General information about Japan. Japanese Sea

Territory - 377.8 thousand km 2

Population - 125.2 million people (1995).

Capital - Tokyo.

Geographical location, general information

Japan - Country-archipelago, located on four large and almost four thousand small islands stretched by 3.5 thousand km from the northeast to south-west along eastern coast Asia. The largest islands Honshu, Hokaydo, Kyushu and Sikoku. The coast of the archipelago is strongly cut and form many bays and bays. Washing Japan and the Ocean have exceptional importance for the country as a source of biological, mineral and energy resources.

The economic and geographical position of Japan is determined primarily by the fact that it is located in the center of the Asia-Pacific region, which contributes to the active participation of the country in the international geographical division of labor.

Japan's long period was isolated from other countries. After the unfinished bourgeois revolution 1867 - 1868. She joined the path of rapid capitalist development. At the turn of the XIX - XX centuries. He became among the imperialist states.

Japan is a country of constitutional monarchy. Higher organ State power and the only legislative authority is parliament.

Natural conditions and resources of Japan

Geological Basis of Archipelago - Underwater mountain ridges. About 80% of the territory occupy mountains and hills with a strongly dissected relief middle height 1600 - 1700 meters. There are about 200 volcanoes, 90 - existing, including the highest peak - Volcano Fuji (3776 m), significant influence on the farm of Japan also have frequent earthquakes and tsunami.

The country is poor minerals, but coal, lead and zinc ores, oil, sulfur, limestone are mining. The resources of our own deposits are small, so Japan is the largest importer of raw materials.

Despite the small area, the length of the country led to the existence on its territory of a unique complex of natural conditions: Hokkaido Island and North Honsu are located in the zone of moderate sea climate, the rest of Honsu, Islands of Sikoku and Yusu - in a humid subtropical, and the island of Ryuku in the tropical climate. Japan is located in the active activity of monsoon. The average annual precipitation ranges from 2 to 4 thousand mm.

Approximately 2/3 of the territory - mostly mountain areascovered with forests (more than half of the forests - artificial plantings). Coniferous forests are dominated by the northern hokaydo, on central Honsu and South Hokkaido - mixed, and in the south - subtropical forests.

In Japan, there are many rivers, full-flowed, fast, low-cost for shipping, but being the source for hydropower and irrigation.

The abundance of rivers, lakes and groundwater has a beneficial effect on the development of industry and agriculture.

In the post-war period, environmental problems agreed on the Japanese Islands. The adoption and implementation of a number of environmental protection laws reduces the level of pollution of the country.

Population of Japan

Japan is among the top ten countries in the population. Japan has become the first country of Asia, which passed from the second to the first type of population reproduction. Now the fertility coefficient is 12%, mortality - 8%. The life expectancy in the country is the highest in the world (76 years old for men and 82 years for women).

The population is distinguished by national homogeneity, about 99% are the Japanese. From other nationalities, the number of Koreans and Chinese are significant. The most common religions are Sintoism and Buddhism. The population is located in the area unevenly. The average density is 330 people on m 2, but the coastal areas of the Pacific are one of the most densely populated in the world.

About 80% of residents live in cities. 11 cities are millionaires.

Economy of Japan

The growth rate of the Japanese economy was one of the highest in the second half of the XX century. In the country, high-quality reduction in the economy was largely implemented. Japan is located on the post-industrial stage of development, which is characterized by a highly developed industry, but the leading sphere is the non-production sector (services of services, finance).

Although Japan Poor natural resources And imports raw materials for most industries, on the production of products of many industries it takes 1 -2 place in the world. Industry mainly concentrates within the Pacific Industrial Belt.

Electric power industry Mostly uses imported raw materials. In the structure of the raw material base, oil leads, the proportion of natural gas, hydropower and nuclear energy is growing, the proportion of coal is reduced.

In the electric power industry, 60% of the power falls on TPP and 28% - at NPPs.

HPP are located cascades on mountain rivers. According to the development of hydropower, Japan takes 5th place in the world. In Japan, poor resources, alternative energy sources are actively underway.

Ferrous metallurgy. In terms of smelting steel, the country ranks I in the world. The share of Japan on the global market of ferrous metallurgy is 23%.

The largest centers operating almost completely on imported raw materials and fuel are located near Osaka, Tokyo, in Fujiima.

Non-ferrous metallurgy. Due to the harmful effect on the environment, the primary smelting of non-ferrous metals is reduced, but the plants are located in all major industrial centers.

Mechanical engineering. Gives 40% of industrial production. The main sub-sectors among the many developed in Japan are electronics and electrical engineering, radio industry and transport engineering.

Japan firmly occupies I place in the world at shipbuilding, specializes in the construction of large-tonnage tankers and dry cargoers. The main centers of shipbuilding and ship repair are in the largest ports (yokogan, bumps, kobe).

According to the production of cars (13 million pcs. Per year) Japan also takes I place in the world. Main centers - Tomata, Yokohama, Hiroshima.

The main enterprises of general engineering are within the Pacific industrial belt - complex machine-tooling and industrial robots in Tokyo district, metal-machine equipment - in Osquish, machine tool - in Nagai region.

The proportion of the country in the world issue of the radio electronic and electrical industry is exceptionally large.

In terms of development Chemical Industry Japan occupies one of the first places in the world.

In Japan, the pulp and paper, light and food industry are also developed.

Agriculture Japan remains an important industry, gives about 2% GNP; The industry employs 6.5% of the population. Agricultural production is focused on the production of food (its needs in it is 70% for 70%).

13% of the territory is processed, in the structure of crop production (gives 70% of agricultural products) the growing role plays the cultivation of rice and vegetables, gardening is developed. Intensively developing animal husbandry (large cattle, pig breeding, poultry farming).

Due to the exceptional location, there is an abundance of fish and seafood in the Japanese diet, the country has fishery in all parts of the world ocean, has more than three thousand fishing ports and has the largest fishing fleet (over 400 thousand ships).

Transport of Japan

In Japan, all types of transport are developed with the exception of river and pipeline. By volume freight, first place belongs road transport (60%), second place - sea. Role railway transport Reduced, and air carriage is growing. Due to very active foreign economic relations, Japan has the largest trading fleet in the world.

For the territorial structure of the economy, a combination of two different parts is characterized: the Pacific belt, which is the socio-economic core of the country, because Here are the main industrial areas, ports, transport highways and agriculture developed, and the peripheral zone, including areas where wood harvesting, animal husbandry, mineral extraction, hydropower and tourism are most developed. Despite the holding of regional policies, the smoothing of territorial disproportions is pretty slow.

External Economic Communications of Japan

Japan is actively involved in the IHRT, the leading place is occupied by foreign trade, the export of capital, production, scientific and technical and other ties are also developed.

The share of Japan in world imports is about 1/10. Imported mainly raw materials and fuel.

The country's share in world exports is also more than 1/10. Industrial products account for 98% of exports.

- State B. East Asiawhich is located on the 4th major islands: Kyushu, Honshu, Sikoku, Hokkaido, as well as the Islands of the archipelago of Ryuku and more than a thousand small islands. In the north is washed Okhotsk Morce, in the east - Safety ocean and the East Chinese Sea, in the West - Korean Strait and Japanese sea. In the north it borders with Russia (Sakhalin, Kurila), in the south - with the Philippines, in the West and the North-West - with China and South Korea.

The name of the country comes from the ancient'ypon "Yamata" - "Country of Mountains."

Official name: Japan (Nippon)

Capital: Tokyo

The area of \u200b\u200bthe land: 377.4 thousand sq. Km

General population: 127.3 million people

Administrative division: It is divided into 9 regions, 44 prefectures, the metropolitan district and 2 city prefectures.

Form of government: A constitutional monarchy.

Head of State: The emperor is a symbol of the unity of the nation, the real power does not possess.

Population composition: 99% - the Japanese, 0.5% - Koreans, 0.5%-cytaves and Ains (the remains of the indigenous population).

Official language: japanese, English is also widespread.

Religion : Almost all the Japanese are the Shintoists, the majority of the Sintoists also confess Buddhism. 3% - Christians.

Internet domain: .jp.

Voltage in the power grid: ~ 100 V, 50 Hz / 60 Hz

Country Code: +81

Country barcode: 450-459 and 490-499


Since the Japanese archipelago is strongly stretched from north to south, the climate on various islands is noticeably different from each other. If the classic climate of temperate latitudes with hot summer and snowy winter reigns on Hokkaido, then on the southern islands, the temperature rarely decreases below +13: +15 degrees.


The climate of the northernmost of the islands - Hokkaido is the most severe in Japan. Local winters are very and very cold - in January, the thermometer column is lowered at night to -10: -15, and in separate localities there were cases when the thermometer column was lowered to -40 ° C. Snow cover is installed here everywhere, which contributes to a rather high for the monsoon climate. The amount of precipitation in winter is more than 300 mm per season, and in January the snow is almost every day. Spring frosts are relevant here even in May, which contributes to the free penetration of cold air masses with still covered with ice of the Okhotsk Sea.

In the spring, due to frequent fogs, the heating of air in the eastern parts of the island occurs slowly - only at the end of April frosts are stopped here, thanks to which the cereals are sown here a month later than in the west of the island. In the summer there is enough warmth - in July-August, there are several days in July, when the temperature rises above +30 degrees, at the average daytime temperatures +25: +26 degrees, but everything is still rainy - on average in the year in the capital Hokkaido - Sapporo has About 300 rainy days.

Honshu, Sikoku, North Kyusu

On the territory of these islands, the climate is noticeably softer than on Hokkaido. Subtropical latitudes are conducive to a decrease in the duration of the winter season, which, however, does not cancel the likelihood of snowfalls, which in the west of the island Honsu is sometimes acquired by the scales for subtropics. Winter, nevertheless, warm - at night, the thermometer's column on the largest of the Japanese islands hesitates near the zero mark, and the day heats up to +5: +7 degrees.

Spring comes pretty quickly, and at the end of March - in early April, the symbol of Japan is blooming everywhere - Sakura. This time is one of the most recommended for visits the country. At this time, the thermometer column during the day almost everywhere exceeds a 15-degree mark.

At the beginning of summer, the so-called "plum rainy" occurs in Japanese subtropics - when the monsoon brings to the islands of abundant and long rains, which go when high temperatures air and weak winds. Day Air temperature reaches +25 degrees, and air humidity is 100%.

At the end of the "plum rain", there comes the hottest time in the year, when daytime temperatures are excavated for +30, and the nights are not lowered below + 20 ° C. However, on the heat coast smoothes sea breezeWhat is their popular resorts of Bosbo and Miura Peninsulas. By the end of September, the monsoon activity is weakening, summer shower stops, and the oppressive heat falls. At this time and accounts for the second peak of tourist activity in Japan.

Islands Ryuku, Okinawa

On the Islands of Ryuku, remote from the main territory of the country, also dominates the monso-type climate type. But due to the remoteness from the continent, the winter monsoon does not bring colds here, as a result of which the snow and frost are unknown here. In January and February - the coldest months - the air temperature ranges from + 13 ° C at night to +19 degrees during the day. In the summer there is hot and wet weather, only a fresh sea wind helps to carry. In the afternoon, the air warms up to +30 degrees and above, and at night it may not be colder than +25.


Japan is by island statelocated on the islands of the Pacific Ocean, near the coast of East Asia. As part of the territory of Japan - about 4 thousand islands stretching from the north-east to the southwest. Nearly 3.5 thousand km. The largest are the islands - Hokkaido, Honshu, Sikoku and Kyushu. Large engineering facilities (underwater tunnels, bridges) contribute to relations between the main islands of the country. Japan is washed in the east and south by the Pacific Ocean, in the West - East-Chinese and Japanese seas, in the north - the Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Sea. Area 372.2 thousand km2. Population of 114 million people (1977, assessment). Capital - Tokyo.

Over 70% of the territory occupy hills and mountains (mainly low and medium-high); The lowlands are located in separate areas along the coarse. On the island of Hokkaido, the main ranges are the continuation of the chains of Sakhalin and Kuril Islands, stretching from north to south and from the northeast to the southwest. Most high peaksLocated in the area of \u200b\u200btheir intersection exceed 2000 m - the characteristic example is Mount Asahi, a height of 2290 m.

In the northern part of Honshu Island there are three longitudinal chains of medium-mounted mountains, separated by valleys and basins; The axial position occupies the Ridge OU, to the west of which the ridges of the Virgin and Etigo are located, to the east - the ridges by the Chinese and Abukum; Central and Western chains are crowned with volcanoes.

In the middle part, the island crosses the fossil zone - Fossa Magna (length of about 250 km), over which a number of volcanoes rise, including the highest in Japan - Fuji (height 3776 m), which is a symbol of the country.

In the central part about. Honsu is located the Hida, Kiso Ridges, Akaisi (height 2900-3192 m), whose vertices have an alpine relief and most of the year are covered with snow.

In total, there are 16 vertices in Japan, the height of which exceeds a three thousandth mark.

The rivers in Japan are predominantly mountainous and full, also numerous lakes, the largest of which - Lake Biva has an area of \u200b\u200b716 km2.

Flora and fauna

Vegetable world

Approximately 60% of Japan's area is covered with forests. Flora Japan is distinguished by a large species diversity and includes 2750 species, including 168 wood species. On Japanese O-WAH there are plants characteristic of tropical, subtropical and moderate zones.

Wet rainforests are common on the Islands of Ryuku (NASEY), in which palm trees (rolling, livistone, sugar, sagovaya, catecho) are growing, a tree-like fern of cyatia, a segirl, a multiplet (gumports), a banana, ficus, etc., in the mountains - evergreen oaks and such tropical conifers like Pine Akamatsu, Fir Mami, Tsuga. Numerous lianas and epiphytes, mainly fern. Natural forests from Japanese cryptomeria are preserved on O. Yaku, whose separate trees reaching 40-50 m in height and 5 m in diameter, for about 2000 years.

In the southern regions, rainforests are preserved on the sea coast on the sea coast, and evergreen subtropical forests on this island rise to about 1000 m. In addition, subtropical forests are distributed to O. Sikoku and in the south of O. Chonse. They are dominated by evergreen oaks and endemic types of pines, cypresses, cryptomeries, multiplodes, thui. In the undergrowth, Gardenia, Azalea, Aralia, Magnolia are growing.

Among the tree species in them are the camphor laurel, Kastanopsis long-edge, evergreen oaks (acute, sizy, etc.), Badyan (Illicium) anise, Camellia, various types of symploos. In the subtropical zone, Gingko and bamboo groves are preserved in places.

To the north of the Japanese Alps on O. Chochonu and in the southern half of O.Hokkaido, the broad-willed deciduous forests are extended, in which the beech japanese and gorgeous, oak gear and large-grained, ordinary chestnut is gorgeous, or Japanese, many types of maple, ash and linden, elm , Birch, Japanese Grab, Khmeregrab Japanese, Zelkva Ostroland, or Japanese, Multiple Summatic.

Singly higher than the mountain slopes are growing coniferous and wide forests, in which cryptomic is present (high to 45 m high), cypressovik, Zibold Tsuga, volatile and Blarringhams, Lwayzug Japanese, Tis Pozdroin, or Japanese, and other breeds. Above 500 m above U.M. On O. Khokkidido, these forests are replaced by spruce-fir-firing mining with bamboo in the lower yarus.

Some Mountains on O. Chonse, including Fuji, and Central mountain array On O. Khokkaido, take up the top of the top border of the forest. Rhododendron, cedar stabery, distress, subalpine and alpine meadows are common.

The natural vegetation of Japan suffered a lot from human activity. Forests, especially on the plains, are ousted by agricultural land.

Animal world

Animal world of Japan due to its island position is depleted compared to mainland Asia and is distinguished by quite high endemism (40%). Many terrestrial mammals are represented by smaller forms than in the mainland. They are usually considered Japanese subspecies. Insofar as natural conditions Countries are quite diverse, in the fauna of Japan there are species inherent in tropical, subtropical, boreal and mountain forests.

For Japan, significant differences in the animal world of different islands are characterized, mass distribution up to 40 ° C.Sh. Monkeys (Japanese Macaque, the number of which is estimated at 40-60 thousand individuals), a significant species diversity of birds (especially waterfowl). In addition, in Japan, it stops on the span a large number of migratory feathered.

Reptiles are few; There are only two poisonous snakes, trigonocephal is especially dangerous.

Wild fauna preserved mainly within the limits of numerous protected areas - in national Parks, reserves, reserves, marine parks.

Monkeys are found on the most southern islands, such as Japanese Macak, thin-rod and gibbons, bats are common, especially wing; There are wood veper, cunits, squirrels, flying. From the birds are characteristic of the goat Japanese, or a large, small cuckoo, a Japanese whitebird, a gray larcide, a dread-eyed long fucking mukholovka, oriental highway, Indian Pitt, and others.

On O. Cyusu and the adjacent Islands there are Japanese Macak, Belogruda Bear, Badger, Japanese Sable, Retal Dog, Fox, Spotted Deer, Japanese Sereu, Kaban, Squirrel, Japanese and Small Letters, Chipmunk, Panus, Forest Mice, Japanese Sonya, Gray Polevka, Hare, White, Asian Water Breeding, Mogeler, Japanese Earthing Moles, Birds - Copper Pheasant, Synchronous Bird, Tangerinka, Mustache, Peganka, etc., from the reptiles - Yakusimsky currents (endemic heckon).

Japanese Macau, Belogruda Bear, Spotted Deer, Japanese Serua, Caban, Badger, Japanese Sable, Caban, Liser, Liser, Japanese and Small Dog, Squirrel, Burund, Hare, Rat Puck, Forest Mouse, Japanese Sonya , whitegling, various types of burzubok, mogher, Japanese earther moles, from birds - Poogi, Copper Pheasant, etc.

Japanese Macak, Belogruda Bear, Fox, Japanese Serua, Badge, Japanese, Retold Dog, Japanese, Japanese, Forest, Japanese, Japanese, Forest, Japanese Sonya, Forest Mouse, Japanese Sonya, Radia Pumpshop, white, different types of burzubok, mogher, Japanese earther moles.

Among the numerous birds, the Berkut, Green and Copper Pheasants are highlighted, Japanese Charger, Japanese Strip, Japanese Keedrovka, East Wideworm, Tundry Partridge (above the forest border in the mountains), Poheress, Black-eyed Seagull. For mixed coniferous and large forests are characterized by crows, jokes, tits, oatmeal, fuses, greenflowers, frozards, slances, flies, rolling, sparrows.

Animal world O.Hokkido has a lot of common species with Far Eastern Taiga. Here are common brown bear, raccoon dog, caressing, ermine, Siberian sable, Siberian chipmunk, squirrel, bunny-white. In addition, a Japanese macaque is found, spotted deer, a local subspecies of northern food, flying, forest mice, red-gray and red waters, a gouring rat, a white cooker, burozobca. Among the birds are remarkable Japanese Three Paled Woodpecker, Zhelnaya, White Eagle, Fishille. In coniferous forests, chests, dubones, fisps, rumble glands.


The main feature, immediately striking, is the mainly preserved natural environment of the country. Each block of land, even squeezed among skyscrapers a tiny gentle brand, can be turned into a mini-reserve, any tiny pond or lawn may be a local shrine, followed by the whole district. Many carefully persistent historical monumentsBuildings and temples are dispersed throughout the country, so Japan makes an indelible impression on everyone who at least once visited this country.

The symbols of the country, millions of countries concentrated on all postcards and booklets about the country, are the largest "sacred gates" ("Toria") in Japan - Wooden gates (1875) of Izukushima sanctuary on the "sacred" island of Miyazim, standing right in the water in a small bay (the monastery itself, one of the most revered shrines of Japan, also stands on the piles right in water), as well as famous mountain Fuji (Fujiyima, 3 776 m.) - One of the most beautiful volcanoes in the world, surrounded by no less picturesque surroundings.

The same symbol of the country is considered to be the bridge of Sato-Okhai (1988), peroxide through the inner Japanese Sea (SATO) from Honsu to Sikoku. Japan produces the best pearl in the world, so numerous "pearl farms" are both interesting tourist sites that visit to half a million foreign tourists per year.

  • Castle Inuyama
  • Cotion Cotion
  • Cumoto Castle
  • Tokyo Telbashnya
  • Currency exchange can be made at the airport at arrival, as well as in most branches of banks (there are also special currency exchange machines). The most favorable terms of exchange are usually offered at the airport, as in hotels the exchange rate - no more than $ 300 per person per day, and in banks the exchange procedure is often very formalized. Exchange currency "On the street" is impossible.

    Payment for credit cards is widespread (in a number of banknotes' restaurants are not accepted), however, the yen on foreign banks are issued only by mail ATMs (Japan Post) and several banks, Otal work only with local currency.

    Travel checks can also be freely cash in most large banks or hotels of international systems.

    Useful information for tourists

    Tips in Japan are not accepted. The number of traditions and rituals, mandatory or recommended compliance, is huge. Almost all areas of the country's life are permeated by a network of traditions and ceremonies.

    Handshakes are replaced by bow, and they are required to "return" with the same frequency and respect for which the other side demonstrates. Japanese are polite and warned in communication. The hospitality of the Japanese "in the blood". A direct failure is not accepted even if it is impossible to fulfill the request, therefore it is worth thinking about the feasibility of your wishes.

    It is often misled by the traditional smile of Japanese, especially women, with any circumstances - even a refusal or some unpleasant moment will be accompanied by a smile, which confuses many foreigners. At the same time, the familiarity (even too small distances between the interlocutors) is completely unacceptable and causes a sharply negative attitude from the Japanese. It is not recommended to watch the Japanese directly into the eyes, actively gesticulate - it is perceived as aggression. The "passion" of the Japanese to hygiene and cleanliness is widely known.

    Large importance plays dishes, table setting and decorative dishes. Before eating, it is customary to wipe the face and hands with a special hot wipe "OsiBori". Each dish is supplied to a specially designed dishes and takes a strictly defined place on the table, and an individual table is allocated for each person. Tableware and serving items are strictly divided into "men's" and "female".

    For sticks ("hassi" or "hashi") there is a separate stand, and they serve them in a special colorful paper case ("Has Bukuro"). "HACI" can not be crossed or stick in rice (this is associated with death), you can not specify with chopsticks on anything or swing them during meals - this is considered a sign of bad tone. You should not move the food on a plate or dishes on the table. Drinking "to the bottom" and pouring to yourself not accepted. It is recommended to fill a glass or a neighbor's pile, and he, in turn, should do the same for you.

    It is not necessary to smoke in public places, in offices, at stations and platforms railway, as well as in homes and cars without the permission of the owner.

    It is impossible to adopted by the waters on the straw mats "Tatami" - this is regarded as sacred. This is especially true of housing or to visiting temples. It should also be repaid into special slippers before and after visiting the toilet.


Japan - The state in East Asia, which is located on the 4 major islands: Kyushu, Honshu, Sikoku, Hokkaido, as well as the Islands of the archipelago of Ryuku and more than a thousand small islands. In the north is washed by the Okhotsk Sea, in the East - the Pacific Ocean and the East-Chinese Sea, in the West - the Korean Strait and the Japanese Sea. In the north it borders with Russia (Sakhalin, Kurila), in the south - with the Philippines, in the West and the North-West - with China and South Korea.

The name of the country comes from the ancient'ypon "Yamata" - "Country of Mountains."




126800 thousand people.

Administrative division

It is divided into 9 regions, 44 prefectures, the metropolitan district and 2 city prefectures.

Form of government

A constitutional monarchy.

Head of State

The emperor is a symbol of the unity of the nation, the real power does not possess.

Supreme legislative authority

Two-Parliament (Chamber of Representatives, elected for 4 years, and the Chamber of Advisors, the term of office of which is 6 years).

Supreme executive body

Cabinet ministers.

Big cities

Iokogama, Osaka, Nagoya, Sapporo, Kobe, Kyoto, Fukocoon, Kawasaki, Kituk.

Official language



Shintoism, Buddhism and Christianity.

Ethnic composition

99% - the Japanese, 0.5% - Koreans, 0.5%-cytaves and Ains (the remains of the indigenous population).


Yen \u003d 100 hay.


In the north of the country, the climate is moderate, and in the south - subtropical and tropical monsoon. Summer is sufficiently roast throughout the country - from + 30 ° C in the north to + 38 ° C in the south. In the summer, the maximum amount of precipitation falls - from 700 mm in the north to 1200 mm - in the south, while the humidity of the air is very high, frequent typhoon. average temperature In winter, low enough - from - 15 ° C on about. Hokkaido, up to - 5 ° С on about. Honsu and up to + 16 ° C on the archipelago Ryuku. At the same time falls large enough for so southern latitudes.


The vegetation world of Japan is diverse, which is due to the hot and wet summer for most of the territory. There are more than 17,000 species of plants in the country, of which Cherry Sakura and Plum are considered national. The most common tree is a Japanese cedar, a larch is also found, a few "Ko Society. On Kyushu, Sikoku and Honsu, subtropical species grow: bamboo, camphor laurel, banyan. In the central and northern parts of Honshu distributed deciduous (birch, walnut, Iva ), as well as a large quantity of coniferous trees.
In April, Azalea blooms, in May - Peonies. In November, chrysanthemums bloom - National Flower of Japan. The festivals of flowers are devoted annually.


There are about 140 species of mammals in the islands, 450 species of birds, a large number of Reptiles, amphibians and fish. From predators you can allocate a buzzing bear, a black bear and a red bear. Sprained mink, otter, curtain, hare, squirrel, flying protein. From birds predominate swallow, cuckoo, sparrow, thrush, duck, heron, swan, becas, albatross, crane, woodpecker, pigeon, pheasant, and from singers - nightingale and bullfinch. Some animals endemic: Japanese Macak, Japanese spotted deer.

Rivers and lakes

The largest river - Sinano, Tona, Cups, Ten-Ri, Mogs on about. Honsu; Isiciri, Teso, Tokachi on about. Hokkaido, Esino - on about. Sikoku. Most big Lake - Biva - is located on Honsu.


In Tokyo - Vintage locks and temples, National Museum, Museum of Calligraphy, National Museum of Western Art, Museum of Japanese Folk Art, Museum-Treasury Maidi, Tokyo Telbashnya Height of 333 m, Zoo. In Kyoto - Nidze Castle, museums, more than 2000 vintage temples and shrines, imperial palace, Catusura Palace, Vintage Imperial Tombs and More. An integral part of the culture is traditional Japanese gardens, intended for contemplation. The subject of worship is Mount Fuji, which is 90 km west of the capital. In the territory, surroundingEducated national Park with numerous temples and shrines.

Useful information for tourists

Tips in Japan are not accepted. The number of traditions and rituals, mandatory or recommended compliance, is huge. Almost all areas of the country's life are permeated by a network of traditions and ceremonies.
Handshakes are replaced by bow, and they are required to "return" with the same frequency and respect for which the other side demonstrates. Japanese are polite and warned in communication. The hospitality of the Japanese "in the blood". A direct failure is not accepted even if it is impossible to fulfill the request, therefore it is worth thinking about the feasibility of your wishes. It is often misleading the traditional smile of Japanese, especially women, with any circumstances - God, the refusal or some unpleasant moment will be accompanied by a smile, which confuses many other wanders. At the same time, the familiarity (even too small distances between the interlocutors) is completely unacceptable and causes a sharply negative attitude from the Japanese. It is not recommended to watch the Japanese directly into the eyes, actively gesticulate - it is perceived as aggression. The "passion" of the Japanese to hygiene and cleanliness is widely known.
Large importance plays dishes, table setting and decorative dishes. Before eating, it is customary to wipe the face and hands with a special hot wipe "OsiBori". Each dish is supplied to a specially designed dishes and takes a strictly defined place on the table, and an individual table is allocated for each person. Tableware and serving items are strictly divided into "men's" and "female". For sticks ("hassi" or "hashi") there is a separate stand, and they serve them in a special colorful paper case ("Has Bukuro"). "HACI" can not be crossed or stick in rice (this is associated with death), you can not specify with chopsticks on anything or swing them during meals - this is considered a sign of bad tone. You should not move the food on a plate or dishes on the table. Drinking "to the bottom" and pouring to yourself not accepted. It is recommended to fill a glass or a neighbor's pile, and he, in turn, should do the same for you.
It is not necessary to smoke in public places, in offices, at stations and railway platforms, as well as in homes and cars without master permission.
It is impossible to adopted by the waters on the straw mats "Tatami" - this is regarded as sacred. This is especially true of housing or to visiting temples. It should also be repaid into special slippers before and after visiting the toilet.

See also: