4478 m. First registered rise: July 14, 1865.
Alpamayo, Peru

3 Mountain is named "The most beautiful mountain in the world" by the German magazine Alpinismus in 1966, based on polling of climbers and photographers. Its height is 5,947 meters.

Demavennd, Iran.

4 second most high volcano In Asia - Damavand, is also known for Persian mythology. Demavend is part of a volcanic chain (along with Kilimanjaro, Orizaba, Sidydi Mountain, Hyluve, Elbrus and Okhos del Salado). Height: 5,610 meters. First climbing: 905 year.

Stach, Norway

5 This distinguishing peak was named "National Mountain" of Norway in a poll on the radio in 2002. Height: 1 392 meters. The first climb: 1910.

Serro Torre, Argentina / Chile

6 The peak is in South Patagonia. Height: 3,128 meters. The first ascent: 1974.

Likankatur, Chile / Bolivia

7 The hotel is located near the magnificent green Lagoon Verde, and Licankbo can be the most volcanically looking volcano. Its height: 5,920 measures. The first ascent: 1884.

Tre Chim Di Lavaredo, Italy

8 Three distinctive peaks in the Dolomite Mountains: Chim Grande, Chim Obi and Chima Piccola. Height: 2,999 meters (Chim Grande). The first climbing: 1869 year.

Kirkyufell, Iceland.

9 Interesting and magical peak on the northern coast of Suntefellesnes, Iceland peninsula. Height: 463 meters.

Laila Peak, Pakistan

10 This spear-mountain is located in Gilgit-Baltistan, where there are five mountains from the "eight-thousandths", and more than fifty peaks having a height of more than 7000 meters. Height: 6,096 meters.
First ascent: 1997.

Mount Kaylash, China

11 Tibetan peak and an important place of pilgrimage, so the Chinese have banned attempts to climb the mountain. Great Mountainer Reinehard Messen said: "If we defeat this mountain, then we will defeat something in the souls of people." Height: 6,638 measures.

Eiger, Switzerland

12 This peak in the Swiss Alps was first conquered in 1858, but before July 24, 1938, no one was ascent from the north side. Height: 3,970 meters. The first ascent: 1858.

Roraima, Venezuela / Brazil

13 mesas or "Tempui" first described Walter and these peaks inspired the creators of the cartoon "Up" by Disney. Height: 2,810 meters. The first ascent: 1884.

Machapuchar, Nepal

14 The mountain peak is closed for climbers, due to its religious value. Height: 6,993 meters.

El Captain, United States

15 Vertical rock in Yosemite National Park, this is a favorite for climbers and climbers, as well as a visiting card of the park.

Benbulben, Ireland

16 Bright rock education in Sligo county. Song slopes make an easy climbing on the southern slope. And the northern slope requires great mastery. Height: 536 meters.

Mountain Fitz Roy, Chile / Argentina

17 During the summer season, a hundred people can reach the peak of Everest on one day, but this impressive peak in Patagonia sometimes won only once. Climbers must overcome the sheer granite rocks, while the weather, and relative insulation of the Fitz Roy can also represent serious problems. Height: 3,405 meters. The first ascent: 1952.

Dining Mountain South Africa

18 An obvious choice that cannot be ignored. This is one of the largest tourist attractions of Cape Town, which can be climbed to the top. Height: 1,084 meters. The first climb: 1503 year.

Mac-Kinley / Denali, USA

19 The highest mountain is not only Alaska, but also North America With a height of 6 168 meters. The first ascent: 1903.

Black Kulleen, Scotland

20 This is not one vertex, but a whole chain of mountain peaks with the largest peak of Skuirr Alistair 992 meters above sea level. The first climbing: 1873 year.

December 11 celebrated the International Day of Mountains. One of the most beautiful and amazing creatures of nature, they have long been striking people with their mysterious beauty and bizarre forms. Meet the most beautiful and unusual mountains of our planet

Colored Mountains of China (Pink Cloud)

Tourists go to the Chinese province of Gansu from around the world. Home Last attraction - Landscape Dancia (Pink Cloud). It is under the same name that China's colored mountains are known all over the world. The formation of this beauty began many millions of years ago as a result of accumulation large number Sandstone and other mineral sediments. Air and water contributed to the slow oxidation of rocks. This was the reason for such an unusual riot of paints.

Huangshan (Yellow Mountains)

Mountain ridge in the eastern part of China. This area is known for its granite rockscovered with pines, by the signs of Chinese artists and poets from ancient times. The height of seventy seven vertices in this ridge exceeds 1000 m. Huangshan district is included in the list. World Heritage UNESCO and is the National Park of the PRC. Mountains formed 100 million years ago. Later, the landscape was transformed under the influence of glaciers leaving the rocks of various shapes. Since often the level of the clouds is below the level of mountain peaks, interesting light effects are observed in the area. At the foot of one of the mountains beat hot springs.


This mountain is located in the west of Tibet. Millions of years ago, Mount Kailas rose along with the plateau from the bottom of the ocean, and then the water and the wind pulled her face, giving it a pyramidal form. Four world religions consider Kailas sacred Moz. Hindus believe that the powerful God of Shiva lives on Kailas. From the point of view of Eastern Cosmology, Mount Kailas is a center through which the axis of the universe passes. Kailas highlights a pyramidal shape with a snowy cap, and the brinks are focused almost exactly on the sides of the world, its slopes crosses the bizarre-arranged cracks forming the swastika. The exact height of the vertex is not defined, since the mountain "breathes" - the height is changed annually to several tens of meters. It is believed that it is at the peak of Kailas located to Shambalu's mysterious country.

Mount Roraima

This unusual, inaccessible mountain with a flat top is in Venezuela (South America). Landscapes, opening from her vertices, imprinted, because the channels of many robusts for many kilometers are covered with quartz crystals of different colors. And from the view of the mountain itself, the spirit captures.

Grand Canyon

In the north-west of Arizona, there is one of the most unique corners of the Earth - Grand Canyon. Grand Canyon is neither the largest nor deep in the world - it is valued by its harmonious combination of size, depth and multicolor layers of naked rocks. This is a whole complex of canyons, waterfalls, caves, towers, ledges and ravines. Each time the Grand Canyon looks like a new way, and the sun and the shadows of running clouds make the cliffs constantly change the shades of colors. Big Canyon - one of the most unusual places Our planet, which presents four geological era of land. The landslides, water and wind erosion created the outlines of gigantic pagodas in the canyon, pyramids, towers, fortress walls representing a unique spectacle.

Slope Coyote BYuT., Arizona, USA

These mountains are on the border between Arizona and Utah. According to scientists, it formed 190 million years ago. The slope of Coyote BYuT is a wave sandstone.

Bryce Canyon

This amazing canyon is part of the National Park of the same name. It is located in the southwestern part of Utah. These are thousands geological structuresFormed by many years of erosion under the influence of wind, water and ice. Many rocks have bizarre forms.

Tower of Devil

This mysterious mountain is located in the north-east of Wyoming (USA). Its height is 386 m. The rock was formed 65 million years ago as a result of volcanic activity, and unusual curly sides became a consequence of erosion of surrounding soft rocks around more durable internal. According to Indian giving, the rock was created by an evil demon who was on her top into the drum, generating thunder and lightning. Indians who believed in the dark essence of the mountain and called her tower of bad God, preferred not to settle nearby and managed her face. In the twentieth century, scientific fiction came to replace the mystical theories of origin. So, on one of the versions, the peak is a platform for landing UFOs. This version was so popular that even embodied in the famous film Stephen Spielberg "close contacts of the third degree".

Qinggi de Bemaraha

Cingles de Berach - Strange Mountains, Reminded Forests, Reserve, located approximately 80 kilometers from western coast Madagascar. Most of these mountains are the ridges of the limestone, in the language of Malagasy, they are called "zinc" ("walk on tiptoe"). Qinggi de Bemaraha almost impassable labyrinths. The Mountains of Cingle de Bemarach arose as a result of erosion, under the influence of acid rain and water, which for many centuries dissolved chalk layers. Over time, this led to the formation of a 30-meter needle limestone.

Hanging cliff

Hanging rock is the unofficial name of Mount Diogen in the center of the Australian state of Victoria, near Melbourne. The height of the mountain is 718 meters above sea level and 105 meters above the level of the surrounding relief. Hanging rock received fame and popularity among tourists after the exit in 1975 of the mystical detective Peter Wirai "Picnic at the hanging cliff".

Stone wave

Amazing rock education in Western Australia is 340 km from Perth. Granite block reminds stone tsunami. The visible part of the cliff rises above the ground for a height of about 15 meters, and its length is 110 meters. According to the hypothesis of scientists, the rock wave appeared more than 27 million years ago. Australian aborigines noted the similarity of a stone wave with real water and believed that it was in this place that the forces of the spirits and the strength of nature were walked. To protect this unique mountain from natural destruction, a dam was built.


The landscape of the Cappadocia Plateau in Turkey looks like a decoration to a fantastic film. An unusually beautiful landscape, located at an altitude of 1000 m above sea level, resembles the moon. Such bizarre in the form of an elevation was formed ancient volcanoes. From the IV to the XIII century, our era, people cut through the tunnels and lived in these rocks. Today, tourists from all over the world seek Capadokia to see this ancient world with my own eyes.

"The best mountains can only be the mountains, which have not been there yet," Vysotsky was a thousand times right! Everyone has their favorite peaks, and they can argue about them infinitely. We present the 19 most beautiful events of the Telegraph magazine. Agree with the choice?

Matterhorn (Matterhorn)

The peak in the Penni Alps, on the border of Switzerland (Canton Vale) and Italy (Valle d'Aosta Province). The most extreme climbers are dried to the conquest of the vertex of Matterhorn.

Height above sea level: 4478 meters

First climbing: 1865 year

Mountain Ridge: Alps, Penni Alps


Translated from the English "STETIND" - "Minor elevation". Mount attracts tourists from different training levels.

Height above sea level:1392 meters

First climb: 1910.

Serro Torre (Cerro Torre), Patagonia / Argentina / Chile

Thanks to the proximity Pacific Ocean At the top almost always beeps. Peak is covered with ice, movement in which is very dangerous.

Height above sea level: 3128 meters

Excess: 1227 meters

First climb: 1974

Mountain ridge: Andes

Licankatur (Licancabur), Bolivia/Chile

Stratovolkan on the border of Chile and Bolivia is adjacent to the Vulcan of Hurrices and Lake Laguna Verde. At the top there is a 400-meter crater with a small lake.

Height above sea level: 5920 meters

First climb: 1884 year

Mountain ridge: Andes

Rocks Tre-Chima di Lavano (Tre.CIME.dILavaredo), Italy

The peaks similar to the peaks are part of the park of the same name. Oriental peak is called Piccol Chima (2857 m), Central - Chima Grande (2999 m), West - Chima Ove (2973 m). Peak Chima Piccola is considered the most difficult, and the northern slope of Chim Grande enters the six "Great Northern Lockers Alps."

Height above sea level: 2999 meters

The mountains: Alps

First climb: 1869 year

Kirkjufeth (Kirkjufell), Iceland

Mountain in the western part of Iceland is located near the town of Grundharfyurdurn on the West Bank of the same name fjord in the north of Sniphedles Peninsula. Despite the very small height and accessibility, the mountain will also become a hero of photographs of travelers.

Height above sea level: 463 meters

Peak Lila (Laila Peak), Pakistan

Peak Lyla - Mountain, located in the Mountain System Karakorum to the east of the Chukdouzer Glacier and west from the Chogolis Glacier. It is famous for the predominance of capricious weather and requires climbers not only due level of preparation, but also willpower.

Height above sea level: 6096 meters

Mountain ridge: Karakorum

First climb: 1997

Kailas. (Mount kailash), China

Kailas (Kangrinboche, Gangdis, Gandysishan) - Mountain in Kailas Ridge Gangdis Mountain System in the south of Tibetan Highlands. According to Hindu beliefs, Kailas is the Space Center for the Universe, where Shiva god lives.

Height above sea level: 6638 meters

Mountain ridge: Gangdis, Himalaya

Eiger (The Eiger), Switzerland

Together with the peaks of Jungfrau and Mongi, Eiger forms the famous trio. The mountain is constantly influenced by the cold mass of air, brought from the north. Even in the summer they rage snowfalls, and the temperature is cool changed throughout a few hours.

Height above sea level: 3970 meters

Mountain ridge: Alps, Bern Alps

Roraima (Mount Roraima), Brazil / Venezuela / Guyana

"Dining Mountain", located on the Guiangic Highlands in the southeastern point of the National Park of Canaima, the local Indians were considered "PUP of the Earth." According to the ancient legends, the Goddess Quen lives on the top of the mooring. White clouds, enveloping the mountain of an unusual form, really give the appearance of the mysterious image. It is curious that the mountain attracts lightning: on top almost not to find trees from heavenly fire.

Height above sea level: 2810 meters

First climb: 1884 year

Mountain ridge: Gwiang Nagorary

Machhapuchar (Mount Machhapuchchhre), Nepal

Until now, considered unrelated, Machapuchar Mountain is incredibly difficult for climbing. In 1957, the Government of Nepal decided to close the mountain for mountaineering due to its religious value for the local population, for which Machapuchar is the dwelling of the Saviva himself.

Height above sea level: 6993 meters

Mountain ridge: Himalayas

El Capitan, USA

Gondo towering over the Valley of Yosemite National Park, the mountain is considered one of the largest in America. The ascent on the peak is recognized as one of the most complex routes for climbing in the world - the vertical wall has practically no protrusions.

Height above sea level: 2307 meters

Mountain ridge: Sierra Nevada

Initimi: Wayne Merry, George Whitmore, Warren Harding

Ben Bulben, Ireland

One of their three famous Irish mountains, Ben-Balben is composed of limestone breeds. She got his appearance during the ice age and belongs to the so-called "table" mountains. Her age is more than 320 million years.

Height: 536 meters

Fitzroy (MountFitz.Roy), Chile / Argentina

The foot of the mountain is striking with its painting. The height is relatively small in the climbing standards, the height does not make ascent on Fitzroi simple: the slopes of the slopes are broken by almost sheer granite walls, and the weather is extremely rarely pleasing to the calm temper.

Height above sea level: 3359 meters

Mountain ridge: Andes

Mountain Dining Room (Table Mountain), South Africa

Mountain is a business card of Cape Town. Officially recognized as one of the seven new wonders of nature.

Height above sea level: 1085 meters

First climb: 1503 year

First Poverty: Anthony Di Saldanya

See also: