The main attractions of the island of La Palma. Resorts Spain

Discover the selection best places and sights La Palma Canary

National Park

This is amazing national Parkwhich you can find in La Palma. It was once thought that a huge crater because of her form. He got a name national Park In 1954, the site is just exciting and one of the most visited places in La Palma. The view from the highest point of this place is simply incredible.

Total road Padron, 47, 38750 El Paso, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain

Rocky Kurgan

It's a rocky hollyk and is on the most high point On the island of La Palma. The view from the top of this place simply captures the spirit. Huge cliffs here, which is more than 2400 meters above sea level. There is a observatory nearby, where some of the largest telescopes in the world can be found.

LP-4 Municipality Villa de Garafia, 38788, La Palma, Spain


This is a very special place for people who love to travel. Do not forget to come early if you want a hike here. There are many tunnels and a diversified forest. This place is true pleasure for adventure lovers. Do not forget to take all the necessary accessories with you that may be needed for mountaineering and tourism.

San - Andres from sauces, La Palma, Spain

This conical shape is a beautiful rock, which was once an active volcano. It is located on the island of La Palma and is a good place to visit. It gives beautiful appearance And covered with various colors of breeds, such as red, pink, brown, black and gray. You will love the natural beauty of this place.

Fuencaliente, La Palma, Spain

Amalgaming of natural pools

This is a combination of 3 natural pools on the island. It is very unique because of this feature. The view of the place is simply amazing. You can find restaurants and bars near this area, and it is very a good placeTo enjoy the whole family. You can easily move from one pool to another and have great pleasure.

Calle La Fajana, 25, 38726 Barloviethno, Spain

Natural pool

This is a natural pool on the island of La Palma. You can enjoy clean water sea here, and this place offers many services for visitors. This is a great place to enjoy with the family. Many swimming lovers come to explore this amazingly beautiful place. This is one of the most beautiful places on the island.

Melonar Road, San Andres from sauces, La Palma, Spain

As mentioned above, tourism does not shop on the island, and this can only be rejoiced. Although the beaches of La Palm are good, there are few of them - due to the features of the shores, which are almost a solid rock line. In addition to the "classic", offering an ordinary beach holiday, there are specialized: suitable for the surf Playa Nueva and Nudist Las Monjas.

Popular La Palmons Resorts: Quiet Los Kankakhos on eastern coast And funny Puerto Naos on Western. Of course, there are excellently equipped beaches and in the capital: one of them stretches down to the port.

  1. Santa Cruz de la Palma. The main manual attraction of the island is its capital. Here are beautifully preserved coastal vintage streets built up with magnificent buildings, mainly in the Renaissance style.
  1. Caldera de Taburiente National Park.. Natural attraction No. 1, which is a gigantic brand (caldera) on the site of the ever-existing volcano. Now it is blooming fertile valley. For connoisseurs of comfort, special platforms for recreation and snack are organized, even with mangals.
  1. Barranco de las angustias. Beautiful gorgeovergrown with lush vegetation.
  2. Caves formed during volcanic activity.
  3. Volcanoes of the Tempa and San Antonio.

Number of residents of La Palm

The population of the island is approximately 87,000 people.

Climate, Nature and Ecology of La Palm

The landscape of the south of the island decorates the mountain chain, more precisely - the ridge of volcanic cones, ending in the south of the sleeping volcano of the dogerers. In the north is the most high mountain La Palma - Roque de Los Muchachos (2426 m), as well as the largest caldera Taburient with a diameter of more than 10 km (extensive hollow formed after the eruption on the site of the crater). At the top of the mountain there is an observatory with the largest telescope of the northern hemisphere. True, it is closed to visit.

More than a third of the island occupy pine forests and laurel groves. La Palma is the only of the islands of the archipelago, where there is - albeit small, rivers. The soil island is fertile, so farming is developed here.

La Palma is located in the zone of subtropical arid climate, without significant changes in weather conditions during the year. Daytime temperatures in winter are + 18⁰ ... + 21⁰, in summer: + 25⁰ ... + 28⁰. The sea warms up to comfortable + 22⁰ in the first days of June and begins to cool only in early November. The temperature of the water never falls below + 18⁰, but the refreshing bathing to taste is not all. The amount of precipitation is small and amounts to about 300 mm per year. It rains more often at the end of the autumn and early spring.

Get on the beautiful Green Island The easiest to the aircraft: Near the capital there is an airport that takes even international flights. There is also a ferry message with neighboring islands.

The Canary Islands is a very popular resort destination at the Dutch. Probably, therefore, when we decided to arrange a week of summer in November, you didn't have to think about the choice of space for escape. Collecting the suitcases, we went for 7 days to La Palma Island - and spent the day more. I heard Russian for a week only once a glimpse (perhaps even imagined)) - but in the menu of restaurants and food courts often saw Russian Salad. Everything about this is my today's report, as I spent the summer vacation.

The trip report was written in December 2014 and supplemented after the second trip to La Palm in December 2016.

Several facts about the island of La Palma

So, where did we go? Geographical Island of La Palma (not to confuse Palma de Mallorca and Las Palmas (the capital of the island of Gran Canaria)):

  • located in the Atlantic Ocean
  • part of the Canary Archipelago
  • there is further others Canary Islands from continent
  • refers to the territory of Spain.

La Palm often call:

  • eternal Spring Island - average temperature air for a year here is + 23º
  • the greatest of all Canary Islands
  • "Beautiful acute" or La Isla Bonita.

The famous designer shoes Manolo Blanik was born. The dragon tree grows here (Dragon Blood Tree), from which he made his legendary tools of Stradivari. About this island pang Madonna . In my opinion, quite good "Star Achievements" for the island is only 706 km2 :)

Nevertheless, before the trip, I found very little information and reviews about La Palma Island in Russian. Therefore, I decided to make my own contribution to correcting the situation :) I hope you will be useful!

How to get to the island of La Palma

We flew to La Palm the direct flight of Transavia Airlines from Amsterdam. From Moscow, as far as I understand, you can get to Madrid, Berlin, Dusseldorf and other european cities. Minsk residents can fly from Vilnius to Tenerife, and from there to get to the ferry or flying a local flight to Santa Cruz de la Palma airport. Perhaps there are some more, more comfortable options Flight.

About hotels on La Palme

On La Palme, we stayed at the hotel on Los Canhahos beach on the east coast of the island (if you are interested in three-four-star hotels, you need to go either here or to the West Bank in Puerto Naos). These are small apart-complexes here at every turn.

In the photo: Aparthotel La Caleta

Both of our hotel were generally quite good with one small "but": after all, such complexes have a shade of Egyptian-Turkish "settlements" for Vacation "All Inclusive". And this largely eats a local flavor. So next time - only a villa or apartments! Update: In December 2016, we will go to La Palm again, and booked a bungalow in Los Liann de Aridan.

Santa Cruz de la Palma (Santa Cruz de la Palma)

The capital of the island is a very small town, where the two main streets are elongated along the coast. Here it is already begins to feel the flavor! Multicolored houses, local market, grandfathers playing on the street in Domino, bright Spanish (on a blocking on 10-centimeter heels - Mmm, our people! :)) - Beauty!

And this is an exact copy of the ship "Santa Maria" Christopher Columbus and the patron saint of La Palma, Dwarf Enano.

Los Llanos de Aridane

The largest city island, it seemed to me even more real, saturated emotions and paints than the capital. If I arrived at La Palm on a month, then, most likely. Update.: Yes, and we have already booked housing here for the next trip! Update 2.: As for the month, I take my words back :) The city is good, but in a week you have time to explore it along and across, and it becomes boring.

Los Canarios (Los Canarios)

In Los Canaryos, the city in the south of the island, we came to look at volcanoes, but the entrance for tourists was closed due to a strong wind. In general, it was a feeling that, having driving only a couple of tens of kilometers from her habitat, we got into autumn. But not coming back immediately! We decided to walk along the tracks for Hayking:

In this part of the island, winemaking flourishes, and what yellowes is at thenime - it is like the vineyards.

In Los Canaryos, it was possible to go to some wine tours and tastings. But the city was enveloped by disgusting and fog that in a couple of hours we preferred to jump into the closest bus to the capital - and return to our November summer.

Puerto Naos.

The city in the southwest of La Palm, whose beaches with black volcanic sand Many are considered the best on the island. We, in general, also liked. The beach is good, the sea is warm (even at the end of December it was possible to swim), the city is a significant (in any case, in winter). The only thing is to stop here. It makes sense only if you have a rolled car. Otherwise, it is unlikely that it will be especially possible to ride around the island.

Tasacharte (Tazacorte)

Coastal city in the western part of the island. In essence, it is divided into two parts - Puerto de Tasachart. Here is the port (from it is sent water excursions And the vessel for fishermen lovers) and a small beach (it is considered one of the warmest on the island).

And Tasacchart Pueblo, the more urban part of the city is 1 km from the beach.

About restaurants

For 8 days on the island we visited about one and a half dozen restaurants. Returned ( or returned :)) We are most likely only three of them. Boldly and recommend them!

La Muralla in Tijarafe

We found this restaurant in the mountains completely by chance. Look at coffee, liked the terrace overlooking the ocean from a bird's eye view. Book a table for the evening ... And it was the best dinner for the whole trip! The food was not just a meal, but by some miracle of molecular chemistry. Service is friendly, fast and high. View from the window is stunning. The price tag for all at the same time - about 12 - 15 euros for the main dish. The same amount is also a bottle of excellent wine.

I have everything for now. All questions will be happy to answer in the comments or tell in the following posts!

Stay in touch! :)

La Palma (La Palma) is one of the seven major inhabited islands of the Canary Archipelago, which are washed by water Atlantic Ocean.

Small in its area (728 square meters. Km.), La Palma Fifth largest and the third in the number of residents of the Canary Islands.

The coast is mostly rocky, which is why there is little beach venues. But in its magnificence, they are neither slightly inferior to the beaches of other Canary Islands.

The most beloved for tourists is Kankayos Beach, located at the village of Breck Baya, which consists of several bays. The water in them is so transparent that it is just hard to stay from diving. And in the village of Puerto de Nao, there is a delicious beach with black sand in its beauty.

Loose from the islands of Gran Canaria and Tenerife in the development of tourism, it can easily boast of originality, calm and magnificent nature. This is noticeable even from the coast. Rising from the water of the Atlantic Ocean to a height of 2426m a huge mountain, covered with greens.

The north of the island can surprise its laurel forests, densely overgrown with ravines, which are most often covered with fog.

For lovers of wonderful and unique, there are on the island national Reserves - Parque Natural De Las Nieves and Parque Natural De Cumbre Vieja. It is here that you can walk along specially laid paths and enjoy truly rare natural beauty. And these beautiful forests are preserved due to the fertility of young volcanic soils and a great abundance of water.

There is also Palmitos Park - it is the largest reserve of butterflies, but it can also meet exotic birds, the number of which is about 230 species.

Another natural attraction is a volcanic ridge (La Caldera de Taburiente). Stretching from the north through the whole island, he ends in the south of the Thalet Volcano, which was erupted last time in 1971.

La Palma is called the most beautiful of the islands of the Canary archipelago. And the lack of industry retains a special mood: the dimension and calm, which is literally immediately transferred to people who choose this is the island.

In addition to saturated nature and magnificent architecture, La Palma can surprise the kitchen. The traditional cooking of dishes on olive oil, the quality of vegetable and animal fat, pork bale and a variety of products appreciated all over the world. And therefore Spanish cuisine refer to attractions.

For current tranquility, the island is hiding a rich history. This can be seen by the number of architectural attractions of the capital of the island. In a small town, with a population of 18,000 inhabitants, there are many narrow streets, where there are many vintage buildings: the Church of the Savior, with a high bell tower (Iglesia Matriz De El Salvador) built in 1503g; Town Hall (Ayuntamiento) in the style of Italian Renaissance, which stands from 1569; Stone fountain 1776. All this can be seen in the city center on a small triangular area of \u200b\u200bSpain.

Still the capital can surprise her marine Museum - This is a natural magnitude model of Columbus ship, Santa Maria.

It is impossible not to mention the fortress Santa Catalina (Castillo de Santa Catalina), which at the time of piracy, defended the city from attacks.

The Spanish constitution adheres to free religion, but the prevailing religion is Catholicism. Therefore, on La Palma there is its own religious attractions - this is a sanctuary of the patroness of the island of Nueatra Senora De Las Nievas (Madonna Snow), which is located north of the capital. Every five years, on the feast of the phenomenon of Madonna, there is a big event for local residents, Madonna is brought to the church. And on May 3, you can see an unusual holiday, called the day of the Cross in Santa Cruise de la Palma, on which local residents Competition decorated with decorated crosses.

One of the most large resorts On La Palma, is Puerto de Nao with excellent black sand beaches. This is a small village in which residents are focused only on meeting the needs of tourists.

Good holidays in combination with exquisite cuisine and ancient architecture, all this will be an excellent addition to solitude lovers with nature.

For some tourists, traveling to La Palm has associated with beach holiday And measured walks in the city, but for other La Palma is a hayking. The island offers countless forest and mountain routes - from one-day to multi-day with overnight stays in tents in the forest. Most nature reserves and watching sites Also located under the rejected sky, so La Palma is considered an island for outdoor activities.

The best time for trekking walks is spring and autumn, when not very hot. In the mountainous area you can also go climbing, and in the cave areas of Villa de Majo (Villa de Mazo) - speleology. You can get acquainted with the beauty of the island not only on foot, but also riding a horse, like a real conquistor. One of the most exciting routes begins in Fuecallent and ends on the territory of Calder de Taberiente.

The island is washed by an excellent atalatic ocean - this is where the Razdar for lovers sea walking, sailing Sport, kayaking and fishing. During excursion walks around the sea, you can find dolphins. Lovers more extreme rest On La Palma can do diving, paragliding and mountainbaking.

Transport features of La Palma

Although La Palma is the island of lovers of walking walks, moving around the island is most convenient for the car, as the majority of tourist national parks and viewing sites are located outside the city. Be prepared for the fact that La Palma is a greater degree of mountainous terrain and steep serpentines. For renting a car, you will need to provide driver's license, voucher and credit card Visa, Amex, MasterCard. For driving a car and for its rental abroad, it is necessary to have international driver's license, to arrange that you can in MREO traffic police.

Another way of movement is, of course, the buses that go here clearly on schedule. At each stop there is a route map and schedule. You can buy bus tickets directly from the driver or purchase ticket (Bono Card). The fare of Los Canhahos to Santa Cruz de la Palma (7-10 minutes drive) will be approximately 1.5 euros. And from Santa Cruz de la Pama to Los Llanos or Fuencalent (hour drive) about 2.5 euros.

See also: