Found Airfield of Ancient Civilizations or Aliens !!? Airfield Yundum, discovered in the small African country of Gambia. Ancient cosmodromes of the Earth (8 photos) Where did the airfield come from in Africa Gambi

It is an interesting tourist attraction only for British fans of relaxation on its clean beaches - fly on vacation in former colony quite in the style of English subjects. The city where the only airport in Gambia is located is the capital, Banjul.

Gambia International Airport

Yundum-Banjul Airport and the city's business center are separated by 24 km, which can be covered by taxi or public transport... It is optimal to order a transfer at the hotel where the room is booked for the rest period, or in travel company since the Gambia is not the most safe country for foreign tourists.
Building passenger terminal commissioned in 1966. It was built according to joint project local architects and specialists from. The terminal has a cafe, currency exchange offices, duty-free shops.
Among the airlines whose aircraft land at the Gambia airport, there are both small and world famous:

  • Arik Air fly in and out.
  • Binter Canarias fly to Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands.
  • Brussels Airlines delivers passengers from the capital.
  • Royal Air Maroc operates regular flights to.
  • Senegal Airlines connect Gambia airport with.
  • Thomas Cook Airlines bring tourists from and.
  • Small Planet Airlines operates seasonal charters from Gatwick Airport.
  • Vueling transports those wishing to get to the Gambia from.

Despite the small size of the state and not very popular among travelers, the Gambia airport serves at least a million passengers annually.
The length of the runway at Yundum-Banjul Airport is 3.6 km and meets the highest international standards. The third longest "take-off" on the black continent allows to receive and send aircraft of any weight.
The American agency NASA took part in the construction and reconstruction of the Gambia airport, which was interested in creating an alternate airfield for landing reusable spacecraft. Thanks to American participation in the project, the runway was expanded to 45 meters, and dispatchers received modern electronic control and navigation systems.
Ufologists and researchers of ancient civilizations believe that the first airport on the territory of modern Gambia was built long before 1977, as is commonly believed. Opposite ends runway are made of stone slabs of sandy-brown color, which were not used in the construction practice of the last century, and the length of the asphalt runway, taking into account these extensions, looks completely beyond the realities of the last century. Locals saw these slabs even before World War II, which means that the version of the secret Nazi airfield also does not stand up to criticism.

The mysterious Yundum airfield, discovered in the small African country of Gambia. This airfield is almost the legacy of ancient civilizations, which, according to some information, had aircrafts- the so-called vimanas. In any case, no one knows for certain who and when Yundum was built.

Today it main airport countries capable of receiving aircraft of any weight and type. But at the same time, no one knows by whom and when it was built.

During the construction of the airport, the Gambians only rolled the asphalt onto the roughly polished stone slabs already in this place and made the markings. According to local residents, mysterious stone slabs have been here since time immemorial. NASA actively helped in the organization of the Gambia airport, since this department needed an alternate airfield for its shuttles.

Not all slabs are covered with asphalt, they can be seen on the sides of the runway, they are of an unusual sandy brown color. It is amazing, but with a length of the GDP of 3600 meters, there is a continuation of the strip that has not yet been cleared of land.

The runway of the Gambian Yundum airport. The image clearly shows that modern asphalt and road markings cover only a fraction of the ancient stone slabs.

Skeptics, of course, tried to find a completely earthy explanation for the origin of the strip. For example, a version appeared that Yundum was a secret airfield built by the Germans during World War II. However, the fascists at that time did not need such a long runway, and they paved such airfields with small metal tiles, not massive stone ones. It is worth remembering the assertion of the Gambians that these plates were seen by their distant ancestors, that is, they always lay here.

Whose aircraft in time immemorial took off from this strip - alien ships, Atlantean aircraft or Vimanas of the ancient Indians? This question has yet to be answered.

On some sites, you can even find statements that Yundum, in fact, was built by the allies themselves. So is there really no secret of the ancient airfield? No matter how it is! The runway length is clearly excessive for the aircraft of the time. As we already know, the locals saw this cover long before the war. And the color of the slabs differs sharply from the concrete.

Gambian airports

There is a photograph of the only one combat aircraft the Gambian army, bought in 2008 in Georgia by the Su-25 attack aircraft, standing on the site of concrete slabs attached to the Yundum runway. They have a clearly different - gray - color, which concrete should have. It can also be noted that, judging by the photographs, sandy-brown stone slabs vary in size, and this is absolutely not characteristic of airfields of the XX-XXI centuries.

V South America on the Nasko plateau, a flat surface 2,000 meters long was discovered, and several such sites have been found. It is assumed that these are airfields for the ancient Vimanas. Before great war There were many and different vimanas, just like today there are passenger vimanas and military ones. The Mayans and the Egyptians and Indians had Vimanas.

In the movie, the avatar is when the battle of people against the Pandora tribe began. Combat was flying objects like animals with wings, while humans have modern tomahawks.

Also in this film was the cradle of the ancestors of the Pandorians where the fireflies were summer and the inhabitants saw them. These are the spirits that fly around us, but because of undeveloped perceptions, we do not see. And those who see the world of spirits are called psychics. Although this is a very general knowledge.

Mysterious airfield Yundum

Recently, there has been a lot of talk about mysterious airfield Yundum discovered in the small African country of Gambia. This airfield is almost a legacy of ancient civilizations, which, according to some information, had flying vehicles - the so-called vimanas. In any case, no one knows for certain who and when Yundum was built.

Inland the Gambia juts out 350 kilometers from west to east, it is located along the bed of the full-flowing river of the same name. The width of the country from north to south does not exceed 50 kilometers. Slightly more than one and a half million people live in the Gambia, including 75% in rural areas. The industry is extremely underdeveloped there and consists of enterprises for the production of peanut butter, soft drinks and tailoring. The export of peanuts gives the country half of its foreign exchange earnings.

But the Gambia has a real international airport. Also mysterious. This is Yundum - the one so beloved by ufologists and alternative historians. It is located 27 kilometers from Banjul. The length of its runway (runway), which meets the highest requirements, is 3,600 meters, so Yundum is capable of accommodating aircraft of any weight. The Gambians themselves did not build this expensive runway. They just laid the asphalt on the roughly polished stone slabs already cleared from the ground and made the markings.

If you look closely at the satellite images, you can see that the central part of the Yundum runway is actively exploited, but there are unused sections on both sides of the runway. They are paved with light slabs of an unusual sandy-brown color. There are also continuation strips not yet cleared of the ground. And the trees grow along it in a very interesting way - along the lines of some faults in the soil.

Versions, versions, versions

So where did this runway come from? The most sensational, of course, is the hypothesis that the runway was built during the time of pre-civilization, and that from here, very possibly, ancient Indian or Atlantean aircraft - vimanas - took off. However, fans of versions of the conspiracy plan expressed another assumption. They say that the airfield was secretly built by the Germans during the Second World War. Sometimes a more precise date is called - 1944. At first glance, this version is not devoid of some plausibility. Indeed, during the war years, the Nazis showed great interest in African uranium and allegedly even took it out of the Congo by plane, making several intermediate landings.

In this regard, one can even recall the secret German airfields built in the Arctic in the rear of the Soviet troops. As far as the Gambia is concerned, there are some big buts. Firstly, such airfields were paved not with massive stone slabs, but with small metal ones, which also had several holes to reduce weight. Secondly, the Gambians argue that the slabs partially covered with soil have always been there, and did not appear in the middle of the 20th century. Finally, thirdly, back in January 1943, US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt traveled through Banjul. This was due to the holding of a conference in Moroccan Casablanca.

Airports in Gambia

During the meeting, Roosevelt and Winston Churchill, together with members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States and Great Britain, discussed the prospects for opening a Second Front and a strategy for combating German submarines in the Atlantic.

Did the allies try?

On some sites, you can even find statements that Yundum, in fact, was built by the allies themselves. So is there really no secret of the ancient airfield? No matter how it is! The runway length is clearly excessive for the aircraft of the time. As we already know, the locals saw this cover long before the war. And the color of the slabs differs sharply from the concrete. There is a photograph of the only combat aircraft of the Gambian army, bought in 2008 in Georgia by a Su-25 attack aircraft, standing on a platform of concrete slabs attached to the Yundum runway. They have a clearly different - gray - color, which concrete should have. It can also be noted that, judging by the photographs, sandy-brown stone slabs vary in size, and this is absolutely not characteristic of airfields of the XX-XXI centuries.

So the riddle of Yundum really exists, and it has yet to be solved.

Valdis Peipins
Secrets of the twentieth century

We are also interested in:

Recently, there has been a lot of talk about mysterious airfield Yundum discovered in the small African country of Gambia. This airfield is almost a legacy of ancient civilizations, which, according to some information, had the so-called Vimana aircraft. In any case, no one knows for certain who and when Yundum was built.

List of airports in the Gambia

In this photo, red circles mark the unpaved portions of the ancient runway slabs.

This former British colony is located on the Atlantic coast of tropical Africa and belongs to the group of the most economically backward countries not only in the world as a whole, but also in its by no means prosperous continent. The territory of the state is strongly elongated in the latitudinal direction.

Inland the Gambia juts out 350 kilometers from west to east, it is located along the bed of the full-flowing river of the same name. The width of the country from north to south does not exceed 50 kilometers. A little more than one and a half million people live in the Gambia, including 75% in rural areas. The industry is extremely underdeveloped there and consists of enterprises for the production of peanut butter, soft drinks and tailoring. The export of peanuts gives the country half of its foreign exchange earnings.

The backwardness of the Gambia is eloquently evidenced by the fact that until recently the population could receive higher education only abroad: in Senegal, the United States or Western Europe... The situation changed only in 1999, when the University of The Gambia was established in the capital Banjul. There is only one library in the country and not so long ago the first museum was opened, but now, however, there are already five of them.

Here, the transition at the end of the last century from manual processing of fields with hoes to plows drawn by bulls, horses or donkeys is considered an achievement. Equipping fishing boats with outboard motors also testified to the involvement of the Gambia in technological progress.

Of course, this small country has its own strengths. She is one of the few on the Black Continent where a multi-party political system operates. There are several great resorts in the vicinity of Banjul with spacious and clean sea ​​beaches, where tourists from Great Britain love to have a rest. Animal husbandry can be considered highly developed: the number of cattle exceeds 400 thousand heads.

Paved, marked and flew

But the Gambia has a real international airport. Also mysterious. This is Yundum, the one so beloved by ufologists and alternative historians. It is located 27 kilometers from Banjul. The length of its runway (runway), which meets the highest requirements, is 3,600 meters, so that Yundum is able to accommodate aircraft of any weight. The Gambians themselves did not build this expensive runway. They just laid the asphalt on the roughly polished stone slabs already cleared from the ground and made the markings.

The Gambia was then assisted by NASA, as the US space agency was interested in creating an alternate airfield for reusable shuttle ships. Initially, the US chose the airport in the Senegalese capital Dakar, but its runway has too large an angle relative to the main trajectory of the shuttles.

Therefore, in September 1987, the Americans reached an agreement with the Gambian side on the use of the Yundum airfield for this purpose. The runway has been improved. In particular, its width was increased from 29 to 45 meters. The Americans also installed the necessary electronic control and navigation systems. And in 1996 the building was put into operation international airport, built on a joint Anglo-Gambian project.

If you look closely at the satellite images, you can see that the central part of the Yundum runway is actively exploited, but there are unused sections on both sides of the runway. They are paved with light slabs of an unusual sandy-brown color. There are also continuation strips not yet cleared of the ground. And the trees along it grow very interestingly along the lines of some faults in the soil.

Versions, versions, versions

So where did this runway come from? The most sensational, of course, is the hypothesis that the runway was built during the time of pre-civilization, and that from here, very possibly, the ancient Indian or Atlanta aircraft of the Vimaana took off. However, fans of versions of the conspiracy plan expressed another assumption. They say that the airfield was secretly built by the Germans during the Second World War. Sometimes a more accurate date is called 1944. At first glance, this version is not devoid of some plausibility. Indeed, during the war years, the Nazis showed great interest in African uranium and allegedly even took it out of the Congo by plane, making several intermediate landings.

In this regard, one can even recall the secret German airfields built in the Arctic in the rear of the Soviet troops. As far as the Gambia is concerned, there are some big buts. Firstly, such airfields were paved not with massive stone slabs, but with small metal ones, which also had several holes to reduce weight. Secondly, the Gambians claim that the slabs partially covered with soil have always been there, and did not appear in the middle of the 20th century. Finally, thirdly, back in January 1943, US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt traveled through Banjul. This was due to the holding of a conference in Moroccan Casablanca. During the meeting, Roosevelt and Winston Churchill, together with members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States and Great Britain, discussed the prospects for opening a Second Front and a strategy for combating German submarines in the Atlantic.

The port of Banjul was used at that time for intermediate stops for Allied naval convoys, and the mysterious airfield was chosen by the US Army Air Corps. So there could be no secret Nazi bases in the immediate vicinity of such a strategic Anglo-Saxon hub.

Did the allies try?

On some sites, you can even find statements that Yundum, in fact, was built by the allies themselves. So is there really no secret of the ancient airfield? No matter how it is! The runway length is clearly excessive for the aircraft of the time. As we already know, the locals saw this cover long before the war. And the color of the slabs differs sharply from the concrete. There is a photograph of the only combat aircraft of the Gambian army, bought in 2008 in Georgia by a Su-25 attack aircraft, standing on a platform of concrete slabs attached to the Yundum runway. They have a distinctly different gray color, which is what concrete should have. It can also be noted that, judging by the photographs, sandy-brown stone slabs vary in size, and this is absolutely not characteristic of airfields of the XX-XXI centuries.

So the riddle of Yundum really exists, and it has yet to be solved.

Valdis Peipins
Secrets of the twentieth century

We are also interested in:

2016-12-01 00:00:00

This airfield is the legacy of ancient civilizations, which, according to some information, had flying machines - the so-called vimanas.

In 1875, in one of the temples of India, a treatise "Vimanika Shastra", written by Bharadwaja the Wise in the 4th century BC, was discovered. NS. based on even earlier texts. Before the eyes of astonished scientists, detailed descriptions of strange aircraft of antiquity appeared, resembling in their technical specifications modern UFOs. The devices were called vimanas and possessed a number of amazing qualities, among which 32 main secrets are listed that make vimanas also a formidable weapon.

In any case, no one knows for certain who and when Yundum was built.

This former British colony is located on the Atlantic coast of tropical Africa and belongs to the group of the most economically backward countries not only in the world as a whole, but also in its by no means prosperous continent. The territory of the state is strongly elongated in the latitudinal direction. Inland the Gambia juts out 350 kilometers from west to east, it is located along the bed of the full-flowing river of the same name. The width of the country from north to south does not exceed 50 kilometers. A little more than one and a half million people live in the Gambia, including 75% in rural areas. The industry is extremely underdeveloped there and consists of enterprises for the production of peanut butter, beer, soft drinks and tailoring. Peanut exports provide the country with half of its foreign exchange earnings. The backwardness of the Gambia is eloquently shown by the fact that until recently the population could only receive higher education abroad: in Senegal, the United States or Western Europe. The situation changed only in 1999, when the University of the Gambia was established in the capital Banjul. There is only one library in the country and not so long ago the first museum was opened, but now, however, there are already five of them. Here, the transition at the end of the last century from manual processing of fields with hoes to plows drawn by bulls, horses or donkeys is considered an achievement. Equipping fishing boats with outboard motors is also a testament to the Gambia's commitment to technological progress, and of course this small country has its own strengths. She is one of the few on the Black Continent where a multi-party political system operates. In the vicinity of Banjul, there are several magnificent resorts with spacious and clean sea beaches, where tourists from the UK love to relax. Animal husbandry can be considered highly developed: the number of cattle exceeds 400 thousand heads.

Paved, marked and flew.

But the Gambia has a real international airport. Also mysterious. This is Yundum - the one so beloved by ufologists and alternative historians. It is located 27 kilometers from Banjul. The length of its runway (runway), which meets the highest requirements, is 3,600 meters, so Yundum is capable of accommodating aircraft of any weight. The Gambians themselves did not build this expensive runway. They only laid asphalt on the already existing roughly polished stone slabs cleared from the ground and made the markings. NASA then helped Gambia, since the American space agency was interested in creating an alternate airfield for reusable shuttle ships. Initially, the US chose the airport in the Senegalese capital Dakar, but its runway has too large an angle relative to the main trajectory of the shuttles. Therefore, in September 1987, the Americans reached an agreement with the Gambian side on the use of the Yundum airfield for this purpose. The runway has been improved. In particular, its width was increased from 29 to 45 meters. The Americans also installed the necessary electronic control and navigation systems. And in 1996, the building of the international airport was put into operation, built according to a joint Anglo-Gambian project. If you look closely at the satellite images, you can see that the central part of the Yundum runway is actively exploited, but there are unused sections on both sides of the runway. They are paved with light slabs of an unusual sandy-brown color. There are also continuation strips not yet cleared of the ground. And the trees grow along it in a very interesting way - along the lines of some faults in the soil.

Versions, versions, versions.

So where did this runway come from? The most sensational, of course, is the hypothesis that the runway was built during the time of pre-civilization, and that from here, very possibly, ancient Indian or Atlantean aircraft - vimanas - took off. However, fans of versions of the conspiracy plan expressed another assumption. They say that the airfield was secretly built by the Germans during the Second World War. Sometimes a more precise date is called - 1944. At first glance, this version is not devoid of some plausibility. Indeed, during the war years, the Nazis showed great interest in African uranium and allegedly even took it out of the Congo by plane, making several intermediate landings. In this regard, one can even recall the secret German airfields built in the Arctic in the rear of the Soviet troops. As far as the Gambia is concerned, there are some big buts. Firstly, such airfields were paved not with massive stone slabs, but with small metal ones, which also had several holes to reduce weight. Secondly, the Gambians claim that the slabs partially covered with soil have always been there, and did not appear in the middle of the 20th century. Finally, thirdly, back in January 1943, US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt traveled through Banjul. This was due to the holding of a conference in Moroccan Casablanca. During the meeting, Roosevelt and Winston Churchill, together with members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States and Great Britain, discussed the prospects for opening a Second Front and a strategy for combating German submarines in the Atlantic. The port of Banjul was used at that time for intermediate stops for Allied naval convoys, and the mysterious airfield was chosen by the US Army Air Corps. So there could be no secret Nazi bases in the immediate vicinity of such a strategic Anglo-Saxon hub.

Did the allies try?

On some sites, you can even find statements that Yundum, in fact, was built by the allies themselves. So is there really no secret of the ancient airfield? No matter how it is! The runway length is clearly excessive for the aircraft of the time. As we already know, the locals saw this cover long before the war. And the color of the slabs differs sharply from the concrete. There is a photograph of the only combat aircraft of the Gambian army, bought in 2008 in Georgia by a Su-25 attack aircraft, standing on a platform of concrete slabs attached to the Yundum runway. They have a clearly different - gray - color, which concrete should have. It can also be noted that, judging by the photographs, sandy-brown stone slabs vary in size, and this is absolutely not characteristic of airfields of the XX-XXI centuries.

So the riddle of Yundum really exists, and it has yet to be solved.

Recently, there has been a lot of talk about the mysterious Yundum airfield, discovered on the territory of the small African country of Gambia. This airfield is almost a legacy of ancient civilizations, which, according to some information, had flying vehicles - the so-called vimanas. In any case, no one knows for certain who and when Yundum was built.
In this photo, red circles mark the unpaved portions of the ancient runway slabs.

This former British colony is located on the Atlantic coast of tropical Africa and belongs to the group of the most economically backward countries not only in the world as a whole, but also in its by no means prosperous continent. The territory of the state is strongly elongated in the latitudinal direction. Inland the Gambia juts out 350 kilometers from west to east, it is located along the bed of the full-flowing river of the same name. The width of the country from north to south does not exceed 50 kilometers. A little more than one and a half million people live in the Gambia, including 75% in rural areas. The industry is extremely underdeveloped there and consists of enterprises for the production of peanut butter, beer, soft drinks and tailoring. The export of peanuts gives the country half of its foreign exchange earnings.
The backwardness of the Gambia is eloquently evidenced by the fact that until recently the population could receive higher education only abroad: in Senegal, the United States or Western Europe. The situation changed only in 1999, when the University of The Gambia was established in the capital Banjul. There is only one library in the country and not so long ago the first museum was opened, but now, however, there are already five of them. Here, the transition at the end of the last century from manual processing of fields with hoes to plows drawn by bulls, horses or donkeys is considered an achievement. Equipping fishing boats with outboard motors also testified to the involvement of the Gambia in technological progress.
Of course, this small country has its own strengths. She is one of the few on the Black Continent where a multi-party political system operates. In the vicinity of Banjul, there are several magnificent resorts with spacious and clean sea beaches, where tourists from the UK love to relax. Animal husbandry can be considered highly developed: the number of cattle exceeds 400 thousand heads.

Paved, marked and flew.

But the Gambia has a real international airport. Also mysterious. This is Yundum - the one so beloved by ufologists and alternative historians. It is located 27 kilometers from Banjul. The length of its runway (runway), which meets the highest requirements, is 3,600 meters, so Yundum is capable of accommodating aircraft of any weight. The Gambians themselves did not build this expensive runway. They just laid the asphalt on the roughly polished stone slabs already cleared from the ground and made the markings.
The Gambia was then assisted by NASA, as the US space agency was interested in creating an alternate airfield for reusable shuttle ships. Initially, the US chose the airport in the Senegalese capital Dakar, but its runway has too large an angle relative to the main trajectory of the shuttles. Therefore, in September 1987, the Americans reached an agreement with the Gambian side on the use of the Yundum airfield for this purpose. The runway has been improved. In particular, its width was increased from 29 to 45 meters. The Americans also installed the necessary electronic control and navigation systems. And in 1996, the building of the international airport was put into operation, built according to a joint Anglo-Gambian project.
If you look closely at the satellite images, you can see that the central part of the Yundum runway is actively exploited, but there are unused sections on both sides of the runway. They are paved with light slabs of an unusual sandy-brown color. There are also continuation strips not yet cleared of the ground. And the trees grow along it in a very interesting way - along the lines of some faults in the soil.

Versions, versions, versions ....

So where did this runway come from? The most sensational, of course, is the hypothesis that the runway was built during the time of pre-civilization, and that from here, very possibly, ancient Indian or Atlantean aircraft - vimanas - took off. However, fans of versions of the conspiracy plan expressed another assumption. They say that the airfield was secretly built by the Germans during the Second World War. Sometimes a more accurate date is called - 1944. At first glance, this version is not devoid of some plausibility. Indeed, during the war years, the Nazis showed great interest in African uranium and allegedly even took it out of the Congo by plane, making several intermediate landings.
In this regard, one can even recall the secret German airfields built in the Arctic in the rear of the Soviet troops. As far as the Gambia is concerned, there are some big buts. Firstly, such airfields were paved not with massive stone slabs, but with small metal ones, which also had several holes to reduce weight. Secondly, the Gambians claim that the slabs partially covered with soil have always been there, and did not appear in the middle of the 20th century. Finally, thirdly, back in January 1943, US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt traveled through Banjul. This was due to the holding of a conference in Moroccan Casablanca. During the meeting, Roosevelt and Winston Churchill, together with members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States and Great Britain, discussed the prospects for opening a Second Front and a strategy for combating German submarines in the Atlantic. The port of Banjul was used at that time for intermediate stops for Allied naval convoys, and the mysterious airfield was chosen by the US Army Air Corps. So there could be no secret Nazi bases in the immediate vicinity of such a strategic Anglo-Saxon hub.

Did the allies try?

On some sites, you can even find statements that Yundum, in fact, was built by the allies themselves. So is there really no secret of the ancient airfield? No matter how it is! The runway length is clearly excessive for the aircraft of the time. As we already know, the locals saw this cover long before the war. And the color of the slabs differs sharply from the concrete. There is a photograph of the only combat aircraft of the Gambian army, bought in 2008 in Georgia by a Su-25 attack aircraft, standing on a platform of concrete slabs attached to the Yundum runway. They have a clearly different - gray - color, which concrete should have. It can also be noted that, judging by the photographs, sandy-brown stone slabs vary in size, and this is absolutely not characteristic of airfields of the XX-XXI centuries.
So the riddle of Yundum really exists, and it has yet to be solved.

Secrets of the twentieth century

Recently, the media reported many times about the mysterious Yundum airfield, which is located in small country Gambia, located on the African continent. Why did the airfield receive the status of "mysterious"?

But because the main and very expensive component of it, the runway (runway), was not built by anyone, because it existed before the airfield appeared here. The runway is made of monolithic stone slabs that fit neatly together.

According to local residents, this "road" of monolithic stones was located in this place from ancient times. When they decided to build an airfield here, they realized that better place can not found. The builders rolled asphalt onto the slabs, applied all the necessary markings, resulting in a magnificent runway, the length of which is 3,600 meters. Any modern aircraft of any size and weight can land on the airfield.

Interestingly, the Yundum airfield was created with the active participation of the American space agency, which chose it as an alternate airfield, which is necessary for the landing of reusable ships called Shuttles. NASA representatives assisted in the installation of the necessary electronic control and navigation systems.

In 1996, the opening of the international airport building took place, the project of which was developed jointly by the Americans and the Gambians. Interestingly, not all of the stone slabs of the runway were covered with asphalt - some were left unpaved at the beginning and at the end. It turned out that the modern strip turned out to be smaller than the ancient one.

The question remains unsolved: what technique took off from this runway? This question is pretty tricky. Available publications indicate that no research has been carried out here. In areas not covered with asphalt, light slabs that are carefully fitted to each other and have a sandy-brown color are visible.

Nobody knows the exact age of the stone slabs either. Some publications refer to the roughly polished surface of ancient slabs, while others claim to be perfectly polished. Published photographs indicate that rough grinding of the slabs is closer to reality, however, this can only indicate their antiquity. After all, even perfectly polished stones can be severely damaged over time by atmospheric precipitation and winds.

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