Arrangement of chairs on the plane. Best places in the plane

The landing number is not specified. Please note that in your ticket, in the "Status / Status" column, there is an "OK" mark - this means that the place behind you is guaranteed by the air carrier. During registration you will be given a boarding passage with the exact indication of your place in the cabin.

Many airlines provide online booking of the desired places when buying passengers from air tickets. The service also assumes receipt by the Passenger of the landing coupon 23 hours before the departure of the flight. The presence of the landing coup on the hands frees you from the need to queue when registering and allows you to immediately go to the plane landing.

This offer is not really for all tariffs, information on reserving places for each tariff clarify from managers.
Some airlines, to accelerate the passage of registration with passengers, on online sites provide online registration services. All passengers with a valid electronic air ticket can take advantage of this service.

By purchasing a ticket directly from sales manager, subject to the availability of "map places", you may also provide the ability to choose the desired place.

During registration, you can inform the airline agent about your preferences regarding the place you would like to occupy during the flight. We advise you to arrive at the airport to the top of the registration, which will give you the opportunity to choose more comfortable placesAlso, at your request, the operator may show you on the screen the location of free places on the aircraft.

Often at the airline airports for the convenience of its passengers, self-registration kiosks are installed, with the help of which you can independently register on the flight carried out by this airline, choose planting place With further printing of the landing coupon.

Depending on the models of aircraft, the location of the places in their salons differ (by the number of rows, distance between seats). A detailed information about the layout of the aircraft you need can be found on the websites of airlines, in the booklets presented by them or in airars. Information about the model of the aircraft and the flight number is also specified in the ticket.

On the plane, places may be marked as Latin and Russian letters. The designation of places of the unequivocal letter A always indicates their location by the porthole. The letter with with any layout of the passenger compartment indicates location of places in the passage. Be careful when choosing places with letters B and E.

As a rule, evening and morning flights are overwhelmed, we advise you if you can fly by daylights, which will allow you, with the resolution of flight attendants, choose more comfortable free spaces.

About one of the most popular airbus A320 airlines. We wrote a lot. Detailed review You can read, but about the choice of the best places in the liner -.

Now we will consider the private event case of the Eirs Bas A320, namely, which uses on its flights. In total, in the aircraft fleet of this airline 80 A320 aircraft.

Let's look at the airbus A320 cabin schemes available on the Aeroflot website.

For convenience, you will show one of them schematically and discerning which places it is best to book, and which you should not take or take in the very least.

I note, if quite recently in Aeroflote everything aircraft The A320 had the same configuration, now they are already two. The difference is only in the ratio of places of business and economic classes. Let's preserve both these schemes and see where the best places in the Airbus A320 Aeroflot and where you will be more comfortable during the flight.

Salon AIRBUS A320 Salon Aeroflot. Option 1

Places in 1-5 row.These are places of business class. In these narrow-body airplanes "Aeroflot", the step between rows in business is not very large, if compared with the wide-body far-haul airbus A330. However, the "business class" is "business class". Note several features of the first row:

  • 1. No one will catch off the back of your seat, as the angle of inclination of business chairs is large enough, it is important.
  • 2. Before you on the wall there are fasteners for children's crackers. Therefore, there is a chance that passengers with young children will be in the neighborhood. Although in the business class it is extremely rare and rather an exception to the rules.
  • 3. The chairs in the first row there is no "footboard", this is such a comfortable footrest. On these aircraft, it is installed under the seat standing ahead.

Places in 6 row. Located in front of the partition, which is discharged business class from the economic class of passenger service. These seats also have several features, both positive and negative:

  • 1. As in the first row of the business class, no one will cover your seat on you. In the economy class it is even more important, since the distance between the rows is minimal.
  • 2. Power you get the first, as passenger service begins with your series.
  • 3. Places for knees is enough, but hard to pull the legs forward will not work.
  • 4. The wall has fasteners for children's crackers, so the neighborhood with babies maybe.
  • 5. Some passengers are not very comfortable to watch the wall.

Perhaps this is all the features of the 6th row in this configuration. It is worth it or not to book these places to solve you.

Places in 8 row.These places are worse than the standard economy class places, as emergency exits are immediately behind them. Because of this back, the seats do not recline or have a strong limitation.

Places in 9 row. The backs in this row are also blocked, however, there is one very significant advantage. The distance to 8 rows is increased, so there is a lot of free place. Neighbors will not disturb you strongly, if they want to get up from their places. Places a and f a little worse due to the fact that they are near the emergency hatch.

Places 10a and 10f On these chairs of sufficient legs, and the backs are standardly folded. However, due to the immediate proximity to the emergency door, the chair does not have one armrest. And the manhole design itself repeats a bit.

Places in 10. row B, C, D, E Best places Economic class on board. They are also called places of high comfort. The backs of the chairs calmly lean away, a lot of feet. You will be very comfortable here during the flight.

Remember that these places have small restrictions! Manual sting can not be placed in the legs and under the seats, blocking the passage to the hatches.

Add that at 9 and 10 rows you can not fly passengers with children and animals, passengers with limited features and older people.

24 row, places C and D - The proximity to the toilets can deliver inconvenience.

Last 25 rows. Some backs of the chairs in this row do not lean, and the proximity to the toilets is not the most pleasant neighborhood.

Near you will constantly walk "those who want", and sometimes - to form small queues. Accompanying all these sounds of the clapping door and the descent tank will also not add pleasant impressions during the flight.

Register to such places in the mostst of the same thing, when there are no other options!

Best airbus sites A320 Aeroflot. Option 2.

Aeroflot company operates 63 aircraft model AIBUS A320-200. This is the most numerous model at Aeroflot. The liners were obtained from the manufacturer and were not exploited in other airlines. The first aircraft was delivered to the company in October 2003. The youngest aircraft from this series made a flight in November 2013. We can assume that the A320 liners only passed the running.

Airplanes go in two configurations. The first, it is the most common, interferes with 140 passengers. Of these, 20 seats are given under the business class, the remaining 120 seats are the economic class. The second configuration is 158 seats, of which the business class accounts for 8 seats and 150 seats is the economic class.

Schemes of airplanes are taken from the company official website: reference. AT this review We will analyze the model for 140 seats.

Location of the best places in Eirsbas A320

Row 1-5. Business class aircraft. These are the best and most comfortable places On the plane, which are only 20. Chairs are pair, two pairs in each row. At the same time, the first row is considered the most comfortable, since there is no other number of seats in front of it, which means there are many expanses for the legs. However, the distance between rows in business class and so large (more than 100 cm), so we will not consider it a big advantage. But the fact that no one will open the chair on you - quite another thing.

Row 6. The first number of the economic class of the A320 airbus, which is separated from the business by the partition. Some of the most comfortable places in this class. That is, your reasons:

  1. There is no side in front, it means there is an additional footpace.
  2. No row in front - it means that no one will catch off the chair.
  3. If you fly with a small child, then you are only in this series, as there are mounts for the cradle.
  4. There is no extra fuss and walking, as the toilets and the kitchen are far behind.

There are also cons. These places often book passengers with children, and this is an additional noise. The second point - the places are quickly disassembled, so you need to book in advance. Finally, the third moment is the entire road before the eyes will be partition. Although the overview from the window is good here.

Row 8. The diagram indicates brown. Not the best places to fly. An emergency exit is just behind the row, so the chairs are limited in folding. Finding in one position can greatly spoil the impression from the flight.

Row 9. Also as in the 8th row of the chair are limited in folding. However, the distance to a series of front is quite large, therefore additional space for the legs appears (more than in standard rows).

A number 10. The Aeroflot scheme is indicated as places of high comfort. Indeed, these are the best places in the Economy class AIRBUS A320. A lot of space for the legs (from a number of in front of the emergency exit), no one will hurt the chair. Good view From the porthole. You need to book such places in advance.

Row 15. View from the window. Exit to the wing of the aircraft, so if you are important to contemplate the beauty of the flight - it is better to choose another place.

Series 24. Minuses in the tail this aircraft The fact that the toilets are here are the only class in the economy. It turns out that if the plane is complete, the end of the last rows is the endless walking of passengers. The queues, pushing elbows, bustle - will not bring joy even the most patient man.

A number 25. The worst places in this layout. Behind the row only toilets in which the entire plane goes. Places C and D and worse, as they are extreme to the passage. The biggest movement on board will be just in this place. Adds negative and the fact that the backs of the chairs are limited in folding from the partition from the toilet.

Before you start choosing a place in the aircraft cabin via the Internet or at the front desk (in this case, if you come first, you can give good places), you should know what place, the number and number you want to get. There are diagrams of various aircraft models.

The location of the places on the same models of aircraft of different airlines do not differ, that is, the location of Aeroflot and Transaero places are identical, with the exception of aircraft equipped with individual orders of companies (for example, with bedrooms).

Where and how to find out the location of places in the plane.

The network has a special service, called. Schemes are collected here large number Airplanes flying different flights with passenger reviews. With the help of Sitgur, you can accurately determine which places in the cabin are located near the porthole or partition, and where the wings are blown overview.

Green color marked comfortable places, red - uncomfortable.

Places in the plane are distributed like this:

  1. when booking a ticket for a fee (rarely free);
  2. during registration (the place is indicated in the landing coupon);
  3. for online registration (per day before departure).

You can also find out on the airline's website about the possibility of choosing a place in the plane.

When booking or registering on the screen, look at the cabin scheme where busy and free places are visible.

Configuration of salons of some aircraft of Russian airlines.

Boeing-777: Standard interior layout on 9-chairs in a row, in the center of the 5th chairs. Two-year comfortable passenger salon: first class (10-chairs), economy class (200 chairs). Equipped with individual multimedia video and audio systems (playing sound through its own headphones).

Tu-154 with a capacity of 140-180 passengers. Arrangement of chairs in row 3 + 3, pass in the middle. In the Tu-154 standard layout (two-class-class) comfortable places in, in the 7th, 9th row of economy class, next to emergency exit. In a classless charter version, good places in the 1st row of 4f and 4e (there are no chairs in front of them), the 3rd and 4th row is good because the step of the chairs is more than the standard, the 33rd range of emergency exit. Places10 ABB (ABC) and 11 where (DEF) are not recommended - the backs, a narrow step of the chairs, are not folded.

IL-86, IL-96 Arrangement of Chairs 3 + 3 + 3. Best places in the 1st, 15th (ABC and GHI), 16-M (DEF) rows, and also in the 33rd (lack of chairs next to them). In14, there are no portholes.

A340 Airbus: Economy Chairs are located 8-m in a row (circuit 2-4 -2). Thus, any passenger is separated from the passage by one chair.

In two-salon aircraft (business and economy salon) IL-86, Tu-134, Tu-154 business class is located from the 1st to 8-9 places. Economy class end-to-end numbering, places after the 8-9th. IL-96 is also a two-class, although consists of three salons. In three-salon aircraft A-310 for long flights, there is both the first class. Boeing unlike domestic crashes have the best performance characteristics, but have less capacity. We draw your attention to the fact that in tickets, which are issued in accordance with IATA standards ( International Association air carriers) Count Class determines the quota of places in the cabin: first class A, F, P; Business class C, D, I, J, Z; economy class B, H, K, L, M, N, Q, S, T, V, W, X, T, V, W, X, Y. Count Status determines the booking status: OK is a confirmed; NS for babies (without place); Open-open back departure date. The final choice of space can be inside the cabin: the flight attendant will translate you (if there are free places).

Places in the cabin of the aircraft are indicated by Latin or Russian letters, for example, 1A, 1B, 1C (1A - near the window, 1c - at the passage). Be careful with letters in and E.

Good airfare!

- How to feel comfortable in an airplane?
- Is it possible to sleep in an airplane?
- Where are the most comfortable places in the plane? ....

Such questions arise not only in those who are going to the long trip, but also in those who fly to Europe.
To write this article I came across the news received by newsletter from Aeroflot.

Everything written in this article will concern only passengers and an economy-class cabin. All written in this article - only my experience

Since I fly with a small manual backwood (Usually it is a portfolio with a laptop and a tablet), then enter the plane when declaring the landing - not hurry.
Did you drive into the drive? Damn with him. The main thing is not to remove from the flight.
I will sit until the last in the drive, until it starts to close the landing sleeve.
Why am I doing this?
Everything is simple: I'm waiting until the passengers sneak and at the entrance to the plane it will be seen: how many empty spaces are and how they are located on the aircraft salon.

Accidentally sit in business

After entering the plane - to sit on free space in business class.
I have it worked in Alitalia and Iberia aircraft: having tickets to the economy class I flew in business class.
But in 99% of cases it will not work.
On board there is a list of passengers and flight attendants with the list, drive out "Zaitsev" from the business.

But there is nothing terrible in this: it's not a crime to sit on my place.
Just silently leave in economy.
One bad thing: in economy during your stay in business can take good free spaces.

Emergency exit

Sit in the economy class salon in emergency exit.
It gives you a foot space and the absence of a number of squeezing children.
For example, a good option to quietly fly 6-8 hours is a landing in the middle row of the A330 aircraft with a 2-4-2 layout.

Other options to find comfort on distant night flights:

When laying 2-4-2 A330 and in the presence of completely free fourths, it would be nice to sit on the average middle-row chair (if you drive one), sit down together and in the presence of a certain number of free plaids to settle down in two tiers: one on the floor under the armchairs, the other on Chairs, lifting armrests.
It is uncomfortable on two sleeps: do not fully be placed, and people can sleep can sleep.

On airplanes B747 layout 3-4-3 on the bottom deck.
But sometimes the economy class is located on the upper deck.
Once so flew Airfrance from Havana to Paris.
He received places in the salon economy-comfort giving 50 dollars when registering to the flight of senior shift.
Salon upstairs 3-3-3 and windows have a shelf separating you from the window of centimeters to 20 - it is very convenient to throw legs when the light roses.
With the light, I do not recommend that the legs become visible in front of a sitting passenger.

On the night flight Tranzaero from New York In Moscow, as soon as the stewards repaid the light and diverged in their places, I did not advertise my intentions passed for the curtain and slept in business until the breakfast was announced.
Also an option.

Airbus 319.
Emergency output: 8 row
Places "Comfort Plus": 8 BCDE
Wide step: 6, 8 rows
Next backs: 7, 21 rows
Wire no armrest at the window (emergency exit): 8 AF

Airbus 320.
Places for crackers, wide armrest: 6 row
Emergency exits: 9, 10 rows
Places "Comfort Plus": 10 BCDE
Wide step: 6, 9, 10 rows
No backrests: 8, 9, 25 rows
Wire no armrest at the window (emergency exit): 9 AF, 10 AF

Airbus 321.
Emergency exits: 8, 19 rows
Places "Comfort Plus": 8 ABCDEF, 19 BC DE, 20 AF
Wide step: 8, 19, 20 AF
Backs: 7, 18, 31 rows
Armrests do not rise: 8, 19 row, 20 AF
Notes: 31C - for the crew

Airbus 330-200
Silence Places: 11 AC FG HK, 24 De FG
Emergency Outputs: 24 AC, HK
Places "Comfort Plus": 24 AC, HK
Wide step: 8, 19, 20 AF rows
No backs: 12 Defg, 23 row, 36 Achk, 37 DFG
Armrests: 12 DG, 24 AC DG HK
No monitor: 12 g
Notes: 4 AC, 36 HK - for the crew. Before Nearby 24 is a toilet

Airbus 330-300.
Places for crackers, wide armrest: 11 AC EF HK, 29 DEFG
Emergency Outputs: 29 AC HK
Places "Comfort Plus": 29 CH
Do not fold back: 28 Defg, 45 DFG
Notes: 6 AC, 44 HK - for extra. crew. Before near 29 A and 29 K - emergency gearboxes, narrow seats due to wide armrests

Everything written above does not concern the aircraft of some low cost airlines (Low Cost), which take money for choosing a place when buying a ticket.
Therefore, in the airplanes of these airlines, you need to sit in the forefront so as you have a ticket without place. 5/5 ( 26 )

55.8562504 37.493806

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