Body in rescue vests Circling TU 154. And what can be found

There is no rescuers on the spot of its fall in the Black Sea. They raise the dead and fragments of the aircraft from the bottom of the body, on board which at the time of the crash was 92 people - members of the crew, the artists of the ensemble them. Alexandrova, journalists and Dr. Lisa.

Our photocurrent of Vladimir Velengurin is watching with his own eyes how divers work and how the search operation is promoted.

In the first days there was information that some passengers managed to wear life jackets. That is, they prepared for a fall. But neither on one of the dead, the body of which was raised, there was no rescue vest, - Vladimir Veligurin passes from the place of search.

Also among EMERCOM employees there are experienced rescuers who worked on the crash of the Armenian airline Armavia in 2006. The disaster occurred in about the same place when entering the liner for landing.

For those who died in that accident and this very similar injuries, the rescuers tell our correspondent. - The bodies suffered greatly, which can only be from a powerful blow of water. Whole bodies are very small, mostly fragments. There are no traces of fire on the bodies, that is, the explosion most likely was not.

Dozens of divers and inhabited underwater batisysf Russian geographical society work around the clock around the clock.

Here, on December 27, at the morning building, the head of the consolidated part of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Alexander Agafonov congratulated all employees with a professional holiday.

But we will celebrate later, and now there is a hard job, "said Alexander Agafonov.

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The last words of the crew crashed Tu-154: "Floor, with ... ka! Commander, Fall! "

The main onboard recorder (which is also called the "black box") of the Tu-154 Ministry of Defense of the Tu-154 aircraft under Sunday under Sochi was discovered by the tele-controlled underwater apparatus "Falcon" on December 27. The underwater robot found it 1600 meters from the shore at a depth of 17 meters. ()


Evidence of the Tu-154 wreck: the aircraft began to decline quickly and strange, as if he was planted for water

The coastal security officer of the FSB border troops witnessed the Tu-154 aircraft crash in the Black Sea. At the time of the tragedy, he was on a boat in the sea in the water area of \u200b\u200bSochi and saw the board, instead of gaining height, began to quickly decline to the surface of the sea, as if she was going to land at her

Expert opinions

Expert about the last words of the crew Tu-154: "It turns out that this catastrophe occurred due to the failure of the technique"

Andrei Litvinov, the pilot of the 1st grade, commander A-320:

Either this is a violation of the plane centering, and one of the crew members screams: "flaps". What does he mean? Maybe: no need to remove the flaps, since the nose of the aircraft is lying around, and in this case it is necessary not only not to remove them, but on the contrary - you are satisfied to increase the lifting force. Or another version: the crew began to remove the flaps, and they are not synchronously removed

Expert - On the last words of the crew of Tu-154: "Perhaps the flaps are not exactly what, and the case in the fuel system"

Ex-commander of the front-line aviation of the Russian Air Force, Colonel-General Nikolai Antoshkin:

Something was broken. Maybe jammed, maybe not worked. If even on one wing was released, and there is no such a terrible trouble for the aircraft

Photo report

MOE rescuers raise from the bottom of the Black Sea debris Tu-154


The Ministry of Defense clarified the number of people aboard the Tu-154 fallen in the Black Sea: 84 passengers and 8 crew members were flying on the basis of the HMEYMY, and 92 people ( LIST passengers). The roar of the aircraft was found off the coast at a depth of 110 m. On board were the musicians of the Aleksandrov ensemble and journalists. Three TV channels reported that the film crews were sent to Syria by this flight: "Channel One", NTV and Star. Among the dead - doctor Elizabeth Glinka which was taken into Syria medicines.

14:03. Putin promises a thorough investigation into the causes of the catastrophe and help to relatives of the dead. The President in St. Petersburg will meet with the leader of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.

14:00. In Moscow, there are flowers to the building of the academic ensemble of the song and dance named after Aleksandrov, as well as with a building where the Fund "Fair Help" Elizabeth Glinka.

11:33. The representative of the ensemble told "Medusa" that the concert in Syria was supposed to take place in Aleppo.

11:31. Alexander Goltz Military Expert said "Open Russia", that the reason for the catastrophe is pointless to speak until "black boxes": "But, of course, it is very much alarming that the Russian government immediately began to deny the version of the terrorist attack."

11:23. Drainers joined the search operation, reported the Ministry of Defense. It involves four vessels and five helicopters, said the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Igor Konashenkov on the air channel "Russia-24".

11:20. The head of the SCC Mikhail Fedotov confirmed the death data of Elizabeth Glinka: According to him, it was driven by medicines to the university hospital in Latakia. "We were hoping for a miracle until the latter," he said to Interfax. A necrologist was published on the SCP website, but he failed.

11:13. At the airports of Chkalovsky, the FSB checks the FSB involved in Adler, says "Fontanka". According to the St. Petersburg edition, "work on the terrorist attack."

11:08. In place of the crash found to seven bodies of the dead, the source of Interfax said.

11:05. In the investigative committee, TASS reported that a group of experienced investigators was sent to the crash site. On behalf of the head of the department, Alexander Bastrykina, the case was transferred to the central office of the SC.

11:02. The source of Interfax reported that the plane was working and all scheduled checks were held. The interlocutor said that the plane although it was produced 33 years ago, but was operated in a gentle mode: "On average, the plane was 27 hours a month."

10:59. The Ministry of Emergency Situations reported that six ships work in the crash area, three more are put forward. The debris found 6 km from the coastline, the depth here is from 80 to 110 meters.

10:41. The Ministry of Defense published a list of passengers. It has 64 employees of the Aleksandrov ensemble, 9 media staff, 8 crew members, 8 servicemen, two federal civil servants, one employee of the organization "Fair Help" - Elizabeth Glinka.

10:37. Operational headquarters have been created in Sochi, there they promise to help relatives of the victims, TASS reports. Support also intends to provide the Moscow City Hall. About this in his Twitter Posted by Sergey Sobyanin.

10:35. Elizabeth Glinka was not on board, said the source "Interfax". At the same time, the agency reports that she was in the lists of passengers.

10:33. Sound operator NTV Evgeny Tolstav, before the rise from the Moscow region of Chkalovsky, published on Facebook

Storm began. Sofa experts on the Internet argue that after a storming divers will only work easier - many things the water itself will lead to the shore. Those professionals who now examine the sunken Tu-154 are considered otherwise. Badness, on the contrary, confuses all the cards. The head of the search and rescue unit of the southern regional search and rescue unit of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Southern Regional Search and Rescue Detachment of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the South Regional Search and Rescue Detachment of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the South Regional Search and Rescue Department of the Ministry of Economic Democratic Party is about how to search for a broken aircraft "Komsomolskaya".

- What conditions do you have to work?

Practically in perfect. The plane lies on a large underwater field. The depth is about the same everywhere - about 25 meters. That is, you can seek without special lighting in the afternoon, and natural conditions. The bottom is solid sandstone. Almost no il or dirt.

- And what can I find?

Large aircraft details, small, some personal things. If it turns out to find electronic devices - phones, tablets, they immediately raise them up. Then they go to the examination. Yesterday we raised the aircraft engine with three tons weight. Fragments of bodies are found (according to data, at 18:40 December 28, the remains of 16 people were found - auth.)

The operation of divers under water at the Tu-154 crash site.

- No bodies?

Alas. It happens with a strong blow of the water. The dead literally burst into parts. Something similar I saw in the crash of Irbas Armenian airlines 10 years ago. Also near Adler. Injuries are similar.

(Recall, the media appeared in the media that the bodies of the dead are found without clothes. Now it is clear why. By the way, the data that passengers were in life jackets, also not confirmed.)

- And how do you look for fragments on the bottom?

From the ship on the surface the anchor is descended. I bring to him with a rope and starting slowly sailing in a circle. Further, the rope is lengthened, and I swim in a greater circle. Such diverging trajectories are searched by the bottom. Small items are tied up with a rope - their partners are raised in the boat on the surface. Large parts of the aircraft are pulled out with the help of a crane. I designate the coordinates, on the surface floats the ship or barge with the lift. Further, the find is tested with pips and rises.

- What is more: personal things or aircraft items?

90% - elements of the fuselage. Passenger things come across rarely.

- They say, the storm will help you.

No. The storm will overtake everything at the bottom. Something can shift on already proven areas. In addition, now everything is clearly visible under water. And after the storm, it will raise a torment, it will become much more difficult to work.

- It is difficult to psychologically sailing under water and find the remains?

You must configure yourself right. I focus on the thoughts that it is necessary to make a difficult but important work. Return relatives of their loved ones. I can only make it. There will be no others. This motivation helps.

- Are there any techniques to relax after work, reboot?

I return to the family, I play with the children, I try simply not to think about what lies at the bottom. Again, I remind myself that I have an ordinary profession where everyone happens.

Vyacheslav Ivashchenko said that the divers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations rush all day. They go to the sea in the morning, when it starts light and return to the shore only in the evening with the sunset. But even so every submariner has time to work for more than two hours. The rest of the time leaves for immersion-ascent, the preparation of equipment and refueling cylinders with oxygen.

Photo report

MOE rescuers raise from the bottom of the Black Sea debris Tu-154

Help "KP"

In the search operation, 45 ships, 15 deep-water apparatuses, 192 divers, 12 aircraft and five helicopters participate. Self-propelled crane arrived in the crash area of \u200b\u200bthe aircraft.

About one and a half thousand fragments of the aircraft found. On the this moment managed to raise one third to the surface. 12 large debris were still discovered. One of them is two three meters, the second is about five meters long, the third is more than 60 meters in length.


The main phase of the search for fragments of the broken Tu-154 ended

"The active phase of the search operation in the Black Sea water area is completed," the source said. The search group raised almost all the Tu-154 fragments from the bottom of the sea. A group of ships who took part in the operation left the Black Sea Waterial

By the way

Rescuers from the crash site Tu-154: those who died the same injuries as the victims of the 2006 catastrophe

From the day of the Tu-154 catastrophe at the place of his fall in the Black Sea, rescuers do not stop working. They raise the dead and fragments of the aircraft from the bottom of the body, on board which at the time of the crash was 92 people - members of the crew, the artists of the ensemble them. Alexandrova, journalists and Dr. Lisa.

Our photocurrent of Vladimir Velengurin is watching with his own eyes how divers work and how the search operation is promoted

See also: