The biggest mountain of the Krasnodar Territory. Photo and description of the most beautiful places of Krasnodar Territory

Krasnodar region Geographically located in the southwestern part of the North Caucasus. The territory of the edge is divided into two sharply different parts. The northern plain part is a bonus lowland. The southern part is formed by various ridges of the Western Caucasus, adjacent to their previations and a narrow ribbon of the Black Sea coast. Two thirds of the edge through the territory belong to the plain regions, one third - to the mountain.

Highest point Krasnodar Region - Mount Tsakhvoa (3346 m), located in the Mostovsky district in the Caucasus State Natural Biosphere Reserve.

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    ✪ Healthy vacation in the mountains of the Krasnodar Territory - 2015



The Mountains of the Krasnodar Territory begins the hills in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Anapa and, extending in the southeast to the borders of the Stavropol Territory and Abkhazia, 340 km, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Sochi reach the height of more than 3000 m above sea level. To a height of 600-700 m above the sea level are covered with mixed wide forest, beech forests are dominated (700-800 m), fir, fir, birch and beer cryprois are growing at an altitude of 900-1900 meters, and the above can be found. alpine meadows.

The mountains of the Krasnodar Territory, as well as the Caucasian Mountains in general, enter the Alpine-Himalayan or Mediterranean Folded Belt system and therefore are subject to constant tectonic motion. The central axial part of the Caucasian mountains is composed of ancient rock (granites, gneis, crystalline slates, quartz diors). Their age reaches 700 million years. The northern slopes of the Caucasian ridge are more commonly compared to the coolest southern slopes. The northern and southern slopes are folded by younger rocks, including in large quantities Limestones, Dolomites, Sandstones, Mergeli Mesozoic and Cenozoic period are found. High-rise mountain marks increase gradually from the North-West to the south-east. In the area of \u200b\u200bNovorossiysk, the marks reaches 300 - 700 m above sea level. Tuapse - 1000 - 1500 m, east of Sochi - from 2000 to 3000 m and above. Well known to those mountain peakslike Fisht (2868 m), Oshten (2804 m), Akaragvart (3190.4 m), Northern Pseashho (3256.9 m), Chugushch (3237.8 m). The highest peak of the Krasnodar Territory is Tsakhvoa (3345.9 m), which is in the side ridge of Herzen and in the interfluve of the Unimensional rivers, Small Laba and Tsakhvo.

Mountain ridges within the Krasnodar Territory are mainly located in parallel, closer to the latitudinal direction. In the eastern part of the mountains there are exceptions: the ridges of Urushten, aspid, hezen, which are located in the meridian direction. Sometimes there is a radial location of the ridges with the mountain node in the middle: the ridges of Agoy, the oppressive, Chura). Western plot Big Caucasus On the territory of the Krasnodar Territory consists of a number of waterproof ridges. In the area of \u200b\u200bNovorossiysk, there is a Range Marcoth, followed by Kotschur and Mount Papay. In the area of \u200b\u200bSochi, the main Caucasian, or water-seated, ridge with heights from 400 m to 3345.9 m (Tzakhvo Top) extends in the Sochi Mountain. North of the main ridge is the side ridge. Its heights from 430 m in the Pool of the Adagum River to 3214 m in the basin of the River Laba River. The north of the side is located an advanced ridge with a maximum point of 2368 m (large Thach mountain). Another norther from the advanced ridge is distinguished by the zone of asymmetric, half-clone kousty ridges. The most significant of them is rocky, pasture and wooded.

Along all the southern slopes of the Mountains of the Krasnodar Territory, from Anapa to the border with Abkhazia, passing along the PSOU River, the coastal strip stretches - the Black Sea coast. Its length is about 400 km. The coast is cut by deep gorges of rivers flowing into the Black Sea. Often they are called "gaps" (Mamedov Glock, Katkova Glock, etc.). These deep gorges ("gaps") have the appearance of canyons. Interestingly and widely known the Gorge of AHCU, which is a three-kilometer canyon, formed by the Mzymt River in the area of \u200b\u200bintersection by Her Range Ahtsi. The width of the gorge is 30 m along the bottom, and the height of the side walls reaches 800 m.

Mountain relief of the Krasnodar Territory form internal and external processes. There are such phenomena such as earthquakes, volcanic activities, slow oscillations of sushi. Since the Krasnodar region is located in the zone adjacent to the Caucasian Mountains, it refers to the number of seismic areas. The power of underground jolts can reach 8 points on the Richter scale. According to scientists, in the northern part of the region, the force of the jolts - 6 points, and in southern - up to 7-8 points. In 1978 and in 2002, an earthquake of 4 to 5 points was observed in Krasnodar. Due to the movement of the earth's crust, various form of relief is formed: raising, depressions, faults, ridges-Cools (rocky ridge), Highlands (Lagonakian Highlands), Gorge, Canyons, Giant Rips, closed basins. Some mestes (small and large utristers) were formed as a result of shifting and slaughtering down the huge sections of mountain ranges. As a result of tectonic movements, Abrau Lake was formed. The most interesting forms associated with the movements of the earth's crust are mud volcanoes. Slow oscillations of the earth's crust lead to lowering and raising sushi. So, according to scientists, the mountains of the Grand Caucasus are growing at 2 - 3 mm per year, and in the Delta of the Kuban River, the coast Azov Sea, Sushi lowering is observed.

Formed under the influence of the internal forces of the Earth, the mountain relief of the Krasnodar Territory is exposed to various types of wind and aquatic erosion, while forming new forms. For example, with the process of destruction of rock water, the formation of an arms-beam relief is connected, picturesque gorges, such as the Gum gorge, bizarre relief shapes, such as Kiselev's rock. In the formation of the mountain relief of the Krasnodar Territory, the glaciers play their role, which form moraine, the hoody valleys, mountain circus, mountain lakes. For the foothill areas of the region, a landslide relief is characterized, which causes significant damage to economic activities. As a result of a slow (in other cases - fast) sliding surface layers of rocks, transport routes, banks, rivers, construction on the slopes of the mountains can collapse. To combat landslides use strengthening structures. Geological structure, mountain relief of the edge, climatic conditions are the cause of such as villages, avalanche.

In the Absheron district there is one of the most beautiful places of the West Caucasus, on the site between the villages of Mesmai and the Gummka, on the northern outskirts of the Lagonaka Plateau, Guam Canyon. The length of the gorge along the River Kurdzhips is 3 km, the height of the walls is 400 m, and the width is narrowed to 2 m.

Karst caves include specially protected objects: Fanagori, large Aishk, Vorontsovskaya (part of the Vorontsovskaya cave system). The length of a large Asian cave is 635 meters with fantastically jams of stalactites and stalagmites in South-part of the Asian Tau Range. The beautiful works of nature are hibiussian waterfalls on the Teshebs River, Pshad Waterfalls, Agur, "33 Waterfalls" in the Shah River Valley.

Caucasian Reserve

In the mountains of the Krasnodar Territory there are many natural objects under the protection of the state. One of the first in the country in 1924, the Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve was created. It is most interesting in a botanical and zoological relationship. Flora Reserve has 30 thousand species, many among them relics. More than 70 types of mammals, 241 species of birds, 19 species of reptiles, 10 kinds of amphibians live in the territory Caucasian Reserve. It should be noted that 32 rare species of vertebrate animals are entered into the Red Book of Russia. In recent decades, the bison population is on the verge of extinction.

Sochi National Park

On the Black Sea is the resort neighborhoods of the city of Sochi. Among them, the microdistrict Dagomys of the city of Sochi, which is not only the most comfortable destination of the Caucasus, but also known as the center mountain tourism. Mountain trails are diverged by the fan. They lead B picturesque places Sochi national Park and the Caucasian reserve. Sochi national Park was created in 1986. Its area is 191.4 thousand hectares. It is located on its territory a unique Mountain-grade resort of Krasnaya Polyana, which is widely popular in Russia and abroad.

(2804 meters), Rats Stone Sea, Naked-Chuk (2467 m).

On the mountains Fisht and Pzemo-Su are the most Western Glaciers of the Caucasus. The largest of them descends from the northern slope of Mount Fisht. Its area reaches about one square kilometer. Near glaciers, there are many sea sediments, rounded boulders, as well as basins, funnels, wells, mines and caves, a lot of small karst and glacially-karst lakes, the largest of which are the psens. Lakes of the psens has the shape of the crescent. Its length is about 165 meters, width is 72.5 meters. Depth 0.2-0.8 m.

About 540 species of plants grows on the slopes of the massif, 120 of them are characteristic only for the Caucasus regions.

From the village of Babuk-Aul, located at an altitude of 640 meters above sea level and north of Solokhaul, two trails begin: one, moving to the north, gaining a height of 1,200 meters, passes the forest and in the meadows leads to Lake Huko. Lake Khuko is on the crest of the main Caucasian ridge, five kilometers west of the Circassian pass, six kilometers from the Fisht Mountain at an altitude of 1744 m. Along its shores, even in the summer there is snow. Two kilometers east of the lake is Mount Huko. Its height reaches 1901 meters. Another path from Babuk-Aul leads to the mountains to the northeast.

  • Pages of history in the documents of the Archival Foundation of the Kuban: a historical and documentary album. Cost. A. A. Alekseeva, A. M. Belyaev, I. Yu. Bondar - Krasnodar, 2002. - 384 p.
  • Fisht Topographic map.
  • Krasnodar region of Russia with its magnificent black sea, warm gentle sun, spacious sandy beaches, delicious fruits and beautiful natural attractions - a wonderful place to stay. It is impossible to describe all amazing nature of this rich in all respects of the edge.

    The relief of Kuban is a huge variety: from the giant vertices of the Forn of the Caucasus and to Nizhin at the Azov Sea. All its territory can be divided into 2 parts: the mountainous southern and lowland north. Moreover, the first part is wonderful landscapes of fabulous beauty.

    From this article, you can learn curious information about one of these vertices - about the highest in the Krasnodar Territory.

    Mountains of the Krasnodar Territory: titles

    It is impossible to briefly describe the incredible beauty of the surrounding nature. wonderful edge. Pass, gorge, caves, lakes - all unique in their magnificence and fabulousness.

    Mountains and ridges occupy almost a third part of the territory of the Krasnodar Territory - this is about 25 thousand square meters. kilometers. Almost all of them belong to the Caucasian Reserve.

    Magnificent such vertices like Fistt, Agps, Tybga, Peak Unnamed in the Massiva Massiva (3290.7 meters), Northern Pseashho (3256.9 meters) and many others. All of them attract attention to their greatest and unique beauty.

    The most significant vertices that are located in these territories and are of particular interest among numerous climbers, are:

    • Tsakhvoa is 3346 meters) - this is the most high mountain In the Krasnodar Territory.
    • Chugushch (3237 meters) - the highest mountain in Adygea.
    • Fisht (2867.7 meters) is another business card of the region and the Republic of Adygea.

    Each of these mountains has a certain highlight and uniqueness. To have a true idea and get unforgettable impressions About them, it's worth seeing all this.

    This is the highest point of the Herzen Ridge (its northern tip), which enters the system of the main range of Caucasus. There is a mountain between the same name with her by the river and the River Imparce.

    Tsakhvoa is also part of the Caucasian biosphere reserve, most of which the Mountain Caucasian Mountains occupy

    Mount Tsakhvo, in terms of climbing it, has simpler and easy ways than

    Description Tsakhvo.

    This mountain is known and is very popular with climbers and tourists due to the fact that there are magnificent steep slopes. The conquest of the peak is a rather difficult case, but the result (getting great pleasure) is worth it.

    The highest mountain in the Krasnodar Territory has a magnificent snow cap, which does not melt in the summer. The northern slopes are covered with a Glacier Cezhvoa, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 2500 square meters. These mountains are noteworthy and the fact that the most stormy rivers of the edge are born in them.

    Folded by Mount Conglomerators, granites, sandstones and metamorphic rocks. Vegetation here mainly consists of spruce-fir forests and tees (especially the lower part of its slopes). Agrowed the amazing alpine meadows just above.


    For some period of the title "The highest mountain in the Krasnodar Territory" was peak Smidovich. So considered many geomorphologists of Krasnodar. This top wore the name of the famous Bolshevik, Chairman of the Committee on Reserves under the Central Committee. Missing the names of the party figures in this way is fashionable. As indicated at that time, the height of this mountain was about 3457 meters. Then a small error was discovered in measurements, and in about the mid-70s the title the highest vertices Moved to Mount Tsakhvoa.

    The extensive part of the Krasnodar Territory is a mountainous area. Moreover, as the altitude of the mountains approaches the Caucasus approached. Thanks to the high-dimensional explanation in the region, you can see many different natural climatic zones on a relatively small area.

    European deciduous and mixed forests are moving into mountain conifers, then the zone of alpine meadows begins (scientific name), and upstairs, on the most high peaks Belayed snow hats. Such a variety cannot but attract people lovers in the mountains. Here there are routes for people with a variety of preferences and level of training. Climbing lovers, hiking hiking, speleology, cycling and horse rides will find here what they like. We will tell you more about the most famous and visited mountains of the region.

    It is located on the southern foremost to the east of the Red Polyana, as part of the Sochi National Park. It consists of 4 vertices - peaks 1, 2, 3 and black pyramid. 3 peaks have the highest mark - 2462 m. The northern exposition of the array is quite interesting for skiers and snowboarders, why there are those who are famous after the Olympics sports facilities "Alpika-Service", "Mountain Carousel" and "Rose Khutor". The relief here is complicated by the deepening of glacial origin. The black pyramid because of his cunning structure is popular with mountaineer lovers.

    This attraction is already on the coast - on Taman Peninsula, Between Akhtaniz and Starotitarian Limans. From the East there is a Cossack jerik - a man-made canal built by the Cossacks to enter the sea. It can be said that this place grows out of water stroit. In ancient times, all the surrounding areas were covered with water and the hill was the only island of the Earth to the entire district, why and was used as a place of trading - hence the name.

    This is a slight elevation (only 76 meters and 1.5 km in diameter). The uniqueness of the hill in the species composition unusual for this natural zone, most of which is relic. The entire piping hill is low deciduous forest and shrub. Curly oak, grazing elm and Tatar maple grow here. Visitors can make a dog hips and hawthorn. Bright green forest contrasts sharply with the surrounding dry landscapes of the peninsula.

    Tourists can visit this natural monument Regional importance, wander through the forest and ride a boat on the Cossack Erika.

    This is one of the mountains of the western part of the Chief Caucasus Range. There are several translation named after Oshten, such as: "Eternal Snow" or "Eternal Winter", "Where Grad stuck." It is believed that the name came from local languages, where Oshhdon means "Water Mountain". In any case, the name is associated with the snow it is not by chance: on top you can easily see proteins. In the direction upstairs, the vegetation is familiar in this area and is replaced by the Alpine Different Zone. This is a rare place where you can see such a species diversity. To the top of the mountain, the routes of climbing the categories of complexity 1B and 2B are conducted. It cannot be said that Oshten is often visited by crowds of tourists, so the rest will not be spoiled by a noisy crowd and the mountains of garbage.

    Mountain massif Papay

    Located in the territory of the Abinsky and Seversky districts. The height is almost 819 m. The etymology of the title, presumably meaning 7 noses, since the array includes seven major vertices: Western, central, north, chief and eastern papay and two Unnamed. This array is known for its sharp cliffs attracting their severity of crowds of tourists. This is essentially the border of the Grand Caucasus in the West. Here they take their beginning of the river killed, dad and a big hubble. On the massif, very rich herbal ecotops. Many species characteristic of the Mediterranean region grows here. Oak communities prevail. Closer to the tops dominate the bushes of juniper. There is a real botanical paradise: you can find a lot of healing and rare herbs. Many species are listed in the Red Book.

    Mountain array of pseashho

    Located next to the village of Krasnaya Polyana. The name "Pseashho" means in the language of Adygei "Multiple Mountain" - there really have several rivers and streams, originating in local glaciers. It is quite large and beautiful mountains. There are 9 vertices in excess of 3 km. These are the vertices: Mount Nordic Pseashho - 3256.9 m, Mount South Pseashho - 3251.5 m, peak sugar pseashho - 3187 m, Peak Kozhevnikov - 3072 m and others. In this place they take their beginning of the river Urushten and Small Laba.

    The terrain is replete with glaciers. From the south-east exposition lies the huge Glacier of the Pseashho - the largest in the Krasnodar Territory. Its length is 3.1 km, and width is 1.8 km. The river is born here. The final area of \u200b\u200bthe coating of the glacier is 5.5? Km? ^ 2. To the north and west you can see 4 glaciers smaller. The largest of which is marble. In the northern part of the mountain range is the Cold Glacier, which takes the beginning of the stream. Over the past decades, the area of \u200b\u200bglaciers is reduced.

    Top Mountain Pshada

    To get here, you need to go through 13 kilometers southeast from the village of Kills. This mountain is the watershed of the sources of the river killed. Height - 743 meters. The peak is a complex cliff cliff covered with dense forest. Experts believe that the name comes from the Abkhaz-Abazinsky word "apshad" - "windless" or "hung fog".

    Mountain photos can meet in the collection of many tourists - here are very picturesque views of breed and waterfalls.

    The highest mountain in the Krasnodar Territory with a height of 3345.9 m. It is part of the Herzen Range. This place is its beauty and fascination of ascent, attracts tourists from all over the country. Travelers can see here a huge glacier from the northern slope. Despite the fact that recently the glaciers are melting, this one retained its majestic look.

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      0 m to the city center

      Achishho mountain range is the most closest to the Red Polyana Ridge and the most picturesque. The highest mountain - Achishho has a height of 2391 meters above sea level. Interesting fact About the name of the ridge: "Achishho" in the translation from Abkhaz means "horsepower". This confirms the bottom view, from the glade on mountain Ridge. If you look at, you can see the outline of the horse. The most popular hiking route It passes through a special place located on the mountainside, approximately at an altitude of 1800 meters above sea level, where from the 30s to the 90s there was a meteorological station.

      0 m to the city center

      The Mountain Ridge of Aibga is located on the territory of the Sochi National Park, from the eastern side of the Red Polyana. The ridge has a length of more than 20 kilometers, and consists of four of the highest points, called peaks. The most popular mountain peak among tourists is a black pyramid, 2375 meters high above sea level. It has an unusual form, thanks to which the climbers are extremely popular. In addition, a wonderful, breathtaking landscape opens from the top of the mountain. Conquer this mountain, you will see the Mzmitt River Valley, the tops of Chugushh and Pseashho.

      0 m to the city center

      Next to the resort of Agoy and Rock Kiselev is located another place, which was chosen for tourists. This is a magnificent Cape Kadosh, whose name in Hebrew is " holy place" And travelers in the 17th century knew about the forest park next to Cape. Archaeologists have found several parking lots of ancient people on Cape, all the evidence found in the era of Neolithic is transferred to the historical and local history museum of the neighboring city. It is worth mentioning the fact that this Cape is familiar with even those who have not yet seen him. After all, it was precisely when shooting the film "Diamond Hand", when the main characters are sent to gust.

      0 m to the city center

      Among interesting places In the Alsha Valley, it is also worth mentioning the rock of old people. This is a special place that is revered by local residents. Located a cliff near Aulov Lygotch, Hadzhiko and Calezh. You can reach it by bus No. 148 from the village of Lazarevskoye, it is necessary to get to Aul Calezh (final stop). According to legend, in ancient time Adygi were strong and powerful people. Among them, there were practically no old people, but not because of the short life expectancy, but in connection with the tough customs of the tribes.

      0 m to the city center

      From the north, Gelendzhik and the Blue bay surrounds an incredibly picturesque mountain range, whose name comes from the Adygei "Water Range". Or, simply speaking, blackberry. It carefully covers the city from cold air from the north, but also does not delay the wet air of the Black Sea, which creates a warm Mediterranean climate. The ridge itself has a length of about 90 km, and the highest point is a flat mountain. It has a height of 762 meters above sea level. Two lead to the top to the ridge cable roads, Safari Park and from Olympus Park. The road will take about 20 minutes and will raise 640 meters at a height. Here you can enjoy a stunning view of Gelendzhik and the Blue Bay.

      0 m to the city center

      From the shore of Sudzhukskaya Spit offers a wonderful view of the famous sorcerer of the mountain. In the village of Myshaco, which is located in the Krasnodar Territory, there is such a landmark as this place. Local residents made a beautiful platform for parpolant jumps from this mountain. Warm and delicate air flow and sea wind allows flights at any time of the year. At the foot of the sorcerer Mountains are soft glads, for which paroplatoers are launched. Among local residents There are legends about this grief. The most famous of them says that the giants who decided to rebel against the gods once here. In this unequal battle, one of them was killed, and the gods turned him to the mountain.

      0 m to the city center

      One of the most valuable and most beautiful territories of the Red Polyana is a unique pear ridge. It is located in a picturesque place between the two beautiful mountain rivers, with transparent water: mismat and psluh. The ridge of the pear is the main part of the powerful main Caucasian ridge and belongs to the National Park of the Caucasus. The height of the ridge reaches 1950 meters above sea level.Choosing a tourist route For such an extraordinary ridge, you will fall on the fabulous alpine blooming, filled with the smell of mountain colors, meadow.

      0 m to the city center

      Hiking hiking in Mount Chugush is special, thanks to the "undiscovered" of its route. You will be able to watch during raising to the top in the natural habitat of such wild animals, like boars, tours, big bears, wild bison, the like. Mount Chugush is a segment of the Mountain Caucasian Range, and is on his Western side. It is under the auspices of the National Caucasus Reserve. The height of the mountain reaches 3,238 meters. The name of the mountain from the Adygei language is translated as "the vertex of the Earth", and recognized the highest point The Republic of Adygea.

      0 m to the city center

      Rock Orlan is a protected geological monument of nature Tuapse region, constantly attracting many tourists with its unusual. The cliff "is built" from numerous vertical blocks, pillars, blocks and spiers. The height of the rocky walls varies from 40 to 80 meters, and its base reaches 1400 meters in height. Melting material - liparite-nodesitic tuff, which is about 170 million years old.

      0 m to the city center

      Not far from the Blue Bay beach there is a very interesting rock. She proudly towers over the sea, challenging nature forces. Year after year, the waves are tirelessly pushing the base of the rock, but year after year all these efforts are useless. Chour finger You can call a non-propelled symbol of resistance. It is worth visiting the rock already in order to feel a certain state of soulful. Already on the approach to the mountain, if you look at, you can see the outlining of the person's profile in its bends. And S. different angles You can see how this person rejoices or on the contrary, sad. Such an unusual phenomenon gives a rock more and easy mystical notch. And even the name of the "dams finger" acquires a new meaning.

    Caucasian Reserve

    The nature of the Krasnodar Territory is especially beautiful. Climate from moderate continental to subtropical. The Krasnodar edge is washed by two seas: black and Azov. Mountain areas Krasnodar Territory occupy about 20% of the entire territory. The Caucasus Mountains begin with hills in the area of \u200b\u200bAnapa and in the southeast direction in the city of Sochi reach a height of 2868 m above sea level. To a height of 600-700 m above sea level covered with mixed wide forest, the middle house belt (700-800 m) saturated beech forests, at an altitude of 1300-1900 meters, birch and beer crumpled, fir, fir, and the alpine meadows can be found above .

    The highest point of the Krasnodar Territory is Mount Tsakhvo (3346 m), located in the Mosty district in the Caucasus State Natural Biosphere Reserve.

    In the mountains of the Krasnodar Territory there are many natural objects under the protection of the state. One of the first in the country in 1924, the Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve was created. It is most interesting in a botanical and zoological relationship. Flora Reserve has 30 thousand species, many among them relics. More than 70 species of mammals, 241 species of birds, 19 species of reptiles, 10 types of amphibians live in the Caucasus Reserve. It should be noted that 32 rare species of vertebrate animals are entered into the Red Book of Russia. In recent decades, the bison population is on the verge of extinction.

    Sochi National Park

    On the Black Sea is the resort neighborhoods of the city of Sochi. Among them, the microdistrict Dagomys of the city of Sochi, which is not only the most comfortable destination of the Caucasus, but also known as the center of mountain tourism. Mountain trails are diverged by the fan. They lead to the picturesque places of the Sochi National Park and the Caucasian Reserve. Sochi National Park was created in 1986. Its area is 191.4 thousand hectares. It is located on its territory a unique Mountain-grade resort of Krasnaya Polyana, which is widely popular in Russia and abroad.

    In the Absheron district there is one of the most beautiful places of the West Caucasus, on the site between the villages of Mesmai and the Gummka, on the northern outskirts of the Lagonaka Plateau, Guam Canyon. The length of the gorge along the River Kurdzhips is 3 km, the height of the walls is 400 m, and the width is narrowed to 2 m.

    Karst caves include specially protected objects: Fanagori, large Aishk, Vorontsovskaya (part of the Vorontsovskaya cave system). The length of a large Asian cave is 635 meters with fantastically jams of stalactites and stalagmites in South-part of the Asian Tau Range. The beautiful works of nature are hibiussian waterfalls on the Teshebs River, Pshad Waterfalls, Agur, "33 Waterfalls" in the Shah River Valley.

    METERAL SOURCES Valleys of the Matsesta rivers, Agura and host flowing throughout the territory of Sochi helped the city to work out as a balneological and climate resort. Glory about "happy springs" thundered, and they were flowning from around the world. It is these healing waters to create a set of sanatoriums in the city of Sochi.

    Mountain Massif Fistt

    Fisht group, mountain range in the western part of the Chief Caucasus Range. It is formed by three vertices: Fisht (2853.9 meters), Pzhoho-Su (2743 meters), Oshten (2804 meters), ridges of the stone sea, Naked-Chuk (2467 m).

    On the mountains Fisht and Pzemo-Su are the most Western Glaciers of the Caucasus. The largest of them descends from the northern slope of Mount Fisht. Its area reaches about one square kilometer. Near glaciers, there are many sea sediments, rounded boulders, as well as basins, funnels, wells, mines and caves, a lot of small karst and glacially-karst lakes, the largest of which are the psens. Lakes of the psens has the shape of the crescent. Its length is about 165 meters, width is 72.5 meters. Depth 0.2-0.8 m.

    About 540 species of plants grows on the slopes of the massif, 120 of them are characteristic only for the Caucasus regions.

    From the village of Babuk-Aul, located at an altitude of 640 meters above sea level and north of Solokhaul, two trails begin: one, moving to the north, gaining a height of 1,200 meters, passes the forest and in the meadows leads to Lake Huko. Lake Khuko is on the crest of the main Caucasian ridge, five kilometers west of the Circassian pass, six kilometers from the Fisht Mountain at an altitude of 1744 m. Along its shores, even in the summer there is snow. Two kilometers east of the lake is Mount Huko. Its height reaches 1901 meters. Another path from Babuk-Aul leads to the mountains to the northeast.

    Pass Guseryipl is located between the massif of Mount Oshten and Guseripl Mountain at an altitude of about 2,000 meters above sea level. He binds the upper left tributaries of the White River - rivers Muddy Wood and Armenian. Alpine meadows spread out in the vicinity of the pass. From here a magnificent panorama opens Caucasian Mountains: Range Stone Sea, Fisht Mountains, Oshten and others.

    See also: