Mineral water is based. Geographic coordinates of mineral waters, Stavropol Territory, Russia

Mineral water - A small town in the Stavropol Territory, located in the Valley of the River Kuma, 172 kilometers from the regional center. The area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement is 51.5 square kilometers.

General data and historical facts

In 1875, the construction of Rostov-Vladikavkaz railway. In 1878, a working settlement was founded at the Sultanovskaya station.

In 1921, the station and the nearest settlement were transformed into the city of mineral water. After 4 years, the Mineralovo district was formed.

In 1925, the airport was built near the settlement.

In the 1930s, the Snake and Rudnik "Bestaunit", which were engaged in the processing and extraction of non-metallic materials functioned in the village.

During the Great Patriotic War 18 thousand inhabitants of mineral waters went to war against German interventionists. More than 7 thousand people have not returned from the battlefields. At this time, many industrial enterprises produced products for military needs.

From August 1942 to January 1943, the city was under the occupation of the German troops. During the occupation, the fascists killed and burned more than 10 thousand civilians in the area.

In the post-war years, the construction of residential buildings and hotels has been actively developing in mineral waters.

In 1956, the settlement received the status of the city of Regional Subordination. By this time, the city became a popular therapeutic resort, a place to relax and recovery.

In the summer of 1964, registering citizens was limited to the decision of the government of the country in mineral waters and other resort cities.

In 1991, Shamil Basayev seized the passenger aircraft, which followed from mineral waters to Ekaterinburg. The terrorist ordered the pilots to fly to the capital of Turkey Ankara.

In 1994, the terrorists organized a new terrorist attack. Bandits captured a long-distance bus, in which 36 people became hostages. According to the results of the special operation for the release of hostages, 4 people died.

In March 2001, an explosive construction worked at the entrance to the city market, which claimed 26 people.

Industrial enterprises: Mineralovodskiy Bakery, Publisher "Caucasian health resort", production "Stavroplast", Enterprise for the production and bottling of the "Don", enterprises "Stavropolsnab", branch of OJSC Irkutsk Plant of the Prefabricated Reinforcement.

Phone code of mineral waters - 87922. Zip code - 357000.

Climate and weather

Mineral waters prevailing mountain forest climates. Warm and short winters. The coldest month is January with an average temperature of -2.5 degrees.

Summer is long and very warm. average temperature July is +22.7 degrees. The average annual precipitation is 525 mm.

The total population of mineral waters for 2018-2019

Data in the number of population received from the service of state statistics. Schedule Changes in the number of citizens in the last 10 years.

The total number of residents for 2018 is 74.8 thousand people.

Data from the graph show a constant decrease in the population with 89017 people in 2007 to 74758 people in 2018.

The following nationalities live in the city: Russians - 82.6%, Armenians - 8.7%, Ukrainians - 1.3%, Greeks - 1.1%.

By January 2018, by the number of residents, mineral waters occupied 221th place out of 1113 cities of the Russian Federation.


1.Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary - The Orthodox Church was built in 1997. The candor complex includes church, administrative buildings, church wall with holy gates.

2.Church of the Iberian Icon of the Mother of God - The five-headed temple was built by the village Novotersky in 2008.

3.Memorial "Fire of Eternal Glory" - The memorable complex was opened on the "30th Victory" Square in 1976.


In the western part of mineral waters there is an international eponymous aerial hydrogen, from which flights to Moscow, Surgut, Ekaterinburg, Baku, Tel Aviv, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bTashkent, Dushanbe are being carried out.

Mineral waters are several railway stations connecting the city with Georgievsky,

The sightseeing route passes on the main attractions of three cities - resorts: Mineralnye Vody (Sightseeing Excursion) - Pyatigorsk (Flower Garden Park, Place of Duel Lermontov, Pulp) - Yessentuki (Sightseeing tour).

  • The tourist route begins with inspection of the main attractions of the city of Mineralnye Vody. In the course sightseeing tour Special attention will be given to the building of the railway station, the church of the Iverly icon of the Mother of God and the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Most Holy Virgin, will be stopped by the Eagle sculpture, which for several years has become the main symbol of all Cities of KMV.
  • The next city of visits is Pyatigorsk. Many attractions are concentrated in this resort. Making a sightseeing tour of the park flower garden, you can see a lot architectural monuments, sculptures, arbors, enjoy the unique microclimate of the park area. The next object is a place where it was killed, hot summer at night, Russian poet M.Yu. Lermontov. Then a tourist route leads to failure - the most mysterious natural object KMV. Here you can see the extraordinary color of the lake located on the bottom of Masha.
  • The ending city on the excursion route is the resort of Essentuki. In the process of a sightseeing excursion, it is possible to stroll through the healing park, see old buildings, unusual sculptures and monuments, cultural objects.

The excursion route is designed for 6 hours 30 minutes. The approximate cost of the excursion walk is 950 rubles.

History of mineral water

The history of the city of Mineralnye Vody leaves the roots in the 19th century, it was during this period that the construction of the Rostov-Vladikavkaz railway was completed, which was at that moment and remains to today the main transport hub of KMV and everything North Caucasus. Long-awaited ...

Climate in Mineral Waters

Climate In the city of Mineral waters, moderately continental, which has the impact of the immediate proximity of the main Caucasian ridge. There is a reduced air humidity throughout the city, dry and sunny weather.

Another climate feature of the climate of mineral waters is windy weather, which prevails mainly in the winter and spring months. The wind preferential has a western and eastern direction sometimes accompanied by strong gusts up to 12 - 15 m / s.

Dry moderately continental climate, having its own special features, forms hot, dry weather in summer and a little snow with frequent thaws in winter.

Mineral waters: entertainment and active rest

The resort city of Mineralnye Waters is famous for mineral source, called the name - novel healing. Narzan originates at the foot of the Snake Mountain at a depth of 1400 meters. Water has hydrocarbonate sulfate, calcium-sodium properties and is considered one of the most useful.

Novoter healing mineral water is widely used in therapeutic and preventive institutions of the city in the treatment of diseases of the gilent - intestinal tract, digestive organs, liver, urinary system, diabetes mellitus in an early stage, obesity, pancreas, nervous system.

In the city of Mineralnye Waters there are all the conditions in order to interesting and enforce your leisure. On the slopes of the mountain Snake, lovers extreme species Sports can do deltaplanism, go down on a mountain bike or go on pedestrian routes On the highest peak of the mountain.

Lovers to learn all new and interesting can visit numerous attractions concentrated both in the city feature and beyond.

Mineral waters have a well-established both internally and external transport connection. In the territory of the entire city, minibuses and regular buses run, connecting even the most remote areas of the city. Special routes delivering passengers to the city center are laid from the airport and train station.

The most convenient and fast view of the movement around the city and the surrounding area is considered to be a taxi. The city employs several enterprises providing private transport services that work around the clock.

Mineral waters are well established suburban transport links. Electric trains delivering passengers to the nearest cities - resorts from the train station.

The Caucasus attracted the attention of representatives of the most different layers of society: the creative intelligentsia, nobility, travelers, merchants, as well as adventurers-romanticists of all the masters, and of course those who amazing waters They suled hope for wonderful healing.

The picturesque nature of these places inspired not one generation of writers and poets: the magnificent foothills of Elbrus, the winding beds of the mountain rivers, carrying their waters among fragrant valleys, azure waterfalls, extensive steppe spaces, generously gifted by the sun ... All this created a surprisingly soft healthy climate, but a lot of healing Mineral waters and high-quality healing mud glorified the Caucasus, both in our country and beyond.

The official history of one of the oldest Balneological Centers of Russia began from 1803. At the place of the first settlements and tent campsOrganized near healing sources, first villages began to grow very quickly, and then cities. Here were the people of different professions, classes, to fix the health "on the waters" and relax in a pleasant society. Gradually, the news about the miraculous properties of local seats has spread throughout Russia and Europe - the resort has become a favorite place of rest and treatment. But still the peak of the popularity of this region falls on the Soviet era, when the journey for health has become not so complex and tedious, which it was at the end of the 19th early 20th century.

After the revolution, nationalized hotels and private houses were redoned under theratic institutions. At the same time, the construction of sanatoriums, waterproofs and resort complexes was organized. During the war years, immediately after the liberation of resorts in the spring of 1943, thousands of wounded Soviet fighters began to take hospitals. Thanks to therapeutic waters and muds, selfless work of doctors and all personnel, hundreds of human lives were rescued. In the post-war time, dozens of new mineral waters were opened, the construction of hotels, sanatoriums, pioneer camps and resort complexes was a rapid pace, the range of medical and wellness services was expanded. As a result, the cavmins become the resort of all-union value hosting up to one and a half million vacationers per year.

Today, the famous resort Caucasian mineral waters is located in the territory of the three subjects of the Federation: Stavropol Territory, Karachay-Cherkess Republic and the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. There are some of the best enterprises of the sanatorium-resort complex, with a wide range of medical and wellness services offered.

An amateur of foreign health care will be interested to know that Caucasian mineral waters are the most unique region in which almost all types of mineral waters are represented - more than 130 sources! Such a variety in its composition, quality and healing properties you will not find anywhere in the world!

In addition, just 12 kilometers from Pyatigorsk there is a famous lake Tambukan, at the bottom of which there are hundreds of thousands of tons of healing sludge. Every year, about 10 thousand tons of healing mud, which is also recognized as one of the best in the world, is produced for the needs of sanatoriums and resistant.

But even by those who did not hear about Kavminvodavod's resorts, another direction of activity of the region is well known - production of bottled mineral water. The legendary "Essentuki" and "Narzan" are familiar to everyone since childhood. These and other types of water today are shipped throughout Russia and the nearest abroad.

Another interesting directionwhich continues to actively develop every year - cognitive and sports tourism. In the edge with a rich history and culture, many interesting natural objects, there is no lack of attractions. Therefore, many tourists go here not so much behind the recovery, how many bright sightseeing impressions, a pacifying atmosphere of long-term hiking walks and active sports recreation in the mountains.

Based: 1803 year
Area: 5.3 thousand km 2
Population: 1 194 859 people. (2018)
Currency: Russian ruble
Language: Russian
OF.SYT: / http://www.adm-kmv.ru/

Departure time:
from Moscow - from 2 hours 15 minutes.
From St. Petersburg - from 3 o'clock
From Kazan - from 4 hours 50 minutes. (1-2 transplants)
From Yekaterinburg - from 3 hours 5 minutes.
From Novosibirsk - from 4 hours 35 min.

Most popular resorts In the Caucasian Mineral Waters: Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk and Pyatigorsk. Each resort city has its own healing specialization.

Kislovodsk - It is considered the solar and greatest resort. On the territory of the city, in addition to famous medical narrasanov, there is a huge park for walking, which goes far away in the mountains. Favorable climatic conditions and crystal clear air saturated with tart smells of resin and needles create an excellent healing effect. Recommended for the treatment of cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

Essentuki - A small cozy resort specializing in the treatment of endocrine disorders, gastrointestinal tract, liver and bile ducts. Perhaps this is the main healing "source" of mineral waters in the Caucasus.

Zheleznovodsk - The smallest and quiet resort among your fellow, but not less famous! This is the only resort in Russia and Europe with hot calcium mineral waters. Therefore, the main specialization of the resort is the treatment of diseases of the urogenital system and metabolic disorders. This resort can also be viewed for the treatment of respiratory organs.

Pyatigorsk - Multidisciplinary KMV resort. He is famous for his mud treatment, but in general is universal resort For comprehensive rehabilitation.

How to get

Getting to famous resorts quite easily and relatively not expensive. If the trip is not planned for a high season, then train tickets can do it more expensive than a plane ticket. The cost of traveling by trainers running in Kavminvoda, at prices comparable with similar trips to big cities. Minibuses and taxis are cheaper than in metropolisms. Planning a trip, remember that most of the routes from where you would not come / arrived, lead you to mineral waters - the main receiving and transference point.


In mineral waters is the largest in the south of the country international Airportwho receives frequenses from different cities Russia and neighboring countries. The plane is the most convenient and fast way to get to Kavmin. The flight time from Moscow will be about two hours, from St. Petersburg - about three. When searching for air tickets, pay attention to the Airlines "S7 Airlines" and "Nordstar", which have interesting budget deals. Mineral Water Airport itself is small, but modern, located 4 km from the city.

If your further route runs through the Mineral Water Railway Station, from which trains are sent to popular resort towns, we recommend using the route taxi No. 10, No. 11. Minibuses are sent from the airport every 30-40 minutes. From 6.00 am to 19.30 pm. By choosing route number 11, you will reach the city bus station, which is also connected by routes with many resorts: Kislovodsky, Pyatigorsky, Essentuki, Domable and others (travel time to the bus station, about 10 min.). You should not believe the taxi drivers who talk about the abolition of these routes or long interruptions between flights. Taxi services can be used if you want to get to other cities of Cavminvant without transfers. For example, a taxi ride to Kislovodsk, on average, you will cost you 900 p (January 2016).

A train

Before choosing this method of movement, we recommend to see what number of days you need on the road. Even fast trains in this direction do a large number of stops and go not quickly, so the trip can be quite tedious, especially in the hot season. Like the airport, the Mineral Water Railway Station is one of the most important transport points of this region. Before it, and the final station of the North Caucasian Railway - Kislovodsk, you can rely without transfers from many cities in Russia.

The mineral water station corresponds to the status of the station is a majestic building, with massive columns, dome, stained glass windows and frescoes, quite spacious and convenient for waiting. Before entering you, you will meet the famous sculpture "Eagle Running Snake" - the Kavmintor's symbol. Trains are sent from the station by routes. far follow and suburban report.

Separately, it should be noted the wonderful transport link inside the territory of Kavminvod! Suitable trains on the branch of mineral waters - Kislovodsk (its length - 64 km) - the main public transport between the cities of Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, Beshtau, Mineral Waters. Also, trains go to Georgievsk, Nevinnomyssk, Budennovsk and other cities of Stavropol Territory, with the exception of Zheleznovodsk. To get to Zheleznovodsk, you need to go out at Beshtau station (located 6 km from Zheleznovodsk) and continue the path on the route taxi or bus number 10 (about 5-7 minutes). If the far-distance train does not stop at the Beshtau station (for example, No. 004c "Caucasus" from Moscow), then from the railway station, mineral waters (from the station Square), as well as from the bus station, can be reached by bus or bus number 107.

Electric trains walk very often, at intervals 40 min - 1 hour 20 minutes (depending on the time of day), from 5 am to 11 pm. And, most importantly for the convenience of tourists, in every city, even the smallest, the train does 2-3 stops! Track schedule periodically changed. The fare, for example: Mineralnye Vody - Kislovodsk - 154 p. 20 k., Kislovodsk - Essentuki - 64 p. 10 k., Kislovodsk - Pyatigorsk - 115 p. 90 k. (2016)

Distance between cities KMV










Get to Kavminvod direct resorts bus flight can be from many large cities Russia. From Moscow to Kislovodsk, through resort towns, there are comfortable buses, departing mainly from the bus station "Southern Gate". The time on the way will be a little more than a day, the cost of the ticket is approximately 2000 rubles (2016). The main carrier in the Kavminvyavto North Caucasus region, which also implements regular flights along the Moscow-Kislovodsk and flights to the nearest regions.

Bus stations and bus station KMV node

Kislovodsk: The bus station is located outside the city - ul. Industrial, d. 4, getting to it is not very convenient. Work time from 6:00 to 19:00. Serves the following directions: Arzgir, Anapa, Astrakhan, Baku, Grateful, Budennovsk, Vladikavkaz, Volgograd, Gelendzhik, Georgievsk, Grozny, Derbent, Krasnodar, Labinsk, Majop, Makhachkala, Mozdok, Moscow, Nazran, Naplekumsk, Nalchik, Oktyabrsky, Cool, Stavropol, Sochi, Cherkessk.

Mineral water:in the city, two bus station: the old one - on the street. Gagarin, 98 (working hours from 06:30 to 18:00) and the new bus station "Ruslan", located on the street. Soviet, d. 97 (working hours from 5.00 to 23.00 without interruption and weekends). From the new bus station, buses are departed in all directions of the Carrier "Kavminvyavto".

Essentuki: The bus station is located on the street. Gagarina, d. 93 behind the Central Market Complex. It is also not easy to find it because of the neighborhood with the market and a large accumulation of transport. The building is old, in a bad condition, count on a comfortable wait for the flight is not worth it. Work time from 5:00 to 19:30. It serves the following directions: Arzgir, Anapa, Astrakhan, Baku, Grateful, Budennovsk, Vladikavkaz, Gelendzhik, Derbent, Majop, Makhachkala, Mozdok, Moscow, Nalchik, Novoselitskoye, Cool, Stavropol, Steppe, Stocked.

Pyatigorsk: The main bus station is located in the center of the city at the intersection of Kalinin and ul. Boyanovich. Work time from 5:45 to 21:00. Serves North Direction flights: Mineralnye Vody, Stavropol, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Moscow. From this station the same goes route taxi To Nalchik, Cherkessk, Vladikavkaz, Makhachkala and Grozny.

In Pyatigorsk there are several more bus station. From the bus station "Upper Market" route taxis is sent to the suburb and neighboring settlements, Including in Kabardino-Balkaria. The most demanded routes: No. 108: Pyatigorsk - Georgievsk, No. 130: "Pyatigorsk - Win-Gardens" and No. 112: "Pyatigorsk - Lermontov". From the bus station at the railway station, route taxis is running to Lermontov - No. 112, Zheleznovodsk - No. 213, mineral waters - No. 223. To the resort area and the lake "Powa" is a city bus number 1, landing for a bus from the barrier.

Zheleznovodsk:little bus station is located on the stationary area of \u200b\u200bthe train station. Work time from 06:00 to 17:00. Here destroyed destroying routes and several long-distance flights.

Coach and bus timetable for Mineral Water Bus Station


The nearest Kavmins of the federal equity - M29 ("Caucasus", passes through mineral waters and foreign vehicles) and A157 (Mineral Water Road Plot - Kislovodsk). Lermontov Highway - Cherkessk (A156) is kilometers in ten south city. From Moscow to Kislovodsk can be reached by the Federal Auto M4 "Don" (E115), through Rostov-on-Don to the village of Pavlovskaya in Krasnodar Territoryand then - on the highway M29 (E50) through mineral waters.

Climate and weather in Caucasian Minerals

The climate in the Caucasian Mineral Waters region depends on the specific city, because the mountains are able to form unique weather on a relatively small territory.

For example, due to the fact thatKislovodsk Located above, than other resort towns of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody, sunny weather here are about 150 days a year. The climate in Kislovodsk is moderately continental, the city is surrounded by the Caucasian ridge, which protects it from cold winds and creates a special mountain climate.

  • Burning tours to Russia

Search flights to Mineralnye Vody


Main public transport - buses and minibuses. Most of them leave from the railway station, route network covers all areas of the city and nearby villages. The fare is relatively small - about 16 RUB.

The only drawback is that transport goes to 19: 00-20: 00. So, if you plan somewhere to stay late, be prepared to use a taxi service. The latter in mineral waters are represented by several local firms, tariffs in comparison with Moscow low - passage around the city will cost 50-150 RUB, transfer from the airport - from 150 RUB. An international transfers booking service is also operating, but prices are much higher - from 600 RUB. Prices on the page are shown in November 2018.

Mines of mineral water

Rent a Car

If you arrived in the mineral waters for a while and you do not plan to leave for the city, then rent a car, perhaps, no sense. Net public transport It covers all the territory along with the suburbs, buses often go, and the passage costs a bit. In case of late walk there are a taxi with quite low tariffs. If you want to explore the surroundings and other cities of the resort region, it will be more expedient to take the car and do not depend on the schedule of trains and intercity buses.

Mineral waters are a small city, and such automotive traffic, as in Moscow or St. Petersburg, no. Movement is calm, but sometimes there are traffic jams. There should be no parking problems - there are several round-the-clock car stations, paid and free. The cost per day in the open territory is 100 RUB, in Parking at the airport - 500 RUB.

Most companies providing car rental services work throughout the region, which allows you to take a car in mineral waters, and return to Pyatigorsk or Essentuki. Such an opportunity is provided by Urerentcar and Autorent-KMV. Most firms, including Avant Car and Auto Dar, take bank cards to pay. The cost of car rental, depending on class and lease term, varies from 1000 RUB per day.

Treatment in Mineral Waters

The Caucasian Mineral Water Region has long been famous for its healing climate and healing natural sources. The first information about them appeared in the 17th century, and in Soviet times this resort was one of the most sought-after among the inhabitants of our country. And although the sources themselves are located in neighboring cities, in the vicinity of mineral waters, there are also many sanatoriums offering vacationing various wellness treatments.

It is worth come here, even if there are no specific diseases. Mineral and foam-licensive baths, therapeutic dirt and the healing climate of this region purify the body from slags and toxins.

Different health resorts are treated with ulcers and gastritis, diabetes and obesity, liver disease, kidney and nervous system. This is not a complete list of paragraphs that water from underground sources help to cope. Depending on the testimony and contraindications, different methods are used - drinking treatment, useful baths with mineral water and mudtoherapy.

Hotels of Mineral Water

Choosing a hotel in mineral waters, first of all you need to decide on the purpose of traveling. In the city there is as ordinary hotels and guest Housesand sanatorium offering various therapeutic procedures. Price per day in the last is an order of magnitude higher. The cost of accommodation does not depend much on the location of the hotel, in the center or out of the outskirts, however, the budget options should be sought still closer to the suburbs.

Those who want to save is worth paying attention to inexpensive guest houses. Night in the general female or male number several people will cost only 500 RUB. Prices for accommodation in a double room starts from 1000 RUB.

There are three and four-star hotels in the city, most of them are concentrated in the central part. During the day in a comfortable room with a design interior and satellite television, you will have to post from 2500 to 3000 RUB. Bars, restaurants and karaoke are available, and in the evening - entertainment With animators.

What will bring

Since the rest in mineral waters is usually associated with treatment, as souvenirs, something with the healing properties will usually be dismissed. First of all, it is worth capturing a few bottles of therapeutic mineral water from nearby sources. In the city itself there is no, but "Narzans" and "Essentuki" can be found in many stores.

Any water with the therapeutic effect should be drunk with extreme caution. Choosing a present, be sure to get acquainted with the composition and properties of different varieties.

Another useful souvenir is Tambukan dirt that is actively used in the treatment of skin diseases and cosmetology. Its source, Lake Tambukan, is located 30 km from the city, so you can also dial a little alone. If there is no such possibility, assembled and packaged dirt, as well as cosmetics based on it are sold in pharmacies and mineral waters.

There are in these places and souvenir, healing the body, but the soul. Famous Praskovean brandy are produced on the Vinnovat Simonal, located 100 km from the city, and are considered one of the business cards of the city.

Cafes and restaurants of mineral waters

The choice of cafes in mineral waters is not so large as in larger tourist regions, however, and here you can find where to eat or delicious dinner. There are several excellent restaurants in the city with a luxurious interior and quality service, in the menu - Russian, European and Caucasian dishes. The average check is from 1000 to 2000 RUB.

Among tourists I. local residents The most famous restaurant "Hurbi", located in the building of the same castle. His main advantages - excellent kitchen, friendly staff and the atmosphere of the Middle Ages.

For fast and satisfying snack, numerous cafes are perfectly suitable, breakfast in which will cost 300-500 RUB. For lovers of pizza and sushi there are restaurants of Italian and Japanese cuisine. Special place among the institutions of mineral waters occupy cafe-skewers. Caucasian cuisine is impossible to imagine without this hot and fragrant dishes. Here is a real kebab at quite reasonable prices - the cost of lunch in most cafes and restaurants of the city does not exceed 700-1000 RUB.

Gides in mineral waters

Entertainment and sights of mineral waters

It is not necessary to perceive the city exclusively as a transplant station on the way to the resorts of the North Caucasus. Silent and cozy, it is great for recreation and relaxation after the rabid rhythm of megacities. In addition, there are interesting natural, historical and architectural attractions, not to mention the sanatoriums and the hospitals, for which many people go to these edges.

It is said that in mineral waters there are not enough sea: attractions, entertainment and even the mountains are already there.

Arriving in mineral waters on the train can begin familiarizing with attractions, "without departing from the box office." Railway station is one of the most interesting and beautiful historical buildings of the city. It was built in the late 50s. last century on the site of an old building.

Before the semicircle of white columns is a sculpture of an eagle closing the snake in claws. The monument illustrates a local legend on how proud bird managed to hear from a poisonous bite with water from local healing sources.

One of the most interesting natural attractions is the magmatic mountain Snake. Tourists it attracts not only beautiful mountain landscapes and unique Florato and fauna. On the slopes there are several holy sources and monuments of the Second World War, as well as gallery and quarries. Often you can meet lovers active rest with climbing equipment.

In mineral waters there are several temples and cathedrals that will be interested in believers and those who want to meet the history, culture and architecture of the city. The main religious attraction is the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Among his shrines - the relics of the Reverend Feodosia of the Caucasian - the saint patron of these places.

From urban museums, the Museum of Aviation Technology is the greatest interest, in the exposition of which the military and civil courts are presented. Those who wish to learn more about the history of mineral waters should look at the Museum of Museum.


Ride on vacation in mineral waters is better in the second half of summer or in the fall. Although the climate of the city is moderately continental and rather mild at any time of the year, in winter and spring is a great risk in the rainy season. Summer here begins early, in mid-May, and ends only in September, replacing cool, but solar and dry autumn, but in June short, but intense showers are not uncommon.

Winter in mineral waters warm and rainy, severe frosts practically does not happen. In the period of early and short spring, which comes to these edges at the end of February - early March, the probability of precipitation is great.

Latitude: 44 ° 12'37 "S.Sh.
Longitude: 43 ° 08'07 "V.D.
Height above sea level: 310 m

Coordinates of mineral waters in decimal degrees

Latitude: 44.2102800 °
Longitude: 43.1352800 °

Coordinates of mineral waters in degrees and decimal minutes

Latitude: 44 ° 12.6168 'S.Sh.
Longitude: 43 ° 8.1168 'V.D.

All coordinates are shown in the World WGS 84 coordinate system.
WGS 84 is used in the Satellite Global Positioning and GPS Navigation System.
Coordinates (latitude and longitude) determine the position of the point on the surface of the Earth. Coordinates are angular values. The canonical form of representation of coordinates is degrees (°), minutes (') and seconds ("). In GPS systems, the coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes or in decimal degrees are widely used.
The latitude takes values \u200b\u200bfrom -90 ° to 90 °. 0 ° - Equator latitude; -90 ° - the latitude of the southern pole; 90 ° - the latitude of the North Pole. Positive values \u200b\u200bcorrespond to the northern latitude (point north of the equator, abbreviated by S.Sh. or N); Negative - southern latitude (south of the equator, abbreviated by Yu.Sh. or S).
The longitude is counting from zero meridian (Iers Reference Meridian in the WGS 84 system) and takes values \u200b\u200bfrom -180 ° to 180 °. Positive values \u200b\u200bcorrespond to Eastern longitude (abbreviated by V.D. or E); Negative - Western Longitude (abbreviated CD or W).
The height above sea level shows the height of the point of the relative conditional level of the sea. We use a digital model height

See also: