Ancient architecture of South America (Central Andes). The capital city is called a monument of modern architecture A monument of modern architecture in south america capital

The most economically and culturally developed regions of South America before the Spanish conquest were the areas corresponding to the modern states of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and northern Chile. The works of monumental architecture of ancient Colombia known to date come down to several underground tombs between the Magdalena and Cauca rivers and the primitive sanctuaries of San Augustin. The population lived in wooden huts (not preserved). Because of this, the architecture of Colombia is not considered. The architecture of the Central Andes, that is, the ancient architecture of Peru, which includes the architecture of the plateau and the Pacific coast, and the ancient architecture of the Bolivian plateau, is subject to consideration mainly. From Ecuador to Chile, the Central Andes stretch over 1500 km long and 75-350 km wide. The Central Andes are separated from Southern Ecuador by several hundred kilometers of mountains covered with forests and a desert coast, in the east - the tropical forests of the upper Amazon, in the south - the Atacama Desert.

By the III millennium BC. e. includes the appearance on the coast of agriculture (cotton, maize). At first, community farmers lived in small scattered villages, later, with the development of a class society, in the 9th-3rd centuries. BC e. the first great Chavin civilization arises, leaving monumental complexes in mountainous and lowland areas. In the IV century. BC e.- X century. n. e. there is a rapid development and spread of great civilizations on the Pacific coast (the coastline is 30-50 km wide), which caused the emergence of large religious and administrative complexes. These civilizations are divided into three groups: 1st in northern Peru - the Mochica civilization, 2nd in the center of Peru - the Lima civilization, 3rd in the south - the Nazca civilization. In the X-XII centuries. coastal civilizations were overwhelmed by Tiahuanaca invaders from the inland, mountainous regions. The Tiahuanac civilization developed in the region of Lake Titicaca (the heyday of the 8th-11th centuries). In the XIII-XV centuries. again the leading position is occupied by the civilization of the coast - the civilization of Chimu, which took the place of the civilization of Mochica. Since 1470, Chima and with it vast territories covering modern Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and part of Chile, were conquered by the Incas, who ruled until the Spanish conquest (1533).

Unlike Central America, bronze was known in the Central Andes. Weaving reached a higher level, cotton and woolen fabrics were produced. Agriculture was carried out with the help of irrigation systems on the low-lying ocean coast and on artificial terraces along the slopes of the mountains. In the Central Andes, much earlier than in Central America, state formations covering large areas appeared.

The coastal and upland regions of the Central Andes differ not only in natural conditions and methods of farming, but also in building materials: on the coast, where there is almost no rainfall, raw brick (adoba) was used for monumental construction, in the mountains - stone, torn on clay mortar or hewn, laid dry. The higher technical perfection of hewn stone masonry, however, did not correspond to the lower quality of architecture in comparison with Central America. The builders of the Central Andes did not create spatial complexes equal to those of Mexico and Yucatan.

Main distribution Chavin style corresponds to the boundaries of the modern Peruvian department of Ansash. However, even before the spread of the Chavin culture, the area was densely populated. So, for example, in the valley of the Chikama River from 2500 to 1200. BC e. there was a settlement whose inhabitants lived in round and square rooms, and since 2000 BC. e. dwellings were dug out in the cultural layer left by previous generations. Nearby is another settlement in which the houses were built of cylindrical adobes with clay mortar.

The Chavin style is named after the place Chavin de Huantar, one of the centers of development of this culture. The earliest settlement of Chavin is Cerro Sechin. Cerro Sechin is located on a granite fortified hill at the confluence of the Sechin and Mosheke rivers. Dwellings and temple platforms were surrounded by walls. Near each fence was a cemetery. Water flowed through aqueducts from reservoirs. The barren slopes of the hill were settled not only in order to protect the population from enemy invasion and from floods, but also in order not to occupy the fertile lands of the river valleys. The largest temple platform (I millennium BC) lies on the northern side of the hill (Fig. 28). It is surrounded by upright hewn and carved granite slabs (1.6 - 4.4 m high). The slabs are interspersed with smaller pieces of hewn granite. Slab reliefs are the earliest examples of monumental sculpture in the Central Andes. Warriors on large slabs seem to be moving from both sides to the wide staircase of the main northern entrance. The heads of defeated enemies and chains of vertebrae are carved on the remaining slabs. Rectangular in plan, the temple inside the enclosure had a developed symmetrical layout and was built of conical adobes.

The later temple of Chavin de Huantara (IX-VI centuries BC), located in the mountains (3200 m above sea level), has a completely different look than the temple of Cerro Sechin. The main temple, the so-called Castillo, is a three-story rectangular building at the base (75 x 72 m), which did not have a single opening, except for the entrance, to which a stone staircase led. Low (height 1.8 m) and very narrow (1 - 4.5 m) galleries and rooms were ventilated with special channels. The floors were connected by stairs. The layout is like a maze. The base of cyclopean blocks is permeated with drainage channels. The walls expand towards the base. The building is lined with carved stone blocks.

Mochica culture(VI-IV centuries BC - XI century AD) coincides in time with the classical period of Mayan culture. It was associated with a large state formation covering the territory between the Kasma and Pacasmayo rivers. The ruling elite organized large masses of people for the construction of grandiose irrigation facilities: reservoirs, canals, aqueducts, dams. And now in the valley of the river. The Chicama Canal Cumbre is used for a length of 113 km. Ascona aqueduct north of the river. Chikama is laid on an embankment 1400 m long, in the valley of the Nepenya River there are remains of a giant dam.

29. Urine. Pyramid of the Sun, circa 100-900 B.C. Modern view, plan

Mochik's structures were built of raw brick. Just as in Central America, stepped pyramids (waki) were erected, which differed in that, in addition to a cult purpose (sanctuaries were built on top of them), at the foot of the pyramids there were burials of the nobility (apparently, a relic of the community's family cemeteries). Pyramids usually had from 4 to 30 m in height. The largest of the surviving pyramid of the sun(about 100-900) is located on the banks of the river urine. The river washed away half of the hill, which is a crumbling pyramid, but the rest of it testifies to the grandeur of the structure. The pyramid is 41 m high and 136 x 228 m at the base. The walls of the group of buildings at its top were covered with frescoes. Pyramid E (Fig. 29), consisting of 7 ledges, was shifted to the corner of a large ledge (5 ledges) platform C, due to which extensive terraces formed in front of the pyramid from the south and west. From the north, a wide staircase A led to the pyramid, in front of which there was a platform B. To the east, about 0.5 km from the pyramid of the Sun, there was a pyramid of the Moon (both names are modern), which, apparently, is a palace platform.

The dwellings of the nobility of the Mochica period are reconstructed on the basis of ceramic vases found in burials. The houses were located on a hill, divided into terraces and surrounded by a thick adobe wall (Fig. 30). Ordinary farmers settled at the foot of the hill. Servants lived inside the walls at the bottom of the hill, rich landowners lived at the top. Each house had a kind of large, open portico.

Perhaps the builders of Mochik also knew the wedge vault. A tomb covered with such a vault was discovered in the Chicama Valley. However, the rule remained the use of a false code.

During the period of the Tiahuanaca conquests, large and fortified pyramids, dwellings located on the hills, were not built. Near the roads that by that time connected the centers of the coast located in the river valleys, huge rectangular complexes surrounded by walls of adobes began to be built, consisting of symmetrically arranged rooms, corridors and courtyards, grouped around small platforms. An example is Huaca Dragon(about 1100) in the Trujillo Valley, whose walls, containing regular rows of dwellings, measure 55 x 59 m. The outer surface of the walls, made of molded and painted clay, contains repeated images of animals (Fig. 31). The platform inside the complex has two tiers, decorated with molded friezes.

32. Chan Chan, XIII-XV centuries. 1 - city plan; 2 - wall decoration; 3 - second palace; 4 - the first palace; 5 - Ole group

capital Chimu civilization, on the territory approximately coinciding with Mochica, was Chan Chan. The ruins of the city occupy about 28 km2. The city had a harbor consisting of rectangular basins, with the outer side open to the ocean. The inner pools had locks. The city and the surrounding fields were abundantly irrigated thanks to a 115 km long canal connecting the Moche and Chicamu rivers. All buildings were built from adobes. Chan Chan was surrounded by walls and consisted of 10-11 large complexes, apparently serving, as in Tenochtitlan, for housing noble families. Each complex, as a rule, was rectangular in plan, and the entire city was regularly planned out (Fig. 32). The complexes were separated by narrow lanes. Aerial surveys show that the city consists of at least three superimposed networks of rectangular complexes, the existence of which cannot be suspected on the spot. New complexes were built on top of the smaller old ones, cutting them, not following them in terms of the location of the premises and along the length. The so-called first and second palaces and the Ole group have been studied the most. Less preserved palaces were probably built before the Ole group. The palaces are surrounded by a double row of adobe walls 1.5-1.8 m high, with only one entrance from the north - the sunniest side. The walls not only isolated the group of people living in them, but also protected the dwellings from the prevailing southwestern sea wind. The structures within the walls were regularly planned out. Large and small courtyards with open corners were surrounded by rows of the same type, single-row, cellular small rooms, illuminated by doorways. Their layout is close to the palaces of Central America. The prevailing northern orientation of the yards was necessary because of the frequent fogs. In addition to dwellings, the enclosing walls contained reservoirs, small uacs, and gardens. Gardens were arranged in excavated large ledge pits, which are, as it were, the reverse image of a stepped pyramid. Plants thus protected from the wind and were closer to groundwater. In addition to the tribal uac, as in Tenochtitlan, there were temple central pyramids. The analogies in housing and temple structures cannot be explained by the connections of Central and South America. Proximity is explained by the similarity of building materials, climatic conditions and similarity of social structure.

If in the first and second palaces the accumulation of regular buildings is accidental, then the Ole group has strict symmetry and seems to be a palace-type building, made according to a predetermined plan in one building season. This most complete complex appeared, probably, immediately before the destruction of the city of Inkali. The complex includes 33 houses, consisting of two to five rooms. The houses stand on a low platform around a large, rectangular courtyard. The walls of Chan Chan's buildings are decorated with niches, ornaments of protruding adobes, and mostly flat reliefs carved in wet clay according to patterns. Various combinations of carved patterns give the impression of Peruvian fabric, which was stronger in antiquity, since the ornament was painted. They are distinguished from the scenery of Huaca Dragon by sharper outlines, rounded corners are absent.

Chan Chan was a relatively young city, its age is unlikely to exceed 300 years. The statement is based on the fact that the number of his pyramids (uak) is relatively small and they are small. Another, minor city of the Chimu culture - Pakatnamu had six large pyramids, of which one contained the core of the Mochica culture, but only one tribal complex.

Culture of Lima largely repeats the structures of Mochica. It is also characterized by the construction of pyramids from adobes, at the foot of which burials were arranged.

The largest city of culture in Lima, which existed during the time of the Incas, was Pachacamac, a city in the main temple of which there was a deity - an oracle. Currently, Pachacamac is covered with sand. The Incas did not destroy the city, but erected two new large religious buildings in it: the temple of the Sun and the monastery of the maidens of the Sun. All the buildings were built of adobes, molded by hand or made in molds, only plinths were made of stone. The temple of Pachacamac (lord of the world) was located on the edge of the city facing the sea, in its southern corner (Fig. 33). The temple - the most ancient part of the city - is contemporaneous with the cultures of Mochica and Nazca. Both the temple site and the city were surrounded by walls. The temple was a platform of eight steps (on the north side), which had a height of about 1 m. The surface of the steps was covered with a layer of clay, smoothed and painted with mythological scenes. The paintings were renewed at least 16 times. At the top of the platform were various residential and religious buildings, grouped around the courtyard. Among them was a dark sanctuary, in which several people could hardly fit. There was a wooden cult statue - an oracle, with which only the priests, who entered the sanctuary with the gifts of pilgrims, communicated. In front of the statue, the blood of people and animals was sacrificed. The cemetery of the nobility and priests was located at the eastern platform. From the east, a wide esplanade with columned galleries adjoined the temple, under the canopies of which merchants and pilgrims were accommodated. On the esplanade there were also houses for their residence. The galleries of columns are unique in the architecture of South America, and their appearance is certainly due to the special requirements of Pachacamac's life. The city itself, measuring 6 x 3 km, was divided into two streets approximately following the cardinal directions. Its quarters contained palace-like structures and numerous groups of adjoining rooms, accessible only from above. The combination of cult center and residential structures is consistent with the type of city represented by Chan Chan.

Nazca culture also characterized by the construction of large pyramids of adobes. So in Cahuachi, on the middle reaches of the Nazca River, pyramidal platforms up to 20 m high were erected, crowned with groups of rectangular rooms. However, the most remarkable feature of architecture is the construction of huge monumental images. They are located on a plateau above the rivers Palpa and Ingenio. The images are formed by a network of pedestrian paths strewn with light sand and gravel, along the sides of which there are stone pillars. The territory occupied by them is about 100 km long and several kilometers wide. The tracks did not serve to communicate between any specific points. The drawings look like straight ribbons, spirals, figures of fish, insects, birds, plants, made in colossal sizes. Ritual processions apparently moved along the lines of the drawings. To some extent, the images were astronomical designations, some of the drawings are associated with stars in orientation and, possibly, depict constellations.

The construction of the figures required the efforts of many generations, the networks of drawings are superimposed on each other. For complex drawings, there were some auxiliary constructions such as fixed proportions, as evidenced by traces of additional straight lines.

Tiahuanacu culture originally occupied the basin of Lake Titicaca. The earliest settlement was the city of Pukara in the north of the lake (5th century BC-5th century AD). The heyday of Pucar dates back to the 1st century. n. e. Shortly before the extinction of the city, about the 3rd century, Tiahuanaku (ancient Taipikala) was founded in the south of the lake, after which the whole culture is called. The heyday of the city belongs to the VIII-XI centuries. After the 5th century Tiahuanaku style is distributed in the areas of the Montaro River and Cusco. The date of the fall of the city is unknown, it is not clear why it was abandoned. It can only be established that on the coast the Tiahuanaku culture continued until the beginning of the 13th century.

The center of Pukar was a small, irregular, thatched chamber made of adobes, radially arranged along the outlines of C. Each had one or two altars. The cells surrounded a deepened square courtyard. To date, only well-hewn red sandstone foundation slabs have survived.

tiahuanacu(3825 m above sea level) for five centuries was plundered by numerous treasure hunters, in addition, after the Spanish conquest, its ruins served as a quarry. The destruction of the city is such (scattered separate pieces of stone buildings remain, earthen platforms are dug up) that one can imagine the center of the city only approximately on the basis of stone foundations, dismantled in places. Its ruins occupy an area much smaller than the corresponding ensembles in Central America and on the coast of South America (Moche). The city center consists of three groups of buildings oriented to the east (Fig. 34). They consist of earth platforms lined with well-cut stone. Two of them - Akapana and Kalasasaya are separated by an ancient road. Both groups were surrounded by a ditch 50 m wide, maintaining a constant level of groundwater. The moat, along one of its tributaries, communicated in the north with the Tiahuanaku River. The third group - Puma-Punku (Puma Gate) was 1.5 km southwest of the first two and was connected with them by roads intersecting at right angles. The center of the city was in the view of the Indians the center of the world, as indicated by its ancient name - Taipikala - "stone in the center."

The Akapana earthen platform has a size of 210 x 210 x 15 m. Based on texts from the 17th century. they are trying to reconstruct it as a pyramidal platform topped on the western side by a narrow stone building. Akapana is believed to have been a walled citadel with an entrance from the east. In the citadel there was a water tank, housing, warehouses. Kalasasaya appears as a U-shaped platform 135 x 130 m. Early masonry was found here, related to the masonry of the fence in Cerro Sechin. Prismatic lava pillars stand at some distance from each other, and the gaps between them are filled dry with small pieces of lava. The stone is carefully processed with stone tools. Kalasasaya, apparently, was a building dedicated to a cult associated with astronomical observations. A wide staircase flanked by two powerful pillars leads to the platform, the opening of the entrance gate at its top is very narrow, it allows only one person to pass through. On the territory of Kalasasaya there is the Gate of the Sun, which is a monolithic structure 3 x 4 m. Once the gate was surrounded by statues. The composition of the gate is monumental and extremely simple, above the opening (width 1.67 m) stretches a wide, 0.9 m high frieze covered with flat relief. squat figure of a god.

Puma Punku is a double pyramid. Blocks have been preserved here - parts of one or several buildings, scattered in such a disorder that some scientists considered Puma Punka to be a suddenly abandoned stone workshop. The largest part has dimensions of 3.64 x 3.30 x 0.5 m. The heaviest block weighs about 200 tons. The blocks are hewn with amazing care and precision using bronze tools. They were firmly fastened with stone spikes and bronze brackets (each block had a T-shaped recess). Grooves are made on the blocks for lifting and setting stones in place. Holes for wooden pins served to attach strips of gold reliefs.

The most preserved, having absorbed the traditions of previous cultures, is inca architecture. At the beginning of the XV century. a small state of the Incas (formed in the 12th century), concentrated around an ancient settlement Cusco, starts aggressive wars. The success of the wars was facilitated not only by the use of bronze weapons, but also by the centralized system of government. By the end of the XV century. The Incas had a vast territory from the city of Quito to southern Chile. The Inca state was the largest in ancient America. It was covered with a network of paved roads. Two parallel straight main highways ran through the mountains and along the coast for 6000 km. They were connected by cross roads. Inns were set up along the roads. Stone and suspension bridges were thrown across the rivers, stairs were cut down in the rocks. A whole chain of fortresses connected by fire alarms was built. The cities were notable for their accomplishment: drinking water flowed along the streets, in specially laid ditches.

In the capital Cusco only Inca gentlemen or especially noble chiefs subject to them could live. The original center of the city was a small, elevated square with the temple of the Sun and the Inca palace next to it. In the XIV century. the city is expanding (Fig. 35). Each supreme Inca no longer occupies the ancestral quarter of their ancestors, but builds their own ancestral complex. In the middle of the XV century. in the north-west of the city, the fortress of Saxahuaman is founded. At the same time, to the north of the hill, the swamp is drained and a new social center is founded with new palace quarters of the Inca rulers. Behind them is a new temple, the House of Knowledge and warehouses. Currently, on the site of this center there is a cathedral square and a cathedral. Four main roads converge to the central square, connecting the capital with the provinces. Folk festivities took place here, to which the mummies of the Inca rulers and their wives were brought on a stretcher from the temple of the Sun. Only cult ceremonies took place on the square in front of the Temple of the Sun. The city was divided into quarters - tribal complexes of the Incas. Each quarter was surrounded by a high stone wall with only one gate. Inside were thatched one-story buildings with doors facing courtyards. The neighborhoods were separated by narrow streets. The main streets were wide enough; for example, in Quito the main street was 15 m wide. The walls facing the streets consisted of polygonal blocks or squares of black lava, laid dry and equipped with spikes and nests to make the masonry earthquake-resistant. The openings had a trapezoidal, narrowing stone lintel shape. Trapezoidal niches were the only decoration of the building.

Near the main square was the House of Knowledge - the Inca Academy. Here, Inca youths were trained in government, philosophy, and economic management of the entire vast territory in order to become senior officials. Professions were hereditary, in particular, only an Inca could become an architect.

In the middle of the XV century. The Temple of the Sun was also rebuilt. The temple was 100 m long and 80 m wide. The foundations of the enclosing walls have survived, striking with the thoroughness and accuracy of the masonry, especially perfect in the apsidal completion of the temple, preserved to a height of 6 m. Outside, a frieze of forged gold plates stretched along the top of the wall. The temple, like residential buildings, was covered with straw. The restrained external design of the temple did not match the luxury of the interiors. In the main room, the first rays of the sun through the open door fell on a huge golden disk, on the sides stood golden and silver statues of deities. The walls of this and other sanctuaries were covered with golden plates. In one of them, the mummies of the Incas and their wives sat on golden benches. Next to the temple was the Golden Garden, where all the objects (trees, flowers and people) were made of silver and gold.

Fortress Saxahuaman(Falcon's Nest) in the northwest of Cuzco was the most significant fortress, arsenal and treasury of the Incas (Fig. 36). The fortress was located on a steep mountain, bounded on both sides by deep river slopes, on the third, northern, along a saddle accessible for passage, it was fenced by three rows of zigzag walls rising one above the other. Each wall was about 3 km long and contained about 40 ledges. The walls are about 3 m thick and 6.5 - 3 m high. According to legend, the fortress was built by 20 thousand slaves for 15 years. Until now, the locals call her "Tired Stone" or "Blood Stone". The architects were the Incas: Guallpa Rimachi, Marikanchi, Akahuana and Calla Kunchui. The walls of the fortress were built dry from huge polygonal blocks of gray granite, fitted so precisely that, according to one researcher, it was impossible to “stick a hair” between them. Some stones reached 3 m in width and 6 m in height. Each wall had a cramped trapezoidal passage closed by a rising stone slab. All three passages were located not on the same axis. There were three towers inside the fortress: one round and two rectangular (the foundations survived). Noble Incas lived in the round tower. Inside its walls were decorated with silver and gold and decorated with images of animals and plants. At the base of the tower there was an abundant well, the water to which was supplied from a very great depth.

Round living quarters are not only found in Saxahuaman. In one of the mountain settlements near Cusco, in Runtu Rakkai, there is a round house, which contains a round courtyard 11 m in diameter. The living quarters consist of three rooms curved along an arc of a circle, the doors of which open onto the courtyard. The house is a variant of a residential family complex of big cities. Round structures appeared in South America much earlier than the reign of the Incas. Recently, in the mountains east of Trujillo in the region of the river. Maranion was discovered the city of Great Pakhaten, conquered and plundered by the troops of the Inca Tupac Yupanqui (1471-1493). In the city there is a round stone, apparently religious building with a diameter of 14 m. Its walls were preserved to a height of 5 m and were decorated with relief images of condors. The building was cut by a staircase 4 m wide. According to the conquerors, the city had many round buildings and temples crowning the hills.

The other two towers of Saxahuaman housed a garrison consisting of the Incas. Saxahuaman was not only a fortress, but also a place of worship (home of the Sun), in addition, military equipment, tribute from the conquered provinces and Inca treasures, hidden, according to legend, in the labyrinths of dungeons under the fortress, were stored here.

The Incas not only used the terrain for their structures. Often the rocks themselves served for the construction of buildings. So, from the north, in front of the fortress of Saxahuaman, the so-called Throne of the Incas was cut out of the rock, consisting of steps leading to the platform. It was located at a height of 20 m, and from it the main square in front of the fortress was perfectly visible. Behind the throne, near the caves, there were sacred rocks with stairs, niches and gutters carved into them. Such rocks were associated with the cult of the dead; sacrificial blood flowed down the gutters into the caves. It is possible that the round ledge of the temple in Cusco embraced such a rock.

The cities, which had a shorter period of construction than Cuzco, and a more even surface, were built according to a regular plan (Pikillakta and Viracochampa, around 1500; rice. 37). In the center of the city there is a rectangular square, around which the ancestral quarters are located.

Small mountain settlements had a regular layout if they were on a flat surface. This was the settlement at the fortress Ollantaytambo(end of the 15th century), where the valley of the Urubamba River expands significantly. The fortress was located above the settlement. It was divided by narrow streets 2-3 m wide into 18 quarters containing a large square area (Fig. 38). The quarter contained two complexes separated by a blank wall. In the middle of each complex there was a large courtyard, on which the doors of four houses, which had gable roofs, with stone pediments, opened. The houses were built of raw stone with clay mortar. Inside the walls of the houses had niches. The mountain slopes near the settlement were broken up by agricultural terraces.

A settlement - a fortress, for which it was impossible to create a flat platform, is Machu Picchu(Fig. 39). It is located on a saddle (2520 m above sea level) between two mountains in the bend of the Urubamba River. The fortress was connected with the neighboring fortresses by roads laid in the rocks. Almost sheer slopes to the river were covered with terraces, on which vegetable gardens were located. Above, on a less steep terrain, were residential buildings. They either surrounded small courtyards, to which they were turned by the longitudinal side containing the doors, or were extended by a chain. The openings had a trapezoidal shape. The roof was attached to the pediments by means of special stone ledges, to which a wooden crate was tied. Houses were built either from rubble on clay, or from well-hewn stones, without mortar.

The steep terrain made it almost impossible to build streets, the buildings were connected by more than 100 stairs, partially carved into the rocks. In the middle of the village was a large rectangular square stretching from north to south. Residential buildings surrounded it from the south and west, religious buildings were located in the east. Apparently, similar in type to the Temple of the Sun in Cusco was a building to the south of the square, containing a tower-shaped ledge open at the top. Inside it was a sacred rock, in the deep niches of the walls around it, apparently, mummies were kept. The structure was built from beautifully hewn stone blocks. Among the religious buildings on the eastern side of the square, at the highest point of the settlement, there was an inti-huatana (solar fetters) - a high conical stone on a stone platform. There were similar stones among the sacred rocks near Saxahuaman and in other Inca fortresses. A series of magical rites at this stone was supposed to prevent the disappearance of the sun during the long winter. The buildings at the foot of the "solar fetters" are distinguished by the special care of the masonry, the large size of the stones. If each individual building of Machu Picchu does not seem to be an outstanding architectural monument, then all together they leave a deep impression.

42. Kacha. Temple of Viracocha, 15th century General view and plan

Several buildings of palace and cult purpose, excellent in planning, are located on the islands Lake Titicaca and southwest of the lake. On Lake Titicaca on the island of the same name at the end of the 15th century. a two-story stone building was built Palace of Pilko Kaim(Fig. 40). On the first floor, relatively small, symmetrically located chambers are separated by thick walls and connected by very narrow corridors. A number of cells are deprived of natural light. The rooms on the second floor are much larger. There is a terrace open to the lake. The interfloor ceiling consisted of flat, well-fitted slabs. Facades have a strictly symmetrical construction, for the creation of which false, blind openings are arranged.

Another building is Monastery of the Sun Maidens on the island of Coati, end of the 15th century. (Fig. 41). The building covers a large rectangular courtyard on three sides, the facades are broken by numerous niches, giving a complex pattern of chiaroscuro, reminiscent of the complex geometric breakdown of Tiahuanacu buildings.

IN Kache ruins of the complex Temple of Viracocha, significantly different from the temples of other cities (Fig. 42). The temple has the appearance of a long four-nave building, oriented from north to south. It consisted of three tiers, the sanctuary was placed in the upper one. Along the longitudinal axis of the temple there are often 15-meter-high pillars with a strongly elongated rectangular cross section. The gap between the pillars and the outer walls is divided by round columns. The whole building was covered with a gable roof. Its base, having a height of 2 m, was built of stone slabs, above there is masonry of adobes. At right angles to the mow of the temple, there are six rectangular courtyards formed by rectangular buildings with gable tops, apparently the dwellings of priests and pilgrims. Further south, behind the wall of the sacred site, there is also a regularly planned group of round dwellings, built on clay from torn stone.

Apparently, round and rectangular dwellings were the prototype of round and less often rectangular tombs located in the area of ​​Lake Titicaca - chullp. Chullpa - a high tower made of precisely fitted blocks of stone, had a burial chamber at the top. Most researchers date the tombs to the time of the Incas.

The monumental architecture of the most developed countries of Ancient America is characterized by heavy, overwhelmingly massive structures with relatively poorly developed interiors, which is explained not only by the low level of construction technology. The exploiting elite, which had barely separated from the clan, needed expressive, most visual means of subjugating the ordinary population. Giant pyramids, decorated with intricate decorations, long palaces piled on high platforms, stadiums with temples made up the grandiose ensembles surrounding the inhabitants of Central America. In South America, majestic adobe pyramids were built on the coast. In the mountains - colossal, closed walls of palaces and sanctuaries, decorated with gold plates, should have testified to the greatness and inaccessibility of their rulers.

Chapter “Architecture of South America (Central Andes)” of the book “General History of Architecture. Volume I. Architecture of the Ancient World. Author: E.D. Kvitnitskaya; edited by O.Kh. Khalpakhchna (responsible editors), E.D. Kvitnitskaya, V.V. Pavlova, A.M. Pribytkova. Moscow, Stroyizdat, 1970

Despite the fact that the most popular are various kinds of buildings designed by architects of past years, there are quite a few monuments of more modern architecture. They are less popular with most tourists than antiques, however, they certainly deserve attention. There is a special city on Earth, which is a real work of art of modern architects.

Monument city

Not everyone is able to immediately name the capital city called a monument of modern architecture, since in order to answer such a question, quite deep knowledge of geography will be required. In fact, the answer should be sought in where the city of Brasilia is located, which became the capital of this state in 1960.

IMPORTANT! This settlement is relatively young and its age is about sixty years, which did not prevent it from becoming the capital of the region.

Such an unusual monument owes its appearance to the election promises of the local president, who promised voters a completely new city, provided with all the necessary infrastructure, that could accommodate a sufficient number of inhabitants to be called the capital of the country.

Despite the fact that the president had only a few years to fulfill his promise, he engaged a real army of builders, who were able to build a beautiful and modern city in a short time.

Brasilia in modern times

For a tourist, this city is an extremely interesting and valuable find, because in addition to a memorable appearance and an indescribable atmosphere, Brasilia boasts an impressive list of attractions.

ADVICE! When visiting Brasilia, it is extremely important to take the time to walk the streets of the city without tours, as this will allow you to fully appreciate the talents of the architects who design the city.

  • Maternidad - a park with a restaurant and a bar, characterized by a pleasant atmosphere and low cost of food;
  • Museum of money - is a rather curious collection of not only local, but also foreign currency of the past;
  • Chapel of Don Bosco - one of the most revered saints by the locals.

The unique combination of unusual and modern architecture, as well as a rich cultural program, makes the city of Brasilia an ideal destination for tourist trips.

Name the capital city, called a monument of modern architecture in South America

The height of the colossus is 64, 5 m, the length of the sides of the base is 211, 207, 217 and 209 m, the total volume is 993 thousand. city ​​highway Nuevo de Julio, famous for the symbol of the city - an obelisk in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Republic, in everyday life nicknamed "Member de Baires". One - the first quarter of the twentieth century - elongated, neoclassical, with a slight touch of Art Deco in details, the second - prickly, composed of heavy concrete polygons and glass, erected by Yo Ming Pei (author of the famous Louvre Pyramid). At the same time, New Orleans is the only place on this list whose architectural DNA also includes neo-Egyptian and Moorish styles (US Customs Buildings and the Church of the Immaculate Conception). By the end of the 19th century, Washington had become a significant city.

Other historical buildings, including landmarks such as the Moskva Hotel (1930) and the Voentorg department store (1913), were demolished and then completely restored, with the inevitable loss of historical value. In the case when the concept of "architectural monument" extends to a compositionally complete architectural ensemble (for example, the Kremlin, fortress-monasteries, etc.), a closed zone of protected space is also formed inside the complex, which, within the boundaries of the historical zone, together with individual architectural monuments, constitutes a kind of ensemble interior.

The city of Manaus was founded in the Amazonian jungle in 1669 by the Portuguese on the site of an Indian tribe. The gates were made according to the samples presented by Count F. Tolstoy. But this public education was short-lived. On a permanent basis, the first museum “Believe it or not. ”was opened after the death of Ripley, in 1950 in Florida, in the city of St. But in the IX-X centuries. BC e. to the middle - the last centuries of the 1st millennium BC.

The capital city is called a monument of modern architecture

No word yet on when the building will be open to the public. They can perform completely different functions. Cities in the south of the country were abandoned, the population declined sharply, and soon tropical vegetation covered the monuments of its former grandeur with its green carpet.

New terms have also been coined. Ilya Ilf called this building in his Notebooks "the inspired creation of the architect Fridman." You can touch a marble statue of a Roman of the 2nd century BC. BC e.

The architecture of the modern city surprises and amazes. A detached house is a phenomenon rare among the Maya. n. e. Comparing the plots presented on these clay vases with descriptions of the exploits of the twin heroes in the underworld from the Mayakic epic Popol-Vuh (XVI century), the scientist drew attention to their partial coincidence. A city on whose face the face of all of Russia depends.

According to psychologists, people living in such gray "boxes" feel negative emotional stress. There are no forests on the archipelago, heather meadows and peat bogs predominate. But most of all, the temple complex of Cusco Coricancha (golden courtyard) amazed with its splendor.

The architecture of the modern city as a science and art

Inspired by the so-called “Bilbao effect”, museum architecture is becoming increasingly attractive to art lovers and tourists alike. It is also worth visiting the museums of Santiago - the Museum of Fine Arts, the house of Pablo Neruda (famous. Ensembles of magnificent palaces of the Aztec rulers - "tlatoani" were located nearby. For all these architectural innovations, the building was given a protective status.

Pioneer in this area was Pierre Schaeffer (1910-1995) - one of the pioneers of collage technique, the author of the term "concrete music" (musique concrete). Creole architecture (a mix of French-Spanish colonial and classicist revival styles), as well as the characteristic wrought-iron balconies of the French Quarter, is considered to be the embodiment of the architectural face of the city of New Orleans. Somehow, they absolutely do not give rise to the image of a friendly and “turned face to the citizen” official. In the I millennium

Modern architecture of Moscow: 10 most interesting monuments

Also, in 1484 the Church of the Deposition of the Robe was founded. The first building license was issued in 1978. The age of modernity was short-lived - approximately from 1890 to 1910. Human.

The Canadian museum of the same name was founded in 1963 in the city of Niagara Falls (Niagara Falls, Ontario) and still has a reputation as the best museum in the city.

But in fact, in San Francisco, the best thing is Alcatraz Island and the Golden Gate Bridge. She has come a long way to become. The Historical Museum, Igumnov's house became a monument of those times. It is also interesting to visit the Museum of Painting, the State Art Gallery, the Impiranha Museum, founded by Emperor Pedro 1, the Butant Institute - the kingdom of reptiles.

15 Unusual Architectural Landmarks in Moscow

BC e. (800-400 years. These are probably temples. However, many citizens of Guangzhou saw a Chinese coin in this building, symbolizing the desire for material wealth, and among the people this building was already called the “disc of the wasteful rich.” The capital of the “empire” - Tenochtitlan - over time turned into a huge city, the area of ​​​​which was about 1200 hectares, and the number of inhabitants, according to various estimates, reached 120-300 thousand people.The complex was erected in 1775 by order of Empress Catherine II.Many believed that the place was inhabited by ghosts.Between 1438 and 1460s

In the 20th century, Art Nouveau appeared, its examples are the National, Metropol, Yaroslavl Station hotels. A notable event in the architectural life of Moscow was the construction of seven famous skyscrapers in the imperial style. At the Presidential "Pink" Palace there are guards of honor, the changing of the guard every two hours. The islands were discovered by Europeans in the 16th century. The administrative center and the only city is Port Stanley (Puerto Argentino).

Rio de Janeiro has many other attractions. The central park of Ibirapuera is also worth a visit. This takes place in 1826. The facade of the building is geometrically divided into caissons. After 6 years, the autocrat approves the project proposed by the architect K. A. Ton. The main square in the city was Wakapata (sacred terrace), from which roads branched off to the four main provinces of the country.

15 Most Impressive Monuments of Architecture

Puerto Montt is called the gateway to the Lake District. The “house-sail” is finished with porcelain stoneware, which has the property of maintaining a neat appearance and internal fortress for a long time. Thanks to the work of American (T.) For four years, the Bat Theater was located here, where Konstantin Stanislavsky, Vasily Kachalov, Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko, Olga Knipper-Chekhova performed.

Architectural competition for the project of the Military Academy of the Red Army. Today, attempts are being made to restore many of the largest examples of urban pre-Soviet architecture. Also, the description of the "House on Chicken Legs" is found on the pages of the popular science fiction novel by Sergei Lukyanenko "Night Watch".

19 of the greatest monuments of architecture around the world

Their backs are topped with a strip of aluminum, similar to the leading edge of a fighter plane's wing. Surya Temple in Konark is on the UNESCO list. The 15th century imprinted itself for a long time with the stone architecture of the Assumption Cathedral and the Kremlin. The amazing and eye-catching facing of the building conceals a certain secret: colored plaster is combined with a micro-relief and glass fiber reinforced concrete (the hall is also decorated with such patterns).

Many historical buildings and complexes, being “inviolable” and in many cases even restored, suffered significant damage as a result of ignoring or underestimating their city-forming significance in modern buildings, corresponding to the maximum disclosure of the emotionally expressive properties of monuments in the surrounding space. One of the examples of buildings of this period is the Kremlin brick wall with two-horned battlements resembling a swallow's tail - an element inherent in the castle walls of Milan and Verona.

Art in the city: the best examples of public art

Alan Kolata believed that all of these languages ​​were important in Tiwanaku. True, the center of Washington was by no means formed immediately, like the city itself. Architecturally, it is perhaps the most interesting. Each of them reaches a height of seven meters, and a width of about two.

On the bank of the Prechistenskaya embankment stands a fabulous Art Nouveau house. Then, for some reason not yet understood, there was a decline. m. It is assumed that the construction of the pyramid required labor of at least 20 thousand. All this is magnificent Rio.

10 US cities with the most unusual architecture

The language of architecture is always modern, as it takes into account human physiology and psychology. In 2005, Mikhail Belov completed the construction of the "Pompeian House" on the Arbat - a bright, bluish-red building with elegant decor, a huge number of porticos, magnificent balconies. It was, coming from Western Europe, a magnificent and bizarre baroque palace style. As a result, the cathedral began to bear the features of eclecticism inherent in all Moscow architecture.

Near the temple was the courtyard of the Intipampa (golden field), on which were trees made of gold, plants and herbs, deer, butterflies, shepherds, etc., all of which were made in life size and everything moved (.) with the help of the most skillful mechanisms. The city of carnival, joy and general well-being. The city was accidentally discovered in 1972 by local grave robbers.

We will not list all of them, only mention a few. Expensive natural stone was used to finish the facade, and granite was used for the atrium. Many small churches, however, were lost forever.

Already a simple comparison of the path traversed by the indigenous population of America in the pre-Columbian era, with milestones in the history of the Old World, gives an extraordinary amount to identify general historical patterns. The first traveling collection, Ripley's Auditorium, was presented in Chicago in 1933 during the World's Fair. Both of these buildings were restored in the 1990s.

Thus, the production of hydrogen requires a temperature of 1400C. These rulers were revered as kings. A crooked house is really crooked and does not contain a single even place and corner. Most of them were hunters, fishermen, gatherers or primitive farmers, only in two relatively small areas of the Western Hemisphere - in Mesoamerica and the Andes - did the Spaniards meet highly developed Indian civilizations. The highest cultural achievements of pre-Columbian America were born on their territory. By the time of its "discovery", in 1492 d, up to 2/3 of the entire population of the continent lived there, although in size these areas accounted for only 6.2 of its total area. Golden windows, doors, walls, roofs, floors, ceilings, religious objects amazed people.

The "Bilbao effect" in action: the architecture of contemporary art museums

The Falkland (Malvinas) Islands are located in the southwest of the Atlantic Ocean. Particularly prominent are a round stone with a diameter of more than three meters with a low-relief image of the goddess Koyolshaukhka, the sister of Huitzilopochtli, 53 deep pits filled with ritual offerings (stone figurines of gods, shells, corals, incense, ceramic vessels, necklaces, skulls of sacrificed people, etc. ). However, this often happens, and probably not only with the petals of Washington cherries. At that time, the city occupied about 6 km and had 40 thousand inhabitants.

Even its place and status were subjects of long discussion by the "Founding Fathers" of the United States. Now the sanctuaries of the gods Huitzilopochtli (the god of the sun and war, the head of the Aztec pantheon) and Tlaloc (the god of water and rain, the patron of agriculture) have already been opened, the remains of fresco paintings and stone sculpture have been discovered.

Modern city architecture

The lakes are also very beautiful with glaciers sliding into them and floating icebergs. The ritual-administrative center of Teotihu-akana described above was surrounded on all sides by residential quarters in the form of clusters of block houses (up to 60 m long), planned along the cardinal points along a regular network of narrow straight streets. Excavations at another "Olmec" village - San Lorenzo - also revealed giant heads and rows of ritually buried monumental sculptures in a purely "Olmec" style. There are shoes and bars on the windows and doors. Historic preservation is taken very seriously in Charleston.

Unlike other buildings, it expands upwards. soon the method of panel assembly of houses was invented. Full-fledged construction resumed in Moscow only with the accession to the throne of Catherine II. Charleston is called the "holy city" because of the many tent temples. Products of Teotihuacan masters are found in the 1st millennium. Full conversion reliably protects against dust and other contaminants. What is it - shock therapy or a joyful game, is not yet clear.

“I made the layout of the city regular, drew the streets at right angles from north to south and from west to east, and then cut several avenues in other directions, connecting all the most important places, wanting them not only to contrast with the general regularity, not only to provide variety of pleasant views, but, most importantly, would directly link the various parts of the city,” Pierre-Charles Lanfant wrote to George Washington. He, according to historians, is one big mystery. It is interesting that all the "apartments" are rented, they are not for sale.

Wonders of architecture from around the world - 30 masterpieces

Inside, this is quite a comfortable dwelling, quite cozy and spacious. One of the most striking examples is the city of Zagorsk, in which the Trinity-Sergius Lavra exists in the “frame” of a natural landscape that is unique in its beauty and individuality, the character of which is compositionally perceived in the very architecture of this unique ensemble.

To develop the layout of the capital was entrusted to a French engineer who fought, not without the approval of his government, in the ranks of the American army against the British, Pierre Charles LEnfant, who thanks to this entered the history of world urban planning. They found a group of stone steps going up the mountain, and following these stairs, they found themselves in an abandoned city, which they called the "green hell".

In the twenty-five-story "House on Chicken Legs" at 184 Prospekt Mira, it is not Baba Yaga and the brownie Kuzey who live, but ordinary people. The color of the house resembles marble, but in fact it is moire - concrete mixed with paint. The columns on the upper floors of the building complete the colorful picture of Italian architecture. But the Maya did not know metals, a plow, wheeled carts, domestic animals, a potter's wheel.

Architecture of Washington - metropolitan scope and prosperity

In 1992, a monument to the Indian People was unveiled. Stalinist architecture combines several architectural styles that can be characterized by the words "monumentality", "pomp", "luxury", "majesty".

Should the architecture of the museum be noticeable or is it just a decoration for the exhibits. The National Congress attracts attention, it houses the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. In a short time the city was empty. In 1541, the settlement was given the name "City". In addition, the first floor is occupied by a theater-like auditorium with 142 seats.

In the "Openwork House", built in the form of the letter P, there is only one entrance, three stairs and two elevators. All efforts to resume work came to nothing. This original building in the form of a horseshoe, spiraling upwards, is called "an unusual house among the usual monotony." The operas Boris Godunov and the Demon (both in 1909), Eugene Onegin (1911), The Queen of Spades (1924, with the participation of Russian singers), Khovanshchina (1929), Sadko (1930) and others were staged here.

The main idea of ​​the composition is the power and greatness of the Red Army. For many centuries, populous states and cities existed here.

History of urban development, order system

In addition to them, the city has preserved many places associated with the history of the civil war, as well as pastel-colored Georgian houses of an even earlier period - the 18th century.

Recently, Bahrain has been implementing global environmental projects, one of the most notable being the World Trade Center in Bahrain (WTC). The elite complex "Roman House" was built in the style of Italian classicism with airy cascades of colonnades and an oval courtyard. In practice, such a transformation begins at temperatures below 0C. The volutes decorating the ground floor resemble a Faberge egg stand.

Theoretically, the transition of white tin to gray occurs at 13, 2C. And churches. And it seems right. The Opera House is a symbol of the golden days of the city. Its main task is to serve the new production.

Art Deco, organic architecture

The design was developed by Finnish architect Matti Suuronen. On the side of the house, there is an external staircase (most likely a fire escape) that allows access to all five tiers of the unusual building. Subsequently, the name of the city began to be used in an abbreviated form. n. e. - stelae, lintels, reliefs and panels (as well as hieroglyphic inscriptions on them) are memorial monuments in honor of the deeds of the Mayan rulers. n. e. represented by pyramidal hills and platforms of various sizes and heights. According to eyewitnesses, the palace of Montezuma (more precisely, Moctezuma) II had up to 300 rooms, a large garden, a zoo, and baths.

During the construction, reinforced concrete was mainly used. It was built in a "biomorphic" style, although, in fact, it is a real residential 12-storey complex, or rather, a kind of fabulous green village. It grew along with the territory and importance of the United States. sq. Punta Arenas is an amazing city on the shores of the Strait of Magellan. n. e. the zone of high cultures of Mesoamerica did not include Western and Northwestern Mexico.

"House on Chicken Legs" became one of the first high-rise buildings in Moscow. Chan Chan is the former center of Chimu culture and the capital of Chimor State Education. Alexander I dies. Nicholas I, who replaced him, stops construction.

Masterpieces of modern architecture

The Kremlin acquired stone walls in 1369, which were built of white stone. At the end of the 1920s, there was a joke in the professional environment: “In the controversy between the rationalists and the constructivists, the neoclassics won.” The core of the city was formed by its ritual and administrative center: the "sacred site" - a walled square 400 m long, inside which were the main city temples ("Templo Mayor" - a temple with sanctuaries of the gods Huitzilopochtli and Tlaloc, the temple of Quetzal-coatl, etc.), dwellings of priests, schools, a platform for a ritual ball game. The rectangular volume of the monumental building rises above a high deaf stylobate. Soon the services began here. meters.

On its shores there are small picturesque towns. Many city churches, which in most cases were among the oldest and historical buildings in Moscow, were destroyed, famous examples are the Kazan Cathedral and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. It was then that architecture came up with the idea to create a building in the shape of an egg, acting as a symbol of the birth of life.

Cities with modern architecture

BC e., fully corresponds to the level of "chiefdoms", "unions of tribes", i.e., the final stage of the primitive communal era. Its capital, Chan Chan, occupied an area of ​​about 25 sq. In principle, public art objects are not created “for centuries”. Santiago is one of the most amazing cities in the world. Perhaps this is the only institution of its kind in the world in the jungle. BC e. It was on the basis of the above data that the hypothesis was formulated that the Olmecs were the creators of the earliest civilization of Mesoamerica (1200-900 BC).

Very often, the most important ritual and administrative buildings were located on natural or artificially created elevations - "acropolises" (Piedras Negras, Copan, Tikal, etc.). The house has 39 apartments, the average area of ​​which is about 200 square meters. Russian classics have always occupied a significant place in the theatre's repertoire. The complex was created in a pseudo-Gothic style, combined with notes of classicism.

Architecture of the city: some general information

In the postclassic time, the western (the Tarascan state) and part of the northern (Zacatecas, Casas Grandes) regions of Mexico are also included in Mesoamerica, thereby significantly expanding its total territory. There is an opinion that before that there was a name in the Pukin language. They argued from 1783 to 1790. This made it possible to significantly increase the working space of the offices: the building is designed for a staff of 500 employees.

The credo of the minimalists is “Nothing superfluous. ". And in the dark, the body of the object is hidden in the dark, leaving visible only the neon contours of the silhouettes of giant "tools". The emergence of original forms, structures and materials led to the emergence of such trends in architecture as constructivism, rationalism, functionalism, etc. The names themselves indicate that the architects sought to create an expedient, comfortable atmosphere with simple and clear forms of buildings. Despite its popularity, the building is often criticized as a kind of postmodern kitsch and a typical student project, in which there is much more shocking than art and functionality. meters have a free layout, ready to respond to any aspirations of the residents. There is no clarity about the main stages in the development of the Olmec culture, the exact chronology and material signs of these stages.

The name of the area in the Aymara language was consonant with Taypikala (Taypikala, Taipikala), which means "stone in the center", since the area was, in their opinion, near the center of the world. The beginning of the development of this style was laid in the 1920s by the French architect Le Corbusier (1887-1965). In the vicinity of Manaus, you can observe the unique phenomenon of the wedding of rivers. The causes of this catastrophe are still unclear. Today it is the pride of the people of the city of Kansas. The opening ceremony of the "Belarusian diamond" took place on June 16, 2006.

Directions of modern architecture

meters, the ceilings are more than 3 meters high. Proskuryakova, D. Kelly, G. Berlin, J. The theater under the direction of Alexander Kalyagin lives an active life, attracting attention not only with its unusual appearance, but also with excellent performances. It was assumed that in a house with small four-meter kitchens there would be: a restaurant (from where it would be possible to bring food), a nursery, a kindergarten, a hairdresser, a grocery store.

In modern microdistricts, typical, very similar residential buildings are being built. The city was abandoned, apparently during the Spanish conquest.

Hi-tech - the architecture of a modern city

Tiwanaku was the largest city in the Central Andes region and the center of the state of Pukin. n. e. northern outpost of the zone of Mesoamerican civilizations.

So basically, this is New York. Dazzling azure ocean, golden beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema, snow-white waves. Teotihuacan was the largest craft and trade center in Mesoamerica. Also widespread is the so-called facadism (preservation of the facade with a complete reconstruction of the rest of the building).

There are a lot of sea birds, seals, fish. Its borders stretched from northern Mexico to Guatemala and from the Pacific coast to the Gulf of Mexico. The Indian civilizations of the New World managed to reach their apogee without the most important technical achievements of antiquity, which included the smelting of iron and steel, the breeding of domestic animals (especially draft and pack animals), wheeled transport, the potter's wheel, plow agriculture, the arch in architecture, etc. In the Andean region, processing of non-ferrous metals, gold and silver was carried out as early as the 2nd millennium. In August 1996, Patriarch Alexy II consecrated the main throne. Frunze passed in 1931. This is the residence of a large patrilocal family.

Above the mansion was a hanging garden. In 1427, the Aztecs organized a "tripartite league" - an alliance of the city-states of Tenochtitlan, Texcoco and Tlacopan (Takuba) - and began to consistently conquer the adjacent regions. This city is truly a monument of modern architecture. Among them we find both settled farmers and wandering tribes of hunters and gatherers.

The Guarani also dominated the region during the Spanish colonization. And the face of each city is determined by its architecture and its inhabitants.

Historical architecture of Moscow

The building is a giant tent 150 m high (spire), constructed from a network of steel cables, on which a transparent ETFE polymer coating is fixed. Architects erected buildings reminiscent of Byzantine temples and boyar mansions, using both traditional (brick, wood, stone) and more modern materials (steel, concrete, glass). Perhaps the most recognizable objects of the Stalin period are the so-called Seven Sisters (or Stalin skyscrapers) - these are seven massive skyscrapers located throughout the city at about the same distance from the Kremlin.

President of Belarus Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko (who, by the way, received a library card 1) noted at the opening ceremony that “this unique building combines the austere beauty of modern architecture and the latest scientific and technical solutions.” The Pashkov House is one of the most famous and beautiful examples of historical architecture in Moscow. However, in the architecture of modern cities, the fascination with prefabricated blocks has led to the depersonalization of buildings. The origin of the Mayan culture is shrouded in mystery.

There are many parks in Santiago: Forest Park, Park of the Kings, Cerro San Cristobal, etc. km and had a population of up to 25 thousand. These are two buildings of different times, connected by a multi-tiered passage.

It is located 15 km from the southern shore of Lake Titicaca in Bolivia. Many famous people once lived in the six-story Openwork House, built next to the hippodrome, for example, writer Konstantin Simonov and actress Valentina Serova, figure skater Irina Moiseeva.

However, the general appearance of the city changed dramatically during the Soviet era, especially due to the large-scale work of Joseph Stalin to "modernize" the capital. Near the house there is a dog kennel, which was also made in the form of a boot. In 1339, the Kremlin acquired wooden oak towers and walls and again became one of the most protected places in Russia. At that time, Heinz was already 73 years old, but he loved his business so much that he commissioned an architect to create an unusual structure in the shape of a boot. The niches of the entablature were decorated with already lost glass lamps, and under the cornice there was an illuminated inscription "Mosmetro". But many tourists come here. Most of the local population speaks Aymara (one of the three languages ​​of the Indians, vaguely reminiscent of the Quechua language), a minority of Uru (Uru) or similar Chipaya (Chipaya).

Tiwanaku) is an ancient city, the spiritual and political center of the Andean civilization of the same name. We do not know about the ethnicity of the carriers of this culture (the term "Olmec" is borrowed from the name of those ethnic groups that settled on the southern coast of the Gulf of Mexico on the eve of the conquest). On this street is also the national opera house of Argentina - Teatro Colon.

The ancient city of Kolomna - the keeper of Russian history

The highlight of Khan Shatyr is a beach resort with a tropical climate, plants and a temperature of 35C all year round. The library's arsenal - 2.5 million books, attendance - more than 2.4 million customers a year. The buildings of this time are laconic, they do not have decor and other excesses. We call it “modern”, in Germany “art nouveau”, in France “art nouveau”. This is how the discoveries of the late 70s and 80s became a real sensation.

The academy building is characteristic of Rudnev's romantic work. n. e., are often repeated, i.e., have a standard character. But in fact, the shoe house has such an orientation only from the outside. The ceiling of the attic crowning the building from the inside is painted with golden-blue colors in the spirit of the Renaissance. years. The theater Et Cetera refutes its own name with its appearance: there is simply no “like it” in Moscow.

"Trulli" - traditional dwellings in the city of Alberobello

Honduras), western regions of El Salvador and Honduras. The construction of the grandiose building lasted twelve years and ended in 1896. By this time, the highest rise of Manaus, as the capital of the new Brazilians, is exactly. Moscow is the "center of the world", attracting thousands of tourists every year. The picture, as it were, is placed in an envelope with a certain microclimate.

His successor was to build a new palace for himself. But first, a few words about the “first civilization” of Mesoamerica, the culture of the “Olmecs” on the southern coast of the Gulf of Mexico (Tabasco, Veracruz). All the ups and downs of this dangerous journey completely repeated the myth of the adventures of the twin heroes in the underworld from the epic Popol Vuh. With the change of rulers, architectural trends also changed. These are a kind of small towns in a large metropolis.

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  • Architectural features of Madrid in 2018
  • 10 most beautiful buildings of the Stalin era
  • Fuerte de Samaipata – photo info history
  • Tiwanaku – photo information history
  • Chan Chan - photo information history

Modern cities and modern districts of historic cities are carefully planned by architects. Like Venice, Tenochtitlan was cut through by a regular network of canals and streets. The appearance of the house aroused the creative interest of the director of the film "Mustached Nanny", who filmed one of the episodes in this building. n. BC) and were used mainly for the manufacture of jewelry and religious objects. In the spirit of the imperial Roman buildings, his memorial is sustained. After the death of Teotihuacan, Central Mexico becomes the scene of dramatic and turbulent events for many decades: more and more waves of militant barbarian tribes of the “Chichimecs” invade here from the north and northwest, sweeping away the still surviving islands of the Teotihuacan civilization in Azcapozalco, Porte Suelo, Cholula and etc. Finally, at the end of the IX-beginning of the X century. as a result of the confluence of these two streams - the alien ("Chichimec") and the local (Teotihuacan) - in the northeast of the region, a powerful Toltec state arises with its center in the city of Tule Tollan (Hidalgo, Mexico).

They are usually concentrated in larger units - "quarters" (Spanish. After the death of Pacal, his son Chan-Balum (the name is translated as "Snake-Jaguar") ascended the throne and ruled for 18 years. Shoe House in Pennsylvania (York County ) was conceived by a very successful businessman, Colonel Mahlon N. Heinz. Since 2006, after a thorough restoration, the mansion has been the official reception house of the Government of the Russian Federation. Another notable feature of the "Olmec" culture was the following ritual: hiding places with offerings to the gods were arranged in deep pits in the central squares of the settlements in the form of hewn blocks of jade and serpentine, Celtic axes and figurines made of the same materials, etc., with a total weight of tens of centners.

  1. Humberstone – photo info history
  2. Ciudad Perdida – photo info history
  3. Urban planning: eras and countries
  4. Modern architecture as art

The sculptural schools of Palenque, Copan, Yaxchilan, Piedras Negras achieved at this time a special subtlety of modeling, harmony of composition and naturalness in the transfer of the depicted characters (rulers, priests, dignitaries, warriors, servants and prisoners). The idea belongs to Robert Ripley (1890–1949), an American cartoonist, entrepreneur and anthropologist.

Rural communities carried a heavy burden of all kinds of taxes and labor duties (work on the construction of roads, temples and palaces, in mines, military service, etc.). A special cultural and geographical region - Mesoamerica (or Mesoamerica) - is the northern region of the zone of a highly developed civilization of the New World and includes Central and Southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize (formerly BC) and all other highly developed cultures of Mesoamerica - Zapotec, Teotihuacan, Maya, etc. Palaces towered there, one of which had an area of ​​30 by 160 meters. Skyscrapers adjoin beaches surrounded by palm trees.

Moreover, these structures can be civil, religious, military, industrial. In addition, several serious accidents occurred during construction due to the supposedly disturbed spirit of the mythical Chinese dragon (as superstitious people claimed). Within the city there are two famous mountains: Sugar Loaf (400 meters) and Corcovado (700 meters).

  1. The most cozy and unusual cafes in Moscow
  2. 9 most interesting estates of the Moscow region
  3. Novodevichy convent - holy prison
  4. The Moscow Kremlin is an indestructible fortress

Closing the reverse side of the picture (converting) protects the canvas, and therefore the whole picture, from the effects of sharp fluctuations in temperature and relative humidity. Augustine. The winner was the representative of the Leningrad school Lev Rudnev. The first fortifications on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin were built in 1147 and consisted of a large ditch and an earthen rampart, which was typical for those times. As a result, the village was abandoned and soon became known as a ghost town.

the heyday ended with a sudden cruel catastrophe. In 1534 This is the strength of the artistic image and the main success of the architect's idea. where the buildings of various government departments are located. Currently, a state reserve is open here.

The city arose around 1300 and to this day covers an area of ​​about 28 km2. Of particular interest is the façade of the building, characteristic of Friedman's work in the 1930s. n. e. The subsequent period (from the 10th century AD and later) was marked by an increase in the expansion of the population of the mountainous regions (especially Tiahuanaco) to the Pacific coast zone. The next after modernity, in the 20s of the 20th century, constructivism was formed, which absorbed the "soul" of the victorious proletariat. The theater opened in 1908 with a performance of Aida.

And only after 43 and a half years was the celebration of its opening. This style is distinguished not only by external aesthetics and thoughtful functionality. Cinema "Rodina" on Semyonovskaya Square was built one of the first. Another outstanding building of the 18th century is the Petrovsky Palace. 20th century during the excavations of the main temple of the Aztecs - "Templo Mayor" - in the very center of Mexico City, on Zocalo Square, between the cathedral and the presidential palace. others

  1. Smolny Resurrection Cathedral - the holy benefactor
  2. Catherine Palace - residence of empresses
  3. Triumphal Gate to Moscow - Gate to Paradise
  4. The most famous and beautiful art gallery in Russia - Hermitage

But over time, the reserves of sodium nitrate were depleted. Their fabrics of cotton and wool were fine and perfect. The beginning of the classical period in the low forest areas of the Maya is marked by the emergence of such new features of culture as hieroglyphic writing (inscriptions on reliefs, steles, lintels, ceramic paintings and frescoes, small plastic items), calendar dates for the Mayan era (the so-called Long Count-number of years passed from the mythical date of 3113 BC), monumental stone architecture with a stepped “false” vault, the cult of early stelae and altars, a specific style of ceramics and terracotta figurines, original wall paintings. You can take comfort in the fact that the city center - the so-called Mall - is spectacular even without them. The palace was erected in 1780, in the then popular pseudo-Gothic style.

It is the capital of the state of Ceara (CEARA), located in a huge bay on the Atlantic Ocean. Although the monument has survived to this day. Iguazu Falls (the largest waterfalls in the world in terms of the number of flows - about 300) are located on the border of three states - Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. According to a series of radiocarbon dates, this refers to 1200-900 years.

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  • Bird's Nest Stadium, Beijing
  • Southernmost Orthodox Church
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  • TOP-5 futuristic projects in Moscow

A city that symbolizes the power and impregnability of the state. The area is also known as Buritaka, and the local Indians call it Teyuna. Such houses are usually kept in poor condition. On the upper floors there are duplex penthouses with winter gardens and large balconies.

They decided to name the city in honor of George Washington, who not only was still alive, but also acted as president. Ceremonies were held in it for two centuries. Doors and windows are equally asymmetrical and bizarrely curved, giving the house the appearance of some kind of fabulous hut. Charles Ave. But everything that is presented there archaeologically in 800-400 years. And they, in turn, are used for a variety of processes.

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  • Architecture of ancient civilizations of America
  • The most interesting in the form of a mosaic

The library building looks like a bookshelf, on which giant books are laid out. Not far from these memorials, almost opposite the Jeffersonian, stands the White House. Brit. One of the architectural reforms made by Peter the Great was the transfer of houses to the line of the road in order to make Moscow look like European cities. The identification of the spatial structure and compositional relationships becomes, under these conditions, a necessary prerequisite for determining measures to preserve the most essential elements of the city, as well as creative proposals for the modern reconstruction of the entire historical core as a whole.

More than a third of Uruguay's population lives here. Moscow, how much meaning in this name for a Russian person.

The recently restored Weilbone Arch, erected in 1933 to commemorate the centenary of British rule in the Falkland Islands, rises in a small square next to the cathedral. km with a population of 5-6 million people. A vivid example of Golosov's creative experiments on a large architectural form is the residential building of the Academy of the Red Army on Yauzsky Boulevard, built in 1936.

There are many museums here and they are all huge: the National Museum of the United States, dedicated to history and ethnography, the National Museum of Aeronautics and Space, traditionally the most crowded, the Woodrow Wilson Center (the president of the First World War era), built in the castle Gothic spirit and the National Gallery of the United States. Among the most interesting architectural sights are the rows of Victorian houses on Haight Ashbury, the seven-color Victorian "Painted Ladies" on Alamo Square (they can be recognized by the opening credits of the Full House series), the oldest and largest Chinatown in America (plus 3 smaller and younger ones) , the Palace of Fine Arts, as well as the rotunda and gazebo by the artificial lagoon, built for the 1915 World's Fair. Built in 2008 from raw concrete, the eleven-story house won the House of the Year 2009 award. Thus, the museum, as a cultural institution and as an architectural monument, becomes a key component of urban, regional or even national transformations and an important factor in economic development. It was erected in three years - from 829 to 832.

With the rapid development of cities and the expansion of their territories, built up mainly with typical buildings, the importance of the historical parts of the city, in which the historical and educational value is combined with the unique emotional strength and individuality of their architectural and artistic appearance, also increases. The Auditorium building was built in the form of a falling Empire State Building (New York) with King Kong standing on the roof. The residential building on Bolshaya Sukharevskaya Square has an interesting history.

But still it required reconstruction. The architect came up with unusual glazing and some details on the facades. At the same time, today we have to say that the "Olmec" problem is still very far from being solved.

  • Moscow metro substation
  • Residential building of the Military Academy of the Red Army
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Tiwanaku or Taipikala (sometimes Tiwanaku, Tiwanaku, Tiwanaku, from Aim. people for 20-30 years. In fact, if we proceed only from the set of their tools, they were still people of the Stone Age. Huge reserves of marine crustacean krill.

This is truly the greatest monument of architecture and history. Typically, residential and utility rooms form groups of 2-5 buildings located around an open courtyard (patio) of a rectangular shape. n. e. from northern Mexico to Costa Rica. In addition, together with its reflection in the Pearl River, on which the building stands, it forms the number 8.

Previously, the Pukin language, which has now disappeared, was widespread. Modern Washington is clearly divided into three parts. There were schools, a theater, restaurants, churches, and its own customs.

n. e.). Its main motive was the figure of a weeping chubby child with features of a jaguar attached to it.

But even later, for centuries, its arrangement did not stop. The main architectural structure of the complex is the Grand Tsaritsyno Palace. Now Humberstone is an open-air museum.

The architecture is mostly modern. Under his son Topa Inca (1471-1493), a significant part of Ecuador and the territory of the state of Chimu were captured, and a little later - the south of the Peruvian coastal zone, the mountains of Bolivia, and northern Chile. The understanding of architectural monuments as "closed in themselves" historical and artistic values ​​was also reflected in their classification in the 40s in connection with the publication of a government decree on the state protection of cultural monuments.

They are grouped around the Three Powers Square. On their flat tops there are stone buildings: small buildings of one to three rooms on high tower-shaped base pyramids (the height of some of these pyramid-towers, such as, for example, in Tikal, reaches 60 m). One of the famous Russian architects, F. O. Shekhtel (1859-1926), built the mansions of Ryabushinsky and Derozhinsky, the Yaroslavsky railway station in Moscow, and others in the style of Russian Art Nouveau.

The main task of the authors before the customer, which was the Resident shopping center, was to create such an appearance of the building that would attract as many visitors as possible. In different countries, the architecture of a modern city is called differently. Winner of the 2008 House of the Year competition, this twenty-four-story stone sailboat pleases Muscovites with its non-trivial architecture. But some progressive changes also affected the ancient Russian capital. The beaches give Montevideo the flavor of a resort town. Indeed, this building cannot be called standard in any way. There are hundreds, hundreds.

In 1849, the construction of the impressive building of the Grand Kremlin Palace was completed. With a lack of pillars, a variety of internal arrangements was impossible. palace) of the ruler of Teotihuacan. Around 1180, the city was abandoned by the inhabitants after the defeat of Pukin by the Kolya (Aymara) tribes. Surprisingly, even the mailbox of this house is made in the shape of a shoe.

However, while preserving the city as a single architectural monument, ordinary buildings are considered as one of the most important elements in the organization of the spatial urban structure and as the historical environment of the city, which is necessary for the perception of unique buildings as an “architectural background”. BC e. and by the time the Europeans arrived, the Incas widely used in their practice not only bronze weapons, but also bronze tools. However, it should be recalled that Teotihuacan was in the 1st millennium. Archaeologists found in the city up to 500 craft workshops (of which 300 were workshops for processing obsidian), quarters of foreign traders and "diplomats" from Oaxaca (Zapotec culture) and from the territory of the Maya.

Most of them belong to the post-Stalin era, and their styles were often named after the leader of the country who was then in power (Brezhnev, Khrushchev, etc.). In the scientific literature, this territory was called Middle America or the Zone of High Civilizations. It is divided into two northern regions - Mesoamerica and southern - the Andean region (Bolivia - Peru), with an Intermediate zone between them (southern Central America, Colombia, Ecuador), where cultural although achievements reached a significant degree, they never rose to the heights of statehood and civilization. The vast majority believe that they were the Incas.

No European ruler could afford such a luxury. The rate of conversion of lead, cadmium, antimony, and silver additives to tin is greatly reduced. Among the most significant Mesoamerican cultures of the classical period are Teotihuacan (Central Mexico) and Mayan (southern Mexican regions, Belize, Guatemala, western El Salvador and Honduras). It happened in the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior.

It soon burned down. Residential "patio-groups" tend to be combined into larger units - like an urban "block" or part of it. they are equipped with chimneys.

Subsequently, solely for the purpose of preserving the relics of St. Mark, a cathedral was built. During the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov and Elizaveta Petrovna (17-18 century) in Moscow, for the first time, one dominant style appeared, which dictated the rules of construction. Their beauty was only enhanced by the brightness of the dyes prepared from various plants (for example, indigo) and minerals. – beautiful buildings, bridges and public spaces.

It was truly a miracle without equal in the world. The newly discovered materials (their total number exceeds several thousand) expanded the existing ideas about the material culture, religion, trade, economic and political relations of the Aztecs during the heyday of their state in the late 15th and early 16th centuries. What tribes and nationalities inhabited in ancient Peru. BC e. Thus, the question of the “ancestral culture” that gave rise to all the rest is no longer relevant for Mesoamerica: apparently, there was a parallel development in several key areas at once - the Mexico City Valley, the Oaxaca Valley, mountainous Guatemala, the Mayan plains, etc. It is interesting that at the northern end of the Road of the Dead is a gigantic array of the Pyramid of the Moon (42 m high), built of mud brick and lined with uncut volcanic stone. On the upper floors it is possible to install fireplaces, because

Local residents worked in the mines of James Thomas Humberstone for the extraction of saltpeter. I haven't done this yet. ". In 976 the building was restored. So, Moscow became "white-stone". It is the Kremlin that is the symbol not only of Moscow, but of the whole of Russia.

Kubler and others) and Soviet (Yu. The walls of the chapel are decorated with paintings that are divided into three groups: brotherhood, flight (in honor of the Air Force) and justice. The exquisite "Openwork House" on Leningradsky Prospekt makes a deceptive impression: the appearance speaks of sophistication taste and undoubted focus on art "for the elite", but the internal structure and the idea itself was polar different.At the intersection with the transverse avenue, the Road of the Dead ends with a vast complex of buildings erected on one giant low platform and united under the common name "Ciutadella", which in Spanish it means "citadel". The facade along Ananyevsky lane was decorated with a decorative arcade. Elite housing is increasingly taking unusual forms: an eight-story building built in 2007 by Alexei Bavykin is a vivid example of this.

From neoclassical marvels such as the White House, the Capitol, the Herbert Hoover House, the Treasury Building and the National Gallery of Art to mind-blowing memorials - the Washington Monument, the World War II Memorial, the Pentagon Memorial, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the Thomas Jefferson Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial and the Martin Luther King Memorial - Washington is both a vibrant and active city (with terrible traffic) and a sprawling mausoleum. The center of the temple was a multi-meter disc of pure gold, symbolizing the Sun God. Sao Paulo was founded by the Jesuits in 1554.

These materials were delivered to the "Olmec" centers from afar: for example, to La Venta - from a distance of 160 and even 500 km. It is believed that in pre-colonial Bolivia already in the II-IX centuries. There is no doubt that the cultural, economic (and probably political) influence of the city during its heyday extended to most of Mesoamerica. This place is famous for the settlements of fishermen.

These “jaguar babies” were decorated with elegant jade amulets and massive Celtic gopors (the “Olmecs” had a cult of a stone ax as a symbol of fertility) and giant basalt stelae. One of the main researchers of the city, R. Millon (USA), believes that this is “tekpan” (Aztec. This was especially evident in the USA in the skyscrapers of Chicago and New York. Mount Santa Lucia in the city center is an important historical place, since at the foot of this particular mountain the conquistador Pedro de Valdivia founded the city of Santiago on February 14, 1541. A slender structure of trees adorns the walls of the building and symbolically alludes to the eternity of life.

They symbolized the high moral qualities of a person. Towers "Absolute" rotate in different projections at different levels, combined with the surrounding landscapes. The house is part of the Grand Park complex designed by Andrey Bokov. In the style of Russian modernity, national features are fully reflected. This structure was built in haste and was considered temporary.

Place del Majo - the square in front of the Presidential Palace. But he did not enter the series, because.

The Museum organizes the history of art chronologically. UK, India. This is especially true for multi-storey residential buildings in the so-called "sleeping" areas. Many masters of painting, sculptors, showed their skills. Inca Pachacuti conquered most of the mountainous regions of Peru. On April 21, 1960, Brasilia was officially proclaimed the new capital of Brazil.

Among the latter, giant stone anthropomorphic heads in helmets stand out, sometimes weighing up to 20 tons. The Olmec style of art is characterized by low-relief carvings on basalt and jade. These three important components of local culture - metal products, ceramics and fabrics (well preserved in the dry and warm climate of the coast) - give a unique originality to all the named ancient Peruvian civilizations of the 1st millennium. This was in 1948.

cube But in 1980, construction was halted when Yu-Chow declared himself bankrupt. However, in Mesoamerica, metals (except iron) appeared already at the end of the civilizations of the classical period (I millennium BC).

The animal ornament is intertwined with the vegetable one, awakening the imagination and instantly moving it to the pages of Russian epics. In general, the era of civilization within this cultural and geographical area can be divided into two periods: early or classical (border AD - IX century AD) and late or postclassical (X - XVI centuries. Among the warlike newcomers there were tenochki -Aztecs (Aztecs), a semi-barbarian tribe, guided to search for a better life by the instructions of their tribal god Huitzilopochtli BC It can be assumed that "ritual centers" with monumental sculpture appear in Veracruz and Tabasco around the first half of the 1st millennium. The area of ​​the apartments is about 200 sq.

However, constructivism soon fell into disgrace, which affected the tastes of the ruling elite. The name of the city of Fortaleza comes from the word fortress (the city was founded on the site of a fortress). The Russian Academy of Arts in an incredibly short time revived the design of the Temple. And don't forget the "Cities of the Dead" - ostentatious European-style historic cemeteries teeming with tombstones no less famous than Mardi Gras. Architecture in the central part of any major Mayan city in the 1st millennium. The development of modern architecture did not stop there.

BC e.) reached a high level of culture: at this time, the first “ritual centers” appeared in La Venta, San Lorenzo and Tres Zapotes, pyramids were built from adobes (adobe) and clay, carved stone monuments were erected with plots of predominantly mythological and religious content. The famous frescoes of Bonampak (Chiapas, Mexico), dating back to the 8th century. n. e., represent a whole historical narrative: complex rituals and ceremonies, scenes of raids on foreign villages, sacrifice of prisoners, festivities, dances and processions of dignitaries and nobles. Mission San Miguel also dates back to the 17th century and is considered the oldest church in the United States, while the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Santuario de Guadalupe), built in 1777, is considered the oldest of the US churches dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe. All details and divisions are executed on the basis of the simplest laws. The closest lake to Puerto Montt is Llanquihue. In the VI-IX centuries.

Chilean poet) and many others. According to the Chinese, it brings good luck. As a result, the Guarani conquered the plains and valleys of Santa Cruz and destroyed Samaipata. Executors of the city government were appointed 2 alcalde, 4 rehidors and 1 notary. They can often be identified by age, structural soundness, or "style" depending on the area and the materials used.

The combination of beauty and convenience became the starting points for the construction of the building. Since 2000 it has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Additional majesty of the house is given by the fact that the building is located on a hill, which presents the Pashkov house against the background of other buildings. In 1958, the Humberstone plant was closed and 3,000 people were left unemployed. And even on the sign, located on the road, there are shoes.

For example, Anish Kapoor's famous mirror bean - the Cloud Gate project installed in Chicago - can be compared with the Statue of Liberty in terms of the number of tourist photos, and Robert Indiana's Love sculpture gave the name to the park in Philadelphia and caused a wave of imitations around the world. For example, in specific music, the composition of which was composed of pre-recorded material (natural noises, various sounds), and then it was transformed and its parts were arranged in a different sequence. Huge long corridors and 18 apartments on each floor, starting from the second. A characteristic feature of Art Nouveau was the creation of works that are beautiful both from the outside and from the inside.

The demand for nitrogen fertilizers was great, the city grew rich. When an object becomes ill with “tin plague”, islands of loose coarse-grained gray powder form on the surface, which, when it hits a healthy one, causes a disease of the metal. The roads were regularly plied by foot runners and riders on llamas. Here you can admire the waterfall and swim in the thermal springs. Many buildings located outside the main streets of the central part of the city (for example, behind the Stalinist facades of Tverskaya Street) are also examples of bourgeois architecture typical of tsarist times.

On the other hand, the same "ritual centers" - with pyramids, monuments and calendar hieroglyphic inscriptions - are presented in Oaxaca from the 7th - 6th centuries. On the Plaza de Armas - the central square of Santiago (Arms Square) or not far from it are the main historically important buildings. It is believed that this work has no analogues.

It is characterized by a protest against the established, archaic appearance of buildings. The reading of these "standard inscriptions" (the so-called revival formula) was successfully carried out in recent years by the Soviet scientist Yu. V. Knorozov. The size of the Inca empire grew at an unprecedented rate.

Ronchamp, France). The length of this house is 12 m, the height is 8. The main work on the reconstruction of the building was completed by the end of 1935. First, the relics were placed in the chapel of the Doge's Palace. Architect Andrei Burov, having traveled to the United States, brought the idea of ​​social housing for ordinary citizens. On the drawings and layouts, not only the location and dimensions of future residential buildings are verified, but also the entire infrastructure of the microdistrict, which includes shops, schools, kindergartens, clinics, recreational facilities (squares, parks, etc.) - everything that is needed for normal human life.

The population of the newly conquered lands was forcibly moved from their native places to remote provinces. BC e. (perhaps even in 800 BC), as in La Venta.

barrio), and those, in turn, into four large "districts". residents. "Khan Shatyr" was included in the top ten world eco-buildings according to Forbes Style magazine, becoming the only building from all over the CIS, which the publication decided to include in its hit parade. The master was ordered to simply copy the cathedral, but he nevertheless added something from himself. There are guided tours, and once a year - a festival.

Twenty-three apartments, with an average area of ​​about 200 sq. It is significant that the first examples of writing and calendar known to us appear on the "Olmec" monuments only from the 1st century BC. BC e. (stele C in Tres Sapotes and others). The population of these areas at the beginning of the 1st millennium. The inhabitants left in a hurry, leaving their property here. In the classical period, as well as later, all residential buildings stood on low (1-1.5 m) platforms lined with stone.

The forest thickets served as a good protection for this mystical place. In order to find out what concepts have appeared in the architecture of modern cities, we will consider the main styles of architecture characteristic of the past century: constructivism, functionalism, modernism, art deco, etc.

While people involved in construction and design are celebrating their professional holiday - World Architecture Day, we will present the most interesting and unusual works of modern architects and their predecessors.

Blocks Habitat-67, Montreal

The unique residential complex was built in 1967 for the Expo. The 354 interconnected houses are not arranged randomly, but in such a way that all apartments receive maximum sunlight. The style of this object - brutalism, by the way, became popular in the USSR.

Projects by Friedensreich Hundertwasser

It is very difficult to choose any one work of this iconic architect, because they are all amazing in their own way. His "fabulous" style does not fall under any of the classical concepts - the great Austrian designed "good" and even "kind" houses. Here, for example, is an ordinary residential, which everyone simply calls the Hundertwasser house. It is not surprising that the author of such architecture has always fundamentally worn different socks.

Ideal Palace, France

The unremarkable town of Hauterives glorified the local postman at the beginning of the 20th century. Ferdinand Cheval spent 33 years building his own palace from improvised materials - stones that he collected while working. Ferdinand had absolutely no understanding of the canons of architecture and used every style he could see. Therefore, in the "Ideal Palace", as the author himself called it, there are elements from the Ancient to Gaudi.

Lotus Temple, India

In 1986, one of the most unusual buildings in the world was built in New Delhi. Giant marble lotus leaves seem to be about to bloom. They even created almost natural conditions for the flower - the temple, like a real lotus, rises from the water. Although this is a religious building, there are no icons, no frescoes, no murals inside: these attributes are not important in the Bahá'í teachings.

Cologne Cathedral, Germany

The canonical example of Gothic, known far beyond the "architectural circles". Of course, we will not describe the numerous details of the huge building. Let's limit ourselves to one fact: in 1880, when the next stage of construction was completed, the cathedral became the tallest building on the planet for four years - 157 meters. But even today, surrounded by low-rise buildings in the center of Cologne, the cathedral still looks impressive.

Burj Khalifa, UAE

In recent decades, the title of the tallest building in the world has been literally a passing banner: then Taipei, then Kuala Lumpur. Of course, the emirates could not pass by such a competition and decided to set their own record. Along the way, "" won more than ten nominations, for example, as the owner of the fastest elevator and the highest located nightclub (on the 144th floor).)

Temple of the Dancing God, India

The famous Indian temple of Brihadeshvara, which recently celebrated its millennium, is dedicated to Shiva. In total, there are 250 statues of this god inside the temple, and they all depict different poses of magical dance. Previously, the temple was also a fortress, therefore, in addition to graceful statues, there are also serious defensive structures. The moats and walls guard the legendary riches that pilgrims carried to Shiva for centuries.

Bird's Nest Stadium, Beijing

The Olympic Games for architects is a great chance to make their dreams come true: the authorities do not skimp on bold and expensive projects. From the 2008 Olympics, we got a stadium for 80,000 people of a completely unusual shape. Although not even the form is remarkable, but the execution of giant iron beams - the airy translucent structure can withstand an eight-magnitude earthquake.

Chrysler Building, New York

One of the best examples of Art Deco and the tallest skyscraper in the middle of the 20th century was built by order of the Chrysler automobile company. It became the tallest thanks to the irreconcilable rivalry of the two architects: the author of this building at the last moment before the completion of construction agreed on the installation of a 40-meter spire, thereby overtaking the new Trump Building. And unusual arcs on the facades of the upper floors imitate car wheels.

Capsule House, Japan

The combination of Japanese minimalism and love for new technologies gave the world a unique project - a capsule residential building. All modules (apartments and offices) in this building are completely replaceable and are attached to the metal base with just four bolts. Despite the visual fragility of such a system, there have been no accidents since its construction in 1974.

Ring houses, China

Unusual round houses-fortresses appeared a long time ago, and they stopped building only in the 1960s. Prior to this, dwellings on the principle of a closed system were erected in many areas. The lack of land and the ability to defend together pushed people to settle in communes in several such houses. And the microclimate inside protected from heat and cold.

Southernmost Orthodox Church

This building differs not in design or size, but only in the place where it is located. Not far from the Russian Antarctic station Bellingshausen in 2004, the wooden church of the Holy Trinity was consecrated. And the logs for the church have probably come the longest way in the history of building materials logistics: Gorny Altai-Kaliningrad-Antarctica.

The most secret office building, USA

The most inaccessible office building in the world is also the largest. This is the famous Pentagon - the building of the Ministry of Defense. In a huge pentagonal building - 28 km of corridors, and the area of ​​​​all five floors - 604,000 sq.m. This giant was built in the 1940s, so there was a small incident: the toilets in the building were twice as large as necessary - separately for blacks, separately for whites. True, by the end of construction, the old order was canceled and they did not even have time to hang signs.

Pool in the sky, Singapore

The three towers of the Marina Bay Sands high-rise hotel support a truly unique architectural structure - a huge platform shaped like a ship. On the "deck" is a living garden and a giant swimming pool. By the way, the entire design of the hotel is officially approved by Feng Shui experts.

City on a rock, Sri Lanka

A real fortress city was erected by ancient architects on a sheer 300-meter rock of Sigiriya. King Kasapa I ordered to build his residence at such a height for protection, but did not forget about comfort. Covered terraces, benches, trees, and even an artificial pond made Sigiriya a luxury retreat. In addition to official historical monuments, the tradition so beloved by our compatriots is also interesting: starting from the 7th century, guests of the palace left inscriptions on the rocks like “Vasya was here, 879”, only in verse.

The Fuerte de Samaipata Complex (Samaipata Fortress), also known as El Fuerte, is an archaeological site and a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in Bolivia in the Department of Santa Cruz, Florida Province. It lies in the eastern foothills of the Bolivian Andes and is a popular tourist destination for Bolivians and foreigners alike. The complex was not a military fortification and, according to historians, was a pre-Columbian religious site built by the Chane people, a pre-Inca large ethnic group composed of the Arawaks. Here are the ruins of the Inca city, built next to the complex during the expansion of the Incas to the southeast. The Incas and Chans were periodically raided by Guarani warriors who occasionally invaded the region. As a result, the Guarani conquered the plains and valleys of Santa Cruz and destroyed Samaipata. The Guarani also dominated the region during the Spanish colonization. Next to the temple complex, the Spaniards built a small settlement, in which the remains of buildings of typical Arab Andalusian architecture are now found. Over time, the Spaniards left the settlement and moved to the neighboring valley, where the city of Samaipata is currently located.

Tiwanaku or Taipikala (sometimes Tiwanaku, Tiwanaku, Tiwanaku, from the aim. Tiwanaku) is an ancient city, the spiritual and political center of the Andean civilization of the same name. It is located 15 km from the southern shore of Lake Titicaca in Bolivia. Since 2000 it has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Most of the local population speaks Aymara (one of the three languages ​​of the Indians, vaguely reminiscent of the Quechua language), a minority of Uru (Uru) or similar Chipaya (Chipaya). Previously, the Pukin language, which has now disappeared, was widespread. Alan Kolata believed that all of these languages ​​were important in Tiwanaku. The name of the area in the Aymara language was consonant with Taypikala (Taypikala, Taipikala), which means "stone in the center", since the area was, in their opinion, near the center of the world. There is an opinion that before that there was a name in the Pukin language. It is believed that in pre-colonial Bolivia already in the II-IX centuries. Tiwanaku was the largest city in the Central Andes region and the center of the state of Pukin. At that time, the city occupied about 6 km² and had 40 thousand inhabitants. Around 1180, the city was abandoned by the inhabitants after the defeat of Pukin by the Kolya (Aymara) tribes.

Chan Chan is the former center of Chimu culture and the capital of Chimor State Education. Located on the Pacific coast in northern Peru, west of the city of Trujillo in the La Libertad region. The city arose around 1300 and to this day covers an area of ​​​​about 28 km². It was probably the largest city of its time on the South American continent and one of the largest adobe cities in the world. During the period of its greatest prosperity, about 60 thousand people lived in it, and gold, silver and ceramics were stored in large quantities in the city. The Chimu capital originally consisted of nine autonomous regions, each of which was ruled by a separate ruler who showed valor in battle. These rulers were revered as kings. Each district had its own burial sites with rich investments in precious stones, pottery and dozens of skeletons of young women.

The ghost town of Humberstone in the Atacama Desert originated in the Atacama Desert in 1872 as an industrial city. Local residents worked in the mines of James Thomas Humberstone for the extraction of saltpeter. The demand for nitrogen fertilizers was great, the city grew rich. There were schools, a theater, restaurants, churches, and its own customs. But over time, the reserves of sodium nitrate were depleted. In 1958, the Humberstone plant was closed and 3,000 people were left unemployed. In a short time the city was empty. Residents left in a hurry, leaving their property here. Now Humberstone is an open-air museum. It is visited by tourists, every November a festival is held in the city, which attracts people who once lived here. Since 2005, the city has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
For more than half a century, no one has lived in the city of Humberstone. But many tourists come here. There are guided tours, and once a year - a festival.

Ciudad Perdida, or Buritaca-200, is an archaeological site representing the ruins of the city of the Tayrona culture in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. The city is supposed to have been founded around 800 AD. e., that is, 650 years earlier than Machu Picchu. The area is also known as Buritaka, and the local Indians call it Teyuna. The city was accidentally discovered in 1972 by local grave robbers. They found a group of stone steps going up the mountain, and following these stairs, they came to an abandoned city, which they called the "green hell". After gold figurines and ceramic urns from the city began to appear in the local market, the authorities investigated and discovered the city in 1975. According to representatives of the local tribes - Aruako, Kogi and Arsario - they visited the city long before it was discovered by the authorities, but kept its location secret. They called the city Teyuna and believed that their ancestors lived here - the bearers of the Tayrona culture. Ciudad Perdida was, apparently, a regional political and industrial center on the Buritaka River, from 2 to 8 thousand people could live here. The city was abandoned, apparently during the Spanish conquest.

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