Who erected the brick walls around the Kremlin. Walk on the Kremlin Wall

  • Today's facilities were built mostly in 1485-1495 The years is not a place of dilapidated white-stone walls, erected in 1366.
  • Fortress with twenty towersconnected by walls, has a triangular shape.
  • Three angular towers Have a round shape for conducting a circular shelling, the rest are square, very different from one another.
  • Kremlin Wall Length 2335 m, The height is 8-19 m, and its thickness is 3.5-6.5 m.
  • Towers are inherent in the details characteristic of italian architecture The time that is not surprising, as they built their Italian architects.
  • IN task names Reflects their history and history of the place.

The towers of the Moscow Kremlin with isochi tents and walls with teeth in the form of "swallow tails" are indispensable elements of the panorama of the capital. In place where the Kremlin stands, the settlement was from ancient times. This location is very profitable: on a high Borovitsky hill, in the confluence of two rivers - Moscow-River and Neglinnaya. The first fortifications that appeared here were wooden. And in 1366-1368, Prince Dmitry Donskaya built the first white-mounted Moscow Kremlin. The walls and towers that appear before us now are the basis of its fortification structures built in 1485-1495. Italian architects on the site of the former, dilapidated white-stone walls.

Kremlin Construction Technique and Fortress Plan

Twenty-Kremlin towers connected by the walls, form an irregular triangle with an area of \u200b\u200b27.5 hectares. Strengthening were built with the most modern military technologies of the XV century. The towers are behind the walls of the walls so that the warriors can not only lead the shelling, but also control the situation in close proximity to the walls. At the corners, round towers (waterway, Moskvoretskaya and Arsenal) were erected - such a form was chosen both due to their greater strength and to keep a circular shelling. In them, it was possible to arrange hidden wells with water. Most towers are squares at the base, but they differ quite very much from each other, depending on their purpose. Travel towers (Spasskaya, Borovitskaya, Trinity and others), erected on the axes leading to the Kremlin roads were the most powerful and well fortified. The towers were endowed with the symbolic meaning of protection, the protection of the Kremlin from penetrating the evil, unclean forces. Therefore, over the gates of some towers and today you can see icons.

Most towers were attached groovers - fortification structures, which were taken out for the fortress walls or for the ditch for additional defense. This type of fortification quite responded to the requirements of the end of the XV century. One-Kutafya was preserved from the Trenznitz towers, covering the Trinity and in our time, which serves as the main entrance for tourists to the Kremlin. With the construction of the fortifications, different measures were provided against the attack of the enemy. This, for example, a device of secret underground strokes that are out of the walls to protect the city from the subcoops. Inside the walls, a through tunnel was built for the rapid movement of defenders.

The length of the walls of the Moscow Kremlin is 2235 meters, the wall thickness ranges from 3.5 to 6.5 meters, and the height is from 8 to 19 meters. The highest walls are located from the Red Square, where there was no natural Oh water barrier. The walls were not built immediately, their construction began with the southeastern part (by the Moscow-River), continued to the east and the West was completed in 1516. From the south side was erected and the most old tower Kremlin - Tainitskaya.

Interesting and self-construction technique itself. The walls were built on the foundation of the former, white-named, the material was a large red brick, which was laid out the front walls, and the gaps were pushed by the residues of the collapsed day walls of Dmitry Donskoy. So since 1485, the Walls of the Moscow Kremlin acquired the recognizable color. The towers were erected by visitors of Italian architects (phryazes, as they were then called): Pietro Antonio Solari, Marco Ruffo, Aleviz di Karkano. This explains their unusual, strange appearance for that time. The fact is that the registration of boys in the form of famous "swallow tails" was a typical detail of North-Thawed architecture, characteristic of buildings in the cities where the ruling "party" were death - supporters of rapprochement with the emperor (unlike Gutev, supporters of Pope, who decorated Walls of their cities with a direct completion). These teeth were not only an ornament: they fured out the upper battleships.

The angular and travel towers after the next fire were decorated in the XVII century stone tents with flora. They performed the function of sentigious steps, the signal bells were located there. In the second half of the XVIII century. Famous Russian architects V.I. Bazhenov performed the project of the Kremlin Palace - a large-scale building in a classic style resembling the architecture of French palaces. The project was proposed to be seduced by a turden the slide, leading to the cathedrals - this place would be one of the first "Gulbić" in Europe. To build such a huge structure, it was necessary to carry a third of the Kremlin walls. On one site, which is located in the Moscow River, work began on the disintegration of fortifications, but soon due to the growing worst huge costs, this project was minimized. In the XIX century During the invasion of Napoleon to Moscow, not only the palaces and temples of the Kremlin, but also the Kremlin walls were seriously damaged. Architect who was engaged in the restoration of the victims of the Kremlin towers, was O.I. Beauvais (ironically, the Italian is also).

Spasskaya Tower and Kremlin Kurats

Special mention deserves the most famous of all Kremlin Tessel - Spasskaya, built in 1491 Pietro Antonio Solari. Through her, sovereigns went to the Kremlin and godded gods. From the XV century We reached us only by dedicational white plates, which are narrated by Cyrillic (from the Kremlin) and on Latin (from the side of Red Square) about the order and construction of this tower. Its general view and decoration were then much more modest: she was almost twice as little, and she was originally called Frolovsky, along the Church of Flora and Lavra. The Spasskaya Tower began to be called on the well-known all-Russian Savior icon, which was posted on the entrance in the middle of the XVII century. She was considered lost, but in 2010 it turned out that in Soviet times she was just stucked by plaster. In the XVII century The tower of one of the first was prescribed by multi-tiered elegant riding. And the history of the clock on the Spasskaya Tower deserves a separate story.

The first hours on the Kremlin, still white-named towers were installed in 1404 by Lazarre Serbin. In the XVII century, the Spasskaya Tower acquired thanks to the leaving of Scotland Christopher Galovery, very unusual hours. They were an arrow in the form of a sun with a rotating dial, which was noted 17 hours. The famous Kremlin chimes, which can be seen today belong to the middle of the XIX century. They were met by watchmakers, brothers by the name Bathotop - the founders of the company of the same name. At different times, the chimes published different melodies. Since 1770, it was a song "Ah, my dear Augustine", from the middle of the XIX century. - "If we are famous for our Lord in Zion," after the revolution, the clock began to play "International", and since 2000 it is possible to hear the famous passage from the opera Glinka "life for the king". Currently, the hourly mechanism occupies as many as three floors, and until 1937, this watch was manually cast-iron.

Famous towers of the Kremlin and the history of their names

Let's stop in more detail on the history of some towers. As already mentioned, the corner towers are most important for the defense and in general. The water tower was built by Anton Fryazin in 1488. In the XVII century The tower was equipped with a water-lifting machine, which is why it received its name. Another her name is the Sweet Tower - comes from the boyars of Sviblovy, who had a yard in the Kremlin. In 1812, she was blown up by the French, after which she was restored by OI. Bovy. Thanks to him, her appearance is emphasized classic: rustic (horizontal lines) at the bottom, column, decorative decoration of auditory windows. The first place is decorative, not functionality, the hand of the architect began the beginning of the XIX century.

The Beklemishev Tower, built by Marco Ruffo in 1487, was named so because of the King of King Vasily III Boyarin I. Beklemisheva, who fell into disfavor and was executed. One of the functions of this tower becomes obvious from the name - the place of imprisonment of the rebels. The other name is Moskvoretskaya, as it is located on the banks of the Moscow River and occupies a strategically important position. It is from this side that the city is most often subjected to raids of the Tatars. A secret well was arranged in this tower. In 1707, the buyers were expanded in the tower for a new type weapon, because at that time feared the Swedish intervention. This fact suggests that the tower did not lose defensive significance until the XVIII century.

The angular round tower, located on the northern side of the Kremlin buildings, was erected by Pietro Antonio Solary Ok. 1492 Other its names occur from the boyars of the dog, who lived nearby (Dogkin) and from location next to Arsenal (Arsenal). Thanks to the faces that form its volume, and the expanding book, it gives the impression of special stability and strength. She had a strategic mystery: this is a well inside as well underground move Neglinnaya river.

Borovitskaya tower received its name from the pine forest hill that was in ancient times on the Borovitsky hill. The tower is built on the project of Pietro Antonio Solari in 1490. Its constructive feature is the location of the Sprinkle side. It is also an angular, but in terms of it is not a round, but resembles a pyramid, which is formed from the chimeters set on each other (volumes, quadrangular at the base) and is marked with octolar (octagonal at the base). Although this tower was located outside the main roads and was used for household needs, it retained to this day: these are the only permanent travel gates to the Kremlin's territory.

Troitskaya and Kutafia Tower were built by Aleviz Fryazin. Kutafia dates back to 1516, Troitskaya - 1495. These towers are connected by the bridge, both were travel, and in Kutafiy Tower there were only some gates that were closed with heavy forged lattices. To date, this is the main entrance to the Kremlin architectural and museum complex. The Troitskaya Tower is the largest, its height reaches 76.35 meters. Its structure is complex: it consists of six floors, two of which are underground, and in the XVII and XVIII centuries. She was the place of imprisonment. It received its name in 1658 from the Troitsky Foreigner, located nearby.

The Townitskaya Tower is called so due to the fact that not only a secret well was built inside it, but also a counted move towards the Moscow River. This tower was built first, in 1485 - it was from this side that Tatars were usually attacked.

The Kremlin Wall is built in 1485-1495. From red brick. Its length is 2,235 meters. The wall, as if by following the outline of the Kremlin hill, becomes higher, then below. The thickness of the Kremlin wall is 3.5-6.5 meters at a height of 5 to 19 meters. There are 20 towers of various heights, shapes and styles.

Today we do walking on the Kremlin Wall And we will take it on the inaccessible towers.

It was probably one of my most complex filming. Not one month left for her approval - I had to collect many signatures, write a list of desired points and get a dozen permissions. At some point I have already forgotten about the Kremlin, how suddenly the shooting was taken and allowed!

The list of desired points was severely cut - they did not allow shooting from the roofs of buildings, they were not allowed to rise to some towers, but most importantly, the Kremlin wall was left. Take a walk on the Kremlin walls, climbing the inaccessible towers, was mine long-standing dreamAnd now she was realized!

Such a staircase leads to the Spasskaya Tower. There are two platforms on the tower, one under the clock, the second above them:

Trees grow on the Spasskaya Tower! Almost every side for the clock, it is not visible from Red Square, but they are there:

Bricks on the floor of the Spasskaya Tower:

View of the Red Square from the Spasskaya Tower:

View of the historic museum and mausoleum from the Spasskaya Tower:

Kremlin wall. View S. Konstantino Elelenian Tower:

Behind the wall, everything is not so beautiful as in tourist areas. for example beclemishevskaya Tower Complicated some kind of garbage. On the left you can see the mount for the Kremlin Christmas tree:

On the Kremlin wall stands the illumination spotlight. Walking freely there is difficult:

Staircase in one of the towers. Most towers empty inside, there is electrical equipment and communications:

Despite a large number of Sensors and cameras, urban crazy sometimes try to take the wall by storm.

W. kremlin Wall Between the Commandat and Trinity Towers there is an interesting civilian building of the mid XVII century. - the so-called hasting palace:

In the XIX century In the drosst palace, a commandant of Moscow lived, in the XX century there was the first Kremlin apartment I.V. Stalin (until 1932). The racing palace is the only preserved in the Kremlin architectural monument Boyarsky housing.

Commandant Tower:

View of S. observation deck Borovitsky Tower on the Armory Chamber and BKD:

Kremlin wall, view from the tower:

Behind the wall are so such traps for Roron. It happens in the cage up to 200 birds. Further fate is not known. What do you think then do with the crowns? FSO employee denied information about what Crow Cutlets in the Kremlin Dining Room 😉

Bench in the Tenitsky Garden. President sat on her:

On some towers there is a phone Special Communications:

Walls inside some towers do not differ from household entrances in dysfunctional areas. This refutes the theory of some scientists that Srut and shove there, where dirty. The Kremlin is very pure, but cattle shits even in the age-old Kremlin walls:

Surprisingly, there is a gate on the wall. Here they need so that the musicians of the Presidential Orchestra, located in the Troitskaya Tower, could not escape 😉

Along the Kremlin wall there are many pipes:

And this is a greenhouse, in it growing plants, which adorn the interiors of the premises of the Kremlin:

Eternal flame Glory at the grave of an unknown soldier:

Grotto "Ruins" In the Alexandrovsky Garden:

Doors in the old tower:

And that's Tsarskaya Tower. A small turret is put straight on the wall in the 80s of the XVII century between the Spasskaya and the Battle Tower of the Kremlin. Her octahedral tent on the bunny pillars is reminded by the ruddock rudders of the steep residential chorus at this time:

The name of the tower is associated with the legend, according to which she served as a kind of canopy over the royal throne, from where the Sovereign of All Russia could watch the events occurring in Red Square from the Kremlin's walls.

And this is a sunset from the Spasskaya Tower:

The oldest center of Moscow - Moscow Kremlin - was laid as the strengthening of a small settlement located on Borovitsky Hill, when his story began.

The first mention of Moscow was found in the annals for 1147. They also reported that the Wooden Walls of the Kremlin were erected by order of Yuri Dolgoruky. Initially, the size of the fortress was small, the length of the wall reached 1200 meters.

Versions of origin The words "Kremlin" there are several.

According to one of them, this name occurred from the name of the central part of the ancient cities, called the "chrome." Another version suggests that the word it could happen from the "Kremlin", a very durable tree, going to the construction of serfs. There is even the assumption that the roots of this word are Greek, i.e. "Cream is a cool mountain, a steepness of the ravine or shore. Judging by the fact that the fortress is built, this version has the full right to exist.

But all this does not change the essence, which is concluded in the fact that the Moscow Kremlin is the largest of fortresses preserved in Europe.

And at first it was a slight fortification on an area of \u200b\u200babout nine hectares, where they could hide in the threat of an enemy attack by residents of Posads, located behind the walls of the fortress. Over time, the pans have grown, and the fortress has grown together with them.

New Walls of the Kremlin raised during the reign of Ivan Kalita. They were inside the stone, but outside wooden and ash clay.

Noteworthy is the fact that even in the difficult years of Iga in Russia, Moscow princes rebuilt the existing and erected new fortresses. So, when Dmitry, Donskoy Kremlin, who was injured in a fire of 1365, was rebuilt. For the construction of walls, the length of which has become about two kilometers, and the Kremlin towers used a white stone. Since then, in the chronicles, Moscow began to call a white-named.

At the very beginning of the XVIII century Peter I orders to endure the range of the Kremlin government agencies. All dilapidated buildings are demolished, and the arsenal building is laid. It is built from 1702 to 1736. From 1776 to 1788 in the Kremlin, the building of the Senate with a blocked dome of the spectacular round hall was built.

In the middle of the nineteenth century, the idea of \u200b\u200berection of the Grand Kremlin Palace appears. There were many projects, but built it according to the drawings of the architect K.A. Tone. Year of construction - 1839-1849.

Tangible damage is applied to the buildings of the Moscow Kremlin in 1812.

Napoleon during the retreat from Moscow ordered to blow up the Kremlin. Mines laid under buildings, walls and towers. Some explosions were prevented, thanks to Russian patriots, but, nevertheless, significant destruction still happened. After the French emperor was expelled from the country, they began to restore the destroyed palaces, towers and walls, then completed the Armory Chamber and the Big Kremlin Palace. In those days, the Moscow Kremlin was available for visiting. Visitors entered the territory through an open Spasskit Gate, bowing to the pre-icon of the Savior.

Kremlin in Moscow after the revolution of 1917

In 1917, a Junker was located on the territory of the Kremlin. As a result of the shelling, which was produced by revolutionary troops, the Moscow Kremlin was partially destroyed: the walls, the Small Nikolaev palace, almost all the cathedrals, Beklemishevskaya, Nikolskaya and Spasskaya Tower were damaged.

In 1918, V.I. moved to the Kremlin Lenin and the entire government of Soviet Russia, since the capital is transferred to Moscow. Because of this, the bells in the Kremlin are shut down, the temples are closed, Muscovites are deprived of free access to the territory.

The dissatisfaction of the believing closure of cathedrals was quickly discontinued by Yakov Sverdlov, who did not slow down to announce the primacy of the interests of the revolution over all prejudices. In 1922, more than thirty kilograms of gold were seized from the cult buildings of the Moscow Kremlin, about five hundred kilograms of silver, the Patriarch of Hermogene and more than a thousand different gems.

Kremlin architectural ensemble During the Soviet authorities suffered more than the entire previous history of its existence.

Of the 54 structures indicated on the Plan of the Kremlin at the very beginning of the past century, less than half remained. Monuments of Alexander II are demolished, the Great Prince Sergey Alexandrovich. The congresses of the Soviets began to spend the congresses of the Soviets in the Big Kremlin Palace, in the Granovy Chamber staged a public table, and in the Golden Chamber - the kitchen. The Catherine Church of the Ascension Monastery adapted for the gym, the Kremlin Hospital is located in a miracle monastery. In the thirties, the Small Nikolaev Palace and all monasteries with the buildings were demolished. In the ruins, almost the whole eastern part of the Moscow Kremlin turned. Soviet government destroyed 17 temples.

It took a lot of years before the Moscow Kremlin began to restore.

The celebration of the eight hundredth anniversary of Moscow conducted a thorough restoration of towers and walls. The artists of Phane in the Blagoveshchensky Cathedral were opened by the walls of 1508. A large volume of restoration work was held in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral (wall painting restored). A large restoration was also held in the Assumption Cathedral.

The ban on accommodation in the Kremlin was introduced since 1955, and an ancient architectural ensemble becomes a museum, partially open for visiting.

In modern multicast Moscow, the Kremlin remains historic Mozthat millions of tourists seek to visit millions of tourists, hoping to touch the history of the White Capital, to feel and understand it.

The Moscow Kremlin to this day is the main socio-political, artistic, historical and religious and spiritual center of Russia. In addition, the Moscow Kremlin is the official residence of the President of the Russian Federation.

UNESCO in 1990 included the Moscow Kremlin, the history of which continues to the list of world cultural heritage.

Moscow Kremlin is the main attraction of the city. It is easy to get to it. There are several metro stations, coming out of which you can walk to the Kremlin. Station Aleksandrovsky Garden will withdraw you how easy it is possible to guess, straight into the Alexandrovsky Garden. There will be already visible by Kutafya Tower, where they sell tickets to the territory of the Kremlin and in the Armory Chamber. You can also go to Art. Library to them. IN AND. Lenin. In this case, Kutafia Tower will be visible across the road. Stations of the Revolution Square and China City will bring you to the Red Square, only from different sides. The first - from the state Historical Museum, the second is from the side. You can still go to the Okhotny Row - if there is a desire to walk along the same trading row. Just be prepared for unusual prices)).

About prices in the museums of the Kremlin. A visit to the Kremlin - the pleasure is not cheap. One and a half hours of visit to - will cost 700 rubles., - 500 rubles, take a walk with inspection - 500 rubles. Read more about museums and some nuances about their visiting, which should be known for see links.

The Kremlin is called not only the walls with the towers, as some think, but all that is located inside it. Behind the walls on the land of the Moscow Kremlin there are cathedrals and squares, palaces and museums. This summer is Cathedral Square Every Saturday at 12:00 shows his skill of the Kremlin regiment. If you get a break in the Kremlin, I will write about it.

The history of the Moscow Kremlin.

The word "Kremlin" is very old. Kremlin or Decints in Russia called the fortified part in the city center, in other words, the fortress. In the old days there were different times. It happened that inconspicuous enemy forces were attacked on Russian cities. Then then the inhabitants of the city were going to protect their Kremlin. Old and small fenced behind his powerful walls, and those who could keep the weapon in their hands, defended from the walls of the Kremlin.

The first settlement on the site of the Kremlin arose about 4,000 years ago. It was installed archaeologists. Here were found fragments of clay pots, stone axes and flint tips of arrows. These things once used the ancient settlers.

The construction site of the Kremlin was not chosen by chance. The Kremlin is built on a high hill, from two sides of the rivers surrounded by the rivers: Moscow-River and Neglinnaya. The high location of the Kremlin allowed to notice enemies from a larger distance, and the rivers served as a natural obstacle on their way.

Initially, the Kremlin was wooden. Around its walls was embarrassed by an earthen shaft for greater reliability. The remains of these fortifications were found during the construction work now in our time.

It is known that the first wooden walls on the site of the Kremlin were built in 1156 by order of Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. These data are preserved in the ancient chronicles. In early 14th century, Ivan Kalita began to edit the city. Kalita in ancient Russia called a bag for money. The prince was so nicknamed because he had accumulated great wealth and always wore a small bag with money. Prince Kalita decided to decorate and strengthen his city. He commanded to build the Kremlin new walls. They were cut down from strong oak trunks, such thick, as they do not grab their hands.

In the next ruler of Moscow - Dmitry Donskoy Kremlin built other walls - stone. From all over the county collected in Moscow the masters of the Stonework. And in 1367 They began to work. People worked without a break, and soon the Borovitsky hill was looked by a powerful stone wall, 2, and then 3 meters. She was built from limestone, which was mined in a quarry near Moscow from the village of Mechkovo. The Kremlin struck the contemporaries by the beauty of his white walls, which since then the Moscow began to call white.

Prince Dmitry was a very bold man. He always fought in the first rows and it was he who headed the struggle against the conquerors from the Golden Horde. In 1380, his army broke the army of Khan Mamai on the Kulikov field, which is not far from the Don River. This battle was nicknamed Kulikovskaya, and the prince since then received the nickname Don.

The White Kremlin stood over 100 years. During this time, much has changed. Russian lands united into one strong state. Moscow became its capital. It happened under Moscow Prince Ivan III. Since then, he became the name of the Grand Duke of All Russia, and historians call him the "collector of the land of Russian."

Ivan III gathered the best Russian masters and invited Aristotle Few from the distant Italy, Antonio Solaryo and other famous architects. And under the leadership of Italian architects on Borovitsky hill, new construction began. In order not to leave the city without a fortress, the builders were erected by a new Kremlin in parts: disassembled the section of the old white-name wall and in its place quickly built a new one - from bricks. Suitable for its manufacture of clay in the vicinity of Moscow was quite a lot. However, clay - the material is soft. So that the brick become hard, it was burned in special furnaces.

Over the years of construction, Russian masters stopped treating Italian architects as strangers, and even their names were redesigned to the Russian way. So Antonio became Anton, and the sophisticated Italian surname replaced the nickname Fryazin. Overseas lands Our ancestors were called Fryazhsky, and out of there - fryazinam.

Built a new Kremlin for 10 years. The fortress from two sides was protected by the river, and at the beginning of the 16th century. From the third party, the Kremlin dug wide ditch. He connected two rivers. Now the Kremlin has been protected by water obstacles from all sides. They were erected one after the other, equipped with their rejected archers for consuming defense capability. Together with the update of the fortress wall, the construction of such famous as Asspensky, Arkhangelsky and Blagoveshchensky took place.

After the wedding on the kingdom of Romanov, the construction of the Kremlin went in reinforced pace. Philaretovov was built near the bell tower of Ivan the Great, Teremnaya, the fun palaces, the Patriarchal Chambers and the Cathedral of the Twelve Apostles. In Peter I, an arsenal building is erected. But after the transfer of the capital to Petersburg, the new buildings stopped erected.

During the Board of Catherine II, a number of ancient buildings and part of the southern wall under the construction of a new palace are demolished. But soon work was canceled by official version Due to the lack of financing, according to the unofficial - due to the negative opinion of the public. In 1776-87. The building of the Senate was built

During the invasion of Napoleon, the Kremlin was enormous damage. They were desecrated, the churches were looted, a part of the walls, towers and buildings blew up during the retreat. In 1816-19. Restoration work was held in the Kremlin. By 1917 In the Kremlin was 31 temple.

During the October Revolution, the Kremlin is subjected to bombardment. In 1918, the Government of the RSFSR moves to the Senate Building. Under the Soviet power in the Kremlin build Kremlin Palace Congresses, installed stars on the towers, put on the pedestals, repeatedly restored the walls and structures of the Kremlin.

See also: