Famous Japanese places. Beautiful places in Japan that will blow your mind

Today we will go to the Land of the Rising Sun! But not to meet the dawn, but to look at the strangest places and sights you have ever seen. If you still thought that Japan is only megacities with skyscrapers and imperial palaces, then you are in for a lot of surprises.

10. Cat Island

Let's start with one of the most unusual places. Located on the island of Tashiro (), Cat Island, as the name suggests, is inhabited by a huge number of cats! No cat lover should miss a trip to Cat Island during their trip to Japan!

9. Yoro Park

Created by New York-based artist, designer and architect Shusaku Arakawa, who calls his brainchild "The Place of Reversible Fate", this park will bring you the most unexpected!

8. Okunoshima Island

We have already visited the island of cats, and now it's time to visit! Home to over 300 adorable creatures!

7. Nagoro Village

Nagoro Village was once home to thousands of people, but over time, more and more residents left the area in search of a better life, making the village a quiet and creepy place.

So some locals have decided to turn the empty village into a popular tourist attraction by replacing empty spaces and houses with hundreds of stuffed animals. Because so far, this place hasn't been weird and scary enough!

6. Hitachi Seaside Park

This 1.9 km², located in the city of Hitachinaka in Ibaraki Prefecture, is one of the largest flower gardens in the world, with literally millions of flowers of all kinds and colors.

5. Fox Village

Just if you thought that you had already visited all the strange places in Japan where animals live, then go ahead - to the Fox Village, where you can feed these animals from your hands and stroke them!

4. Robot Gundam (Gundam Robot)

And what else did you want from a tour of the strangest places in Japan, if not a giant weighing 35 tons?!

3. Lake Yamanaka

If a trip on a swan-shaped steamboat with an observation tower in its "head" is exactly what you like, then this post is definitely for you!

2. Tokyo Anti-Flood Collector (G-CANS)

There are only a few "sewer tours" around the world. But the special feature of the G-Cans project is almost 65-meter tanks and a huge underground system with powerful hydraulic pumps capable of pumping 200 m³ of water per second!

1 Ice Aquarium (Kori no Suizokukan)

Are you aware of the problem of blurry shots when trying to photograph fish and other underwater creatures swimming in aquariums? The Japanese seem to have solved this little problem by freezing them and immobilizing them.

Japan is one of the most developed countries in the world. This state has its own thousand-year history, traditions, original culture. The country is located in East Asia on the Japanese archipelago, consisting of 6,852 islands. The largest islands of the country:

  • Hokkaido
  • Honshu
  • Shikoku

Despite the relatively small area, the population density of the country is high. Japan has a population of 126,225,000. The state is also called the Land of the Rising Sun. The Japanese themselves often refer to the homeland as Nihon (homeland of the sun). In 1945, the country was attacked by nuclear weapons from the United States. The tragedy claimed thousands of lives, today Japan is the only state in the world against which such weapons were used. But it was able to recover, building a strong economy over the years, and today ranks 10th in terms of living standards.

Only here to this day the ruler is called emperor. Modern Japanese are very successful not only in the economy, but also in science, biomedicine, robotics, and high technologies. Japanese scientists have been awarded various prestigious awards, the Nobel Prize, the Fields Prize.

The Japanese care about the environment, carefully preserve the rich heritage of the country, represented by castles, temples, palaces, monuments. All of them have come down to our days almost in their original form. More than a million tourists visit the state every year.

TOP 10 most beautiful cities in Japan

  1. Osaka is an interesting tourist metropolis.
  2. Kyoto is the guardian of the country's cultural heritage.
  3. Nara is the oldest Japanese city.
  4. Ise is a popular home for the Ise Jingu Shrine.
  5. Tokyo is an ultra-modern metropolis.
  6. Matsumoto is the charm of historical places.
  7. Sapporo is a famous ski resort.
  8. Kanazawa is a walled city in Japan.
  9. Nagano is the most mountainous prefecture on the island of Honshu.
  10. Kobe is the exotic atmosphere of Japan.

Osaka - national entertainment and theater center

Osaka is the third largest city in Japan. The metropolis is full of life, energy, where there is everything you need for a great pastime. The city is more imbued with Japanese culture than the capital, the atmosphere and character of Japan are very noticeable. Residents here, according to tourists, are friendly, spontaneous, sincere. Throughout the country they are famous for their great love of food, business acumen. The culinary center of the country is concentrated here, guests can try a variety of dishes, national delicacies, restaurant and street food.

There are many sights, Osaka is called the Venice of Japan, there are many lakes, streams, canals, bridges in various architectural styles on the territory of the metropolis. Ancient temples have been preserved, which are located next to modern skyscrapers, amusement parks. Must-see places of interest in Osaka:

  • Bunraku National Theatre;
  • national art museum;
  • ramen museum (instant noodle museum);
  • chess park;
  • Osaka Kaiyukan Aquarium;
  • Japanese Disneyland;
  • Umeda sky building;
  • museum of science;
  • Organic Building;
  • Sumiyoshi-taisha temple;
  • kingdom of crabs;
  • poisonous puffer fish restaurant.

Kyoto is synonymous with traditional Japanese culture

For more than a thousand years, the historical center of the country has been concentrated here. Kyoto was the capital of Japan from 794 to 1869. The metropolis is located in the center of the island of Honshu, the old name of the city is Heian. Kyoto is based in the form of an elongated rectangle, the layout of streets, quarters, squares is correct and symmetrical. World-famous poets, artists and writers were born here. Many ancient buildings and cultural heritage sites have been preserved in Kyoto, in particular the Imperial Palace, which can be visited as part of a tour. Some city streets are listed as World Heritage Sites.

The national center of traditional practices of chado (tea ceremony), ikebana (flower arrangement) is concentrated here. This is the birthplace of kabuki, the leading center of calligraphy, sculpture, and painting.

You should definitely visit such historically memorable places as the Kyoto Gosho Imperial Palace, where the coronation ceremony of the new emperor of Japan is held, rituals, important state ceremonies, the Kyoto Imperial Residence, the Shugakuin Imperial Villa, Katsura. They can only be visited by people over the age of 18, at the entrance it is obligatory to present a passport.

Other noteworthy places in the city:

  • Nijo Castle;
  • Ryoanji Temple;
  • Sanjusangendo Temple;
  • Fushimi Inari Taisha Temple;
  • bamboo forest;
  • temple of Diakaku-ji;
  • Gion area;
  • philosophical path;
  • Buddhist temple of Pure Water;
  • Silver pavilion;
  • Golden pavilion;
  • Gardens of Kyoto.

Nara - the famous center of Buddhist culture

The city is closely associated with Buddhism, some of the temples located here have been awarded the status of World Heritage Sites and are the hallmark of Nara. There are places where tourists can learn about the history of the town. The architectural objects of the Seven Great Temples deserve special attention. Almost all of them are active Buddhist temples and occupy a very important position in the religious life of Japan.

Nara is also called a deer paradise, more than 1000 spotted deer live here, they calmly walk through the park and city streets. To get to know this ancient city and its culture better, it is recommended to visit the National Museum, which houses works of art related to Buddhism, the Prefectural Folklore Museum, Yamato Folk Park. The Memorial Museum presents photographs of the town, cultural monuments. It will be interesting to visit the Kasuga-taisha Shinto shrine, Toshodai-ji, Isui-en garden in the Japanese traditional style, Yoshikien garden, Nara-machi quarter.

Ise - the most important religious center of the country

The town is located 300 km from the capital of the state. Here is the most important religious center of the country, an object of mass pilgrimage, a repository of Shinto treasures, represented by ancient, great shrines, closely connected with the history, cultural, and spiritual life of the Japanese people. The local nature, dense landscaped hills, forests are striking.

Ise Jingu Temple is a very popular shrine all over the world. In Japan, every resident knows about it. It consists of two groups of temples - external Nike and internal Geku, dedicated to the goddess Amaterasu. In addition to the temple, guests and tourists visit the museum of fine arts, historical, agricultural museum, library. All of them are part of the sanctuary.

A famous place is the historical district of the town - Kawasaki, located along the Setagawa River. Once the area was the most important trading place, receiving more than a million pilgrims a year to the Ise-Jingu shrine. Ships entered the town along the river. Today, only the central street has survived, where you can buy various souvenirs and much more.

Tokyo is the famous capital of Japan

A huge, ultra-modern metropolis - the center of various cultures of the country, the capital of Japan. Large-scale events are held here, for example, one of the largest Kanda Matsuri festivals, the Hanami Flower Admiring Festival in Ueno Park, and the fireworks festival. Exhibitions are held in museums, musical events and musicals are held at the venues. Tokyo has several hundred art galleries, dozens of public and private museums. The Tokyo National Museum has more than 85,000 works of painting, art, and sculpture.

Life here does not stop day or night, at rush hour people seem to merge into one stream. It is easy to get lost in the city if you lose your attention even for a while. To get acquainted with the sights, feel the amazing atmosphere, you need to stay in Tokyo for at least a few months. Here, ancient Japanese traditions and modernity harmoniously merge. The oldest universities are located in the metropolis:

  • Waseda
  • Hosei
  • Tokyo

One of the most important memorial places in the city is the Palace of the Emperor of Japan. Other noteworthy places in Tokyo:

  • Edo-Tokyo Museum;
  • the busiest district of Ginza in the city;
  • tokyo skytree tower ;
  • the Kabuki-za theatre;
  • automobile museum Toyota Mega Web;
  • Disneyland;
  • Tokyo National Museum;
  • temple Kotoku-in;
  • geisha street;
  • Asakusa quarter;
  • Buddhist temple Senso-ji;
  • Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ;
  • Center Guy;
  • Akasaka Palace;
  • Tokyo Dome City.

Matsumoto - Gateway to the Japanese Alps

The town is located in the central part of Honshu, enchants with historical places. It is also called Chubu, the gate of the Japanese Alps. Kusama Yayoi, a representative of modern Japanese art, was born here. Matsumoto is divided into two parts by the Metoba River. In the south is the area of ​​ancient traditional buildings Nakamachi. Many houses have been turned into hotels, shops and restaurants. The sake distillery will be interesting for the guests of the town.

The Ukiyo-e Museum houses a stunning collection of 100,000 woodblock prints, including works by Hokusai and Hiroshige. Other objects and places of interest for tourists will be:

  • Tenjin Matsumoto Fukashi Jinja Temple;
  • Kaichi Gakko Elementary School;
  • Museum of Folk Crafts Matsumoto.

Sapporo is a paradise for Japanese food lovers

A large metropolis located on the island of Hokkaido, is the capital of Hokkaido Prefecture. The city is young enough for the country, was founded in 1868. Sapporro is known worldwide for hosting the 1972 Winter Olympics. It is important for tourists to know that smoking is prohibited in the center of the metropolis. For this, there are specially designated places where you can get only after presenting your passport.

In February, the Odori Park Snow Festival is held here, which is attended by about 2 million people. Everyone participates in a display of sculptures, a snowball fight, and ice skating. If you ask what to try in Sapporo from food, the answer is simple - ramen. The dish, like its name, originated in this city.

Most of the sights belong to the modern era of Japan. Interesting places for excursions:

  • boulevard Odori;
  • confectionery factory "Isia";
  • Niihama airport;
  • brewery museum;
  • sapporo botanical garden.

Entertainment for the whole family for every taste can be found in the Susukino quarter.

Kanazawa - the city of museums

The ancient walled city is located in the west of Honshu. The name translates as "golden swamp". Kanazawa is surrounded by the Japanese Alps, two rivers flow here:

  1. Asano - feminine, gentle river;
  2. The Saigawa is the only male river (it is believed).

The city is popular for tea ceremonies, traditional crafts, especially Wajima-nuri lacquerware, Kutana-Yaki pottery. Interesting museums:

  • Museum of the Honda family, which presents dishes, weapons, art objects of the family;
  • the art museum presents to visitors a collection of special Kutani ceramics;
  • Nakamura Memorial Museum, collections for the tea ceremony, handicrafts are stored here;
  • museum of handicrafts and traditional products, which exhibits interesting collections of Yuzen silk, ceramics, lacquerware, musical instruments.

Nagano - beautiful rivers and mountains

The city has many mountains, rivers, lakes, springs. Nagano is famous for its natural beauty. A very popular dish that a visitor should try is buckwheat soba noodles. The Tokakushi-Soba Museum even hosts master classes in cooking and tasting noodles. The museum exhibits exhibits that were previously used to make soba noodles.

The Land of the Rising Sun is a unique combination of various values ​​of antiquity, revered centuries-old holy of holies and progressive techniques. The Japanese are in awe of their past, while not stopping and not looking back, they go towards the future, possessing one-of-a-kind natural phenomena and creative heritage. Tourists are attracted by the originality and mystery of Japan, the ultramodern capital and the inimitable Fujiyama volcano, phenomenal temples and pagodas. Having been here, you will never be able to forget the beauties you saw, which gave you unforgettable emotions.

We offer a small informative excursion to this amazing country, which will definitely become the beginning of your journey, which can be realized in real life thanks to the Tour Operator in Japan "VOYAGEJAPAN", which offers exclusive and author's tours to Japan.

1.Fuji Hakone Izu

For nature lovers, the national park will give nice excursions, surprise with its hot water springs, Mount Fuji, Lake Ashi. It will amaze you with ancient ruins on Mount Kintoki. The Izu Islands, surrounded by the ocean, are a wonderful place to spend your holidays.

2. Sagano Bamboo Forest

There are many places on our planet that I would like to see, while in Japan you need to visit places that are worth hearing. One such place is the beautiful bamboo grove created by the monarch. The peculiar sounds of the plant soothe and relax. And the pacified melody will help to realize the grandiose content of the ancient philosophy of Zen, which consists in the ability to accept what is given by life.

3.White Heron Castle

The majestic and at the same time exquisite Himeji Castle is proof that a building perfect from a defensive point of view can be no less perfect from an architectural point of view. A feature of this building is the tiled roof, each tile of which is decorated with the coat of arms of the family that owned the castle at different times. By the way, each owner considered it his duty to correct the ensemble of architecture he inherited. The roof is crowned with an unusual fish - a magical amulet of the configuration from fire. And he justified himself - during the Second World War, the town, spread out at its foot, was completely destroyed. And the castle stands intact and continues to fascinate tourists with grace.

4. Blooming phloxes

In Japan, springtime is famous for the shiba zakura flowers. The Fuji Shibazakura Festival is held annually at this time. The dense carpet, iridescent with incredible shades of pink, purple and white, is charming against the green background of the surrounding nature. And the contrast with the sacred mountain is incredible. It is simply impossible to forget such a spectacle.

5. Fushimi Inari Taisha

This Zionist shrine is one of the many holy places of the rice god Inari. Around the temple are statues of foxes, which are the messengers of God. The place is one of the most popular in Kyoto and loved by tourists. The views of the temple and thousands of torii gates attract. The color of cinnabar, in which the gates are painted, fascinates.

6. Natadera in winter

The temple, repeatedly rebuilt for over a thousand years, is beautiful and unique. However, only covered with snow conveys the spirit of purity and the search for this holy place. The shrine was built by a Buddhist monk who repeatedly visited the nearby mountain looking for the goddess.

7. Seigantoji Pagoda

The ensemble of a hundred and thirteen-meter waterfall and Seigantoji is unique. Various services and rituals are held in this temple. A stunning combination of ancient history and amazing landscapes.

8. Taketa Bamboo Lantern Festival

The Japanese have always used this cereal in construction, eaten, used in various crafts. Due to its rapid growth, capable of filling any available space, it fell out of favor with farmers. Residents of the town, combine business with pleasure, in an original way solved the bamboo problem. It is cut into pieces of different sizes, a candle is inserted inside and structures are placed throughout the city. In the evening they are lit, and the city turns into a starry sky.

9. Glowing squids

An amazing creature can be found in Toyama Bay. It hides from human eyes at great depths. On the surface of the reservoir, a squid - a firefly appears in the spring, and then a miracle happens. The fact is that the body of these mollusks is capable of generating extremely bright blue light. During the day, these are ordinary squids, but at night, tourists witness an unusual optical show. In no corner of the world will you see a sparkling ultramarine sea.

It is impossible to tell about all the unique places in such a peculiar country as Japan. It is better to be here, to see everything with your own eyes and hear with your own ears. Experts advise:

Watch the sunrise from the top of the sacred mountain;
- inhale the aroma of Japanese cherry blossoms;
- visit the museum of the latest technologies and communicate with the ASIMO robot;
- if possible, purchase electronics at Akihabara;
- be sure to spend one night in a capsule in a unique hotel;
- Become a guest and enjoy the amazing taste of tea in a tea house in Kyoto;
- visit the Tokyo TV tower;
- enjoy the views of Tokyo from the windows of the bar located on the fifty-second floor;
- be sure to taste the bliss in the thermal baths;
- of course, try sushi from Japanese professionals.

Happy travels.

Japan is a country of amazing contrasts - on the one hand, an incredible technical development, on the other hand, a deep traditionalism of a society based on ancient rules.

Here, glassy modern megacities and villages untouched by civilization coexist. High technologies "grow" next to centuries-old trees.

Every traveler should visit Japan (at least once in a lifetime). This is one of the most unusual and interesting countries to explore.

To make it easier for you to navigate, we have compiled a list of the most beautiful places in Nippon (as the Japanese themselves call their country).

1. Hokkaido

Hokkaido boasts many stunning natural attractions. So, here is the National Park of the country. Unique trees grow here, many species of animals live (a brown bear, for example) and the Asahi volcano is located. Japanese beer, popular in Russia, is named after him. In the south of the country is the amazing Kushiro swamp, where flocks of cranes live.

2. Himeji Castle

One of the country's most beautiful architectural structures is the traditional Himeji Castle (located in the city of the same name), built 400 years ago. The building has been preserved in its original form. Striking luxury attracted Hollywood here. Himeji was featured in The Last Samurai with Tom Cruise.

3. Nara

Nara is a museum city full of historical and cultural monuments of Japan. A long time ago (from 710 to 784 AD) Nara, located in the center of the country, was the capital of the state and had great influence. Currently, 365,000 people live in Nara.

4. Fujiyama

The snow-capped Mount Fuji, part of the Japanese Alps, is one of the most recognizable symbols of Japan. This is the most sacred place for any inhabitant of the country. In addition, it is the highest mountain in these places. It rises above the ground at 3776 meters. In the old days, people believed that Fujiyama connected the earth and heaven. Some people still believe in it. A huge number of myths, legends, folklore stories are associated with this place. At the top is a Shinto shrine. In addition, Fujiyama is an active volcano. However, the last eruption happened about 300 years ago.

5. Miyajima (Itsukushima)

Miyajima Island (or Itsukushima) is located in the Inland Sea of ​​Japan. On the island is the city of Hatsukaichi, which swallowed up the small Miyajima. Here is one of the most important Shinto shrines - a huge monastery built right on stilts in the water. By the way, this place was considered so sacred by the Japanese that for many centuries commoners were not allowed here.

6. Kyoto

Kyoto (the ancient capital of Japan - from 794 to 1869) is full of castles, famous temples and is one of the most visited cities in Japan by tourists. Here is the famous "Garden of Stones", which is located in the courtyard of the Ryoanji temple. Its original purpose is a place for monks to meditate. For each person at different times of the year and day, the Garden of Stones evokes a variety of associations.

7. Yakushima

Yakushima Island is famous for its trees, some over 1000 years old. So, a 7,000-year-old "old man" grows here. Most of the island is covered with rainforest. Here you can meet deer and monkeys, admire the waterfalls and low mountains.

8. Cherry Blossom and Momiji

In our top, one cannot fail to mention the cherry blossoms - a phenomenon for which many people go to Japan. Cherry blossoms in this country everywhere from late March to mid-April - from Okinawa to Hokkaido. Golden Week (Japanese holiday period) coincides with flowering. And in autumn the whole country is painted in bright red and orange colors. Colorful autumn here is called Momiji and lasts 1.5-2 months from October to the end of November.

9. Okinawa

The southernmost island of Japan is beachfront Okinawa. Here are the best seaside resorts in the country. White sand, clear blue water, animals that are found only here, the largest reef in Japan and an average annual temperature of +22. There is no better place in Nippon for a beach holiday. Be sure to visit the second largest aquarium in the world.

10. Osaka

The third largest city in Japan after Tokyo and Kyoto is famous for its restaurants, theaters, castle and shrines. Osaka Castle - the largest in the country in the 16th century - is superbly preserved.

Japan is often called the Land of the Rising Sun, and the Japanese themselves call it Nippon, which literally means "the origin of the sun." This is an island country that attracts tourists with unique traditions and beautiful places.


Hokkaido is rich in beautiful places, one of which is the National Park of Japan. Its flora and fauna differ little from the Far Eastern Russian nature: here you can meet a brown bear, a deer, as well as a pika (an unusual rodent). On the territory of the reserve is the highest point of the island - Asahi volcano.

In the southwestern part of the island is the Kushiro swamp, where you can watch such a delightful spectacle as crane dances all year round. The tribes that once lived here worshiped the crane-god that lived in this swamp.


Mount Fuji is not only the most beautiful place in Japan, it is also a symbol of the country. All mountains are sacred to the Japanese, but it is Fuji, the highest of them, that is revered more than others. It is considered the link between earth and heaven. Many legends and myths associated with this mountain go back to ancient times, one of which says that Fujiyama was formed in one night. Almost at its very top is the Shinto shrine, a place of pilgrimage for Japanese believers.


Yakushima Island is famous for its ancient atmosphere. This island is the only one on Earth where trees grow that are over 1000 years old. They say that if you approach the oldest of them, whose age is approximately 7000 years, life will be filled with happiness and peace.

Himeji Castle

Japan is famous not only for its amazing nature, but also for its magnificent architectural structures. If you ask those who have seen Himeji Castle with their own eyes, they will probably agree that it is one of the most beautiful places in Japan. Built over 400 years ago, Himeji has survived to this day in its original form. Now this castle, which impresses tourists with its luxury and beauty of decoration, is a national treasure of the country.


Almost every country has a city-museum, where there is a huge number of historical and cultural monuments. In Japan, this city is Nara. Once it was the capital and had a high political significance, so it is here that unique buildings of historical value are located.


Kyoto is famous for its large number of Buddhist and Shinto temples, the most famous of which are Kinkakuji and Ginkakuji - the Golden and Silver Pavilion respectively.

Kinkakuji Temple is one of the most visited places in the city by tourists. It is called the Golden Pavilion not by chance, but because the decoration of the temple is mostly made of pure gold. At first glance, this building dazzles with its beauty and magnificent structure. In the entire history of its existence, Kinkakuji was burned twice, and each time carefully restored.

The Silver Pavilion, like the Golden Pavilion, was built for the shogun's recreation. It got its name due to the fact that the walls of this building are covered with the thinnest silver plates.

But the most beautiful place in Kyoto, perhaps, is the "Rock Garden", located in the courtyard of the Buddhist temple of Reanji. It is a platform covered with fine gravel, on which 15 stones are located. All of them are organized into 5 groups surrounded by moss. Rock Garden inexplicably makes people concentrate and focus. It was created by the master specifically for the meditations of the monks. It is difficult to break away from the contemplation of these stones: depending on the consecration and thoughts, the stones form certain images and associations.


Miyajima Island is one of the favorite and most beautiful places in Japan. The main attraction of the island is Itsukushima Shrine, a monastery built right in the water on stilts. The main temple of this complex is dedicated to the goddesses of the three elements. A grandiose impression is made by the Torii Itsukushima gate. Made of wood, they rise out of the water and rise above the bay, and although such buildings are typical of Japanese culture, Torii gates are unique due to their huge size.

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