The best holiday for a man and the most interesting vacation for women. What is the difference? Male rest

How to say a guy compliments? 100 best compliments who want to hear every man every day!

First of all, it should be noted that compliments are made not only to girls and beautiful words say not only to the beloved women - they can also be even necessary to make men.

In fact, the guys love compliments are also strongly like a girl, but gentlemen get them much less often, at least girls are made by their favorite guys with compliments at times less than the opposite.

A good, beautiful compliment significantly raises men's self-esteem and strengthens self-confidence, so such a psychological "vitamin" is a necessary condition for good relationship with your loved one.

Unfortunately, the wife (civil and official), and also like loving and caring, it seems to be affectionate and gentle girls of the Words and beautiful, necessary and important telling their expensive satellites of life extremely rarely and not always aptive.

But criticize your partners, we, women, always far and do it often, a lot, tasteful and without reminders. And then surprised, abandoned wives, why the husbands left them and left the family to other girls - more joyful, cheerful and positive, who not only know how, but also know how, and really make the guys compliments from all his heart and heart.

If your favorite young man is still near you, but lovingly family relationships are already left to desire the best, it's time to resort to the art of beautifully talking compliments.

After all, this is not just your boyfriend - this is a brave and brave hero, a caring gentleman, a generous knight or a gallant cavalier, which can make you feel like a princess, and all thanks to a skillful compliment, a couple in time and beautifully said words to the loved one.

In order to raise the mood to man the best compliments in the world, it is necessary to understand that men and women love different types of "praises".

For example, a compliment that is guaranteed to enjoy the girl is practically guaranteed to insult or embarrass the guy. Now I will focus on this.

The male rule of an excellent compliment - if you want to make a compliment to a man, you need to emphasize and emphasize his "masculinity."

Men are very sensitive to criticism and very quickly recognize insincerity, flattery and lies, so try to avoid watering your beloved guy with "empty admirations", not supported by anything.

therefore Speak only what you really think- Do not overload the beloved by untrue words, leading from the cute and sweet conversation to wicked glooming, because he, definitely, it will feel ... And maybe will revenge you, or even worse - will cease to trust.

How do men react to compliments?

Imagine that you called our favorite "real gentleman" - and he will begin to open all the doors before you and will try to justify such a high confidence, will be struggling to behave like a really educated and polite young man. Inspired, by the way, your beautiful words and your faith in that, he is really such a space knight!

Aphorism about compliments

Girl compliments: Ability to take beautiful compliments from men

If you are thanks to your boyfriend or husband for his kindness and generosity, care and affection, love and good attitude, he will always want to give you more and more to be worthy of your tender and gentle words, thanks and high marks.

If you, like a loving woman or dear wife, call your beloved man "talented" and "skillful", he wants to move the mountains for you and dry the oceans, will try to make everything as much as possible as much as possible.

Therefore, instead of criticizing your loved one, give him a sincere high rating and say good, kind compliment from the soul.

And most an important rule How to make a compliment to a man so that he will remember him for life: Your words should be sincere and praise it is necessary for a particular thing - say who is the author of the compliment (you or someone else), for what exactly praise why, noted, How exactly he did something cool.

Make a compliment from the heart so your lap phrase was cardiac, spiritual, honest and deserved.

Speak the words gently and gently, a pleasant cute voice, tell about your love and how you appreciate your beloved man as often as possible.

And if you still have to express your discontent with my husband or guy, then instead of criticism and swearing, it is better to tell him that already well (give psychological candy), then just say that it would be possible to improve (offer changes to his behavior for the better ), And then say again, which is already good (let's give candy again).

And now, let's get acquainted with the list of 100 compliments to a man.

The 100 best and most beautiful guy words you love and which you can decorate his life by making it more pleasant, easy and inspired:

You're so clever!

You have such big muscles - just iron banks!

You are a very soulful man.

Nobody never understood me and does not understand how you are.

Yes Dear. Of course, a loved one.

My dear, I'm sure you can cope!

I am sure that you will find the best solution.

Just you understand me!

You will succeed - I believe it, I just know it.

You are so handsome!

Wow! What biceps!

You are a very influential person.

My favorite !

You are the strongest.

Thanks for your affection, tenderness and care, my cute.

Gentle lion.


Passionate tiger!

Smart, kind, strong - you are an ideal man.

I love you.

You my hero!

Medieval knights next to you rest 🙂

The beast is stronger than the husband!

You are the best lover in the world! I had never been so good with any man.

I adore you.

What are your beautiful eyes.

A real man!

You are so kind, gentle, gentle - I just touch in your arms, becoming sticky and wet, like a chocolate ice cream ...

You are the best of the best !

Just my ideal!

I do not know whether the guys are steeper you, but if they exist, then more cool and cool than you, definitely not!

Thank you for you to rely on you.

Next to you I can relax and feel like a weak woman.

You are very reliable - I feel good with you.

Reliable strong male shoulder - yours.

You are my wall, fortress and stronghold! I am behind you - as behind the stone wall.

Just a fearless hero!

Well, you and the brave!


You are so charming.

Your charm is irresistible.

The embodiment of all my ideals.

Male perfection!

You have a very relaxing smile.

Powered appearance, very aristocratic. Does anyone from the ancestors have a nobleman?

Who can compare with you in the sense of humor?

My and only my ...

You have a stunning sense of humor.

Next to you I feel always calm and protected.

You are a bright and multifaceted personality.

Next to you I can be myself true.

Your charm is impossible to resist.

You are the most cool lover in the world.

Only you can deliver such deep pleasure to me ...

You are a very bright and non-trivial person, I always have something to talk about, you always affect such important and necessary, interesting topics.

You are a chic interlocutor.

Only with you I constantly laugh, you probably know what buttons to harm to make me laugh.

I sometimes seem to know me better than I myself.

You dressed so beautifully to seduce me and (again) fall in love with yourself!

With you my dreams about happy love come true!

I feel with you everywhere like at home.

Your smile ... it's something! Just charming.

You are so funny!

You look very cool and courageously.

This costume (T-shirt, shirt) is very good to your face.

You are the most attractive man not only on Earth, but in the whole of the universe!

I love your eyes, your forehead, ears, nose, lips, cheeks, fingers, hands, legs ... I love you all - thanks for choosing me ... You made me the happiest woman on earth.

My favorite! I am a very lucky girl - I was very lucky that I was with you.

You're such a clockwork!

A more energetic and enchanting guy than you still need to search.

You have a big kind heart.

My delicious.

Brave, brave, courageous - and at the same time caring and gallant cavalier.

Surprisingly, how quickly you coped with it!

Amazing how quickly you reacted to this difficult situation on the road - I would definitely be confused in your place.

You are the best programmer in the world!

A more lucky businessman in the world is not!

The most talented.


What are you sexy!

Hot stallion!

And you also creative, it turns out!

In this costume you look awesome.

You have a calm, discreet, concise men's style.

What are you romantic.

You understand me so!

Real Gentleman!

The best dad in the world!

I am sure that my husband is the most wonderful in the world.

I love you so much!

Next to you I feel myself a real lady or even the queen.

You are preparing better than me! Your omelet is the most delicious.

You are a born driver from God.

I'm so proud of you.

You call me sincere respect!

You are striking me!

You inspire me!

You are a cup of my beloved tea, which I so thirst to drink!

So, now you know how to make compliments to your beloved man, and I hope that now you will often practice the art of speaking beautiful words, delight, admiration and thanks.

And a few more advice of the psychologist, as competently pour honey into the men's ears, so that he heard and asked for more sweets.

And women and men are needed compliments to feel important and necessary to feel that they love them and appreciate. Even those people who claim that they are not interested in someone else's opinion, they still shine, when hears that someone highly appreciated their well-done work or recognized their merit.

In our modern society it is believed that women are more complimed than men that only girls need to give love through gentle words and beautiful compliments, but it is actually not quite so. Men are a good word and pleasant to their gratefulness thanks sometimes are not less than women.

Let's now get acquainted with the basic rules of affectionate and beautiful words guy and pleasant, gentle compliments to men. So, for what and how to praise a man.

1. Praise his sense of humor

Compliments Man - Beautiful Words Guy

Something simple like "You are the most funny man of all I just knew." Can very much to elevate you in his eyes. Men love to be ridiculous, adore when they appreciate their sense of humor, and feel excellently when the girl laughs at his jokes. If your beloved is really strong in humor, be sure to note his cool sense of humor - leave on this a positive commentary or witty review.

2. Ask your favorite council or ask for help

Thus, you raise his self-esteem - asking for the Council to admit that he is smart and you need intellectual assistance on his part. And the men are really great in making decisions and solve a number of problems. And if the advice or help will be really wonderful and effective, thank!

3. Its appearance

Evaluate its appearance. Praise your beloved if he really looks cool, make a remark on this topic out loud.

"I love your green eyes" or "I love your strong, powerful legs, you are an excellent runner" - such simple beautiful words about the appearance of the second half will make him feel the winner.

In fact, many externally confident business men have major doubts about their attractiveness, physique or behavior. Therefore, the deserved praise will definitely increase his self-esteem and ascends to heaven.

4. Do compliments to a man for his real achievements

The secret is that if you share the success of your man, then he wants you to recognize his achievements and highly appreciated them in verbal and non-verbal forms. Even if the clean-pane is modest and not seem to not like high words and ODD to their address, he still wants you to notice, appreciated and with him celebrated his triumph.

If your knight gained promotion, won the race, earned a million or just even punished his friends - use it as a reason for approval, a good word, compliment.

5. Admire his power

Yes, perhaps it sounds and primitively, but the guys still like to wear heavy bags instead of the beloved girl and change the wheel of her car. At the same time, young people like it when their power and strength notice, their courage and generosity of this gentleman are noted.

6. Adore him charm, charm

Guys like to hear and know that your family and friends respect him, love and high appreciate. If you are a wise wife, a smart girl, then with the help of a compliment to your beloved, you can raise him the mood and inspire that he is the most-most.

Just chosen phrase:

"You made a huge impression on my parents - I just struck them out, in a good sense!"

"All my friends are jealous of what I have a cool guy, each would like to be in my place"

can make a super-star of a state scale from ordinary guy.

7. Explain its exploits in bed!

It is no secret that men often identify themselves with their male strength. If your knight is beautiful in bed - just tell him about it, because this is the best compliment for the guy. Making you a pleasant one once and getting a chic feedback From you, he wants to deliver pleasure more and more ...

8. Give a high assessment of his mind

Make a compliment to his knowledge of politics, economy, business, give properly to his professionalism, ask him questions about those topics in which he is well understandable, let him share what he worries him. When your favorite will see your interest in what is interesting for himself, it will strengthen your relationship and improve mutual understanding between you.

9. Speak the words of admiration for his professionalism

As if we, wives, sometimes I would not like to believe in it, but many men identify themselves with what they do and in what way they earn their lives. Make a compliment of a guy about his work, tell me what is amazed by his professionalism, noted what his responsible position he has a great contribution to the important and necessary people.

10. Slightly push

If the girl is completely jealous of his companion of life, it increases his self-esteem, shows what kind of popular and sought-after comrade. A little jealousy in the most moderate quantities will make him feel an unsurpassed man.

11. Do you want to do a really cool compliment to a man? Humble him in humans!

You should not say beautiful words to your beloved person only in particular personal moments of Tet-a-Tet - tell all your friends, Pope and Mama talk about what you have a good, listing his dignity. It not only pollen him, but also proves that you really love him.

12. Make a compliment to his dance pas

Men are divided into 2 groups - on those who dance, and who do not dance. Those who do not dance are courageous boys who are not exchanged for trifles - they are beautifully dancing in bed in bed. And those who dance on the disco in the nightclub - should know that they are moving better than everyone.

13. Believe in it and his successful future

Guys are big dreamers and adore when a favorite girl believes in him and supports his dreams, believes that he really will achieve that even the most daring his goals will be able to achieve.

Encourage your beloved - listen carefully to him, ask clarifying questions, sense a couple of compliment on its plans and future projects.

Men love those who believe in them.

14. Note his luxurious smile

Of course, he has the most charming and attractive smile in the world. Of course, he has the most outdoor and having smile. With it, it is possible to intelligently, and core, and intelligently mumble.

15. And the best compliment of a man is never to put up with his absence, as with due

It is not necessary to impose and be intrusive, it is not worthwhile to control the lover. But if there is no beloved near, they went to him love sms, they say, I miss you, without you, I feel bad. Sometimes I call, remind yourself. Ask more often: "How will I be without you?", "What will I do without you?", "Thank you for being in my life."

Every man wants to know that he plays the most important role in the life of his beloved and gently loving his woman.

I hope that now you not only know how to praise a guy in gentle and gentle, pleasant words, but you will really use them in daily communication.

A compliment is a giving water for a flower of your relationship: the more often you water - the beautiful flower of your love!

Tatiana Molchanova

Ideal and identical people do not happen, both among men and among women. Any of us has harmful and useful habits, positive and negative character traits. All are endowed with unique appearance and features of behavior. But despite the seeming differences, there is a lot of unifying moments inherent in almost every person. For example, the desire for a happy and long life. Next, we highlight the most important and useful life tips for men.

    Dream, plan and put goals, and most importantly, act.

    Watch a healthy and active lifestyle, that is, get rid of bad habits, correctly fidge and exercise.

    LOOK LOOK TV and read books more, and not only on self-development or doing business, but also classical literature.

    Enjoy yourself with people who make you happy. Support and appreciate the relationship with your family. This is the most important thing in life.

    Highlight time for daily meditation.

    Stay in the profession or business by 110% and learn to invest.

    Take important solutions until 11 am and only calm.

    Never cease to develop and learn something new.

    Try not only to listen carefully, but also hear. Apply the recommendations of successful people in practice.

    The actions and actions committed today determine what your body will be and the mind in ten, twenty and thirty years.

    Observe the elementary standards of etiquette and style, but do not dwell on fashion and stay yourself.

    Be responsible and decide the problems yourself.

    Do not make what you want to hide.

    Never think that the woman is too good for you.

    Develop confidence and sense of humor.

    Do not forget to make compliments, give flowers and care for your beloved woman.

    Always carry with you cash (optionally large sums).

    There is nothing galloping to go to the movies or cafes alone.

    Invest in expensive, high-quality and beautiful things, including clothing and accessories.

    Start the day with charging and contrasting soul.

    Do not offer the girl "Hand and Heart", until 100% confidence that the answer will be positive.

    Learn to cook.

    Avoid conflicts, but intelligently defend your principles and protect your loved ones.

    Eat broccoli, spinach, avocado, bananas and other vegetables / fruit, even if such products do not really like. It is very useful.

    Life is the ocean, and love is a boat. Love yourself and others.

    Focus and make what is important to you and do not be distracted by empty.

    Take up your time competently. Do not waste it on what you can not change. Time is the true luxury of this world.

    Appreciate real friends. Help them and ask for help yourself.

    Exit the comfort zone. Without this, personal growth is impossible.

    Be kind to people and do not condemn anyone.

Life is not a draft rehearsal. The second attempt will not be. Appreciate every moment and completely enjoy the journey.

For some reason, in Russia, rest is taken by the whole family, and the choice of place to provide women. So the unfortunate men go, whose soul requires adventures, on the boning resorts, beaches and in the shop tours. Pretty! Long live a real holiday for real men!

Jungle Hunt Kenya

At the genre level in any man sleeps a hunter. And if sometimes he wakes up and demands a gun and game - you should not be afraid, it is enough to go to the real safari. The trip to Kenya will provide new impressions and satisfaction of primitive instincts, because here you can enjoy on birds, antelope, predators, and even on elephants.

It will be worth a lot of stay, and trophies most likely to take out of the country will not be allowed, but adrenaline influx is guaranteed.

By the way, Kenya is one of the rare places where you can enjoy on all participants of the "big five" (elephant, rhino, buffalo, lion, leopard). The main thing is to prepare in advance for the fact that the hunting can delay or do not give results at all, and to issue expanded insurance.

Flight on the fighter in Ramenskoye

Those who dream to be filled into the sky, but not in the salon of a harsh liner flying to Turkey, but in the real fighter, it is not necessary to go far, but you will have to spend a pretty. In the city of Zhukovsky (at the Ramenskoye airfield) for 300,000 rubles. You can experience fate in the Su-30 cockpit, which will perform all the shapes of the highest pilot.

Well, in Cuba, you can do the same for the same amount, but already on MiG-29 and Su-27.

By the way, "roll" you will be not an ordinary pilot, but one of the legendary "hairstyles" and "Russian Vityazy".

Fishing Safari in Namibia

A few years ago, a new type of fishing was popular in Namibia - trophy. If karasi and pikes do not sequel, go to hot and risk hunted on sharks. Yes, it is these three meter predators who are considered the most desirable catch. True, caught fish in Namibia, it is customary to release, only pulling her into the memory of the tooth and photographing production.

And although fishing in local waters is allowed round year, the biggest catch is from November to April. Well, in order not to face a local fishing or not to spend the day wasted where the fish did not have a good time, it is better to pay some money to experienced fishermen and take advantage of their services.

Whiskey Tour in Scotland

Many men love alcoholic beverages, and if someone has enough trips to Oktoberfest, then others prefer more solid alcohol. For men who are accustomed to getting only the best, from October to April in passing whiskey tours. The trip begins in the Scottish Heritage Center whiskey, continues at the factories, and it may end in Edinburgh or London. Of course, tastings will take place daily, and not at times, so we can withstand the weekly tour only the strongest men.

"Formula 1" in Monte Carlo

Fans of races that dream to meet their idols are simply obliged to visit Monte Carlo at least once in his life. In May, the Formula 1 stage is held here, and in January, Monte Carlo Rally, but the rest of the time in the city there is something to do. True, such a trip is not for everyone for the pocket, but to book tickets and the hotel's room are required for 6-8 months before the trip, as a large number of those who want to shove in the stands and take a picture with the winner's bar.

Casino in Las Vegas

In Vegas, you can go not only for a boyfriend, but also on a simple trip with friends or one. After all, hundreds of casinos, restaurants, luxury bars and nightclubs have a unique rest. Many seek to catch a luck for the tail, and although it is possible not to everyone, I remember to travelers as a gaze. The main thing is to buy a return ticket in advance and leave in the room some money for food.

Corrida in Spain

No matter how famous animal defenders were protested, the Corrida was, there is a major entertainment in, and in most cases - male. If many are rushing with bulls, then not everyone can enjoy the bloody spectacle. Therefore, if you have strong nerves (and stomach) go to Madrid, on Plaza de Toros from March to October to see the battle that six centuries have not stopped.

Thai boxing in Bangkok

Love martial arts and dream to look at the fight live? Then go to, because there are essential competitions in Thai boxing - the king Cup. Every year on December 5, a thousand fans of this cruel sport are collected in one place to cheat for their champions. By the way, see the "Fight of the eight limbs", as the boxing itself is called Thais themselves, you can go all year round in all cities of Thailand, and in the summer there are also at the European Championships.

Culinary courses in Italy

Finnish sociologists recently noted that more men attend culinary courses. Do not fall behind the northern neighbors! Especially since buy culinary tourwhich will include not only tasting, but also cooking dishes, and numerous excursions and entertainment, it is possible for quite adequate money. The optimal for a man will be a trip in, because the kitchen is tasty, nutritious here, and the main focus in it is done on such a favorite heavy floor meat, fish and flour products.

Yachting in Greece

Of course, it is possible to ride on the yacht even in the suburbs, but it is not so interesting, how to learn how to manage a snow-white beauty and feel like a real sea wolf. In order to take a yacht for rent and be a full crew member, you need to get skipper rights. To do this, it is necessary to relieve in one of the schools of the British Royal Yacht Association - Royal Yachting Association (Britain, Canary Islands, Greece, Croatia and Turkey).

However, there is a similar license and in Russia, but then they will have to ride homeland. It will become the perfect option for the first yacht walk, since here adequate prices for hire of ships, picturesque shores, and most sailors own English.

Of course, men's entertainment is not limited to this, there are also beer festivals, riding on a tank, mountaineering, sex tours to Asia and a lot of other entertainment. The main thing - at least once to decide on the rest of his dreams, so that it is proud to tell friends about him, girls, and afterwards to grandchildren.


"Well, you're going to my friends again. Is it possible to take me with you?" - asks a woman and offended, again receiving a refusal. Why do men like to spend time without their girlfriends? Male rest secrets reveals this article.

A woman never wants to share her man with anyone with his friends. The man is also the owner, but still more calmly applies to female gatherings.

On the other hand, if the wife in meetings with friends often invites her husband, then you can hardly wait for your chosen one.

On the contrary, he will in every way to do so that the spouse does not know anything about such meetings. Or limits the standard phrases: they say, they met, sat, talked about sports, drank beer.

"He is exactly what hides something!" - Surely his wife thinks, suspecting a spouse in all mortal sins. In fact, we, men, just need to sometimes spend time in an exclusively male company! Why?

5 reasons to meet in a purely male company

1. Communicate with loved ones in spirit

Men's conversations (as, however, female) are quite primitive in terms of the style of communication.
Another of their feature is, they are mainly interesting only to male representatives. A kind of club in interest.
Sit in a pleasant company, drink beer with friends, remember the past - this man wants no less than sex with his beloved woman. No wonder for many men friendship is more important than love relationships.

Men want to meet without wives to simply talk to men's topics, remember how they behaved before the wedding, discuss latest news- In general, talk about what you do not speak with women.

2. See football / basketball / hockey

It is so established that sports matches need to be viewed, firstly, exclusively in a male company, secondly, with beer, thirdly, in the sports bar or in the stadium.
Why is it done without women? Men do not want to show how much they are emotional, as it is nervous in, it would seem, trifles finally, which words use when the favorite team loses.

3. Relax from wives, talk about them

Permanent joint pastime with wives is rarely annoying. Such is human nature: the monotony oppresses.
In addition, men also love to discuss their second half - and sometimes so that the most frank female conversation seems to be a baby bastard, and from male epithets addressed their favorite, sole and unsurpassed ears.

4. Discuss other women

Talk about acquaintances and unfamiliar women - very interesting activity And the way to distract from home and workers to those.
"It's just a nightmare, I and that chest is more! This is the ass, I would introduce her to my friend! " - Similar phrases are very often sounded in a male company.

Of course, these conversations are not for women's ears, because another reason for the gatherings exclusively in the male company is care about the nervous system of wives.

5. Nostalgia for bachelor's lifestyle

Actually, this is the main reason for such meetings.
After the wedding, there are natural restrictions on relationships with other women and even at meetings with friends and acquaintances - they are no longer so frequent, and not so much can afford (for example, you can't drink a lot, to flirt with women).
Meeting with friends is nostalgia for the times of violent youth, not burdened with family bonds, a kind of protest against new orders.

Most often, according to statistics, men lie in the following cases:

Multiple the amount of drinking alcohol 26% of men;
- 51% of men hide sympathy for another person;
- 21% lgut in case of treason;
- 13% custody when they want to boast any of their successful purchase, exaggerating its significance;
- 14% tell a lie, going to have fun, while leaving their chosen one in proud loneliness.

As you can see, 14% of men lie to their chosen, intending to spend time without them. What excuses do we use to hide your present location?

5 most popular male excuses

1. It was a lot of things, stayed at work

The most popular excuse, in which, besides, the wife is unlikely to check.
Of course, if she is familiar with the head of her husband, he can call him to clarify why her beloved is constantly delayed in the office (on the other hand, such calls are unlikely to be favorably affected by her husband's reputation).
But if there is no such possibility, the woman will be satisfied with the explanation of the cause of delays at work, but if they become too frequent, still impartitive.

2. visited parents

This excuse is in popularity in second place, although actually more effective.
If you agree with my mother, it will definitely play a loved son, but may give his portion of morals - from female solidarity.
A seamless husband, of course, will come up with a lot of relatives or will often "ride" to different secondary brothers and cousin uncle.

3. It became a bad employee, took to the hospital

The lack of this excuse is that it cannot be used regularly.
So, one or twice a year, otherwise the wife will either worry about her husband's health (what is it for the work, where are you going to pass people to the hospital ??), or it will understand that it is water.

4. I went to the garage to repair the car, I needed help

Again, as well as the previous one, this excuse cannot be used often. Although once a month can be really visited in the garage, and the neighbors help three or four times a year.
True, if then you suddenly really need the help of a neighbor and a wife, arguing that "you have helped him move the piano," will insist to take advantage of it, you can be in an awkward situation.

5. Gone to play football with friends

Many men really love to drive the ball with friends - remember the carefree youth.
But most often do it too lazy - it is much more pleasant to just sit in the bar, and about football - to lie.
We will even take a sportswear with them, and when we come home is a fairly underwife, say that they drank for victory. The reason for lies is obvious: a man is afraid that he will not be allowed.

And finally, it should not be noted that the meeting with friends is one of the most favorite types of rest for a man. Then he is relaxed, calm, - in general, feels "warm and cozy".

Although each man understands his rest in different ways: for someone it is a privacy of the house, for someone - gathering in a noisy company with a lot of alcohol, for others - football.

Someone rests the soul, left alone with his wife or walking around the city in proud loneliness ...

But the overwhelming majority love to sit in their favorite chair, drink a couple of bottles of cold beer surrounded by the closest friends and see the cool football match, which ends with a score of 7: 0 in favor of the favorite team.

On the nose February, and with us, girls, as always, the question - what to give our loved ones, dear, expensive and respected men? However, normal women differ just what they think in advance to whom and what to give and buy gifts ahead, and not according to the principle "okay, buy something on the way from work ..."

By this, we, women, differ from them, men: We love to carefully plan, prepare, find out (directly or non-price) preferences ...

it concerns and recreation . Most women are planning their vacation in advance, learn about the direction and prices. Men are more spontaneous in choosing a direction. And make a decision faster, although there are meticulous customers among them.

In this article you will find overview of the most popular Among men species and trends.

Where and how to rest men

No matter how cool, everyone loves to rest. And if you take passengers charter flightflying to some resort, then it seems to me interest ratio Floors will be about 50 to 50.

But my many years of experience in tourism shows that in men and their rest preferences . Honestly, I did not often have to send to the Turkish "five" on ultra-all-inclusive company of lonely men, as shown in the film "What Men Creating". Well, do not like men 10 days in a row lie on the beach under the palm trees!

And what they love? Let's figure out where the real men are resting.

Ski resorts

Among my tourists-skiers and snowboarders Most nevertheless men. They go to ski resorts of Europe once or two per season, sometimes with wives / girlfriends, sometimes a purely male company.

And in the Russian resorts men more. This kind of rest, no matter how cool, carries the challenge to its physical abilities and requires courage and pressure.

Although recently to rest on ski resorts Ladies are increasingly organized. Some ride hoping to find a sports satellite of life (and the chances of them, to be honest, there is). Others - just because they also love skiing or board! That also attracts the attention of the opposite sex, because the active man is unlikely to find the sofathe satellite place in his life.


also in last years gained popularity such a sport and leisure as surfing.

I also tried to join this sport.What happened from this - read here:

Numerous fans of kite, Windows, and other types of surfs, they were interested in ideally suitable resorts for this: Egyptian Dahab, Bali Island, and Dominican Republic, Australia, Mexico and Portugal, and many others. And go there to catch the salt wind or perfect waves.

But to make the first attempts stand on the board , it is not necessary to fly so far! Here is the place where it can be done in the same Sochi :

Diving and snorcling

Diving - Another exciting occupation, but also quite dangerous.

In essence, you can do diving in almost any reservoir - the lake, the sea, the ocean.

But, of course, to observe a sinking ship or underwater caves, as well as rare or dangerous inhabitants of the sea depths, much more fascinating (and more dangerous) than just scouring between coastal algae and corigrants. Therefore, to get your portion of adrenaline, divers go to where the underwater world is bizarre and diverse: the resorts are red and Mediterranean SeaIslands Indian Ocean, big Barrier Reef., finally. And the company of avid tourists divers also mostly consist of men.

Yeah, women, dangle on the mustache! And here's a practical manual - how to attract the attention of the avid diver, from our author-man: read and catch on my life, as they say.

However, I'll talk about catching on my storage now separately.

Hunting Fishing

I know that many women have a rude (or not very) protest such a purely male view of the rest as hunting and fishing . Protests are usually supported by the following reasonful remarks:

  • Well, as you can sit for hours and wait - I will nice / does not bend? What kind of rest is?
  • How can you kill in no obey animals?
  • It's dangerous! Whether you are a beast, whether he is ...

Therefore, it is taken to ensure and inbid men are going as a rule in the company of like-minded male.

Those that are fond of hunting can relax in Russia. In our country, the favorite place of all hunters - Karelia, besides wolves and bears, here you can hunt for game-books and dedication. In Crimea, you can enhance the fur, in Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan - behind universal animals. Highly popular country Among Hunger Hunters. And of course, huge pleasure hunters will get from safaris in Africa.

Void fishermen is also even easier to find a suitable place to stay. Even without leaving the country: most often they go to the Volga, along the coast of which many fishing bases are located, in Siberia, on Baikal, in Karelia or on the lake Onega. Abroad, the most popular fishing places are, Iceland and Norway. There was a real paradise for lovers of rich ulov. And everything is absolutely legitimate and without prejudice to nature.

Sport events

In recent years, very popular becomes tours for different fans and fans .

Russian Grand Prix Championship Formula 1 in Sochi

This is also typically male rest - go to the stadium, cheer for your favorite team. Or look at the Grand Prix of some "Formula".

The World Cup is also an excellent reason to gather a male company and go to the decisive match of the championship! There is a chance, in addition to the stadium, there are also attractions in the surrounding area, as they say.

And again, hitting the Mundialy Pochin in Sochi, I was amazed, like people distant from football, like me, begin to scour on the Internet in search of inexpensive tickets for the match and follow direct broadcasts!

And believe me, friends, multi-kilometer travels combine people much more than sunbathing on the beach on neighboring sun loungers ...

Holidays under the sail

Well, since it was about the means of movement, it is impossible not to mention lovers pat a sail.

This type of rest has always attracted real romantics. In every man, sleeping for the time being a real sea wolf, because everyone read in childhood Sagi on brave travelers and marine pirates. Therefore, all sorts of yacht tours and regatta in a special employee today from male representatives.

Besides, one-day boat trip Frequen your relationship is better than a prick shopping trip. All about sea walks In Sochi, you will find in my article

But cruises on large linersBy the way, women love more - after all, there is no pitching, besides, by infrastructure, many liners are a floating city: here and cinema halls, shops, and restaurants-bars, and beauty salons, pools, and fitness centers, and anything. Well, and again - where your man goes away from you open Ocean, right? So all the chances of conquering His heart in this version you have! :-)

Tourist hiking and expeditions

Often, men do not need any means of movement at all to go on vacation. Sleeping bag, tent, campaign kittel, knife, a certain stock of stewing, tea and condenries - and a man going to the campaign. He can rest for weeks in any corner of nature. And it deserves respect.

Most women have such a vacation - without any benefit of civilization - causes genuine fright. But the man begins to respect himself, having lived a few days in the wild wilderness, preparing food on the fire and listening to the branches in the nearest Ylannik ...

However, it is not necessary to immediately go to multi-day hiking. You can start with simple one-day tracking . They require minimal training both in terms of physical endurance and in terms of equipment. Here in this article, read my recommendations on possible routes and equipment:

In a word, real male rest - It's almost always not just a trip with friends to places where you can do your favorite activity, but also present adventure .

In general, as I noticed, men are not so important where to rest. Much more important - with whom. These quality, they, perhaps, should learn.

See you for a blog, friends!

See also: