Is it true that Titanic build 2. Above the front staircase

The legendary dream ship Titanic sank after a collision with iceberg in the northern part Atlantic Ocean In 1912, more than a hundred years ago. A mysterious ship is devoted to many stories, guesses and other ages, but what to talk only the film with the participation of Leonardo Di Caprio gathered all the imaginable awards and received the transcendental popularity. In general, mad interest in the history of Titanic did not fade in the minds of people since the catastrophe. Therefore, the Australian billionaire Clive Palmer (CLIVE PALMER) decided to create a full-featured copy of the ship.

Clive Palmer Blue Star Line plans to release a full-featured and physically identical copy of the ship in 2018, calling him Titanic II

In the new Titanic, everything will be recreated with historical accuracy, with the exception of adding modern security and the latest navigation equipment

The project promises to do the company by more than $ 430 million

Like the original Titanic II ship will have 270 m in length and 53 m wide. To get closer to the original wishing to get to the ship will be offered tickets of the first, second and third class

So the ship will look from the inside, after it is built. Compare the detailed accuracy of the new Titanic with archival photos of the original ship's interior:

Main staircase

"Cafe Parisienne", the restaurant will be located in the first class, together with white wicker seats.

Titanic was one of the first ships with a complex of Turkish baths on board. Water was loaded directly from the open ocean and heated to the desired temperature.

First-class dining room

Luxury first class apartments


It will be reported, it will be equipped with modern navigation equipment.

First class smoker, then in her it was possible only to men

Dining room for the second and third grade

Even the gym will be recreated in the same retro style

Other images of Titanic II prepared by Blue Star Line:

Communication Department

Turkish sauna


Main staircase

Over the front staircase

First class room

If Titanic II will be released in 2018, his first route will be a cruise from Jiangsu, east China, Dubai, UAE, instead of the route of the original ship from Southampton, England, New York, USA

The ship plans to accommodate 2435 passengers and 900 crew members (which is slightly larger than the original Titanic)

In order for anyone to swim on the door and with a fading of the heart let go of Jack's hand, an enlarged container boats will be installed on the ship

Let's see how the fate of the new Titanic begins, because if you do not know, then because of the collision with Iceberg of the original Titanic in 1912, about 1,500 passengers and crew members died

In 2018, we are expecting one of the most high-profile world events. Titanic II will be launched! Did you think that we are talking about a new film of the legendary James Cameron? Take above - it will be an absolute copy of the legendary liner, recreated up to the smallest elements! Is that electronics and amenities will be somewhat changed in order to respond to the last word of science and technology. Let's figure out who decided to implement such an ambitious project, and we learn the news from the shipyard, on which construction is being built!

Titanic-2: Conceptual model of a new liner

Titanic-2 creation history

The idea of \u200b\u200brecreation of Titanic came to many, but not everyone could solve and find funds for such a large-scale project. Claiv Palmer was decided to embody the dream of a dream - a billionaire from Australia, whom compatriots are often referred to as a real madman. Spontaneous Palmer ideas have long become a parable of his homeland.

So, one day he wanted to try himself as a deputy. No sooner said than done! Without unnecessary doubts, Palmer became a sponsor of the conservative party, and soon he was already sitting in the hall of parliamentarians. After some time, the billionaire was carried away by the "Park of the Jurassic period", which led to the creation of a whole fleet in Australia with mechanical dinosaurs on a scale of 1: 1.

Previous Children Klywa Palmer - Park with Mechanical Dinosaurs

The history of the cruise ship "Titanic", sunken in 1912, having taken with him the lives of almost one and a half thousand passengers, has long been occupied by the thoughts of extravagant rich. This is not surprising - not only Palmer is a fan of this miracle engineering thought. All over the world there are a millionth army of Titanic fans, because it has long become not just a sunken ship, but the legend and the whole cultural phenomenon of the twentieth century.

At the same time, many say that Palmer is not so simple, and the construction of a new liner is not just the incarnation of the dream of a bored rich. In addition to nickel and coal mines, fashionable resorts And amusement park, Australian owns tourist business. Titanic-2 fits into the concept of his business and will become an excellent advertising flagship of the whole fleet of liners in the Palmer tourist empire.

Scandals around the new Titanic

The project implies not just to recreate the appearance and internal decoration with fashionable cabins, crystal chandeliers, pools, Turkish baths and chic restaurants. Even the name of the construction company engaged in construction, almost completely coincides with the original name of the engineering firm of the beginning of the 20th century!

Recall that the British transatlantic steamer of the 1912 sample was created by WHITE Star Line masters. Blue Star Line is engaged in the construction of the modern version of this ship, specially created for this as Astralian. The main role in the embodiment of the idea about the new Titanic is played by a large Chinese shipbuilder CSC Jingling Shipyard, who was previously never engaged in designing passenger ships, for many years, delivering only huge cargo ships on the market for marine freight.

However, this cooperation is not accidental - the fact is that CSC Jingling Shipyard is an old business partner of the Australian billionaire belonging to the number of powerful coal magnates of modernity. It was not without curiosities. According to the initial plans of the Palmer, construction should have been completed in 2016.

However, the implementation of a large-scale project demanded more time than planned. In addition, the number of people who want to make the first cruise on the new titanium increased every day, ultimately reaching the size of the passenger list, which the first Titanic could boast. According to Palmer statements, some people are ready to part with a whole million dollars, just to become the first passengers of the ship!

Titanic-2 will be the loudest entertainment attraction of 2018

In total, more than 40 thousand people demonstrated their interest in the purchase of tickets. And it is only in the first days of the announcement! All this demanded the project's finob and tightened the construction of construction. And, while the Australian pulls his brainchilding on the water, he gradually overtake competitors from the Middle Kingdom of Seven Star Energy. They recreate their own Titanic Version at the shipbuilder shipbuilding shipyards.

It is already known that a weighty amount of 161.3 million dollars will be invested in this project. True, the Chinese version of Titanic will not swim anywhere, and will become the central element of the new thematic Park Entertainment. However, joker still say that while Palmer is swinging, the Chinese will finish their Titanic II in 2017, and the Australian will be content with only the third number in this list.

It is worth saying that the Palmer project caused not only admiration, but also a negative reaction. The descendants of the passengers who died with the terrible crash of 1912 were already accused of Australian and Chinese investors in an insensitiousness and thirst for accompanying, going beyond morality.

Development of Blue Star Line against the background of other passenger ships

Titanic-2: Will there be differences?

According to current security requirements, the new liner will be wider than its predecessor than its predecessor, which will eventually add a tuning of a ship 10%. As a result, a real transatlantic monster with nine decks, 270 meters of length, 53 - widths and 840 cabins should be obtained. The ship's housing will now be welded, and not fixed with rivets, as the veins century ago. The ship will be equipped with a mini-hospital and located on the deck of the helicopter platform.

As for the internal "filling" of the ship, then, of course, the engineering solutions used will include all the developments of modern science and engineering. Steam engine and black-workers with coal will replace the "heart" on diesel. The ship is stupid by the most modern navigation systems and satellite communications, and also supply escalators. As for modern entertainment and communications for passengers, then, according to one sources, the Wi-Fi coating will be provided on the liner.

However, there are other information in the press: allegedly Palmer wished the passengers to be deprived of the Internet and television for full immersion in the atmosphere of the beginning of the 20th century. Passengers of the new Titanic will be able to try out the outfits of the last century, which will be provided to them on board. Without a change, the classiness of the cabin will remain unchanged - as in the legendary progenitor, there will be three classes in the existence versions located on different decks.

Recreation of first class cabins from Titanic
Paris-style deck cafe
Foyer design with natural wood trim
Shipping table
Steering cutting: Main ship management post
Retro gym

Perhaps one of the most important differences was the presence of a larger number of lifeboats, which were stranged passengers sadly famous flight. A new cruise vessel, which accommodates 2345 passengers and 900 team members, is equipped with boats sufficient to evacuate 2,700 people, and damage that will be able to accommodate another 800 passengers.

We already laughed with a glimpse of the fact that the Chinese shipbuilding plant "Jinlin" conducted all the necessary preparatory work and is ready to start building the modern version of the famous ocean liner "Titanic". And in fact, everything turns out to be more than serious!

Soon the world will see "Titanic II" - but not a film, but a real ship. He will build a witty Australian billionaire Clive Palmer. He declared the desire to create a copy of the legendary liner in April last year, and so everyone was convinced that the Australian did not joke: the public presented the drawings of the future ship.

According to the project, the liner length will be 270 meters, the weight is 40 thousand tons, there will be 9 decks on the ship with 850 cabins. Titanic II is designed for 2,600 passengers, including 900 crew members. Unlike the owners of the first "Titanic", Palmer plans to renew its ship to rescue: on board there will be 18 motor boats with a capacity of 150 people each plus two rafts on which 400 people will fit. The ship will be done in China, and the representative of the Deltamarin participating in the project of the Finnish shipbuilding office has already promised that "Titanic II" will be "the safest cruise liner in the world". Again?

Main staircase. (AP PHOTO / BLUE STAR LINE)

It is assumed that the new "Titanic" will repeat the route of its predecessor, only this time it seems to be with a successful outcome. The external and internal appearance of the ship duplicate the features of the prototype: classic interiors, a lot of wood, heavy curtains and four smoking pipes over the upper deck. Clive Palmer even thinks of leaving his passengers without television and the Internet to match the era, but the air conditioners will still put allowed.

Dining room 3rd grade. (AP PHOTO / BLUE STAR LINE)

To create an entourage, the billionaire is going to divide the cabins in classes - from the first to the third - and prohibit the puzzles of passengers from the third grade into luxury restaurants and casinos for the rich. "It will allow you to imagine yourself in a movie," says Palmer. At the same time, guests will hand out costumes of the corresponding era, their cost will be included in the cruise price. To give passengers a chance to try yourself in different roles, Palmer plans to sell special combined tickets with which you can live in the cabins of different class.

The cost of tickets has not yet been announced, but Australian said that he had already received a number of proposals to pay for a trip to the "Titanic" to a million dollars.

In its first sailing from Southampton to New York "Titanic II" will go in 2016, the journey will last six days.

Gym. (AP Photo / Blue Star Line)

Clive Palmer earned his condition, buying mines and mines in Australia, and now some of the money he is ready to spend on the idea of \u200b\u200ball his life: he wants to build a new "Titanic", an accurate copy of the old liner.

"I am inserting into it, because I want to spend money before death. Children will remain enough. I have enough money to build this ship. "

Clive Palmer holds a press conference dedicated to the construction of Titanic's replica, New York, USA, February 26, 2013. (AP Photo / Seth Wenig)

Turkish sauna. (AP Photo / Blue Star Line)

General view of the press conference. Blue Star Line)

"Titanic-2" will completely resemble the original ship. Even the pipes will leave, although inside the Australian millionaire's new liner intends to put the latest engines, navigation systems and rescue tools should be enough with a margin. Otherwise, the liner will be as if the beginning of the twentieth century began with the beginning of the twentieth century: the decoration of the cabin, the finish is going to restore the original drawings. Tickets will sell in classes as insert. And the third and second class, the entrance to the first deck will be prohibited.


Helen Benzierger, Rights Margaret Brown: "My Praprabablushka would be in line with a ticket. She would like this idea. "

Others believe that Palmer has a bad taste, and he just earns its capital on the old tragedy. Moreover, by maritime traditions, new ships are trying not to call the names of the victims of the victims.

But the millionaire considers it all prejudice and assures that even global warming works on Titanic-2. Now Find Aisberg in the same latitudes where the first one came up with him, it is much more difficult. However, to declare at a press conference that his liner would be unspected, he still did not risk. "Titanic-2" will be built in China, and in 2016 he must go to his first voyage from the English South Gempton in New York.

Link to an article with which this copy is made -

Meanwhile, Titanic 2 is built in China with impact rates

"Chinese Titanic" - all about the project.

1) What is "Chinese Titanic"?
This is a floating entertainment hotel, conceived as a "Copy of Titanic", which began to build in November 2016 and which will be located in the Chinese Romanks Entertainment Park on the Sichuan Province River.

2) This project has any attitude to "Titanic 2" Clive Palmer?
No, these are completely different projects. The Palmer project assumed the construction of a ship, which would be a move and could cross the ocean. "Chinese Titanic" will only be a floating ship on a joke, which will not move away from the fleet of entertainment.

3) What happened to "Titanic 2", the project is frozen?
No, the project is not even frozen, as it is written in Wikipedia, the project is closed finally. Initially, he originated in 2012, but by 2015 completely "blown out" and died. There are several reasons: the disadvantage of Chinese partners who had to build a ship and some technical difficulties. But the most important thing is the actions of Palmer himself. He is an active Australian politician, therefore, most likely, all this hype was needed to attract the media attention to his own person. Moreover, fraudulent actions related to the activities of his companies, he even threatens criminal prosecution for this reason. So it is obvious that more project "Titanic 2" development will not receive. It is closed.

4) What exactly will be "Chinese Titanic"?
As already mentioned above, it is a floating hotel, which is built as a practically real ship, but there will be no power installation. The exterior of the copy, according to the officials of the leaders, will try as close as possible to the original, as far as possible (although "decks will still be forced with modern equipment"). The interiors also remind the original will be only distantly. The main historical consultant of the project Bruce Beveridge was most accurate about the "insides" of the "Chinese Titanic":

"In general words, the" Chinese Titanic "will be a hybrid 1912 and 2017. All rooms at the hotel will have to meet the comfort standards adopted in 2017, so it is impossible to place cabins as it was on the original "Titanic". For example, flat televisions will be hidden behind the cabin trim panels, each room has its own bathroom, etc. It is for this reason that it will be impossible to recreate everything as on the original "Titanic".

At the same time, in the "Chinese Titanic", certain places will be recreated with complete historical accuracy. Mostly, this will be premises located on the path of sightseeing tourist groups. The complete list of these premises is not yet approved yet, but on this moment There is already included bridge, steering cutting, a radio, two officer cabins (not captain), super supersubs on deck in and at least one cabin 2nd and 3rd grades. We also planned the construction of copies of the engine room and boiler room No. 1. Perhaps there will be other premises, it will be known later. "

But in general, in the first place there will be a modern hotel with all components, and only then - "Titanic" as a story.

5) Will the "Chinese Titanic" be faced with "Iceberg" and "sink"?
Indeed, initially the Chinese wanted to embody this idea, as it seemed to them funny, and many of them were generally considered that "Titanic" is just a movie Cameron. And only after joining the historian of Bruce Bewerja, the Chinese understood how much for the rest of the world "Titanic" is important as part of the story that it is not fun, but a real tragedy. As a result, it was decided to abandon such an idea, and now it will be just a floating hotel.

6) When will the construction of the "Chinese Titanic" end?
According to the project executives, the company's commissioning is scheduled for 2019. Judging by the speed of construction, this date sounds the most believable.


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