Report about Russian travelers of the 19th century. Russian travelers of the first half of the XIX century

The work of the famous French writer Jules Verne (1828-1905) - "History of Great Travels" - Dedicated Stories geographic discoveries From ancient times before the start of the forties of the XIX century.

The third book is "XIX century travelers." This book includes descriptions of Kruzenshtern travel, Kotseb, Litch, Dumont, Yurville, Bellinshausen, Parry, Franklin and other outstanding researchers. In addition, Jules Verne illuminates the history and less well-known expeditions.

Part I.

Chapter first. At the dawn of the discovery


Reducing the number of geographic discoveries during Napoleonic wars. - Travel of Zetzen in Syria and Palestine. - Hauran and Travel around Dead Sea. - Decapolis. - Travel in Arabia. - Burkhardt in Syria. - Travel to Nubia along the banks of the Nile. - Pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina. - British in India. - Webb at the origins of Ganges. - Travel description in Punjab. - Christie and Potinger in Cinda. - Travel of the same researchers in Beloohistan and Persia. - Elfinston in Afghanistan. - Murkroft's trip and Hersi to Lake Manasarovar. - Hodgeson at the origins of Ganges. - Persia according to the descriptions of Gardana, hell. Dupre, Morker, McDonald Kinner, Price and Uzli. - Guldenshtedt and Claprot in the Caucasus. - Lewis and Clark in the Rocky Mountains. - Rafls on Sumatra and on Java.

At the end of the XVIII and at the beginning of the XIX centuries, the number of great geographical discoveries decreases markedly.

We know that the French Republic organized an expedition to Laperz's search and sent Captain Boden in sailing to the shores of Australia, which gave important results. This exhausted the manifestation of interest in geography, which among the raging passions and wars could allow himself a government.

Later in Egypt, Bonaparte surrounds itself to the whole headquarters of outstanding scientists and artists. Then there were materials for magnificent labor, which for the first time gave faithful, although the incomplete understanding of ancient civilization In the country of Pharaoh. However, when Napoleon finally appeared in Bonaparte, the egoistic lord, subordinating all his disgusting passion for war, did not want to hear about research, travel and discoveries. After all, they would take away from him and money and people. And he himself spent something else in such a quantity that he could not afford to afford the useless waste. Therefore, he lost to the United States for just a few million last remnants of French colonial possessions in America.

Fortunately, peoples remained in the world, not subject to its iron hand. Although these countries led the incessant struggle with France, they were people who in their will have multiplied geographical knowledge, created archeology on a truly scientific foundation and started the first linguistic and ethnographic research.

In France, the scientist Geographer Maltbren in the article published by him in 1817 in the first issue of Nouvelles Annales Des Voyages magazine ("New Annals of Travels"), painstakingly and extremely accurately draws a state of geographic science to the beginning of the XIX century and lists its further tasks. He especially stops on the successes achieved in the field of navigation, astronomy and linguistics. The British is an EAS-India company not only does not hide his discoveries, as the Gulzova Gully company did from the fear of competition, but creates scientific societies, publishes travel magazines and encourages travelers. Even war contributes to science, we have already said that the French army was engaged in Egypt to collect materials for enormous scientific work. Soon, the impulse of noble competition covers all nations.

At the beginning of the XIX century, one country is put forward in the number of great geographical discoveries. This country is Germany. German researchers are so diligent, their will is so stubborn, and the instinct is so faithful that the subsequent travelers remain only to check and supplement their discoveries.

The first of the time was Ulrich Yasper Zetzzz. He was born in 1767 in Eastern Friesland, graduated from the University in Göttingen and published several work on statistics and on the natural sciences, to which an innate tendency was experienced. These articles paid the attention of government.

The skeleton of Zetzen - as subsequently and Burkhardt was a journey to Central Africa. But he had previously wanted to explore Palestine and Syria, the countries to which the Palestinian Society, founded in London in 1805, attracted all of all attention. Zetzzez scored more advisory letters and went to Constantinople in 1802.

Although many pilgrims and travelers have drawn into the holy land and in Syria, there were rarely vague information about these countries. The issues of physical geography were not studied with sufficient completeness. The collected information was scarce, and some areas, such as Lebanon and the Dead Sea, was still at all investigated. Comparative geographical study These countries are essentially not beginning. To lay its foundations, it took the zealous work of the English "Palestinian society" and the scientific experience of many travelers. But Zetzitz, who had versatile knowledge, was excellent for the study of this country, which, as long as it was attended, remained in fact an unknown.

Zetzen crossed all Anatoly and in May 1804 arrived in Haleb. There he lived for almost a year, engaged in the practical study of the Arabic language, making extracts from the works of Eastern geographers and historians and specifying the astronomical position of Haleba. In addition, he produced natural historical studies, collected ancient manuscript and translated a lot of folk songs and legends, which are important for close familiarization with the life of the people.

In April 1805, Zetzen left Chalaba to Damascus. At first he had to cross the Hauranian and Jolansky district, located on the south-east of this city. Before him, no traveler attended these two provinces that played a rather important role in the history of Jews during the times of Roman domination and then Ausartis and Gaulonitis. Titzen first gave us their geographical description.

The brave traveler also studied Lebanon and Baalbek. He went to the south from Damascus, reached Jews and explored the eastern part of Hermon, Jordan and the Dead Sea. There were sometime tribes, well-known in Jewish history - ammonites, Moabita, Galadites, Bathani and others. The southern part of the country in the era of Roman rule was called, and there was a famous December decapolis, that is, the Union of Ten Cities. " In a new time, no traveler attended to be reached. For Zetzen, this circumstance was the reason exactly from there to start his research.


Without Russian discovers, the world map would be completely different. Our compatriots - travelers and navigators - committed discoveries that have enriched world science. On the eight most notable - in our material.

First Antarctic Expedition Bellingshausen

In 1819, the navigator, the captain of the 2nd rank, Fadda Bellinshausen headed the first round-the-world Antarctic expedition. The purpose of the swimming was the study of the waters of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans, as well as evidence or refutation of the existence of the sixth mainland - Antarctica. Handling two gate - "peaceful" and "east" (under the command), Bellengauzen's detachment came out into the sea.

The expedition lasted 751 days and wrote a lot of bright pages in the history of geographic discoveries. The main thing is from them - it was done on January 28, 1820.

By the way, attempts to open a white mainland have been taken and earlier, but did not bring the desired success: there was not enough good luck, but maybe Russian perseverance.

So, the navigator James Cook, summing up its second round-the-world swimming, wrote: "I bypassed the ocean of a southern hemisphere in high latitudes and rejected the possibility of the existence of a mainland, which, if and can be detected, only near the pole in places inaccessible to swim."

During the Antarctic Expedition, Bellingshausen was opened and put on a map of more than 20 islands, the sketches were made by the types of Antarctic and animals living on it, and the navigator himself went down in history as a great discoverer.

"The name Bellingshausen can be directly put on a row with the names of Columbus and Magellan, with the names of those people who did not retreat before the difficulties and imaginary impossibility, created by their predecessors, with the names of people who went by their own way, and therefore were destroyed obstacles to discoveries, For whom the epochs are designated, "the German geographer August Peterman wrote.

Opening Semenova Tien Shanskaya

Central Asia at the beginning of the XIX century was one of the least studied areas of the globe. The indisputable contribution to the study of the "Unknown Earth" - so called Central Asia geographers - Pyotr Semenov introduced.

In 1856, the main dream of the researcher came true - he went with an expedition to Tien Shan.

"My work on Asian geography led me to a detailed acquaintance with all what was known about Internal Asia. Manil me in particular the most central of Asian mountain ranges - Tian-Shan, who had not yet arched the foot of the European traveler and which was known only on scarce Chinese sources. "

Semenov's study in Central Asia lasted two years. During this time, the origins of the Chu, Syrdarya and Sarah Jazz rivers, the tops of Khan Tengri and others struck the card.

The traveler set the location of the Tien Shan ridges, the height of the snowy line in the area and opened huge Tian-Shan Glaciers.

In 1906, the Emperor decree for the merits of the discoverer to his surname began to add a prefix - Tien Shansky.

Asia Przhevalsky

In the 70s and 1980s. XIX century Nikolai Przhevalsky headed four expeditions to Central Asia. This little learned area has always attracted a researcher, and the journey to Central Asia was his long-standing dream.

Over the years of research, mining systems were studied Kun Luna , Northern Tibet ridges, Huanghe and Yangtze, pools Cook Nora and Lob-Nora.

Przhevalsky was the second person after Marko Polo, who worked until Lake-Marsh Lob Nora!

In addition, the traveler opened dozens of plant species and animals, which are named after him.

"A happy fate made it possible to accomplish a random study of the least known and most inoperable countries of internal Asia," Nikolai Przhevalsky wrote in his diary.

Around Move Cruisesttern

The names of Ivan Kruzenshtern and Yuri Lisyansky became known after the first Russian round-the-world expedition.

For three years, from 1803 to 1806. - exactly so much lasted the first round light - ships "Hope" and "Neva", passing through Atlantic Ocean, conceded Cape Horn and then waters Pacific Ocean got to Kamchatka, Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. The expedition clarified the map of the Pacific Ocean, collected information about the nature and residents of Kamchatka and smoked.

During the swim, the Russian sailors first crossed the equator. Celebrated this event, according to tradition, with Neptune.

The sailor dressed in the Lord of the Seas, asked Kruzhenstern, for which he arrived here with his ships, because previously russian flag In these places have not seen. What the commander of the expedition answered: "For the glory of our science and the Fatherland!".

Forwarding Nevelsky

One of the prominent navigaters of the XIX century is considered to be Admiral Gennady Nevelsky. In 1849, in the transport vessel "Baikal" he goes to the expedition to the Far East.

Amur expedition lasts until 1855, during which time Nevelskoy made several largest discovers in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Lower Flow of Amur and Northern Coast Japanese Sea, joined Russia huge spaces of the Amur region and Primorye.

Thanks to the navigator, it became known that Sakhalin is an island, which is separated by the shipping Tatar Strait, and the mouth of the Amur is available for the entry of ships from the sea.

In 1850, the Nevsky squad was founded by the Nikolaev post, which is known today as Nikolaevsk-on-Amur.

"The opening of the opening of the opening is invaluable for Russia, - wrote Count Nikolay Amur Muravyev - The many preceding expeditions in these edges could reach European glory, but none reached the domestic benefit, at least to the extent that the Nevelsky performed. "

North Vilkitsky

The purpose of the northern hydrographic expedition Arctic Ocean 1910-1915 It was the development of the Northern Sea Route. By the will of the case of the duties of the head of the navigation, the captain of the 2nd rank Boris Wilkitsky took. The iceboat steamers "Taimyr" and "Vaigach" came out into the sea.

Wilkitsky moved the northern water area from the east to the west, and during the swimming time was able to make a genuine description northern coast Eastern Siberia and many islands, received the most important information about the current and climate, and also became the first one who made through swimming from Vladivostok to Arkhangelsk.

Expedition members opened the Earth Emperor Nikolai I. I., known today as a new land - this discovery is considered the last of the significant on globe.

In addition, thanks to Wilkitsky, the islands of the small Taimyr, Starokadovsky and Zhokhova were put on the map.

At the end of the expedition began the first world War. Traveler Ruhal Amundsen, having learned about the success of Vilkitsky's swimming, could not resist exclamation into his address:

"In peacetime, this expedition would be opened the whole world!"

Kamchatka Campania Bering and Chirikova

The second quarter of the XVIII century was rich in geographic discoveries. All of them were made during the first and second Kamchatka expeditions who perpetuated the names of Vitus Bering and Alexey Chirikov.

During the first Kamchatka campaign, Bering is the head of the expedition and his assistant Chirikov investigated and hit the Pacific Coast of Kamchatka and Northeast Asia on the map. Two Peninsulas were opened - Kamchatsky and Lake, Kamchatka Bay, Karagian Bay, the Bay of the Cross, the Bay of Providence and the island of St. Lawrence, as well as the Strait, which today wears the name of Vitus Bering.

Comraders - Bering and Chirikov - also headed the second Kamchatka expedition. The goal of the campaign was to find the path to North America and explore the islands of the Pacific Ocean.

In the Avachinsk Bay, the participants of the expedition laid Petropavlovsky Ostrog - in honor of the ships of Swimming "Saint Peter" and "Saint Paul" - which later renamed Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

When the ships went into swims to the shores of America, by the will of evil rock, Bering and Chirikov began to act in one way - because of the fog of their vessel lost each other.

"Saint Peter" under the start of Bering reached western coast America.

And on the way back of the participants of the expedition, a lot of difficulties fell on whose share, the storm was thrown into a small island. Here, the life of Vitus Bering, and the island, on which the expedition participants stopped, were named after Bering.
"Saint Paul" Chirikov also reached the shores of America, but for him the swimming ended more well - on the way back he opened a number of the islands of the Aleutian ridge and returned safely to Petropavlovsky Ostrog.

"Non-masted land" Ivan Moskvina

There is little about the life of Ivan Moskvin, however, this person still entered the story, and the reason for the new lands discovered by them.

In 1639, Moskvitin, heading the detachment of the Cossacks, went to the Far East. The main goal of the travelers was "finding new non-masted land", the collection of flies and fish. Cossacks overcame the Aldan River, May and South, discovered the Jugjur Ridge, separating the rivers of the Basin of Lena from the rivers flowing into the sea, and on the river Ulle went to Lamskoye, or the Okhotsk Sea. After examining the coast, the Cossacks opened the Tuyu lip and entered the Sakhalin Bay, having converted the Shartar Islands.

One of the Cossacks said that the rivers in open lands "Sable, the beast of all sorts of a lot, and fish, and the fish is big, there is no such fish in Siberia ... so much-de-her set - only the nem is launched and the ebony does not turn away with fishing ...".

Geographical data collected by Ivan Moskvitin, formed the basis of the first map of the Far East.

Moscow Automobile and Road State Technical University

By discipline: culturalology

Russian travelers of the XIX century

Completed Evstifeev Anna

student group 1BMO2

Checked Shorkov S.A.

Moscow 2013


Chapter 1. Travelers first halves XIX. century

1 I.F. Kruzenshtern and Yu.F. Lisynsky

2 F.F. Bellinshausen and M.P. Lazarev.

3 A.A. Baranov

Chapter 2. Travelers of the second half of the XIX century

1 G.I. Nevelskoye and E.V. Putyatin

2 N.M. Przhevalsky

3 N.N. Miklukho Maclay



The XIX century became the time of the largest geographical discoveries committed by Russian researchers. Continuing the traditions of their predecessors - landlords and travelers of the XVII-XVIII centuries, they enriched the representations of Russians about the world around the world, contributed to the development of new territories included in the empire. Russia first exercised long dream: Her ships entered the world ocean.

Chapter 1. Travelers of the first half of the XIX century

.1 I.F. Kruzenshtern and Yu.F. Lisynsky

In 1803, at the direction of Alexander I, an expedition was made on the ships "Nadezhda" and "Neva" for the study of the northern part of the Pacific. It was the first Russian round-the-world expedition, which lasted 3 years. She was headed by Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern - the largest navigator and geographer XIX century.

During the swim, it was first applied to a map of more than a thousand kilometers of the shores of Sakhalin Island. Many interesting observations left travel participants not only about the Far East, but also about other areas through which they sailed. The "Neva" commander Yuriy Fedorovich Lisya opened one of the islands of the Hawaiian archipelago, called him name. Many data was collected by the participants of the expedition about the Aleutian Islands and Alaska, the islands of the Pacific and Ice Oceans.

The results of the observations were set forth in the report of the Academy of Sciences. They turned out to be so weighty that I.F. Kruzenshtern was awarded the title of academician. His materials were basically published in the early 20s. "Atlasa Southern Moreley." In 1845, Admiral Kruzenshtern became one of the founders of the Russian geographical society. He brought up a whole Pleiad of Russian navigators and researchers.

1.2 F.F. Bellinshausen and M.P. Lazarev.

One of the students and followers of Kruzenchtern became Faddey Faddeevich Bellingshausen. He was a member of the first Russian round-the-world expedition.

In 1819-1821. Bellinshausen was instructed to head the new round-the-world expedition on the gateways (single-in-one ships) "East" (which he commanded) and "Mirny" (commander Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev). The expedition plan was Cruise. Its main purpose was marked "the acquisition of the utmost knowledge of our globe" and the "opening of the possible proximity of the Antarctic Pole".

january 1820, the expedition approached the shores of the unknown at that time Antarctica, which Bellingsgausen called the "Ilicate Mother". After the parking lot in Australia, the Russian ships moved to the tropical part of the Pacific Ocean, where they were opened by a group of islands called the Russians of Russians.

For 751 day of swimming, Russian sailors passed about 50 thousand km. The most important geographical discoveries were made, valuable collections were brought, these observations of the waters of the oceans and the icy coatings of the continent were new to humanity.

1.3 A.A. Baranov

Alexandra Andreevich Baranova is difficult to attribute to the discoverers or travelers in the strict sense of these words. But it was a person who made an invaluable contribution to the development of Russian America's substitresses. Being a cargopol merchant, he traded in Eastern Siberia, and from 1790 - in North-West America.

In search of new areas of the hunt, the Baranov studied the Island of Kodiak and other territories, led the search for minerals, founded new Russian settlements and supplied them with everything necessary, established exchange with local residents. It was he who was for the first time to truly consolidate the extensive territories in the Pacific coast North America.

Baranov's activity was extremely difficult and dangerous. Permanent raids of the Indians were worth the Russian settlers not only considerable money, but also lives. Only in 1802, when attempting to create a settlement on the island of Sitka, more than 200 immigrants were killed.

Baranov's efforts were so successful that in 1799 he became the ruler of the Russian-American company, and in 1803 he was appointed ruler of Russian colonies in America. This high and dangerous post he held almost to the death.

In 1804, Baranov on the island of Sitka founded the fortress of Novoarhangelsk, and then - Fort Ross. In 1815, he undertook an expedition to the Hawaiian Islands in order to access them to Russia. However, good luck did not bring. Being already an elderly and sick person, Alexander Andreyevich asked the resignation three times. However, they did not hurry from the service of such a person.

geographic Russian Circle Expedition

Chapter 2. Travelers of the second half of the XIX century

The largest researcher of the Russian Far East of the middle of the XIX century. Gennady Ivanovich Nevelsky became.

In two expeditions (1848-1849 and 1850-1855) he managed, bypassing Sakhalin from the north, to open a number of new, unknown territories and enter the lowerland of Amur. Here in 1850 he founded the Nikolaev post (Nikolaevsk-on-Amur). Traveling Nevelsky was important: for the first time, it was proved that Sakhalin was not completely connected to the mainland, but is the island and Tatar strait - it is the shed, and not the bay, as it was believed.

Evfimiy Vasilyevich Putyatin in 1822-1825 performed trip around the world And left the descendant description seen. In 1852-1855 During the expedition led by the Fregate "Pallada", the islands of Rimsky-Kororsakov were opened. Putyatin became the first of the Russians who managed to visit Japan closed from Europeans and even sign a treaty there (1855).

The result of the expeditions of Nevelsky and Putyatina, except for purely scientific, was the consolidation of Russia of the Primorsk region in the Far East.

The most important among such institutions was the Russian Geographical Society opened in 1845. It turned into a center of geographic knowledge in Russia.

2.2 N.M. Przhevalsky

Przhevalsky dreamed of wandering early years And stubbornly prepared for them. But the Crimean War batted - he went ordinary to the army. And then years of study at the Academy of General Staff. However, the career of the military did not attract it. Stay at the Academy marked for Przhevalsky only Military Statistical Review of the Amur Region .

Nevertheless, this work allowed him to become a member of a geographical society.

In early 1867, Przhevalsky presented a large and risky expedition to Central Asia into society. However, the audacity of a young officer seemed excessive, and it was limited to a business trip to the Ussuri region with permission conduct some kind of learning scientists . But this decision Przhevalsky met with delight.

In this first his journey, Przhevalsky amounted to the most full description Ussuriy Territory and acquired a valuable expeditionary experience. Now it was believed: for traveling to Mongolia and the country of Tangutov - Northern Tibet, what he dreamed of, obstacles were not.

For four years of expedition (1870-1873), it was possible to make significant corrections to the geographical map.

In 1876, he again takes the course of Tibet. The first of the Europeans Przhevalsky reaches the mysterious lake Lobnor, opens an unknown to the Altyndag Ridge earlier and determines the exact border of Tibetan Highlands, establishing that it starts at 300 km north than previously believed. But to penetrate into this almost not well-known Europeans to the country for this time failed.

And yet, three years later, the Russian landowner reached the cherished Highland. Absolute inextrication of this area and attracted Przhevalsky, who sent here in the early 1880s. your expedition. It was the most fruitful trip, crowned with many discoveries. True, the source of Juanhe Przhevalsky could not be found (it was found only quite recently), but the Russian expedition was studied in detail the watershed between the yellow river - Juanhe and the largest in China and Eurasia Blue River - Yangtze. An previously unknown ridges were applied to the map. Przhevalsky gave them name: Columbus Ridge, Moscow Ridge, Russian Range. One of the top of the latter he called the Kremlin. Subsequently, the ridge emerged in this mountain system, perpetuating the name of Przhevalsky himself.

In the course of all his expeditions, Przhevalsky, being a professional geographer, made discoveries that could bring the glory to any zoologist or botany. He described a wild horse (Przhevalsky's horse), a wild camel and a Tibetan bear, a few new types of birds, fish and reptiles, hundreds of plant species.

And again he was going on the road. Tibet again manifted him to himself. This time, Przhevalsky decided to visit Lhasa.

But all the plans collapsed. He died in his tent, barely started the journey. Before death, he asked satellites to bury him understanding the shore of Issyk-kul, in a hiking expedition form ... .

november 1888 Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky did not. The last request was performed.

2.3 N.N. Miklukho Maclay

Each culture, every tribe or people, each human personality has the right to independence. Interacting, communicating, they must proceed from mutual respect, do not seek to plan their orders of magnitude, their lifestyle and not imposing their thoughts.

These principles were close and understood by Nikolai Nikolayevich Miklukho-Maklau, who was brought up in an intelligent Russian family during the heyday of Russian culture, primarily literature, permeated by the ideas of freedom, humanism, good and searches for truth. After studying biology and medicine in Germany, committing several scientific expeditions (he was an assistant of a well-known biologist and ecologist E. Gekkel), he returned to Russia and then decided to go to New Guinea. KM BER recommended that he observe people "without prejudice on the number and distribution of human tribes and races"

Until the middle of the XIX century. New Guinea It remained aside from the economic interests of European industrial powers. Perhaps influenced that it did not find the precious metals deposits. It is also possible that the reason for this is rumors about the dicks-cannibals. In addition, violent tropical vegetation prevented the development of these territories. A more or less thorough study of New Guinea began in 1871-1872: Italian scientists Luigi Albertis and Odoardo Beckcary investigated the northwestern part of the island.

Miklukho-Maklau had to be hurried to catch at least some Papuans tribes in their natural state. Therefore, he chose the almost unexplored Southeast coast of New Guinea, landed there in September 1871 and more than a year lived among the "savages", communicating with them, won their respect and confidence.

First stay on the shore map.

september 1871, Vityaz rose to anchor parking about 140 meters from the coast. Soon there appeared Papuans; Miklukho-Maclay, abandoning the protection, with Ulson and the battle landed on the shore and visited the village, whose population fled to the jungle. The most brave was Papuas named Tui (in pronunciation recorded by D.D. Tumankin in 1977, Toya). It is Tuya will become the main mediator Miklukho-Maclay with the inhabitants of coastal villages.

Nazimov warned that he would be able to stand no more than a week, so Miklukho-Maclay, with the help of Tuya, attempts to the thoughts of Garagasi, where the hut was built for a scientist (7 size × 14. futs), and in the chala, owned by Tyu, staged a cook. At the insistence of the "Vityaz" commander, a playground 70 × 70. m was mined; The information was applied by Miklukho Maclary mines, contradict each other and unroverable. From Nikolai Nikolayevich products, Nikolayevich had two rice, Chilean beans, dried meat and food fat bank. Nazimov made Miklukho-Maclay take the daytime contentment of the team - that is, the daily stock of products for 300 people, but Nikolai Nikolaevich refused to take stock for free. On September 27, "Vityaz" left the bay.

The first month on New Guinea passed quite intensively. Miklukho-Maclay came to the conclusion that his visits are overly bothering the islanders and limited himself to contacts with natives who visited him at Cape Garagasi. Since he knew the language and customs badly, the first time was limited to meteorological and zoobotanic studies. Already on October 11, he was dumped with the first attack of fever, and repeated attacks continued at the time of stay of a scientist in the Gulf of Astronoria. The servants were constantly sick, it was especially bad to battle, whose Miklukho-Maclay diagnosed the "tumor of lymphatic glasses in the groin". The operation did not help, on December 13, the boy died. Miklukho-Maklai at the same time recalled this Professor Gegenbaura promise to extract the drug larynx black man with the language and the whole muscles, which he prepared, despite the danger of the situation.

By January 1872, the authority of Miklukho-Maclay increased among the local population, and on January 11, he first received an invitation to the village of Bongu. There was an exchange of gifts, but the wives and children of Novogvinets from the scientist were still hidden. In February 1872, Nikolai Nikolayevich managed to heal the thieves from severe injury (a tree fell on him, the wound on his head gotten), after which the scientist was accepted in the village, Tui presented him with his wife and children; The opinion of the European as an evil spirit was significantly cakes. The symbolic inclusion of an ethnographer in the local society took place on March 2 at the night ceremony, in which men participated three relative villages - Gumba, Borend and Bongu. The artistic description of the ceremony left Miklukho-Maklai himself in the diary. After that, the scientist could safely perform long-distance excursions along the coast and even in the mountains. Language barrier created the greatest difficulty: by the end of his first stay on New Guinea, the scientist owned by approximately 350 words of the local language Bongu, and at least 15 languages \u200b\u200bwere increased in the surrounding area.

The studied areas, the shores of the Bay of Astrojabia and part of the coast east of him to Cape Huon, Miklukho-Maclay called his name - "Coast Miklukho-Maclay", determining it geographical borders As follows: from Crazil Cape in the West to Cape King William in the East, from the shores of the sea in the northeast to the highest Range of Main Mana Boro Boro in the south-west.


The world geographic science in those years relied in many ways to achieve Russian researchers. By the end of the XIX century. The era of geographical discoveries ended. And only Ice expanses of the Arctic and Antarctic still kept many of their secrets. The heroic epic of the latest geographical discoveries, the active participation in which the Russian researchers adopted, falls at the beginning of the XX century.


1.Danilov A.A. History of Russia, XIX century. Grade 8: studies. For general education. institutions / A.A. Danilov, L.G. Kososulina. - 10th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2009. - 287 c., L. Il., cards.

2.Wozina M.R. Koshman L.V. Shulgin VS The history of Russian culture. - M., 1990

In the 19th century, Russian researchers committed a number of outstanding geographical discoveries. In 1803 G.I. Cruisenstern on the "Nadezhda" and "Neve" made the 1st Russian world expedition examining the northern part of the Pacific Ocean, Sakhalin, Alaska, Aleutian O-Wa. Y. Lysyanyani at the "Neva" opened one of Hawaiian Islands. In 1819-21, Bellingshausen and M. Lazarev at the "East" and "Mirny" gateways made the 2nd Arctic Expedition. In the course of its 16.1.1820, the ships approached Antarctic, which Bellinshausen called the "Ilicate Mainst". The expedition moved to the tropical part of the Pacific Ocean in Australia and opened O-Wa in the Tuamot Archipelago. They were named after Kutuzov, Lazarev, Raevsky, Barclay de Tolly, Yermolov, and others. Resting in Sydney, ships returned to the Antarctic and opened about. Peter I and the land of Alexander I. In July 1821, the ships were returned to Kronstadt, bringing a huge amount of materials and collections. The development of Russian America is associated with the name A. Baranova. A merchant from Kargopol was trading in Alaska from 1790. detailed maps Alaska and nearby islands. In 1799, Baranov became the ruler of the colonies in America. B1804g. He founded Novoarhangelsk. Baranov tried to join Russia Hawaii, but failed. Despite the disease, he remained at the post before his death. The territory of the Far East remained on a Russian white spot. In 1848, Nikolai 1 sent an expedition to the Far East. He proved that Sakhalin-Island and researched the lowerland of Amur. E. Putyatin during the circular expedition of 1822-25. Owned by the Rimsky-Korsakov and concluded an agreement with Japan. Around the world expeditions were performed by V.Golovin-1807-11, f. Lytka-1826-29 and amounted to 50 cards. I. Voznesensky B1839-40. Described Alaska, Aleutian and Kurilsky O-Wa. In 1809 A. Kolodkin began the study of the Caspian. In 1848, E. Hoffman and M. Kovalsky investigated North. Ural. In 1845, a Russian geographical society was created.

Fanatical people these scientists, referee. How to read what you needed to survive and experience in distant geographic expeditionsWhat you ask for a question - why did they need it? Part of the answer is probably still refers to these people like Fyodor Konyukhov - they are in their blood. And the other part of course ministry is homeland, debris, country. I think they fully understood that they were increasing the greatness, wealth and prosperity of their state. If it were not for them - this would have made a citizen of another country and the map of the world would probably look different.

Here are some moments that you might not know ...

The XVIII century marked in Russian geographic history First of all, the Great Northern Expedition. Started in December 1724 for Personal Decree Peter I (First Kamchatka Expedition Vitus Bering), it continued in 1733-1743, already under Anna Ioannovna. The expedition consisted of seven independent missions, moving along the Arctic coast of Siberia to the shores of North America and Japan. The result of this large-scale project was the edition of the first complete geographic map Russian Empire.

Vasily Pronchishchev. Great Northern Expedition. 1735-1736

One of the participants in the Great Northern Expedition. The legendary personality in the Russian polar explorers. Legendary and romantic. Midshipman. He studied at the Maritime Academy together with the Seed Chelyusquean and Hariton Laptev, who also participated in this expedition under his start. And earlier, in 1722, Peter took part in the Persian campaign. And externally, by the way, it was very similar to the emperor.

Together with him, Tatyana's wife took part in the expedition. For that time it was so incredible that her presence on the ship was unofficial

During the Great Northern Expedition, the Torcchischev squad, consisting of 50 people, coming out in June 1735 of Yakutsk on the Sail-Rowing Dubel-Boat "Yakutsk", amounted to accurate map River beds and mouths of the Lena River, Laptev Sea coast map and opened many islands lying north of the Taimyr Peninsula. In addition, group of nodcischev advanced to the north much further than other detachments: up to 77 ° 29 'p. sh.

But in the history of the development of the Arctic, Vorkishchev also entered due to romantic history. Together with him, Tatyana's wife took part in the expedition. For that time it was so incredible that her presence on the ship was unofficial. In August 1736, during one of the pickles on the polar islands, Broncev broke his leg and soon died of a complication caused by an open fracture. The wife survived him just a few days. They say that he died from grief. They buried them in one grave at Cape Tumul near the mouth of the Olenek River (today there is a village Ust-Olenek).

The new chief of the detachment was the navigator Semyon Chelyuskin, and after he went with the Sannaya Agency to Yakutsk with the expedition reports, he was changed by Hariton Laptev. Surprisingly, the names of Chelyuskin and Laptev were much brighter in public consciousness than the name of their commander Pronchischev. True, in the spring of 2018, the film "First" will be released on the screens, which tells about the fate of the spouses of Rodchishchev. Vasily's role will play Evgeny Tkachuk (Grigory Melekhov in the Quiet Don and Bear Jap in the same series). Perhaps the name of Pronchischev will still take decent place In a number of other great researchers in the Arctic.

Fedor Soymonov. Map of the Caspian Sea. 1731.

The life of this man asks for the film screen. He, as well as Bronchishev, participated in the Persian campaign of Peter I. He also was Martemary. But his fate did not associate with the Arctic, but with Caspian. Fyodor Soymonov entered the history of Russia as the first Russian hydrograph.

Whatever enough, but along and across a familiar to us today, the Caspian Sea in the XVIII century was still a solid terra of incognita. Yes, on him, since ancient times, the Volga people went to the Persecciniki - to Persia for Prince, to throw them overboard in a reclining wave, well, and other other goods. It was called "go for zipunov". But all this was solid amateur. Fedor Soymonov first inflicted the Caspian Sea to the map of the Russian Empire with all his bays, flames and peninsulas.

In Nerchinsk and Irkutsk, Soymonov organized the first navigator schools in Siberia, in which he taught personally. Then for six years was the governor of Siberia

Also under his leadership was published first detailed atlas Baltic Sea And prepared for the publication of the Atlas of the White Sea, but here it begins strange. Of course, it was connected with the poverty political games. In 1740, Soymonov was deprived of all the ranks, he was semen whine (!) And Soslated on a catguard. Two years later, Elizabeth I returned it to the service, but left in Siberia. In Nerchinsk and Irkutsk, Soymonov organized the first navigator schools in Siberia, in which he taught personally. Then within six years was the Governor of Siberia. At the age of 70, he finally was allowed to return to Moscow. He died at the age of 88 in his estate under the Serpukhov.

Interesting fact. Soymonovsky passage in Moscow, not far from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, is named after Soymonov's son, Mikhail, personality in his own kind of remarkable, one of the organizers of the mining in Russia.

Savva Hoshkin. New Earth. Mid XVIII century

G. A.Travnikov. Russian

If the previous two of our heroes were sovereign people and made their travels on duty, then Pomor Savva Hoshkin, a leaving from the village of Olonets, acted only at his own risk. He was the first person in the history of the development of the Russian North, who went around the new land from the north.

Hoshkin - Personality Almost mythological, but any self-respecting Northern Sailor knows His name Despite the fact that the only official source telling about his three-year journey is the story of Fedot Rakhmanin, recorded in 1788 by the Corresponding Member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences Vasily Krestinin. Even the years of the journey of Sava Hoshkina are definitely not known to us. Some researchers believe that this is the beginning of the 1760s, others - that 1740s

Nikolay Mugubychikov. Malacca, Canton. 1760-1768.

While alone was mastered by the north, others moved to the south. The merchant Nikolay Personnel from the city of Trubchevsk Orlovskaya province in 1760-1768 committed a completely unique trip by South-East Asiawhich, alas, remained not assessed by his contemporaries. Most likely, he was the first Russian who visited the Malay Peninsula and achieved around the sea, and not on land, the Chinese canton (now Guangzhou)

His journey merchants made his journey with a completely practical purpose and, it seems, did not give him any historical meanings. He came down for 300 rubles. Go to Calcutta and recover a four thousandth debt with a Greek merchant stuck there

A merchant merchant for his journey (although it would be more correct to call him a collector) committed with a completely practical purpose and, it seems, did not give him any historical meaning. He came down for 300 rubles. Go to Calcutta and recover a four thousandth debt with the Greek merchant stuck there, who should have been this sum of his countrymen. Passing through Constantinople, Baghdad and Indian OceanHe reached Calcutta. But it turned out that the debtor was already dead, and the jubiors had to return to their homeland incredibly a steep way: through Malacca, which Dutch, Chinese Canton and the English Island of Saint Helena (!) In London, and then to Lisbon and Paris. And finally, in St. Petersburg, where he visited for the first time in his life.

About it amazing journey The Trubuchevsky merchant became more famous relatively recently, when the mining was discovered in the central state archive, which he sent in 1770 in the name of Catherine II, with a request to transfer it to St. Petersburg merchants. In it, he described his route in detail. It's amazing that his report is absolutely deprived of any patio. He describes his nine-year-old journey, he describes enough scoop, like some country walk. And it offers itself as a trade consultant with the eastern countries.

Philipper Efremov. Bukhara - Tibet - Kashmir - India. 1774-1782.

The further fate of the Chelobytchikov remains unclear (most likely, his message to the Empress did not come across), but a servant, Unter-Officer Philip Efremov, a decade later, who made a similar journey, was represented by Catherine II and even erected to noble dignity.

The adventures of Philipper Efremova began in July 1774, when he was captured by Pugachev. Fight, but was captured by Kirgizov, who sold it to slavery to the Bukhara Emir

The adventures of Philipper Efremova began in July 1774, when he was captured by Pugachev. Fight, but was captured by Kirgiz, who sold it to slavery to the Bukhara Emir. Efremova was forced to accept Islam and were subjected to the most severe torture, but he did not betray the Christian faith, and then the Emir, admired by his courage, made him his centurion (UZ-Bashi). For participation in several battles, he received a big part of the Earth, but still dreamed of returning to his homeland. Having bought a fake passport, he fled again. All roads north were blocked, so he went south. Through Tibet and Kashmir, closed for Europeans, he fell into India, and from there to London, where he met with the Russian consul, who presented him with straight to be clear by the eyes of Catherine.

Later Efremov served as a translator in the Asian Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and in 1786 the first edition of his travel diary was published: "Russian Unter-Officer Efremova, now the college assessor, nine-year-old wandering and adventures in Bukhariya, Khiva, Persia and India and return from there by England To Russia, written by himself. " At the end of the XVIII century, the book became a bestseller and experienced three publications, but by the middle of the XIX century there was almost forgotten, like her author. Now the notebook, who passed with the Efremov Polmir, is kept in the handwritten department of the Pushkin House.

P. S. A lot of other travelers went soon in the footsteps of the publisher and Efremov. The most famous of them are Gerasim Lebedev, the first Russian Indologist, founded the first in India in the 1790s in Calcutta, in India.

Dmitry Rzhannikov


And let's remember even, well, and a little

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