The main entrance to the Losinoostrovsky Park. National Park "Losina Island

Every year, Baikal is becoming more attractive for various categories of visitors. Every year, in the summer period, the Trans-Baikal National Park is attended by about 10 thousand people (if you consider residents of the Barguzinsky district - then more than 25 thousand people). In winter, mainly to amateur-based fish - the famous Baikal Omul, up to 30 thousand people arrive. .

In the summer and autumn, dozens of bears fell on the shores. In winter, the lake gather up to 700 whitgest of Orlans, Belochvostov Orlanov and Berkuts. The reserve is the habitat of the world's largest protected population of brown bears, the number of about 1000 individuals ..

Attractions Kamchatka

Gydan State Natural Reserve

The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Far North in the West Siberian Plain, in the lower current r. Obi washed by waters Kara Sea. Gydansky and Yamal issued to the north. Far into the district is far away - up to 1000 km, crashed by its bays (lips) Kara Sea.

Attractions of the Yamalo-Nenets District

Pearl for impressions, mental equilibrium, beautiful plots and inconceivable adventures. A place where you can be an active traveler or a pilgrim seeming meaning of being, in while still this life. Probably, it is a benglaughter made by nature in order to show a person how his dream can look ....

Kenozersky National Park!

Chapel of St. Nicholas Wonderworker. D. Verchinino, XVIII century. Surprisingly beautiful chapel over the lake. Preserved the sky ..

Crimea is one of the most popular tourist centers countries. On its territory under the protection of the state there are about 3 thousand monuments of history, archeology, art. The museums keep a lot of most valuable exhibits reflecting the history of the region from ancient times to the present day. Among them are the most famous: local history museums in Alushta, Evpatoria, Simferopol, Feodosia, Yalta and other cities, famous palaces in Alupka, Livadia, Bakhchisarai, Massandra, art gallery named after IK Aivazovsky in Feodosia, artistic museums in Simferopol and Sevastopol, Memorial - S.N. Sergeeva-Visitsky (Alushta), A.S. Green (Feodosia), A.P. Chekhov (Yalta) and many others ..


Lake Baikal - one of the most beautiful and picturesque places Not only in the Asian part of our country, and on the entire planet. it ancient lake (His age is about 25-35 million years), lying in the rift depressure, is located in the southern part of Eastern Siberia. It is the largest freshwater reservoir on earth, there are 22% of all fresh clean and transparent water all over the world and 85% of Russia. .

Plateau Manpupouner

In many Finno-Ugric peoples, there are still alive legends about the giants who lived in the ancient centuries! For example, Marrie has legends about the major people created before the emergence of a person, and then ruined by the gods of sunny heat for an incredible pride. ONR hills are found throughout the Mari Territory, and in the Morkinsky district of the RME, there is even a memorable stone of Onra ..

Mago Pupa-Rish has always been sacred Moz For Vogulov, but its strength was somewhat negative. Close to the Plateau Manpupuner An ordinary person was forbidden to be categorically, only shamans had access to recharging their magic forces ..

Chukotka region - Berengia

The Chukotka Autonomous District occupies the Chukota Peninsula, adjacent part of the mainland and a number of islands (Wrangel, Iion, Ratmanov, etc.). Washed by the East Siberian and Chukchi seas in the north and Bering Morce - In the East. The western part of the district is engaged by the Mountain Systems of the Oloy Range and Ush-Urkchenn; In the central part - Anyuy Range and Anadyr Plateau; In the East - Chukotka Highlands; South - Anadyr lowland, in the south-east - Koryak Highlands.

Russian Arctic National Park

This area is called the "pearl of the Arctic". The total territory of the park is 14,260 square kilometers. It is 6,320 square kilometers of sushi and 7,940 square kilometers of the water area of \u200b\u200bthe territorial waters of Russia. More than 85 percent of the surface of the islands is covered with ice of continental origin. On the territory of the park there are few affected ecosystems rich in diversity animal world. In the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Arctic, narrowing and Greenland whale live throughout the year ....

Elk Island National Park

Losina Island is located in the northeast of Moscow and the near Moscow region, starts from the Sokolniki Park and continues for the Moscow Ring Road to Mytishchi, Queen, Snakov and Balashikha, forming a kind of green wedge between Yaroslavl and Schelkovsky highway.
Slightly less than 1/3 of the park is located in Moscow.
Initially, the park was a place of royal hunt, and now became a national park ....

Attractions of the Moscow region

Karelia is called amazing edge - The edge of white nights, evergreen forests-giants, harsh rocks, stormy brown rivers and blue lakes. And there is an unusual, small in the area, "Piglet", almost in the middle of the republic, which is rightfully called "Karelia in miniature". This place is one of the oldest environmental territories of Russia - the Kivach Reserve ...

Losina Island (Moscow, Russia) - exact location, interesting places, inhabitants, routes.

  • Tours on May to Russia
  • Burning tours to Russia

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Park Losina Island, known since ancient times, by the way - the only national park, which is located in Moscow. It is difficult to imagine that just a few kilometers from Garden Ring A real taiga begins, where moose, deer and boars are inhabited. Not just so these dense forests for several centuries ago, they were chosen for the hunt of Moscow sizes, and the thickets were taken under special protection.

National Park Losina Island is located on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region. In the park take the beginning of the Yauza and Pehorh River. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe reserve is about 116 square kilometers.

Paragraph history

The Losina Island is known for a long time, from 15 to 18th century, these edges were part of the Tynastic Palace Palace - the most favorite and popular at the Moscow princes and the kings place for hunting. John IV, famous for the nickname, Grozny, hunted here on bears, koi in these impassable cases, a great set was found.

The forests of the Elk Island are already in those days, being a royal hunting grounds, were particularly protected. At the end of the 18th century, in 1799, when the Losina Island is transmitted to the treasury control, there is a topographic survey, the forest is divided into quarters. In the middle of the 19th century, the Losinoostrovaya Forest Cottage appears, and in 1842 the first forestry, Taxators Egor Grimma and Nikolai Shelgunov completes forest-ordered.

Losina Island

Artificial forest creation was started in 1844, on the initiative of Forensch Vasily Gershner. They were rapidly pines, and this process lasted without a small 115 years. The result makes itself felt to this day, the landing has still been preserved, despite the impact of man. Thoughts about creating in these extensive forests reserves appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, but the tragic events of the beginning of the century destroyed these plans. During World War II, the Losina Island suffered some losses - enough a large number of trees. Official status national Park Losina Island received in 1983, one of the first in the country.

In the Loss Island, you can spend a whole day, walking along it until now the dormant groves, watching branched birds or animals.

Flora and fauna

Losina Island is famous for its rich Flora and fauna. More than 230 species of vertebrate animals live here, among which many species of birds, mammals (among which, of course, moose, deer, boars, foxes, hares, proteins, raccoon dogs, beavers, ondatres, hawks, eaglans-belocities and many others) More than 500 species of vascular plants are growing in the park, rare on the territory of the Moscow region grassy plants. There are mighty oaks here, and dark ate, slender birch trees and fragrant limes, and striking high pines. The park is divided into three zones: a specially protected area, a zone for walking and sports (open to visiting a limited visit on strictly installed routes), and an open area is open to mass visits. In the Loss Island, you can spend a whole day, walking along it until now the dormant groves, watching branched birds or animals. Despite the fact that the park is located within the city, here is beautiful air, and it is difficult to imagine that it's from here with hand to the center of the metropolis. In the park it is good to spend time at any season and in any weather. In winter, here among fir-covered firs and pines are laid ski highways, in the summer and autumn you can ride a bike, exploring forest paths, or wandering on foot, in the spring to listen to the singing of birds and observe the awakening of nature. In the Losina Island functioning nurseries, as well as museums dedicated to the most different topics.


The Losina Island is very large, therefore in the park there are several entrances located in various parts of the city.

Entrance in the area of \u200b\u200bGolianovo. From the subway, Podbelsky Street on trams number 2, No. 36, No. 13 and No. 29, stop a children's sanatorium.

Entrance to Jousy. Trams from the metro station VDHH or Preobrazhenskaya Square. By train from the Yaroslavl station, to the station Jauza.

Entrance to the street of red pine. From the metro station VDHH buses 172, 136, trolleybus 76 Ost. Print college.

Entrance from the street of the alert. From the meters of VDNH 76 Trolleybus, stops Children's clinic and Fedoskinskaya Street.

The Losina Island National Park is a unique, unique corner of nature in the world in the world in the middle of a metropolis.

More than 800 species of plants grows on the territory of the "Losina Island".

Different sources indicate a royal hunt in this place for a long time. In 1798, Paul I established the Forest Department and handed him the Elk Island. For the convenience of security, the territory was divided into 55 quarters, these quarters were preserved to this day.

Despite the rapid growth of Moscow, the outlines of the elk island for 2.5th century almost did not change.

Where is the Losina Island National Park and its borders

Losina Island is located north-east of Moscow, about a third of it is within the borders of the metropolis. In the region, the park occupies a territory belonging to the Korolev urban district, as well as Mytishchinsky, Pushkin, Schelisk and Balashiki district.

The territory of the park spread between 55 ° 47 "and 55 ° 55" S.Sh. and 37 ° 40 "and 38 ° 01" V.D., between Klin-Dmitrovsky Grocery and Meshchersk lowland.

Park Park Losina Island is 125 km², 83% are covered with forest. Ponds occupy 2% of the territory, and the swamp - 5%.

In 1983, Elosina Island became one of the first Russian national parks. The territory of the park is divided into 3 zones - the first is under special protection, the second is allowed walking and sports, but only on certain tracks. And the third is available for mass visits and is intended for recreation of residents of Moscow.

Official site

Routes for walking

Employees of the National Park have developed pleasure routes with maps and an indication of interesting objects on the route.

How to get

Depending on the purpose of visiting the "Elk Island", there are different ways to get to the National Park, including public transport.


It is 5 km from the Moscow Ring Road, on the fork of Schelkovsky and Balashikha highway. Ride by car It follows in Schelkovsky highway, focusing on the coordinates of Arboretum: 55.828326, 37.897836. You can only go to the territory only following in the direction of Moscow.

You can also drive up by public transport - on suburban bus № 300 or route taxi No. 102K, following art. m. "Schelkovskaya" to Ost. "Lestec" (Mr. "Emerald"). Going on the other side of the road, go through 300 m. To the Ost. "Road plot" for fasting traffic police. There you need to go through a pedestrian crossing to the other side and go through 100 m. Along the highway towards Moscow.

Power biostancture

To the elk biostation can be reached by car, focusing on the coordinates of 55.879232, 37.784380. To go through the Yaroslavl highway towards the area of \u200b\u200babout 1 km after the Moscow Ring Road, then turn on the village "Friendship" and go to the beginning of the forest park from Kropotkinsky passage.

From art. m. "VDNH": Any flight area bus to the first east. After the Moscow Ring Road - "Yaroslavl Highway / Parlovskaya platform". Next on foot through the village. Friendship is about 40 minutes by main road and near the forest left.

From railway station "Elk": Bus number 547 to Ost. "4th Park Street", then through the checkpoint and directly.

From railway station "Perlovskaya" (Yaroslavl eg.): Minibus number 3 to the final OST. The forest "4th Park Street", then through the checkpoint and directly.

"Tea drinking in Mytishchi"

mytischi, Waterconducting Alley, 1 (55.898342, 37.794577).

From art. "Mytishchi" Yaroslavl railway on ul. Coltonian to Yaroslavl highway, go highway under the bridge, then along the plumbing alley.

From the bus station on m. "VDNH" Buses number 388, 392, 451, 499, 551k, 576k, 565, 578, to Ost. "Plant of improvement" (4 km from the Moscow Ring Road or 20th km of Yaroslavl Highway), further along the plumbing alley.

"Russian life"

Moscow, ul. Potors (55.862610, 37.729465).

From art. m. "VDNH" Buses No. 136, 903, Minutes No. 172, 544, Trolleybus No. 76 to Ost. "Children. Polyclinic, "or bus No. 244 and a minibus number 375 to Ost. "Youth centre". Then 200 m. Right from Yaroslavl highway to the forest belt, then 1 km. through the park.


Moscow, ul. Bogatyr Bridge, 17 (55.821032, 37.688541).

From art. m. "VDNH", "Preobrazhenskaya Square", "Semenovskaya", "Partizanskaya", "Pervomayskaya" Tram number 11 to Ost. "Bogatyrsky Bridge."

From art. m. "Sokolniki" or art. m. "Rokossovsky Boulevard" Bus number 75 to Ost. "Bogatyrsky Bridge."

"Red Pine"

Moscow, ul. 12th Lin. Red Pine, 28 (55.849054, 37.690551).

From art. m. "VDNH" Buses No. 136, 244, 903, Minutes No. 172, 375, 544, Trolleybus No. 76 to Ost. "Print College", then on foot to the right from Yaroslavl highway to the forest.

"Tsarist Hunt"

Moscow, Schelkovskoe w. (55.835411, 37.911793).

From art. m. "Schelkovskaya" to Ost. "Experienced field" Bus number 361, minibuses No. 1222K, 362K, 380K, 396k, 447k, 485, 506k, then in the forest 700 m.


Korolev, ul. Central (55.888989, 37.851250).

From art. "Bolshevo" Yaroslavl railway By bus number 7 to the final Ost. "POS. Peatopropery ", then on foot 200 m.


Moscow region, p. Abramtsevo (55.837124, 37.825581).

From art. m. "Schelkovskaya" Bus number 735 or minibus number 583K to Ost. Abramtsevo.

Parking on site

Visitors can leave cars in the parking lots of the "Elk Islands", equipped near the ecocenters of the National Park or at horse yard.

Parking fee is 250 rubles. for the car for the time staying on the territory, and for excursion buses - is free.

Moscow region, city Moscow

Foundation history
"Losina Island" is unique territory. Here, near the multi-million city in a natural state, the nature of Central Russia has been preserved in all its diversity: coniferous, birch and wide forests, sections of meadows and horse marshes, the origins of the Yauza with lakes and smoothies. In ten kilometers from the Kremlin, beavers, boars and moose, many predatory birds, grow rare in the Moscow region of the plant grow.
The Losina Island National Park is one of the first in Russia, created in 1983 on the territory, since ancient times served by the protected hunting grounds of the Grand Princes and Kings.

Physico-geographical features
Geographically, the park is timed to the joint of the Meshchersk lowland and Klianco - Dmitrovsky ridge, which is the watershed of the rivers of Moscow and Klyazma. The most picturesque area in the southwest park. On the territory of the park there are origins of the rivers of Jauza and Pehorka, there are several ponds: Alekseevsky, Goljanovsky, treasury and others. All these reservoirs are located in the recreational area of \u200b\u200bthe park. The swamps on the territory of the park occupy a rather significant area. Of particular value is the Verkhne-Yauz wetlands of about 1000 hectares.
The climate of the area is moderately continental. The coldest month is January ( average temperature -10ºС), the warmer - July (average temperature + 19.5ºС).

Variety of flora and fauna
Forests occupy about 80% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe National Park. These are birchings, coniferous, broad-sized forests.
Flora predominates forest species, characterized by a relatively large number of weed, vigorous species, because the park is surrounded settlements, transport highways and agricultural land.
The parks are quite widely represented by rare and subject to protection on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region. Types of herbaceous plants. There are a wolch year communion, lily of the valley, a European swimsuit, a gap-cutting bell, a double duct, a one-year plan.
An exceptionally interesting object of the park - Alekseevskaya Grove, in whose territory the protected regime remained for a long time. This is a unique section of the forest of almost 250 years of age, the main forest-forming breed of which is pine.
Very diverse animal world park. In the past 15 years, due to the restoration of a large wetland complex in the upper reaches of the Yauza River and the allocation of significant on the area reserved zoneHere a very interesting ornithiomplex made from round and meadow birds was formed, spawning around.
In the forestry massif, from all sides, surrounded by cities with a multimillion population, lives or appear during migration. Spotted deer, moose, boars, mink, squirrel, build their huts ondatras, bobra dams are erected.
There are 13 types of day predatory birds and owls on the territory of the park, which are rare in the suburbs of the Kobchik and a small submap. Fishes are the most common pike, crucian, perch, roach, bream, nam.

Cultural heritage
Long history of the development of the edge and proximity to the "white-name" explain a large number cultural monuments On the territory of the park. During the archaeological excavations, the mounds were discovered by Vyatichi (XI-XII century), ancient Selishche. During the excavations in Alekseevskaya Grove, the remains of the palace constructions of the late XVII century were found.
The history of the Mytishchi pumping station is closely related to the device of the first in Russia of the self-veneer water supply time of Catherine II. Once in these parts stood a chapel on the famous thunder-key, the most abundant water source for a capital. And the station is white-named on the first Moscow district railway - A rare monument of industrial architecture.

What to look
NP "Losina Island" stores not only forests, once surrounding the Kremlin, but also the history of the rural population of the life of our ancestors. In the Museum "Russian Life", located in the estate of Losinoostrovsky Lesnia, you will see both the archaeological finds of the origins of Slavs and everyday items of the XIX-XX centuries. In winter, after a walk through the woods, in the hollow you can get warm at the stove, drink hot fragrant tea. On hot days, the house gives coolness. From here you can organize horseback walks in the park: in the summer in Tarantas, in winter - in the sleigh with the bubber.
Ecological trails of the "Elk Island" - one of the possibilities of a combination of recreation with the knowledge of nature and the history of the Moscow Okrain. The most visited route is the trail "such a familiar forest." It can be passed on it as independently and accompanied by a guide. The thick thickets of firs create a feeling of fabulous dense forest and it is difficult to believe that you are in Moscow, 2 km from Yaroslavl highway and just 15 km from the Kremlin.

Based on materials and

Moscow has a national park, which is located on the Loss Island. From him and got the name of the green array. The first mention of the park refers to 1406. The green array, located in the north-east of the capital, was a favorite territory for the royal falconry and robust hunting. Since then, "Losina Island" (Park) has not lost its attractiveness. But now the territory is used for other purposes.

History Park

The Losina Island National Park begins its history from the 15th century, but has acquired his status later. For the first time, the green array is mentioned in written sources during the period when Moscow has become the center of Northeast Russia. At that time, the island referred to the Thainsky parish, located along today's Yaroslavl highway. The park was very loved to hunt Ivan Grozny.

Later on the island there was a royal hunting economy. The park began to be called "sovereign trap" and acquired the status of the reserve. Stay still sat down on this territory, often with foreign ambassadors. The name "Losyina Island" appeared only in 1710 at the 18th century. He began to belong to the statement, and the territory hunt was banned by everyone without exception.

With the advent of St. Petersburg, attention to the park significantly decreased, and he began to overgrow the trees, the trees were mercilessly cut down with peasants for their own needs. In 1804, the position of the island has changed. Again resumed the protection of the forest massif. In 1805, the island again received the status of the reserve.

In 1822, the territory was divided into 55 blocks with their overall boundaries with one land shaft. Organized forestry began only in 1842. Until 1912, the revisions of natural wealth were conducted, and the island was divided into 4 parts: one operational and three reserves. The Losina Island National Park was created in August 1983. The reason for him was the decision of the ministry. Since then, the territory is considered a very valuable natural monument.

Park Description

Today, Losina Island (Moscow) has an area over 116 square kilometers. The forest array takes 80 percent of the territory. He is divided into three zones. The first is a reserved part of the park, in which rare species of birds and animals live. This part of the island is closed for visits and is carefully guarded.

The second zone is called training and excursion. Travel and environmental routes are laid through this territory, accompanied by professional guides. This part contains four visits. The third zone is called recreational. It is designed for a massive rest.

Location Park

Losina Island (Moscow) originates from Sokolnikov. He borders with cities:

  • Queens;
  • Balashikha;
  • Mytishchi;
  • Schelkovo.

Park "Losina Island" is located on the territory of 12,000 hectares, but only 2/3 of the forest array is located behind the Moscow Ring Road. From the southwestern border of the reserve to the Kremlin, only eight kilometers. The length of the park from the south to the north is 10 km, from the east to the west - 22 km.


"Losyina Island" (Park) is very beautiful. In the center of the territory there is a small swamp, which begins r. Jauza. And also in the reserve there are still many streams and water bodies forming a large water network. Previously, there were channels with a length of over 100 kilometers on the territory of the park. Now most of them are abandoned.

The largest channel is called Aculovsky and functions to CIR pores. He appeared in the pre-war years and connects the Pekhorcu River and Jauzu with the Volga. Through the Akulov Canal, water enters the Russian capital.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to the Alekseevskaya grove, which for a long time also had the status of the reserve. This is a unique territory whose age is 250 years old. There are many swamps in the park, and they occupy a fairly large area.

Vegetable world

"Losyina Island" (Park) is always, even in war time He was under the scrutiny of the country's leaders. Trees were constantly accepted on the territory. Thanks to the work of many volunteer-designers, the reserve acquired a wonderful appearanceWhat is evidenced by numerous reviews.

Now there are more than 800 species of various plants in the park: lichens, mushrooms, etc. Many plants are listed in the Red Book of Russia. In Alekseevskaya Grove, pine grows mainly. Miraculously survived the age-old limes, taiga yelniki and dublava. Herbaceous cover is also distinguished by a variety. In the park grow:

  • prolester;
  • lungwort;
  • hearshanka;
  • anemone ogtica;
  • mainicom Bilic;
  • sedge;
  • zelenchuk.

Many strawberries, blueberries and sour strawberries are growing in the park, what to visitors. Since he is replete with swamps, then in the territory in an excess of a lingonberry.

Animal world

The animals of the "Elk Island" are also different. There are over 280 species of birds and animals in the park. Among them:

  • 180 - feathered;
  • 8 - amphibians;
  • 4 - reptiles;
  • 40 - mammals;
  • over 20 - freshwater fish.

"Losyina Island" (Park) not in vain got its name. From the previous time, many horned pitfalls lived on the territory. The number of moose has been preserved to this day. In the post-war period, spotted deer appeared in the reserve.

Kabani began to come back, and now their population has increased significantly. Fully restored the number of beavers. A lot of fur animals are found in the reserve:

  • ermine;
  • squirrel;
  • black ferret;
  • marten;
  • mink.

At night in the park reign owls and bats. Perfectly get along with animals, harmoniously completing the reserve with its presence, rodents.

Biostanization on the "Losina Island"

The biosania in the Park "Losina Island" is located next to the Hsentman. This is the place where it is allowed not only to look at the workshops. You can iron and feed not only adult individuals, but also a cub. Moshi belong to this calmly. These are very cautious animals and in wildlife Always try to avoid meetings with people.

On the biostancture, man-fated has already become accustomed to the presence of a person and willingly go to contact. Employees of the nature reserve are told those who want the features of animal behavior, their domestication and nutrition. There are separate individual excursions. In winter, you can even watch the spotted deer. Visiting the biostation is carried out by appointment.

How to get to the bios?

Before the biostation will have to have long. From the metro station "VDNH" towards the region there are many regular buses. You need to sit on any of them and get to the first stop after MKAD. Going before turning towards the village of Friendship. Then walking on the main road for another 40 minutes. The path will take approximately 4 kilometers and passes through the village.

When the road rides in the forest array, you must turn left. From there the barrier with the checkpoint will be visible. Go all the time directly, on the fork, turn left and get to the bios, which is equipped with a gate.

Loss Island (Park): How to get?

You can do this in several options. The entrance to the park is located on the side of the streets of Potchchchchik and Rotherta. Nearby are metro stations "Babushkinskaya" and "Medvedkovo". To the park quickly get from the railway platforms elk.

And you can go on buses number 136 and 172, which depart from the metro station "VDNH". To another part of the park tram number 29, 36 and 12. They depart from Art. m. "Podbelsky Street."

See also: