Where white flows. White River | Krasnodar Territory | Republic of Adygea

Bashkir's - Agisel ("Big White River").

The source is white is east of the city of Iremel. The river flows into the Nizhnekamsk reservoir. White 1430 km long, swimming pool area 142 thousand km 2 - largest in the length of the pool of the inflow of Kama. The largest right-bank tributaries: Nugush, Sim, Ufa, Bir, Tanyap. From the left bank, Ashshkadar, Urshak, Dem, Karmasuba, Chermassan, Base, Xun. In the pool, there is about 800 lakes (the most big Lake - Aslykul).

The top flow is white is within Southern Urals. The river basin is widely intermedible, separated by ridges. The middle part of the pool is white - the mountainous area is composed of limestone, dolomites and mergels. The middle and lower part of the basin has the plain nature of the relief.

The pool is white located in the zone of moderately continental climate. average temperature January varies from -14 to -18 about S. The average temperature of July ranges from 18 to 20 o C. The evaporation layer on average is 460 mm. The maximum amount of precipitation falls on the Western slopes of the Urals (up to 700 mm). In the flat part of the pool, it decreases to 550 mm. The height of the snow cover changes from 60 to 70 cm. The duration of the snow cover range ranges from 140 to 170 days.

Most of the pool pool is located in the zone of sufficient moisture and is busy forest-steppe vegetation. In the southwest of the pool, it is replaced by steppe vegetation. To the east, the steppe and meadows are replaced by broad-and-darling and wide forests. In the same direction, the black ground is replaced by turf-podzolic and gray forest soils. In the Urals are predominantly gray forest and mountain meadow soils.

In the pool, there are three reserves: Bashkir, Schulgan-Tash (with the oldest parking in Europe of the ancient person - Covers Capov, Cutuk, the Suman, announced by UNESCO monuments of nature) and South Ural, and also national Park "Bashkiria".

In the mountain part of the basin, the valley of the river has alternating expansion and narrowings. In areas of extensions of the valley p. White flow in low wetland. In areas of narrowings, the slopes of the valley are steeps and obversists. In the extensions of the White Valley forms a broad understanding and winding channel. The concave shores are eroshed at a speed of up to 2 m / year. The width of the channel does not exceed 50 m, the depth is 0.5-1.2 m. The channel deposits are pebble or pebble-currency.

Lower mouth r. Nugush White goes to the plain, her valley gradually expands. The floodplain is relatively wide, its width reaches 200 m (with the width of the bed 60-70 m). The winding channel prevails. The banks of the river are blurred at a speed of 5-10 m / year. The composition of the channel sediments pebble. Increased parts of large forms of robust relief are narrowed into the mainstream in the center from 90-100 to 30-50 m. Below the mouth of the r. Inzer, at the base of the floodplain, the limestone and the dolomites are revealed, which prevents the erosion of the coast. Prevails relatively rectilinear channel.

Below the intake of Ufa Belaya is a typical plain river with a wide left-bank floodplain, abundant labeled lakes. The river bed forms radiation in a step of 3-5 km or is divided into sleeves. The shores are blurred at a speed of up to 10 m / year. The composition of the channel sediments pebble and sandy and sandy. The average diameter of deposits reaches 7-8 mm. The structure of the channel relief presents actively shifting large ridges. The width of the channel is 400-500 m.

White is an important water highway. Its development began with ancient times. However, only in 1762 its first hydrographic description was performed. The river is shipping on the site from the mouth to Ufa, it is guaranteed to move the movement of ships with a sediment not more than 2.25 m. White is an integral part of the waterway along the route Moscow - Ufa. Irregular shipping is possible to the marina of Meleuz (225 km from Ufa). Main Cargo Transportation: Petroleum products, Gravel and sand mixture, Building materials, wood.

Every year in the pool pool, the average of 0.655 km 3 of water is closed. Mostly, this water is used in industrial processes (57.4%) and for household purposes (35.1%). Most of this water returns to the river as part of industrial and utility wastewater. Of this volume, almost 66% refers to polluted insufficiently purified drains and 31.8% to regulatory waters.

To improve the water supply of the population and household in the basin, reservoirs are built on the influx - p. Ufa (Pavlovskoye, 1961) and on the White - Beloretsky (built in the XVIII century, the last reconstruction in 1980) and Yumaguzinskoye (2004). Beloretsk reservoir is used for drinking and industrial water supply.

A sandy-gravel mixture for the construction industry (from the beginning in the 1960s) is extracted from the channels and floodable quarries. In the lower flow, more than 70% of the total sand-gravel mixture is mined. On the plot between Ufa and Birsky for 1984-1994. 3.8 million m 3 of sand-gravel mixture was extracted, which led to a decrease in the bottoms of the bottom and the water surface by 0.44-1.03 m.

White - attractive object for lovers water tourism. In the upper course of the river is used for alloy. The average and lower flow is interesting for fishermen. River waters are the place of habitat, the pusta, bream and pumped, catfish.

On the banks of the river are located cities: Beloretsk, Salavat, Meleuz, Ishimbay, Sterlitamak, Ufa, Birsk.

N.I. Alekseevsky, M.M. Antonova

Hi guys. Our vacation this time plummed a little, and we spent almost 10 days without communication and Internet alone with the wonderful nature of the Republic of Bashkortostan. They arranged with a wild 7-day alloy on the White River in Bashkiria and how usually did not cost without adventure.

In my experience, this is still the longest alloy and the 7th in the score. So long we have not yet fused. Maximum 4 days.

I will not say that we are lucky with the weather. Heat stood 30 - 33 degrees and cloudless sky with flying Sun.. Only one day, closer to the evening, there was a thunderstorm, and it was raining for about 20 minutes. Having worried, everyone took sunscreen and no one burned down.

Our route alloy on the White River

As you know, we are independent and budget tourists. Do not love organized travel, try to plan everything yourself. To relax yourself calmly, not depending on anyone, and without big noisy companies. When you want - swim when you want - get up for the night. We prepare, ruby \u200b\u200bfirewood, fishing, rows, etc.

All complexities and troubles pass, wounds are healing, and impressions remain for life.

White River from Perm, where our route begins, is located at a distance of 800 km, and the end point is about 900 km. According to the plan, we wanted to melt from the village of Kaga to Kutanovo. On the river it turns out 156 km.

Here is the map of our route. On it, I noted some attractions. Below will post more logice.

Considered all the options, how to get to the place, calculated the path to public transport And throwing. It turned out somehow expensive. In the first case, approximately 40 thousand rubles were published on four, and in the second - we were counted for a minimum of 32 thousand. I had to resort to another option - to rent a car and go to yourself.

They wanted to rent Lada Largus or some other wagon, so that we could calmly fit, catamaran and all things, but it's not very interested with them in Perm. Found only Toyota Corolla Hatchback. We, in principle, do not get used to ride on such small-scale machines. This time, even two rear passengers could sit! And do not lie on top on all things and beat face about the ceiling.

Rent a car cost us 1,300 rubles. per day or 11 700 rubles. For all time (9 days), plus gasoline. A third of all spending on the alloy.

Rear seats were removed and left at home, the catamaran was loaded, all the junk and drove. Since location for all new, unopened, I had to lay the road on the navigator. Of the 3 proposed routes, they chose the shortest and received the first lesson of this trip - never choose the shortest route, and choose the fastest.

It turned out that the navigator paved our way through some impassable expanses of our country, for which we drove while we did not end in gasoline. The road is a killed primer on which we met a tractor driver and asked what is there ahead and there are refueling. He told us that there is no wilderness there.

I had to unfold with a long-lasting fuel lamp and ride back to the nearest refueling. At the refueling, they met the local who were surprised how we were here at all, and explained that on that road we would not reach where we need. I had to change the route. Thus, we traveled extra almost 150 km.

From Perm, it is best to go to white through Ufa or, as we, through Krasnoufimsk - Monetovo - Miass - Beloretsk. The road is normal, 80 - 100 km / h can be driving.

We left the house at 2 o'clock in the morning, came to the place at 6 pm. They stopped, without reaching the village of Kaga, near the Agidel tour pub, then they threw the car in the parking lot per 100 rubles a day. And on the same day they went there in the bathhouse for 2 hours. Sound on the clearing opposite the base on the other side of the river.

In the morning they collected cat and advanced.

The local administrator of the Agidel Agidel administrator assured us that in 7 days we walked only to the village of Starosubkhangulovo. But we are still ones, we stand a little, we row a lot. Filed in the end of 143 kilometers.

Sights Route

I will, perhaps, from the river itself. Summer this year is quite roast, most of the rivers we in the Perm region of the edge of the edge and unrealized on them. Chose the White River, taking into account that it is the largest and most long on the southern Urals. As a result, from Kagi to Starosubhangulovo almost every ride, which was not enough, dragged the cat. Yes, and after, until the end of the route, dragged, but already smaller.

Nature in Bashkiria, as in principle, and everywhere in Russia, very beautiful. Some different is different Perm region The fact that the mountains are higher and cliffs more. Surprisingly, in the forests there are practically no eats, mostly pine and birch. In the heat a stunning smell pine forest even stronger.

Along the shores a lot of parking for recreation, keys with clean drinking water, firewood. Enough all. In larger villages there are shops where you can buy the most necessary products. Especially in such heat, most products will quickly deteriorate. We took with me only cereal, stew, vegetables and fruits. Meat for kebabs bought several times in the villages.

Local holds a lot of livestock, which is comfortably grazing at the waterproof along the river. Endlessly meet groups of horses, cows, sheep, geese, goats, chickens. It was even necessary to smash them, stand and stand in the middle of the river, cool. Many wild ducks, hergs, falcons. Several times they saw snakes, one even clung to catamaran, trying to contact him.

With photos we are a little slipping this alloy. We drowned the action-chamber at the very beginning of the path, I thought, I would mostly take pictures on the iPhone, but it turns on it for so long and did not always have time to get it. Therefore, sorry, in the future we will improve the quality.

On one parking lot, the farmer scared us with bears. We were going to go to bed, climbed everything into the tent, hearing someone goes. Local, on the edge of someone clearing for the workpiece of the hay, we stopped, went out in full darkness in the hope of buying vodka.

I talked to him a little, and he told that a couple of weeks ago, until the grass was not going to begged, they walked a bear with two cubs on this place. He said, if the bear will return to us to go to him, because there were two huskies with him, just for such cases.

Imagination, we later played up to the bearish growls nearby. I slept not very. When they were preparing for the alloy, I read the story somewhere in the social network that the guys-spinners also saw the bear on the opposite coast. So restlessly, we had a night after the first day alloy.

On the first day, if you float from Kagi, you can climb on the rock, the names of which we did not find, but on the map I noted it. Lifting will have to be a steep slope of 15 - 20 minutes.

On the shores there is no signs with names and descriptions of places, such as we have on rivers. Therefore, be sure to print the map and the location.

Other days before the village of Starosubkhangulovo no longer met any sights. All of them begin after this village. There is a very beautiful rocky area and a lot of caves. But it is better to her more wilderness.

In order, list the main places you can see and visit (all points I noted on the map above):

  • saryn-Tash rocks
  • rock Small Amphitheater
  • rock big amphitheater
  • Mindigulsky cave,
  • cave disappearance pit
  • cave fairy tale
  • reserve Shulgan-Tash, Capov Cave.

If I missed something, then write in the comments, be sure to add. Further capov, if necessary, I can add too, but we were not there.

Rocks Saryn-Tash

Rocks Saryn-Tash

Rocks Saryn-Tash

Mindigulsky Cave

Mindigulsky Cave

Residents of the Mindigulovskaya cave

Cave disappearance pit

Caught Schuku

At the last night I caught a pouch for dinner. In general, when swimming, due to the fact that the water in the river is clean, you often meet the shoals of fish for half a meter. In the White River, not all types of our Urals fish are found.

We decided to complete our alloy a little earlier, without going to 10 km to the village of Kutanovo, landed at the main attraction - Capova Cave. And here we rumbled hard, learning a new lesson.

For some reason, no one came to my mind that Cave Cave has a working mode. We, sailing at lunch, decided to first move behind the machine, and then I gather, visit this cave. But it turned out that it works from 11:00 to 17:30. We asked to see at least the entrance, but we were not allowed.

Passage to the territory of the cave costs 240 rubles. Tens of houses with shops, souvenir shops, cafes, leisure houses, etc. are located along the shore.

In principle, we were not very upset that they did not fall into the cave Capo. There were 3 people there, who said that at the level for all tourists there was absolutely nothing to watch, they have long arranged, laid out special tracks. And then it's just not allowed into the depth. Who has recently been there, write your feedback about the cave, is it worth going back to see it?

Another adventure remained to get to the car, which is located for 100 km on the basis of "Agidel", and return back to the wives with things. Finally got the first ride experience in Russia. An hour and a half went on the road. The road is ground between the villages, the cars are very rare. And on the street, remind, the heat is 33 degrees in the shade.

There was no sense to go further, wait and catch the car. After a while, after all, one driver stopped, agreed to throw us free to Starosubekhangulovo, from which we still get 60 km. It was possible only to catch a taxi for 1,000 rubles to Kagi. They took the car, returned back to the cave, loaded, dinner in a local cafe and went to Perm, deciding on the way to rumm at Lake Zyuratkul. I came to the lake early, was still dark, they managed to take a couple of hours before dawn.

Stunningly beautiful. You can go here and for a couple of days, sleep in tents, climb the mountains, to go fishing, etc.

On this, our alloy on the White River ended. At prices on four, only 39 thousand rubles went out in 9 days.

  1. Rent a car \u003d 11 700.
  2. Gasoline + car wash \u003d 6,000.
  3. Rent a kata \u003d 4,600.
  4. Balca + parking \u003d 1 800.
  5. Highway \u003d 1 000.
  6. Food and all sorts of trivia \u003d 13 900.

In addition, by tradition, they bought new tourist things before the new campaign:

  1. Backpack me 80-liter \u003d 3 730.
  2. Ryubzak Lena 70-liter \u003d 5,500 (poliyar will spread with us).
  3. Two durable raincoats \u003d 1 800.

From the loss only a broken ipad, which I somehow managed to crush, while I slept in the car on the way back.

Everything seems to be.

Loopling for printing

At the end, as promised, laying out the log of the White River for Printout. But the Loection of the Old, made at the beginning of the 2,000th, so we did not find some places, and the rigs changed.

I wish you good luck! Until.

The longest and well-known River of Bashkiria, the songs sing about it, and its name on Bashkir - Agidel, from Soviet Time called cities, different household items, hotels and other local facilities.

From the Akbulatovsky cave, about three or four kilometers were glared and stopped at the night not far from.

On this day, on May 2, about fifteen kilometers sailed. In addition, on this day there was a birthday of one of our team members - Artem. Therefore, there was a festive table, and Regina from what was cooked cake with candles. The birthday was celebrated for a long time, the fire was constantly burning, it's good that the firewood did not have to look for, they bought them immediately at a nearby base.

In the morning, Raft jerked again, now finally, found a hole under the seam, where the finger was easily smashed. After that, the raft practically did not descend, only the water arrived at the bottom of the bottom.

Blowing a kilometer, stopped at the guard house next to the cap of the cave. The whole team besides me and Regina went on an excursion to the cave. We were already in it, so they just waited, communicating with the guard. After the cave, they still walked along the museum-sightseeing complex. When everything was viewed, floated further.

They moored through a little less than a kilometer to the same shore, between the rocks. From here up the path of the path in or the culture-tamak. Everyone went there together, then a small group was still examined narrow lazes. By time it took about two hours.

Despair from the coast, deciding to swim as close as possible to the end point, but on the way to watch good places For overnight. While sailed, the animal noticed from afar, which swam the river. Because of the distance it was not quite clear who it was - a horse, elk or a bear.

But after seeing him, our Raft first began to row so flarely, everything was accelerating, just to have time to look and take a picture of the animal. Rowing quickly, at the same time they pushed each other loudly, so the animal saw and heard us, turned sharply and swam back. At one point it seemed that it was floating on us. It was the opinion that this is a bear. Then, when it again changed the direction to the nearest coast, we were already close enough to see what it was.

When he jumped ashore, we were already very close and could see how he jumps among the trees. In addition to the moose, the kunitsi was noticed on the shore, but did not have time to photograph.

Slept without stopping, past the cave pigeon.

While everyone washed, drank or gained water, Regina went to collect already slightly blurred currant leaves. Walking, heard the noise of water and eventually saw quite large by standards. Descriptions of the waterfall by white River I have never met the Internet. Already after alloy, I took off the information about him - it.

Near him detained for a long time, everyone wanted to take pictures with this attraction. And Pasha bother to everything else in it, including down his head.

Stopped overnight a few kilometers on the rocky shore. On the other side rose the rock, similar to. And below in the water was a grotto. He was decided to explore in the morning.

As long as the tents lay, one part is straight on the shore, the other in the forest. Artem with Olga put a bath.

The forest is very beautiful, there were no problems with firewood, enough for cooking food, and on a hiking bath.

In the bath, it was soared when it was with tempeble, from the fourteen man of all six. But the heat was enough for everyone. Straight from the baths, swollen, dive into cold water white River.

This third day alloy white River It was very saturated, a few caves visited, saw a waterfall, different wild animals and a hot watery bath was a good ending.

The fourth day began with the fact that we sailed next to the grotto in the rock, he turned out to be very small, possibly when the water falls, he will be deeper.

Before the end of the alloy on the White remained all kilometers five. Therefore, they sailed, as well as on the first day, slowly. The only attraction that we could visit was the Anthony Cave.

There is this cave in Antonova Mount, so when we noticed the rocks and the grotto on one of them, they thought that it was a cave. It did not stop, since the cave was very high and there was a risk not to catch a bus that was supposed to take us to Ufa.

Our raft quickly moored and we went to the cave. On the way, I noticed a lizard.

And one more grotto or cave, which did not work out at all, because it was not for what was to cling to to climb him.

They reached the beginning of the wall in which the Anthony Cave is located, they began to rise, gradually it became not for that, and the rock became almost vertical. The last meter three or four, I could no longer walk along a wet wall. I had to return with nothing.

On another bank, opposite the Anthony cave, vacationers were visible, and the village of Kutanovo soon appeared.

Sailed along the entire village and stopped at the bridge through white River. Waiting for the bus ran to the store and simply lay on the shore, dreed and sunbathe. The bus was supposed to come to four, but stayed for two hours. Just four hours a strong wind rose and a strong shower began. All wet and, including things. Except for this last whim of the weather, the whole alloy for white River It was clear and warm.

Until Ufa was reached at night, tired and satisfied, drove down home, but with the intention of the next year to repeat the alloy on any other river.

The White River is the longest river in Bashkiria and the longest influx of Kama River.

The river bed is very looped. The general direction of the flow of the river from the source to the village of Suuraguulovo (Meleuzovsky district, Bashkiria) south-west; Next, from the village to the city of Ufa North with deviation in different directions. After Ufa, the direction of the course of the North-West.

The source of the River Belya takes the beginning of 3 km south-west of the village Novokhusainovo in the participation of Bashkiria, at the foot of the Avalyak Range. River flows into the Nizhnekamsk reservoir (Kama River) near the village of Tatar Yamala in Aktanysh district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Bashkir and Tatar name of the White River - Agidel (from the head. Aғyel and from Tat. Agoydel). Agidel comes from the word "AK" - White and the words "Idel" - Volga (in ancient times the concept of Idel (Itil) did not coincide with the current meaning of the word Volga.

Near the river white set settlements - The villages, villages and villages. Also on the banks of the river are the following cities:

- Beloretsk - Administrative Center of the Beloretsky district of Bashkiria. Founded in 1762. The city from 1923. The population of 68,806 people as of 2010 is located near the White River, 245 km from the city of Ufa.

- Meleuz is the administrative center of the Meluzovsky district of Bashkiria. Based in the 18th century. The city since 1958. The population of 61,390 people as of 2010 is located when the Meleuz River of the same name in the White River, 225 km from the city of Ufa and about 150 km from Orenburg city.

- Kumertau - is the urban district in Bashkiria. Founded in 1947. The city from 1953. The population of 67,078 people as of 2010 the city is located near the White River, 250 km south of Ufa and 102 km south of Sterlitamak.

- Ishimbay - Administrative Center of the Ishimbay district of Bashkiria. Founded in 1815. The city from 1940 is located 166 km from the city of Ufa, on the White and Trojka rivers, 21 km north-west of Sterlitamak and 11 km south of Salavat.

- Salavat - is the urban district in Bashkiria. Founded in 1948. The city from 1954. The population of 155,464 people as of 2012 is located on the left bank of the White River, 160 km south of Ufa. It is the major industrial center of the Republic of Bashkiria.

- Sterlitamak - is the urban district in Bashkiria. Founded in 1766. The city from 1781. The population of 274,382 people as of 2012, the city is located on the left bank of the White River, 121 km south of Ufa. Sterlitamak is the major center of the chemical industry and mechanical engineering.

- Ufa - the urban district and the capital of the Republic of Bashkiria. Founded in 1574. The city from 1586. The population of 1,086,000, as of 2013, the city is located on the banks of the White River, when the Rivers of Ufa and Deuma are shifted. The city is the largest industrial, cultural, sports and scientific center of Russia, the largest center of oil refining and an important transport hub.

- Blagoveshchensk - Administrative Center of the Blagoveshchensky district of Bashkiria. Founded in 1756. The city since 1941. The population of 34,239 people as of 2010, Blagoveshchensk is located on the right bank of the White River, 42 km from the center of Ufa. Distances between the borders of Ufa and Blagoveshchensk less than 10 km.

- Birsk - Administrative Center for the Bir district of Bashkiria. Founded in 1663. The city from 1781. The population of 43,572, as of 2010, the city is located on the right bank of the White River, 102 km from the city of Ufa.

- Dyurtyuli - the administrative center of the Dürtylinsky district of Bashkiria. Founded in 1795. The city since 1989. The population is 31,725 \u200b\u200bpeople as of 2010, the city is located on the left bank of the White River, 124 km from the city of Ufa.

- Agidel - is the urban district in Bashkiria. Founded in 1980. The city since 1991. The population of 16,370 people as of 2010 is located at the mouth of the White River.

Drops of following (access roads).
The White River is available practically throughout its entire length, but convenient access roads are from Beloretsk and to the mouth. In this section, near the river there is most localities and access roads to them. Here is some of them:
Through the city of Beloretsk (Beloretsky district), the R-316 roads "Sterlitamak - Beloretsk - Magnitogorsk" and the railway branch.
Through the village of Ira (Kuüurgazinsky district), the R-314 "Ufa - Orenburg" and the R-361 "Magnitogorsk - Sibay - Zilair - Ira" take place.
Through the city of Meleuz (Meleuzovsky district) undergoes the road R-314 "Ufa - Orenburg" and the railway branch.
Through the village of Zirgan (Meleuzovsky district), the R-314 "Ufa - Orenburg" and railway branch are held.
In the city of Salavat and the Highway also passes the road R-314 "Ufa - Orenburg" and railway junction.
In Sterlitamak passes the R-314 "Ufa - Orenburg" and the R-316 road "Sterlitamak - Beloretsk - Magnitogorsk" and railway junction.
In the middle of the river, the railway line from the city of Meluz stretches to the city of Blagoveshchensk, to the left of the river.
Ufa passes the R-314 road - Orenburg, R-315 "Ufa - Perm", M-5 "Moscow - Ryazan - Penza - Samara - Ufa - Chelyabinsk, M-7" Moscow - Ufa ".
Through Blagoveshchensk (Blagoveshchensky district) and Birsk (Birsky district) undergoes the R-315 "Ufa - Perm" road.
Through the rest of the villages pass numerous smaller inter-line roads and directions.

The White River is also considered an important Water Master of Bashkortostan (Bashkiria). The river is shipping from the village of Tabyanskoye (656 km) to the mouth. Regular message is carried out from the city of Ufa. The White River is an integral part of the Waterway "Moscow - Ufa", according to which tourist flights are organized.

Major tributies.
The largest left lifts of the River White:
- The Ashshkadar River - the length of 165 km, the pool area of \u200b\u200b3780 km², falls on the 743 km from the mouth of the White.
- Urshak River - 193 km long, 4230 km² pool area, with 504 km from the mouth of the White.
- The River Demo - Length is 535 km, the area of \u200b\u200bthe pool is 12,800 km², replaces the 475th km from the mouth of the White.
- River Karmassan - length of 128 km, the area of \u200b\u200bthe pool is 1780 km², in a 387th km from the mouth of the White.
- The Chermassan River - length of 186 km, the area of \u200b\u200bthe pool 3970 km², falls on the 332 km from the mouth of the White.
- The Xun River is a length of 209 km, the pool area of \u200b\u200b4500 km², flows on the 83 km from the mouth of the White.

The largest right-hand feathers of the River White:
- Nugush River - Length 235 km, Pool Square 3820 km², replete on the 837 km from the mouth of the White.
- Toruk River - 36 km long, falls on the 771th km from the mouth of the white.
- The Sim - Length River is 239 km, the area of \u200b\u200bthe pool is 11,700 km², which flows on the 561 km from the mouth of the White.
- Ufa River - the length of 918 km, the area of \u200b\u200bthe pool is 53 100 km², falls on the 487th km from the mouth of the white.
- The Bur River is a length of 128 km, the pool area is 2200 km², inserts on the 262th km from the mouth of the White.
- River Fast Tanyap - 345 km long, 7560 km² pool area, falls on the 115th km from the mouth of the White.

Relief and soil.
The White River flows on the southern Urals and in the principal. It proceeds through the entire Republic of Bashkortostan, a little affecting the eastern part of the Republic of Tatarstan. The relief is highly varied. It was formed for millions of years. Currently, the relief shape combines and lowlands and hilly plains and mountain ridges. Bashkir's doll-hormone plains occupy about 2/3 of the area of \u200b\u200bthe region, the mountain southern Urals spread over 1/4 of the Bashkiria.
On the territory of Bashkortostan (Bashkiria) 4 main types of soils are distinguished - ferrous-podzolic, gray forest, chernozem and mountain soils.

Beach White, mostly occupied by steppe natural communities. The forests are more often broadening and found only in places. On average, the river bank is covered with ivami, poplars and rosehip. On the banks of the river in large quantities grows blackberries.

Hydrological mode.
The length of the White River is 1430 km. The area of \u200b\u200bthe catchment pool is 142,000 km². The average annual water consumption near the city of Birsk is 858 m³ / s. Water color whitish-silver. So the water is painted lime rocks that are dissolved in water.

In the head of the shore, white wetlands. Below the town of Tylarly Valley of the River is dramatically narrowed. In some sections, the slopes of the valley and the coast are steeps, ripples and forest covered. Below the right inflow of the Nugush River, as they go to the plain, the valley is gradually expanding. After the fall of the Ufa River, the White River is a typical plain river. Walking along the wide float rich in Staritsa, the river forms a lot of radiation and is divided into sleeves. The right bank is more elevated than its left.
Food river, mostly snow. The river is covered with ice, as a rule, at the end of November. Open around in mid-April.
About 60% of the annual flow passes during the spring flood (an average of 75 days). The period of flooding occurs around April 10 until July 23. During the flood, the turbidity of water in the river reaches 900 mg / l (in the rest of the time about 50 mg / l).

On the white river very good fishing. From the species of fish in the river inhabit: roach, trout, perch, chub, pike, catfish, buckle, pike, bream, sterlet, guster, rosh, pike perch, sand. Reduced fish stocks: smoking, taper, rhe, is.

Water quality.
The White River is constantly experiencing a large anthropogenic load on the part of the bed below the Sterlitamak city. The pollution of the river is marked by classification as "very dirty". The bottom IL is particularly contaminated, due to many years of accumulation of harmful substances.
Pollution of water comes from enterprises of the chemical, petrochemical and energy industry, located a chain of 270 km along the shores of Belaya in such cities as: Meleuz, Salavat, Ishimbay, Sterlitamak, Ufa, Blagoveshchensk. This "chemical necklace" Republic of Bashkiria was inherited during the period of intensive industrialization of the USSR, which was actively held in the pre-war and post-war years.
In 2003, from 187 sewage treatment plants, only 35 worked in a trial mode and satisfied regulatory requirements. Among the non-regulatory facilities continued to remain about 149 sewage facilities of almost all large enterprises of Bashkiria. The main reasons for not the quality of the cleaning facilities are as follows:
- outdated technologies and worn equipment;
- discharge into the aquatic objects of crude stocks;
- the absence of local sewage treatment plants and, as a result, their overload on the concentration of incoming pollutants;
- Operation with retreat from design schemes.

As a result, the surface water objects of the Republic of Bashkiria have been contaminated with petroleum products, phenols, nitrite, manganese, nitrogen, copper, mercury, and iron.

Economic significance.
The river is planned to build a cascade of 3 hydraulic cascades: In 2003, the 1st Yumaguzinskaya reservoir was built, in 2005 the last unit of the Yumaguzin hydroelectric power station was launched. IN last years The river strongly falls the water level as a result of the construction of the Yumaguzinsky reservoir.

Water from the river is widely used by people for watering gardens, fields, household plots. It is rarely used as drinking water. Active use for industrial industries, for example, such as: Gazprom Neftechim Salavat, etc. Some enterprises are limited to closed water use cycles.

Tourism and rest.
The driers of the White River is popular as a place for water tourism. In summer, there are many vodnikov tourists that melt on the rafts and boats. Local nature and banks of the river are extremely beautiful. The coast of the river is a favorite place of rest of local people living in Belaya.
As the White River is very very long, there are many different attractions on the shores. These are the former mountain plants Beloretsk and Kagi, and a large number of Caves in the upper river, the former salt marina in Sterlitamak and the fortress of Tabyansk and much more.

reference Information.

Length: 1430 km.
Pool area: 142 000 km².
Swimming pool: Caspian Sea.
River pool: R. Kama, R. Volga.
Sources: in a swampy terrain at the foot of the Avalyak Range.
Location: 3 km south-west of the village Novokhusainovo in the Striking district of Bashkiria.
Coordinates: 54 ° 32'6.86 "s. sh., 59 ° 2'39.81 "in. d.
Usti: Nizhnekamsk reservoir (Kama River).
Location: Tatar Yamali in Aktanysh district of the Republic of Tatarstan near the village of Tatarstan.
Coordinates: 55 ° 53'7.31 "p. sh., 53 ° 41'32.61 "in. d.

And Samem large river In Bashkortostan. In the republic, they love this river very much, for them it is the most important and revered natural value. The White River is a business card of Bashkiria and her symbol, it plays a significant role in the folklore, many legends are folded about it.


In the republic, the river is often called Agidel, which means "White Volga" in Bashkir. There are several legends about the name of the river, in one of them it is described:

In those edges, where the river originates, there lived a beauty named Bal. The girl was beautiful, her eyes glowed like diamonds. But most of all she loved freedom and often went to the coast of the river, where she sang and rejoiced his life.

Once a noble prince saw his beauty, fell in love and decided to marry her. The servants of force led Bal to the prince, and he asked if she wanted to be his wife. In response, the girl replied that he could not be a man's wife who did not like. Then the prince put Balu in the Dunnitsa, where she promised for several days, and when she managed to escape from captivity, ran to the river and rushed from the cliff. Since then, the river began to call Bel, and then - white.

The main characteristics of the river

  • River length - 1430 km
  • When the water flow is pushed, the water consumption is 950 cu. meters / s
  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe catchment pool is 142 thousand square meters. km.


The beginning of the river is east of Mount Jaremel, at the foot of the Avalyak Range in the Striking District of Bashkiria.


In the upper coast of white wetlands. Here it has a brightly pronounced nature of the mountain river, but then, cutting mountain ranges, forms deep canyons. Especially it is beautiful in the territory of the National Park of Bashkiria.

Bashkiria National Park is a particularly protected natural territory of federal significance, unique natural complex, in which mountain forests of the Southern Urals are combined with numerous caves and karst funnels. Here is complex and most long cave UralsSumag-Cutuk, the length of which reaches 9860 meters, and the depth is 134 meters, the volume of its cavities is 350 thousand cubic meters. Beautiful cooper waterfall and nearby carcass bridge, as well as the tract of Muinak-Tash with a rock-remainder.

Many species of birds and mammals living here are listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

The length of the river Belaya on the territory of the park is about 110 km, 57 of which falls on the Yumaguzin reservoir.

Yumaguzinskoye reservoir

The Yumagusin reservoir is located at a distance of 476 km from Ufa up the river and 364 km below the city of Beloretsk. Its main purpose is the protection of settlements from floods and the provision of water industrial enterprises and the cities of Sterlitamak, Salavat and Meleus.

Yumaguzinskiy hydrousel was constructed in 2007. The construction of hydropower plants and reservoirs caused active protests of ecologists. The hydraulic dispenser is built in a narrow mountain valley, and the area of \u200b\u200bflooding of valuable lands is small. However, part national Parkas well as animal and vegetable world On this territory suffered. In addition, scientists expressed their concerns about the deterioration of water quality in the White River and the loss of water left from the reservoir to underground karst emptiness.

Below the reservoir, the mountain beauty becomes more relaxed, with places the cliffs are moving into the shores. White Valley is gradually expanding, and after the fall into it, the Ufa river is a typical plain river.

  • The largest right-hand tributaries - Nugush and Sim, Bir and Tanyap, as well as Ufa - the largest influx of white
  • Large left tributaries - Ashkadar, Urshak and Dem, Karmasuba and Chermassan, Base and Xun.

On white there are cities like Beloretsk and Salavat, Ishimbay and Sterlitamak, Ufa and Birsk.


At the mouth of the river there is an interesting hydrogeographic phenomenon: on the site of the merger of two rivers, the boundary of their mix, rivers flow in one channel, almost without mixing. The color of the water in the White River is white-green and with a falling into the punishment of light Belskaya Water contrasts sharply with dark Bura Kama, which looks very beautiful.

Cruises on the White River

River Shipping throughout the mouth to Tabinsk, and regular movement is performed before

See also: