Ancient city of Acre in the Crimea. Underwater expedition to the ancient city of Acre

TV channel "Science" will show the film "Acre. Crimean Atlantis "in Feodosia

On March 10, the archaeologists of the Hermitage, the researchers of the center of underwater archeology and the editorial office of the channel "Science" will be present in Feodosia the premiere - the film "Acre. Crimean Atlantis

Press release of 28.02.2017

On Friday, March 10, the premiere of the film "Acre will take place in Feodosia. Crimean Atlantis, prepared by the Science Channel.

The new film - chronicle of archaeological excavations of the ancient city of Acre, based 2500 years ago. Archaeologists unsuccessfully searched for the city for more than a hundred years, as it is hidden under water at a depth of 4 m. In 1982, after the find of the Crimean schoolboy, Alexei Kulikov on the Kerch coast of the coin from the city of Acre, there was hope to find a historical monument.

The large-scale study of the Crimean Atlantis began in 2011 on the initiative of the Hermitage staff. It turned out that before the depth of 1.5 m, the entire territory of the city was listed by sand. Almost all over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe city, the collapse of the remains of the settlement were marked. The age of the found stone structures was about 2,000 years. At a depth of 4-5 m, fragments of ceramics were found, the rands of large stones without traces of processing, passing into natural ridges - hence the harbor of the ancient city began. Archaeologists noted that antique city almost never lost its integrity. Thanks to this fact, the Acre ranked first in the region in the degree of importance for underwater archeology.

The acre study has gained paramount importance not only to study the ancient history and culture of the Black Sea region, but also for improving I am the methods of underwater archeology.

"In the course of underwater excavations, we found that the walls of the flooded city are preserved in the height of more than one and a half meters. For six years of research, we have created a detailed plan of the settlement, which allows you to trace the spatial development of acres in different periods of its history, "the deputy director of the Black Sea Center for Underwater Research Viktor Vakhonev said on the results of submarine excavations.

The film "Acre. Crimean Atlantis "clearly shows how archaeologists conduct underwater excavations: what is the technology leading to success and why not hurry? What is the difference between underwater excavations from classical archaeological research? What artifacts have already managed to raise from the bottom of the Black Sea? And how will historians with them work further? The film came out fascinating and spectacular.

During filming, modern video and computer technologies were used. Underwater filming of steel for a creative group of channel "Science" by a separate test.

"At a press conference and we will discuss how to attract the archeosaceis of mologov to the study of acres. Among them are experts whose experience will refute or confirm the hypothesis about the cataclysm, which struck acre. If a disaster and an acre really occurred in this area, the destruction occurred on the territory of the Crimean and Taman Peninsulas. The community of historians and archaeologists is important to know about it, "says about his expectations from the press conference and the protagonist of the film, the archaeologist Alexei Kulikov.

On March 10, a press conference will be held with the main character of the film Alexey Kulikov, director Alexander Koneviche, Hermitage specialists and other film participants. After the premiere in Feodosia, the film "Acre. Crimean Atlantis will see subscribers of the service "CT Prime Minister".

Accra is a small ancient Greek port city (according to the ancient Greek authors - a small village) in the Crimea, which existed since the end of the VI century BC. e. According to IV century n. e. Posted in the southernmost point of the Kerch Strait, at the foot of Cape Takil (according to Strabo - non-freezing port Bosporian kingdom). Due to the lowering of the coast, part of the settlement - layers of the IV century BC. e., including 30 meter segment deonted Wallis under water. Acre is called the Crimean Atlantis.


In addition to Strabo, the Acre was mentioned by Ptolem, Stefan Byzantine, in the Pseudo-Arrian Pesudo and Elius Gerodian. The first examination in 1976 conducted researchers of the settlement of Chinese E.A. Male and N.V. Pray. Anthropomorphic steles and amphoric stigma were found on the seaside terrace. In the early 1980s on the sandy spit between the Yanyush Lake and the Morce A.V. Kulikov near the scientific base Azornet was found more than a hundred antique coins and other ancient objects. These finds served as a reason for subsequent research. In the summer of 1982 V.N. The chillok (Kerch Museum) spent the first excavations, both at the Perepini and the Hill to the south of the lake, during which the cultural simplifications of the ancient era were opened without well-pronounced stratigraphy. A.N. Shamray discovered the remains of an ancient wall under water and well. In 1983-1985 K.K. Schilik (Loia Academy of Sciences of the USSR) began underwater studies of this area and found that ancient city Lies at a depth of 4, and east of it, the Morushey and to the depth of 7 m, the harbor was located. During underwater exploration, defensive walls were found, two towers and a well, in the filling of which seven Amphoric Herakley Pontic IV in. BC E., Fragments of Chernolakoy dishes, chip of a lead anchor rod, wooden parts made on a lathe.


The city occupied the northeast tip of the Cape formed by the mouth of the ancient Unnamed River and the Bosporus Kimmerian (Kerch Strait). Its territory probably had a trapezoid form of about 3.5 hectares, currently almost completely hidden by the waters of the Black Sea, with the exception of a small western portion on a sandy jumper, which turned the mouth of the river to the modern Lake Yanyush off the coast of the Kerch Strait. Due to the transgression of the Black Sea, which began near the middle of I thousand n. e. The ancient city was at a depth reaching 4 m. Features of the wave regime in this part of the coast Kerch Peninsula They led to the fact that the cultural layers of an ancient city were mainly not blurred and its buildings were completely not destroyed, but only partially brought by sea sand.

The Black Sea keeps in itself not one secret, how much mysterious is hidden under his waves. One of these amazing finds in the world saw only in 1982. Lovers of history, antiquities and finds, welcome to the ancient Greek port city of Acre (end of the 6th century BC) or as it was also called the "Crimean Atlantis" (due to the similarity with the mythical city).

Why attend this place

The city is completely hidden under water, and you can get into it only by immersion. Flooding occurred due to raising the level of the world's ocean and the movement of lithospheric plates. Scientists suggest that the flood occurred gradually, the stone comb, who defended the citizens from the onset of water, but, alas, the sea won. Ancient authors changed more than once in their creations. So Stragone in his "geography" described the acre as a small village, lying in the field of panticapiys opposite Corokondama at the entrance to the strait.

In the 80s were held research workIn the course of which the construction remains of the city and the antique well were discovered. Local who managed to visit the acre, argue that the city has a rectangle shape. They were also able to discover the laying and a considerable number of household goods - more than 100 coins of the Bosporian kingdom, almost a dozen amphorous (IV century BC), Greek ceramics, lead armature parts and so on. Unlike Alexandria (Egypt), which disappeared from the face of the Earth due to natural cataclysms, the acre continues its existence further. Archaeologists still do not cease to study the settlement.

Some facts from the history of the sunken city

Due to the careful study of the sunken city, archaeologists discovered the well, the ruins of several towers, partially destroyed protective walls. At a distance of more than 500 meters from the printed on the diagonal to the shore, a stone comb is built. Maybe, local residents They tried to escape from the occurrence of water, but unfortunately they failed. I had to leave my houses. Water absorbed everything.

Not so long ago, the Russian geographical society decided to hold a contest among archaeologists for the expedition to study and examine the city of Akra.

Expedition participants will study the underwater, as well as the coastal part of the sunken city. In the territory of the acres, large dredging works were carried out, so the city was well preserved.

Feel yourself with the discoverer

Such an ancient find is not limited to excursions, they are conducted by the Diving Club "Atlantis", which works daily from 9.00 to 19.00. The cost begins from 2000 rubles and higher. Pre-instructor conducts training before immersion in the sea. It is necessary to have a wet and special equipment. Unfortunately, age restrictions are present (children under 8 years). Those who have diseases whose contraindications are diving, they will also not be able to appreciate the beauty of the excursion.

The place is not deprived of tourist entertainment - it is fishing, beach rest, visit the bath, brewery and other things. The shop "House of Crimean Masters" is famous for the paintings of local artists and souvenir products for every taste.

How to get to the underwater city acre

The town is located in the western part of the Kerch Peninsula. Most of its territory covered under water between the Liman Yanyush and the Black Sea coast in the east, 10 km south of Kerch near the village. Embankment.

Acre - "Crimean Atlantis"

The Black Sea stores many more secrets, this sea is unique in nature, but, perhaps, people do not always appreciate him. Many do not even suspect which secrets are hidden under the thickness of the Black Sea. One of these secrets, which recently began to open his curtain, is the ancient city of Accra, today it is called the "Crimean Atlantis".

Ancient settlement V c. BC e. - IV century n. E., Located on the seaside sole of Cape, part of the settlement is flooded by the sea. Accra belongs to the "Small" cities of the Bosporus state.

"Behind the nymphoma, still south, in Takilsky cavity, a very small village of Acre was located. It attracted attention to himself because he turned to the West from him, and thus the Acre was an extreme southern paragraph of the Strait from the Crimea. Opposite, i.e. on Taman Peninsula, the most southernmost point of the strait was the village of Korokondam, who were at the present Cape Tuzla. According to Strabo, when freezing the Strait, the ice reached the south to these two points - to Acra and Corokondama. From the village of acres at present traces almost never survived. On high cauldron, where now is a lonely abandoned old lighthouse, only in some places of the cultural layer with fragments of antique ceramics. In the same area, ancient graves are found, which confirm the existence in this place settlements an antique era. "

Accra is a mystery that is not yet solved. It started still at the end of the XVIII century when the Crimea was attached to the territory of the Russian Empire. This event marked the beginning of an active scientific study of these lands. Scientists have begun to make their travels to new not studied land. In parallel, they tried to find the places of Greek cities known from the ancient written sources.

In the "Ponta Evksinsky Ponta" called many cities on the banks of the Bospore of the Kimmerian (Kerch Strait): Panticapey, Mirmekiy, Nymphi, Tsights and Village Akra. Strabo, Greek geographic II century. n. E., indicated that opposite Korokondama at the entrance to the Strait there is an acre. And the Pliny is the elder, the Roman scientist belongs to the acre to the Bosporus cities. Acrome also mentioned Claudius Ptolemy, Stefan Byzantine and Elia Gordian.

Thanks to the research boom, by the beginning of the 20th century, they were noted on modern maps Almost all the ancient cities, but with an acre was absolutely nothing clear - her ancient ruins could not find. Originally confused the researchers etymology of the city name, because the main and most common meaning of this name assumed that the acre should be located on an exalted place. The word "Acre" is alleged as elevation or strengthening. By the way, it is from here that the name "Acropolis" is upper city.

The first one who placed an acre on Cape Takil in the southeastern part of the Kerch Peninsula was academician Pallas. He suggested this in the late XVIII century. Paul Dubryux, one of the first scientists in the domestic archeology, at the beginning of the XIX century placed acre a little south of Takil, on the same fortune. Until 1918, almost all researchers believed that there was an acre, but a sensational find was suddenly made. Local fishermen accidentally found a cult table with the inscription in which the Chinese community was mentioned. Scientists became clear right away that another Bosporian city was located here.

All subsequent sixty years have passed on the takile. In 1975, excavations were held during their ancient Greek sanctuary, and now it seemed that the city was finally found. But many scientists still have great doubts about the loyalty of the localization of acres. The location of the two neighboring Greek cities, between which the Acre was located, - Niffei and the Americans - was already installed accurately. Greek Periplias (ancient locations) showed distances between cities, and the distance from Kiteya to Cape Takil was twice as smaller than before acre.

And if it were not for the winter storms in 1981 so it would not be cleared. But the unexpectedly one lucky Kerch schoolboy began to find ancient coins on the shore of a sandy printed, separating the Solen Janysh Lake from the Kerch Strait south of the village of Embankment of the Leninsky district of Crimea. The schoolboy gathered a fairly large collection of antique coins, and, of different periods. This discovery has confirmed that scientists do not matter with blurred treasure, namely with a flooded settlement. The coins were immediately transferred to the Kerch Museum and in the summer of 1982 the first excavations were held, on the perepening and on the hill south of the lake. Then the large cultural simplifications of the ancient era were discovered. Finally, archaeologists faced not with an ordinary settlement, but a small city center. It was a real sensation - an ancient city is opened under water. The acre was finally found.

Started shortly after the first studies, underwater expeditions found that the ancient city, lying at a depth of 4.5 m, had a rectangular shape, an area of \u200b\u200bat least 4 hectares. To the east of him, Morushey and to the depth of 7.5 m, the harbor was located. Underwater studies gave stunning results - defensive walls were found, two towers and wells. One of the walls is well preserved for a total of 110 m. From the outdoor side to the wall adjacent the tower with dimensions of 7x7 m. Another defensive wall was examined in 150 MK of the North. In 170 the shore ILO at a depth of 3 m was the well-clad well. And in him were seven champions Amphorus Ponti's IV in. BC E., Fragments of Chernolakoy dishes, chip of a lead anchor rod, wooden parts treated on a lathe.

Interesting the fact that in 1994-1997. Archaeological studies acres were continued by the schoolboy who has discovered a collection of coins many years ago. Excavations on the shore were combined with underwater studies of the flooded part of the city. On land was found to build a Roman time - three large households. But due to the lack of financing, the excavation was suspended.

And for the next 15 years, the city of Accra again turned out to be unfairly forgotten.

And only in 2011, underwater archaeologists from the Kiev Department of Underwater Heritage and St. Petersburg Hermitage again drew attention to the unique monument of archeology.

The current period of development of underwater archaeological studies in the Northern Black Sea region was marked by the resumption of large-scale work.

For the first time in acre, not just visual intelligence were carried out, but really underwater excavations with the latest professional equipment. For two years of research, another portion of the defensive wall of the city and urban development IV century was found. BC e. The preserved height of fortification structures reached 1.6 m.

The discovery was the opening of the house of the first half of the IV century. BC e. On the floor was discovered broken heraklah amphora. The masonry of the walls are preserved on 3 rows, a total height of up to 0.6 m. And such a good preservation of architectural residues under water is very unique. For example, in many other places on the Black Sea, there is no such good conservation - all layers are blurred, masonry destroyed. But not in acre.

It became clear that the total area of \u200b\u200bthe monument occupied a large territory from 4 to 6 hectares, while it was on an ancient coastal level and is now almost completely flooded by the sea. Part of the layers of ancient time is preserved on the modern coast. Under water, cultural simplications belonging to the IV century were. BC e., and layers - III-II centuries. BC e.

So, it turns out that the acre has existed for almost 1000 years, from the end of the VI century. BC e. Before the IV century. n. e. The gradual flooding of the territory of the city began with the beginning of a new era, due to changes in the world's ocean and due to the local geological processes of sushi lowering. From the time of antiquity until today, the sea level rose 4 m. The studies conducted are, of course, very little to summarize any results in the study of acres. But the beginning began and the city under water has already begun to open its secrets.

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Two and a half thousand years ago, about the 4th century BC, the Greek settlers founded the coast of the Crimea of \u200b\u200bthe city, which became the basis of the new state. One of these cities called Acre Archaeologists could not find 200 years.

History acra

Ancient Greek historian Strabo called the Akru "Village" and described it as a non-freezing port of the Bosporian kingdom. Accra is indeed next to other ancient cities of Bospor.

Residents of the ancient city had the opportunity round year catch fish and trade with merchants from different countries. In addition, a special variety of wheat was grown in acre, which did not grow in the Mediterranean, and the bread from it was very good. Therefore, the acre for a long time was a grain supplier for Athens.

And although the acre was founded a little later of ancient Rome, according to defensive tactics and trade turnover in the cozy harbor did not give him. The ancient city was indescribable beauty.

Approximate reconstruction acres

The discovery of acres in the 1980s became a sensation. She was even nicknamed by the Crimean Atlantis ... All because in the third century of our era, the Greek city flooded with marine waters. Majestic buildings Immersed immediately, and for greater depth. Where are all its inhabitants? This and other secrets are now trying to solve archaeologists.

Opening acra

By the end of the XVIII century, the location of almost all cities of the Bosporian kingdom were established - Pantikapey, Nymphi, Kimmeriki others. But the acre could not find a long time. Why? Literally from the ancient Greek "Acre" means "elevation". As "Acropolis", that is, the "upper city". Therefore, acre was looking at a high location, which was logical, as such a position is convenient for defense. And it was able to find it at Cape Takil - in fact in the lowland.

The archaeologist Alexey Kulikov is an acre discoverer. In 1981, when he was a schoolboy, there was a strong storm. He licked sand from the beach and exposed the stone masonry of the ancient walls. According to the memoirs of Kulikov, the waves in his eyes were eaten pieces sandy beach, and two or three coins were flowing along clay. They had to have time to catch ... often the Soviet trifle came across. But in one day he managed to find the first acres coin - almost 8 grams of gold, with a portrait of Basilevus Koia. Now she is in the Golden Storeroom Kerch Museum.

Golden pantry Kerch Historical and Archaeological Museum.

In addition to the coin, the 15-year-old Pioneer Alexey Kulikov brought the plan for an ancient settlement to the museum.

In 1983, the Leningrad Institute of Archeology and the participants of the Kerch diving club conducted an expedition - and rare artifacts were raised from the bottom of the sea. In forty meters from the coast, a powerful tall tower Of large rushed blocks, as well as a well with fragments of ancient Greek Amphor. Then it became clear that it was not just a settlement, but a real ancient city.

Acrya studies

In 1990, excavations were discontinued, and was resumed only twenty years later. Since 2011, the Petersburg Hermitage is headed by excavations at the site of Acra. Found a lot of exhibits, but all the treasures underwater city Stay in the Crimea. Experts are trying to prove that it is an acre - yes, it has not yet been proven, since there were no confirmation of these inscriptions. According to scientists, at the bottom of the sea, more than 2,000 sunken objects lies.

Underwater finds using underwater shurph 2012: 1 - Lead fishing load; 2.3 - lead girks; 4 - redoglined jug; 5.6 - fragments of red-bream ceramics; 7 - Bronze arrow tip; 8 - Bronze lining; 9 - copper nail; 10, 11 - Panticapey copper coins.

Underwater archaeologists managed to establish that under water, at least 1.5 meters of urban walls were preserved, and not 20-30 centimeters, as it was first thought. The masonry is still in good condition, and at the base of the defensive tower, powerful wooden beams were discovered. There were a lot of other discoveries. Organic materials that are practically not preserved underground, on the bottom of the sea under the layers of clay and sand were molded, and this made it possible to see the objects of life used by the ancient Greeks. For example, in 2013, a well-preserved wooden ridge of the Hellenistic period was found (IV-III centuries BC. E).

Another interesting find was in 2015 - a gold earring in the form of a head of a lion. This is a unique masterpiece of the jewelry of the Bosporus. 16 pieces were found in the entire history of archeology. Some of them are in the Hermitage, some in the Louvre. But they all come from the Northern Black Sea region.

In 2016, a Russian geographical society was joined by excavations. It announced the collection of volunteers - and people traveled the OS of the whole country. More than a month, amateur archaeologists spent on excavations. Many artifacts were found, including coins.

Coins with excavations are sent to the Feodosian maritime research center for examination. Most often, these coins are not at all similar to the means - these are ordinary dirty mugs covered with green oxides. But gold coins are so far that modern researchers do not come across. All that was found is the findings of the 80s.

Finds Alexey Kulikova.

If on land, where there is a piece of fortress walls and structures acres, volunteers can work, then the underwater expedition consists only of professionals. There are no more than 15 people.

For excavations at the bottom they use hydroelectors - a kind of vacuum cleaners that suck the soil and send it to the surface where it is additionally washed. For example, in 2016, the premises of the IV century BC was examined, in the center of which the oven was installed. When washing, it turned out that the floor was filled with shell of walnut, bean, cherry and olive bones. That is, as the reality can be seen that it was 2.5 thousand years ago in this house, in this room.

According to the results of expeditions, archaeologists examined two walls and one tower, discovered the remains of buildings similar to residential complexes. Researchers found that an acre included in the Bosporian kingdom was a city, an obscured by a fortress wall with towers. Urban development, as scientists suggest, began on the opposite side of the street, held by the defensive wall.

Underwater examination using hydrolyators will make it possible to more carefully examine the preserved fragments of buildings, determine their coordinates and, by combining this data with the results of ground shooting, apply to the card.

Perhaps someday an acre becomes a submarine park, and immersed under water and at the same time in the depths of the centuries will be able to anyone. In the meantime, Acre keeps its secrets ...

The location of the Acra. On the horizon - the village cherished.

See also: