Sequence of actions during an emergency landing of the aircraft. Plane crash

Emergency situations on board the aircraft happen infrequently, but still happen. The right to make a decision on an unplanned emergency landing provided by the commander of the carriage of the liner or his deputy.

In case non-standard situation The crew can make a decision to make a forced landing in the following cases:

1. Fire in the aircraft

Careless handling of fire and smoking on board can cause a fire. Because of the fires on board, approximately 20% of the aircraft accidents occur. If a fire has begun in the liner, you need to try not to swallow smoke and breathe through a rag.

After landing the aircraft, you need to immediately go to the nearest exit. At the same time you need:

Protect your skin with clothing or plaid;

To go on and go to the exit on all fours - at the bottom of the smoke should be less;

Do not stand in the crowd at the output, if the queue does not move, remember that if other outputs;

Don't take manual jack, It can cost you life.

2. Failure to one of the engines

The refusal of one of the aircraft engines can lead to a drop of aircraft. After the problem is detected, the board commander makes the decision to return to the departure point or asks to land at the nearest airfield.

Accidents at a height of over seven thousand meters are often accompanied by decompression (firing air in an airplane). The crew decides on forced landing in the event of a sharp drop in air pressure and depressurization of the aircraft. In case of emergency decompression in liners civil aviation Oxygen masks for passengers and crew are automatically emitted. Passengers and crew members must immediately wear these masks, after which the crew should reduce the height of the flight to the one on which the cockpit seal is not required, and then make a forced landing.

4. Deboshi on board

Fights on board the aircraft have become a rather frequent phenomenon. Once in a closed space and being in a state of intoxication, the deboshirs are looking for reasons for conflict.

In an effort to get the maximum adrenaline, unbalanced passengers rush to others. In the event that the stewards cannot cope with the assimilation of deboshirs, the crew decides on the forced landing of the aircraft.

5. Passenger's bad well-being

The plane can make an emergency landing due to poor well-being or death of one of the passengers.

6. Poor well-being or death of the pilot

A forced emergency landing the aircraft may be committed in case of poor well-being or death of the pilot, when an incomplete crew for any reason cannot continue the flight.

7. Hyon aircraft

A forced landing can occur in the event of a hijacking liner criminals. To prevent hijacking, in most commercial airlines in the cabins of pilots, armored doors are installed. In addition, on some flights there are armed service of air security services in civilian clothes that may neutralize the invaders.

What needs to be done in the case of a forced landing of the aircraft?

With a forced landing, the aircraft can crash into the trees, rock, split in half, to light up and explode. In the case of an emergency landing, passengers need:

Immediately release the passages and take places in their chairs;

Bring back to the vertical position;

Remove glasses, dentures, remove sharp objects from the internal pockets (fountain pen, knives, lighters);

Remove high-heeled shoes;

Weaken tie and unbutton collar;

Put on your knees soft things to protect the head and body;

Fasten and tighten the belts tightly.

At the command of the flight attendant "Attention landing!" Should:

To lean forward, to close the head with soft things and put it on the hands, which knees;

Stay in such a pose need to complete the aircraft.

After stopping the aircraft, the belts should be unzipped and prepared for evacuation. For emergency leaving the board with passengers and the crew, all major and spare doors are used as well emergency exitsLocated, as a rule, with the left and right side of the fuselage.

Current page: 4 (In total, 8 pages) [Available excerpt for reading: 2 pages]

§ 14. Safety in public transport and car

Let's look at how safe to behave in public transport (bus, trolleybus, tram, metro) and car.

Bus One of the most common types of transport. It is easy maneuver in the transport stream, can change the direction and speed of movement. True, with adverse weather conditions and poor condition, in the case of sharp braking and in some other situations, an accident may occur. And the blow even at low speed often leads to passenger injuries.

Evacuation from the bus through emergency exit

To exit the bus in case of an accident, you can use doors, windows, ventilation hatches.

The buses have special windows that can serve as emergency exits. To take advantage of them, you need to stretch the seal cord for a special handle, and then squeeze the glass. You can simply knock out any glass with a solid object: "diplomat" with a metal rim, fire extinguisher, brake shoe. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that there are no people who can face sharp fragments. Do not forget also to beat off sharp fragments along the edges of the window.

After the accident occurred, the first thing must be determined, where and in what position you are and there is no fire. Depending on the situation, move to the exit.

The situation of flooding salon is rare. However, being in it, you should not rush to leave the salon, you need to wait until it is partially filled with water to get out easier.

Trolleybus and tram due to their relatively small speed and small maneuverability safe views public transport. But it must be remembered that electric traction creates a danger of lesion to the current. With strong rains, during thaws in winter, it may be closed by closing the cocked wires on the machine body. In 1996, in Moscow several times for this reason, up to 40% of trolley buses faced, which caused interruptions in the service of passengers. Sometimes it led to injury.

The lesion of the current is possible and with strong wind, when the contact wire is likely to break and fall on the roof of the machine. To leave the trolleybus (tram), which is under the current, you can only jump to eliminate the blow when the passenger standing on the step on the step concerns the other leg of the Earth.

Trolleybus Evacuation (tram)

Metro vehicle Increased danger. To avoid trouble, it is necessary to follow the rules for the use of the Metropolitan.

The first zone of danger in the subway Turnstiles at the entrance. Attempting to go for free, create a pressure and break through the group, jump over the turnstile most often ends with the blow of his sash. For adults, such a blow is almost safe, he can cause serious injury.

The second zone of danger escalator. The cause of a dangerous situation on it can be a sharp stop, unexpected overclocking or destruction of the escalator tape. Without keeping around with a sharp stop on the legs, it is necessary to group and get up as quickly as possible. In the case of a sharp overclocking or destruction of the escalator tape, it is necessary to immediately move to the adjacent escalator, jumping over or pouring through the fence and without lingering on it. It is not worth it to create dangerous situations on the escalator: to sat down at his steps, arrange competitions on the run, lighting up the passage, put on the handrails of objects or throw coins, other things and watch how they fly down. Thin heels on the shoes of girls, too soft or torn brews can be stuck in its corrugated steps.

Third zone danger platform. The flows of incoming and coming passengers, besides with bags, suitcases, backpacks, can create a dangerous situation. Going for the restrictive line and being at the edge of the platform, you can fall on the way. Attempted to get the same result to get a thing that fell from Perron. Falling on the way, it is impossible to immediately climb the platform (under it there is a high-voltage contact rail), you need to run along the train to its beginning (there is a staircase). If the train appeared, you should lie down between the rails head towards the train, closing the ears with your hands and opening the mouth.

Fourth zone danger Train car During its movement, sharp braking and stopping, turning off the lighting, lighting of electrical wiring, smoke. In a moving train, these situations become more dangerous. It must be remembered that each car is equipped with an emergency connection with a driver. In any dangerous situations, it is necessary to use it: Press the button, not to hurry, say what happened, and name the room of the carriage.

How to behave in the subway:

Do not try to go to the subway for free: the blow of the turnstile sash can be strong enough;

Do not escape around the escalator, do not put things on the steps, do not sit down and do not stand along the movement of the back;

Do not linger at the exit from the escalator, do not create crops;

Do not approach the edge of the platform;

Do not approach the car until the train stops; Backpack or bag to remove from the shoulder: they will prevent turn around in the car;

Do not lift the item on the rails independently, call for this duty at the station;

Do not panic if the train stopped in the tunnel; wait for ads and carry out all the orders of metro employees;

Do not rush to look into the suitcase left for someone or a bag, report them to the station on duty;

Remember: the safety of other passengers depends on your fiction (abandoned on the platform Banana peel can for someone to cause injury, who did not hold the entrance door of the lobby will hit the person next to you).

A car. Most people from time to time use this type of transport, even if there is no car in the family. Cars are most dangerous for pedestrians and passengers for several reasons:

Many motorists, unlike professionals, do not have good preparation;

Cars have a high movement speed;

In the stream of cars, a passenger car may face a heavy truck, in this case its driver and passengers are more dangerous than people in the truck.

Security measures in a passenger car:

During movement, you can not open the doors;

It is impossible to ride without fastened safety belts;

In the car you need to have a first-aid kit and fire extinguisher;

While driving, you must follow the road and do not interfere with the driver;

It is impossible to distract the driver from the control during the movement of the car.

Sometimes during the trip the passenger passive, does not follow the road, and the danger of a collision for him is a complete surprise. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a very useful habit: sitting in the car, perceive every unusual signal (sound of the beep, increasing the sound of the engine of the approaching machine, brake squealing outside) as a danger warning.

Seeing that the collision is inevitable, it is necessary to rest in foot in the floor, and with your hands in the panel or front seat. After the collision, you must try to quickly leave the car.

If it is impossible to get through the doors, it must be done, knocking out the front or rear window with your feet. Any tool or another object in this situation will help in this situation. An anti-theft device can be a girlfriend. Selecting outward, it is necessary to help get out the rest, get the first-aid kit and fire extinguisher from the car.

Questions and tasks

1. Tell us about one of the city's famous bus routes, trolley buses, tram. Describe the route in detail, tell us about dangerous placesThrough which it passes (crossroads, steep lifts, descents, overpass on the transport junction), the mode of movement of cars on this route at different times of the day and on different days of the week.

2. Outline the rules of safe behavior in the bus.

3. Tell us about the rules of behavior in trolleybus and tram in crude, rainy weather.

4. Using urban transport, explore the design of the entrance doors of buses, trams. Tell us why you can not lean them while driving. How can I use them as an emergency exit?

5. Tell us about the security tools in the subway. What dangerous situations may arise in the subway train car? Tell us about your actions in these cases.

6. Examine the metro scheme in your city. Find possible accommodation options for a situation where one of the sites are blocked due to the accident. Do you know what kind of terrestrial transport Can you use in the event of an accident at the station you usually use?

7. Tell us what devices to ensure safety in the passenger cars you know.

Task 18.

You are driving in the evening in the Metro Train. In the car besides you there is only a sleeper grandfather. Suddenly the train stopped in span between stations. It takes 20 minutes, but the train is worth. And then you noticed at the end of the wagon left by someone box. Select further actions from the proposed options and determine their odds.

1. Wake up the grandfather and retire with him to another end of the car or hide behind the seats.

2. Open the box and see what.

3. Report by the machine.

4. Roll into the box in the window.

Task 19.

You are going to school in a crowded metro car and stay at the door. Suddenly you got my head and ill belly. Select further actions from the proposed options and determine their odds.

1. Exit at the nearest station and sit.

2. Exit the nearest station and go to the doctor.

3. Go to the clinic.

4. Ask for someone to give you a place.

Task 20.

You and Mom were invited to celebrate New Year. On Street -29 ° C. From the metro station you must go on the highway 17 km. At the bus stop, you recognize that the buses will start walking only in two hours. You were told that you can walk through the forest for an hour. Choose your further actions from the proposed options.

1. Stand at the stop and wait for the bus.

2. Go through the forest.

3. Try to get there to any car passing by.

4. Return home.

5. Try to find any other way to get to the right place (another bus).

Task 21.

You are going to the subway with a different. In anticipation of the train, you notice that one of the passengers dropped a bag on the rails and tries to jump behind her. The green signal of the semaphore is burning. Select further actions from the proposed options and determine their odds.

1. Go to look for an employee of the transport police.

2. Stop the passenger from the rapid act.

4. Tips to this person so that he turns away for help to duty at the station.

Task 22.

You are traveling with friends in the metro car. Suddenly the wagon begins to fill in the smoke, eyes are watched. People begin to worry. Select further actions from the proposed options and determine their odds.

1. On the internal communication to transfer information to the driver.

2. Try to open the doors of the car and windows to come fresh air.

3. Find under the seat in the car fire extinguisher.

4. Keep calm, calm people, seek help for adults.

5. When stopping the train in the tunnel and opening the doors do not go out on the way.

Task 23.

You are driven with familiar in the car in the winter. Holly. You are sitting in the back seat. Suddenly, a dog runs out on the driving part in the car. The driver begins to slow down. As a result, the car begins to slide, and you see that it is possible to collide with the lighting post. Select further actions from the proposed options and determine their odds.

1. Scream, give advice to the driver.

2. Gather, grouped, resurgently in the back of the front seat.

3. To lie on the back seat, closing the head with your hands.

4. Sitting lying to the back of the front seat.

5. To try to find seat belts and fasten them.

6. When stopping leave the car.

§ 15. Railway transport

Railway transport today remains one of the most common, as it is relatively entertaining and relatively safe. But the danger of accidents on it still exists, since to stop the train carrying at high speed, no less than a kilometer is required. Rescuers are difficult to quickly come to the aid of its passengers in the event of an accident, since the railway highways often pass away from settlements and roads.

Danger lies not only on the train. Dangerous areas are also railway tracks, moving, stations, landing platforms. There is a real threat here not only for railroad workers and passengers, but also for people living near the railway tracks, stations, stations and depot.

Dangerous zones railway transport

During the trip, it is impossible to forget about the rules of behavior at the station territories (landing platforms, railways and moving, at train stations and trains). These most dangerous railway transport zones are shown in the scheme. Although the speed of the train during maneuvering, the approach to the platform is small, visibility for the driver and passengers is very limited. On the driveway, many different technical devices (semaphores, ways of translating paths), so there is a danger of damaging the legs. Cross railroad tracks are best on underground, above-ground or designated transitions. If still have to go out on the way (for example, at small stations in rural areas), it is necessary to be particularly attentive and careful, do not cross the way, without having examined, and never hurry. Remember that railway Increased danger zone!

How not to suffer from railway transport:

Do not walk along the railway tracks, especially where there are arrows, do not play on the ways;

Not subject to cars, when moving through ways to use pedestrian bridges, tunnels and transitions;

Do not run on the platform while waiting for the train;

Do not stand at the edge of the platform;

Do not approach the car until the train stops;

Do not stick out of windows while moving the train;

Do not open the exterior doors of the tambouries and not jump off when moving the train.

Embed into the car in its place, it is necessary to safely arrange baggage. The heavy and bulky luggage is better not to put up, and place it downstairs under the bottom shelves. Think about your safety during sleep (especially on the upper shelf). Examine the rules of the behavior of passengers who are posted in the car.

What to do in case of a train crash:

Try to get out through the window;

Do not think about baggage: life is more expensive;

Do not go far from the accident site, choosing from the danger zone, try not to move away from adults;

Jump out from a moving train only in case of direct danger to life; At the same time, to wear as many clothes as possible, protect the head to jump along the move of the movement from the side of the car, where there are no pillars, and try to land on the legs connected together, and then the drops of falling the fall.

In the event of a fire car, it should immediately report this to the conductor, and in suburban train - In the negotiation device of the train driver. After that, on the instructions of officials train brigade It is necessary to quickly go into the front or rear wagons of the train, closing the doors tightly.

Questions and tasks

1. Name the hazardous zones of railway transport.

2. Imagine that you are late for landing and do not have time for your car. What do you do?

3. Make a list of things needed in the train.

4. What should a passenger know? What rules should it observe?

5. What should be done in the event of an accident?

6. What should I do if a fire arose in the carriage?

Task 24.

You are with your parents hurry on the train. Separate a train. On the ways you have a comma train. Select further actions from the proposed options.

1. Run through the path to the platform, the observed commodity train.

2. Go to the transition and go to the platform.

3. Wash to the platform under the commodity wagon.

§ 16. Aviation transport

Modern aircraft are reliable, and the flight on them is almost always safe. However, there are no completely safe mechanisms, machines. The plane is a very difficult car, and the weather is not always quiet and sunny during the flight. Unfortunately, every year in the air crash in the world, 3,000 people die in the world.

In flight, the aircraft is always an autonomy, its safety is ensured by the work of dozens of people on earth: technicians, telecommunications, dispatchers. But no matter how perfect, any flight on it always depends on external conditions. Strong wind, bad visibility, snow and rain affect the safety of flight, creating sometimes situations, to overcome which from the crew and ground services requires a lot of skills, perseverance, and sometimes courage.

The passenger must also comply with the rules from which the safety of flight depends.

How to behave in the cabin of the aircraft:

Before takeoff and landing, take your place and not walk along the salon;

On the shelf, located above the armchairs, place only necromotive things (coat, cloak, jacket);

Carefully listen to the information of the flight attendants about the rules of behavior and safety devices on board the ship;

During the flight, explore the rules for the use of security;

Watch that when takeoff and landing the seat belt was tightly stretched at the hip;

With dangerous situations, keep calm and perform all the directions of the crew.

In the catastrophic situations on airplanes, two dangerous types of Panic passengers and apathy behavior are usually manifested. The second, oddly enough, occurs more often.

It should be considered and never stop the struggle for your life.

Consider some dangerous situations possible during the flight, and together think about how to get out of them.

With an accident on an airplane, the reserve of time for action is very small, so fear, panic will only increase the danger, will reduce this time. It is necessary to act reasonably: your salvation depends on this.

If the accident occurs when takeoff, landing or at high altitude, the pilots will try to interrupt the flight and plant the aircraft, but the emergency landing in this case will not be soft.

For emergency landing It is necessary to take a safe position: the body is bent, the head is inclined as low as possible, the hands cover the head, the legs rest in the back of the front seat.

Remove the bulky, heavy and other dangerous items that can cause injured. Try to wear overprices.

After an emergency landing, it is necessary not to panic, fulfill all the crew teams of the aircraft, help those who are wounded or is in a helpless state. You can leave the aircraft through emergency outputs. After leaving the aircraft, you need to move away from it to a safe distance, as its explosion is possible. Actions must be clear, conscious, quick, because health and life depends on it.

Secure emergency landing position

When depressurizing the aircraft During the flight, the passenger has only a few seconds to put on the oxygen mask, which is located in the back of the front seat or above the head.

With a fire in the aircraft It is necessary to fulfill all crew teams. After landing, the most important thing to leave the aircraft as quickly as possible, and for this you need to go to the nearest emergency exit. To do to the exit follows on all fours, bent as low as possible, as the bottom of smoke is less (not so much fire is dangerous as smoke). Close your mouth with a scarf or handkerchief (if possible, wet). Do not take a manual sting with you, to show decisiveness and discipline.

When an emergency landing of an aircraft on the water need to wear life vestbut to inflate it only slightly so that he does not interfere with when leaving.

Questions and tasks

1. If you had to fly on airplanes, tell us about your impressions.

2. Tell us about the safety rules at aviation transport.

3. Remember and tell about any film or a book, where the emergency room is shown (described).

Task 25.

During flight on the aircraft there were malfunctions, as a result of which the emergency landing will have. Select further actions from the proposed options and determine their odds.

1. Do not panic, listen to the crew information.

2. Grouple before landing, close your head with your hands and lean forward.

3. Dress.

4. Go to the crew to find out the situation.

5. Fasten the safety belt.

6. Prepare your things to evacuation.

Aviation accidents and disasters are possible for many reasons and lead to severe consequences. Accidents at take-off and landing belong to the way where there is hope for salvation, as they usually occur when the plane is still on Earth or low above it, and its speed is relatively small. Moreover, they, as a rule, happen in the area of \u200b\u200bthe airport, where there are rescue teams and the necessary equipment.

Unlike the car, the aircraft fleeing to a stationary structure or any vehicle is usually not stopped, but rushing further. Therefore, passengers are not exposed to sharp impacts. Except from this may be cases when the aircraft faces a mountain. In this case, the chances of salvation of meager.

In other cases, when an emergency situation occurs in flight, the crew may decide on a forced landing. When preparing it (scheme 58), it is necessary to immediately free the passages and take places in their chairs, the backs of which should be brought to a vertical position. In addition, it is necessary to remove glasses, dentures, remove sharp objects from the inner pockets (fountain pen, knives, lighters), remove the shoes on high heels, weaken the tie and unzipped the collar. After that, put on your knees soft things to protect the head and body, fasten and tighten the belts tightly. On the team of flight attendant "Attention landing!" it should be leaning forward, to close the head with soft things and put it on the hands, which kneel. It is necessary to remain in such a pose until the aircraft stops (Fig. 23).

After stopping the plane, unbutton straps and prepare for evacuation. For emergency leaving the aircraft with passengers and the crew, all major and spare doors are used, as well as emergency exits, located, as a rule, with the left and right sides of the fuselage. Outputs for passengers, approaches to them and the opening tools have a noticeable labeling that facilitates their detection. All inscriptions are highlighted from the inside regardless of the main lighting system. The device of emergency hatches and their locks with handles is made simple, noticeable and not requiring great effort to open. The instructions for opening them are applied on the doors (hatches). In the location of emergency exits on the wing of the passages between the seats is wider than anywhere, and do not interfere with the opening of the hatches and the output of passengers.

When leaving your chair, do not take a baggage taken on board as a hand-made bag. It is dictated by security measures, as it is likely that some items in your bag have sharp corners and edges. This may cause damage and blew the inflatable rescue ladder, which will lead, in turn, to injury, and possibly to the death of passengers awaiting their turn on evacuation.

Leaving the plane through the exit with the ladder released and inflated, you need, without stopping, jump on it, and not sit on the edge, and then move down. Only a jump is achieved an increase in the evacuation rate (Fig. 24, 25).

Try to wear a coat or a jacket made from hard-co-created and hardwood;

Think out what shoes should be put on; Avoid high-heeled shoes, but if you are put on them, and when evacuations, you will have to use an inflatable rescue ladder, then remove them when you leave the plane;

With each takele and landing, make sure that the seat belt is tightly stretched from your hips;

Know what fixed pose you need to occupy when an emergency landing; Watch what happens by the aircraft; If all indicates that the accident is inevitable, take the desired pose;

Know where the outputs are located on the plane and how they open.

When decompression, i.e. Air racing in the aircraft cabin as a result of depressurization, the latter is filled with dust and fog. The visibility is sharply reduced, air quickly leaves the air, and it cannot be delayed. At the same time, ringing in the ears and pain in the intestines may arise. Fast decompression usually begins with a deafening roar (air leaves). In this case (scheme 59), without waiting for the team, immediately put on the oxygen mask. Do not try to assist anyone before you wear a mask, even if this is your child: if you do not have time to help yourself and lose consciousness, both will find yourself without oxygen. Immediately after putting on the mask, fasten the seat belts and prepare for a sharp decline.

With a fire in the aircraft

(Scheme 60) Remember that on board the greatest danger is smoke, not a fire. Breathe only through cotton or woolen elements of clothing, if possible with water moistened. Breaking through to the exit, move nourishing or on all fours, as the bottom of the salon is smaller. Protect open areas of body from direct fire exposure using existing clothes, blankets, etc.

After landing and stopping the aircraft, immediately head to the nearest exit, as the probability of the explosion is high. If the passage is lit up, sneak through the chairs, lowering their backs. When evacuations, get rid of hand baggage and avoid output through the hatches near which there is an open fire or a strong slightness. After leaving the plane, remove from it as far as possible and lie on the ground, pressed my head with my hands - an explosion is possible.

Forced landing of the aircraft on the waterit happens rarely. Before sinking, the plane can be afloat from 10 to 40 minutes. However, if the fuselage is damaged, this time is significantly less.

Airplanes, whose engines are located on the wings will be afloat in a horizontal position, and those whose two or more engines are on the tail, will float the tail part down.

When drivening, which is always unexpected, there is practically no time to prepare. In one case, the plane can touch the surface as smoothly, which is incomprehensible, it landed it or driven, in the other - it can fall apart and quick to sink. Therefore, when driven, it is necessary to act on the commander of the crew or flight attendant (Scheme 61), i.e. Wear a life jacket and inflate it, take with you or put on warm clothes and go to the exit, specified by the airconductor, for planting a rescue raft.

After a forced landing on the water, rescue rafts are descended. The time to bring the fleet to the working condition is approximately 1 min in the summer and 3 minutes in winter. If the leading occurred during the cold season, you need to take more warm things on the raft. We should not forget about the reserve of water and food. In a set of the fleet there is an emergency reserve, which may not be enough if the swimming is long. The commander of the aircraft crew commander is assumed by all passengers on the water.

Using oars and rented items, you need to move away from the place of immersion of the aircraft. After that, straighten and quit the floating anchor overboard, which will reduce the drift drift speed in the wind and will hold back in the accident area.

Check the knowledge gained by verifying your responses to tests with answers shown at the end of the textbook.

36. How to leave after an emergency landing to leave the aircraft through the output with the released and inflated lady:

a) without stopping, jump on the ladder and move down;

b) without stopping, sitting on the edge of the ladder and move down;

b) to stay before the ladder, sit down on it and move down. |

37. When an aircraft emergency landing is necessary:

a) folded on the stomach, bend and squeeze my legs;

b) put on a life jacket, rub the back of the front seat, and hold the head between the knees;

c) bend, tilt the head as low as possible and cover it with your hands, lay down on the back of the front seat.

38. You fly on the plane. The flight attendant reported on board on board and the upcoming forced landing. Your actions after a forced landing provided that the aircraft salon smashed, the fire is visible in some places, the passage to evacuation exit is not blocked:

a) immediately put the oxygen mask, protect the body from burns and you will wait for rescuers;

b) Protect your burns by closing open parts of the body, feed back and crash to the output on all fours, covering the mouth and nose with a handkerchief or elements of clothing, moistened with liquid; Once by side, quickly move away from the aircraft;

c) ask the berthrutrice to bring a bottle with mineral water, on the backs of the chairs we run to the exit, pouring yourself to the water on the go, being overboard, we will wait around the aircraft in case your help is needed.

39. The plane made a forced landing on the water. You need:

a) put on a life jacket and inflate it, take with you or put on warm clothes, go to the exit for landing in a rescue raft;

b) take a rescue vest and warm clothes with you, go to the exit, go down to the rescue raft, put on warm clothes and a life jacket;

c) wear and inflate the life jacket, take the stock of products, go to the next salon and wait for the help of the flight attendant.

40. With a violation of hermetic in the aircraft, it is necessary:

a) fasten the safety belt and, closing his head with his hands, lean forward;

b) immediately put on an oxygen mask, fasten the safety belt and prepare for a rapid decline;

c) fasten the seat belt, helping the neighbors, put the oxygen mask.

Briefing for flight attendants

Sat informs all flight attendants about the current situation.

In case there is enough time, the briefing can be carried out in front of the aircraft.

For the preparation of a passenger cabin to emergency landing necessary

full lighting.

Information for passengers

The ship commander informs passengers about the situation arising aboard. If this fails, it can use the installed texts of information for passengers.

Preparation of working areas.

Remove all loose items, including newspapers and magazines (folded in the package).

Close and lock toilets, remove the video monitors, remove children's cradle.

Secure kitchen equipment (containers, carts, etc.).

Disable all electrical equipment, pull out fuses.

Lock all compartments and wardrobes.

Open and secure curtains, disrupt them, if possible.

Release the paths of evacuation from any items (manual sting, etc.).

Doors and tray

Door selectors must be in the "Armed" position


When choosing passengers, assistants is given preference to members of the crews of any airlines, which follow passengers, as well as other airline workers.

Assistant passengers should sit in places from emergency exits, at free places of flight attendants, as well as near passengers who need additional assistance (disabled people unaccling).

Replanting passengers-assistants, it is necessary to convince other passengers to give them their places.

Passenger preparation information

Sat reads on the points of instructions to prepare for emergency landing according to the text of the emergency information. If there is little time to prepare, then Sat chooses only those items that are necessary in this particular emergency.

Flight attendants themselves perform and check the execution of the SB instructions, sequentially transmitting a signal to perform each stage of preparation:

Put the backs of the chairs in a vertical position, remove the folding tables,

steps and individual video monitors to: release the paths of evacuation,

take a security posture, avoid injury when landing.

Remove ties, unbutton collars to avoid breathing difficulties.

Outerwear. Wear in accordance with external conditions.

Sticking and cutting items, glasses, dentures need to be removed and placed in manual sting. If there is little time, then these items can be placed between the seats of the chairs. The placement of these items in pockets are prohibited.

Manual sting must be placed under the seats of the first chairs.

Lightweight items are placed on luggage shelves (as an exception may be

toilet rooms are used). In the case of evacuation manual sting

must be left aboard the aircraft. Remove shoes, place it on the shelf or under the back of the chair, so as not to damage inflatable ladders and rafts.

Demonstrate emergency exits.

Emergency lighting.

Flight attendants must demonstrate a lightway (if available) and

light boot outputs.

Emergency landing.

It is necessary to explain the use of trap and exits on the wing.

Planting water.

Beazing vests should be put before planting water. Vests inflate: immediately before leaving the aircraft through the door or after leaving the aircraft through an emergency hatch (a prematurely inflated vest will prevent the adoption of safe poses, evacuation and may be damaged during evacuation).

Rescue vests for young children should be picked up by the accompanying face immediately after stopping the aircraft. Children's rescue cradle inflates before leaving the aircraft.

Safe Pose.

Passengers need to explain the meaning of the team "Safety Position"and that it can sound shortly before landing. It is necessary to demonstrate the passengers a safe posture: at the time when Sat explains how to take a safe posture, flight attendants, sitting on the back of the first row chair in its zone, demonstrate it. In the interior of the first and business classes, a safe posture is demonstrated by flight attendants standing in the aisles. A safe pose for a baby individually explains the accompanying person.

Warn passengers that when landing should be expected by several strong

jolts, and they should remain in their places with fastened seat belts before stopping the aircraft.

Explain the beginning of evacuation:on the team of flight attendants you need to sweep the belts and

faster to run to the nearest exit.

Binding belt.

After demonstrating the belt belt and workout its use,

complete that passengers tightly fastened their binding belts at the thigh level

(Prematurely the fastened belt makes it difficult to prepare the passenger).

Safety instructions for passengers.

Passengers assistants.

The assistant passenger briefing includes: opening outputs; help at the bottom of the ladder; assisting on the wing of the aircraft and on Earth; assisting passengers - disabled; Collection of passengers at a safe distance; Assistance to passengers who need this (elderly, sick, children).

Last readiness check

Fate attendants should finally make sure that the salons and cuisine are fully prepared for emergency landing.


Wear a complete set of uniform clothes in order to highlight yourself as a crew member. Remove metal emblems and registered badges. Footwear, flight attendants are removed at the time of informing passengers when preparing, or at the time of the latest readiness check.

Passenger cabin lighting

At the end of the preparation, the lighting of the salons must fit outdoor

conditions at the time of landing.

Removable emergency equipment

Ensure that emergency rescue equipment is available. All equipment is located on the mounting places until it is necessary after landing.

End of preparation

Flight attendants must report Sat, Sat - the ship commander.

Place of flight attendant

Take your place and spend a 30 second mood.

Conducting evacuation

Not always, evacuation should be prepared for emergency landing.

If there is a need for evacuation, the flight attendants should

start it after the "Passenger Evacuation" command in accordance with "Instructions

by evacuation "

Actions of passengers at emergency (collision, coup, tipping) on \u200b\u200burban public transport

    grouped, tightly grab the handrails, try to avoid falling

    make your feet in the floor, hands in the back of the front seat, head turn ahead

    leave transport through doors, windows, emergency exits. Leading help affected

items: located in the stralee fire extinguisher, brake shoe, hard diplomat, etc.; In the extreme case, knock the glass with a strong blow to the leg in the angle of the window, hanging on the hands on the ceiling handrails. Before the output, be sure to clean the opening of the windows from the remaining glasses.

With the smell of Gary, such measures should be recognized as required, as the time to build a queue leading to the existing exit, passengers may not be. In case of fire, urban transport is very fast. The nose and mouth in this case should be protected in advance with a scarf, sleeves or other material, if possible, mixing it with any liquid.

In the event of a fire in the cabin, let me know the driver, open the doors (using the emergency opening), emergency outputs or break the window. If there is a fire extinguisher in the cabin, take measures to eliminate fire focus. Select out of the salon outside nourishing, without touching the walls and metal parts.

When accidental in case of damage to the current wire, the most safe place In the tram or trolleybus - sitting. At the same time, the feet from the floor it is better to tear off, and do not touch the walls and handrails. It follows from the electric transport by a jump, at the same time two legs ahead, without touching the housing, so as not to close the electrical cap.

When falling into the water, wait for the salon to fill the interior with half, hold the breath and dance through the door, an emergency output or a broken window.

Actions of passengers in a fire in urban public transport

    immediately report fire to the driver

    protect your mouth and nose with handkerchief, scarf, sleeve

    start stewing fire

    open the door with an emergency revelation button or scatter glass

    leave the vehicle by missed the children, women, old people

    assist the victims

Actions of passengers when falling public transport in

    if the vehicle is afloat, selected through the window

When immersing into the water, remove excess clothes

    deep breathe and choose out through the door or window

    if necessary, bulk the glass 126

    help the children and can not swim

    having noted on the shore to help the victims

Accidents in the metropolitan zone of danger in the subway


It is forbidden: jump over the turnstile; pass through


It is forbidden: running around the escalator; sit down on the steps of the escalator and puts things on the handrails; linger at the exit from the escalator and create a pressure

It is forbidden: descend on the path of the metro; break the restrictive line at the edge of the platform; Get close to the car before it stops

It is forbidden: lean to doors; prevent the opening and closing of the doors;

open doors while driving and stopping

From the rules for using the metro.With the fall of people and items on the path of the metro, smoke, sunbathing and other dangerous situations, contact the station or train engine on the passenger-driver system.

When trains of forgotten, fearless and suspicious things and items are found in the subway and suspicious things and items, inform the police officers, employees of the metro or train machine.

Actions of the passenger who fell on the way

    do not rise from the paths on the platform (high-voltage is laid under it

contact Rail)

    if the trains are not visible, run to the beginning of the platform (there is a staircase)

    if the train seemed to lie down between the rails, closing the ears with his hands and opening

Actions of train passengers when stopped in the tunnel

    do not leave the car without a driver of the train "on the exit!" I will leave the car from the side where the contact rail is not running along the tracks along the rails between the rails when the train appears in the tunnel niche observe caution on the paths, when leaving the tunnel

    do not with you combustible, chemical and explosive substances

    do not include in the power supply of the Wagon Household appliances

    with the smells of burned rubber or smoke appearance immediately refer to the conductor

    with a real threat, immediately leave the car through the tambourities and emergency exits; In the extreme case, knock out undergraduate items (stairs - stepladers, rigid portfolios - diplomats, eliminated from the nests with tables and clothing shelves) window glass

    do not pull to the suitcases, throw them; Your life is not worthwhile

Actions of passengers when crashing a train

    go from the windows and doors

    grasp for fixed parts of the car and step into something legs

    car leave through outputs and windows. First of all evacuate the affected and children

    in order not to get under step tension, go away from the way at least 30 m

    pave first medical care victim

In case of accidents associated with a collision and emergency braking, most of the injuries people are obtained as a result of drops from the shelves. To avoid them or at least soften the blow, it should be, except for fixing baggage, remove unsafe bottles from the tables, glasses in cup holders with sticking out of them like daggers with spoons, etc. To adjust, especially on the shelves on whom children sleep. Mattresses from the outside or put the rolled blanket or unnecessary clothing under them so that a protective roller formed, through which it is difficult to join. Fully, before fixing, close, or open the door of the coupe, so that they do not cause injury in the opening of a hand or head with a sharp stop.

With a serious crash, you must immediately get out of the car (only, jumping out, do not fall under the counter train) and assist the affected passengers. Carefully examine whether there are no covered wires with drop-down wires: they can represent mortal hazards.

The fire in the train is not a flame, but, first of all, the poisonous products of combustion of synthetic finishing materials. Poisoning occurs in minutes. And with intense combustion - seconds. In order to avoid this in a moving train, go to the next car. It is advisable towards movement, in the street who is possible with a third party where there is no railway tracks. Do not disappear in all directions, since arriving rescuers will look for you near the web.

With a strong smoke of the carriage, close the nose and mouth with a rag with a cloth - a towel, pillowcase, sheets, a piece of broken clothing. In semi-empty cars you can move on your knees. Since the bottom (at the floor) smoke is less. There are situations where a moving train cannot be stopped. In such cases, it is necessary to act according to the following scheme.

    put on yourself more clothes. Protect your head

    jump along the train to the side where there are no pillars

    try to land on your feet connected together

    flocks and focate turn off the speed of the fall

Jump out from the moving train only in cases of direct danger to life!

The actions of the passengers in a fire in the train in the event of a fire

    report fire Wagon conductor

    wake out sleeping passengers

    go to the front wagons; If it is impossible - in the rear; Tightly closing the doors

If the fire is cut off out

    go in the coupe or to the toilet

    close the door tightly and open the window

If the fire is impossible

    stop train Stop Crane

    open the doors, select the window

    help evacuate for children and affected

    exit the car, go away from it

After the accident quickly, choose from the car through the door or windows - emergency outputs (depending on the situation), as the likelihood of fire is high. Emergency exit from wagons serve quickly opened windows in the SM and 6m coupe from the side of the transverse shelves. Smash

The coupe window is only heavy infirred objects. When leaving the wagon through an emergency exit, choose the side of the railway track, where more free space, taking with you documents, denngigi, clothes or blankets. Once from the outside, immediately turn into rescue work: Help passengers of other coupe break the windows, pull out victims, etc.

During the accident, bottling fuel is possible. In this case, go away from the train to a safe distance, as there is a threat of fire and an explosion. If the cocked wire is turned off and concerns the Earth, remove from it by jumping or short chambers to protect yourself from step tension. The distance that electric strokes spread over the ground can be from 2 (dry) to 30 (wet) meters.

Check the knowledge gained by verifying your responses to tests with answers shown at the end of the textbook.

Leaving the plane through the exit released and inflated the ladder, you need, without stopping, jumping on it, and not sit on the edge, and then move down. Only a jump is achieved an increase in evacuation rate.

Leaving the aircraft jump on the ladder

Right wrong

Leaving the aircraft using a tarp route

    try to wear a coat or a jacket made from hard-fated and hard-welts

    think out what shoes should be put on; Avoid high-heeled shoes, but if you are put on them, and when evacuations, you will have to use an inflatable rescue ladder, then remove them when you leave the plane

    with each takele and landing, make sure that the safety belt is tightly stretched from your hips.

    know what fixed pose you need to occupy when an emergency landing; Watch what happens by the aircraft; If all indicates that the accident is inevitable, take the desired pose

    know where the outputs are located on the plane and how they open

Activities of air passengers during decompression (salon depressurization)

    immediately put on an oxygen mask

    instruct the safety belt and prepare for a sharp decline.

Activities for fire in the aircraft

    listen and execute crew members commands

    protect your burns by closing the opening of the body

    make and enjoy to get out on all fours

    if the passage is blocked, move on top of the lowered air chairs

    out of the aircraft, go away from it as far as possible Forced landing of the aircraft on the waterit happens rarely.

Action of air passengers with forced (emergency) landing for water.

    put on a life jacket and inflate it slightly

    take with you or put on warm clothes

    take the place in the rescue raft

See also: