Koh Samui National Marine Park. angthong national marine park

I wanted to visit the Angthong National Marine Park back in 2009 when we first visited Koh Samui, but the trip was postponed due to the fact that my wife was diagnosed with seasickness, and I didn’t want to go alone. Angthong Marine Park - located 20 kilometers northwest of Koh Samui, includes 42 islands that occupy 102 square kilometers of area. All the islands are uninhabited, and only one has the administration of the park and a small museum.

This year I found a company - my mother came to us, and Vanya has already grown up and the three of us finally decided to visit this attraction. Several companies are engaged in the supply of tourists to Angthong Marine Park, but the prices for all are approximately the same. On a speedboat, the excursion will cost 2,100 baht per adult and 1,500 baht per child over 4 years old. On a Thai boat 1850 baht for an adult and 1000 baht per child in the program with kayaking or 1300 and 750 baht respectively without kayaking. We chose the most economical option, because, firstly, we wanted to save money, and secondly, I was already on a speedboat, so the choice fell on a Thai boat

We were lucky with the weather - the sea was very calm, and the sun was not very hot. Although we sailed on a boat, and not on a boat, the arrival time is the same - 10:00. This is due to the fact that we set sail 30 minutes earlier (at 8:30, and those who sail on the boat at 9:00), and secondly, sailed from the pier in Nathon, from here the shortest path to the park, and those who boats depart either from Maenam or from Big Buddha, depending on the company.

An hour and a half of the road passed quickly enough, besides, on the way you could drink tea, coffee or water with cola.

We swam to the first island, those who had a program with kayaking changed to kayaks and paddled to our first stop, but we got on our boat. All people on kayaks swam 500-700 meters.

Our first stop is Mae Island in Angthon Marine Park. The long boat in the photo is sailing behind us. The famous Talay Nai lake is located on this island, the lake is located in extinct volcano and is connected to the sea by underground channels, it is from the sea that water flows into the lake, therefore it is salty. There are stairs to the lake, very steep by the way, along which you can climb to the top and look at the lake from above, or you can go down to the lake itself. True, bathing in it will not work, it is prohibited. You don’t have to climb for a long time, it takes about 10 minutes for this activity

We moored to the island, the boat in the background is ours

We started climbing to the lake, turned around, and there is such beauty

View of the lake from above

View of the lake from below

The water near Mae Island is clear, if you quickly run to the lake and go back down, you can have time to swim

While we were running around the island, kayaks were loaded into our boat.

On the beach you can refresh yourself with a shake, I was pleasantly surprised that the prices here are the same as on Koh Samui, we usually have drinks in such places that cost an order of magnitude more.

Every time we crossed on a long boat to our boat, we were put on life jackets

We dived and went to the main island of the park - Wua Ta Lap. We ate on the way. Lunch is not fancy, but tasty enough

And so we are on the island of Wua Ta Lap.

Here you can 1 - go up to the observation deck from where you can see all the islands of the park, visit the Bua Bok cave and just relax on the beach and go snorkeling. I wanted to go everywhere, but we were given only 2 hours of free time, this time is only enough for one thing. It’s not very clear why it’s so short, because the departure time is 15:00, it’s quite possible to stay here walking up to 4 hours.

I chose the viewpoint, and my mother and son stayed on the beach. According to the sign, it is only 500 m to the viewpoint, but these meters will have to be overcome along a very steep climb. The round trip took me an hour and a half.

The beginning of the ascent and this is just the flowers. In order not to fall along the entire path, a rope is pulled

Climbing 100 meters you get to the first observation deck, from which you can see the beach and several islands

You go another 100 meters and you get to another lookout, the view is already better, but still low

And the last 50-70 meters is generally full of tin, I don’t advise climbing here in slippers

It is rather difficult for an unprepared person to climb, but such a gorgeous view opens up from here that you forget about fatigue.

It is this picture that is used in advertising the tour to angthong marine park. The descent is easy, except for the first 50 meters, although this is subject to good shoes. In total, the ascent and descent took me a little less than 2 hours. In total, we were given 2.5 hours of free time, so I did not have time to visit the cave. I dived with a mask, the view under the water here is so-so, Koh Tao is much better. It's a pity that we were not allowed to stay here for at least 4 hours. On the way home, you could have a snack with a banana, drink tea, hot chocolate or water.

I liked the trip to Angthong Marine Park, I would recommend this excursion as a must for everyone who visits Koh Samui.

Our video (better to watch in full screen in HD quality)

You can book a tour to Angthong Marine Park directly from our website. Ecotel will be happy to organize your trip, besides, they speak Russian, which means there will be no language barrier.

Ang Thong National Park is one of the main natural attractions of a. It includes a group of 42 islands located in the Gulf of Thailand near the coast of Koh Samui (Surat Thani province).

From one of the most popular resorts- Koh Samui - to Ang Thong 35 km by sea. This is a real wonderland, consisting of blue lagoons and green islands, mysterious caves and exotic rock shapes.

The archipelago until 1980 was closed and guarded by the Royal Thai Navy and only then was transferred from the status national park. Nevertheless, warships still patrol the sea in front of the islands.

Ang Thong means "golden pool" in Thai

The main islands of the archipelago are: Paluay, Wao Jiew, Wao Talub, Mae Khao, Samsao, Phai Luak.

The islands are mostly made of limestone and rise 10-400 meters above sea level. Limestone under the influence of weather easily changes its structure, which is why most of the islands have bizarre shapes.

The depth of the sea here is quite small - up to 10 m. The corals around the islands are not developed extensively, in a limited narrow strip and close to the coast of each island. Especially on the southern, western and northeastern sides.

The climate of Ang Thong Park

The weather in the park is affected by the monsoon, which creates big waves and rain. The average temperature during the year is approximately 27 degrees. The best time to visit the islands is between February and April. At this time, set heat but the sea is calm.

Flora and fauna of Ang Thong Park

Most of the national park is a wave expanse. Land, islands - only 18% on earth. On top of the limestone rocks that make up the islands, there is a thin layer of soil. The forest growing in this soil is divided into four types:

  1. Semi-evergreen forest - the main plants are Indian oak, lady's slipper orchid, and Calophyllum.
  2. Plants on the shore - tropical almond, coastal mahoe, Alexandrian laurel.
  3. Forest on limestone mountains - the main plants are spurge (spurge antiquorum genus), crinum lily.
  4. Mangrove trees - the only plant is a swamp small-leaved mangrove tree.

In general, the islands of the archipelago are densely covered with forests. It grows, among other things, on karst rocks and in shallow soils at the very top of limestone cliffs. Many trees and plants are very rare. Mangroves occupy shallows and muddy areas, growing mainly around Mae Ko Island and on the east side of Phaluai Island.

Rivers flowing into the Gulf of Thailand bring with them soil, parts of vegetation and other debris, making the water almost murky. all year round. Not all residents sea ​​world love muddy water. Therefore, the main marine fauna of this area is represented by algae, mussels and oysters.

There are wild animals and marine animals such as spectacled langur, parrot, Loma and whales. This area is the main breeding area for mackerel, an economically important fish. Marine animals inhabiting these reefs include:

  • Fish - butterfly,
  • sea ​​angel,
  • scary fish,
  • Stingray - sea cat,
  • black shark,
  • grouper
  • and Cowrie shells.

Ang Thong Tourism

Despite the fact that the islands are a protected area, they provide accommodation for tourists. In addition, one-day excursions are actively brought here.

It must be remembered that most of the islands are impenetrable jungles, through which it will not work to travel as a "savage".

Ang Thong National Park entrance fee 200 Baht.

On the central island of Wua Talap you will be offered the following tourist infrastructure:

  • bungalow;
  • camping tents.

You can even bring your own tent and rent a campsite or use the tents provided by the park administration.

There is a cafe-bar and restaurants.

Wua Talap Island

The main island is located in Kha Bay. All excursions come to this island. Here is a good clean beach.

Visitors to the park are offered to climb a 500-meter mountain, from where a panorama of the entire archipelago opens. The view is really amazing: limestone islands form unusual shapes and bizarre silhouettes that rise above the water.

Attraction Wua Talap - cave Bua Bok. It is unique in terms of geology, full of stalactites and stalagmites.

Island Mae Ko

The main attraction on this island is Mountain Lake Thale Nai. It is a large natural reservoir lying in a bowl of karst mountains. The lake is salty, because has an underwater connection with the Gulf of Thailand.

It is believed that it was formed as a result of a breakthrough of a thin layer of limestone base, which led to the filling of the lowland with sea water.

Paluay Island

In all of Ang Thong, this island is the only one where there is a permanent population. And they are gypsies. Tourists are specially brought to Paluay, where they conduct an ethnographic tour, get acquainted with the traditional life and organization of life in a gypsy village.

How to get to Ang Thong Park

You can sail to Ang Thong by speedboat. On the way about 1 hour. You can sail both from Koh Samui and from mainland Surat Thani. There is no periodic boat service to Ang Thong Park, only frequent carriers.

If you are far from the archipelago:

By car:

  • from Bangkok take Highway 35 (Thonburi-Pakthor),
  • then on Highway No. 4 in the provinces of Phetchaburi, Chumpon and Prachuab Kiri Khun,
  • take Highway 41 to Surat Thani province.

The total route is 644 km. In the province of Surat Thani, you need to get to Don sak and from there by ferry to Koh Samui, then by speed boat to the Park.

by plane: At Thai Airline Public Co, Ltd. From Bangkok you can fly to the province of Surat Thani. The price is about 2000 baht. At Bangkok Airway Co, Ltd. from Bangkok to Koh Samui. The price is about 3200 baht. Flights are operated every day, travel time is 1 hour 15 minutes.

From Koh Samui you can rent a boat with a boatman for the whole day for $100-$150. But specify right away what time the boatman's day ends - you can think that at 24-00, and he will announce later that at 17-00.

This convenient option, if you want to go around the entire park on your own, without being attached to anyone. Arriving at main island Wua Talap, you need to pay the entrance fee. Services of a group guide, if necessary, are paid additionally.

But most tourists choose organized group tours. Moreover, they recommend a tour with an overnight stay.

Ang Thong Marine Park is a charming archipelago of almost 60 islands northwest of Koh Samui.

Most of the islands are located close to each other, creating a breathtaking panorama of the entire park. All islands are of different sizes and shapes. Most of them are covered with tropical forests and named after them. geographical features, such as Sleeping Cow Island and Three Pillar Island.


Ang Thong, which means "Golden Cup", covers about 250 km 2, and includes 50 km 2 of limestone islands that rise from the sea, like harsh stone cliffs and bizarre rock formations.

Ang Thong National Marine Park is a protected nature reserve, whose territory consists of more than 40 islands, and is known for its natural beauty. All but one of the islands are uninhabited and undeveloped. This island, Ko Paluay, is inhabited by sea ​​gypsies who still live by fishing.

Flora and fauna

The forests in this national park can be classified as dry evergreen forest, riparian forest and limestone forest. Dry evergreen forests can be seen on the most big islands such as Wuatalab, Paluay and Samsao. Coastal, lighter forests can be found in small areas along beaches and coastlines. Limestone forests are located on limestone cliffs with a thin layer of soil. Plants in such forests are lower.

Large animals do not get along on these small islands, covered with only a small amount of small and medium vegetation. Sixteen species of mammals such as otters, langurs, crab-eating monkeys, wild boars, gray bats, dolphins and whales can be seen on the islands.

Other inhabitants are about 54 species of birds, including the little white heron, brahmin kite, ferry oystercatcher, eastern motley kalao, cuckoo and sacred myna. 14 species of reptiles can be found, such as the ground lizard, iguana, green turtle, hawksbill, python and cobra.

There are only five species of amphibians: common Asian toad, tiger frog, grass frog and tree frog.

Butterfly fish, angelfish, parrotfish, blue-spotted stingrays, blacktip reef sharks, snappers, groupers, nudibranch clams, blue swimming crabs, sea fans, octocorals, giant clams, oysters live in the waters of the national park and regular corals. The park is also a breeding ground for mackerel.

Entrance fee

Entrance fee to the Marine Park: 400 baht per adult, 200 baht per child under 12 years old. Thai natives pay 80 baht.

Worth a look

Ko Mae Ko (Mother Island) is a must visit destination. You will see here an emerald lake with sea water, located in the middle of the island and surrounded on all sides by limestone rocks, connected to the sea by an underground tunnel. To get to the lake, you need to make a forty-minute climb, requiring considerable effort, but the reward will be a grandiose view of the entire park. The climb itself passes through several stairs, miraculously formed by the natural arrangement of the karst, penetrating a narrow passage in the rock surface. The last steps are a little steep and you need to be careful when going down them. All the way up and down will take no more than 40 minutes, unless you stop to enjoy the wonderful view of the Emerald Lagoon (Emerald Lagoon), as this lake is called locals, hidden in the center of the island and located 20 minutes from the highest observation point.

Nautical national park Ang Thong: Google panorama:

The caves on most of the islands are bizarrely formed by heaps of stone. Visit at least one for an incredible experience. The beaches are surrounded by wonderful coral reefs, perfect for swimming and snorkeling. Hundreds of beaches in this archipelago are abandoned. Take a boat and find your own hidden beach, away from other people.

Other popular places visits - Ko Sam Sao (Ko Sam Sao) or "Three-legged Island" with a large coral reef, and Wua Talab (Wua Talab) or "Sleeping Cow". It will take some effort to climb a steep hill (430 m) and reach the observation deck from where great view throughout the archipelago and along the coast.


This is perhaps the most the best place for walking in Thailand. The National Park Authority has a trail leading up the edge of the cliffs. It takes about 25-30 minutes to climb up and it's worth it. At the end of the ascent, a breathtaking panorama of all the islands of Ang Thong awaits you.

The Park Authority is located on Ko Wua Talab, where there are also bungalows for overnight stays. There are two "bars" in the park. Bar usually means a fridge filled with beer.

Ang Thong Marine National Park: video

Traveling on a comfortable speedboat, you can appreciate the incredible beauty of the Ang Thong Marine National Park, which consists of 42 islands. The first stop of your adventure will be the island of Wau with an amazingly rich world of marine life. Armed with a mask and snorkel, you will discover an unimaginable underwater world with its many inhabitants. parrot fish, sea ​​urchins, stingrays, neon, colorful corals will amaze your imagination.

Wua Talap Island

The next stop on our tour will be the island of Vua Talap inhabited by wild monkeys. The golden beach and untouched nature will create an atmosphere of comfort of a real paradise Bounty. You can climb to the observation deck located at an altitude of 500 meters, which offers a unique view of the Ang Thong Marine National Park with its magnificent islands. Here you will be invited to ride a kayak. (kayaking included), along bays hidden from prying eyes, rocky grottoes and wild beaches. After a delicious lunch in the island's restaurant, you can take a breath from new experiences and emotions, relax on the beach or visit the Lotus Cave with unique stalactites and stalagmites.

emerald lagoon

But that is not all! The next stop on your adventure is Mae Island, which means "Mother Island" in Thai. According to legend, an eruption from the crater of this ancient volcano formed the islands of the Ang Thong Marine National Park. To date, the volcano is considered extinct, and in its crater there is Lake Talay Nai, better known as the "Emerald Lagoon". Climbing up to the observation deck, you will have a magnificent view of the lake and the Ang Thong National Park. You can also go down to the foot of the lake, along comfortable steps and admire it up close.

If you are tired of just lying on the beach and want to see something stunningly beautiful, then an excursion to national reserve Ang Thong is the perfect excursion. From the dizzying panorama of the marine reserve is breathtaking.

Ang Thong means "Golden Pool" in Thai, and it is not by chance, because the nature of the national park is practically untouched. These islands near Koh Samui are the perfect place for snorkeling and exploring the underwater world. The program also includes a visit to the emerald bay of the Talay Nai salt lake, the bay of the Wua Ta Lap island, a trip to the observation deck of the Mae and Wua Ta Lap islands, kayaking, lunch and much more.

Marina Park Ang Thong opened in 1980, has an area of ​​102 square kilometers and 42 the most beautiful islands. Interestingly, the islands are of limestone and easily change their shape. Because of this feature, there are many amazing caves. Some of them are planned to visit according to the program. Almost the entire surface of the islands is occupied by untouched jungle.

The most beautiful Observation deck located on the island of Wua Ta Lap. It is here that exotic lovers from all over the world come to admire the local landscapes.

Ko Mae is famous for unique lake, which was formed naturally by a breakthrough of limestone rocks, among the mountains. It connects with the Gulf of Thailand and therefore remains salty.

Sea gypsies live on the island of Paluay. You can get acquainted with their features and way of life during the tour.

Table with programs and prices

tours in Ang Thong

Description of program options

excursions to the marine reserve Ang Thong from Koh Samui


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