Zion National Park Utah. Zion National Park - National Park

National Park Zaiv is located in the western United States, in Utah. Its area is 593 km², from north to south Canyon Zayon stretches for 24 km, and the height difference on its territory is 800 m. These places were spoken by people for 5,000 years ago, the Indian tribes who submitted by Europeans lived on the park. Name of the National Park Zaiv translated from English means Zion. Such a biblical name was invented specifically in order to attract visitors, since the terrain looks like the Landscapes of Israel. On the territory of the park a lot and other symbolic names.

Signboard at the entrance to the Zion National Park in Country style.

Despite the fact that the National Park is located in a arid and desert terrain, its landscapes are diverse, and the animal and vegetable world rich. The park is located at the intersection of the Colorado Plateau and the Mojave Desert. The lowest point of the National Park is located at an altitude of 1117 m above sea level, and the highest - already 2660 m. In the landscapes of the Mountain National Park landscapes dominate the mountains - they are visible here from everywhere, mountain ridges are divided into relatively wide valleys (several km wide) or very narrow canyons. Mountain breeds are represented by sandstones, which are easily blurred by water, so in the mountains of the Zayon, karst formations: caves, wins, tunnels in the rocks. Rock breeds are more often red or bright yellow. Some mountains have layered structure Or sharp vertices.

The natural tunnel "Metro" in the rocks of the Zayon.

The Virginia River, which flows through the territory of the Park, has the coolest slope of the flow in the United States (15-24 m for each mile of the bed). In the National Park, waterfalls are not found, they do not differ in particular power, but have a significant height. In the spring of melting water fill the rivers and make them stormy, during this period there are landslides in the mountains.

Waterfalls Emerald pools.

Significant height differences create different climatic conditions in the park. On the slopes and in wide arid valleys, drought-resistant oaks are growing, pines, juniper, and typically deserted plants can be seen here - yukka, cacti of schovets, wormwood. In narrow shady canyons and on the banks of the rivers, vegetation is similar to the forests of a moderate belt, willow, aspen, maples grow here. Thus, in the National Park, the Zaon can find dense forests, and parel and deserts. The riot of paints covers the canyon in the spring, when many plants bloom, in the fall of the forests are painted with gold, and snow here falls here.

Cacti under the snow - is it possible? In the Zion National Park - yes. The continental climate causes a hot dry summer and a cold winter.

There are 7 species of fish, 6 species of amphibians, 28 species of reptile, 78 species of mammals and 289 species of birds. It is clear that the diversity of animals associated with water (fish, amphibians) is small, but the types of arid areas feel beautiful here. Reptiles fall on the eyes rarely, but maybe it is for the better, because in the Zayona, poisonous ramps are inhabited.

Mountain view of an angel.

Birds and mammals at first glance are not available for observation. In fact, the parel and deserts do not allow animals to hide from prying eyes, so they are careful and try to behave imperceptibly. But if you gain patience and observe silence, then Zaon will open its secrets before an inquisitive observer. One after another will begin to show local inhabitants and it turns out that these places are full of life. There are many predatory birds: red-minded kanyuki, Berkuts, Sapsans patrol the surroundings in search of small birds, animals and reptiles. Another major, but quite peaceful look - wild turkey. The rarest feathered zone is California Condor.

In narrow canyons of Zayon, twilight reigns.

From mammals here a lot of volatile mice, as many as 19 types! But these nightly animals live hidden in the caves, and on the surface you can meet gray foxes, coots, protein, rabbits, butter. It is interesting to observe the most large beasts - by the patories and mountain rams. There are many of these animals here, but to see them on the background of the cliffs is not so simple.

A pair of rams of thick grids on the background of the cliff.

For tourists Zaion National Park is open round yearBut not all roads are equally available. On the territory of the park there is a narrow highway, skipping buses and SUVs for which is regulated. From April to October in the park runs public bus. The park covers seven sightseeing trop, the duration of excursions ranges from half an hour to 4-8 hours. Self interesting places This is the natural tunnel of the "Metro", the mountains of chess, an angel convergence and a great white throne. Zaiv National Park is a favorite place of climbers. Also in the services of tourists Lodge, campings and hotels in the vicinity of the park are also available, but it is better to book places in them in advance, since in the summer there is a big influx of visitors.

Well-groomed highways connect various parts of the Zaon National Park.

). Often combine at one journey visit Zion National Park and Bryce Canyon National Park, as the distance between these parks is only about 2 hours, here is the map:

We left the house (South California) at 5 pm, by 12 nights got to the city of St. George, spent there and at 9 am to explore Zion Canyon.

Entry to the park costs about $ 20 (2013), accept cards. Here is such a road at the entrance to the park.

In Zion Park we fell in mid-December, so it was cold and we could not walk on the street. But pleased that there were few people. Although even just to be in the car and ride the park - it's already nice, because the views are beautiful here. If you come in the summer in the peak of the season, then, firstly, on the street it can be very hot, secondly, the park will have to move on public shuttle, and you will need to park your car. In Zaion, you can come with Camping, but you need to book a place in advance. There are many equipped places for picnic, there are trails for bicycles.

First view Point. Each point there are trails.

We dressed warmly and nevertheless decided to walk along a small trail. Only came out of the car, as saw a small family of moose or deer. In general, animals are very much in the park, they can be seen everywhere.

The path led up, so first it was hard and very dangerous to go, because The trail was narrow and slippery, but the species that we were opened, it was worth

This park is passing, so it is not necessary to return to the entrance to leave the park, you can travel it and go to 89 Highieway, leading to Bryce Canyon. On the way they saw a beautiful river

The whole road to 89 track is very beautiful: around high mountains, rocks, trees. My idiotic smile that appears when I see something beautiful, again I did not go all the way from the face. Zhenya is always laughing with her. The road in the park and 89 track just makes keeping the camera in your hands all the time. It is simply impossible to resist not to capture those delightful views.

Zaiv Park, of course, beautiful, but if you compare other canyons, then in the first place I would still put Bryce Canyon (there is a report on the trip), then the Grand Canyon and only then Zion. But there is still worth going, if you plan a trip to Bryce or Colorado.

general information

Zaiv National Park is a striking collection of rock formations, cut out mainly from the main local breed - Sandstone Navajo. Awesome impression produce high rocks, gloomy blocks and deep abdinals of the park, transfusing with all the oots, from the flaming red to the gentle pink, they resemble fabulous locks. The sun and seasons play with flowers in the Zaon Park, constantly changing them.

Zion; www.nps.gov/zion; Highway 9;
7-day pass for a transport product $ 25;
Tourist center: 8.00-19.00 May-September, 8.00-18.00 April and October, 8.00-17.00 November-March

Going to visit the canyon, keep in mind that on Scenic Road (Sightseeing road) You can move on your car late autumn and winter. The most picturesque path to the park runs through oriental entrance. You can put the car at the Zaison Canyon Information Center or before entering the town of Springdale. During the rest of the year, only excursion buses National Park. Accordingly, the inspection will take much longer, about 2 hours. The bus route includes two pedestrian promenade to a crying rock WEEPING ROCK) and by emerald trail (Emerald Pools Trail).

Zaiv National Park is especially beautiful after heavy rain, when waterfalls from the cliffs carry their moisture into the emerald ponds or send it along the crucible coastal path in one mile. This is the end point of the trails on the cramp Canyon Zaiv Zion Narrows Trail) - hard tourist route 26 km long. River routes of Canyon Zaion, running along the dripping key water and green hanging gardens in the form of moss, ferns and gabastics, give a lifeful coolness, saving from the heat. Climb at the 4-km coolest path to the angels shelter in the form of a protrusion over the canyon, so narrow that intercepts breathing.

Zaion is rightfully proud of a lot of striking natural attractions. Checkerboard Mesa CHEKERBORD MESA) - It is towering over the expensive sandstone block, whose surface seemed to be divided into squares by wind and water, and in the canyon Verkin (Canyon Verkin) Natural arch connects two rocks. SAMI high Point Park - Mountain West Temple (West Temple), rises to a height of 1158 m. Tower-of-te-Yeodin, the virgin tower (Towers-Of-The-Virgin) - This is a group of sharp rocks stretching along the western wall of the canyon, and the natural amphitheater Temple-Sinavava (Temple-of-sinavava) Offer great view On the surrounding rocks and hills.

Another well-known landmark of Zion National Park - VIPING-Rock (Weeping Rock, Crying Rock): Water from the spring, located high on the slope runs down the rock and dripping, like tears, from her protrusions. Slight phenomenon exists in Handing Gardens (Handing-Gardens)But there water does not drain, but is absorbed by plants clinging for the slopes of the rock. Fast water was washed out in stone Caves, in which many birds settled, small mammals and insects. In some of the larger caves, archaeologists discovered objects from the ancient settlements of the Indians of Pueblo.

Total in the park more than 160 km pedestrian trail (You can go hiking to the wilderness) and camping.

If you do not have much time, you can best fit a picturesque route SCENIC DRIVE) 9.6 km long, penetrating in the heart of the National Park Zaon. From April to October you will need to get on a free bus (6.45-22.00) The tourist center, but you can get away at any stop along the path and stroll along the path. The famous trail "shelter angels" Angels Landing Trail) 8.6 km long just amazing: real dizziness inductor (Height 1400 feet, sheer descents)But the view of the canyon Zaon opens a phenomenal. Leave four hours on the road there and back. To go hiking through Narrouz (Narrows) (from June to September; trail length 25.6 km), sit on the bus for hiking, pre-taking permission to visit remote areas in tourist center (the order for it is drawn up in advance via the Website). Alternatively, walk along the path from Riverside Walk Riverside Walk) 8 km to Big Springs Big Springs)where the canyon narrows, noting the end of the road. Remember that in what direction you go, most of the time you move along the river bed (Virgin River).

Place in Camping Watchman, Shaded Poplar, on the banks of the river at the canyon (Tel.: 800-365-2267; http://reservations.nps.gov; highway (Highway) nine; Places for Pools $ 16, Places for residential vans with amenities $ 18-30) Reserve long ahead. In the neighboring campsite South Campground (places for tents and residential vans $ 16) Places are engaged on the day of arrival. In both campsites, a total of almost 300 seats.

"Rustic" Motel Zion Lodge (Tel.: 435-772-7700; www.zionlodge.com; Rooms and houses $ 160-180)which is in the middle of the picturesque path, offers 81 well-equipped room and 40 houses with gas fireplaces. The porch is attached to each house, from where the wonderful view of the red rocks offers, but there is no TV in the rooms. From the complex restaurant at the hotel, Red Rock Grill (Breakfast $ 10-15, Lunch $ 8-20, dinner $ 15-30; 7.00-22.00, in December-March work hours are changing), also offers an amazing look. In the city of Springdale, at the park of the park, you will find a lot more restaurants.

Please note: for travel through the park on the highway 9 it is necessary to pay the entrance fee, even if you just follow by. If you are with a residential van on the trailer, then you will also have to pay an additional amount (escort fee) In the amount of $ 15 when driving through the Zion-MT Carmel tunnel 1.8 km long in East entrance.

Zion National Park (Zion National Park) - US National Park in Utah, near Springdale, Utah. Park area 593 km². It is difficult to still find one such place in the United States, comparable to the Great and Beauty of the Zion National Park. Here in the southern part of Utah, where the sky is amazingly clean, and the landscape captures the Spirit, there is an unsurpassed masterpiece of nature. Zion National Park - Harmony of surprisingly beautiful rocks, hills and gorges. The relief of the National Park serves as a demonstration of one of the highest and most beautiful monoliths in the world. Zaion is one of the most visited and spectacular parks in the United States. Its landscape varies from a typical desert to the forest covered areas.

In the Zayona there are mountains, canyons, hills, cutlery mountains, monoliths, rivers, slotted canyons and varieties of natural equilibrium.

Zaon National Park includes mountains, canyons, hills, platea, monoliths, rivers and natural arches. Located on the boundaries of the points of intersection of the Colorado Plateau, the Big Basin and the Mojave Desert, the park has unique natural-geographical zones that ensure the diversity of animal life. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the Zaon is a natural habitat for more than 78 mammalian species (including 19 types of bats), 291 species of birds, 44 reptiles and amphibians. From large animals, you can meet mountain lions, deer, golden eagles, California Condors here.

The lowest point of the Zaiv Park is the Coalpits Wash Desert (1118 meters above sea level), the highest point - Mount Horse Ranch Mountain (2661 meters above sea level).

History of the National Park of Zion. USA

Archaeologists picked up a long period of human history Zaion for three periods: archaic, early history and historical period.

Archaic period Park Zaiv

The presence of the first person in the region was recorded about 8,000 years ago in areas where they could engage in collecting and hunting. About 2000 years ago, some family groups began to grow corn and other cultures and gradually moved to a settled lifestyle. Late family groups of this period began to shut up settlements, called Pueblo.
Approximately 300 AD. Some archaic groups have developed a culture that archaeologists called Virgin Anashai. They were hunters and collectors who were additionally engaged in limited sizes, growing crops.

Early history of Zion

About 1300 AD. Virgin Anasazi and representatives of the Freontic culture were forced to leave the South Utah region. Long droughts for 11 and 12 centuries in combination with periods of catastrophic floods made it impossible to accommodate and grow crops in this arid region.
After some time, the Utah and Southern Paiyuts tribes came to their place. They migrated here on a temporary basis for hunting and gathering. Some of them, in particular, the southern wages, also started growing corn, sunflower and pumpkin. They learned to make ceramic products that were used for cooking and storing stocks.

Historic period of the National Park Zaiv

The historical period began at the end of the 18th century with the arrival at the South Utah's territory of the Franciscan monks of Sylvester Veles de Escalante and Francisco Atanasio Dominghesis, who were the first to be known to us by Europeans who visited this region.
In 1847, Yang Brungam led members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Saints last days (Mormonov) on Utah's territory, justifying settlements in the Large Salted Lake area. Mormons-farmers became the first Europeans who settled in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Virgin River River.
Isaac Beeen The first of the Europeans settled in the Valley of the Canyon Zaion in 1863 to enjoy farming. Soon after him, many other settlers were equipped here. It is Beuin that the Zion is attributed to the name (Zaion is one of the names of Jerusalem in Hebrew). In the valley of Canyon Zaion, the settlers were engaged in agriculture until 1909, when the National Monument was established here.

In 1872. geographic expedition Under the leadership of Powell visited Zaiv and gave him the name Mukuntuvip (Mukuntuweap).

In the first decade, the 20th century, the picturesque landscape of the southern part of Utah began to be considered as a potential place for the development of tourism. In 1909, the presidential decree was founded by the National Monument Milltevip. But he remained almost inaccessible to visitors, since the existing roads were in very poor condition and the monument was hundreds of kilometers from the railway routes. In the same year, the construction of a network of roads, which ultimately made it possible to improve access to this region. The state officials also had negotiations with Union Pacific Realrod for the construction of railway and roads, tourist facilities in the southern part of Utah. By the beginning of the summer of 1917, cars were finally able to travel to Wileli Kemp, the town where the loggias were located for receiving the first visitors.

In 1917, the acting director of the newly created service of national parks visited the canyon and suggested changing his name from the unpopular Mukuntuweap in the name of the Zion. The United States Congress based on the Mukuntuweap national monument established Zion National Park on November 19, 1919, significantly increasing his territory.

One of the most impressive construction projects in the history of the park, still considered engineering miracle, was the 1712 meter tunnel through solid sandstone. The construction of the tunnel began in the late 1920s and completed on July 4, 1930. The tunnel has observed "galleries" - peculiar windows, cut into rocks, allowing drivers to see the canyon at the bottom below. At that time it was the longest tunnel of this type in the United States. The purpose of the construction of the tunnel was to create direct access to Bryce Canyon and Grand Canyon from the territory of the Zion National Park. All three fleets are located within a radius of 160 km from each other. The completed construction of the Zion-Mt Carmel Highway road allowed motorists to travel to Bryce Canyon through the territory of the Zaon National Park and since that time, the zayone has increased significantly.

In 1920, the park visited 3692 tourists. In 1996, a visit to 2.5 million people increased, and this figure continued to increase. In order to overcome problems with the movement of transport, environmental protection, in Zion, starting in 2000, a system of movement was created on the park of the park with buses that make shuttle flights to and back. This system is valid during the maximum tributary of tourists to the National Park from April to October inclusive. From November to March, the entry of passenger cars is allowed.

Sights of National Park Zion

The main attraction of the park is canyon Zaion In the southern part of it with impressive sheer cliffs and gorges. Zaon Canyon - deep and narrow reddish gorge 24 km long and 800 meters wide, cut through sandstone Navajo northern sleeves of the Virgin River River over millions of years. The river was the main driving force of a carving canyon, mainly as a result of storm floors, since the average river flow is insignificant.

Strong winds continue to sculpt the walls of the canyon, forming natural arches. Worldwide number natural Arch It is calculated by thousands, but maybe there is no place on our planet more suitable for their formation, rather than the Colorado Plateau, in which the Zion National Park is located. Magnificent Geology Zaiva created a natural environment as wide and diverse as the landscape of the park itself. In this geological value, dozens are hidden, maybe even hundreds of all the arches of any shapes and sizes. Although free standing arches can be found in various geological formations, Navajo sandstones, which formed magnificent rocks of the Zaon, created the most favorable conditions for creating these strips of rocks that exist for a while, and then not withstand and are broken under the influence of unproform erosion forces.

Among the many arches, located in Zaon, two occupy a special place. Crawford Ark (Crawford Arch) is perhaps the most noticeable. The service of national parks ultimately called it in honor of the Crawford family, which among the first mormons of the settlers settled here and worked hard, cultivating land plot Near this arch.

Another, more famous arch in Zaon is not so clear. In the remote part of the park, in a relatively small gorge, high on the wall, like the clumsy giant settled Colob Ark (Kolob Arch). Because of its remoteness and hard-to-access, the Kolob Ark for many years challenged tourists, climbers, Rangers and photographers. For most 20th century, many have believed that Arc's ball is the largest, free-standing arch in the world, which served as an additional motivation for loving the adventures of people climbing its massive span to accurate measurement.

Despite its remoteness, the Kolobov ARC became a favorite place for many visitors to Zion. While many experts agree that the Kolobov ARC is not the largest spool in the world, most of the visitors of the park converge that it is among the most beautiful and large arches, surrounded by the magnificent Landscape of Zion. In 2006, the society of natural arches and spans measured the Kolobov ARC. The length of the span was 87.6 m, which is a little shorter than the largest landscape arch in the world in the Arch National Park.

Hiking is the dominant view of the holiday in Zion. Routes range from easy walks to incredibly complex and dangerous routes Angeles Landing and Nezhus.

Every year, thousands of people flock into the Zion in order to walk along tropean Neroous (Narrows) - Canyon sections along the northern sleeves of the Virgin River River. From the moment of the formation of the park in 1919 and up to the 1960s, tourists overcame nebus on horseback. A completely hiking transition along this route acquired popularity since the late 1960s.

Virgin River Cut out a stunningly beautiful gorge in the upper reaches of the Canyon Zaion in 26 km long, the height of the rocks up to 600m, and the width of only 6-9 meters wide. Traveling into the shadow of his dizzying walls, sand caves, natural sources and hanging gardens produces an indelible impression on travelers. This is one of the most unusual excursions walking on the Colorado Plateau. The journey on foot in Neřus took the fifth line in the ranking of the famous American magazine National Geographic in the nomination "One hundred of the best adventures of America".

However, this journey can not be underestimated. Moving on foot on the rusty means a trip along the Virgin River River. At least 60% of the entire transition takes the transition downstream of the river. There is no path - the path passes along the river. The rapid flow, the water is cold and often ground, and the stones under the legs are round and slippery. Constantly there is a threat of a sudden flood and supercooling. Part of the path have to overcome the belt in the water, and sometimes sailing downstream.

The road is 9.7 km, leading to the canyon ends in Sinauava Temple (Temple Of Sinawava) Deed to God-Coyute Indian tribe Paiute (Paiute Indians). After the temple, the road narrows and turns into a pedestrian trail, leading in the gorge of the Zaiva Nrooke with a thin and high wall (6-9 meters by 610 m).

Another landmark of Zayon is Rock Great White Throne (The Great White Throne) 671m high, which is often used as a symbol of the National Park.

Angeles Landing (Angels Landing) - Rock, the vertex of which is located at an altitude of 1763m above sea level. The trail carved in 1926 leads to the top of Angeles Landing, from where it opens very beautiful view on canyon zaon. Single to the top is unsafe and sometimes end in accidents.

Also one of the most famous and interesting sights of the Zaiv National Park is tunnel With a length of about 2 km, punched in a solid rock. He connects the park with the Grand Canyon National Park and Bryce Canyon. Occasionally, the bottom of this canyon reach the sun rays. And this small light is enough green algae, which settled in the waters of the creek flowing along the bottom of the canyon. Unusual colors and landscape as if from a fantastic game. By the way, the Park Zaon appears in one of the Addons of the Fallout New Vegas's post-apocalyptic video game - Honest Hearts.

Checkerboard Mesa - It is towering over the expensive sandstone block, whose surface is as if divided into squares by wind and water. AT canyon Verkin Natural arch connects two rocks. The highest point of the park - Mountain West Temple, rising to a height of 1158 m above the bottom of the canyon. Towers-from-Ze Verdin - This is a group of sharp rocks stretching along the western wall of the canyon.

Another wide famous landmark of Zion National Park - VIPING-ROK (crying rock) : Water from the spring, located high on the slope runs down the rock and dripping, like tears, from her protrusions. A similar phenomenon also exists with Handing Gardens, but there water does not flow, but is absorbed by plants clinging for the slopes of the rock. On the light slopes of the western edge of the canyon, Zaiv clearly can be clearly visible as the layer of layer was the formation of sandstone Navajo. Fast water was washed out in stone Caves, in which many birds settled, small mammals and insects. In some of the larger caves, archaeologists discovered objects from the ancient settlements of the Indians of Pueblo.

Other popular routes hiking tourism - Emerald Pools, Weeping Rock, and Riverside Walk - allow you to see these beautiful rock formations.

Visiting National Park Zaiv

Horse rides are available from March to November. Near the National Park there is a nearby Springdale city, offering all the services needed for tourists: hotels, cafes and restaurants, shopping centers And other entertainment. Also, the park can be reached from Las Vegas (240 km).

Available in the park: cycling, hayking, horseback riding (from March to October). Through the entire park, there is a highway for which you can slowly go and dwell on numerous parking lots.

Climate Park varies depending on the season.
In summer, the heat reaches 35-43 s, during the night the temperature drops to 18-21 C. From mid-July to mid-September, thunderstorms and rains are possible in the afternoon.
Autumn - very beautiful time of year in the canyon, many tourists love to come in October, optimal and from the point of view of the weather.
In winter, snow falls in the park. In the afternoon, the air temperature reaches +16 s, at night drops to - -7c. Winter snowstorm can last a few days and the road at the same time. Roads in the park are cleared, with the exception of Kolob Teracce Road.
In the spring falls a large number of precipitation, especially in March. From April to June - the time of flowering in the canyon.

Schedule : The park is open for visiting all year round,

  • In the spring - from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
  • In the summer, from 8 am to 08:00 pm
  • Autumn - from 8 am to 6:00 pm
  • In winter - from 08 am to 5:00 pm, part of the roads closes.
    December 25, the park is closed.

When buying a ticket to the park (25 dollars a week), give a booklet with routes. Evenings on the banks of the Virginia River (Virgin River) are likely to see deer. Although in the evening they are found on the road.

Photos of the National Park of Zion. USA

(this time without stopping)

and choose to federal highwayUS-89,

for which we are moving in southern direction For 80 km

on the deserted terrain of Kane district.

In the area of \u200b\u200bMount Karmel Junction (MT Carmel Junction) turn to the right, on the Local City of UtahUT-9,

and after 20 km, you stop near the checkpoint "East" to the National Park Zaion (sometimes translated it is found as "Zion").

All formalities are observed and the road to the park is open for us.

Our bus passing by cacti - a typical representative of the flora of the locality

and rushes to the canyon.

The length of the canyon is about 20 km at a rock height of up to 800 meters. At one time, one of the tributaries of the Virginia River, which washed this attraction in local sandstones. We are now moving along the bottom of the canyon, in which a small river Pine-cry takes.

The first settlers of these seats were the Indians. As for the creation of the National Park, the first attempts in this direction were undertaken in 1909.

However, the official status of Zaiv (Zion) acquired only in 1919, when the US Congress adopted a decision. From this point on, the tourist "development" of the reserve began.

Initially, the railway took place along the bottom of the canyon. By virtue of its low efficiency, the railway canvas disassembled and the highway was laid in his place (on him now we are moving), with the advent of which tourist traffic increased in dozens, and even hundreds of times.

While we were fond of the history of Canyon Zaiv (Zion) past us "slept" one of the attractions of these places - the Shah-like Mountain (Checkerboard Mesa), which received its name with the "light hand" of Pretro Patro (researcher), who looked at the mountains of a chessboard in the slopes of the mountain.

Continuing our route,

to increase the panorama, Mouse over the photo and press the left mouse button.

after a while we find ourselves before entering the tunnel Zion Mount Carmel (The Zion-Mount Carmel Tunnel).

The length of the tunnel is 1700 meters. Its construction began in 1920 and ended after 10 years. This tunnel in the rock was broken in order to provide direct access to the Grand Canyon from the Zion National Park (Zion) and Bryce Canyon. When leaving the tunnel also has

"Pocket" for vehicles in which you can make a "sanitary" stop.

Here we also faced tourists committed hiking walk According to the National Park.

The tunnel begins the most picturesque places Zaiv Canyon (Zion). In this connection, our bus stopped and the guide allocated several dozen minutes of free time.

We have another local landmark, referred to as the East Temple (The East Tample).

However, in addition to the eastern temple there are something to see ...

to increase the panorama, Mouse over the photo and press the left mouse button.

In one of the nearby cliffs, we saw some "LAZ".

to increase the panorama, Mouse over the photo and press the left mouse button.

Upon closer examination, it turned out to be a technical opening in a tunnel, through which we recently drove.

Widow - Enjoying Canyon Views

we sat down on the bus and continued our route.

However, it turned out to continue, there was nothing to continue: in a couple of minutes, we passed the "South Gate" (departure) of the Zion National Park (Zion),

behind which there is a small town Springdale (Springdale) with a population of about 600 people.

Since it is in close proximity to the Zion National Park (Zion), then all its infrastructure is focused on the tourist business associated with this place.

In the town of full Parking, Camping

and even there are Campgrounds.

Our bus rolls off the route and stops near one of these "hidden" places.

to increase the panorama, Mouse over the photo and press the left mouse button.

We have free time, during which we satisfied our "material" needs (snack in one of the cafe),

and there was a little viewed "on the sides."

Not far from us there was a stop of local shuttles - buses running on certain routes of the National Park. During the "high" season, entry into the park on the personal motor transport is prohibited and then the shuttles are the only means of movement.

There are also various centers in which you can order and pay for a walk along one of the official hiking routes.

There are several routes. There are enough simple, such asLower Emerald Pool, Middle Emerald Pool, Upper Emerald Pool , but there are quite complicated (Angels Landing, Narrows ), where physical forces and endurance are needed.

We would be greatly pleasure for some of the above "directions" (of course they would start with simple), but it will be the next time. Now the time of our "picnic" on the outcome

and we hurry to our bus, passing through the path through the hordes of the caterpillars, which Usisyan Bridge

through the river Virgin.

This is our excursion program for national Reserves Ends. In a couple of days, we also examined the city canyon, and Glen Canyon, and Bryce Canyon, and Red Canyon, and Zaon Canyon (Zion). Naturally, for such a short time, we were only able to familiarize themselves with American natural sights, but nevertheless, we have formed a common idea - for a long time we will remember these wonderful moments from our US Travel.

See also: