How fast is the supersonic fighter flies. Supersonic aircraft

The two-door fighter of the production of KB of dry was adopted by the USSR Air Force in 1985, although he made the first flight in May 1977.

This aircraft can reach the maximum supersonic 2.35 Mach velocity (2500 km / h), which is two more times faster than sound speed.

Su-27 earned a reputation as one of the most combat-ready units of its time, and some models are still used in the Army of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

Tactical impact aircraft designed in the 1960s General Dynamics. Calculated for two crew members, the first aircraft entered the US Air Force in 1967, and was used for strategic bombardments, exploration and radio electronic combat. F-111 was able to develop a speed of 2.5 maha (2655 km / h), or 2.5 times the speed of sound.

Two-door tactical fighter was developed by McDonnell Douglas in 1967. The all-weather aircraft is designed to capture and maintain superiority in the air over enemy forces during air combat. F-15 Eagle made the first flight in July 1972 and officially entered the US Air Force in 1976.

F-15 is able to fly at speeds exceeding 2.5 maha (2655 km / h), and is considered one of the most successful aircraft from ever created. F-15 Eagle is expected to be in the US Air Force service until 2025. Now the fighter is exported to a row foreign countries, Including Japan, Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Large, two-dimensional supersonic aircraft production of Mikoyan KB is designed to intercept foreign aircraft at high speeds. The plane made the first flight in September 1975, and was adopted by the Air Force in 1982.

MiG-31 reaches 2.83 MAK (3000 km / h) and was able to fly on supersonic speeds even at low altitudes. MiG-31 is still in service in the Air Force of Russia and Kazakhstan.


The aircraft with six XB-70 Valkyrie engines was developed by North American Aviation in the late 1950s. The aircraft was built as a prototype for a strategic bomber with nuclear bombs.

XB-70 Valkyrie has reached its estimated speed on October 14, 1965, when it reached 3.02 MAKA (3219 km / h), at an altitude of 21300 m above the EDVARDS Air Force Base in California.

Two XB-70s were built and used in test flights from 1964 to 1969. One of the prototypes failed in 1966 after a collision in the air, and the other XB-70 was issued to review National Museum US Air Force in Dayton, Ohio.

Bell X-2 Starbuster


Plane with a rocket engine - joint development of Bell Aircraft Corporation, US Air Force and National advisory Committee Aeronautics (predecessor NASA) in 1945. The aircraft was built to study aerodynamic properties with supersonic flight in the range of 2 and 3 Mach.

X-2 on the nicknamed Starbuster made the first flight in November 1955. Next year, in September 1956, Captain Milburn was able to develop a speed of 3.2 MAH (3370 km / h) at an altitude of 19800 m.

Soon after reaching this maximum speed, the aircraft became unlikely and fell. This tragic incident put the cross on the X-2 program.

The plane of Mikoyan-Gurevich was designed to intercepting enemy aircraft on supersonic speeds and collecting reconnaissance data. MiG-25 is one of the fastest military aircraft put into operation. MiG-25 made the first flight in 1964 and was first used by Soviet Air Force in 1970.

MiG-25 has an incredible maximum speed - 3.2 Mach (3524 km / h). The plane is still in the service of the Air Force of Russia, and is also used in a number of other countries, including the Air Force of Algeria and the Syrian Air Force.

The prototype of the aircraft developed by the Lockheed corporation in the late 50s - early 60s. The plane was built to intercept enemy aircraft at 3 Mach.

Testing YF-12 took place on the Area 51, the total secretary of the US Air Force, which the UFologies attributed communication with aliens. YF-12 made the first flight in 1963 and developed the maximum speed of 3.2 MAH (3330 km / h) at an altitude of 24,400 m. The US Air Force eventually canceled the program, but YF-12 has made a number of research flights for the Air Force and NASA. Finally, the aircraft stopped flying in 1978.

When can a new supersonic passenger aircraft be climbed into the sky? Business Jet based on the Tu-160 bombard: Really? How silently overcome the sound barrier?

Tu-160 is the largest and most powerful in the history of military aviation supersonic aircraft and an airplane with a variable wing geometry. Among the pilots received the nickname "White Swan". Photo: AP.

Are there any supersonic passenger cars in perspective? - I asked not so long ago outstanding Russian aircraft designer Henry Novozhilov.

Of course have. At least a supersonic business aircraft will definitely appear, "answered Heinrich Vasilyevich. - I have repeatedly been talking to American businessmen. They clearly stated: "If such a plane appeared, Mr. Novozhilov, however expensive it would be worth it, you would have bought it instantly." Speed, height and range are three factors that are always relevant.

Yes, relevant. The dream of any businessman: in the morning to fly across the ocean, enter into a large deal, and in the evening to return home. Modern aircraft fly no faster than 900 km / h. A supersonic business jet will have a cruising speed of about 1900 km per hour. What are the prospects for the business world!

That is why neither Russia nor America nor Europe have left attempts to create a new supersonic passenger car. But the story of those who have already flown - the Soviet Tu-144 and the Anglo-French "Concord", he taught a lot.

In December of this year, it will be half a century, as Tu-144 made the first flight. And a year later, the liner showed what is specifically capable of: overcame the sound barrier. He scored a speed of 2.5 thousand km / h at an altitude of 11 km. This event entered the story. There are still no analogues of passenger sides that can repeat a similar maneuver.

"One hundred and forty-four" opened a fundamentally new page in the global aircraft. They are told at one of the meetings in the Central Committee of the CPSU Designer Andrei Tupolev reported Khrushchev: the car is quite voracious. But he only waved his hand: Your business is to wipe the nose to capitalists, and I have kerosene - at least pour ...

The nose was lost. Kerosene - flooded.

However, the European competitor who took off later, also did not differ in economy. So, in 1978, nine "Concorders" brought about $ 60 million to their companies. And only government subsidies saved the situation. Nevertheless, "Anglo-French" flew until November 2003. But the Tu-144 has written off much earlier. Why?

First of all, Khrushchev optimism was not justified: the energy crisis and the price of Kerosene rushed up to the world. The supersonic firstborn immediately dubbed the "Aeroflot" with the "bonus". A huge fuel consumption knocked out and the project distance of flights: Tu-144 did not reach Khabarovsk, nor to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Only from Moscow to Alma-Ata.

And if only it. 200-ton "Iron", krused over densely populated areas on supersonic speed, literally blew up all the space along the route. Complaints fell: Nadodiy at the burenok fell, the chickens stopped rushing, the acid rains were crushed ... where the truth, where the lie - today you can not say unequivocally. But the fact remains the fact: "Concord" flew only over the ocean.

Finally, the most important catastrophe. One thing - in June 1973 at the air show in Paris Le Bourget, which is called, in sight of the planet of the whole: the crew of the Tester pilot Kozlov wanted to demonstrate the capabilities of the Soviet liner ... Other - five years old. Then the test flight was performed with the engines of the new series: they just had to pull the aircraft to the required range.

"Concord" also did not escape the tragedy: the plane crashed in July 2000 when departing from Charles de Gaulle airport. Ironically, he collapsed almost there, where the Tu-144 once. 109 people were killed on board and four on Earth. Regular passenger Transportation We resumed only a year later. But another train of incidents followed, and on this supersonic, also put a fatty point.

On December 31, 1968, the first flight of Tu-144 took place, two months earlier, "Concord". And on June 5, 1969, at an altitude of 11,000 meters, our plane is the first in the world in the world beyond the sound barrier. Photo: Sergey Mikheev / RG

Today, on a new turn of technology development, scientists need to find a balance between contradictory factors: good aerodynamics of a new supersonic aircraft, low fuel consumption, as well as tight restrictions on noise and sound blow.

How really it is to create a new passenger supersonic on the basis of the Tu-160 bomber? From the point of view of purely engineering - quite, experts say. And in history there are examples when military aircraft successfully "filmed straps" and flew "to civil": so, Tu-104 was created on the basis of the Tu-16 long bombarder, and the Tu-114 - Tu-95 bombarder. In both cases, it was necessary to redo the fuselage - change the wing location scheme, expand the diameter. In fact, these were new aircraft, and quite successful. By the way, a curious detail: when Tu-114 first arrived in New York, there was not a suitable in the height of the ladder, nor a tractor ...

Similar work is required for at least the conversion of Tu-160. However, how much does this decision be cost effective? Everything needs to be carefully evaluated.

How much such aircraft do you need? Who and where will they fly? How commercially available for passengers? How soon will the costs for development pay off? .. Tickets on the same Tu-144 cost 1.5 times more expensive, but even such a high cost did not cover operating costs.

Meanwhile, according to experts, the first Russian supersonic administrative aircraft (business jet) may be designed for seven or eight years if there is an embossed engine. Such a plane will be able to accommodate up to 50 people. The total demand in the domestic market is predicted at 20-30 cars at a price of 100-120 million dollars.

Serial supersonic passenger new generation aircraft may appear around 2030

Designers on both sides of the ocean work on projects of supersonic business jets. All are looking for new layout solutions. Someone offers an atypical tail, someone is a completely unusual wing, someone - a fuselage with a curved central axis ...

Tsagi specialists are developing a project of SDS / ATP ("Supersonic Business Airplane / Supersonic Passenger Airplane"): on the idea, the transatlantic flights to a distance of up to 8600 km can perform with cruising speed of at least 1900 km / h. Moreover, the interior will be transformed - from 80-bed in a 20-seater VIP-class.

BUT last summer At the air show in Zhukovsky one of the most interesting was the model of high-speed civil aircraft, Created by scientists of the TsAGA within the international project HEXAFLY-INT. This aircraft should fly at a speed of more than 7-8 thousand km / h corresponding to the number of Maha 7 or 8.

But in order for the high-speed civil aircraft to become a reality, a huge range of tasks will remain. They are associated with materials, hydrogen power installation, its integration with the glider and obtaining the high aerodynamic efficiency of the aircraft itself.

And that is already quite accurate: the design features of the designed winged machine will be clearly non-standard.


Sergey Chernyshev, General Director of TsAGI, Academician RAS:

The sound impact level (sharp pressure drop in the shock wave) from Tu-144 was 100-130 Pascals. But modern studies have shown: it can be brought to 15-20. Moreover, reduce the volume of sound impact up to 65 decibels, and this is equivalent to noise big City. Until now, there are no official standards for the permissible level of sound impact. And most likely it will be determined not earlier than 2022.

We have already suggested the appearance of the demonstrator of the supersonic civil aircraft of the future. The sample should show the possibility of reducing sound impact in supersonic cruising flight and noise in the airport area. Several options are considered: the aircraft is 12-16 passengers, also by 60-80. There is a variant of a very small business aircraft - on 6-8 passengers. These are different weights. In one case, the machine will weigh about 50 tons, and in the other - 100-120, etc. But we start with the first of the designated supersonic aircraft.

According to different estimates, today there is an unrealized need for the market the need for quick flights of business people on aircraft with a passenger capacity of 12-16 people. And, of course, the car should fly at no less than 7-8 thousand kilometers along transatlantic routes. Cruising speed will be 1.8-2 Mach, that is, about twice as fast as the sound speed. Such a speed is a technological barrier for use in the design of ordinary aluminum materials in the design. Therefore, the dream of scientists is to make the aircraft completely from temperature composites. And there are good developments.

The clear requirements for the aircraft must determine the starting customer, and then at the stages of the sketch design and conduct of experimental design work, it is possible to some change in the original appearance of the aircraft obtained at the pre-design stage. But the reasonable principles of reducing sound strike remain unchanged.

The short-lasting passenger exploitation of supersonic Tu-144 was limited to flights from Moscow to Almaty. Photo: Boris baskets / photo chronicles TASS

I think that the flying prototype separates us for 10-15 years. In the near future, according to our plans, a flying demonstrator should appear, the appearance of which is being worked out. His main task is to demonstrate the main technologies for creating a supersonic aircraft with a low level of sound impact. This is the necessary stage of work. The serial supersonic new generation aircraft may appear on the horizon of 2030.

Oleg Smirnov, Honored pilot of the USSR, Chairman of the Commission on Civil Aviation of the Public Council of Rostransnadzor:

Make a Tu-160 passenger supersonic. For our engineers - quite real. Not a problem. Especially since the car is very good, with wonderful aerodynamic qualities, good wing, fuselage. However, today any passenger aircraft must first of all comply with the international requirements of flight and technical fitness. Missing, if we compare the bomber and passenger aircraft, more than 50 percent. For example, when some say that when reworking it is necessary to "inflate the fuselage", it is necessary to understand: the Tu-160 itself weighs more than 100 tons. "Blind" is to add weight. So it means to increase fuel consumption, reduce speed and height, make the device on its operational expenditures absolutely unattractive for any airline.

To create a supersonic aircraft for business aviation, you need a new avionics, new aircraft engines, new materials, new types of fuel. On Tu-144 kerosene, what is called, rushed by the river. Today it is impossible. And most importantly - such a plane should be massive demand. One or two cars on request from millionaire financial problems will not be solved. Airlines will have to take it into lease and "work out" cost. On whom? Naturally, on passengers. From the point of view of the economy, the project will become failed.

Sergey Melnichenko, General Director of MKAA "Security of Flights":

For nearly 35 years since the beginning of the serial release of Tu-160, the technology went ahead, and this will have to be taken into account when the existing aircraft is deeply upgraded. AirChanges say that much easier and cheaper to create a new plane in accordance with the new concept, than rebuilding the old one.

Another question: if the Tu-160 will be rebuilt under a business jet, do they still be interested in Arab sheikh? However, there are several "but". The aircraft will need to receive an international certificate (and for its issuing the European Union and the USA), which is very problematic. In addition, you will need new economy engines that we do not have. Those who are available, fuel do not consume, but drink.

If the plane is re-equipped for the carriage of economy passengers (which is unlikely), then the question is where to fly and whom to carry? For the past year, we have just gotten to the figure of 100 million passengers transported. In the USSR, these indicators were much higher. The number of airfields decreased several times. Not all who would like to fly into european part Countries from Kamchatka and Primorye, can afford it. Tickets for "drinking fuel plane" will be more expensive than "Boeing" and "Erbasi".

If the plane is planned to rebuild purely under the interests of the leaders of large companies, then it is likely to be. But then this question concerns their purely, not the Russian economy and people. Although in this case it is difficult to imagine that flights will be performed only in Siberia or the Far East. Problem with noise on the ground. And if the updated plane is not allowed on Sardinia, then who needs it?

In the early 60s it became clear that the USSR needs a supersonic passenger plane, because The main reactive liner of the time - Tu-104 from Moscow to Khabarovsk flew with two intermediate landings for refueling. Turbuhovintaya Tu-114 was performed on this route the non-stereo flights, but the flight was as many as 14 hours. And the supersonic Tu-144 distance 8500 kilometers would overcome in 3.5 hours! To the Soviet Union to ensure the growing passenger traffic in the conditions of extended transcontinental routes, a new modern supersonic passenger aircraft was needed (ATP).

However, a detailed analysis and development of the proposed ATP projects based on the first supersonic bombers showed that the creation of an effective competitive ATP by modifying the military prototype - the task is extremely complex. The first supersonic combat heavy aircraft in their constructive solutions mainly met the requirements of relatively short-term flights on the supersonic. For ATP, it was necessary to provide a long cruising flight at speeds at least two speeds of sound - the number of Mach is 2 (M \u003d 2). The specifics of the task of transporting passengers additionally demanded a significant increase in the reliability of all elements of the aircraft design, subject to more intensive operation, taking into account the increase in the duration of flights on supersonic modes. Analyzing all possible options for technical solutions, aviation experts, both in the USSR and in the West, came to hardware that cost-effective ATPs need to be designed as a fundamentally new type of aircraft.

Before the domestic aviation science and industry, during the creation of the Soviet ATP, a number of scientific and technical problems were raised with which our neither dosuchkaya passenger nor military supersonic aviation faced. First of all, to ensure the required tight-specific characteristics of the ATP, this is a flight at a speed M \u003d 2 to a range of up to 6,500 km with 100-120 passengers, in combination with acceptable run-up data, it was necessary to significantly improve the aerodynamic quality of the aircraft at cruising flight speeds. It was required to solve questions of sustainability and manageability heavy aircraft When flying to dosens, transonic and supersonic areas, develop practical methods for balancing the aircraft in all these modes, taking into account the minimization of aerodynamic losses. Long flight at speed m \u003d 2 was associated with research and ensuring the strength of the design and units of the glider at elevated temperatures close to 100-120 degrees C, it was necessary to create heat-resistant structural materials, lubricants, sealants, and develop types of structures capable of working for a long time In conditions of cyclic aerodynamic heating.

The aerodynamic appearance of Tu-144 was determined mainly by obtaining a large range of flights on cruising supersonic mode, subject to the required characteristics of stability and controllability, as well as specified characteristics of the takeoff and landing. The aerodynamic quality of Tu-144 at the double speed of the sound was 8.1, on the "Concord" - 7.7, and most of the supersonic "migrats" of the mid-60s of the last century did not exceed the coefficient equal to 3.4. In the design of the first ATP glider, traditional aluminum alloys were used, by 20%, it was made of titanium, well carrying heating to 200 degrees S. The only plane in the world in which Titan was also used - SR-71, the famous "Black Drazda ", American supersonic scout.

Tu-144D № 77115 at Aviasame Max 2015 / Photo (c) Andrei Velichko

Based on the conditions for obtaining the required aerodynamic quality and optimal modes of the glider, systems and units of the aircraft with subsonic and supersonic speeds, stopped on the low-storm scheme with a composite triangular wing of a revival form. The wing was formed by two triangular surfaces with angle of sweatshirt on the front edge of 78 ° and 55 ° - for the rear base part. Four TRDDF was placed under the wing. Vertical plumage was located on the longitudinal axis of the aircraft. In the design of the glider, traditional aluminum alloys were mainly used. The wing was formed from symmetric profiles and had a complex twist in two directions: in the longitudinal and transverse one. This achieved the best flow around the surface of the wing on supersonic mode, in addition, such a twist contributed to the improvement of longitudinal balancing on this mode.

The construction of the first experienced aircraft Tu-144 ("044") began in 1965, at the same time a second copy was built for static tests. An experienced "044" was originally calculated on 98 passengers, later this figure was increased to 120. Accordingly, the estimated tip mass increased from 130 to 150 tons. The experimental car was built in Moscow in the workshops of MMZ "Experience", some of the aggregates were manufactured on his branches. In 1967, the assembly of the main elements of the aircraft was completed. At the end of 1967, the experienced "044" transported to the Zhukovskoy-test and contextual base, where, during the whole in 1968, conversion and dowomopying of the car with the missing systems and aggregates were carried out.

At the same time, flights of the MiG-21I analog aircraft (A-144, "21-11") began on the Leah aircraft (A-144, 21-11) aircraft. The analogue was created in the OKB A. I. Mikoyan and had a wing geometrically and aerodynamically similar wing of experienced "044". In total, two cars "21-11" were built, many tester pilots flew on them, including those who had to experience Tu-144. The analogue has successfully reached a speed of 2500 km / h, these flight materials served as the basis for the final finishing of the Wing of Tu-144, and also allowed the test pilchs to prepare for the peculiarities of the aircraft behavior with such a wing.

December 31, 1968 - the first flight Tu-144

At the end of 1968, an experienced "044" (onboard number 68001) was ready for the first flight. The crew as part of the car was appointed: the ship commander - a deserved tester pilot E. V. Elyan (who then received the Tu-144 Hero of the Soviet Union); The second pilot - the Honored Tesser pilot of the hero of the Soviet Union M.V. Kozlova; The leading test engineer V. N. Bendarov and the flight engineer Yu. T. Selivarstova. Given the novelty of the aircraft, the OKB went to an extraordinary solution: for the first time on an experienced passenger car, they decided to establish the catapults of the crew.

During the month, engines were held, jogging, terrestrial systems checks. Since the beginning of the third decade of December 1968, "044" was in pre-successful readiness, the car and crew were fully prepared for the first flight, during all these ten days above the Lei airfield there were no weather, and the experienced Tu-144 remained on Earth. Finally, on the last day of the outgoing 1968, after 25 seconds after the start of the "044" first broke away from take-off strip Aerodrome Leia and quickly scored height. The first flight lasted 37 minutes, in the flight the car was accompanied by an analogue of "21-11". Tu-144 managed to take off two months earlier than its English-French "colleague" - the "Concord" liner, which fulfilled the first flight on March 2, 1969.

According to the crew, the car showed itself obedient and "bat". At the first departure, A. N. Tupolev, A. A. Tupolev, many leaders of the OKB divisions were present. The first flight of Tu-144 became an event of world importance and an important point in the history of domestic and world aviation. For the first time in the air rose a supersonic passenger aircraft.

On June 3, 1973, the first serial car during the demonstration flight in Le Bourget suffered a disaster. The commander of the Tester's pilot M. V. Kozlov, the second pilot V. M. Makovanov, the deputy chief designer V.N. Bendera, the flight engineer A. I. DLORL, K. A. Bazhenov's navigator, engineer B. A. Primezhin. To investigate the catastrophe, a commission was created, in which the specialists of the USSR and France took part. According to the results of the investigation, the French noted that there was no refusal to the technical part of the aircraft, the cause of the disaster was the presence in the cockpit not fastened crew members, the sudden appearance of the Mirage aircraft in the field of view of the Tu-144 crew, the presence of a film chamber in the hands of one of the crew members, which When falling, the control helper could swam. The most exchanging and accurate about the catastrophe of Tu-144 in Le Bourget in the 90s, E. V. Elhyan spoke in the 90s: "This catastrophe is a bitter example of how small negligents in first glance, in this case, from the French side Flight management services led to tragic consequences. "

Nevertheless, Tu-144 began to make regular flights. The first working flight was performed on December 26, 1975 on the route Moscow-Alma-Ata, where the aircraft transfer mail and parcel, and from November 1977, passenger transportation began in the same direction.

Flights were performed only by two aircraft - No. 77108 and No. 77109. Aeroflot pilots flew only as second pilots, the crew commanders were always tester-tester pilot testers. The ticket cost considerable money at that time - 82 rubles, and on the usual flight IL-18 or Tu-114 on the same route - 48 rubles.

From an economic point of view, after a while it became clear that the operation of Tu-144 was unprofitable - supersonic aircraft flew by half empty, and after 7 months, Tu-144 was removed from regular flights. Similar problems experienced "Concord": only 14 aircraft flew to America in America, and even expensive tickets could not compensate for airlines huge fuel costs. Unlike Tu-144, the flights of "Concords" were subsidized by the governments of France and Great Britain almost until the beginning of the 90s. The cost of the ticket on the London-New York highway in 1986 was 2,745 USD. All expensive people could allow such expensive flights for whom the "time-money" formula is the main credo of existence. In the West, such people were and for them are flights on "concords" - the natural savings of time and money, that confirmation is their overall raid on the intercontinental highways for 1989 in 325,000 lorches. Therefore, it can be assumed that the program "Concord" for the British and French was sufficiently commercial, and the subsidies were allocated to maintain prestige in relation to Americans.

On May 23, 1978, the second Tu-144 wreck occurred. Improved experimental version of the Tu-144D aircraft (no forced landing On the field at the village of Ilinsky, not far from the city of Yegoryevsk. The commander of the crew V. D. Popov, the second pilot E. V. Elhyan and the navigator V. V. Vyzigin were able to leave the aircraft through the window of the cabin. Engineered in the cabin, V. M. Kulesh, V. A. Isaev, V. N. Starpovsky left the plane through the front entrance door. O. A. Nikolaev's flight engineers and V. L. Venediktov turned out to be clamped in the workplace deformed when landing structures and died. The rejected nasal fairing touched the soil first, he worked as a bulldozer knife, entering the land, tested under the bottom and entered the fuselage. On June 1, 1978, Aeroflot forever stopped supersonic passenger flights.

Subsequently, Tu-144D was used only for freight traffic between Moscow and Khabarovsk. In total, Tu-144 made 102 flights under the flag of Aeroflot, of which 55 - passenger on which 3,194 passengers were transported.

Photo: TU-144 board of the USSR-77115 / (C) Baskakov V.D.

Later, Tu-144 made only test flights and several flights in order to establish world records. From 1995 to 1999, one significantly modified Tu-144D (No. 77114) called Tu-144l was used by the NASA space agency for research in the field of high-speed commercial flights to develop a plan for creating a new, modern supersonic passenger aircraft. Due to the lack of use of NK-144 or RD-36-51 engines, NK-32, similar to those used on Tu-160, a variety of sensors and control and recording equipment, were installed on Tu-144LL.

A total of 16 Tu-144 aircraft were built, which have committed a total of 2,556 departures and flew 4 110 hours (among them most, 432 hours, board 77144). The construction of another four aircraft was never completed.

Tu-144 board of the USSR-77114 in the parking lot in Lii them. Gromova, Airfield in Zhukovsky / Photo (c) Andrei Velichko, Max 2003

There are currently no remaining aircraft. Almost fully staffed with details and can be restored to the flight state only Tu-144l No. 77114 and Tu-144D No. 77115. Board No. 77114, which was used for NASA tests, is stored at the airfield in Zhukovsky. Tu-144D No. 77115 is also kept at the airfield in Zhukovsky. Once every two years, these cars demonstrate on a static parking during international aircraftic salons Max.

Tu-144 different modifications Concorde.
Tu-144 ("044") Tu-144S. Tu-144d Tu-144L.
Crew, people 4 3
Length, M. 59,40 65,70 61,66
Height, M. 12,25 12,50 12,2
Wingspan, M. 27,65 28,00 28,80 25,60
Wing Square 438 503 507 358,6
Maximum take-off mass, kg 180 000 195 000 207 000 203 000 185 000
Mass of payload, kg 12 000 15 000 13 380
Mass of fuel, kg 70 000 98 000 95 000 95 680
amount 4
NK-144. NK-144A. RD-36-51A. NK-32-1 Olympus 593.
Traction, maximum, KN 171,6 178,0 196,1 245,0 170,0
Truck on supersonic, KN 127,5 147,0 137,5
Fewer characteristics
Maximum speed, km / h 2 443 2 500 2 285 2 500 2 330
Cruising speed (on supersonic), km / h 2 300 2 200 2 120 2 300 2 150
Sightstation, km / h 270 295
Practical range (with full load), km 2 920 3 080 5 330 4 000 6 470
Practical ceiling, M. 20 000 18 300
Length scattering, M. 2 930
Length of run, M. 2 570

It is interesting to compare the fate of the Tu-144 and the Anglo-French "Concord" - cars close to the appointment, constructive execution and time of creation. First of all, it should be noted that "Concord" was designed mainly for supersonic flights over deserted spaces Atlantic Ocean. Under the conditions of sound impact, this is the choice of smaller heights of cruising supersonic flight and, as a result, a smaller area of \u200b\u200bthe wing, a smaller take-off mass, a lesser demanding cruising traction of the power plant and the specific fuel expenditures.

Tu-144 had to be mainly flying over land, so large flight heights were required and the corresponding aircraft parameters required by the strength installation. Less perfect engines should be added here. According to its specific parameters, the Tu-144 engines approached Olympus only in the latest options, plus the worst specific parameters of domestic equipment and aircraft aggregates compared to Western. All these negative starting points were largely compensated for by the high perfection of the Tu-144 aerodynamics - according to the value of the aerodynamic quality obtained when flying on the cruising supersonic Tu-144 supervisor mode exceeded "Concord". This was given to the complication of the design of the aircraft and a decrease in the level of technological in production.

There were no rich business people in the USSR, therefore there was no natural market for services that had to satisfy Tu-144. The plane knowily had to be largely subsidized and unprofitable in operation, because of which the Tu-144 creation program needs to be attributed to the concept of the prestige of the country. The real economic prerequisites for the use of ATP in the USSR Aviation Services Market 60-70 years old did not exist. As a result, on the one hand, the heroic efforts of the OKB A. N. Tupolev and other enterprises and organizations MAP on the development of Tu-144, and on the other - the initial emotional rise and support from the country's leadership, gradually transferred to indifference and largely inhibition from the management of Aeroflot, which is not very profitable headache with the development of a complex set of Tu-144 was, by and large, is simply not needed. Therefore, in the early 1980s, when the features of the upcoming economic and political crisis began to clearly appear in the USSR, the Tu-144 program suffered one of the first.

The speed of the sound wave is not permanent even if the sound of the propagation medium is air. The speed of sound at a fixed air temperature and atmospheric pressure changes with an increase in height above sea level.

As height increases above sea, the speed of sound is reduced. The conditional point of the size is the zero level of the sea. So, the speed at which the sound wave is applied along the aqueous glad to 340.29 m / s, under the condition of ambient air temperature in 15 0 s and atmospheric pressure of 760 mm. Hg So, airplanes flying at a speed higher than the speed of sound, called supersonic.

The first achievement of supersonic speed

Supervice aircraft are called aircraft based on their physical ability to move at speeds higher than sound waves. In our usual kilometers per hour, this figure is rudely equal to 1200 km / h.

More aircraft Times of the Second World War with Piston DVS and Creating Air Flow Propellers during dive already reached a speed mark of 1000 km / h. True on the stories of pilots, during these moments the plane began to terribly shake due to severe vibration. The feeling was that wings can simply break away from the fuselage part of the aircraft.

Subsequently, when creating supersonic aircraft, designer engineers took into account the influence of air flows on the construction of aircraft when the speed is reached.

Overcoming a supersonic barrier by aircraft

When the plane moves among the air masses, it literally dissecting the air in all directions, creating a noise effect and divergers in all directions of the air pressure wave. When the aircraft is reached, the sound speed occurs when the sound wave is not able to overtake the aircraft. Because of this, a shock wave in the form of a dense barrier from the air occurs in front of the front part of the aircraft.

The air layer arising in front of the aircraft at the time of reaching the aircraft speed of the sound creates a sharp increase in resistance, which serves as a source of change in the characteristics of the aircraft stability.

When the plane flies, sound waves spread from it in all directions with sound speed. When the aircraft reaches the speed m \u003d 1, that is, speed speeds, sound waves accumulate in front of it and form a layer of compacted air. At speeds above the speed of sound, these waves form a shock wave, which reaches the Earth. The shock wave is perceived as a sound blow, acoustically perceived by the human ear at the bottom of the earth's surface as a deaf explosion.

This effect can be constantly observed when carrying out the teachings of supersonic aircraft in the civilian population in the flight area.

Another interesting physical phenomenon when flying supersonic aircraft is a visual lead aircraft their own sound. The sound is observed with some delay behind the tail of the aircraft.

Maha number in aviation

The theory with a confirming experimental process of formation of shock waves was still demonstrated long before the first flight of the supersonic aircraft Austrian physicist Ernst Makh (1838 - 1916). The value expresses the ratio of the speed of the aircraft to the speed of the sound wave is called today in honor of the scientist - in a mum.

As we have already reached in the aqueous part, such meteorological conditions as pressure, humidity and air temperature affect the speed of sound in the air. The temperature depending on the height of the aircraft is varied from +50 on the surfaces of the Earth to -50 in the stratosphere layers. Therefore, local meteo conditions are required at different heights to achieve supersonic velocities.

For comparison over the zero marketer of the sea level, the speed of the sound is 1240 km / h, whereas at an altitude of more than 13 thousand km. This speed is reduced to 1060 km / h.

If you take the ratio of the speed of the aircraft to the sound speed per m, then with the value of M\u003e 1, it will always be supervuminous speed.

Airplanes with subsonic speed are M \u003d 0.8. Mach values \u200b\u200bof 0.8 to 1.2 are set to accommodate speed. But the hypersonic aircraft have the number of Mach more than 5. From the famous military Russian supersonic aircraft, you can allocate the SU-27 - the fighter interceptor, Tu-22m - a bomber of the rocket miner. From the American Known SR-71 - the intelligence plane. The first supersonic aircraft within the framework of mass production was the American F-100 fighter in 1953.

Space shuttle model during testing in a supersonic aerodynamic pipe. The special shadow photo technique allowed to capture where shock waves arise.

First supersonic aircraft

In 30 years from 1940 to 1970, the speed of aircraft has grown several times. The first flight with arrogant speed was completed on October 14, 1947 on the American Bell XS-1 plane in California over the air base.

Piloting Bell XS-1 jet Captain american Air Force Chuck Jig. He managed to overclock the device to a speed of 1066 km / h. During this test, a significant amount of data was obtained for further jolts in the development of supersonic aircraft.

Construction of wings of supersonic aircraft

The lifting force and windshield at speed increase, so the wings become less, thinner and acquired a sweat-shaped form, improving the flow.

At airplanes adapted to supersonic wings, as opposed to conventional subsonic aircraft, stretched under an acute angle back, reminding the arrow tip. Externally, the wings have formed a triangle in a single plane with its acute-coronal vertex in front of the aircraft. The triangular geometry of the wing made it possible to control the aircraft predictably at the time of the transition of the sound barrier and as a result, avoid vibrations.

There are models in which wings with variable geometry were used. At the time of takeoff and landing, the angle of the wing relative to the aircraft was 90 degrees, that is, perpendicular. This is necessary to create a maximum lifting force at the time of takeoff and landing, that is, at the moment when the speed is reduced and the lifting force in acute angle with the unchanged geometry reaches its critical minimum. With increasing speed, the geometry of the wing varies to the maximum acute angle at the base of the triangle.

Planes-record holders

During the race behind record speeds in the sky by the Bell-X15 aircraft, on board which a rocket engine was installed, a record speed was reached 6.72 or 7200 km / h in 1967. This record could not beat a long time later.

And only in 2004, the unmanned hypersonic aircraft NASA X-43, which was developed for a flight with a hypersonic speed, was able to overclock the third flight to a record 11,850 km / h.

The first two flights ended unsuccessfully. Today this is the highest digit of the aircraft speed.

Testing supersonic car

On this jet supersonic car, Thrust SSCs are installed 2 aviation engines. In 1997, he became the first ground vehicleovercoming the sound barrier. As with supersonic flight, a shock wave appears in front of the car.

The approach of the car is silent, because the entire noise created is concentrated in the shock wave behind him.

Supersonic aircraft in civil aviation

As for civil supersonic aircraft, there are 2 serial aircraft that fulfill regular flights: Soviet Tu-144 and French Concorde. Tu-144 carried out his debut departure in 1968. These devices were intended for distant transatlantic flights. The flight time was significantly reduced in comparison with subsonic devices by increasing the height of the flight to 18 km, where the aircraft used an unloaded air corridor and passed the cloud load.

The first civilian supersonic aircraft of the USSR Tu-144 completed its flights in 1978 due to their unprofitability. The final point in solving the refusal to operate in regular flights was made due to the catastrophe of an experimental instance of Tu-144D during its test. Although it is worth noting that the Tu-144 aircraft continued to operate for urgent postal and freight delivery from Moscow to Khabarovsk until 1991.

In the meantime, despite expensive tickets, the French Supersonic Concord Airplane continued to provide Avaareic services for its European customers until 2003. But in the end, despite the richest social layer of European inhabitants, the issue of unprofitability was still inevitable.

Before the aircraft designers, the task of further increases their speed. Higher speed expanded the fighting capabilities of both fighters and bombers.

The top of the supersonic era put the flight of Chuck Yeger, the American Testing Bowder, on October 14, 1947 on the experimental aircraft Bell X-1 with the XLR-11 rocket engine reached supersonic speed in the managed flight.


The 60s of the XX century were marked by rapid development supersonic aviation. The main problems of the sustainability and manageability of aircraft, their aerodynamic efficiency were solved. The high flight speed also allowed to increase the ceiling over 20 km, which was relevant for scouts and bombers. At that time, before the appearance of anti-aircraft missile systems capable of hitting the goals at large altitudes, the basic principle of application of bombers was flight towards the target at the highest possible height and speed. These years have been built in a series of supersonic aircraft for various purposes - fighters, bombers, interceptors, bomber fighters, scouts (first supersonic all-weather interceptor - Convair F-102 Delta Dagger; First Supersonic Far Bomber - Convair B-58 Hustomer) .

Nowadays, new aircraft appear, including those performed on the technology of reducing the noticeability of Stels.

Comparative schemes of Tu-144 and Concord

Passenger supersonic aircraft

In the history of aviation, there were only two passenger supersonic aircraft operating regular flights. The Tu-144 Soviet aircraft made the first flight on December 31, 1968, was in operation from the 1978 year. Committed by two months later, on March 2, 1969, his first flight of the Anglo-French "Concord" (FR. Concorde. "Consent") performed transatlantic flights from until 2003. Their operation allowed not only to significantly reduce the flight time on long-range flights, but also use unloaded air space At high altitude (≈18 km), while the main air space used by the liners (height is 9-12 km) was already significantly loaded in those years. Also, supersonic aircraft made flights along the hidden routes (outside the airways).

Theoretical questions

Flight on a supersonic speed, in contrast to the subsonic, proceeds according to other laws, since the aerodynamic picture of the flow changes qualitatively, the aerodynamic pattern of flow changes, due to which the aerodynamic resistance increases, the kinetic heating of the design increases, the aerodynamic focus is shifted, which leads to the loss of stability and aircraft manageability. In addition, such an unknown phenomenon as "wave resistance" appeared.

Therefore, the achievement of sound speed and efficient flight were impossible to simply increase the power of the engines, new design solutions were required. The consequence was the change in the appearance of the aircraft - there were characteristic straight lines, sharp corners, unlike the "smooth" form of subsonic aircraft.

It should be noted that the task of creating an effective supersonic aircraft It is impossible to be considered solved so far. The creators have to compromise between the requirement of increasing the speed and preservation of acceptable running characteristics. Thus, the conquest of the aircraft of new frontiers in speed and altitude is associated not only using a more advanced or fundamentally new motor installation and a new layout of aircraft, but also with changes in their geometry in flight. Such changes, improving the characteristics of the aircraft at high speeds, should not worsen their qualities at low speeds, and vice versa. Recently, the creators refuse to reduce the area of \u200b\u200bthe wing and the relative thickness of their profiles, as well as an increase in the angle of sweatshirt of the wing in airplanes with a variable geometry, returning to the wings of small sweatshirts and a large relative thickness, if satisfactory maximum speed and ceiling values \u200b\u200bhave already been achieved. In this case, it is considered important that the supersonic aircraft have good flight data at low speeds and a decrease in resistance at high speeds, especially at low altitudes.


see also

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