Street Science Festival “Polytech. Street Science Festival "Polytech Polytechnic Exhibition in Gorky Park

#polytech festival is a vibrant interactive street festival, a giant educational attraction for children and adults. This year at the festival: educational, art and game projects from around the world, scientific and theatrical shows, public art and a two-day discussion program from foreign and Russian speakers.

The theme of the 2018 festival is "Energy". A universal property of the world, "the measure of all things" that allows one to compare the incomparable.

Festival guests will be able to dance in virtual reality, control the storm and convert their energy into useful things on the sports and intellectual quest "Free the energy", prepared in collaboration with Nike.

This year's film speakers are American psychologist Jesse Bering with a lecture “How passion makes us stupider” and professor at the University of Liverpool Ben Umbridge, who will present his new book “Are You Smarter than a Chimpanzee? Fight amazingly intelligent animals. "

This year the festival will be held with the support of MegaFon, a technological partner and curator of the museum, a sports partner - Nike + Run Club, British Council Russia - British Council, Pro Helvetia Moscow and with the participation of the Direct Speech Lecture Hall.

Book program festival will be held as part of the Art Book Fair at the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art. You will find novelties from the publishing program of the Polytechnic University, children's master classes at the Open Collections of the Polytechnic Institute and the artist-mathematician Rinus Roelofs, as well as a show by Ilya Kolmanovsky based on the book of the same name "How a Pear Hits the Brain". The site will again be Gorky Park.

#polytech festival is the most correct way to spend energy!

For two days, May 19 and 20, 2018, the fifth Polytech street festival will be held in Moscow's Gorky Park. Science, art and technology are intertwined in it. During these two days, the Park will turn into a VR portal and a platform for experiments. Space installations and performances await guests.

Festival "Polytech" is joint project artists from Russia and abroad, family and children's programs, experimental shows, a scientific laboratory. Taking part in it, you can become a listener of lectures by famous world scientists.

The main event of the Polytech festival in 2018 will be the dance performance VR_I

The theme of the festival this year is "Energy". It is with the help of it that various processes in the Universe are described. It also leads to various changes around us. A person feels energy during sports activities, driving a vehicle, walking, scientists are exploring all kinds of ways of its manifestation.

This year, the main event of the Polytech festival will be the VR_I dance performance from the Swiss team led by Gilles Joban. Putting on VR glasses, the festival participants will find themselves in the fictional world of the artist: an endless desert, a nonexistent city, a loft on mountain peak... In such an environment, the audience will interact with each other, free movement in space. It will be interesting to watch virtual dancers.

Surely, the Green Spark project will gather many spectators in Gorky Park. At the festival, Elena and Ivan Mitrofanovs, Paolo Bombelli will present an installation of biological photovoltaics technologies. The project will be a structure with 2.5-meter walls, of 10 plants suspended in ceramic modules, connected in series and parallel circuits to recharge the display, which shows the number of incoming watts. At the festival, all participants will spend the maximum of their energy, but convert it into useful things. For example, Polytech and Nike are organizing the sports and intellectual quest Free the energy.

An installation will be presented in the "Storm Laboratory" - a transparent membrane with wind currents moving charged carbon particles. A "Water Robot" created by Ronnenberg Creative Technology studio will ride around the site. As part of the lecture program, Jesse Bering will act as a kinout speaker.

Festival "Polytech"- these are projects of Russian and foreign artists, family and children's programs, experiments and shows of scientific laboratories, lectures by famous scientists from all over the world and the most correct way to spend your energy. In 2017, the festival under open air gathered over 100 thousand spectators.

The theme of the fifth festival is "Energy"... With the help of it, we can describe all the processes taking place in the Universe. This is a universal property of the world, “the measure of all things,” which allows one to compare the incomparable.

The main event of the festival will be dance performance - VR_I from the team of the Swiss choreographer Gilles Joban. Equipped with VR goggles, participants explore worlds invented by the artist: an endless desert, a nonexistent city or a loft on a mountain top.

Another headliner will be project "Green spark"- an installation demonstrating the technology of biological photovoltaics. The Park will also install "Laboratory of the storm" in the form of a transparent membrane, inside which wind flows will move thousands of charged carbon particles. Festival visitors will be able not only to observe the simulated storm, but also to regulate its strength.

Throughout the festival site will run "Water Robot"- a project of the Hamburg studio Ronnenberg Creative Technology. The robot will offer visitors fresh drinking water, which it extracts by condensation directly from the air, and in response will ask you to recharge its battery by turning a special handle on the side of the case.

Traditionally an important part of the festival is lecture program... The main speaker this year will be Jesse Bering, an American psychologist and professor at the University of Otago in New Zealand. Bering is called the Hunter Thompson of science journalism. In his latest book I, You, Him, They and Other Perverts. About Instincts We Are Ashamed of ”The author examines gender issues from a scientific standpoint and argues that sexual“ weirdness ”is normal. On Saturday, May 19, Bering will give a lecture “How passion makes us stupider”.

The festival will also come Ben Umbridge, a professor at the University of Liverpool, a favorite TED speaker who works at the intersection of psychology and zoology. Individuum has just released a new book by Umbridge, Are You Smarter than a Chimpanzee? Fight amazingly intelligent animals. " On Sunday, May 20, Umbridge will present a book, dispel myths about animal life and talk about the latest discoveries of zoologists and zoopsychologists.

entrance to all festival venues free... You can register using the link.

The festival program can be found.

On May 27 and 28, Gorky Park will host the fourth street festival "Polytech", which will combine multimedia art, modern theater, new scientific experiments, public art, discussion, educational and game programs. Polytech will be a giant popular science attraction, built for 48 hours for more than 50,000 adults and children.

For more than one hundred and forty years, the Moscow Polytechnic Museum has been collecting, preserving and showing objects that illustrate the stages in the development of technical thought. The new management of the museum, having updated the concept of its development, at the same time closed the historical building for reconstruction. Now, lectures are given at its temporary addresses, scientific discussions are held, experiments are carried out and educational programs are carried out.

This year the Polytech festival will be held for the fourth time. The venue for the festival will be Gorky Park, where viewers will see educational, art and play projects that develop an interest in the scientific perception of the world.

The theme of the festival is “the force of gravity” as a fundamental scientific concept that affects each of us. The study of this force has occupied scientists for centuries, and its overcoming has been the dream of engineers since the days of Leonardo da Vinci. Today - in the age of drones, exoskeletons and private astronautics - we know more about this power than ever. But the force of attraction is also the interaction that arises between people in addition to the laws of physics; a force that each of us experienced at least once in a lifetime. We invited inventors and artists to think about the direct and metaphorical meaning of this concept. The festival program includes collective sculptures, interactive installations, performances and science attractions.

The headliner of the festival will be the Inferno performance by Canadian artists, classics of technological art Bill Vorn and Louis-Philippe Demer, in which the audience is invited to go on stage, donning an exoskeleton. The movements of the participants are almost completely subordinated to the movements of robotic suits: depending on the choreography, the audience can move freely, but more often they are provoked to certain physical reactions.

The largest object of the festival will be the Museo Aero Solar aerocene, created from plastic bags. This open-source project was launched in 2007 by artist Thomas Saraceno. During his workshop, volunteers assemble a large-scale sculpture from recycled plastic, and then launch it into the sky. Museo Aero Solar is a collective work that consists of individual actions and turns an object that pollutes the environment into an object that expands the boundaries of our consciousness. IN this moment Polytechnic Museum opened

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