What is in Burge Califa. Skyscraper Burj Khalifa in Dubai - The highest building on the planet

Burj Dubai (Khalifa) was recognized as the highest building in the world already on July 21, 2007, although it was opened only two and a half years later - in early 2010.

The construction of the highest skyscraper, something resembling giant stalagmites, began in 2004. Initially, Burge Dubai was to become a kind of "city in the city", with his boulevards, lawns, and even whole parks, so it is not surprising that the original budget of the project was one and a half billion dollars, and at the end of construction, the figure turned out to be much more than $ 4.1 billion.

For the construction of a huge structure, a special appearance of a pre-stressed reinforced concrete was developed, which was flooded only at night, and ice was added to the solution. The main distinguishing feature of such concrete is to overcome the inability of concrete to resist significant tensile stresses.

Change project from the initial option to the final, in reverse order)

Construction Burj Dubai was conducted by a shock pace, but as a result of some delays (the return of the defective batch of exclusive reflecting glass panels, which reduce the heating of the inner premises, making changes to the design due to deviation from the central axis, the financial problems of the developer, etc.) The opening of the building was transferred from September 9 2009 on January 4, 2010.

The height of the finished 162-storey facility was 828 meters. At the solemn opening of the skyscraper, the ruler Dubai Sheikh Mohammed Ben Rashed Al Mackum said that this building was dedicated to the President of Califa Ibn Zaid An-Najiana, in connection with which the building officially assigned the name "Burj Khalifa". But by that time all over the world was already so accustomed to call the skyscraper Burj Dubai, which was not paid attention to renaming anywhere in except for the Emirates themselves.

Burj Dubai is an energetically self-sufficient building - the skyscraper is always secured by electricity due to the 61-meter wind turbine and a huge massif of solar batteries occupying 15,000 sq.m.

The system of air conditioning of the skyscraper is also unique - the air is driven up from the bottom up all over the height of the tower, and marine water and underground cooling modules are used for cooling.

Right in front of the Dubai Tower is the most beautiful musical fountain of Dubai, the creation of which has gone $ 217 million.

Some interesting facts About the skyscraper Burj Dubai:

  • from the base of the skyscraper until the last floor of exactly 3,000 steps;
  • the air temperature at the level of the spire tip is 10 degrees below the temperature at the base of Burj Dubai;
  • 26,000 glass panels took to the finishing of the facades;
  • on the construction of the Dubai Tower, 22 million "people" took place;
  • the spire of the altitude is visible at a 100-kilometer distance from it in any direction;
  • the development of 160 hotel rooms, which occupies the lower floors of the tower, was engaged in Georgio Armani;
  • at 43, 76 and 123 floors, viewing platforms are equipped, and on 124 there is an Observatory "on the top";
  • on the 76th floor there is the world's largest swimming pool;
  • on the 143 floor is the largest in the world night club;
  • on the 158th floor there is the highest mosque in the world;
  • equipment of a skyscraper 65 elevators cost the developer $ 36 million. This cost is due to the fact that these elevators are the fastest in the world and develop speed up to 18 m / s;
  • upon completion of the construction of the Burj Dubai, which is a key part of the Dubai Business Center, its total cost was $ 20 billion

The highest building in the world is in Dubai - this is a skyscraper Burj Khalifa. Height of the skyscraper "Burj Khalifa"is 828meters. This building has 163 floors: it is so high that it is visible far beyond the city.

In January 2010, construction was fully completed, and the solemn opening of the tower took place. Initially, she was planned as a "city in the city", with their parks, flower beds, shops. Until the end of the building, the height of the building was stored in strict secretion. In total, the construction of the highest building in the world, Burj Khalifa, cost more than $ 4 billion and lasted four years with an average building speed of one or two floors a week.

Inside the skyscraper are apartments, office buildings, shopping centers, restaurants and a hotel. There are three separate entrances - for the hotel, for offices and apartments. The building contains several gym, pools, viewing sites, some of which are equipped with a jacuzzi, nine hotels, several restaurants, among which is the restaurant "Atmosphere". Due to the fact that the restaurant is located on the 122th floor, it has become the highest restaurant in the world.

Initially, the skyscraper was to be called "Burj Dubai", but at the opening ceremony of the then ruler of the Emirate of Dubai Mohammed Ibn Rashid Al-Mackum, said: "From now on and forever, this tower will be the name of the" Khalifa "-" Burj Khalif ". Thus, he was forever renamed a skyscraper in honor of a person, so much for the current prosperous state of the United Arab Emirates - Califa Ibn Zaid Al Najiana.

The Skyscraper "Burj Khalif" is not only the highest, but also the most expensive skyscraper in the world! Project Creator - American architect Adrian Smith, Samsung has performed the main contractor. Over the design of the hotel "Armani", located on the first to the thirty-ninth floor, Jorgho Armani himself worked. For the construction of the tower, a special concrete was invented, withsting temperatures above 50 degrees. Because of the special formula, this concrete had to be stacked solely at night, it is known that ice was added to it. The glass of the skyscraper is equipped with a special thermosystem that does not transmit dust and ultraviolet rays inside and contributing to the maintenance of a constant temperature indoors "Burj Khalifa". Not only is the air in the highest skyscraper of the world is constantly cooled and enriched with oxygen, it is also flavored. Moreover, this fragrance was also designed specifically for "Burj Khalifa" and is unique.

There are 57 elevators in the building, but only the service only moves from the first on the last floor. Guests skyscraper have to move on floors with transfers. These elevators develop speed up to 10m / s.

Before the facade of the highest building in the world, an artificial lake is located, in which the singing fountain Dubai was opened - it illuminate almost 7,000 light sources and more than 50 spotlights.

Burge Khalifering, referred to as "at the top" and located on the 124th floor, opens an incredible panorama of the city before visitors. With such a height, the new Dubai Business Center, the center of which is just this skyscraper, looks like a city from the future. You can enjoy this kind on average for about an hour, exactly so much longest walks, tickets for which they sell in the lobby of the building. The cost of these tickets ranges from thirty-six (a regular ticket for which a huge queue is usually built) to one hundred dollars (buying this ticket can be immediately proceeded to the site, without waiting for the queue).

So far it does not seem to be able to say how soon the building will appear above the Khalifa Burge in Dubai , but today the skyscraper still reserves this proud title and is the highest building in the world.

Burj Khalifa - Raisin Dubai and one of the most recognizable buildings in the world. The majestic skyscraper ascended by 828 meters and 163 floors, has already been the highest facilities for seven years. It is located on the shore of the Persian Gulf and can be seen from anywhere in the city, entering tourists in a mute shock.

Burj Khalifa: History

Dubai was not always so modern and luxurious as now. In the eighties, he was a modest city with traditional two-story buildings, and the receipt of petrodollars for some twenty years did it with a giant of steel, stone and glass.

Skyscraper Burj Khalifa was built for six years. The construction began in 2004 at an amazing speed: in one week they built two floors. The form was specifically made asymmetric and resembling stalagmites so that the building was stable and not rocked from the winds. All the construction was decided to see special thermostatic panels, which significantly reduced electricity costs.

The fact is that in the United Arab Emirates The temperature often rises to 50 degrees, because the cost savings on air conditioning played an important role. The base of the building was the foundation with hanging pile, which in length 45 meters.

Construction was decided to entrust the well-known Samsung corporation, which took into account all the climatic and geological features of the terrain. Especially for Burj Khalifa, a special solution of concrete, withstanding high temperatures. He was mixed solely at night with the addition of pieces of ice into the water.

The company hired about twelve thousand workers who agreed to work in terrible unsanitary conditions for insignificant money - from four to seven dollars a day depending on the qualifications. The designers knew the golden rule that no construction was laid in the planned budget, and therefore decided to save on the work force.

The total cost of building the tower cost more than one and a half billion dollars. For a long time, the planned height kept secret. Many were confident that Burj Khalifa reaches a kilometer, but the developers were afraid of difficulties with the sale of retail space, so they stopped at 828 meters away. Perhaps now they regret their decision, because, despite the economic crisis, all the premises were redeemed in a very short time.

Internal structure

Burj Khalifa was created as a vertical city. It holds inside himself:

  • hotel;
  • residential apartments;
  • office rooms;
  • restaurants;
  • looking pad.

Going to the tower, it is difficult not to feel a pleasant microclimate created due to the special structure of ventilation and air conditioning. The creators took into account all the features of the human body, therefore, to be in pleasant and comfortable. The building is filled with unobtrusive and light aroma.

The hotel for 304 rooms are designed for tourists who are not concerned about their own budget. Internal design strikes imagination, because of the long time, Georio Armani himself was engaged in its development. Made in warm color scheme with unique furniture and unusual decor objects, the interior is an example of Italian elegance.

There are 8 restaurants from the Mediterranean, Japanese and Arabic cuisine on the territory of the hotel. There are also present: a nightclub, swimming pool, spa, banquet halls, boutiques and flower salon. Prices per room start from $ 750 per night.

Burj Khalifa has 900 apartments. It is curious that Indian billionaire sutty completely bought a hundredth floor with three huge apartments. Eyewitnesses note that the room is immersed in luxury and chieka.

Viewing platforms

On the 124th floor of the skyscraper is a unique observation deck, opening a picturesque panorama on the capital of the UAE. It is called "AT The Top". As travelers say, "if you were not on the site, I was not in Dubai."

Get there not so simple - tickets are flying very quickly. It must be borne in mind and purchase a place in advance, the ticket will cost approximately $ 27. In addition to beauty ultramodern city, You can enjoy the view of the night sky with the help of telescopes located on the site. Climb up a viewing height of 505 meters and enjoy an incredible view from above, and also make a memorable photo from the pearl of Dubai. Feel the freedom and greatness of human hands, erecting this masterpiece.

The popularity of the site led to the fact that four years later the second observation deck was opened. It is located above - on the 148th floor, and has become the highest in the world. There are installed screens that give the opportunity to tourists virtually stroll around the city.


Remember that pre-purchased tickets will significantly save your budget and will cost you three times cheaper. Purchase them best on the official website of the skyscraper or at the main passage to the elevators Burj Khalifa, as well as with the help of agencies that organize excursions. The last option may be easier, but somewhat costly.

It is worth purchasing a card for a telescope: With it, you will get the opportunity near to see any corner of the city and get acquainted with the historical epochs of Dubai. If you plan to visit the Tower of friends, it is enough to buy only one card, as you can use it several times.

Saving money, spend them on an audio tour of creating a skyscraper. You can listen to it on one of the available languages, among which is also present and Russian. Excursion to Burj Khalifa lasts half an hour, but if you do not have enough of this time, you can easily stay there longer.

  • The building has 57 elevators, they move at a speed of up to 18 m / s.
  • The average temperature in the premises is 18 degrees.
  • Special toned thermal protection helps to maintain an affordable temperature and reflect the sun's rays, preventing dust and unpleasant odors.
  • Autonomous power supply system is ensured by huge sunny batteries and wind generators.
  • In the building of 2957 parking spaces.
  • Due to poor working conditions during construction, the workers satisfied the pogroms and caused the location of the damage to half a billion dollars.
  • Restaurant "Atmosphere" is located at a record height - 442 m.

At the foot of Burj Khalifa is the most powerful fountain in the world, whose jets rise 100 meters up.

We rise to the highest building in the world - the Skyscraper of Burj Khalifa in Dubai! How much is a tour of the observation platform? Where to buy tickets and how to save? Read our feedback and tips.

It seems that the Arabs during the construction of the Burj-Khalif skyscraper decided to collect all the titles "most": this is the highest ground construction in the entire history of mankind, the building with the largest number of floors, the fastest elevator, the highest above the observation deck, etc.

Information about the Burj Khalifa Tower

The height of the Burj Khalifa Tower (Burj Khalifa) in Dubai is 828 meters, the number of floors is 163, the elevator speed is 18 m / s (according to other data - 10 m / s). The elevator raises the 124th floor in a minute, there is a board with a sample floor in the cab.

The blue dream of almost all tourists in Dubai is to rise to this luxurious and breathtaking building. True, no one will let the very top of ordinary mortals. The maximum accessible height is 555 meters, or 148 floors. But the most visited floors - 124 and 125 (456 meters). It is on these three floors that spaced areas are located. AT The Top. and AT The Top Skywhere tickets are sold.

Burj Khalifa is a city in the city: there are offices, apartments, hotel, restaurants, shopping centers and so on. Before the building is the famous dancing fountain, which collects the crowd with his ideas. A no less well-known shopping center Dubai Mall is adjacent to the skyscraper.

(Photo: Tucotuti / Flickr.com / License CC BY-NC 2.0)

Where to buy tickets for Burj Khalifa in Dubai?

Benefits of purchase on the official website: cheap (from 135 dirhams), you can buy tickets for 148 floor or choose a promotion. For example, buy combo tickets skyscraper + aquarium. Site in English.

Advantages of buying on Sputnik: more expensive (from 180 dirhams), but in Russian. It is impossible to choose a combo.

We bought tickets for Burj Khalifa on the official website. They took a combo tower (124 and 125 floors) + aquarium. For two it turned out 390 dirhams.

Here are prices for tickets to Burj Khalifa on the official website:

Interesting video! TV presenter and blogger Anton Ptushkin Cars video excursion for rich life in Dubai:

Tickets for Burj Khalifa Buy in advance, and not at the checkout in Dubai Mollet - so much cheaper! After payment, the voucher will come to email. It must be printed and exchange to the ticket at the checkout.

What time to choose? If you want to visit the skyscraper during the daytime, we advise you to take tickets at 8:30 or 9:00 - at this time there are still few people. At 10 and 11 am, the platforms are already crowded: all the glasses are fed up by selfie by tourists, someone leads a live broadcast on instagram, draws queues.

Prime Time from 16:00 to 18:00 - most popular time (And the most expensive tickets). You can see the sunset, dancing fountain and lights of the night city. However, you can imagine what a pillar of the sites? And the fountain and below is beautiful. If you really want to look at the fountain not from the ground, go to the Balcony of Apple Store in Dubai Mall.

Come in advance. We arrived in half an hour, and we were launched before. In the day and evening it is better to come to at least an hour, since the queue is to the checkout and separately to the elevator.

How to get to Burj Khalifa in Dubai?

Accurate address of the skyscraper: 1 Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Boulevard, Dubai. You can get to the metro station to the station Burj Khalifa / Dubai Mall. Then, in the signs, go to Dubai Mall - along the covered transition. AT mall Follow the signs to Burj Khalifa again. Next, come to the box office and raise the elevator.

The elevator has a small queue, run by about 10 people. During the minute you are climbing 124 floor, where there is an outdoor terrace with glazed walls. On the 125th floor there is also an observation deck, but closed. On the 148th floor we were not.

Hotel in Burj Halifa in Dubai

If you want to kill, then settle in the 5-star (who would doubt) Hotel Armani Hotel Dubai 5 *. It takes 11 floors of the skyscraper. He has excellent reviews - 9.1 out of 10. Double standard stands only 35 thousand rubles!

Our feedback about the skyscraper

Should I visit? Of course! It is expensive, but you will not regret. It is so high that the neck begins to break when you look at it. To take a photo of a skyscraper, it is necessary to heal.

If you do not like to be in the crowd, come early in the morning - we did it. After 10 am, haze appears, and visibility is reduced. At sunset and at night beautifully, but expensive and many people. Someone in the reviews complained that the night species is inferior to the morning - lights like lights, a view of almost both from the aircraft porthole.

Stock Foto Tower of Burj Khalifa in Dubai

Yesterday, January 4, the world's highest 828-meter skyscraper was officially opened - Burj Khalifa in the Maiden's famous, as Burj Dubai. If you list all the characteristics of the building, then almost everyone will be "the most in the world": the highest, most expensive, the most luxurious, most popular, etc., and Dt ...

Burj Khalifa became the swan song of the "Arab Oil Miracle" - the budget of the construction of the skyscraper amounted to more than 4 billion dollars, and more than 20 billion dollars adjacent to it. Curious, but quite recently announced that Dubai's emirate on the grain of bankruptcy. Well, here the sheikhs have hung and called an 828-meter building - anti-crisis :)

By the way, if someone gathered to buy a flat / office there - hurry !!! They remained very little, according to some information, it is already sold out ≈90% of the whole lived. Square.

The construction lasted five years, and first it was planned to build a building 600 meter altitude, but in the process, customers realized that it was not necessary to run such money to the tower and were afraid every day that this record would break even before the construction of construction, some Japanese / Chinese / Koreans. Therefore, with a light hand, another one hundred meters were thrown, then another, and more, and a couple of meters, another flagpole ... everyone was increased by 228 meters - it remains to remove the hat in front of the designers, which every time they counted all the loads of the structures every time.

Inside spiers

Spire Giant

True, the upper residential floor ends at an altitude of 643.3 meters, and above the spire begins with a height of 184.7 meters, but this "trifle" cunning arabs do not advertise.)))

Photo made made at an altitude of 828 meters :)

Here are some specifications Burj Khalifa:

  • Style: Modernism
  • Materials: Constructions - reinforced concrete, steel; Facade - stainless steel, aluminum, glass.
  • Purpose: Office and shopping area, residential real estate and hotel.
  • Height: 828 meters.
  • Floors: 164 (including two underground floors).
  • Square: 3595100 sq. M. m.
  • The highest observation deck is located at an altitude of 442.10 m.
  • Armani Hotel (first of its kind) will occupy the lower 37 floors.
  • From 45 to 108 floors there are about 700 apartments.
  • Office and retail space will be located on the rest of the floors.

Interesting facts about Burj Khalifa:

  • The skyscraper has the fastest 57 elevators in the world. They are designed to serve their group of visitors to Burj Khalifa - staff and service, cargo, office workers, visitors and residents of the building, VIP person.
  • From 124 floors, two-storey survey elevators work - they can accommodate from 12 to 14 people. The speed of lifting 10 meters per second.
  • For the construction of the tower it took 330,000 cubic meters of concrete and 31400 tons of steel reinforcement.
  • The tower is located in the center of artificial lake
  • Burj Khalifa has several recreational visitor recreation areas - by 43, 76, 123 floors a fitness and spa are located, and 43 and 76 are pools (the highest in the world), recreation rooms and other events.
  • The form of the building plan (three beams emanating from the center) - based on the growing, in this region, the buoy of the desert flower.
  • The highest residential floor - 109.
  • The highest observation deck is located on the 124th floor.
  • The depth of piles foundation is more than 50 meters.
  • In the water supply system, recycled rain water is used (o_0 rain in the desert?)
  • The tower will fully fully produce electricity for itself: for this, a 61-meter turbine rotated by the wind will be used, as well as an array of solar panels (partially located on the walls of the tower) with a total area of \u200b\u200babout 15 thousand m².
  • The building is equipped with a special sun protection and reflective glass panels, which will reduce the heating of the rooms inside (in dubai there are temperatures up to 50 ° C). For air conditioning in the skyscraper, a convection system is used, running the air from the bottom up to the entire height of the tower, and marine water and underground cooling modules will be used for cooling. It is stated that the air temperature in the building will be about +18 ° C.

Some videos about Burj Khalifa:

Thanks for attention!
The article is taken with Hazov.ru
Separate thanks to Denis Hazov for this excellent article ;-)

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